W. Kamau Bell: Palestinians Are My Heroes of 2023 WILL THERE BE A US DRAFT? Pray For All Humans Beings At The Molten Wailing Wall!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Jan 28, Apocalyptic firestorm, 2024, frightnight to rolling twilight skies, forever rising into the brazen alter what's left of two West Rule System, so fast and so furious  THEY mocked this time, last January, 2023, designing racecars, racetracks, and skyrocketing Mario Brothers Carts, then I woke its Feb 2024, revisiting, yes, in reverse, THEIR PROMISE, Jesus on the way here, the  African, Islamic, Israeli antichrist seen in great prowess, beware those, Nov 10 2022,  June 4, 2023, two hammering off of a mount Sinai type, impacting catastrophic events, also reigning God's Back Turn, DOME, the Holy Church Bride, witnessed possessing, prepping and launching, in my hearing, 'THE ANTICHRIST MUDERER, why doeth THEY speak in such mockery to parable, because THEY know, you can't see, hear nor believe THEM, US, either way, GOD'S MERCY TO  MEASURE! 

Article W. Kamau Bell: Palestinians Are My Heroes of 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/w-kamau-bell-palestinians-are-my-heroes-of-2023/ giving me money exchange revisiting westerners dead 5% into15% and some bout The Mayan Apocalypse! Guess Kamau Bell who awaited me Obama Feb 2015 right outside, the parking lot, that back turned Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter Purchase, Trump Feb 2019; also a little Arab boy I’d soon see on Facebook was now a terrorist act on US soil Syed Farook along with his wife. 

-I didn’t understand nothing his stand my driver side window explanation before he by a USB adapter took control of the vehicle recklessly putting us all in danger, eventually counted, weighed measured all their guilty martyred blood a predicted 100 million Americans to Westerners dead on to two quarters the earth's inherit no more; presently easy to see your Dan7/ 9;27/Rev 17/18, leaders, being puppeteered right into predestined they're to commit human genocide. 

Marvel not back seated surveyor, translator, DUNLAP STREET, little Miya girl and I woke a red car, aside the road, seeing transported for thousands of miles to years, no more Syed Farook driver, no driver at all, short I come the driver, detoured into a toll booth cost two US quarters crossing into Jesus Millennium Reign. Found myself sitting just now, wondering how did Noah do it, mine near 40 Moses' wilderness years of knowing, his 100 years of knowing? 

You see I woke Biden/Harris May 22/23, 2023, some bout Ben Affleck's Armageddon Yellowstone, hearing, Last day Of America, verses, Bush, Cheney error Saddam hearing “AND THIS SHALL BE THE END! After I'd unknowingly regressed for decades the burning, scorching to incineration of tens of millions Us/BC West Pacific . Marvel not waking Trump's March 2018 inviting all US states from a barbecuing, into US Georgia's coast apparently I'd been seeing coming and coming near two decades prior, You see, US/BC West Pacific/UK Atlantic, fiery doomsday apocalypse was the fire behind witnessing hundreds of millions hopefully of you and yours pouring into US Georgia’s Atlantic and further witnessed you, come up, outa Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. 

…YOU’VE JUST ENTERED THE AFRICAN JUTTAH 1986-2016-2026-3036 Herenton 

Egan Lowd IV, Evacuate Us ! www.evacuateus14.blogspot.com

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 2017
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Starring Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel, Herenton Egan Lowd IV and Joslyn Ameka Bellows, Kylpe Elfin Lowd and Sophia Ireland Harrison, Kegan Berlin Noellel and Tyson Edward Wells

The African Juttah Genealogy Of Regan Central Dreams, First Posted, June 22, 2016,

 Regan Central Whitehead and Phearson Mycal McPhearson was born their first son Herenton Egan Lowd III, a son Reynolds Dimitri McPhearson and a son Anderson Mycal McPhearson and a daughter Brandy Eriel Whitehead
Unto Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel was born their first son Herenton Egan Lowd IV, a second son Kylpe Elfin Lowd and a daughter Kegan Berlin Nollel

     …And The Lord Said To Noah Come Thou And All Thou House...

                                                      Scene I

     “Excuse me, you’re climbing in through the window but you and dad have an understanding," as one closing off his communicating of research, bouncing into the bed right next to him, relaxing under warm covers. "Just what’s the name of that bridge across town you’re to sell me as well? Just keep it down,” clearing his feet just right, at arriving in the shared with his younger brother Kylpe room, beginning his undressing instantly, Herenton the fourth couldn’t believe the lengths he’d been brought to regarding this single female in particular. “I just pray Joslyn appreciate all that you do to disrespect her father’s wishes, there is no disrespect here, only my brother as you tell yourself that. Joslyn is dating you against both her mother and father wishes, how is it not disrespecting them? Then have you even considered what you’re to do about being relocated to New Africa, have you guys even discussed it? Of course we’ve discussed it," now his shoes, socks, and into bed without his parents notice, no infraction, now to get to sleep. "Sometimes Kay it’s all we talk about, I won’t leave without her, she know that, we’re going to marry and when we do, there’s no preventing us, no reason Kylpe to keep us apart. Marry, you’re talking the Juttah vows right? Right and you, what about you, what about Soap, are you going to just abandon her? I don’t know if I’m ready for marriage and what Henry will soon follow, parenthood, have you even considered that? Yes, though what else Kay is there? We’re entering into a life where that most neglected is now superior, and that thought superior, that western civilization made us think was superior is now dwindling or grinding down to nothing, to complete blackness and uselessness, to have a mate, to take a mate and cherish that mate was always first thing, always, the first thing Elohim said was to come of Adam and Eve's procreation, you remember that?"     >>>"Tyson Wells huh, you like him enough to marry him? I think Kay that’s love," as one removing her design pencils from his meddling in her personal things about, knowing him "and yes, I love him enough to marry him." As one having the darkest, most curious of eyes, piercing, long, cascading down her, black hair, really lessen lips, and the mildest of features about them, his, Kylpe's only sister. "So when are you going to introduce this ideal to father? The Night of the Promise, just as you will of Sophia, so what do you know? I know Kay she is the one you like the most, that if you was to consider marriage, there is none other. How is it sister that you know? I just do, I’m off to help mom with dinner, it is my time, you best join dad and Henry and make sure dad understand your plans for including her. He said one night, we don’t know which night, we will grab our belongings and be gone, dad said it is like that anyway, anytime we leave home, all we're reduced to is whatever possessions we have on us right then. He, he, dad told you that? No, he told Moma and Moma told me, he has been commanded by God, we will leave this beast nation, I know it, so if you’re to seal her Kylpe now is this time, delay will be futile, now go, go, with all these silly questions."      >>>”You nervous about tomorrow, about meeting with the Lowds? Aren’t you? I could Phearce ask you the same thing,” seeing he’s to move off quite perturbed at her inquiry, did Regan Central know this would be the hardest thing they’re to do, with her having literally aching doubt. “You know Rig, no one is forcing you right? You can change your mind, to be honest I’m more concern about going under and what’s that to reveal as far as Rome is concern, I could Phearce be a good or enemy of a witness. To be my darling equally honest," with haste coming into a hand, even a slight kiss of her, them, this edible perfume, as always this wondrous assurance. "I don’t believe Rig you’re going to remember anything other than what Roman Neal testified, it just all make sense. Herenton for reasons I think I understand snapped, he paid horribly for it and here we are Rig trying to maintain this sane existence through all of it. Sacrificing this now wondrous seed of horrors sown, heartily regrettable it’s as truth verifies, the lest we can do, yes? Yes, my darling man, yes," seeing her as one wiping her checks, her nose, thinking how perfectly placed in the canons of divine memoirs Phearson Mycal McPhearson most expert revelation of these most impossible feats, to God, alone the praise and glory indeed be! 
Why Speak In Parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware as God, Himself, Apb The RAM, see also that of Maaseiah's reveal, here, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com 

Article, Snoop Dogg changes tune about Donald Trump, says he has 'nothing but love and respect' for him https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/snoop-dogg-changes-tune-about-donald-trump-says-he-has-nothing-but-love-and-respect-for-him/ar-BB1hocOK?ocid=socialshare

Marvel not they're all aligned to Riches to Rags Sickbeds and Sleepovers A Handwriting Clumsily Escape Molten Lava Flooding After Everything California Dreaming Went Fire-Rocketing Off The Planet!

Marvel not the most wrathful HE'S been since Noah's days, THE NOAH'S COUSIN TO AQUA AGE; the run on Matrix blue pills; the line upon line of ascending all children, the word death written on all US states, after they commanded all parents killed by and Dogg/Epps Underdog movie, the most abominable, vulgar on US record! In the last days, perilous times would come, parents and grands aligned to Nazi moms, to murderous grands to and pulpits to US podiums to molested, mutilated children.

-Did I even flinch hearing kill all parents by? Three years before covid hit, designed by man to target non-whites, design by GOD to target ages parents and grands; marvel not Jan 2023 shown star warring AODHF sadden as the days of Noah, you won't sacrifice for the children shown to be evident their most vulgar of characters, Dogg/Epps, mentored children, shown to be evident on with the mass dieoff of children ascension. Equally hearing I will strip their leaders to WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES any wonder when they did escape, even down on all four King Nebuchadnezzar/P. Trump, repentant commanded one stab the heart reapers, yet gave them chase."

Hearing Kill all parents by, no I didn't flinch, same GOD right now, same GOD back then, wrathful enough to extinct us all, as of sin 100 million goes with 190 years of tech; 190 million in Saints, goes with the Trump of God; hundreds of millions crossover with Archangel Michael THEM, marvel not single words of inquiry, (EMP/CME) related, TIFF, FLIGHT and RUNNING? Pray your flight isn't on days to events automatically, jamming traffic where millions will die, pray for women with infants, pray for all human beings at the wailing walls.

Fowls In The Air, Come And Eat The Flesh Of Kings, Queens, Elites and Celebrities! STAR WARRING JCON/JCOR

Your Sins Have Reached Unto Me And I Hath Remembered Star Warring, AODHF!!!

You know HE'S predicted do that, no longer taking word of mouth, seers to watchers but come down to see for HIMSELF; imagine Grand Caden come running up the stair, right into my room, having an extraordinary to tell. He just witnessed of all angels biblically verified, Archangel Michael was just standing over his bed, not knowing, I knew he was telling the truth. Witnessed star warring Archangel Michael just stood over my bed, only with him was Rev 11 described, shown star warring with THEM, AODHF.

Article, Under Biden, America has entered its darkest chapter in history https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/under-biden-america-has-entered-its-darkest-chapter-in-history/ar-BB1hm2HB?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=5470fd9bf25a4eb7919ab18431c8d770&ei=27: (Little to do with Biden, all to do with biblical prophecy fulfilling the last seven, most apocalyptic years ever this planet, 100 million of you, 3 to 4 billion the world, dead: Running? Apb

Youtube, Full Spectrum survivor warning this, PREPPERS WARNING - RUSSIA ARMING MISSILES - GET OTC MEDS TODAY #breaking... https://youtube.com/shorts/7TWbCtkwL0g?si=SdpSjDRRjzkfsfjj via @YouTube 

Youtube Christopher green warning this, BREAKING !!!!! TRUMP SLAMMED!!!!!! NATION TORN APART DURING BORDER COLLA... https://www.youtube.com/live/rI0-qj82P6E?si=L40Cc0aMRFLvH9wW via @YouTube 

Youtube mrmbb333, is warning this, Here it comes! It could get WILD! https://www.youtube.com/live/nnAaltfW3nQ?si=HJ6cgishc3mBhC-k via @YouTube 

Youtube Pastor Farag reminding this, Youtube, Pastor JD speaks about how the world will be once the restrainer is taken... https://youtube.com/shorts/blVQs9QDQOE?si=7PcMZ1adl8zOn2Cr via

I Know, Howbeit Not The Continuity Of West Rule/AMERICA Why Did The Flaming, Blazing, Frying Pan, Flying Saucer Scorching To Lifting Off The Biden/Harris Whitehouse Include An Intravenous Flying Saucer In The First Place? Apb, The RAM 

(-I explained, Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 with Dec 3 2018, revisiting, Trump, Abbas and Abbas threaten eight leads, tug of turf wars, your stampeding of elephants of staying unaware presently a run on matrix blue pills, Rev 3 Jesus telling me alone, watch, him, who has near 40 years of Chernobyl Spring raptures to contend with, with too many types, of yanking us out, 2023 alone, Aug, 2x's June, Sept, Jan, least we forget close cause, Halloween solar event morning, Fret not thyself, I'm to just relax and WATCH THEM bring all end-time prophecy to past beginning with the hinderer Rev 17,  described, 'Great Whore Mystery Babylon disguised as The US, as The American Continent/West Rule two world systems and the speed, 190 years of tech is no more. Just say, Western civilization isn't to be here during the Antichrist 42 month interval, counting down since Oct 17, 2021, 7 Dragon Beast years. Surrealistically The Holy Bride, West Rule goes off the planet mid-tribulation, making Oct 17, 2024, enters its third year of them having had 3 and a half years; fright-night to rolling twilight skies, as Jan 22-29 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn, no more doomsday pass-overs to be had, desolations predicted US soil/(UK/BC, soil) come, Rev 17, 7th Angel bearing 7 judgment bowls is backing Rev 10, Mighty Angel up! Marvel not into Pompeii of Memphis is left with orphan children, marvel from there a handwriting clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! marvel not the single word inquiries, JESUS/MEMPHIS TIFF, (CME/EMP), FLIGHT, RUNNING? AODHF/JCON/JCOR 

Powerful New Movement In Israel Has Thousands Of Jews In Israel Making Plans After The War To Resettle The Gaza Strip As A Jewish City, A Terrible Idea

Holy Land, Holy Land, How Often Would I Have Gathered You Together, Under Healing Wings, And Plant You Its One Thousand Two hundreds and Sixty Days Into Jordan's Petra, But You Would Not, Now Is Your Wailing Walls To Shopping  Malls Left Unto You Desolate! Thus Saith Chernobyl Spring Rapture Mal 4, SUNLIGHT OF GOD/Holy Bride Escape, Sept Beta, 2015/2019/2023, Rev 12 STAR WARRING ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM! 

First, there's something about 4 days, so Jan 31, 2024; exception Keanu Reeves, NBA Kevin Durant, Russel Westbrook; if you're wondering all these celebrity males visitation, Brad Pit, Ben Affleck, David Muir, yes, like that May 23/24 2023 long, long, long duration, ear piercing, hovering craft, saying, LAST DAY OF AMERICA, they all involved the same US Georgia Address.

-The First Thing Come To Mine Geoffery is Ps 2 God saying, I will laugh! Fret, as THEY simultaneously took us , Holy Church Bride/Abominable WEST RULE we were heard no more on this planet, an enemy Hamath took Israel, as prophesied, Its Anti-Christ, took Jerusalem; marvel not I told my niece their mockery is getting more and more extreme. Take for example, since Nov 10/21 2021, revisited Nov 10/2 2022, some bout Hawaii is building into; still predicted Eze 5, barber chair, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, what is that? -Only presently as I write and you read, arriving Pres Trump 5th year, two weeks and 7 year timetable, near as Mose 40 years, Spring Rapture, April 8 2024, is both a Cosmic and Volcanic event, Frightnight in the form of an untellable solar eclipse event joined by a winged, some say horned, volcanic meteor. Just saying if that doesn't fit a predicted cut out without hands, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone; with us learning from earth ending movie, The Day After Tomorrow, solar events control world events to drive mega disasters like predicted, 101 Yellowstone eruptions. I know, but like youtube mrmbb333 says, you just can't make this stuff up! HBOW/HGOW


US YouTube, WTVR CBS 6 US Pauses funding to UN agency for Palestinians after claims staffers were involved in Hamas Attacks!

LAST DAY OF AMERICA; It’s A Hit, Cities Hit Guam Just Did It! 

   The US pauses funding to UN agency for Palestinians after claims staffers were behind Hamas attack https://youtu.be/2WZXv22Skcg?si=AEgowfBF5tQxne-f via @YouTube; 

Wait the US already vetoed a ceasefire and abstained from humanitarian efforts; Islam mocked US version of Christianity (HUMANITY); CHURCHIANS to Trumpians I call them, they worship God with mass assembly and voting booths but their hearts are no where near him; ask Eze  9 commanded heart stabbers in US soil, how many are actually ascended ? 

Marvel not Rev 17:16/17 explains Dragon Beast gonna do the same to Mystery Babylon disguised as America/WEST RULE turn all her allies against her while millions burn to run to death. There’s a reason I keep referencing the Russia and China portrayed in the Jericho TV series when our own people to own 101 volcanoes are against us invasion is rescue. 

Marvel not Jan 2023 sprang in this running from molten lava flooding; a hand writing 99 bowls of molten lava, a handwriting escape Yellowstone. eruptions wiped out the West Coast come for Biden and Harris Whitehouse marvel not THEY showed me inviting you from the barbecuing of all US States into Georgia’s Atlantic and showed you pouring outa Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, invasion is blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

Article, Parents of slain IDF soldier Cedrick Garin to be granted Israeli citizenship, https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-783996

YouTube CBS Evening News, Fear If Famine Soar After Counties Cut Funding To  UN Relief, https://youtu.be/MQH2XDHDepI?si=b1y0b-jXB6r3FfdB


Beware The Mass Dieoff Ascension Of All Children Syndemic Contagion! 

Nations joined to starve out battered into the dust Hamas; Isn’t that the most evil, insaning thing ever; like pouring those tumbling, burning, exploding US fuel trucks, shattered, sparkling electrical polls and ginormous burning US flags. 

Actually right atop world court sayings warmonger Netanyahu okayed to only come so close to Palestinians genocide. Marvel not the X post saying they just wanted get back to a prior normal. Like they’re not accepting THEY been reminding there’s no more normal to be had since King  Nebuchadnezzar into both the Bush WH/ Biden hurricane Katrina to hurricane Lee. 

I know, I ask and ask, why did Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus ask me would Angels also ascend; why doeth those for millennia intravenous Angels mock and speak in parables, even why did Jesus? Clue hath some to do with them suggesting you don’t look up and see those two crystallized GODZILLA BEAST tasked with keeping apocalyptic skies with crystal skies; after THEY suggested no flirting, courting anything Keanu Reeves’ are you too stock piling to popping Matrix blue pills? Ask the seer. HBOW/HGOW

Article, How giant impacts shaped the formation of the solar system's planets, https://www.space.com/giant-impacts-shaped-solar-system-planets

While Counting Down 37 Days Before Forecast The Hottest Planet In 25,000 Years Seeing From Interstellar Heaven Intercessions The Huger Ever Sun! 

How About That Ballooning Capturing Skyrocketing Saints, Cloud? Yeah While Up There Saw That Too, THE RAPTURE! 

How giant impacts shaped the formation of the solar system's planets; ( -Truthfully witnessing that multimillion man water cooler alone, home earth end, could earths inherit survive the interstellar to super continent reinventing itself? Is the movie Knowing revisiting Eze 1, I Thess 4:16-18/2 Pet 3:10 witnessed of how it’s all consumed Eze 5/Rev 16  Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone to 2 Thess 2:8 a GAMA RAY BURST, Returning JESUS IS! 

see more here, https://invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com/2017/06/he-is-those-fallen-in-love-i-heard-you.html, You Tube Full Spectrum Survivor, BREAKING NEWS. US TROOPS UNDER ATTACK. ARMED CONVOY CLASH IN TEXAS. https://youtu.be/GtQyq3jy2xw?si=Gldc3enjW10q6rBs via @YouTube  (-Biden's Bear Hug to Veto, to Abstain as of 22 Jan, over 26,000 people (25,105 Palestinians war dead); show you how messed up in the heart they are 3 US soldiers die, God bless their souls, BEWARE, like US Shop sign, Iran is to be thrown down! I told y'all, the world feared Americans dying every 20 seconds from Covid, than they feared this US Lab  bio-weapon yet mutating to kill billions; HBOW/HGOW

Soon hearing no non-sense shopping; marvel not Bush's given an 11'00 shopping lunch hour, Israel too, shown as a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to death, war mean blood money, is more shopping? I wouldn't know until it was breaking news but waking from a dream, a mall left in Smitters, the shop sign thrown down, in real time was a multimillion man Pharmacy/Grocery only hours prior, filled with visiting Santa tossed and turn by a tornado. HBOW/HGOW

I know, instantly millions to billion dead, still what's scarier, a reigning Holy Church Bride of wrath witness possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel 2 described stone from heaven not only the antichrist murderer but the word-wide end of Great Whore Mystery Babylon. Then there's Ancient Of Days Holy Father, showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael both the Brides' exit and reentry, I told y'all one time I heard a starwars battle and another, I witnessed a star battle.

YouTube Adam/Marfoogle, WAR IS NOW! RUMORS OF WAR, won’t be gossip (Gospel) for long, https://www.youtube.com/live/JOeOCxOiqmg?si=9PV1Uz0alAgCOVad

Seeing Through A Smokescreen  4 Days Jan 27 2024 After YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, https://youtu.be/NbCvHiJkXOw?si=eYfg8rQZZsIM8YSJ warn 5 to 7 days; why did seeing a mighty blizzard like whiteout that was black, deceptive so upsetting? Some bout GOD crying, My people perish from a lack of light, their our incorrigible rebelliousness to self made labor camps! 

Last Day Of America Ben Affleck’s Batman VS Superman Was THE Long Duration Craft The One The Vicinity Of Biden Fiery Doomsday Whitehouse? 

DON’T TOUCH GENEVA, Don’t Touch Mede! ESCAPE 101 Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONES!  

Go GET THE TWELVE HEIRS! Woe To School Buses!!!

When I think about a US-Iranian war I wonder will there be a US draft? A US General describing to US soldiers the build up of torture vehicles a dirty Mede, Mede is Iran; these territories will claim hundreds of millions of the worlds warriors, Jesus will command all fouls if the air to come and have theirs fill; here warn the one describing Saddam’s capture to execution yet a Rev 11:1, 2 ebbing and flowing Hussein world reign.

Know bible prophecy, they haven’t listened Adam, nor have they learned the lesson Afghanistan, SADDAM, Col Gaddafi, The US Islamic assassin creed. Frightnight Just as aligned to Bush/Cheney, just as aligned his Trump/Pence 2015 announcement, waking Trump’s inauguration hearing 50 million US will die. 

Then this building border war, remind there’s the last march to civil war. their error Islam. having hundreds of thousands dead and dying by Covid by Biden WH; the word death written on all US states UK, BC, US death tolls at 100 million, billions this we’re all about to die! You know where Star warring intravenous Angels take our last stand earth to interstellar our exile luxury, RUN! Apb The RAM

X Post 

Many Kelly

This is the kind of clip that could win Trump the election. https://x.com/megynkelly/status/1752163846792392956?s=46

Just As July 27, 2009 Senator Obama For April 2/20 2019 Trump’s Abraham Accord I Also Heard Two Weeks And 7 Years

‪-Like all predestined leaders Trump’s WH hand us the Dan 9:27 Abraham Accord, adding to April 2019 count TB Biden’s Oct 17 7 yrs more of great tribulations until the Antichrist finale; he’s done his part for human extinction. Let biblical prophecy ring Biden error Islam/Netanyahu its 50 million US dead; pound all else into repentant alters JCON, no more damning knotted ropes to voting booths. 

-Don’t Fret admittedly the way rebellious leaders are set, even the heart needing a SAVIOR, they couldn’t save us, GOD gave us Jesus to save ourselves in these last days America, planet earth JESUS put his in flight; Brexit BRIEXIT, Blaexit getting them the way outta of its spiritual warfare! 

-Knowing fallen angels is why Aliens exist THEY warn beware of Alien dangers from above; beware of satanic demonic and a hybrid between them Alien apocalypse mind Safehaven territory Jordon’s Petra; US GA COAST, Crossover; Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. 

The Day Other Than Covid The Earth Stood Still The Day Two West Rule Systems Went Skyrocketing To Fire-Rocketing Off The Planet;

-The first of Jan 2023 I hear a female crying please not the blue pill; a few day past Jan 13 2024, there’s you dropping Matrix bed pills like there’s no hour left and you know it; was DEA overthrowing houses in search for Matrix awakening red pills or is this like Eze 9 commanded reapers another jab the heart at all drugs or perhaps at flirting,  courting Keanu Reeves Movies?

YouTube AMTV Biden In Hiding Before Imminent Iran Strike, https://youtu.be/rAWhPwjdSBw?si=GbNZH_yrbd0n0M_H; Surely not the Israeli, Hamas war, Biden’s Hug, Veto to abstain; so Chris who’s the blame, what’s the smoking gun to Russia, CHINA’S child like lesson? After Hawaii morning missile scare an unforeseen number of Heavenly HOST OF ARCHANGEL CROSSED OVER SOME SKYROCKETED OTHERS. Here’s Rev 10 Mighty Angel and with him Rev 17, 7th Angel warning more The Apocalypse come, US west coast volcanic incineration. Desolations predicted now come US soil, the blazing, flaming, frying pan. flying saucer liftoff of Biden/Harris Whitehouse, Satanic, Demonic, ALIEN APOCALYPSE unleashed, who’s. what’s the smoking gun? Apb The RAM 

Kill All Parents By Today Jan 31 2024 Makes A Fourth Day Countdown!!!

The Handwriting on the US wall Jer 37:8 agree, so, SOS Blinken saying we can’t beat these people, CEASEFIRE, the only one realizing since Bush/Cheney into Biden error Islam is US’s 50 million dead. Seen famed letters USA follow pursuit those hundreds of millions of US pouring into Africa’s SW Atlantic. Just saying if Biden is going under y’all better follow, Archangel and crossover US Georgia’s COAST, Africa’s SW Atlantic…

I commented days ago the part of the world that’s gonna claim hundreds of millions of the world’s warriors, where Jesus scattered all earths fowls come have their fill, where signs were hung to collect their 7 months worth of dead. Frightnight when Michael come to Gabriel and Daniel’s rescue he warned a Mede and Persia was come for King Babylon Nechadnezzar/Trumps America/WEST RULE!

The US General Chris who warn don’t be alarmed men; the build up of torture vehicles, its a dirty Mede. Mede and Persia is Iran/Syria/ISLAM, The Little Horn, California Dreamers get ready for a US draft. When war drums sounded US soil invasion none, none come to the battle, instead that buildup of fallout shopping malls and build up of rescuers, their awarded 11:00 shopping lunch hour hath them all. Apb, The RAM 

Breaking News: There are reports coming in that deployments of Police and heavy equipment including armored vehicles are being deployed in significant numbers.
https://x.com/jimfergusonuk/status/1752429766584463490?s=46: fret, not only this dealing with US soil, did I see a buildup of torture vehicles, this build up of rescuers, this outbreak of ambulances and burning of their largest electrical poles/US flags ever, but the Antichrist even mocked your HD viewing children babysitters, were actually Anubis undertakers posing as policing German shepherds; marvel not I'm warring to casting into its underworld rebellious over seers reaping not just hanging but knotted ropes, used for saving their endangered children/WOMAN SEED/ROYAL PRIESTHOOD!


‪-A 3rd year into predicted triple tribulations, all forms of apocalyptic events deployed. Natural, Nuclear to Cosmic/Volcanic guess who isn’t surprised 2024 come in its most devastating yet? Russia to Ukraine I warn spills onto US/West Rule soil but who believe THEIR Apostle? Apb‬


This must be it the out the front door sighting of a building guerrilla war using CLUELESS, endangered Brad Pitt and Jolie kids such the surreal clue true intravenous Eternals to Guardians is Star Warring Archangel crossing over some, skyrocketing others. 


Takes the tremendously warn combustion of dominoing Hawaii Maui, I surmised positive thinking verses prophetic fulfillment is the catalyst that gets billions dead then even more hellish judgement: how can tens of millions suddenly die US West Pacific if they all like Californians got out? Apb The RAM 

YouTube Margoogle IF YOU PLAN TO SURVIVE… | YOU NEED TO KNOW WHATS COMING! https://www.youtube.com/live/qiubleJRMCg?si=E3hmj8fg5UyP4aEK

Speaking Marfoogle Of What’s Coming; Waking From Sleep Hearing Last Day Of America, during a long, long, long duration hovering, triangle craft ; after THEY’D worried recently some bout predicted Ben Affleck’s Armageddon Yellowstone! See more here, https://www.youtube.com/live/X7hnJM4EYFU?si=3XA_iBqLbM7-AZ9S; mrmbb333 and son Rogue Planet sighting; maybe my visited, described interstellar structure planet, second heaven for interceding tribulation saints.

If you and yours Adam plan to survive doomsday planet and witness it all descend anew get the last Adam Jesus THE CHRIST get up yonder or get over yonder the days of Lot and Family HIS assigned Angels star warring, standing over sleeping beds, circling the brides chariot all around, blessed mission exile luxury! 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies my own burnt offering prayer, saved our upper teens to early adult black males, bring them back from Great White Throne Judgment! What if ebbing and flowing the Chernobyl spring raptures April 8 2024 Their Threaten TIFF/Phenom Solar Eclipse/Solar, Volcanic Comet! Frightnight say its our, we’re to further screen earth ending movies, Greenland movie, Cosmic. Clark event, this lost of 190 years of tech, 190 million lives, the twilight earth until Jesus, The Christ return? 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor Russian Nukes Inside America Donald Trump Missile Warning! https://youtu.be/pVKYsBW-Fco?si=Qg1pjHdPYWdvPJ9e

Glad to see  you behind those steering wheels of getting fast and furiously outta impact zones US states of barbecue, LEAVE THE VOLCANIC AMERICAN CONTINENT BEHIND! I don’t know if I told you after you warn 5 to 7 days, https://youtu.be/NbCvHiJkXOw?si=uxuOi5PmjCoQVyOI; Jan 27 I saw a smokescreen revealing 4 days so today, Jan 31st; 

I could say a whole lotta ebbing and flowing into devastation and mass death going on. How THEY’D planned a live rapture to crossover, translation Oct 17 2021. Actually after THEY FSS put us in 7 Dragon BEAST years fulfilling Dan 9:27/Rev 1-19, the last, most apocalyptic years this present world ever, ever again; why doeth thou marvel the prophetic end come? Mat 24 LAST ADAM, Jesus said, Just RUN! 

Full Spectrum Survivor Russia/Cuba Threat 

I did hear the Eastern Seaboard is gone, heard Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn beware its area US map by name; witnessed the USA float off The American Continent along The Atlantic Ocean, Furthermore I don’t know how this gonna sound but Russia or any other threat coming at us from the Atlantic Coast. Especially UK/US/ BC Georgia. instead threatens Trump Of God and Archangel Michael THEM using its British to American to Africa’s Atlantic for escaping hundred of millions into Safehaven territory you gonna find yourself warring with showing HIMSELF Star Warring ALMIGHTY GOD! 
Apb The RAM

Article W. Kamau Bell: Palestinians Are My Heroes of 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/w-kamau-bell-palestinians-are-my-heroes-of-2023/; a change of heart, crippling fear verses religious responsibility; even apostles explain trembling with fear their JESUS CHRIST OUT REACH. Here, explains not only Jesus Gethsemane night, the mother's day, prophesied hour agonizing tug of uncertainty but the Arab boy, hijacker Syed Farook at the driver side of my door, a Rite Aid Pharmacy parking lot recent run on Matrix blue pills, explaining in a heartbreak, an intimidation I knew but by a language, a mission of terror, I knew not! BREAKING: PALESTINIAN BODIES FOUND HANDCUFFED, BLINDFOLDED AND EXECUTED, https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/status/1752663099889340464?s=46; (-I tickled as Ps 2 HOLY GOD OF WRATH war court ordering Israeli warmongers, their smart bombs. guns and troops not ceasefires only no genocide. Soon their mind-blowing, heart exploding bouts of blame game beginning with Biden’s bear hug I explained further gonna be like Lucifer blaming fallen angels to fallen angels blaming Lucifer, when all are guilty, I know, no take backs! Apb The RAM Sulaiman Ahmed @ShaykhSulaiman Post, BREAKING: PALESTINIAN BODIES FOUND HANDCUFFED, BLINDFOLDED AND EXECUTED At Hamad Ben Khalifa School Palestinians were discovered executed, blindfolded, and handcuffed by Israeli forces https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/status/1752663099889340464?s=46 Except Ye Forgive, Love Unconditionally; Pray For ALL HUMAN BEINGS You’ve Not So Learned Jesus, THE CHRIST X Rev 3 Jesus COMMAND WATCH! RUN! LIVE! WWJD ‪Anti God/JESUS/Holy Spirit world court giving Israel the right to bring Palestine just short of genocide while Putin, XI turf war Houthis warring commercials Containers nothing surprises. Even why we’re told to pray for whatever human beings maybe left; marvel not fight to the death, the arena of massive Covid dead were gladiators most worthless a portrayal of my Pompeii of Memphis Nephews‬. X ‪ Sulaiman the sound of one of the ten head, kings, NBA’s California Dreaming Kobe Bryant Fiery Crash Morning; marvel not one down a sudden cardiac arrest, this fight to the death, the arena of massive Covid dead were gladiators most worthless, expendable a portrayal of my Pompeii of Memphis Nephews; the same a ginormity of vomiting seducing spirits followed blessed wakeup, blessed Brexit, Blaexit into exile luxury! I know I've told and told, warn and warn most won't believe until they see it themselves, curse is tens of billions of you will be horribly dead by then.'‬ X Fret not THEY been showing a dominoing US/to The Americas volcanic apocalypse pouring into Memphis stampeding into US GA/crossover into SW Africa’s Atlantic decades before revisits Obama, Trump Biden WH; THE TRIANGLE CRAFT FLYOVER, MOLTEN DEATH RIDER THATS 1996, Sunlight of God, 1986/Mighty Angel 2018; Sunlight of God from behind a mount Sinai type, 2022, 2023, commanding as Moses an exodus, June/Junetheen 17/19, ({2002}) X ‪WWJD, You Mean Mat 24 Jesus saying RUN? He disowned me, eldest son, calling me Pat, Pat my explaining Rome gave us Britain/The USA. The US gave us GA and Intravenous Angels made GA’S COAST its crossover into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, THEY made race cars, racetracks been running mine into exile luxury, forever ‬it seem. Apb, The RAM


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