Unto Silverton Nicholas Chow And Torrance Allegra Lattern Was Born

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring king Bridegroom Silverton Nicholas Chow and Queen Bride Torrance Allegra Lattern

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986/2016/2026/3026

Also Starring: First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots, Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney, Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catalsha Sicily Cambridge, Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk, Tatum Oniel Cobberson and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, Kylan Dillian Roget and Danielle Alexis Blaine ,Todrick Colten Derus Stockton and Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk, Conrad, Riedler Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff, Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook...

The African, Septennial  Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern
Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.
Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney was born a daughter Zariah Simone Coogan, a daughter Kamoria Leshsy Coogan, and a son, Jacquis Mkai Clooney.
Unto Sia Ctentri Israel Bonai and Catalsha Sicily Cambridge was born a Son Conan Dimitri Bonai, a daughter Sicily Berlin Cambridge  and a son Camden Jakhai Bonai,    
Unto Sia Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson was born their first son Sebastian Mukai Angelo, Idris Elijah Angelo and a daughter Gabrielle Kierston Wellson
Unto Sia Beethoven Fifth Artz and Jaguar Braveheart Deburk was born a son, Labrinth Beethoven Symphony Artz, a son, Selah, Achilles Decius Artz, and a son, Bridgeover Aldean Efren Deburk, Artz,
Unto Tatum Oniel Cobberson and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff was born twin daughters Hadee Caelan Kroff and Habaiah Kaamil Kroff, a son Cooper Listan Kroff and twin sons Dejan Cas'sel Kroff and Sterling Equardo Kroff
Unto Kylan Dillian Roget and Danielle Alexis Blaine was born a son, Tayshaun Alexander Stuart, a son Cosby Alfred Stuart and a daughter Kellen Resen Micolet Blaine    
Unto Todrick Colten Derus Stockton and Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff was born their first daughter, Tatiana Fe'lix Stockton, a daughter, Shaughnessy Braxton Stockton and a son, Brazen Clarice Kroff     
Unto Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk was born their beloved son, Samson Frederick Cologne, a dear son, Matheson Francis Cologne and a third son, Esteem, Patterson, Franklin Deburk  
Unto Preece Conrad, Riedler Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff was born a son Raven Astrid Cobbleson, and twin sons Parrish Tennison Cobbleson and Bishop Tristan Damien  Kroff
Unto Eagle, Canyon, Sabertooth, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook was born their first daughter Whitney Nicole Deburk, a daughter Sunflower Falls, Deer Haven Deburk and a son, Soar Eagle, Mountain Brook, Deburk 

7:10, 10:53, seven minutes before Cataclysms Us soil, And Millions and Mounting Are Dead, The Bride Soon To Be Counted With The Missing, Itself The Greatest of All Conspiracies

     -Then sang Moses And The Children Of Israel This Song Unto The Lord And Spake, Saying, I Will Sing Unto The Lord, For He Hath Triumphed Gloriously: The Horse And His Rider Hath He Thrown Into The Sea.

                                                      Scene I

     "Silver, helloooo, I'm on planet earth where are you, hey man, are those tears? Don't okay, don't do that and no, my eyes and nose just seem to be leaking. It's Torn, she broke up with me, all that Juttah crap right? Yeah Brat man, all that Juttah crap as you say, what the hell is that?" Panic hearts dropped into their stomach, at popping eyes going up and around along a horrifying sounding alarm, thinking first of all it was that test. That one sounding all around they did once a week, even on the TV, the broadcasting, network center. "That's a test, right? No Silver man, it's not, what do, look, read {{{this is not a test, if you are reading this your area is under an emergency warning, please stay tuned for further instructions, please stay indoors until further notice, shelter in place, this is not a test}}}, what, who are you calling, ...911, ...911? This is not that, ...how do you know Silver man? You're as freaked out as I am, {911, what is your emergency? I should be asking you that, look something really, scary,  alarms," cutting a horrid look at his friend, hands over their ears, alarms were blaring, they were or were they under attack? "Alarms just, what the hell is going on? Please calm down sir, and tell me your emergency, what, you, you don't hear it! Let me open the door so you too will know, obviously we're under attack! Hello, helloooooo}. she's gone, now it's, hello, hel, so now it's dead, how, how is, where are the bags, ...bags? Bug out bags man, I might think you're crazy but crazy don't always mean insane ...and just where are we heading,? Where, where Silverton man would you go? I'm going for De, you, what about Torn? Yeah, ah god that freaking noise, so we get our girls and we go, what about our parents, hell my sister Halle, your sister? That's one bridge Silver, one fire at a time, the girls first and we reach the others from there, what say you? What is this Silver man? I know you know, you and that, ...watch the hell out! Ah my god, people are already going crazy, ...people, right, but not us? He was on the wrong side Silver man, not I! "Okay, okay, let's just get there in one piece, agreed? Yeah, agreed, agreed!"     >>>"You gonna eat? How many freaking times do I have tell you, no, no I'm not eating, leave me the hell alone! I thought I told you to stay away from him, ...what, he's the only one that haven't lost everything? Look, when the one place Tory in all the world to be, suddenly come the least and most DEADLY, so do people, look, just leave him, if that's how he choose to deal with his grief, then my God, let him, okay, let him! You guys talking about Silver right? So that's his name? Yeah, short for Silverton, he's got it bad, really, do we know what it actually was? Some say N. Korea, others say Yellowstone, still others say Nibiru, Russia, ...so the Bride is gone as well? I don't know Tory, only it's unfair, but that is yet a mystery, there are some saying yes, the Bride is ascended, still others say no, so just another conspiracy theory even of a possible Alien invasion. I just say whatever happen was natural, there was something about Sia Maaseiah liking it to a Noah's cousin, meaning from the earth or from above, extinction level.  Regardless, like Pen said, there are millions dead, so this Silver is just one of many suddenly losing everything, Pen also said let him grieve as he see fit, right? He's a Silver blonde, you think that's how he got his name? One could Torrance but guess, he's still the mystery, it's Tory and I guess as well, ...hey, the participants for tonight's games are filling up, ...if that's a date Pen, I think I'll settle for the movies, so, see you guys in the kitchen. Yeah," yet to take her eyes off of him, Torrance Allegra had made a vow with her heart, just as she prayed for this little lost man, she had work toward him, even that the faith of it, not be in vain. "I got glasses tonight, right? Yeah, trade you, what Tory, you really think you care about him? I do, I don't know why, I mean he's as mean as a rattlesnake, but, and though our proposed world is gone, God you guys has one waiting that's a billions of times better. I just think Silver strike me as one of millions of American refugees who just got to see that, yeah, well that Tory remind me of the last thing Maaseiah asked of us. Raise your hand if you knew America would end, to raise your other hand if you ever prayed God's Kingdom come, ( as you guys in its place), then she said, those with hands raised praise and thank God for knowing and praying what you now know, how clever, huh?"  And A Door Was Open In Heaven, and unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  Intermission     >>>"I guess believing truly is seeing, yeah but the only thing Pen about that terrifying scenario is," thinking to herself, this total dreamboat, rising into removing a yet filled plate, this exit regardless and Torrance Allegra taking every opportunity to get even the slightest glance at him, even wondering was this, for her, love at first sight? "Well Maaseiah warn tens of millions would be dead, that's before we, you Pen, as you say, realize, as that scrolling across the TV screen that day. Even those piercing sirens my ear, my head, my terrified heart, that this is not a drill, and all mine suddenly wiped off the planet, how about yours? Sorry Silver man, please, just keep it, hell he speaks, and he Pen can hear as well, see you guys tomorrow's assignment, if not, see you the tribulation saints, ascension, as Maaseiah said continually, get Jesus! Could you have been any harder? Can't say I'm sorry, what floor? I listen to guys like that before and look where it got me, hell us, now millions are dead, this world changed forever and they still don't freaking get it! I know, I know, they refuse, but that's because they're scared, ah, so now they're scared, now that everything this woman warn us is happen and there is no longer any doubt Christ is the answer, they're scared? Christ is still the answer, good evening Tory, see you later, could we talk again sometimes?" Just as he readied to speed gruffly from the elevator, this is the closest, even the sanest any time with him had been. "Talk Torrance about what, you want to know all my secrets, is that it? Or maybe Silver I just want to tell you mine, I don't want to know, okay,  I'm not your, I don't, whatever it is Torrance you're contemplating spend it elsewhere, I don't want it, have a nice evening, even a blessed wait!"     >>>"So I was screaming yes, yes, where is it written that America continues into an eternity, wake the hell up, wake the hell up! Ah, excuse me, I was given kitchen duty, where do you want me, need me to go, ah, do even? Ump, with those arms, what about pots and pans? They're the most strenuous and you look to be strong, ah you rinse them good enough to go into the industrial dishwashers, I guess it's fair to say once that's done, ah, it's Silver right? Silverton, but most call me Silver, like the color of your hair right? Actually miss no, my name come first, or so my parents, I was told. So, ok, pots and you can tell me where to go from there, I know your name is Torrance but the kitchen boss, supervisor? Yeah, we call her Beth, right, so when I'm done, I just leave? Yeah, right, ah sure, your hair is so stunning, I mean you are, okay shutting up, I am Beth almost ready to sweep, but I don't know how I'm to do that having a broom and dustpan in my mouth. Well look, listen at that Silver, you've already made an improvement, this area is never this quiet, your accent, may I ask? What accent? No, no questions please, please, I do my work and leave, okay, no questions, and I have vacuuming, what man, you think you special or something? Pen, don't, no Beth, it's okay, of course Pen as they say, I think I'm special, that's why I'm stuck in this maze of a fallout shelter the exact ones Sia Maaseiah's reveal told and warn us to avoid at all cost. But get our stupid selves to God, to Christ's Cross, and get out of this country, even Yellowstone is coming, but nall, we're Americans surely that didn't include us., yeah, all this furious regret mean I'm more special than all of y'all! Hey, hey, look like I need some help here, ah, right, in short, it's Tory and sometimes the button jams, just punch at a few others and wham, ah, okay, thanks," seeing him walk off to another sink of pots, hurried alone so he could leave as soon as he's finished, his debates to questions, that was about the most they'd gotten out of him the nearly two months he'd been with them.  "Not such a meanie after all I guess, I don't know Beth, I just want to run my fingers through his hair, ah, I can't believe you just said that and so loud he probably heard you, no he didn't, stop it! I think he did, look, he's coming over here, ahhhhh, got ya, ...you know Beth, you've thunk it, yeah, only to have him as a rabid dog biting those fingers right off.  What did he say to you just now? He asked me about my name, whether it was short for something, only when I told him, it just seem to make him more bitter, like that's possible. It mean he's slowly coming around, I hope so, I would really like to get to know him, I can't tell you where my thoughts went when he asked, where did we want him, Tory! What? Just being honest, is that what you're telling Pen, that Miss Nelson is none of your business, ...but everything else you just told me, was, is, right? I have work, yeah, that's what I thought, pervert, pervert, so it's perverted to want to make that beauty my husband and the father of my Juttah Heirs, your Juttah Heirs, when the hell did that happen? Up here, and soon in here and since I can't help myself, this burning in here, see, see, pervert! You know every time Beth you say that, you're calling the Genesis Marriage perverted, right? I am not, wait, am I?"

...The Lord Is My Strength And Song And He Is Become My Salvation: He Is My God, And I Will Prepare Him An Habitation; My Father's God, And I Will Exalt Him...
                                                           Scene II

     "If you Nicholas had to guess the most important day ever heaven and earth what would it be? Just what babe are you asking me? Well since I love this stunning chest so much I'll give you a hint, we spoke of it only a few days ago, ...ah, Gethsemane, ..see there, you do listen to me, ...I told you. Well, some would say Jesus' birth, all the way back to the conversation a feeling betrayed Elohim is having between the serpent which is Satan, now come man's cursed seed, cursed procreation. Then there's the first mother, Eve, the woman's seed, the only way God, birth as the Christ child, can again restore the Genesis human being/marriage, bloodline. As so, so many other important days from then until now, but Jesus' greatest trial is being torn between one of two lovers, man's free will verses God's, spirit will. Remember Jesus warning that we cannot serve two masters, for one we would love and the other we would hate, how man cannot serve both God and money, thus and so Nicholas, lay up all your treasure in heaven. That's what I heard, I heard in my ear while I was waking, "the most important day ever," and right this second with so many demonstrations of rapture and it's expectancy just at this record high, many would choose that day now come as the most important. I Tiffany had a vision as well, there was like this bag full of little golden trinkets, only it felled/failed, spilled, come out Tiffany most of all was a wedding ring now broken, but still of use, I even placed it on my emptied finger, now what does that mean and, and Mrs. know it all, if you'd not received Gethsemane as a word recently would you have yet figured the mystery of this most important day? Yes, yes I would've, there is Nicholas only one and all other historic days either lead all babel into it, or is the very result of its abominable mystery Babylon of whether Jesus had never chosen God's will over His Own. Here verifying the most sustaining of all biblical facts, that He, being as well human being, as He was Holy Spirit, did indeed have one, a Will of His Own, thus tempted at all points as we are. You remember Nicholas one of the words I received lately was simply, 'DECIDE,' and we're right back in the garden of Eden, the wilderness to desert of Jesus' 40 days of temptation, as so we're right back in the garden of Gethsemane in it's decision making. I was talking to Sia Juttah Christian Cros, when suddenly I was reminded of the various dreams Nicholas I've had simply about wildernesses and though I didn't see it, they're all those crafted of men's indecision. America, Western rule is like a Titanic of double mindedness, even heartedness right now, though the captain, the engineer, the designer and a few good men all know the kind of unthinkable to unimaginable scope of urgency, even that life threatening of what is happening. Just as well, the panic might be slow and gradual, but all guess rich and poor are beginning to feel the pressure, even thinking, there's a chance they just might not survive this. Though it being the American Titanic pleasures and merrymaking as usual reassures them in ways that could cause them the greatest treasure this planet ever, or ever again, the living soul abiding along or within the cursed flesh and blood of them. So, while we Nicholas await the last Trump, both God's, Jesus and Americas come exodus, President Trump, I Nicholas have to make this distinction, you'll be surprised how many millions have convinced themselves, how it is, President Trump is God's Trump. Plainly, when it was their vote, so their decision making, that placed him in office, all well doing Obama's, they were suppose to be stampeding toward altars and the nearest exiting of anything America come world ending judgement. Without question Nicholas, this is Elohim casting a fury at it's instead presidential campaigning knowing some fifty million souls were instantly threaten, tens of millions US soil alone. Thus the cry Tiffany, making many, like Satan, angry, knowing all time has lapsed, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, the age old point where no flesh presidential to peasant is safe, so vain Nicholas is the help of any man, other than God's Trump, Jesus. 
A Door Was Open In Heaven  And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven. And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Intermission, "I'm coming, who is, I hear you, please stop knocking, what is this? I know you say you don't want to be bothered, questioned even, but I also Silver see you come into the cafeteria, take a dish of food that you hardly eat, I presume so that you're in the presence of others. What do you want me to say Torn, that I haven't, Torn? Torrance, I mean, ah, that, ...what is it about my name that seem to disgust you so? It was her name, my ah, girl, my girl, her name also was Torrance, I called her Torn for play, ...please tell me what happen, please Silver, I want to know? I would beg to differ, ah, my friend Brat and I as mad-men leaped from the house, from the porch, ear piercing sirens, attacking the heart, the thoughts and all, although we'd been warn not to but, I, I was going after Torn and he, Brat, he was going after his girl, Demetria, then our parents and siblings. Driving like a bat out of hell, we like took a sharp turn around this curve and heart terrifyingly we couldn't see nothing but headlights, so bright, so blinding. I was hollering at him, he at me, only Tory what happen next, you'll never believe it." As a sorrowful one opening the door, that she may enter in altogether, heck he didn't know, maybe she could explain it, even had the answer. "When I Tory woke I don't know how much time had lapsed, I was stranded the side of the road with no driver and if that isn't odd there was a little Miya girl in the back of the car. She didn't even have to tell me her name, I just knew it, in fact she never spoke, almost like she was a mystery herself . It was then glancing past her I realize in bound traffic was decimated, as in it was no more, only outbound traffic abound, the very opposite the car I was in was turn. So, as I sat trying to get my head together, she with me, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, ...because I asked, perhaps? So I sat there, trying to figure things when soon I moved to the driver side of this odd car, you see the car wasn't even the car Brat was driving. How is that, how did I Tory in the blink of an eye end up thousands of miles away, a strange time, ah era, country even and car? This late model, way late, the forties, fifties, I was in Wyoming, right in the middle of this sudden extinction of millions and now; so soon we arrive at a gate and that is when we learn the toll demanding two quarters, not Torrance fifty cents mine you, but exactly two quarters. It was when it was time to pay the toll, leaving us to search for and finally discovering two quarters for crossing, even like little Miya's work was done somehow, like Jesus Silver saying, it is finished. I only learn a few days ago Tory we're in El Salvador, which is strange, strange? I know, the last word I should be using, but didn't Sia Maaseiah warn none of the America's was safe? Yes, which is why we're being evacuated, I'm sorry, what, what did you, huh? Yes, the Juttah transits are already arriving, an aqua Juttah is returning for us, whoa, what, an Aqua Juttah, we're going aboard an Aqua Juttah? Your friend Brat, you think he ascended? I don't know what happen to him, I shudder to think, I don't know what happen to any of them, it is as though I'm an orphan, ah suddenly. Well you've come to the right place, there are a lot of them, parents without children, children without parents, so I guess they're to be counted with so many dead or missing. You don't seem to have much to pack, I told you what happen, you don't believe me, that it's a dream? Come here, look, there's the car right there, the blue, four door ford, like 1948 more or less, here are the keys, ...my Christ, you weren't dreaming, no. If you can, when you can, just do a search on Silverton Nicholas Liverpool, it'll tell you until only a few months ago, I lived in Wyoming with my parents and a sister, Halle, all my life. What the hell is that? Don't panic, there'll be three sirens until boarding is complete, ...ah god, how terrifying, I thought it was happening all over again. I better go where I'm needed, I hope we get to sit together or close, ...yeah me too, ah, what I just told you, I know Silver, it's not my miracle to tell, it's yours. Have you Tore been on an Aqua Juttah, or in the paradise of Africa? No, I haven't, either, but soon huh? Yeah, ah, I thought you should be genesis married to enter the Juttah, it's best for the Sia Juttah, but the surrounding islands where we're going, aren't as strict, no reapers there. Ah, I see, hey we only have an hour or more so, ...right, right, see you later, ...not Silverton Nicholas if I see you first, ..later, ...yeah, later, ...just remember you're not alone, we're all in this living stream to boiling pot to heaven together, ...right, together."

Six Months Before The Great Gathering 

                                ...The Lord Is A Man Of War: The Lord Is His Name...
                                                                  Scene III

      "What is it? You may as well tell me, you just stopped the middle of the mall right now, all the people, shoppers going around us, ah, I, I, ...King, what? You're scaring me, I Key, I, I think I just had a live vision just now, as we were walking, talking, of what? I, we were talking just as now, only before I could get the next word out, we were gone Key, we were taken, ah my Christ it was that fast, that glorious, like Key before you can take your next breath, ...calm down, people babe, we're being stared at, ...whoa? It makes sense, if he's to know the words on our tongues, right, don't you see what this mean? Nothing babe, nothing, no place, no how, not even the grave is gonna stop Him from taking us, nothing, just imagine that. Remember the words they gave Sia Maaseiah just as spring ended, just this blessed reassurance, the ah, lyrics from that song, 'no mountains, no winter's cold, can stop me, Him, from getting to you. That's to us babe, the Royal Priesthood and though fall/winter is here, evidently it's like spring all around for Christ's Anointed right now, a heatwave setting records. Which King explains the speed by which two days of snow melted at a such record pace just the other day, ...yes, love, yes, again it all make such miraculous sense. It was, hold up babe, hold up, look, that corner right over there, I gotta call Brandy, ..wait, wait, what, so he can laugh in your face as always? Yeah, Key okay, I got to call him, you should call, {{{Brand, hey, hey, you, you ok? Brand, look, can you, yeah it's, look I was, Key and I were just now walking and talking and all of a sudden man before we spoke our next word, breath our last breathe we were gone Branston man, just like that, you wake me up to tell me that? Wake you? It's like, but don't you see? That mean we're closer and closer, ...and how long little brother have they been saying that, huh, thousands of years, right? Which is to mean what Brandy man, that we're that much closer, or further away? Maaseiah's Gabriel appearance," not hardly believing this, but just as well totally believing it, it was Kingsley and so like him they'd suspended all Christmas shopping, the middle of the mall of America. It was just so her husband, Kingsley Edward Bellows could once more give testament to his stubborn as a mule brother, actually twin brother, Branstone, which suddenly reminded her. How it was of an odd dream, sorta like this, only it was as if these two were spending the night in a mall, happily window shopping and galloping freely all about, such fun, though the second. The second dream, yet to tell husband Kingsley about either, it wasn't so lovely, the mall had been shaped and formed into a fallout, bomb-out shelter and there battered refugees gathered and hide themselves all about it. {{{"Assured us we're that generation, the undeniable signs and wonders right now credit us with knowing, we're that season, a season proved unstoppable until Jesus take his out, that season Brandy man, I heard you Kingsley, okay, stop talking at me like I don't believe. I'm just saying, she experienced the Lamb's book of life being opened, this Branston man was because of a roll call and a census that was being taken, and what pray tell little brother does that mean so I can get some sleep? It mean as of the live vision just now, there is no further delay, it mean any nano-second Bran man, just as the Lamb's book sound off each of our names, and, and, ah Christ, we shoot up like, like, firing rockets, ah my Christ, just as He, and it's millions, ...hello? Ah, no, I, so if this phone go silent and you're Brandy here to know and testify about it, that is so not a good thing, I'm just saying, that is not good. Yeah well, I keep asking you brother why is your belief so different from mine? While how did the religious leaders and Jesus' belief differ? It's said the law come by Moses, but truth and grace by Jesus Christ and they hated him for it Brandy man, hated him enough to prowl him for his life, soul and immortality, all of us really, ours upon His. Like all religious people, they just knew they loved God, but they hated His Christ, which made their love, apostate. This was just because He was setting the human being free from a life of condemned flesh into a life, walk in, by the, the holy spirit, a blood redeemed, holy Temple of God. Hey, look, nice talking to you Bran man but I won't keep my stunning wife waiting, sorry I woke you, goodbye, ...I don't like you saying goodbye to me and you know it Kingsley man, but I'll take it, I need my beauty sleep, got another party tonight." Clearly yarning to say, no doubt stretching and relaxing under those silk covers and pillows of his, well theirs, he and his wife, Phe, Phe, short for Penelope, such a tit for tat couple. "You bro know it's that season, yeah, tis the season alright, why Key and I are standing a shopping mall ourselves, see you later then, ...yeah, that's better, see you later, hey I love you, I love you too Bran man, so much, later."}}}

      ...Three Weeks Prior To Cataclysms Us Soil And The Bride's Escape...

                                                           scene IV

           "I did it, I called them, called, ah my God your brothers? And my father, Icus, Ivar, they were so surprised to hear from me and Nicholas so elated, so? So they're both married with professional children, doctors, astronauts and professors, so what, what did you tell them? I didn't Nicholas waste any time, seeing any second we're taken out of here. I told them Trump, like Obama/Clinton before, and Bush, Clinton and Bush prior. Like western leaders right now and gone before all thinking they can save America even like at present, from biblical fulfillment by throwing down especially Arabia, who are Israel's neighbors. The same neighbors of Israel predestined (Revelation 11), after western rule desolation to have an end time 42 month world reign, before the Antichrist, (Dan. 7-12, Rev. 17-18), The only rule on this planet predestined to then overthrow Islamic reign by first seducing and deluding them all, joining them and as I said overthrowing them. Meaning, it is as the days of Noah and Moses US soil, as the days of Moses whatever our leaders threaten; North Korea, Russia, China, this great company is going to come upon them double. Most likely beginning the West Pacific and spreading inward as far as the mid-Atlantic, whereas the Damater, (an ELE, by a super natural disaster). The heavenly bodies (an ELE, by a Noah NOAA's cousin), (Ps. 31, Isa. 13, Rev. 18), are all poised to act out accordingly. These through the sky cataclysms all proven to be evident by a projected fifty million deaths, tens of millions US soil upon impact, (Damater, the Heavens, Commanded Reapers, Wars and Rumors), all Nicholas before a pale horse Judgment! The first thing Ivar asked was, what was he to do? And I told him, only those repenting to Christ and evacuating all that is American to Western rule great or small, are safe, Nicholas, they are more aware than I anticipated. I explained to Ivar how I witnessed his entire family dressed formally as though they were going to a ball, hopefully, I explained, the marriage supper of the Lamb. I explained, to Icus, instead I witnessed ancient beast in his midst, the Lion, Babylon revisited, the Leopard, Grecia, to Alexander the great revisited, and demon dogs. The mockery and martyrdom of the Christ's Cross, His Anointed like never before, this planet, that it all Nicholas represent a satanic, (fallen angels). To demonic infiltration literally unspeakable, all his home, posed as friendly house pets, though threatening, Christ's anointed, upon it's knocking, it's aim visit, sup at his table? Nicholas, immediately Icus told me, his college, where he's a professor, is one of the primary leaders of the LGBTQ movement. Where at least a dozen of it's professors have been implicated in this so called pedophile gate, ah Christ baby tell me he isn't one of them, no, but he said one of his sons. As so one of his daughters are as those confused about their gender, which is why you've been pestered at speaking to him. He explained he knew little to tell them but that according to the Genesis, the marriage God created is for procreation this entire natural earth and like it or not there is nothing nor could there ever be anything transgender about it. So choosing it, a transgender lifestyle, is no different than choosing atheism, the portals of devils and demons pouring and pouring in, like Nicholas, here, please zip me, those beast I been seeing their lives, lands and churches for so long now. They were to honor this biblical truth, I stood up to them, he said, or his house couldn't be their home and like God, he was no longer their father; their parents, seeing his wife Glorious, their mother was in total agreement. So Tiffany they are estranged? Yes," sitting on the bed, so sad, fully dressed, as was Nicholas Edin, dressed even as they talked, cradling a beige, floral handkerchief in hand, Aqua Juttah's were arriving soon and they had to be there to greet it's newest members. "He said, he read the article, by Tristan Allen, (Apache Arrow), the Paris Globe, blood farmers, years past and that helped him to explain to his kids, the abomination of same sex marriage. That Nicholas he'd failed them, choosing the school's perverted a gender over God's, bringing that wickedness into his home, but he remember what mother taught. A parent can only trained the child up in the way they should go, the way of the Cross, though they stray, they, this prodigal will always return, who knew, right? Did he realize he was describing himself, that he too Maaseiah had strayed away from your mom's biblical teaching but had as well returned, sacrificially guided his children? Regardless, I see how relived you are that you talked to him, to them, and your father? My father is past, Maaseiah, I'm so, I now Nicholas hold on to the unsinkable hope that he too return to mother's faith and faithfulness of Christ Jesus before he died. We better go, what, what is it? It's just that when Icus mention Sia Maaseiah, that he understood first hand why there was a command that all parents be killed, that all schools (western civilization), be finished, he didn't Tiffany know, he was talking directly to her, right? Or Nicholas did he? While just consider that until the next time you all talk, right? Right sweet husband, right, Nicholas, what, what is, ah, speaking of this pedophile gate, whatever that is, I Tiffany been holding back a terrible dream I had years past. It was myself, my mother Cossie and Bradford, we all arrived three persons to a single bike, the parking lot of a church. Even from there I could see a mist rising out of the ground and moving into the pulpit, only Tiffany it wasn't a mist, it was demons. It was demons just pouring into the building and I'm positive I'm the only one that could actually see this, that once we arrived inside. It was Tiffany that every male in that church had an erection horribly with an infant child attached, ah god, you saw that? I did, I was reminded just now and when the our grand's visited lately, little Miya had a dream about a snake, a serpent in the bathroom. When Daria, she mention a dream, a pitbull dog, that only obeyed her twin brother, Darius, sitting at the door of the church, meaning. Meaning Nicholas, Maaseiah is right on with this mightier than ever before ancient beast reign now come it's greatest whoredom to blood guilt and everything that's life, lived and loved this American dream has been mightily infiltrated one way or another. Heretofore it's complete siege as the days of Jeremiah 37 and Ezekiel 4, by indescribable troubles, three of it's corners, to four now come, being Nicholas laid recently, these last three decades, again America's now come D-day."     A Door Was Open In Heaven, And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. ( Intrepid Dream automobile, Dec. 25th 2001, that disappeared doing trials, judgments and cataclysms, was white, trimmed in gold, beware), Apb, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Intermission.

A Few Months Into Cataclysms Us Soil, The Aqua Hemingway Escape, 1986-2016-2026
                                                               Scene V                                                                     

     "So this is fair? You find me, you pick my brain, it's testimonies for all its worth and then you just disappear? You should not be in here, and that's all you're to say? It's been three days, I been worried, even thinking the worst, okay, okay, Silverton, I'm sorry, okay. Hell no, no not okay, .hello, Children present, I won't be long kids, I'll take my break, Mrs. Noon will come and if you play quietly, I'll re-consider the petting zoo, yes, yes, I thought you'd like that. Ah, what else can I say if not sorry? This was all Tory premeditated, leaving little room for sympathy, I did as you asked, I investigated, the Aqua Juttah reveal Silver is just that, I learned, well in the beginning it was as you said, then the waters come and come a little more choppy. Meaning? Hello, ah, I'm sorry, I'm so pressed for time, meaning more puzzle like, please, just tell me, adopted, ah, did you know you were adopted? What? Yeah, a teen girl gave you up because she didn't think she was mature enough to ah, raise you, I'm, are you telling me my parents weren't, but why didn't they tell me? It's probably in their Will somewhere, but your birth mom, you was born in New York, New York, your birth mom, yes, I can sit but not for long. Your, ah birth mom, she Silver was part Seminole Indian, she seemingly had only one request, that she name you and she did, Silverton, Nicholas, Coogan, Chow, my, my, my Christ, where are you getting that from? I just told you, the Juttah, Aqua reveal, it's all there, nothing hidden, you being part Indian could explain your Silver hair and, and what else? First Silverton you have to believe some people are born special and for special reasons and? Only that your mom's maiden name was Coogan, her moms Saurus, the same Saurus, Coogan, even Chow, Silver who were some of the first to go into the African Juttah, there are some who say it only exist because of them. Ah, I also researched your little Miya girl dream, I learn Silver, Sia Maaseiah has had similar dreams, the Sia Maaseiah, of the African Juttah, dreams about a little Miya girl? Yes, one of them identical to yours, okay, what do you mean identical? I mean identical down to the amount of the toll bridge, that's not possible, I think I need to, ah sit down, but you are sitting. Well I'm telling you it's all there, the toll Tore you know, was two quarters, one I found easily and the other took a little more time, right, the same as hers, so I can guess until you read that you thought my testament was fraudulent? Yes, yes, I did, ah, how do I say this? Ah, Preecest Darius Juttah maiden name is Coogan, her married name is Saurus/Kroff, and as I said, there are those who believe the African Juttah, paradise Africa would not exist, if it wasn't for the Saurus, Coogan, Chow, Kroff, world exodus beginning 16 years their 1996 birth, as in the Mayan 2012, but as you're learn only in hindsight. So you know my birth mom name? Yes, Karsiann Coogan, Saurus Kroff, only now, Preecest, Darius Juttah, if the African Juttah has a king and queen they're it, our birth parents. Just what are you telling me? The blood lineage here could explain the little miya girl transfiguration that happen to you, it could explain you ending up in El Salvador, translated thousands of miles from home and here. Here? Yes, why Silverton the Aqua Juttah, by a forfeiture of the Juttah Septennial I remind you, as close as one can get to heaven this earth, did like a 380 and come back for us, or was that for you? I'm sorry, excuse me, you're apologizing for crying? Your birth mother, Karsiann Coogan, is the class of 2012, (1996), those first of the marriage supper, married to the Darius Juttah herself isn't Silver just a close relative of Juttah's Sia Maaseiah, she is her only daughter. Arg, arg, arh," battling tingling eyes, along a sniff, as to swallow a tighten throat, what in the world or even beyond it was this woman telling him? Surely she had it all wrong, even the adoption, "what you're saying is impossible, I'm saying Sia Maaseiah is your grandmother and that young Juttah you was questioning, he's of the Deburk clan, the Paris Globe, Juttah Tribe, heard of them? They're the first to count Sia Maaseiah their oracle, not only so, I know, I know Tore, they think she's the bride manifested in the flesh, that if the bridegroom, Jesus come in the flesh, surely the Bride also. Ah my Christ, what is happening, I'm dreaming this, these tears, my mouth, neck aren't real at all, I'm, ah Christ how is this happening? This can't be happening, well, our Sia Juttah, your grand Maaseiah would say, this is the authentic beginning to the end. Does she know, about me, I mean? I can't know, possibly, and my father? There was no mention of him, but since nothing is hidden I soon learn he is Asian American, Saigon Lue Chow, which is what just your appearance, those lovely, slanted eyes, and edible dimples, that make a room go completely silent over, or have you noticed? So when you discovered all of this? I didn't know whether to steer clear or kneel, funny, ah, I see from that suspicious stare Tore you're serious, I admit, I'm stun, with the exception of my name, to be honest I just wasn't that suspicious. "So Silver I can see, but Nicholas, it's her father's name, Nicholas Edin Coogan and did she have other, ah children? You have a brother, Second Prince Darius, Meshullam Kadesh, it mean, reconcile, be holy and three princess sisters,making you First Prince, that is about as far as I got. But if you research her further, you're to learn of a vast family Tree, dating back to the worse prom night, the class of 2012, (1996), America's history and the first of the young marriage worshipers who escaped into the proposed for them by God Himself, a paradise, African Juttah. I gotta go, I'm really late, where? I only just found you, .I have a class, and you, you have research to do, and your own classes, a building engineer right? Yeah Tore, but what use is that now? Think Silverton, as of Jesus' Millennium, we're going to be here a thousand years, there is no telling what we're to be, do and or build doing all that time, see you for dinner? Actually the Juttah reveal, you do not want to miss that, then you can be my escort to dinner, Torn, ah, Tore, I don't want to admit it, but that reveal just now answered a lot of questions. I know, admittedly, so good for you, I guess for us all, look where we are because of who you are, wait, what? Yeah, just sit awhile and think about it and I'll catch you at the reveal, so you really think this is all for me, to get me to places my Genesis, blood lineage predestined? You said it, got to go, hey, walk by faith, not sight, lean not unto your own understanding, thanks, ...miss you already, don't, see you soon."

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2026, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

-Unto Lakeside, Pier Swanson and Evolent de' Rossi, was born triplets sons, Aleph ben Jermaine

Swanson, Daleth ben Jacob Swanson and Teth Iod Judah de' Rossi and a daughter, Lamed, Samech Swanson, de' Rossi

Pharaoh's Chariots And His Host Hath He Cast Into The Sea: His Chosen Captains Also Are Drowned In The Red Sea.

                                                        Scene VI

     "Yeah, yeah Caleb but the only worthy man has to offer God, these various millennia of come it's final Jihad that is Armageddon, is the heart that's been cleansed by Jesus' bloody Cross. Man Pier, there are churches all over the place, I'm just saying, my sister Halde and I used to see if we could count how many there were per a half of mile and it was so many we couldn't, okay. But, but Aiden, you have to ask yourself to what percentage, what percentage of mass assemblers make it to heaven? We know most just want to ascend to heaven, to Jesus with their sins intact, curse you if you try to stop or warn them, only Jesus curse them by reassuring them, salvation is by grace not works, despite how tremendous, their outreach, not everyone who calls Him Lord Lord, enters heaven. What to them is America's form of righteousness at Jesus' acceptation or not, they don't care what he thinks anymore, if they ever did, ...then they are Caleb man, damned because of it. Perhaps that's why Sia Maaseiah witnessed America, West Rule come as though it never was, well that's Evolent kinda scary as heck, hell, I guess. I know Caleb man, I know, she even liken it's sudden decline to a yet mysterious Atlantis, wait, Atlantis really existed? Exactly Caleb man, exactly! I know most revelational estimates it's not that many assemblers that make it to heaven, it's not that many at all, hey, hey you guys, my friend's grand one day just come out and said. That if you are in church doing the rapture, even as a child, you probably won't even know that it even happen; ah God Evolent girl, then your friends' grand was harsh, way harsh, yeah I heard Aiden, man, the truth can be like that, two edge sword cutting even. Therein Hayley, Stefan, the first take of God's Revelation is to assess and forewarn all assemblers by the way of the problematic seven churches of Asia Minor. It's Hayley Stefan, most just call me Hale, but you Pier man say problematic, when if these persons, even those, the apostles epistles don't get themselves right with God, Jesus' Cross, not only are they cast along the greatest of tribulations, their names are stricken from the Lamb's book of life and the lake of fire is pending their death and judgment. Further Caleb man explaining presently Maaseiah's vision of the burning church crying yet the foundation of Christ, of holy apostles, stands. That wasn't Pier man just that it stand, the warning you guys and for those who don't know I'm Brandstone, this is my wife Phe, Phe, ah Penelope, sorry, they showed Sia Maaseiah a world wide religious organization that was burning up. It's smoke of burning rising up to God into the brazen altar of sorrows and prayers, crying and mourning, whereas she was told the church had burn but ot the foundation, the only one laid by Christ and THEY, specified, His Holy Apostles. As in you guys, Holy Spirit, it can be rebuild, it's can be rebuild, undoubtedly a task they were awarding her, thine own Sia Maaseiah, she just didn't know it. Or beloved husband, she couldn't as yet realize it, right or Phe, Phe, that, I'm sorry, who are you guys again? As so you guys, there's God with His Back turn to them, God crying behind a silence in heaven, how his people are stripped, yet perish and here lately, simply coming out and saying they, these varied persons of mass assembly need to fall in love with God. To fall in love with God you all, you must fall out of love with yourself, even America, it's Apostle Paul pleading that we surrender all to God, as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service. Meaning you guys just how this conversation started, there is only one worthy man has to offer God, the heart cleansed by Jesus' blood, all else in the words of King Solomon, is as vain as reaching for the wind. No, only a separation from the things of this world, pretty much a falling out of love with achieving the American Dream is, as to fall in love with God, Christ's Cross. Which further mean you guys, Caleb, Pier, Evolent all, just as the woman bearing black bowls was interrupted as to offer Sia Maaseiah business cards for better homeless shelters, she was offering them the cure for procrastinating America's cataclysmic extinction into exodus, referencing, this world is not our home, ...good eye, ear, ah reveal again, Brandstone, is it? Or Bran, Brandy, ah, Artelon, um, then Stefan, you all, there's the greatest of forewarnings, wait Artelon, why is that so familiar? They are of the Sia Juttah, you, you are Sia Juttah? No, my father is, ah, of the Sia, to Tribal, African Juttah, wow there Brandy, we gonna have fun picking your reveals, ...as I was saying, as of a mightiest heads up since Christ himself walked among us and cried the same, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood." It's Jesus warning that except those days be shorten, no flesh you guys, no flesh great or small will be saved, except for the elect sake, right Bran man, except for the elect sake, those days, well, as warn by Sia Maaseiah's appearance of the Angel Gabriel 2004/2018, except these days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved!" A Door Was Open In Proverbs, My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words. For at the window of my house I looked through my casement. And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart. (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves. For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed. With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Intermission: "What happen to you? You missed the Juttah reveal, yeah we were beginning to think the reapers had you, we couldn't find you, ...god as my witness you guys, I took a deep breathe and relaxed across the bed, my face into the ceiling and I didn't wake until just now, I even contemplated whether I just lost time, so what was said, what did I miss? Well questions were asked about this Alien trip here and Sia BFA files, ...wait, tell me you're not serious, someone named BFA file? Yeah man he and Prince Darius, wait, Prince Darius Juttah was here, on this Aqua? So astonishing Silver man, yes and what they said was, that Trump cannot stand before the world and only have America declared safe indefinitely. That there are too many enemies, including God's come wine press all waiting in the shadows to prove him wrong at the cause of many lives, and souls, this primary concern. That there is then one world leader who can declare all nations, people, tongues this earth safe and not have it's declarations met with sudden destruction for a thousand years, Jesus. So we witnessed him thank god beyond description for the pending marriage supper but welcome all the more mightier Jesus millennium seeing it's to bring peace and healing to all the world for a thousand years, all phenomena right? Soooo, who are you Silverton man? Yeah Tory over here keep telling us you really have something to tell us, that it's to be as the little book John took from the angels hand, only bitter then sweet. And why would she tell you guys something like that? I only just learned it, that I'm yet digesting it, I tell you, I will tell you, but I must see Darius Juttah first, ...my Christ Silver you're not going to tell him, right? No, it's not as you think, that is something left for her and by the way I did a little research before I lost all those hours, so you're right, I'm the first of her grand's, like I said there is so much Tore, ah, I'm to wrap heart, mind and soul, even eternity around. I will see you the parlor in about two hours, hey try answering your pages, I can't answer what I can't hear, I'm sorry, who are you? Family man, the Juttah reveal make us as God's Will and Christ's Cross would have us, family, new blood lineage, all, ....okay, well does family have a name? Reynolds and this, this is my wife, Naomi, please I'm sure. Ah, I feel as if I know you, it's our spirits, as we grow Juttah, we grow into one heart, mind and spirit, ...ah Silver, I'm sorry, Preece Silverton, please, I warn, extreme caution, please, ...to be honest Tore, I just want to meet him, ...still be careful, advice taken I promise.  So Preece Reynolds, only hours from the Juttah and you gave that up for us? We're still Preece Silverton in the Juttah, it's Aqua, and love Preece is sacrificial, it's why Jesus is called the blessed death, and people sit and wonder how can death be blessed? Because he, Jesus defeated it into resurrection, wait, you are Preecest going with him? I think that would be wise and kind of you, thanks, I think I will come with you, good, you Tore can meet him too, but before, so how did you two meet? Not a wise question, ...meaning? Meaning Preece Silverton it's complicated, so is the African Juttah, so please tell us, Naomi father's doing a terrorist attack risked his life to same mine and when I woke days later to learn this heart aching truth I was devastated. I don't, I Preece, Jeff, it's short for Jeffrey. I Preece Jeffery, all others here, thought her father had lost his soul to save a saint, something a saint already by Christ's Cross predestined, would never want. I see, but no, his being a saint is what made him so sacrificial and Naomi and I were so gracious, such mercy bore unto us a Juttah marriage, now with an unborn on the way. That is amazing as you say, complicated, so how true is it? Totally! There is no way Prince Darius I would make, what, why is everyone staring at me? You just called Silver here, Prince Darius, actually he's first Prince Darius, and you didn't know that, already, none of you did? You are, you are Prince Darius, The First? According to the Aqua Juttah, I am, but that's all I know, good night, Jeffery, ....it's barely, I know it's early but by the time I'm done with all I have plan, tomorrow we break bread again. I am sorry, no Reynolds, it's okay, it remind me, I need to see him, while he's here, thank you for everything, you Prince Darius as well.   

               ...The Depths Have Covered Them: They Sank Into The Bottom As A Stone...

                                                                  Scene VII

     "Tell me, I don't know husband if I told you, but I've never been on a ship, well you know what I mean, yeah but Nomni most of us haven't. You sensed it too, whenever I inquire and you evade, it's means we're in agreement, I just notice the way he acted of news of Silverton Juttah blood lineage which was most concerning, you don't think he's a threat do you? If so, if we never hear from him again, we'll know why, you mean the reapers, you believe they're here? As long Nomni as we're on this side of heaven, yes, they and a host of blessed guardians are with us, always with us, come look out, what is that? That my love is a whale, I think he like your ark, my ark? Do you have any regrets? We could be in the Septennial fulfilled by now, first Prince Darius is come into all predestined and I Nomni as well as you, believe me, you want to be there, well here for that. So, so what else did Prince Darius Meshullam tell you about his eldest brother? You won't believe it, you won't for the thousand years Christ' Cross Nomni, I promise you that, ...come, come, ah my Christ, so many talked of seeing him, her, the great white whale, I see him, Christ as Lord Reynolds I see him, watch until he lose interest and I'll get you a hot bath ready, thank you, you are so good to me, you are welcome and I love being good to you, love you too." >>> "You Tory truly are with me, aren't you? I got something to tell you, I had no ideal you was contemplating your virginity as one of them, as Silverton one of the special saint, I don't understand what's happening here. I mean if you're to remain a virgin why would you Silver put yourself in such danger, even your soul, getting this close? Or is this your way of repenting for losing Torn, I'm not her, I never said, nor acted Tore as you are, you are Torrance of today, of right now, this special lady, visitor always said Tore, if or when you want to stop the madness you're born too, even, especially the American dream, then fall on your knees to Jesus. My grand Maaseiah always told me the exact same thing, word, for word, God's witness," having their conversation interrupted by a towering, model flawless, appearing African Male, who rather gladly welcome himself to them, even their table. "Hello Silverton, it is mind boggling and heart dazzling to finally meet you, you, you know my name? Silverton, by our moms favorite movie, Nicholas, after your grandfather and Chow after your birth father, Saurus/Coogan after your birth mother and last but not least, Liverpool, after your adopted parents. I have traveled, no I guess Prince Silverton we have come all this way to meet one another, who, who are you? Second, Prince Darius, Meshullam, Kadesh," funnily grabbing his hand into a clasp of his, was this enchanting young man glowing with the enthusiasm of meeting him. "You said Silverton after mother's favorite movie? She didn't know it at the time, but her favorite movie, Encounter, the one character choosing to spend eternity in hell, his destination was a location called, Silverton. Wow, yeah, I know, so she was my grandmother, this stunning woman who visited me every Sunday like clockwork, holidays all? You, you was there, sometimes yes, we had such fun when I was, one of many Silverton against my mother's choices to place you under adoption, but one who as well thought it was best for all uncertain purposes. You are the first of her grand's and I, Meshullam Kadesh, I'm one of many grands, one of four siblings who're only months apart. You are Prince Juttah? That is what they say, but as my Christ Lord, the only Prince or Kingship I look forward too is that in God's Kingdom, we will reign as Kings and Queens, how about you? Yes, how true, adorable, Preecest Torrance Felicity, your future wife, it is nice to meet you as well, I hope I didn't, oh, how I did, ...that's okay, it's like we been planted together since we first met. You have children? Yes, we all do, that's of (AJG), the ah, okay how is this possible? You was taken as the Bride and now? Well we're now glorified and can Silverton appear as we desire, also this is yet the Juttah, like Christ, especially now His come Holy Spirit, anything of the Juttah is no longer of the world. Come, there are those I want you to meet, one being Beethoven Fifth Arts (BFA, files), and his entire family, they're all here to meet the. first Prince Darius, Silverton Nicholas, mine., my family as well. I must tell you, there is as well business, you know something that you don't know that you know, just as it was given to Maaseiah as of a demonstration, it was given to you. You speak of Moses short trail that took 40 years this curse until the Hebrews arrived in Calvary where now such trial is come America's and the world's refugee, a present, Moses exodus? Yes, how miraculous is First, Prince, Darius, you do know, said made aware my own Prince is what's needed once we dock port Madagascar to make Juttah's entry on foot. You and you alone Prince Silverton, Nicholas have been made this aware into this lead, ...who'a, that can't, what are, I'm the deliverer? You both are, come, just come, there is still so much to be told and shown, welcome my brother, ..yes, but Prince Meshullam, first things," as to turn directly to her, her countenance shocked and scurried about, that she'd suddenly been overtaken by this genius of a spirit man, will you, will you Torrance Felicity Lattern marry me? My god is Christ, the man I fell in love with at first sight is asking that I marry him, that I be his wife? Surely is it our fate beyond all things that once wondered upon earth's planet into its mysterious heavens, ...yes, it is yes, I Torrance Felicity, I am not a child, I am a woman, I fully understand the covenant I will make, it's vows before God and the sons of God, I do take thee, Silverton, Nicholas Chow, Liverpool as my Juttah husband, to have, hold and cherish throughout God's kingdom. It is yes, I Silverton Nicholas, I am not a child, I am a man, I make these vows before God and the sons of God, I Silveron Nicholas, do take you, Torrance Allegra as my eternal bride to have and to hold from this day until the rest of my life, of our eternal life; and I Second, Prince, Darius Juttah, now pronounce you marriage worshipers into the marriage Supper of the Lamb." A Door Was Open In Proverbs, Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife. A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causeth shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren. The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts. A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished. Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. Excellent speech becometh not a fool: much less do lying lips a prince. A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth. He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool. An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him. Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly. Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it? A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend. He loveth transgression that loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction. He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief. He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool hath no joy. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment. Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth. A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him. Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity. He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Intermission  "The more I look at you and admire you, the more Nomni I'm so overwhelmed with the reality that a new life betwixt us is being so wonderfully made right inside you. I so want to tell mom, dad, Franklin and Cameron, you just have to believe that you will someday, just as I do, then again, I don't know Nomni, my parents were more church people than Christ people still, beloved husband, I am confident seeing the way you lived your life encouraged them when it mattered the most, so what beloved wife you really think about Silverton? Let me see, he's tall, really attractive, got eyes to die in, you know what I mean, unfasten me, please, he's interesting, sorta of mysterious, he's Nomni mighty predestined, his spirit overflows with it and that's what make him really unite. I guess, I'm so tired, yeah we best rest, sound like the aqua is to dump us somewhere and we're to walk from there, which sound like fun, yeah stunning wife, but for how long? It does make you wonder, the Septennial expired, just where are they taking us, that babe and just what were we thinking agreeing to this? We were thinking why oh why didn't we take the blue pill? No seriously, thinking like our Heavenly Father, that we didn't want to leave any stranded if there was something we could do and don't worry about me, I'm really looking forward to an adventure, it is going to be incredible, like everything else the Juttah thus far, eyes haven't seen, and I just know it!"     

...Thy Right Hand, O Lord, Is Become Glorious In Power: Thy Right hand, O Lord, Hath Dashed In Pieces The Enemy...

                                                              Scene VIII

     "That's just it you guys, doing the dream it was as if I was there with them, that I was one of the Hebrews traveling with Moses that fateful day, as grand Maaseiah herself has said. So with you Prince Juttah renewing this interest, I did something I never have, I researched Petra and Moses exodus to see what they had in common. So guess what they both have in common? The country Jordan and the gulf of Aqabal, then and now, both maps, wow, ...I know Tore, right, but I begin to wonder as did Maaseiah, Elohim judgement having thrown America, western rule into a Moses day exodus, seeing he for Jerusalem all these thousands of years carved out a place of escape, why not the world's refugees as an entire? So you're saying getting to Petra is getting to Africa's Juttah? I don't know, you are Prince Darius Juttah, ...am I? I mean Egypt is north east Africa, so Moses exodus began in Africa and spread into Arabia, Jordan, the gulf of Aqabal, and ended around Amman Jordan, it's north central. All the while Petra is Jordan's Southern, Western tier, it's desert area, well if that's remotely so, going to Madagascar is redundant, right? We discussed that, it is rather that we're airlifted to Amman and journey from there, airlifted, you mean the air buses, Juttah Heirs? Yes, and why would Jordon allow that? Remember wife Tore, this is only an estimation, we're right now Aqua bound and couldn't know it, like there's something they're not telling us; not Tore telling us, or that thing we're not yet to realize? We are yet flesh and blood, we are the tribulation saints, correct, those Maaseiah witnessed being evacuated as the bride exited, this Lot and family of an amazing grace she described it, right? All is Christ, all those of your household we just met, we have holy spirits in our presence, helping, guiding, ...this is way sweet and bitter wife, they can't tell us, we must, lead by holy spirits figure this for ourselves. Like it or not we have set a course that will bring us closer to Africa, to the red sea, exactly, my love, exactly, meaning the Arabian sea and no need Juttah husband of the heir juttah, good, because said grace from this point only included the Aqua, do we have any ideal how many, on board, I mean? No, we don't, most are lost the miry purgatory of this world fallen into unimaginable for millions of years sorrows and death. Most can't or won't, they simply refuse to pull themselves up, out, it appears only those with children stand the greatest chance, because efforting to save them, they, Tore, save themselves."     >>>" You mind Halde if I join you? You ask Hale as all of this awesome wonder is mine and not all of ours, well I ask of your teeny, weeny space then. You are most welcome, may I ask where are you from, even how did you end up here, at this compound? The morning Halde my neighborhood was affected by an EMP attack, and like the movie, war of the world we suddenly lost use of everything, I can still hear my car as it lost all power, as I eased along the side of the road and watched, heard and pained as traffic all around did the same. Only being forewarn for ao long this could and would happen I didn't hesitate, I grabbed my bag of needing milk for breakfast, I got home as quickly as I could. So nothing was any use, nothing, the filling station, the atm's nothing, and you don't realize how much we take all things for granted, all things, event its tinist Halde until it's no more. Though it's totally worthless now, just as one guy described seeing in a dream, money come worthless, you couldn't buy anything unless you had cash on hand and I did. I went straight for it and I went back to the store and bought whatever mostly non perishable I could carry in two baskets, paid cash and didn't expect any change, just as this video I watched instructed, in one such vid Halde I witnessed apocalypse make car fuel out of used cooking oil, and it worked. So I kind of beat the price gouging and we Halde had food for days, we even had lots of fun barbecuing, we were ready, so like that first couple of week, it wasn't that bad. To be honest, it didn't get bad for us until it started getting really bad for our neighbors and they were looking to blame those who seem to have it all together. Since my parents weren't about guns and violence, we shared what we could just to keep the peace and like a week later we all made plans to get out of there. That decision Halde included the entire neighborhood, we all left with pretty healthy grab bags, walking together, I can't tell you, and I tell you, there is strength in numbers. Still, how many times I heard my father say, I'll share what I have, just don't hurt my family, soon some really dark guys did a drive by shooting. This senseless attack went on for what seem an hour, many of us died, the last I heard my dad who was holding my mom now shot, was run son, just run. Stephan here, pulled me off, kicking and screaming like a little girl as he said, cried. Still something, a bullet I guess, creased me right behind my ear, when I woke I was here, well not here per say, I was with the Colonials and rest you know. So now, every city where I go, I leave word to my parents, that I'm fine and I'll see them soon, ah God bless, that's the first Halde I've gotten through that testament without boohooing all over the place, just look at Stephen smiling in agreement. The night Hayley before we had to get out of the area we were in, I looked out of the window and saw something I yet can't explain, I raised from watching movies, headed for bed. So when I pulled the curtain back, looked out the window instead, when I did, I saw what can only be explained as a UFO, it was stalled over the cabin just a section over. Then Hayley, it made no sound, that's the part I didn't forget, how could something that huge and powerful, come into the neighborhood and hoover just above not making a sound? So you were dreaming? No I was standing right there were others were sleeping, looking out at it, like south, west, the look of the UFO, look like the US military stealth flyers, but no sound, and can it just hoover like that, no sound? And the next morning we realize we'd been left stranded, I was from a single parent home, three under me, at my age considered grown. So I was with my two older brothers and thank God, Aiden and Caleb, still no word of our parents, other siblings and so soon we fell in with the others, thinking it was all the better for getting further southeast, you know, as Sia Maaseiah said, get to Georgia. Wow! Yeah, we been headed to the southeast every since, so what was it I saw that night, even how advanced Hayley is the US military, can it go soundless, can it hoover. like that?  All very good questions Halde, but I just don't know, when you get time, you should research it, research military secrets and conspiracy theories, that's about all I have on that, hat, that you two and Maaseiah. one of her escapes, she did witnessed HE carried her, or them all warn about alien dangers from above! I never forgot that, alien I'm sure as in unknown, I mean you guys how Alien to him was Ezekiel witnessing God's Chariot of wheels and wings, just how unexplainable that had to be for him, huh? I'm just, you know, ah, saying, yeah, yeah Stephen man, perfect example."     >>>"Heyyyy, darling man, I felled asleep waiting for you to come,"  yawning to say, did new wife Torrance, wonder right into his warm, calculating arms, a glance into the benumbing scenery just ahead of them, even all around. "Being on this Aqua now for so long, I think I'm beginning to understand why John stranded on the Island of Patmos stated and there was no more, as in Tore, taxing sea. You think God put those trees right there on purpose? If you husband is asking me are we looking at God's landscape, His Framework so intentional instead of man, then yes, ...it's pretty chilly out here, ....all the better wife, to snuggle you into my arms, my dear.  Look at how the sun is setting, who is the father, the serene waters who is the mother? And those two trees Juttah husband, planted along their nourishing bank, strong, mighty, as loving children, yet all you can think of it's astonishment is, there is no place like heaven. Blessed is the man who meditate upon God's commandments day and night, he wife, shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. So until you do or can look pass all the wonders of this depleting earth such amazing exploits husband can only make you sad, make you thirst, make you greedy for more, Jesus is contentment, in him, by him you will Tory, never thirst again, hallelujah husband, hallelujah indeed.  All these unspeakable, natural landscapes someone has taken so much care to study and capture remind us not of the world we lost, but of the phenomenally indescribable yet to come and so many Silverton who never knew are left inundated with the hopeless, endless thirst, their lives, lands, and especially their churches. Only be not cast down human souls, let not thy heart be disquieted in thee, hope thou in God, kiss the son, for your spirit destiny shall praise Him for the help of his countenance. I too Silverton was blessed to have a believing grandmother, well, grandparents, and I asked one morning about my brother who'd gotten in trouble, she said his punishment wouldn't be for long. I guess it wasn't but at the time it look like her assumption failed, she said it seem that way because those who were supposed to help, being in disobedience didn't, then she said, fret not, he has a guardian angel with him, God forbid if anything happen to him, God be praised his is ascension if it does. You think we all have them, guardian angels, at times Tore probably more than one, or more than we can count, what do you mean? There was a time I found my room, surrounded, with them, later I realized it was right before the only father I knew Tore took sick and died, my Joseph father I guess you can say. So they knew and like Psalm 91 says, they were supporting me for the impossible journey lying ahead, right now, right? So the righteous more so than others, that's all I can say, seeing his ways and thoughts are not ours, come to bed, yes, I guess I've had my filled, plus guess what Torrance Allegra or should I say Preecest, I have a wife now, ah do you, and just how astonishing is she, is she as astonishing as your proposal? It was you know," having stumbled and fumbled their tangled body and legs right into the bedroom, a fall into one the others upon the bed, "ah stunning, ah, was it? Yeah, the way you stopped everything, even Prince, Darius Juttah, seeming magical and without further assumption you asked that I marry, it too was fairy-tale, what Silverton, why so sad?  I'm not ready, I'm just not ready for this, ...hey, hey, look at me, this is not a contest, I'm cold and I would love but to cuddle into the man I've envisioned in my own arms while I'm running my fingers through his silvery hair, all while he whispers these sweet nothings at the taste of my sweet ear, ah your sweet ear, huh? Here, see for yourself, though let me warn you, there is a mighty tempting of the blood, a contagion of the flesh, these delicious places, you're not going to re missed, just be warn, right there, yes, yes, right there."     >>>A Door Was Open In Heaven,  After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightning and thundering and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  Intermission, "Hey, sleepy head, breakfast, breakfast? Wait," feeling a draft, a lift of the blanket he was new baby naked, a terrifying discovery that he'd betrayed God, grieved Holy Spirit and corrupted he and Torn both. "Where are my clothes? What, you don't remember? It only began with the ears, but I did give you fair warning, what only began with, you're freaking me out here, what did I do? If only the bed, the floor, even the wall could talk, and should I say the bathroom shower, counter, I'm still cleaning up in there, but as I said, I did warn you. Stop it! Stop this! Who are you and where is my wife? You, you did something to, where are my clothes? We did something to each other, ...my Christ, you're serious! Look, I ordered breakfast, in, explaining the bacon I'm chewing at, I know you're famished, dress, your pants are there, your shirt, or is that your underwear, stop it! Please! Is something wrong with me? I, I can't remember, ...well you did, ...did what? You kinda bump your head in the shower, the shower? How did we get from the bed, never-mind, may I have some privacy? Only love if you promise to hurry, ...look who's come to the table, Juice? Ah, there is, is there coffee? If I didn't know it was impossible, I would say I have a hangover, a handover love or perhaps an adrenaline overload. ...am I dreaming this? No, I told you why you possibly have a headache, you told me I acted a madman, we, we acted as mad people, beast even, stop it, I'm not freaking joking with you, can't you see that! Okay, okay, just calm down and eat something, you'll feel better, ...where are we? Ah, the horn of Africa, I think they call it, Silver, I'm ok, no, you're crying, I'm ok, I just don't like the person I am right now. You're embarrassed, ..sort of, yes, I don't feel good, I'm going to the infirmary, do not follow me, I bewitched you or something, what? Isn't that what you're thinking? I have a miserable headache and no memory past playing in your apparent bewitching ear, something is wrong and I hope it's not serious, no, no, instead, come, I want you to come, ...reapers are not coming for me, what? Stop doing that, what, reading your mind? That's what you're thinking, that I did something wrong to you and reapers will disappear me to Negeb Ophel, only I didn't and they won't, ...come, come with me please, ..but you just, ...still, I need you please, just come."     >>>"You husband Reynolds know what all of this is, so do you wife Niomi, thus you also know, it's all past finding out for now, ....so darling, Juttah, husband, just enjoy the ride to divinity and beyond and be phenomenally content by it. So have we, and yes as to love, change, the subject, have we decided upon names? I absolutely love your name, I'm leaning toward Chelsea, Carter, or Eriess, either way, ..then how about Chelsea, which I adore as well, with Eriess it's middle, so Chelsea Adore Eriess, male, female or both, ...or both? Then it'll be Eriess Adore Chelsea, ...or both? Or Chelsea Adore Eriess if twins, ..stop that, I'm not having two at once, ...no, ...no, I absolutely refused, ..well to make it plain dear, Juttah wife of mine. This is nature and you don't know what's going on by the natural process of the genesis procreation, you're only going by what baby detecting machine tells you, they've been proven to be wrong. All I know of the wisest this planet, you better not be right about  this, you better not be right at all, and, and, none of that one for me and one for you crap, ...wow, are you upset or what? Not, funny, so Reynolds not funny, ...so you say wife, so you say."    >>>"Explain again what happen? I was told, while we were playing in the shower last night, I felled, hit my head but I don't remember any of that. What is your name? Silverton, ah, ah, Nicholas, as one seriously drawing a blank, seeming he wasn't playing, what the hell was his last name? Silverton, Nicholas, blank, there's a blank, I seriously have a blank, ...calm down, sip this, it will help, ok, now, what is your name? Ah, ah, Liverpool, Silverton Nicholas Liverpool, ah thank you god, thank you, you do have a mean fracture, where are you? Juttah Aqua, no, a Aqua Juttah, submersible, the horn of Africa, Juttah escape 2017, and again, thank you god, ...and that young lady over there?" Seeing a worried looking Torrance Allegra, those puppy dog, eyes, and pressed worriedly lips, even as her tongue as she moisten them, long, down her shoulder silk, shiny, acorn hair, just hating she'd seen him like this. "Silverton," at a turn of his back, seeing he's to past off into a cry, into a rough wipe of his cheeks, his nose, only to sadden him into new tears. "He's blaming me, he think I did something to him, that I bewitched him or something, go ahead, deny it! I will do a health scan, it will tell me what's both physically and chemically wrong with you and eliminate all fear or blame between you two. Now until then, a fluid diet, bedrest, ...thank you doctor, but will the gardens be satisfactory? Yes, perfect, and you Mrs, Liverpool, just keep those dangerous, lethal ears away from me, ...if they juttah husband offend you in any way, if need be I will cut them both off, you see dock that's love, yes, I agree, Christ style, you both be careful, no more shower wrestling."

...And In The Greatness Of Thine Excellency Thou Hast Overthrown Them That Rose Up Against Thee...

                                                                        Scene IX

Unto Caspian Hemingway Weddle And Aridity Kierston Ross was born a son, Aspian Henrick Weddle, a son, Elfrin Mickelson Weddle and a daughter Caselyn Felicity Ross   
     Twenty-four hours beyond cataclysms US soil into a mandatory evacuation US to Canada Pacific Coast, millions projected dead , millions missing and still millions escaping

     "That prayer vigil was amazing, ...yes, yes, the prayers of the righteous availeth much, still I always wondered Caleb was that something one could say about prayer; well, then, it was, a lot of people who entered crying and sobbing, left, okay, uplifting then, right into God's long-suffering heart. Speaking Of amazing, your dad Pier really knew what he was doing when he bought this place, well you can see he had some help, the health center, and the chapel, alone. Okay bro, I think it's only fair, I'm on pins and needles here, Avolent, tell me something, anything, please? What did she tell you? Ah, she's an exchange student from Egypt, and that her parents and sibling live in Colorado, Evolent grew up in an Egyptian refugee camp all her life until adopted by those Colorado parents, found her way into the Juttah exchange, the Nuptial, Prenuptial Dorm, where she then found me. What does that mean, where she then found you? Evolent believe we're are predestined to be husband and wife, as to bring Juttah heirs into God's Kingdom reign, all...hell nall, stop it, stop playing man! I'm not, doing the aqua reveal a few months back she looked into its AJG, and it revealed to her, this future I just shared with you, my Christ, you're not playing, you're serious! So, so that's it, that's the friction betwixt you? I'm afraid that's not all, right after I called you guys with the heads up, first you remember that project of Sia Deburk, ah, Cheyenne, that we befriend a foreigner, soon come like a comey pal, even a secret admirer, all that? Yeah, a project Pier, you been a part of these ten, eleven years now. Right, okay, just as I warn you guys to get out of those areas, I warn this admirer as well, just how did Evolent, Caleb get to you and Aiden so fast?  Nall, yes, nall, nall, hell nall, you're telling me Evolent is your for a decade now comey attraction? Yes, but neither of us knew that, not until I unknowingly alerted her and then questioned the speed by which she received that same transmission, that was the burning debate we were having on the comy, in the car. I thought she was outright lying but like me, it was then she found out as well who we actually are one to the other, so Ca, man all the more strengthening her ridiculous claim. Man, man, man, talk about coincidence, nall, talk about predestination, so you believe her? I've seen it, you've seen it, you've seen what Pier Swanson man? I've seen my, AJG, your, ...my Aqua Juttah ,Genealogy, Reveal, first, first when I did, I thought it was talking about our past genealogy, when I realize what was happening of course I hurried and got out of it. But, but, accordingly, not only is Evolent de Rossi my future wife, we're the future parents of triplet girls and a son from a single birth, so Caleb man, how freaked out is that? My god man, what you gonna do? You know how Halde, Kaliah feel about you? I thought you felt the same way, I do, you know I do, but aren't we here Caleb man questioning a before the foundation of the earth perfected Genesis man slash Marriage? What would you do? You are asking me about being married to Evolent, to Pier, the most cripplingly beautiful woman I've ever seen, man, any of us, then you say it's predestined, I just don't think I can say no to that. Still Pier man, I'm not you, talk it over with God, and then your dad, yeah Caleb man, like I don't already know what they have already said, admittedly, we're in the land of spirit gethsemane and it's my will or God's ...the spirit is willing dear friend, but the flesh is weak, yeah Caleb man, something like that."     >>>"And I'm telling you all it was, was a warning, to all workers in social media presidential to peasant, these apostate sleepovers into cursed sick beds." It was always him, always him she, Evolent at first sight thought was her secret admirer, his flawless, dark chocolate, edible skin, that powerful voice, that demanding presence, a look he had and she could simply die for. "So, those who by their mockery of Christ Cross leadeth to deception and damnation will be lead just as this young man witnessed of God's day of judgment. He heard her be accused by God, that she mislead over a quarter of  a million persons, this you guys was by one facebook post alone.  Even his hands how she couldn't wait to kiss them just as she wrap and fold herself into them, into his warm, thick breast, Avolent de Rossi, had to admit, she had it bad. "That's only one you guys where there are millions, because she refused, like most rebellious Americans in one form of power or another to humble themselves to God's blessed will and way for his design of mankind. Although it melts our heart as it did Christ, are we really surprised that the worst that's to happen has happen, yet it's only the beginning. Which Pier man remind me, I had this dream last night, I witnessed what would be called fuel canisters, all placed  in a circle and being lit one by one, what does that mean? You are Sky describing the pacific ring of fire, it's a mysterious areas, a fracture along earth's crust, which it's said  40% of earthquakes and 90 % of volcanoes happen."  There was little doubt time she saw him and heard his voice she knew she'd wondered into wondrous areas of wonderland and she didn't care about anything else, after so long a wait, she finally had him and would never leave him. "See, I said, it, this pacific ring, Sky, is said, where most volcanoes happen and earthquakes, but by design Sky, as those being lit on fire I'm thinking. Possibly, Sia Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, as in timely volcano eruptions. "What it is? To have a panic Caden rush a whisper along his ear, it was clear whatever news couldn't dear God be good, was it his father, had he lost him as well? "It's Evolent, she was found unconscious, ...what, what are, ...she's been taken to the medical center downstairs, I'm coming, I'm right behind you, you guys be in prayer, it's Evolent, be in prayer please."     >>>"Tore," suddenly springing up this startling, this garden wilderness, canopy swing, having a hard time breathing, seeing, focusing, "ah, you ah, since, ah Tore, I don't remember, you have to tell me, did I offend you or hurt you in any manner? No, you was remarkable, gentle, our being together was not of this, okay, okay I'm sorry, nothing, nothing like that happen, ...whoa, whoa, what, why would you do that? Look, you was alone when you was in the shower, yeah, you slipped up, I heard you, come with concern, you have a mighty fine body by the way, Tore! I helped you out of the shower, helped dry you off, as I said you, have, I helped you into the bed. Like a good wife, I suggested you not fall asleep, not just yet, you said don't worry, you would be alright, like just now, you pulled me in tight, pulled the covers tighter, then I woke you for breakfast this morning. I'm sorry I made you think it was some type of abuse, offense, even trickery, you sir was a perfect gentleman, ...why this deception, why make me feel that awful, even abusive? I don't know, perhaps I'm trying to hide something, ...hide something like? I can't be your wife, the thing is I was with someone when all hell broke loose, you never asked me why I was, ah there, in El Salvador, Pedro, a son of my parents friends, ah, he took me there to meet his parents. We were getting married, he left with his brother that morning, there was a massive mudslide, I don't know what happen after that, hundreds were lost or dead. Probably thousands, we couldn't, we never found him, ah them. I'm sorry, God Tore, I'm so sorry, ...well Silver, not so fast. I could be pregnant, the truth is I could be carrying his child. sooo, you was going to, ...I was going to past it off as yours, and I don't know why the reapers don't have me by now. Why in the wide world Tore would you take that chance? I panic, I didn't know you would propose let alone, just go into the Juttah Vows like that, all you had to do was tell me, I never asked you about Salvador because for all I knew you was one of them. No, I'm from the state of California, Long beach, my parents are from Mexico, they come to America by a work visa, but I was born and raised there, all I can pray is that they didn't die a horror death, ...hey, hey, please don't do that, please, don't, I already cry at the drop of a hat, so don't, I'm here, you got me, I'm not going anywhere, and that, that's my stomach growling, I'm starved, you? Famished, I could as they say eat a horse,... good, then let's make our way to the cafe, I'm thinking the theater, you know we only have a few more days on the Aqua, ...sound good, all, then let's go, huh? I'm Tory, I am confused, when scripture talk of the 144,000, it described them as those who didn't defiled themselves with women. That's' because they are virgins, their bodies, temples, Silverton. like Jesus, a sacrifice to the God they love, it's doesn't mean the Genesis marriage is defiled. No babe, no, instead look at it as holy Spirits preparing Apostle Peter to take Jesus to a non Jewish family, what God has cleansed Silver, let no man call uncleansed, what he Tore has brought together, let no man-made agenda pull it asunder, pervert it even. Do you really think Prince Juttah, as Elohim seeing all that I have ever been and all that I will ever be ordain me your wife for life if there was any defilement in me? Well other than me lying about, you know, well, at lest that kind of thinking explains the shower, and why you thought I'd somehow bewitched you, even those so precious, kissable tears of guilt and shame. I'm sorry, but waking up naked like that Tore, that and being unable to remember, that was a nightmare, oh and being made to think I'd been my worse with you my blessed wife ...that was madness Silver, I apologized for that. I thought I was playing along of you joking about being naked and that other thing, and I took advantage ...as I said, apology accepted, I just want to remember, you will, until then, just know you was beyond kind. You fell asleep, plating us this one, this final whisper, tickle on my ear, you are incredible, ...then I won't up Tore, your worst nightmare, I should've kept you woke, I had a mind to, you was even more vulnerable but I could tell you wasn't well, and I just left you alone.  So are you, are you pregnant or that's an assumption? I haven't been tested, if that's what you're asking, ...come, ...where we going? The theater isn't for hours, to the infirmary for confirmation and while we wait, you can help me pretend what my tongue did to my amazing wife. You mean the panting, the begging and pleading, the screams of helplessness as I wrestle you from the shower? Yes Tore, this one shade of white our marriage bed, so remind me, ...remind you of the nothing that happen and the worse that could have happen? {{{"Paging Silverton Liverpool, it is urgent that you report to the health screening center, Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool, you are wanted in health screening"}}}, Ah god, great timing, no doubt saved from your second regret, by an intercom message, that's okay, the best is said to be saved for last. Well stunning husband, let me warn you, if we get any more stunning than falling and stumbling out of that shower, I want an annulment, skyrocket body yes but not, only did you break your head, I almost broke mine and as Gram would say, I thought Jesus was gonna be looking at us and we were gonna be looking at, Him. That bad, huh? A blood steaming, flesh titillating eye full, but other than that, we were just pitiful and I still don't know how I did, it, how I got you to that bed, that's easy, psalm 91, assisting angel, well First, Prince Juttah, if you say, I'm not arguing with you."  A Door Was Open In Heaven  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth for ever and ever.  Intermission     >>>"We will build an ark," just as soon stirring awake into a concern Pier Swanson thinking about the request she'd made of one of those piloting the Heir Juttah, day one of arrival there, whether she could instead be taken home, to her place in Egypt just as he finally fasten into a sleep,."What is happen, where am I? They say Evolent you are fragile, dehydrated, ...I'm fasting, it's none of your business, it's my business if you're using fasting as an excuse to hurt or even kill yourself, ...leave me alone, get away from me, you of all people know suicide is not an option. Is that what Ev Rossi would say to Swan Lake, is that how she would treat him?" Now with her back to him, dark, silky strands, spiraling down her slightly open grown, as strikingly beautiful the heart, mind and soul as Caleb had said and as Caleb said, this was the admirer he'd lost his heart and sanity to, for a decade or more. "No, Ev Rossi wouldn't do that and he, Swan Lake, know this right well, Ev Rossi, once your secret admirer, once worshiped the man who is now Lakeside Pier Swanson. One who is as indescribable as his name, besides God, Jesus, Ev Rossi worshiped and lean on every word of his, every tittle of it's warm, sweet embrace. Once?" Solemnly moving aside of them delivering a tray of various liquids, even of orange to green jello, this offer, was both good and timely, perhaps he could persuade her to at least drink something. Once? Evolent, turn, look at me, please, for how many days now have you been doing this? I hear the quiver in your voice, even as you Lakeside sniff and clear away said emotions, please don't cry for me, I fear my middle name is disappointment, I dare I hope in or for anything else. Still, your faith and faithfulness come so surreal, I will not leave this day until Ev Rossi eat and drink us more merrily than this. Holy Spirits Lakeside, come and sit aside me, ask me why was I making myself suffer so, is it worth this? I said," as one turning again to look this stunning as himself, towering, heart of gold caliber, of a young worshipers himself in a blushing face, "I said, I love him, meaning you and love is worth this, this suffering."

     ...Thou Sentest Forth Thy Wrath, Which Consumed Them As Stubble...

                                                                    Scene X

     "It is as I said, Preece Silverton, just an old fashion fracture, nothing mysterious about it at all, once the swelling is down, your memory should return, so plenty of liquids, water, juices. Perhaps even a little wine before bed to help you sleep and let me remind you, showers were made for showering no matter how provocative they been made to appear, heed I warn you two, this is very serious, as a lost of memory surely is, it could've been deadly.  So you two want to guess who are about to be parents? So it was positive? About three and a half months worth, I can tell you if you want to know, ...Silver? Why not, girl or boy? Both, you young lady is carrying twins, one doing just fine, male and one doing just fine, female, and you should know a pregnancy is a lot of strain on the body, so a double pregnancy. Meaning young lady, get somewhere and sit, even lay down, see me again  before we abandon ship so I can prepare you for the trip ahead, ...thanks doc. Ah, pending mother, why so sad? Ah, just, ah, bad timing, while not according to the reproduction process, you two take it easy, and get plenty of rest, just take care of each other, ..thanks again doc, obedience is thanks enough, good evening you two. Does it still stand, you don't want me crying? You heard doc, it's nature, the reproduction process, what's to cry about that? It's a nightmare and you know it, not one Silver but two, and if I find you husband in the bathroom all alone crying about this but I can't, I'm gonna send you to Jesus and find the reapers myself, ...wooo, are those piping hormones talking or did you instead hit your head? Will you double pregnant wife go out on a date with me, theater and popcorn, what say you? I don't, are you Juttah husband asking me on a date? I shall say yes, then I shall say yes as well."     >>>"Ah my God, where have you been? Yeah, we been looking all over, asking all over, we haven't seen you two since the Prince Juttah appearing, ..heck we were beginning to think you left with them, ...and how Brandstone man is that any way possible? We heard you being summoned to health screening just now? What happen? Ah, I guess you can say I hurt myself playing around, playing around he says, that page sound really serious, I banged my head up, suffered some memory lost. You and Preece Torrance do know we're only hours away from our ETA, Amman Jordan, hours Hilton man as in a lot or hours as in a few? As Silverton man in only a few, been so busy I guess you lost track, ...or he lost memory of it all together, ...funny, Hilton man! ...We're told it's like a seven day track, we're all allowed to carry a canister of water and a half of loaf of bread between us, yeah, well I just hope this isn't going to turn into a forty year pilgrimage, seeing we only have the seven until Christ's reign, but there you go Keyian. Yeah, you're being as millions of others forgetting God is God, and to walk by faith is to place all that you can't comprehend into his hands; I would be more concern if there was no bread nor water and this really cute carrying case. So, Silver man? So what Kingsley, my man? So tell us, yeah you kinda promised, Tory here going on and on, ..I know, y'all sure, y'all ready for this? Ah, where do I start? I learn only days ago Sia Maaseiah is my grandmother, which make Darius Preecest, Sia Coogan my mother, meaning Prince Darius, Juttah, who just come and mesmerized the heck out of all of us is my brother. Who in Torrance's presence confirmed our mother place me up for adoption so there wouldn't be an uncertainty about an uncertainty, or something like that. You're joshing us right, I mean you're kidding us, right? Yeah this Silverton is like that moment Jesus followers, his declaring he'd come down from heaven, they were to understand the extent of His calling, he wasn't just another gifted prophet, he was the first begotten son of God, and am I Jef to say, flesh and blood did not reveal that to you? Only man to freak us out even more, ...and you're just learning this? Well, Hill, it is, this is called the Aqua Juttah reveal, if all of the impossible above is so, I'm then of the bloodline of the Saurus, Coogan, the first ones to inherit the African Juttah. There are even those who say the African Juttah, Paradise Africa wouldn't exist except for a twenty-year extinction of grace awarded the Saurus, Coogan, Nuptial, Prenuptial, Marriage Worshipers. My Christ, he's serious, so though I'm not making eye contact with either of you, I know you're now looking at Torrance, who is now my wife for further confirmation. Only you're not realizing she was first to bring such surreal things to me, my challenging her to prove a fascinating live dream, actually a translation, I told her about. Then, according to as Hillary just stated, the Juttah Aqua Reveal, this is all true. So what, you couldn't see it, the choice between who would be Prince Darius, his first born Silverton or her first born? My Christ Hilary, I didn't, my Christ! That's why he call me First, Prince Darius, my Christ is God he confirmed it, I didn't consider it, ...but if this reveal is actual, you are her first grand. So y'all easily accept this nonsense? It's preposterous, you're, they're playing a joke, I was there Kylan, okay, I was in Wyoming when the Yellowstone caldera blew, ...again impossible, anyone within a thousand miles radius by the millions Silverton man are either dead, missing or ascended. Regardless Kylan of all those horribly dead, I was there, the breaking news, the terrifying sirens, all Ky man, all, flying out of the house, jumping into the car, my friend driving like a bat out of hell, all, all, all! Then seven days later I was looking this questionnaire right here, Torrance Allegra, knocking on my door, eye to eye, insisting I tell her my story or she dies, that I pour my heart out of her searching for answers. Questions and answers Silverton man about what, what did happen? So regardless of all that too horrible to imagine, yet here I sit, an Aqua Juttah, bound for Amman Jordan because apparently like a Moses, by my bloodline I been predestined, seeming all of us have. Okay, okay, either of you read Maaseiah's reveal about the little Miya girl? I have, the end of her bed before she was even born, Dunlap street, Elmo street, and something about arriving another country, toll booth, yes, yes, Preecest Hillary, that one, only as she dreamed it, I terrifyingly lived it, okay? I was now standing this strange door, odd, beautiful person, trying to explain how I woke up not just some place else, but in another country, even another era, like generations off, way, way off and America like now, was no more, even never existed. The car by which I was stranded wasn't even my friends car, no driver, only a little Miya girl in the car and not a fifty cent toll of a described two quarters of a toll both, gate just ahead, that's it, just as Maaseiah described it. As you was saying, ah Silverton man, doing Maaseiah's Intrepid dream the automobile lost it's driver, it was vulgarly rejected first thing, and the car just kept on like nothing happen, is this translation thing, about that? My God is Christ, you're why they did this, why the Juttah Reveal Septennial bound for heaven, made this unthinkable detour after us, well after you, first Prince Darius. You're why we sit on a Noah's ark revisited, and set to a Moses trail also revisited, of an exodus western rule this entire planet in Africa exodus. So, when you Silverton asked Preece Hemingway with millions this troublesome, why were we the exception you had no ideal you where? The supreme as this witness all of you here, I had no ideal, I still don't, all that Penelope remain to be seen. Not for me, and I'm sure not for many at this table, Jeffery, Jeff, where, it's you, you being first Prince Darius Juttah explains everything unexplainable that's has happen to you, to all of us and what a daunting testimony, ...yes, I mean, not for a millions years imagined. {{{"The Aqua Juttah, ETA, Amman Jordan is in one hour, all aboard prepare your exit, you have been given instructions about your departure, please seek out an exit near you and thank you for traveling with the Aqua Juttah and may God bless your exodus," ...this announcement will be repeated every fifteen minutes, into the appointed hour... please do not procrastinate, departure.}}} We can't take anything but what was assigned, and I'm pretty sure, they've taken great lengths to make sure everyone heed their instructions, you mean the reapers right? Exactly, we'll see you guys again soon, you're leading us aren't you, another reason why you're here, the dream of being with Moses doing the exodus, yet the greatest act of divine intervention this planet? My Christ, who are you? Really Kingsley man, ...I didn't mean that literally, believe me when I tell you, we're far from being alone, my god, how do people like you live with themselves? By realizing Kingsley, my labors is nothing in comparison to the laborers and the martyrs who got us here, ...wow. what an amazing answer, even humility you are Sia Maaseiah's grandson, ...see you guys soon, and here I was thinking being apart of the Juttah reveal was beyond comprehending, all of us did Hill man, all of us did.  A Door was Open In Psalms,  In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion. Deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day. Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth. For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together, Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him. O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help. Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my hurt. But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof. I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grey headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto the Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side. I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel. My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt. Intermission: {{{The Aqua Juttah, ETA is in now, we have arrived, all aboard prepare your exit, you have been given instructions about your departure, please seek out an exit near you and thank you for traveling with the Aqua Juttah, may God bless your exodus,"   ...this announcement will not repeat, please find your nearest exit, please do not procrastinate, departure."}}}  "So the question now is, do we have our provisional measures of bread and water? I wonder what's to happen if one stay aboard, after Preecest what Sia Maaseiah described of Ezekiel day commanded reapers will do to all those procrastinating this final escape, I don't think we, nor you want to know that answer, yeah, like reconsider Lot's wife."  >>>"So to what Preece Ctentri Israel do we owe this visit? Well I was first Prince Silverton able to hear your testimony, so I can't tell you what you do know. I past this ancient inscription to you so you will know what and where to lead from, follow it explicitly and there will not be challenges you and your 24 married leads won't be able to meet, twenty-four? Elohim father is with you, is with us all, he will not suffer you first prince Darius to fall," inhaling deep as to exhale himself awake, easing up as to not wake her, this look from a tent, wondering had he just suffered yet another divine translation? "Good morning, I'm, well, I wanted to say hungry, but with such few rations, Torrance, where are we and how long have been here? We are in Amman for one night, that's all, you are alright, it's like you keep losing time? Before I woke, a Ctentri Israel and his wife Preecest Catalsha were giving me instructions, they gave you this, following it's lead is what got us here safely, so my Christ that did happen? Take of my rations, you are eating for three, so what is this, I'm afraid it's in a language only you can read, excuse me, here, look at it, you understand it, don't you? Yes, it's, it's written in Hebrew, even Arabic, but I understand it, you even husband understand that it's written in the Hebrew language, if you look Tore, turn it,  it's written in various languages. I see, so, we're all here? We are, the number? No one knows, it seem to grow and decrease simultaneously, only beloved that's not possible, it is? Come, let's go and see these people and these ancient areas anxious to have their stories known, huh?

         ...And With The Blast Of Thy Nostrils The Waters Were Gathered Together...
                                                              Scene XI
Three Weeks Before Cataclysms Us Soil, The Brides Escape! Millions Feared Lost Or Missing 

      "What do you guys think about this Facebook gate? Is that what they're calling it? No, that's Ctentri is what I'm calling it, it's just another falling out among thieves, the confessions of the fall to those of a mass murderer. Yeah, except the lord builds and shepherd our lives, lands and churches, our deaths you guys, those laboring otherwise are vain, now is your soul, your country, even your planet left unto you desolate. It's like knowing it's all over, that a great judgment is now come, and throwing in your confession to mockery just for the hell of it, because believe Sia Maaseiah this remorseless confession is also mockery. Apostles of Christ you guys did warn us without Jesus as head, all we have is envy, jealousy and strife, confusion and every evil work, those Ancient Beast, Sia Maaseiah seen now poised in the home as friendly, house pets. As so now there are announcements of pending Noah's cousins and yet another warning that the greatest of technology and innovations are in the kitchen sink this wash for a subtraction of 190 years. Still Catalsha as you say, as the days of the prophets of old, they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth where Sia Maaseiah's witnessed of the Lamb's book of life being open As of such  phenom, there crafted into both a name roll call and census taking, proof they're for these thousands of years incorrect, again they don't know Christ, Jesus and lovely girl, whosoever name isn't written there is cast into a lake which burns with fire, exactly. {{{"Yeah that's what I thought, I don't see you, where are you guys? We're stopping for refueling, we went to the parents, her parents? I didn't, damn it man that's not, how, no, how long? You know we on a tight schedule, in only hours Aqua Juttah pull up it's anchor, ok, ok, see you at the coast, don't keep me panic Gray man by keeping me waiting, yeah dad's famous quote, okay, just be like your father in heaven and keep your promises, yeah, that's moms, gotta go, see you there, stop worrying, I'm there!"}}}I know, I know it all seem pointless because, or until you come to Jesus in more ways than you can count you are going to find yourself homicidal to suicidal. Then Talsha, you'll be surprised how many people are homicidal to suicidal because Jesus is truth and grace and they utterly refuse, "anyway I think it's time," wiping thick locks back as to turn marvellously to her, along a touch of her hand  and, and she his eyes glance, joy of both of their hearts, know what's coming, "I Ctentri Israel Bonai, ah my god, Cuze, Juttah vows while in my car, why you stop man, ah my god, ah my, that's, that's not possible, what man, wha, they're gone, what, look out!" More than horrifying to see was hearing it, not only that impossible, their cousin and his girl, disappearing from the back seat, it was also that car after car were just crashing until there was nothing ear piercing crashes and wreckage for miles. "What that tree man, I'm driving man, then drive! Hitting on brakes and tearing into the side of the road, did flights overhead sound just as threatening, it ws like something out of a nightmare, only it was worst. Ctentri Israel and wife to be Catalsha like disappeared in thin air, "what my Jesus just happen? Traffic and everything all around just gone haywire, I don't know, look at me, I don't know, but Josh, it's didn't; just happen to us, listen, just listen, okay, they're gone! I think they're coming, lets ah, yeah," one by one checking on cars, on people crying, grown ups, kids all, calling for help, while other autos were just empty, just this mangled mess. "See like Ctentri and Talsha they're just gone, ah my Christ is god, they're just gone, nall man, nall, nall.......nal, nall, nall!"  A Door Was Open In Psalm, Make haste, o God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord.Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt. Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O Lord, make no tarrying. Intermission, {{{"Carter, ah, hello, Car  ...see, I knew it, you hate me, don't, ..shut up and listen to me, ...don't do this to me, ...shut up Car and listen, something has happen, traffic is shrew all over the, even planes sound like they're crashing, trains, can't you hear it, what? I can't, ...Gray, ...I can't hear, ...Centri and his girl disappeared, hello, Gray, ...what did you say? Cars are everywhere, it happen everywhere, I can't get there, ...what you, I'm not leaving without, ...yes you are little brother, you get on that aqua and you get the hell out of here! I'll be, I'll find, ....hello, you're breaking up, ... no, you hear me, no freaking way I'm leaving you, ...then what about Dan huh/ Think about her, think about Danielle, ...hello, Gray, pleaseeee, you hear me Car, if you don't leave, when I find you I'm beating you, you under, I'm gonna beat _ _off if you don't _ out of _,  Me and Josh will find you, I promise, ...you promise,  you promise, really, I  don't care about that stupid game no more, you hear me? I don't care  ...Carter, I won't keep you waiting by keeping you waiting, ...THIS IS CRAZY, JUST CRAZY! This was your ideal, ...and it's a good ideal, hear me brother, it is about to get so bad in this country, I can't even begin to you're breaking up,  ....the movie "the road, or mad-max,  I _ do this better, we man, we, you _Josh said we, we can do _better knowing _ safe, now cry, kick, scream, even pull that beautiful head of hair out, just do it, ...I told you Gray man,  I told you to hurry, wait, wait, where's Ariana, did you find her? Hello, hello, Gray. you, you still there, Josh? Oh god, oh god, help me, please god, hello, Gray, Josh, ah god, ah god! {{{All boarding passengers, this is the last call, 10:59, ETE, anchor's up, all the way!}}}, babe, you hear that? We gotta go, our friends are waiting for us," as to help him up, along, aboard, not knowing what was happening only that it grew loud and terrifying all around, like the whole world was falling part. "Did it just suddenly get dark? So what about Gray and Ariana, what about Josh? I think I husband just heard you give them over to God, to Jesus, right, ..right? Yeah, plus Gray threaten to beat me if I don't get out of here, whenever we hand wrestle, well let's just say Danielle, he haven't won in a while. By the way, what he just described, and what we're hearing all around, Dan, this scary as, as, you know, I think the rapture just happen, {{{"anchors up, please report to your assigned stations, thanks for trusting the Aqua Juttah, and may God bless your exodus}}}Ah God Dan, what is happen to our world? Well, it never belonged to us, we just claimed it like we do everything else, that's claim it Dan and make it whatever we like, good or bad. She knew, Sia Maaseiah told us only a couple days ago the unimaginable was about to happen, and it has, it has. Let's go to our room, please, I'm tired, yes, sure, he's going to be alright, even death is better than endurance right now, death in Christ you mean no doubt? Well Gray ain't Christ's, well many Carter who weren't will be, and that is our prayer for the Tribulation Saints, for us and our friends, {{{"Attention, Announcing, if you go into your package it will direct you to your room, if you go into the Juttah Reveal, click on festivities, it will tell you what events, when and where, how to prepare, please make use of all of the Aqua's offers, stay safe, and may god bless your exodus."}}}. Look, it says breaking news, should I? No, not yet, let us come, let me hold your indigestion of this,  let us savor this incredible place, ...it's a palace, like a castle on water, I was told Carter how astonishing they are, but being here, seeing this, that description come nowhere close, none at all."     >>>"I, I don't think we've met, right, you're Silverton, Nicholas, the first Prince Darius, Juttah, I'm Ctentri Israel, and Christ as Lord do I have a story to tell you as well. Like your new wife, Torrance Allegra, this here, well our being here, now how do I say, it? You see, just as I was sitting in the back of a car of my friends getting to the coast, to a Juttah Aqua, we were taken out and appeared here only days ago, then praise god, thank you, thank you, now I don't feel so, you know, ...well you're welcome. As First Prince Silverton I was saying we, Preecest Catalsha and I were just sitting there, announcing the vows, the Juttah vows to one the other, so meet my Juttah Bride, ah, just call me Talasha, it is my pleasure," hugging her as well, celebrating a fellow like himself, divinity of a time traveller. "You are the Ctentri Israel that walked, he Silverton, he walked out of a casket, away from a funeral only hours before the memorial ...you heard I see? I been following the Paris Globe for a while, so yes, unbelievably, I heard, well read, my condolences about your niece, thank you, but the last I saw her, she was inheriting a phenomenally beyond description reign in heaven and that is why you Preecest Torrance make Silverton a perfect wife. I feel I don't have to guess why you're here, right? There is a mission before you first Prince, as your grand Maaseiah as the days of Moses received it, you have been ordain to carry its burden to bare. Elohim by an outbreak of troubles are stampeding his out of babel instead, and you and yours have been made this lead, I'm on mission to give this word, this reveal to. It is as the ancient of days, and a beyond description guide if you follow it in all likeness there is no folly to be had. just as you hand me this Beloved Sia. Then I dub thee as the days of the road to Damascus reveal, Jesus dying to live, that we live right into the mission, I too First Prince will show you what things you will suffer for Jesus' stead. We carry the yoke of Christ upon us, indeed first Prince for Christ's Yoke is easy, and it's burdens lite/light and you, well we shall find rest unto our souls. Fret not, trust, delight and commit, and He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments as the noon day, again fret not thyself. Then I say Preece Ctentri Israel, Preecest Catalsha, the supper, lunch is now served, no doubt our last this aqua of salvation until it has its fulfillment the marriage supper of the Lamb please come, stay and sup with us, ...surely beloved First Darius Prince I will, well, we will and may Elohim as all days this earth past, present and eternal, bless it."

     Present Day, The Exodus Of Silverton, Nicholas, Chow, Liverpool, the Horn of Africa

                                     ...The Floods Stood Upright As An Heap...

                                                              Scene XII

    "That can't be right because Silverton scripture says God created Jesus for this purpose, I'm sorry not just scripture, it's what the Angel Gabriel is explaining to come Mother Mary. He, the seed of thy womb is come, even His Name and all is for the forgiveness of the sins of His People, of all people. Whereas Jesus does this once, only once, He enters into the Holy of Holies as only He can. Because only there can, He then offer up better sacrifices than burnt offerings, heartless charities and blood guilt, His Own Sacred, Blood will do, and then He ascends back to the Hallowed Father. This is as to sit His Father's right side until according to this same Angel Gabriel, now 2004, this same hour at present, until every nail drilled, every blood spilled, every apostate church, kingdom and nation, until His Enemies are made His Footstool, (this authentic peace on earth). Lord, Preece Ctentri Israel is right, for the first time ever Silverton, knowing millions to billions will perish, I found myself crying for God to take His Action, to strike out in vengeance and forever and ever let his people go! What? It was all this dream I had, it's like it's all a stage, a fun house or a cirrus, played of men martyred blood to their immortal souls and I just can't take none of it Silverton, not anymore. Fret not Preecest Torrance, it's called God's righteous judgment for this reason, it's equally why the martyred saints under His Throne call on Eli, and none other to take their vengeance. He alone know what He's doing, He alone differs among the wheat and tares, the saint and the sinner. Again the Apostle John is seeing and hearing the same thing from the martyred saints beneath God's throne, they're asking how much longer until He avenge their blood and right before all this worst that's happen or ever happen again, happen a cry come out from THEM, to grand Maaseiah, I know, I know, 'get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, ...meaning Silver man, God was all these Six Millennials finally answering those martyred cries, beware, all unrepentant, only the repentant shall stand. Herein big brothers, sisters, all, Jesus commission, that such the days be shorten, in which grand Maaseiah think, most of these times will be spent in the twilight of diminished day light and darken sunlight, so if you want to do this by light, you can't delay, you just can't. You guys Darius Meshellum gonna be there in one way or another, right? We Silverton and many others, so seeming for all time, men's rule, as those cattled by evil, has, or never could it, or should it have had any good intention, any, ever, that it has one purpose, to deceive or pervert in one way or another, all of it. It's why heaven host cried woe down to us, three times, why Jesus described Satan being with man as to rule them by stealing, killing and destroying their hearts, minds and their souls right from Elohim God. Especially, and I am BFA's Files for those who didn't know, I'm talking this mystery since the days of the first Adam and the crucifixion and ascension of the last Adam, no doubt the very catalyst of laying alternate foundations this world. Endlessly, it is where billions have perished, and no matter what you do First Prince Silverton, how, even how much of this world you gain of it, there is no other foundation that is laid, no other Christ, Savior Lord. Still there is nothing here but this greater deluding of oneself, until not one word, or act can be trusted, this is expert delusion; can you even imagine how malignant to aggrandize such a blood, mind and heart perversion? Which make sense Juttah wife, Lord, Prince, Darius and Lord, Sia Ctentri, Lord BFA Files, Maaseiah hearing in her ear," smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, yeah separate America, Britain into itty, bitty pieces. A similar oddity, I got the single word, "separate," a month or so ago, never thought much of it, now I guess I know.  Clearly love, meaning no matter what measures, religious, political, military or monetary are taken, men, sin, and the American Dream this abominable world are painstakingly incorrigible, and painstakingly removed because of it. A detestation this entire planet, God's wine press has alone stomped out, the God of all gods, Preece husband that knows the heart of the righteous, know the heart of evil as well, thus He know the wicked shall perish, yeah, fret not ourselves, the Lion of Judah hath prevailed. No doubt babe, the granting of Maaseiah Psalm 37, doing the death rider vision , that she fret not, that her prophecies fail not, not only the wicked failed, but disappearance this entire planet, great revelation first Preecest and Prince Darius, fantastic. So, Jesus upon ascension having set the captives free, dear!"  Seeing she's to leap up unsuspectingly, ready an exit husband Prince Silverton truly wasn't ready for, and was as startled as the others. "I'm okay, I just want to be alone, just for a little while, the make-shirt chapel, the tree yonder, in an hour, ...it's a date, I won't be late, ...good evening all Juttah Darius,' Princes' and Sia's, ...you as well Preecest. By all means Preece Silverton, when Sia Maaseiah witnessed not just demons, but ancient beast in the home front, besides the church, also possessed with beast, the very foundation of civilization did we still not realize how much trouble we were in? To be honest all my come Juttah Lords, Maaseiah had me, in all spiritual reality had all of us, when she heard in her ear, the command, "kill all parents by, to finish all schools, I contend it was like Apostle John hearing God's wine press being commanded, thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ready.  It too meant the righteous had been set, or torn apart, as so, squared off from the unrighteous and no flesh, none unrepentant was now safe, but sadly, just as predicted, just as the days of Noah, they didn't listen well deaf ears, they couldn't listen, blind eyes they couldn't see, hearten heats they couldn't take heed.  I haven't Lord, Darius brother known her for long, but I've never seen her this rattled, make you wonder what was in that dream, ...as though blessed brother Silverton, you didn't hear. It's all, these thousands of years, laid as a trap the moment Lucifer produced the fruit along a blinding, binding decision of disobedience mankind has yet to make, one's own freed soul, death eternal or life immortal. Then, until you find that light that is Christ, that straight path, gate, all that is a treasure for eons past and eons to come is always in jeopardy of being lost from you and yours, forever, thus Christ' is the everlasting Prize of the high calling of God. That is what your new Juttah wife just dreamed and Jesus saw it clearly, the moment he saw what Lucifer yet offered, the wealth of the wicked, now always man's strong delusion to stumbling block of iniquity.  Though He would not, but only if Jesus forfeited earth to save Himself, not realizing the forfeiture of any one of humankind would be the forfeiture of the heart of God and Elohim and all that we survey for eons past, present and future is then no more. Welcome my good and faithful servant, yes, yes, you have been faithful of a few things I make you ruler over many things, ...yeah grand Maaseiah heard it said to her only days before, you know, well, I know I can't wait to hear that. Have you blessed friend, heard Maaseiah's testimony of standing on the mount of Olive with Christ, and an army and host of heaven so vast; it is the mount of Olives Jesus ascension, now His long awaited, prophesied Return, cleaved into two this mount, now this massive, massive Graceland? No Lord, Beethoven Fifth I haven't, she said at first aware she's kneeling, as to kiss Jesus' feet, see equally the person, then remind me, the fellow worker, laborer in Revelation. This One John who went to keeled to, only said, fellow laborer prevented him by comparing himself to these labors as the same, truly hearing this testament of Maaseiah, ....make you think my brother Preece, and you my Prince Darius, and Friendly Lord, it is that this blessed laborer, was Himself, Jesus. Yes, equally, my brother, my Prince Darius I agree, now go after thy wife, don't keep faith nor f. a. t. e.. fate,  waiting on you; you Lords will visit again soon? We will First Prince, I promise, you will then meet our own blessed wives, you will eat and drink the blessed table laid before our enemies, the blessed marriage supper, our families and friends, I, we will Prince Brother Darius, see you all again.  May I before you depart, lords ask something further, is there any way to know the fate of those left? My wife, is with twins not my own, but a fiance she lost in the magnanimous shuffle of great cataclysms ever. Sadly but assuredly Prince Brother he is no more, the truth of it was revealed the day I declared you husband and wife of the Juttah and you shared the vows. A sliding of the weaken by storms earth took him, his brother as well. Beware, knowing that First Prince should bring release, first bitter then sweet, now for you, for this becoming mother, I see great things, great things indeed, may it be well with both of your souls." A Door Was Open In Heaven,  And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.  And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. Intermission, "Look at that, just think he place all that is phenomena right above so that you and I husband would be standing right here, this day, this time, this place, ...this wife Noah's ark and Moses' exodus looking up into indescribable admiration, that is also God.  He is a good God, there is Tore no other way to describe him, he wait and he wait and he wait for his to return to him, let all things having breath praise him, yes, let even the rocks Silverton rise up and magnify Him as our blessed Lord. I am in the middle of a Jordanian mountain, wilderness and never in my life have I, have we, all of us, ever felt so safe.  Look, someone is there, it is him, it is Darius Preece Juttah,  Prince Meshullam father, come, come, I want you to meet him, ..no you go, I'll return to the fire, I'm sure whatsoever he tell you, you will tell me as well. Sia Darius, ..Prince Darius the first, it is good to see you are well, your Grand Maaseiah as you possibly guessed always brought word of your progress, still it embittered my heart, our hearts to keep this distance." Tall, stunning, just simply brilliant, this expert looking, speaking Indian to Asian white headed, male, just sparkling, "and look at where you are, the final pilgrimage of Christ, leading as to deliver hundreds of thousands and eventually millions into eternal lives. Did you do this, did Juttah Mother? No, no son, like him, Prince, to slave Moses, another of our deliverers, dear son, it is in your blood, yours is a lineage predestined just for this, beyond remarkable. I know son, it is even on your tongue, how this is all so overwhelming but all you have to do is follow, Lord Elohim is in the lead, surely you must know that now, what, what is it Darius?" As one seeming in trouble, glancing back so worriedly, even that he heard or seen someone, heard a call perhaps. "That is my Q son, I make amends to Holy Father, and to you," before he knew it, striking his forward with a swift kiss, did Silverton Nicholas Chow, pass out, the Darius Juttah disappearance, away entirely."      

                            ...And The Depths Were Congealed In The Heart Of The Sea...
                                                                     Scene XIII

     "You summon me Sia Lord, I have come just as soon," chestnut brown eyes, as that speckled in her long, flowing hair, even her flawless edible skin, just this breath, this refresh of life and living, pouring into the stunning, decorative room. "You did it, you met with him? I did Darius Juttah nearly as close as we are right now, I met Prince, Darius Juttah the first and he is a wonder among many, if even said of ourselves. But how, where, how was this possible? How? Your own Prince Darius Juttah, Meshullam Kadesh, living up to his name sake, how we're to reconcile ourselves, be holy, who or how else? They're right now waiting as a Moses exodus, Ammon Jordan's mountains to be given direction into the strait of Alabbi, expressly marked by blessed oil his forward and written in the head, the memories of one Preece Silverton Nicholas Chow. They are safe? Asked of thine own heavenly father no doubt, they are surrounded by more holy spirits than I can count, all around, not that they not suffer tribulation. But Preece Ebonee that said tribulation not overtake them and thereby slay them; as you know your heart Preecest, you know Heavens Father. Why art thou cast down O my loveliest of Souls, is this not the miracle of thy sacrificial labors? Yes, merciful yes, that such lustful stupidity doesn't deserved, ...it is said, I heard Sia Preecest, it is said, if you want to make God laugh, show Him your plans, foolish or not Preecest my love, Elohim's Will is being done. So he was plenty with gladness to see you, to meet and greet you? Yes, the only sadness I suffered with him, like yours now, was that he didn't know I was his mother, I then suggest Preecest Darius, giving there, being there you have seeked Prince Darius pardon, now bringing these two loving brothers together as one, even as twins,  all the more, I fear I must hurry, I too am being summoned, good evening Preecest wife, always be well."      >>>"Let my people go," opening his spreading with tears eyes along a stunning wife Torrance seeing after him, even said tears, were the trees just above filled with colorful sun light and friendly tree climbing monkeys, then to inhale, exhale, this oxygen so, so pure, were they finally in heaven, and what of the exodus? "How long has it been, how long was I unconscious? Three days, there days? And no one My Preece husband has eaten a piece of bread nor drank an oz of water since, I am here, bring the thousands among them to attention, surely beloved, they are more than happy to see you again, surely had they been abandoned for naught and was that a punishment? My fellow Preece and Preecest, as you can see I am back, I am well, we're four days from our destination, a light to my path will show the way, I have seen it plenty, now eat, drink your fill, we are again Juttah bound, the straits just ahead of us, have faith and be well. I'm so sorry my dear, that must have terrified you, what happen? I was enjoying this meet with Darius Juttah, Sia, ah Preecest, my Christ Tore, to Sia Chow, even my father, was Sia Maaseiah there as well? Suddenly something I wasn't aware of startled her gravely, or them beloved wife and next I know, ...you are marked, marked? Yes, see here, ah my Christ, what is that, what does it say? Surely lord is it a mystery of godliness for now, this destination you speak of, where, what is it? I don't know what, only where, Sia mother explained, like you all, I'm not the leader, I am the follower and so is everyone else, ...so Juttah husband, follow you, as you follow Elohim, right? Exactly. we leave at noon, please tell everyone, what were you just now dreaming? As you woke you sighed, "we will build an ark," only beloved husband I was left thinking that ark just stranded us here, only Juttah wife as it was suppose to, God's final Will at us. I don't want to do this,...I don't understand, ...this, carry this, ah, ah, burden, ...you are not making sense, I think I am, you're just acting bedazzled. If young Juttah Prince I was saved or lived righteous do you think I like you would be here? I am here, and so are thousands of others, it is because of righteousness, it is because by his blood we are made worthy, it is not our own, never was, neither could ever be.  Please don't do this, ok, please don't do this to us, don't add this madness to the trying of our trials ever, just like everything else out of reach it is Tore what it is and like heaven's help we will do well to make glory of it. Predo is no more, nor his brother Federico, ...wait, wait, I  never told you his brother's name, Second Prince Darius confirmed it, they are both lost to us, the sliding of the earth took them both, just as you beloved feared.  I asked the Juttah Lords of any word, I'm so, so sorry, hear, take my neck, my shoulder for crying, come, come, come, so wife knowing, perhaps you will reconsider that this burden as you say, that you carry is all that's left of him, now our blessedness ...please .stop, stop speaking of it.  Like wife, I said, I'm sorry, but I have an exodus to see to, I'll be outside rooting them, well us all forward. I  need all my leading couples," springing from the tent into a sea of people, many nations, kingdoms, tongues and tribes, who from this moment on like a Moses day, were his dependants and no doubt he and his there's. "You know who you are, you know you are to take a lead, 12 groups, twelve Genesis Marriage leads. That's it, just stand, move this way the both of you, thank you, husband and wife each, don't hesitate, thanks, you know who you are, just step up, I tell all my leads, don't see what happen here by sight it's too overwhelming, walk by faith and f. a. t. e., fate, you know the task is surely God's alone and we're just lowly by-standers. Now let's see how far we can get with the light of day we yet have left, that of which I was informed is being shorten by the seconds until soon it is no more, let's be at our next destination by then, all in agreement say amen." With a ripple of amens sounding and resounding throughout the wordless vastness all around, was this unknowing of God's Will here, already beginning to seem like heaven's blessedness. "Any questions, ...surely, ...not one? Please take care of what little rations you all still have, now I don't know about you but I feel a little song coming on, those of you who can, will sing along as we walk along, 'oh, when the saints come marching home, in,' blessed Jesus, I just can't get it out of my head. How did you do that, choose? I didn't, you witnessed it wife Tore, they chose themselves, I just said what I needed to say, I knew only coupled leaders faithful and spirited would step up and only those believing they could help, I knew and apparently darling wife, so did they, now come on, let us hear that god gifted voice,, everybody, everybody, so when the saints come marching in."  A Door Was Open In Heaven, and there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Intermission, "It doesn't look at all real, I mean how can only sand be such a stunning display of artistry as this or did I just question nature? It remind me of the scripture passage 'without hands,' meaning one of many wonders of nature men cannot take credit for, look at it, it is as a master artist did it, ...one did dear husband, our Creator, even the Ancient of days. Whenever Tore I  would see natural phenomenons like this in movies, pictures and others formats, they always appear too grand to haven't been doctored, it just wasn't possible that nature could be so grand, this Tore grand. Though sitting here now, with so many counting it joy to endure these last hours for Christ Lord, again love, seeing this, hey, why are you so quiet? Well, I could dear husband tell you, then I would have to find alluring ways to silence you; let's say with you being so fabulous at holding me, lets begin with these tempting lips, yes, that quite titillating tongue, like this one kissing and biting your neck, yes, yes, that. You beloved wife said something about my lips, ahhhhh, is that your stomach, whose growling the loudest I wonder? Yeah, I thought a bear was somewhere near, ...a bear, here? Surely wife it sounds like it, I don't want to imagined ever doing this without you, what about her, the one, the one Torrance you literally killed yourself getting after? First Torrance there was nothing, like you had nothing to do with any of this, if that's what you're wondering, as a fact we'd just broken, is it safe to say we're not in Egypt? Coming out into a refreshing breath of thin, edible air, with the sky overhead coming into a sky slowly being made dark by the world class extinction level that happen to the America's none ever speak about, but horribly it is so, it is so. "We're at the beginning of Moses Exodus, around Amman Jordan, moving into the southern tier, along the Red Sea, you're serious, we're crossing the red sea? Didn't say we were crossing it, I was speaking of location, why didn't the Aqua Juttah just bring us there? You Preecest wife know even as I, the Aqua Juttah already had an estimated place and time of location, we were given specific instructions and only bread and water to go from there, if we can make this little sacrifice, all leaders hear me now! Did his voice ricoshay automatically magnify itself along a single language that come each of their own understanding, it was, First Prince explained, God doing this, they, like all nature were only His instruments."If, no, no, when, when we make these littlest, simplest of sacrifices, when we linger in doubt, cast down, then we don't deserve Christ, surely we don't know nor mind his sacrifices.  Remember, we're only at the beginning of the greatest tribulations, just this outbreak of mortuary, and that we once call home are just no more.  What's left I admit will all descend into battles at Armageddon but that is years from now, there is an outbreak of bible prophecy and revelation until then, we're going to have to watch a lot and tell and press on as we do, watch and tell, are there any questions? You say deliverer, as Moses exodus, as we have already suffered the deaths of millions western civilization this world, just suppose I change my mine and I don't want to do this. You Preece Loren can try to make your way back to Egypt and into east Africa, the chances of your survival Preece, ...wait, wait, how, how do you know my name? I just do, you just do, do what, know all our names? What can I say, as you spoke, your name come to me, okay, I don't know, we don't but they, Preece Loren, they know, now I know this seem very, very challenging, but we are not alone here, surely you see, that. These various interventions of godliness can't keep us from tribulation, even won't, a time will even come Preece whereas you won't even want them to, as there is a gloriousness unspeakable to be had, just know, such trying will not overcome us into ascension. Hear me all leads, the peak just ahead, soon highlighted just below the setting sun, about three miles, we take a water break, leaving us only hours until dark. So a few more miles still, a water and bread break, by that time we reach this unspeakable meadow, this open field, wide, filled with the night moon, though fading, and the starlit skies, soft, so sweet floras just perfect for the night into the early morn, just take my word for it, I've seen it, it is there and how phenomenally wordless, eyes, heart, haven't seen." 

       ...The Enemy Said, I Will Pursue, I Will Overtake, I Will Divide The Spoil; My Lust Shall Be Satisfied Upon Them; I Will Draw My Sword, My Hand Shall Destroy Them...
                                                               Scene XIV
    "Surely, Sia Mother sing as beautiful as grand Maaseiah," bringing those light, abruptly glistening with tears eyes up into a mirror image, straightly impossible, and thus frightening that she's to see that what she's seeing, it was just too unbelievable and now that spector speaks. "You mother wanted to see me," chanted simultaneously appearing was not one, but two towering sons, both more expert than describable, and one as Silvery and chivalrously as the day he was both conceived and born. "Is this a dream, am I dreaming this?" Seeking of that reflective mirage yet to turn from this priceless vanity to see this indescribable matter, something she'd not dared prayed but boy did she dream in ways. "Mother Sia, for the greatest of your heart's desire, I want you to meet Prince Darius, Juttah The First, Silverton Nicholas Chow, adopted of the Liverpool family," yet so silent, yet to speak as to draw helplessly close, it was first of all, if only to touch and play in his Silvery hair. That just as she'd blindly named him, so was his stunning mane of his, surely a reaction, if but to touch his hair, that made this impossible grace, all the more the reality. "Thank Abba father and thank you Darius Meshullam Kadesh, apparently you have meet your oldest brother, meet First Prince Juttah, Mother Sia and fallen in love, he and I both right to the point that I may ask to be excused, I suggest Mother and brother dear, that you please savor this borrowed, disorder of time.The Liverpool's, who were they and where are they now? Please, Prince Silverton, come, sit, I hear you Sia Mother, but that marvel reflecting the balcony just now seem to draw me, beg this pardon, then my sweet Prince of Africa's Juttah, come, please come, see. It's only meant to be, if you look just yonder, close, you can see the very peek of Pyramids, I see it, ah it, what wonders lies here still, all the wonders of heaven and surely Prince son we cannot bear it. The Liverpool's that graciously parent you and gave you the life I couldn't, were the blessings I needed son at the time, as we all needed. Am I Mother Preecest to believe this is all the fault of being torn between two Juttah heirs, one now the house of Liverpool's? Is that what your Prince, Meshullam Kadesh told you? He only left me to ponder my being cast off was the charity of this impossible uncertainty, where you then unfaithful in your marriage? No thank God," as to wipe her cheek simultaneously away into a charming breeze her hair, her flawless appearance, her silk grown, just this too amazing to describe as his own Grand Maaseiah. The mother of birth, Sia Princess Karsiann stumbling blocks and fumbles and divine intervention lest we cast our foot against a stone. at least not in the manner in which you think, I transgressed against God most of all, thine, First Prince, own Liverpool's were translated just as you were, your siblings, friends, you need not worry, they're all now Juttah bound, which of this Mother Sia, is Juttah bound? Well I learn lately, even as thousands upon thousands of us await a Moses exodus, along Southwest Jordan, eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard of these unforeseen landmarks, still, it doesn't mean an automatic injection into the throne of God, but an opportunity, so sweet as to believe, Elohim. There is another question jarring and jabbing at me, even that I ask is perhaps complete foolery, as to not make sense of it, at first no, Sia, Darius Juttah didn't know, but it pulled my heart out so, I told him the weakness of my flesh, this is what I told Sia Darius, Preece Ebonee ages ago. I fear Sia Mother, only then his heart was so pulled out, for a while, yes, but true love, my loving son, as you will soon learn, always conquers all, as we count all this heart's treasure. What? That statement, its remind me, I was thinking of my possibly lost loved one, and I said it's not that he love me more, then I asked, does he love Jesus more? And I said no, because He sacrificed Him to save us, what Silverton, a glorious awareness, how very brilliant. Being here with you, seeing you, touching and especially hearing you, is even more surreal than Sia Mother the thousand of times I imagine, I remind with you, surely first son, Prince Darius, I will not, I will never, let you go, nor I you, blessed mother, nor I, you!"  A Door was Open In Heaven,  And I stood upon the sands of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred's, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Intermission  "Nor, ears heard, how astonishing to have such a breathtaking Acapella group to sing that song while we sit, this unwordable peak, surely there is nothing more bedazzling than heaven itself, even Maaseiah's description of being in the midst of celebrations in heaven, here the lambs book of life is open, and we're all in one chorus of the lyrics, "we exalt thee."  Thank, you, all around of applause, everyone, let all things that hath breath praise His Holy Name, let even the rocks of this mountain range, lift up holy voices of praise, how outstanding, again thank you, bless you. Now upon such jubilee I need to have a word with all 12 leaders, wow so amazing, even you guys amazing grace. I have a question, who decided who the leaders are? Well Jason Mark, they just did, you witnessed it, the leader are those who move forward, whenever I called, so I guess you can say upon their own freedom of Christ, they chose themselves, the question John Mark is where, where, were you when I called? Leaders I could say I need to know your names, but such grace has already been given, it is only to tell you, at the next, in the next valley where we will take a nights rest, you will find 12 individual baskets, each bear a canister of water and a weight and measure of bread, you and yours after a seven mile hike will get to drink and be holy, it won't be long now before our assigned destination, is reached. I don't know if you've heard, but the voice of the Bridegroom nor the bride is being heard no more at all in the earth, meaning we are officially in ancient beast reign. Such horror has engendered and engineered a sorrow and sadness that is unfounded, but just as when Bridegroom departed another comforter was provided. Now it is the two olives branches and those saints of the most high Prince King, numbering one hundred an and four thousand leading us into the glory we lost. As it is written, he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword, here is the patience and the faith of the saints, let all believers in him, say Amen."   

...Thou Didst Blow With Thy Wind, The Sea Covered Them: They Sank As Lead In The Mighty Waters...
                                                            Scene XV

     "I saw, ah met, visited, I visited Sia Mother, meaning I met the Princess, Preecest, Darius, I told you I always thought grand Maaseiah to be more than is describable. But Sia mother, being in her presence, I tell you God's throne alone, Christ it's heir, can only be more glorious than this. Then He, God's throne alone this witnessed all I ever wanted once in her stunning presence, was then beloved to have you there, ...me? Yes, Preecest Torrance Allegra, I wanted you to get an up close and personal experience of the wondrous immortality awaiting all those even beyond the Juttah, mansions in heaven as I was certain I was there. When I walked onto this momentousness balcony, just this mysterious motion of gravity, I could see the top of pyramids, like it, this wonder among men had made it's aboard there. The sweet wife, even beyond the glory here, there was a crispness and a coolness, a serenity so possessively comforting, only at my testament my eyes are watering ...and your countenance my Preece husband is glowing as you've seen God's Face Himself. You know what she told me,  and you not gonna believe it, she explained how my Liverpool family and friends were all translated to assigned areas as surely as I am. That even though they're not yet Heaven board, they, we Tore must be born again, ...thus Preece Silver, your warning just now, he that lay captive and spill the blood of God's Anointed are none of His, ...exactly, such person beloved, the haters of human brothers, will not enter, God's Kingdom." This wonder deeply, was this a good time to tell him, was it as though she had a bought with a mind of omniscience? For she was but positive for a while now, that her pregnancy no way played into Silverton being a Moses day deliverer, would he like an Abraham and Hagar, have to release her down the line somewhere? My Lord Preece, may I make entry? Please first leader, Kylan, come as you will, ...Preece Lord, Lord Preecest, surely there is a wonderful Graceland just ahead, it is there we will lay our heads, I have see it, some miraculous way, ...it is first leader, I've seen it's wonders as well, we will eat, drink and make merry, for the lord our God, hath brought us this victory. I was thinking, we could begin to make the book of Exodus, our read, then I say that as well Preece Kylan, I say that as well. I can't believe it, he knew, this first leader looked at her and like instantly, he knew, don't you feel it? It's as though we're experiencing a miraculous bible story, only it's fulfillment just as we live it, breathe and eat of it. No doubt one of the many wonders of what it must of been like when disciples walked with Christ both before the cross and for forty glorious days after days, after it. Surely if first leader Kylan, Desrek can see it, suspect all and such, surely, most definitely Preece, even Sia know of this charade, and how short Juttah husband and heart pulling those forty days must have been, at his ascension. From under the wondrous sky above, I bid you all goodnight, I would swear the moon has never shown itself so bright, bless the father's heart, may praise of him always be in our mouth. Now before I do, bid you goodnight, I must warn you, right beyond this stunning meadow lark and Deer's as us painting the water brook, there is a winding road. A passageway as mangled and cascading as these twisting peeks, it's too narrow of a getaway to afford both a motorist and our quest, as so our overall prayer, that once we take part of it's delight some wonders there will not be one driver needing passage. So, acknowledge such faithfulness, your mighty prayers for it it a challenge to last from morning into the noon of day without looking to the hills from which come our faith, let all say, Amen, again I bid all Preece and Preecest it's goodest night yet. Give us ear Lord, we Preece Juttah want to make ourselves as one this night, but we don't know the Juttah vow, it is second leader, Keyian Deloris as long as you know your heart, you know it's vows, which is the Juttah, make to both heavens father and Preece here, it's vows, the vows of your heart, and all the heavens this incalculable number, and all here by the thousands will act as merry witnesses, go on Preecest tell him of every beat of your heart and you, your secret heart, now hers, enjoy these cottony grounds infested with floras, the closer we come to Juttah, the more Tribulations mounts.  "I know them, second leader, you can just repeat after me, as in your name of birth, if there are any others here, natural, born marriage worshiper, take thy vows hand and by thine own heart, it's birth name and voice, simply say, I, I am not a child, I am a husband, a wife, I fully understand the vows I will make. I, being of sound mind and body, do take thee, to be my wife, my husband, from this day forward until all eternity, even as God, stand this witness. I will love, you are this love, in sickness and health, for better or worse, for richer and poorer, I will love, you Preece, Preecest is this love, now all. like myself who have taken this vow, you may kiss your spouses,   ...and I Preece Juttah introduce you all to your third leader... Preece Kingsley Edward, and again, good night, and be well in it.  I think I'm beginning to realize how he appoint each leader, yeah, from the first to the last who're to step or speak up, exactly, how wise is that? First he let us of our own initiative come leader, then further of it's initiative speaking up, out we rightly position ourselves and there is no complaint, no bickering, we are truly one."  A Door Was Open In Heaven  And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. And the wine press was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. Intermission "Casting a cunning smile his way whether he's asleep, something she did every night since Silverton Nicholas began sleeping without his shirt on, easing the covers off, smooth vanilla skin, perfectly curved chest, those aching to be kissed, by her perky nipples. Such lusting for, seeming to take it a little further than just peek-a-boo look and see, but as to test his favor, her lips, tongue on him, was to feel her kisses on him, just this aching to be his, to have him in her erotic grasp, ...woo, woo. woo, even his stirring awake made her dig in further, "whada, ....Tore! Fumbling out of bed to his knees, was he under attack, flesh, blood and soul, shaken thinking what did Torrance think she was doing. "Stop it, ...wahda, you, ...ah, I want to be with my husband, ,.....no, no, no, I don't want that, ... you don't want that? No, I, not now, you know, not until, ah, all this is over, ah, where's my, my ah, ah shirt, I just feel, ah, it's, best, Christ, I' never felt anything like that, I, I think my pants are exploding, ...your pants are exploding? Ah my skin, then, ah, places, ah, is exploding? Water, I ah, I, think, ah water, ah, really cold water, ...I don't think it's your pant that's exploding, you know what I men, don't make fun of me, you did this, ah the brook, the ah, you wanna ah no, ...yeah sherlock, that would be defeating the, well, my purpose, no, no, I want you Tore  to walk with me into the Brook, into the brook, yes, as in take your shoes off, my shoes are off, we were in bed remember? Ah that was strange, ah really good, ah, strange,you coming, I'll meet you out there, ...you, your chest, taste really good by the way by, ...thanks, I guess. Actually, I was just dreaming, I was without my shoes, what could that even mean? You do know, Juttah husband the brook being so fascinating, no doubt it's very visited, still away my love and come, ahhh, quoting, Songs of Solomon, some say it reference a spring rapture. Really, I didn't know that, just come, I think my wife need cold water as well, your wife need a hot, willing husband, Tore! What, you started it, actually you started it, right, I did, didn't I? All you had to do was stay asleep, I was gonna do the rest, really, you thought I could sleep through that explosiveness, no one could and hands off even when I'm sleep."     >>> "But that's just it first leader Kylan, it is not that she didn't know, as to not calculate, the scripture passage of Ezekiel had a two fold judgment. One was 390, Maaseiah as she saw it was 190, but there was a second part, a part she didn't clearly see, though she'd like none other been given this scripture twice. This one of 40 days, so originally the intrepid timetable was for 190 months and forty days, so first around October 10th, and secondly around the thanksgiving holiday. Upon which others had already calculated as a barley harvest, so this timetable, for fifteen years, ten months and forty days was in tune with the Jewish holiday. Plus, plus, you guys, I don't know if you notice, yet again, we're talking about these times being around an American school break, first it's spring, it's summer and now its fall, the top of major holidays. You second leader think that's why it's called righteous judgment? Yes and why God is described as being long suffering toward usward, in Revelation 11, when the seventh trumpet sound. There mass celebration in heaven that God's has finally reacts especially the martyred and the persecuted stand on Gods' promises that he will avenge their blood against their enemies how many of you ever considered, this, ever? Excellent reveal Preece Kylan, so how treacherous Pete's Peak? So much so new Juttah husband, we're gonna need a miracle, well I just prayed that if we're visited by any motorist, we instead take up wings and fly to safe destinations, hallelujah third leader, let everybody say hallelujah! What it is? A mighty cry of hallelujah just sounded all across the meadow and Preecest Torrance with good reason, the prayers all over and around is if there is a need, the Juttah escape take up wings of flight, well my Christ, hallelujah indeed, yes, only Tore that's our Christ."

...Who Is Like Unto Thee, O Lord, Among The Gods? Who Is Like Thee, Glorious In Holiness, Fearful In Praises, Doing Wonders?

                                                        Scene XVI

     "Get over it my darling, we're blessed Katia to be here one way or another because, even against millions at odds of it and feared, well you know, we chose sia Maaseiah to the Juttah Tribe of Christ's Cross, its blessed, blessed exodus, and here we are. Which darling husband, remind me, I am going to go sing and read to the children, and that Katia make you the forth leader, and why is that important? How important were the twelve to Jesus? I been wondering guys why they call this Pete's Peak, I thought it was Ceta Terra, as in guys, see the terror perhaps, ...well maybe our red sea miracle is that like Maaseiah in her Christmas Carol dream how she took into the heavens even without wings. Gave witnessed to every horrid thing that has happen with darker days pending only decades prior, not returning to Elohim God, void. We all better get some sleep who want to be groggy along these death defying peaks? My prayer second leader is that it's all come closed off to traffic, wouldn't that as well be this miracle? Well yes, less amazing, ...less how? To have a famous, otherwise, highly visited passageway instead be closed off so conveniently with no true reason why, that my fellow Juttah is a miracle and all of our quest yet let it as the days of Moses' be entirely so. Let me third leader say it, like our King David, 'for thou art our hope, O Lord God: thou art our trust from our youth. By thee have we been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took us out of our mother's bowels: our praise shall be continually of thee. We are a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day,' ...surely Lords, those who know him, are heartily phenomena regarding him, goodnight as well, may it be as plenteous and amazing grace as these starry skies, ...you as well sweet brother. So you guys, for better clarity, the original timetable was for fifteen years, ten months and forty days, this newest addition, correct? What Maaseiah liken to Jesus' end time warning, the curse of happily counting sunshiny days at not seeing the dark cloud, it's ever or ever again, perched overhead, as to factor in the second part of Ezekiel's 4, cataclysms now come. Well I've heard enough, I mean for us to have known this all along, even the government, meaning? Meaning second leader Keyian since the eighties they've been planning for an extinction level event, and we're left to read between absurd lines and insurmountable darken mirrors, again three decades now and counting. What Maaseiah described as a day of judgment that would be worse than for unrepentant Jihadist terrorist, what did Jesus tell Governor Pilate? It is those who delivered him up, who'd committed the greatest offense. Beware, all leaders, who, by it's deceptions leading us all right to the Dragon's martyrs of the tribulation saints, and the great whore clutches, ...good night all, I mean it, y'all get to sleep."  A Door Was Open In Heaven  And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest. And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. Intermission     >>>"Tell me about him, about first Prince Darius, you don't have to call him that, like Prince Meshullam I call him what, and who he is. He's exceptional, just like Prince Meshullam, he's a mighty, anointed leader and it just oozes from him, he's proper, loving and most of all forgiving. He asked about you, and felt genuine sorrow that my unfaithfulness possibly hurt you. He said that? Breakfast," at a knock at the door, Preece Darius is served, thank you Parson, we're right in, very well, Sir, Madam, it wasn't so much Preece Ebonee what he said, but how his hurt for him to just say it. I'm not surprised I guess, when you consider his parents, thank you beloved for your compassion, is Miya Kearney eating with us? I think she left with her father on an early assignment, his hair Ebonee, is as white as the snow, and as soft as cotton, your felt his hair? You know I did, first thing, said it was one of the first things his wife, a Torrance Allegra did as well, can we stay in today, just lay around, play even? Play even, I can't tell you how tempting that sound, ah so, tempting. I miss that, there are ceremonies we can't miss, the marriage supper is upon us, and Mansion Assignments, I believe that's what got Meshellum and Miya Kearney are so busy as a bee or my love, an ant colony. He, first Prince, stared at you a lot didn't he, he did, but the feeling was mutual, I stared at him when he wasn't looking, you can see by the light of your countenance, how amazing it made you feel, good for you, yes, Ebone, it was such a blessedness. 

            Three Days Before Silverton's Nicholas, Coogan, Chow, Liverpool, Exodus

          ...Thou Stretchest Out Thy Right Hand, The Earth Swallowed Them...

                                                           Scene  XVII

   -Unto Salvador Constantine Armature and Channing Paris Cartwright was born a son Gaelic Aaliyah Armature a son Paden Stefan Armature and a daughter Jasmine Kalee Cartwright

     "My dear Salvor, (Salvador), what is it now? The way the end come so suddenly for so many people, millions, how can you Channing Paris even ask me? It didn't even matter who they were, where, great, small, old, young, seeming at the blink of an eye and millions upon millions are just like that, dead, just gone! God, Christ's Cross, and the escaped Bride forbid. It's like even their knowing was a curse, as they did nothing with it's warnings, it helped them Chant, none, a toll. Arggggg, why art my Juttah husband still so cast down?" As to kneel, as to lay a sorrowful head, perfume breath, kisses into this heavily floored husband Salvatore Constantine Armature, sitting the edge of marriage beds; strangely, it was as though her husband very calling was to mourn so many swiftly dead. "Let's visit the Aqua gardens, it's Eden, it always make you feel better, Channing Paris stop it, listen to me, okay, I just don't get it, to get it Salvor is not to lean unto thine own understanding. It is to in all our ways acknowledge Him, Elohim, whose Righteous with judgment right now, even reaping martyred blood, no flesh on this earth Salvor can survive that, you know that, such is to direct our twilight path. We couldn't save the world, not baby from this, we only thought we could, don't tell me that!" Springing up, out, away, a glance from the window, teary eyes overlooking a torrent sea, playing along bobbling to and fro of sea creatures."You can't tell me that, we Chant knew the generation, okay, we knew it's time had come, even the Angel Gabriel appeared as so, it's knowing was right there time after time. By Maaseiah's reveal we understood the day, month and year, okay, okay, Maaseiah hearing the command for nearly two decades that fifty million would die, Was that Preece Salvador Constantine Armature just an assumption or was that now a prophetic fact? She Chant even heard it just before Trump took his oath, I know my Latin lover, I know, let the ungodly be ungodly still, let the unrighteous be unrighteous still, say that again Channing Paris as you kiss and tickled my ear and we can go. You're right okay, being in those incredible gardens heals the meek heart of such madness, so come sweet love, I will draw after thee."   A Door Was Open In Heaven And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain. And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning's; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Intermission, how can something so miraculous be so treacherous, is that not the nature of this earth, since it's Eden's fall? Just enjoy it's for it's wonders and respect it or it's chaos,  as long you sweet wife walk in faith holy, appointed guardians will do the rest. There is Silver a weight on my heart for the children, why? Like us Preecest Torrance, they have a divine sanctuary to tabernacle awaiting them none on earth is to imagine, ever, look to the heavens, I know, no love, look, have you ever in your life seen anything like that, it's like the sun is riding a rainbow, ah so phenomenon and still Tore, there is no  place like heaven's throne." 
Intermission "What sweet wife Chant, (Channing Paris), do you imagine most of all, when you imagined the fall? Remember Maaseiah's testimony more than once of hearing territorial beast to spirits, holy, unholy talk among themselves, soon asked this single question, "America, have you fallen before?" And the answer Chant, all the way back for thousands of years then and now this fall, the answer is yes, from the collapse of Ancient empires Egypt through to Ancient Rome, who gave us the British Empire, into the United Kingdom it's western civilization continued into America's supposedly founder, Church Rome, again and again as has been prophesied, all now dissolved, come Jesus's Millennium! Look at me," hearing it shiver in his voice, rising up even a kiss to his dampen cheek, causing their lay, this edible canopy, to swing and sway the more this unspeakable, highly regarded, visited botanic garden, Aqua."These are all things which must come to past, if Jesus' peace on earth will ever have it's fill, if we're to ever have earth, and heaven made new and descending as a New Jerusalem right into us. As into you, my Latin lover, I mean, you do know how model caliber you are, my bold and beautiful sweetheart, now it's your turn," as to lay again his delicate shoulder, it's delectable, edible neck, feathery locks of black, perfumed hair,  "I like to remember when Maaseiah asked us to raise our hand if we knew America would fall, then Chant she asked us to raise our other hand, if we ever prayed God's Kingdom come. So simple and yet so ingeniously with so many walking in damn, delusions, just this tugging at our awareness strands, then she said, now with both hands raised, thank God for knowing, and praising him accordingly, just beautiful Salvor, just beautiful, almost wife as beautiful as you are, umm, lunch is being served," cutting her eyes up, at being the intercom was calling off whats for dinner area, what sound like a banquet of goodies for all participating. "Though I'm hungry, famish actually, I could Preecest Channing Paris Cartwright stay here this enchanted, remaining this faithful until Jesus bring us to the Mount of Olivet.  Assuredly there is nothing to be had more involving and dissolving right now, though by the roar of this belly, I'm entirely tempted, so come temptress, my sweet, thy husband will draw after thee.     >>>"Yes, yes, look who finally broke free of  delectable marriage, beds? Please note, I been telling these heirs, how you two from chapel curtain found yourselves in a paradise Africa, speaking in an unknown tongue, making love on floating clouds of rose pebbles, but I'm sure I can't tell it as you surely can. It is better Samson for all that I remind you, as Chant and I were reminded on the way here, even ascended, we're called into a missions, still. It is to intercede God's throne for the tribulation saints, millions gone from the earth you guys, millions missing and millions about to fall under Antichrist reign, we haven't just entered into Maaseiah's reveal. The fulfillment of all end time prophecy is all speeding along one manner of fruition to another, like the last seven days of the worse cataclysms this earth; there is, nor was there ever any way of stopping it, only to rest in Christ's promises because of it.  I remember only a few days prior, you know before one cataclysmic event after another come, Maaseiah kept deeming it as that worse to imagine, happening and all went on as the days of Noah into only minutes prior, well let's not allow our meals to get cold, that's why I got a salad dear, no problem, I have that problem. I assume the wife finding you sleep at the altar was that? The prophet Joel said it so, just think how urgent with trials all around had to be when he cried, sleep at the altars, surely like now, repentance is everything, it is that Elohim creator have his creation with Him, new heavens, earth, new Jerusalem, for all it's eternity, let all aise their imbibe into Amens."

...Thou In Thy Mercy Hast Led Forth The People Which Thou Hast Redeemed: Thou Hast Guided Them In Thy Strength Unto Thy Holy Habitation...

                                                            Scene  XVIII

     -"I know, the children are missing, they're those as prayers were answered who took up wings out of here, we will see them again, an orchard, Ceta Terra, that is to lie just ahead. It is good to see my friends Preece Lakeside Pier and Preecest Evolent de Rossi, I was told you and she, now assigned heirs were taking up my rear. It is good Preece Silverton to be in your presence as well, with all that's horrible in the world right now, everything we've experienced up to now has been so warming to breathtaking, like that valley just below beyond indescribable. So, we're not missing any others? Other than those who've run off, no Preece Lord, we come along these perilous peaks with perfection, as you possibly guessed even and twelve, the roads were blocked to all traffic, a miracle as well, truly God heard our prayers. What is this place, Bike central? They are inundated with them, believe me, they feel it as well, all of these bikes arriving paid in full, remember the donkey Jesus send disciples after, explained exactly where to find him? These are ours? Yes, well in a way,  they will take us along the grape orchard. like the children gone before, we find have a glorious awaiting and awaking there.  Did you know everyone is calling this the exodus of Silverton Nicholas, just as long as I don't get my head knocked off, like deliverer Moses, yeah well in the end Archangel Michael did stand up for him, yes Preece Branstone, we could be so blessed.  May God help you, who are all these people, it must be thousands, we're off to Ceta Terra, so we're here for the bikes. I knew this day would come, I told you brother, you see, I told you, yes, this is gonna take a whole day, I assure you, it only appear that way. We're on a journey , the African, Juttah, you are welcome to join us, the African what, plus, you know how long it's been since I road a bike? I'm told one never forget, well, you change your mind, you know where to find us, good day sir, thank you and god bless you."  A Door Was Open In Heaven,  And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.  And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning's; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.  Intermission,  "Ah god Salvor, don't do, you really scared me, ...sorry, sorry, the world's wondrous waters out there, the sea turtles await, they are here, ...what are you doing? I was given prayer assignments, I know that makes someone very happy, you're serious? Yes I'm serious, and stop acting surprised, with so much to do and no more worry for us, surely Preece and Preecest forget, surely everybody don't sleep at the altar like you. Though, though Salvor, they should, okay, not saying I believe that's an assignment how much longer now? Long enough that I request I just meet you there, ....okay, but if you don't hurry, chances are you're to miss them. That would be disappointing admittedly, but there is still lover plenty to see just a never ending display of wonderment, okay, kiss, kiss and I'll fly away, don't let this daunting task of yours keep me waiting,... now, would I do that? You is so kissable cute, ...but I'm not that tempted, ...ah, you know you gonna pay for that, ...yes, Channing Paris, let me count the ways as I suffer awaiting, priceless marriage beds.

     -The People Shall Hear And Be Afraid: Sorrow Shall Take Hold On The Inhabitants Of Palestina-www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com

Unto Sia Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son Lebonon Kadesh Kroff, a daughter, Robin Dayus Kroff and a son Cullum Jakai Benz.

Three Days Before The Exodus Of Silverton, Nicholas, Chow, Liverpool, 2018-2025

                                                       Scene XIX

     "My God is Christ I never made that comparison, don't fret James, neither did I, not until just now, the driver, the Intrepid Dream, car, 2001. It being lost just as the driver side of the car ejected it's driver and now, to make its reappearance, a driverless car, 2015,16, a little Miya girl of come apocalypse it's host. An era centuries past, lost, along a complete exodus, another country, a toll both, demanding two quarters, instead of the pale horse quarter of the earth, right? Ah my Christ, it was really happening, really and we, well they being incorrigible with Americans dreaming into the curse of Noah's day, lest you forget, there were a come Noah (NOAA/Nova's) cousin, we, well they, they couldn't see it, they couldn't FREAKING SEE IT! Hitting his fist filled with an apple smashed into instant apple sauce, although knowing, comprehending but yet asking whose to take the fall for this? "Ah my God, Maaseiah's final entry, a Noah's cousin, this breaking in of HD programming of breaking news, and everything in the sink this wash, wiped out and none of it, Gally (Galileo) man, knew, just this up close and personal of harsh realities and still nothing, eyes blinded, you guys, ears deaf, heart harden, just as the word said, and all of us here were guilty. Ah my god that mean the Ethiopian unable to change his skin, the leopard, incapable of altering its spots and they all completely inundated. Now the horrid death and dying of millions, millions missing including the Bride, it, it couldn't be helped Salvor man, only besides Christ Cross, I know man, okay. I had this same mind boggling reveal with Chant only days past, there is only one rest from it tearing your heart in pieces, the peace man only Jesus can bring, I'll be in the chapel, you all know where to find me. Look guys, there's this one other thing, why was it doing the Leopard skin coat dream, Leopard, I saw one of those last night. readying a release, what does that mean? The Leopard, Grecia, Alexander, speed, Salvor is one of the Ancient Beast, Maaseiah said she saw staged in home as innocent as house pets themselves, just this immeasurable demonic possession and infiltration of all they treasure, yeah Chant girl, get their heart, get them.  As I was saying, just this predatory lending all nation is, not just America, beware, those left behind were left atop high-rise buildings with the southeast pending to be taken underwater by the next pole-shift, Maaseiah's Aquatic Age, no less? I'm Clinton man, just, that's why she said what she said about leaders great and small, being in the most danger, isn't that like Jesus explaining to governor Pilate, it is those delivering him up, now the tribulation saints, in the most of danger? Those unbelievers stranded atop high rise buildings James, though they were at the top, the highest peak where all is surveyed and nothing is hidden they didn't see Him come for the bride, they didn't Clinton man, for all their selfish majesty, see Jesus. I'll be in the chapel, as well, remember what Maaseiah said, there should be kneelers in every corner, of every building highly visited of elephants and arks of denial, even of the little Miya girl of come apocalypse their stringent escape vehicles, com eof Jesus Millennium. The Little Miya, last appearance, what Gally, is that a question? I know Galileo man, let me see, first the edge of her bed, before birth, along a very visited express way, along a decimated highway, there's like President Obama, and soon after first lady Obama, the little Miya girl, like them on Dunlap street. Then come the fifty cent toll booth of transportation, along a street called St. Elmo, wait, so you're saying the dream of transportation wasn't the last? No, not if my memories of Maaseiah's. Aqua Reveal serve me," as to blow his hot cup along so much to remember, so much of early, prophets, apostles, God, Apostle John, Revelation and now Maaseiah's reveal. "Now, you see Gally, and this is possibly why, the first Maaseiah was warn of the come fall of America, was by both an appearance of Elohim a time prior and soon a night of dreaming Her testimony about a death rider, come right from beneath the earth, the earth open, like yellowstone just now, and it sprang out, like Chant, yellowstone just now, if I'm right, that's was St. Elmo street, the mid to late nineties and little Miya girl in the car, 2017, as she made this turn off of it, all the reminder a predicted Mayan Indian such apocalypse, the end of world civilizations, governments once held off, is now, here! Wife, you coming? Salvor is right, our mission now Gally is to intercede God's throne for them, for that number a once weeping John said he saw, that was incalculable, come out of great tribulation, robes washed and made white, and certainly my brother in Christ, I'm right beside you."  A Door Was Open Into Ezekiel's Temple, In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the Lord was upon me, and brought me thither. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south. And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate. And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel. And behold a wall on the outside of the house roundabout, and in the man's hand a measuring reed of six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed. Then came he unto the gate which looketh toward the east, and went up the stairs thereof, and measured the threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad; and the other threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad. And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed. He measured also the porch of the gate within, one reed. Then measured he the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward. And the little chambers of the gate eastward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the posts had one measure on this side and on that side. And he measured the breadth of the entry of the gate, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits. The space also before the little chambers was one cubit on this side, and the space was one cubit on that side: and the little chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side. He measured then the gate from the roof of one little chamber to the roof of another: the breadth was five and twenty cubits, door against door. He made also posts of threescore cubits, even unto the post of the court round about the gate. And from the face of the gate of the entrance unto the face of the porch of the inner gate were fifty cubits. And there were narrow windows to the little chambers, and to their posts within the gate roundabout, and likewise to the arches: and windows were round about inward: and upon each post were palm trees. Then brought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement. And the pavement by the side of the gates over against the length of the gates was the lower pavement. Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate unto the forefront of the inner court without, an hundred cubits eastward and northward. And the gate of the outward court that looked toward the north, he measured the length thereof, and the breadth thereof. And the little chambers thereof were three on this side and three on that side; and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. And their windows, and their arches, and their palm trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the east; and they went up unto it by seven steps; and the arches thereof were before them. And the gate of the inner court was over against the gate toward the north, and toward the east; and he measured from gate to gate an hundred cubits. After that he brought me toward the south, and behold a gate toward the south: and he measured the posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures And there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about, like those windows: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.  Intermission   'If you look here Gally, Maaseiah's reveal, you will see it, the St. Elmo Street Dream is the last time she see the Little Miya girl, and what does it say, what does the St, Elmo street dreams consist of? Well, it wasn't just dreams, like father Abraham, upon Sodom's abominations, and family like Lot being in danger, Maaseiah had visitations, even from Elohim, Himself, at a time Galileo man even from Jesus, demonstrating the great gathering of saints from t's beginning to it's end, she said Jesus to look upon was as heavenly father. This isn't simply about Maaseiah's prophecies, but those of the ancient of days, why she liken these times to theirs, and theirs Galileo included the darkest and deadliest days this planet. Those of ancient beast reign, there is no way possible, no way, even the appearance of Angel Gabriel that any flesh continuing without the cover of the Lamb of God, of Life immortal would stand. John, well, Apostle John being shown the pale horse, who alone would claim a quarter of earth's inhabitants, holy when John, Apostle John looked further into such judgement. God aimed to make their troubles double, henceforth, well, now, the show of double quarter, or two quarters, even of the little Miya girl of come apocalypse. And what my brother James, you are yet to say, a horse of hades road with him, yes, Elohim Gally, found crying, sobbing uncontrollably behind a silence in heaven. Then that same Elohim, finding his strength in the Lamb's victory, and the next time we see it's throne, it's as a mountain, from which a sun rise and speak, that's speak as the days of Moses' exodus and soon all western rule, let my people go!  Wake my good and perfect servant, come," by a deep breath, spilling tears along his cheeks, nose, neck, the wipe, one glance up and around, this alarm that he, well they weren't alone, this had been a conversation between he and his friend alone, but many of them, husband and wives had wondered in upon them, the dinner bell just sounded, let us nourish ourselves, and be lead from there, wha just happen? A slight, damp whisper at his wife's Channing Paris ear, surely this lost, confused, thinking man what a dream if that's what they was? I think husband, you dozed off, for how long and why didn't you wake me? I did, ...the exodus will soon enter the valley of oil, and not soon after the vast regions of the wine makers, it is upon us to intercede is it fellow Juttah, that not one tittle of either is harmed, so until we meet there, I request a song, and bid you all good night."   

     Then The Dukes Of Edom Shall Be Amazed; The Mighty Men Of Moab, Trembling Shall Take Hold Upon Them; All The Inhabitants Of Canaan Shall Melt Away.

                                                             Scene XX

      "I don't think Lord Preece I've ever seen so much green in my life, didn't know it yet existed, yes, I'm reminded what this earth first garden must have been like. I'm also reminded of Maaseiah's intrepid dream, do you fifth leader, Preece Blake Mario  remember? Certainly, the tale my Lord, of when she was happily, miraculously driving through a valley of trees, now innovatives highways and surrounding highly visited. When all of a sudden, something mighty with rage struck, and this great innovative valley itself, was suddenly and so cataclysmically made dark, it would not return, but he said it. Crying behind the silence Maaseiah's prayer closet, he promised it, I will strip their leaders and leave them as the days of their birth. Having strip them, just as they strip his people of the light, of the knowledge and salvation of Christ's Cross, it having broken the yoke of condemnation and lead captivity, captive; still Lord, see with your eyes and hear with your ears, it's heart, the wonder of this planet." With a host of bikers, now looking down upon a vast valley of green, for as far as the sky could see, this olive oil mill, when over a few hills still, laid an orchard of vines and grapes, it was that which looked over the awaiting children. "If you Preece Blake Mario, look there, right there, beyond those trees, it is there such a wonder await, but not with further delay, the wine, take drink, this is my blood, it await us as well.  Apostle Peter, as well as Maaseiah saw it all destroyed, your Mount Pete, our destination, it is not Lord Preece this reminder? It is indeed, I'm beginning to realize, as it has been said but many, Elohim seven days, was cursed along six thousand years of his righteousness, the come woman seed. Christ's cross revealed and just as Elohim rested the seventh, the seventh thousandth year belong to Christ millennium, witnessed descending even as Obama reign. Especially this stark and glorious reminder, then this earth is finished, or its that God is then finished with it, this heaven and this earth must past away, a New Jerusalem, new heaven, new earth, a new, glorified humanity damn, the spirit and Bride saith come."  A Door Was Open In Ezekiel's Temple...  And there were seven steps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them: and it had palm trees, one on this side, and another on that side, upon the posts thereof.  And there was a gate in the inner court toward the south: and he measured from gate to gate toward the south an hundred cubits. And he brought me to the inner court by the south gate: and he measured the south gate according to these measures; And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad. And the arches round about were five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad. And the arches thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof: and the going up to it had eight steps. And he brought me into the inner court toward the east: and he measured the gate according to these measures. And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, were according to these measures: and there were windows therein and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad. And the arches thereof were toward the outward court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps. And he brought me to the north gate, and measured it according to these measures; The little chambers thereof, the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, and the windows to it round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. And the posts thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps. And the chambers and the entries thereof were by the posts of the gates, where they washed the burnt offering. And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering. And at the side without, as one goeth up to the entry of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two tables. Four tables were on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate; eight tables, whereupon they slew their sacrifices. And the four tables were of hewn stone for the burnt offering, of a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high: whereupon also they laid the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt offering and the sacrifice. And within were hooks, an hand broad, fastened round about: and upon the tables was the flesh of the offering. And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward the north. And he said unto me, This chamber, whose prospect is toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house.  And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the Lord to minister unto him. So he measured the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar that was before the house. And he brought me to the porch of the house, and measured each post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side. The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits, and he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side.  Intermission  "We wondered about these places for so long time, yeah, but once Maaseiah was there, she gave us testament, how heaven's host instead paneth after her, it is to be here, where she is, imagine how that must have made her feel? You mean besides being greatly intimidated? Remember Maaseiah was on her most challenging fast ever, that while she suffering it, holy spirits approached, asked her was reuniting with her husband, worth the pain she was suffering? Wholeheartedly given this inquiry one single thought, "I love him she said, and love is worth this, assuredly my love Preecest, we're so damn without it, without Him, ah God Salvor, I know stunning Bride, how sweet and spicy is that, right? It's King Solomon liking true love to death, even why God is it's shepherd and Jesus, God commending his love is declared, the blessed death. Love being unconditional and thus sacrificial surely dear Channing Paris, precept upon precept, line upon line, that His, heavens host thoughts are not ours, even why their ways are past finding out. As they all look beyond mere fulfilled as delicious as it is, even the deer panting after a water brook itself abandoned, longing to have it's thirst refreshen, there was a time even the fig tree was cursed, even the tree itself, now they're plucked, up, filed with vast ornaments to mark the very night the Christ child was born. Mary why weepest thou? Didn't you know, weren't you told, behold the lamb of God, hath prevailed? When where you going to tell me, tell you, that your womb is mightily filled up of us? I was yet to realized what is happen, here, this place, of the most high God, only Juttah Preecest it's Juttah continues, here, we're yet marriage worshipers. Here, we bare heir Juttah and pray that Messiah's reign no longer delay the earth of it's one peaceful authentic rule, glory to God in the highest, peace, good will to men. No longer my love be afraid, lean not unto thine own understanding,fear hath torment, remember, heavenly father hath reign, worship him, and he will enlighten and direct our path. Yeah, though I walk through the valley of vast blackness and void, come a light to my path, to my direction, come also was revelation. It come for as far as could be seen, precept upon precept, line upon line, I read Chant, what shocked her most, was how fast she went from glorious light, to a vast black, empty of all things human being, this planet, how it was at the speed of a turn of one's head, this is how close they are cursed death, and blessed death, who alone, the Lamb of God, is?"     >>>"Standing in front of a wordless, reddess to lavender sunsetting over what appear to be distant mountains, even a pyramid or two concerning her, were tears just as he wiped struggling along his cheeks, even the tip of his kissable, edible mouth. "Hey, look at me, what is, you, I want to say although I know it's not, ah Tore, possible, but I think we're all places at the same time, does that make sense? Even that at any given time we're all places, and they're showing us whatever incredibles they desire and we're not worthy, we, are, so not worthy. Weep not, I been just as suspicious, it's just husband come too obvious, I knew it, I mean one time we're in India, and the next Australia, and next I know, we're looking at the pyramids of Egypt, then Rome's, weep not husband, eyes hath not seen remember? Nor ears heard, neither, okay okay but how does He expect flesh and blood to bear it? I've never felt so honorably overwhelmed, my fleshly heart will fail this mighty, our Tore fleshly heart.will fail this divine enchantress, I just know. Did I ever tell you the last conversation Grand Maaseiah and I had? Of course we didn't know it would be our last or rather, I know only she shaped into a heart stopping, mouth dropping, eye blinding glow of a lighting strike and shot off like a fire rocket into the sky. I felled screaming to my knees, I went into shock for a while, not eating, not speaking, no damn visitors, and I never told anyone, not anyone Tore until just now. Oh Christ, Silverton, ah Christ, Grand Maaseiah knew I wasn't convinced, she knew my heart this hard was in jeopardy when she said it's a good life. A really good way to spend your death and dying actually, until then Prince Silverton, first she called me that and I Tore so little understood it. You're walking around with your head cut off testing and trying one ill-fate masquerade after another, it's blind eyes, it's deaf ears, even it''s perverse blood and no matter what, how many mirrors, how much makeup you just can't get it right. Until Prince Silverton self is pound into the dust as a seed and come a harvest of righteousness, that is not your head, that is not your lead, that is not the blessed Shepherd of righteous paths and you are lost, you and all you lead, are lost. That's why I was so angry with you Tore, with everything and everybody, it was only a few moments before the rapture was the cataclysm that ended our world or our world Tore was the cataclysm that send God's good, unmerited favor sailing away into the heavens. I know you're there, none of this is possible otherwise, we need your help lord to bare it," falling to praying knees, hands, causing her to kneel, pray as well, actually all of them, the thousands of escapees all around them, "Father, God forgive us for sin, hear and heal our bones again, Jesus, come into our heart that we be as godly as you are, holy spirit, come into our spirit, make us a holy and acceptable temple, heavens host forsake us not, be with us as the whole armor of God, these things we pray father, that you have your will and your way, Amen. That was simply astonishing," as to help her up again, were the fields that night rippling with thunderous and glorious Christ lights of amens and praises as vast as the stars of heaven, joyously making their reappearance. "Shhhhhhh, juttah wife, I got you, I got you, there, there use my shoulder, I know, I know, I prayed that prayer more than once with Grand Maaseiah, and everytime she, well THEY knew Tore, I didn't mean it with my heart. I don't think love," a darling, damp whisper in her edible, yet perfumed ear, "I've ever felt you cry, look, look up, even the stars of heaven are out this worship and you, you gonna miss them, who could've thought husband, something so simple could be so heartfelt, His and ours? Now babe, all of us, now no doubt we got our heads, heart, spirit and armor right, you're right, how can we ever bare it? Look at this, it's not only that they're out Prince Silverton for the first time in weeks, it's as though they're all come down to us that we meet. They're almost touchable, surely Tore, as heaven's host they want to be where God's Anointed are, only Grand Maaseiah would say, not yet, not yet Tore, but God's Kingdom come. "I suspected all of that, the next I saw her brother," abruptly this reappearing, a hand on Prince Silverton shoulder the working of a glorified body, coming and going as freely as the wind. "She was standing a mighty host the second heavens above, she had her hands stretched out toward us, and she was gathering all who're come into this mighty than descriptive cloud, that grew and grew to bursting with each fanciful arrival. You two see,  the Lamb's book of life was open, and every time HE called of this ancient scroll, grand Maaseiah was there, right there to welcome each and every saint called. The roll call of a census taking, she told me about that, yes well brother, I and three others were assigned to replace her, she had other highly valued events to attend. Our Grand Maaseiah would be duped Lord Urusalem to Heavens' Lord Israel, Lord Prince of Peace and Lord City of Peace, although I don't know if I was suppose to tell you that. You did this, you made the heavens and all of its glory reappear, after a prayer like that First Prince Silverton, how dare God's Throne resist, He couldn't. As you told your wife, you better enjoy, darkness will for a time consume them again, the last dragon hath reign. Stay with us brother, bring your family. I can't, plus Sia Darius wouldn't have it, I'm in enough trouble, this is Prince Silverton Nicholas' exodus not Prince Meshullam Kadesh, I can just hear him, as I am now with you, know brother, we are always with you, I bid you two goodnight and farewell.by Prince Meshullam testament, it even touched the heavens, heartfelt prayer, beloved always does, what is it? It's just that I remember Maaseiah's reveal telling us about a dream that fit what Prince Meshullam testament, his ws a little more detailed, still so perfect. Our spiritual dreams Juttah wife, are they but long, reserved memories? The Lord Christ did say, 'Remember,' yes he did, didn't he, yes he did. goodnight wondrous stars this heaven and all you thousands out there, this xodus, this earth, blessed be the morn that will carry us on." 

     -Fear And Dread Shall Fall Upon Them; By The Greatness Of Thine Arm They Shall Be As Still As A Stone; Till Thy People Pass Over, O Lord, Till The People Pass Over, Which Thou Hast Purchased.

                                                              Scene XXI

     "Sia Darius Lord did come, where Preece Lord, was I? Do you understand? Father, Darius Juttah was here, I think I understand, you was with the children of course What did you talk of? We talked of you, at his first appearance at that, he asked, when will you tell her, what it is you know? It was only then Preecest Torrance, I even knew he was there. How long have you known? Always, again seeing how heart shocked, flutters over her skin made white, this frighten, come so apparent that she was in horrid trouble. "If you knew you two were never intimate, and the unborns she carry is not of your own bloodline, why did you speak Juttah vows to her? How could you, how could you place yourselves in that danger? Only a moment from a time, reapers would have you, you both, planted like a seed, a questionable growth, awaiting a harvest, where the wheat is sulked and the tares burn, what were you thinking? It cringes my blood to clot to even ask you this, but were you suicidal, is that horror your perilous defense? He was mighty with concern, so wife he asked again, knowing, why did you take her, perhaps to love her anyway? It is not to look true love in the mouth filled with forgiveness, it is Lord from first I laid eyes on her, or was it at first my heart? Only that it was then, I never, ever wanted to go without her in my presence, it's marriage bed that is yet to be known I know but the desire is there. Though lying and deception, First Prince, that is not the work of the righteous, I have, we have since Sia Darius laid at the altar and made known such sins of sorrows. Dear one my heart, Sia, I know your inquiry isn't about her guilty conscience, but mine, being this constant with unaware was like a splinter sown betwixt us, I know you felt it too. This gnawing at the heart blood unreachable only now with light it fades, now with revelation, it passes away and you son, Prince Juttah, have spoken well, he said, your heart and spirit is cleanse, be well my son, go with Elohim. Then I rushed on here, as it is time we're on our way, prepare the bikers, we take the last supper, this blessed, blessed table laid before our enemies in the land given it, it's very birth, see thou Tore, hurt not the oil and wine. Where my Lord I need ask from here, even will I remain with children? There are three days of harsh desert ahead of us, and whether you remain with child as always Preecest Torrance is in the hands of the Holy Lords of Israel, prepare, tell all leaders. No doubt Lord, these places are so phenomena they will not want to leave them, we lose so many a day, which Torn is why Christ hath said, it is those who endure until the end, those receiving a crown of life, is, it not? Now come, so from Aqua Juttah, to mountain climber, to many bikers, and now sand dwellers, this greatest of challenges but what always await the endurer is victory in Him, in Jesus, now go, tell all across this mountain, our final destiny, Princess Juttah, await just ahead."  A Door was Open In Ezekiel's Temple, Afterward he brought me to the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle. And the breadth of the door was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on the other side: and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits: and the breadth, twenty cubits. Then went he inward, and measured the post of the door, two cubits; and the door, six cubits; and the breadth of the door, seven cubits. So he measured the length thereof, twenty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits, before the temple: and he said unto me, This is the most holy place. After he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side chamber, four cubits, round about the house on every side. And the side chambers were three, one over another, and thirty in order; and they entered into the wall which was of the house for the side chambers round about, that they might have hold, but they had not hold in the wall of the house. And there was an enlarging, and a winding about still upward to the side chambers: for the winding about of the house went still upward round about the house: therefore the breadth of the house was still upward, and so increased from the lowest chamber to the highest by the midst. I saw also the height of the house round about: the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six great cubits. The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within. And between the chambers was the wideness of twenty cubits round about the house on every side. And the doors of the side chambers were toward the place that was left, one door toward the north, and another door toward the south: and the breadth of the place that was left was five cubits round about. Now the building that was before the separate place at the end toward the west was seventy cubits broad; and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about, and the length thereof ninety cubits. So he measured the house, an hundred cubits long; and the separate place, and the building, with the walls thereof, an hundred cubits long; Also the breadth of the face of the house, and of the separate place toward the east, an hundred cubits. And he measured the length of the building over against the separate place which was behind it, and the galleries thereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundred cubits, with the inner temple, and the porches of the court; The door posts, and the narrow windows, and the galleries round about on their three stories, over against the door, ceiled with wood round about, and from the ground up to the windows, and the windows were covered;  To that above the door, even unto the inner house, and without, and by all the wall round about within and without, by measure. And it was made with cherubim's and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub; and every cherub had two faces; So that the face of a man was toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side: it was made through all the house round about. From the ground unto above the door were cherubim's and palm trees made, and on the wall of the temple. The posts of the temple were squared, and the face of the sanctuary; the appearance of the one as the appearance of the other. The altar of wood was three cubits high, and the length thereof two cubits; and the corners thereof, and the length thereof, and the walls thereof, were of wood: and he said unto me, This is the table that is before the Lord. And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors. And the doors had two leaves apiece, two turning leaves; two leaves for the one door, and two leaves for the other door. And there were made on them, on the doors of the temple, cherubim's and palm trees, like as were made upon the walls; and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch without. And there were narrow windows and palm trees on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the porch, and upon the side chambers of the house, and thick planks.  Intermission  "So they brought us here to watch us die? With millions now dead the west of the mid Atlantic, it is foolish to think that is the purpose of our arrival, all we had to do was shelter in place, just as our government told us, or did you forget! Look I'm tired, hungry and scared, it's making me talk crazy, and you have a grab bag to ease some of these complaints, then lay your head upon it, God has this, don't fret, rest, ok, rest by faith, I never heard that before, well little brother you have. I know you think about Gray man, if Pier's father lodge cabins hadn't brought us to the coast, we too would be lost, every person here Josh, for one reason or another are considering all those reasons which brought them her. Right now we have to put all our coinage, gold and silver into roll as told, when we reach the coast, we got to get a boat, get into that ocean, get into Africa, remember, nothing America is then safe, and we were left for that reason? I been thinking, you remember that, 'what if the rapture happen scenario of Maaseiah, yeah, Josh, I know what you, how one it's character pointed out, how he didn't know if America existed anymore, it was like it did and it didn't, yeah that's been gnawing at me as well. Look at all these people, I hope they know they can't stay here, ah, they know, heartbreakingly, they know, what follow Maaseiah seeing it go dark for a subtraction of 190 years, then past into a pale horse judgment and an Islamic, even antichrist, and if w thought we never should've been here, for that, it's this, it's what coming, the pale horse judgment alone is now double it's troubles, yeah Maaseiah said, even upon witnessed of Jesus descending millennium, the earth was littered with the dead, yeah, but, as Elohim asked of prophet Ezekiel, can these bones live, yes, Jesus, the son of God arriving with healing in his wings, with leaves from the tree of life for all nations, blessed is the come reign of Jesus, blessed, blessed indeed, sorry to intrude, but could I bother one or the other of you? I nee trying forever it seem, this top won't budge and I'm powerfully thirsty. Yeah, sure I'll give it a try,  that is a beautiful accent, ah, I'm from Zimbabwe, ah, how long have you been away from home? Not, long, I com for a wedding, my cousin was to marry American Bride, return home, but look at this, nothing but one disaster after another, and I'm too stranded, I'm Ni Be we, I'm Trezevant, this is my brother, Cobbleson, not that he can't speak for himself,  may I ask, you, thank you, for this, ah, what is happen here, I heard you speak of a Maaseiah, over and over, what is happen here, is bible fulfillment and the best thing Ni Be we is to get out of the way of it, I totally agree Cobbleson, good evening to you both, now perhaps I can drink while I eat, have ever seen anything so black, and yet so stunning? There is yet a question you need, ask, look around her, and again brother, ask yourself, why ask, why did she come to us? That's easy Cobbleson, she has light brown eyes and they're all for you, okay I deserved that, I had to ask, so I deserved that, like I said, get some sleep, you'll feel better. People tents, the rise and fall of lights, for as far as one could see, they were days into the worse that could ever happen, the very words of Maaseiah, no longer this slow motion exodus, but what now, what, where and mostly how?" 

     -Thou Shalt Bring Them In, And Plant Them In The Mountain Of Thine Inheritance, In The Place, O Lord, Which Thou Hast Made For Thee To Dwell In, In The Sanctuary, O Lord, Which Thy Hands Have Established.

                                                              ...Scene XXII

     "And when the time hath come,  everyone ready, that's all twelve leads ahead, all those taking up ou rear," with thousands now standing before their assignment of travellers ready unto them a morsel of bread, and fresh from the vine, Ceta Terra itself, it's fruit, it's juice, the last of those who will die but the many still take a stand, deliverer Silverton and 12 assigned coupled leaders, deliver Evolent Rossi and 12 coupled, leads, we speak as and with our groups and say. "Christ our lord, did break bread, getting revelation even as He did, did say, take, eat, this is my body, this you do in remembrance of me, everyone please eat. He, Jesus then took a portion of wine, and he did drink, and o them and they did drink, saying, this is my blood, this you do as often as to remember me," a divine ritual we know call, the Lord's Supper, let all travelers say amen. We we wait until all have taken of the supper and by evening we will begin again. Like I've told all leaders, as always in this life, a treacherous desert of various temptation lie just ahead, but just so the children being in lead, has lead us this far we will not go down without this challenge. Come all the more, those who labor and are heavy, laden that you receive his rest, take his yoke upon you, for this yoke of Jesus is easy, its burdens light, and ye shall always find rest unto your souls, rest in the divinity of angelic intervention soon and very soon we begin this final faith and f. a. t. e walk, bless you, bless you all. That was stunning, and this cup so loving, refreshing, it is that beloved wife and the fact it's been awhile since you had anything other than water, since we have, ...well I admit Silver, it's that too. The answer love to your inquiring heart is no, nothing will prevent us from entering in, as it had been willed, it is as so done. This is why Prince Darius and Sia, BFA, visited, this landscape so perilous, come his father and his father's, father before him, greatest of challenge and ours, and just as so holy spirit and it's ancestry visit our blood , it will be as the armor of God. I've been there Preecest Torrance, we were given free passage, they looked upon us oddly, but still as those people of a mighty God, their God as the days of our father, Abraham, is God, we stand! Those stranded along various Western coast, do not weep for them, they have great, righteous leaders among, them, they will not all perish, remember John the apostle, bore witnessed as they entered in. The Children still dance around the camp fires and sing that sweet, vulgar song, even after you explain, it's Torrance either 'ring around the roses or Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, even now ten days later, Yellowstone is still emptying of itself,  and the world we once knew, is no more, permanently.     >>> "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone ,um, um, um, it's not warm when she's away, ay, ay, ay,... no, I'm just saying why can't she play and sing another song, it isn't tony just  song, it's a prophecy, like many given to Maaseiah in the form of musical lyrics, missing your water is an understand, missing the living fountain, springing up into immortal life, that's to actually bring peace on earth for along time that's indescribable, still I'm just saying, Christmas is nearly, yeah and iz heard a grave is highly valuable this year, is that supposed to be funny, no, just a high dose of reality, we were told not exalt one day over another, by-George I think we finally got it. So my man Bruce, what' the word? He has two opening, the morning dawn, two, two, but it's six of us, yeah, I know, but they all have like one opening, here, one or tow there, if you don't have your own boat, us leaving together is kinda out of the question, as in it's not gonna happen, look e all where we going, lets' decide where we gonna meet, and keep to it no matter what? So whose going first, I raise my hand to vote, Allen and Vick, seeing she's pregnant and shouldn't wait any longer, I agree, well are we al in agreement? Yes, see Tony, he can sing everything, O holy night, beautiful, especially the all on your knees part, so Christmas isn't lost after all, nall, but America is. Look ya sure abut this, Victoria and I the first to go? That's settle Anthony man, we're not changing our mind, we're all be back together before you know it, look, I don't know what we gonna do once we get there, I just know we're not supposed to be here.  Hello, Ms. Zimbabwe what can we do for you? I heard you just now, and  I think I have a way you all won't have to separate, I Cobbleson here? Right here, hey Cobbleson, hi, Ni Be we, that's funny, ah, not to offend, it take a while to get it right, ah, my name, but not you, I am Princess Of Bulawayo, they are coming for me, I been told it's a passenger vessel that can carry at least twelve, so if you want, you're seriously sure, I mean don't get our hopes, I'm sure, I would not measure make such an offer, only it is south Africa, it's not here, it's not America, Zimbabwe is just find, wow, we really thank you, you are most welcome. I told you man, as to whisper in his brother's ear, as they all watched her, disappear, not believing hat had just happen, it alone was a miracle.  Okay I get the felling that was not the your all's first encounter, no, ah, just the other day, she was having trouble, asked for our help, an i told him she liked him which was right now proven, nall, man stop it, well she did make sure you was among us before she made the offer, that was clear, good night you, guys, you Bruce need to let Mr. Brightstone know, we won't be needing his help after all, he can help someone else, just what do we know about Zimbabwe, what Trezevant man do we know about any part of Africa? Again you guys good night, man even the stars has abandon us, yeah you know why, can't see it for the all the ash,  and a lot of people are falling sick, can't breath, coughing, themselves to death, please excuse me once more, we depart these shore tomorrow noon, you want to sit for a while, talk, yeah, I know nothing about Zimbabwe, please, tell us."     >>>A Door Was Open In Ezekiel's Temple, Then he brought me forth into the utter court, the way toward the north: and he brought me into the chamber that was over against the separate place, and which was before the building toward the north. Before the length of an hundred cubits was the north door, and the breadth was fifty cubits. Over against the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and over against the pavement which was for the utter court, was gallery against gallery in three stories. And before the chambers was a walk to ten cubits breadth inward, a way of one cubit; and their doors toward the north. Now the upper chambers were shorter: for the galleries were higher than these, than the lower, and than the middlemost of the building. For they were in three stories, but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore the building was straitened more than the lowest and the middlemost from the ground. And the wall that was without over against the chambers, toward the utter court on the forepart of the chambers, the length thereof was fifty cubits. For the length of the chambers that were in the utter court was fifty cubits: and, lo, before the temple were an hundred cubits. And from under these chambers was the entry on the east side, as one goeth into them from the utter court. The chambers were in the thickness of the wall of the court toward the east, over against the separate place, and over against the building. And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors. And according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one entereth into them. Then said he unto me, The north chambers and the south chambers, which are before the separate place, they be holy chambers, where the priests that approach unto the Lord shall eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the meat offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy. When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people. Now when he had made an end of measuring the inner house, he brought me forth toward the gate whose prospect is toward the east, and measured it round about. He measured the east side with the measuring reed, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed round about. He measured the north side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed round about. He measured the south side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed. He turned about to the west side, and measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed. He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place. Intermission,  "Christianity, not the apostate that drove the nails but the glory that walked out of it's tomb three days later, it is the restoration of our eternal humanity, of it's heirship and reign God's Kingdom. This miraculous is what the martyred, what their species fight for, every stripe, every prison bar, every crucifixion to death for Christ Jesus is the gaining back of the truebred Genesis Man, marriage. Don't y'all know, these black men, these Nicolaitans Jesus called them, hypocrites, they were learned doctors of the law, so by God's Righteousness, by His Love, by the Righteous division of it's Truth and Grace. Plainly, like Jesus, they were supposed to know and treasure men, but when Jesus come into their midst, it's true, John the baptist had been some oddity to them.Though, to witnessed Jesus, to hear him speak, to experience how he forgave into overwhelming love, what did the outcast woman with the issue of blood say when she heard Jesus was come her way? If I could but touch the hem of his garment, I know I can be made whole, all follow him come just as involved with and dissolved by the most unspeakable genesis human being to ever walk this planet, Jesus. Sia Maaseiah liked to say, now the angels have a God, who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost, no religion have such a God, none, Apostle Paul said, great is the mystery of godliness. Obviously, it is when you say, Genesis man, you're referencing the one human being crafted without the hands of men, but by Elohim God alone. That's in His Own Image, like a seed from the soil, the womb, the unprecedented harvest of the earth hath him, truly, what God has brought together, in the flesh, in the spirit of loving, breathing, procreation, prevent it and perish, again, I say, repent or perish!     >>>"Why are you looking at me like that, that Juttah husband was stunning, Jesus on the mount, the beatitudes, stunning, I wouldn't know, I open my mouth preecest wife and the holy spirit just took over, we better get some sleep, babe, look at this night, that sky, who can sleep in a tent when they have all of this? Enjoy, find me my tent, my roll, when you've wife Tore had your fill. I never thought it would happen you know, I was like all the others scoffers, the mockers, mocking God, because he'd not come, I'm sure at a time we all doubted Him, He only disrupted the earth so he can fix it, forever this time, and don't you sweet wife forget it, good night, good night.

          ...In The Sanctuary, O Lord, Which Thy Hands Have Established...

                                                             ...Scene XXIII...

        "He was there, I'm sorry son did you say something? I have these things in my, mother, Silverton was there, he witnessed grand Maaseiah ascend, what?" Shooting tear glass eyes directly into his own spreading along dark, chiseled , cheeks, this extraordinary, thinking this is what Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh suspected all alone. "Ah my Christ Kadesh, you said it," designing her shock into a priceless patio table, bringing this stunning son's witnessed right alone, yet thinking he'd said it and said it. "He said she, she ah, come this blinding flash of light and shot like a rocket into the sky, ah my Christ Kadesh you said it, my God in heaven you said it, so he just come right out and, no, no, no, he was describing the whole thing to his wife Preecest, well Princess Torrance. He's mother, well they are beginning to realize as Christ Anointed inherits the earth, they are all places, it's phenomena wonders, the earth, the heavens, the seas, all incredible things, whenever and wherever this planet. This reveal so emotional was like a sparkling light come on, I guess that mother remind him, and he just open up to her. He said the last thing she said to him, what son, what did she say? That until he learn to trust God with all his heart, it'll be like he's walking around with his head cut off, trying one blinding to deaf masquerade after another, losing himself and all those that will follow right alone. That Kadesh sound just her doesn't it? Tear glisten eyes staying a painted blue sky, at springing up along a memory lane of the amazing of what she was hearing, "my Lord that sound just like my momma. I guess that's why, time mother I begin to hear him, this surreal testimony I just appeared right there in their midst, I can't help myself, I was there before I knew it. I, I, I know father forbids it, but honestly mother I was just so suddenly there, you alway said it, you was all but positive, I know, I know, I just knew it. Prince Silverton mother even tried to keep me there, told me to come and bring all my family and friends right along. I explained I couldn't, that I was already in trouble with Darius Juttah but like then, we're always with him. My Christ, I still can't believe it, that he was given that unthinkable glory and for the first time mother, I, I kinda found myself a bit jealous, it'll past, that is not your heart that is your head. Still, he has no ideal how extraordinary it was to watch Lord Urusalem ascend into heaven, notedly with all the debate whether or not the Bride escaped, or did those missing just fall prey to a terrorist attack or an alien invasion, just so ridiculous mother and so hard to hear. Before I knew it mother I told him what happen further, what happen further? I, I don't understand, all assignments Darius Mother to celebrations in heaven were abruptly halted, the Lamb's book of life was open, it was being arranged into an old fashion, school, roll call, remember those? So we're talking like the righteous of God, six thousand years back to Abel, into those thousands upon thousands being lead along these unspeakable sceneries of nature this world around, right now, of Prince Silverton Nicholas' exodus. You see, I'm beginning mother to think, that is what staying in the second heavens were the principalities of Lucifer now come down to us, once dwelled, is about, we're waiting on the enduring Tribulation Saints, that time they're given over to him, to a revisited Alexander. But now mom, the Bride, every time the blessed Lamb Himself would reveal one of the titles of this ancient scroll of records, they would at the pronunciation of their own name break out of decomposition and as Prince Silverton described, take on glowing, blinding glorification and shoot like fire rockets into the heavens. Only Darius Mother, waiting to greet them there, with cottony, clouds of healing wings, no longer is she Grand Maaseiah, but all hail to Lord Jerusalem; City of Peace Mother to Lord Israel's, Prince of Peace. As it is written, the cry had gone out for millions gone from God, once asleep and soon millions awaiting him, this unbreakable stand ...and that my darling Kadesh explains it. When Sia Maaseiah thought she dreamed it, the Lambs book of life being open into a roll call of a census taking, she explained being so physically overwhelmed by it, but just think what a beyond description number that is to sift and sift through. Yet Apostle John did witnessed son a number still, that none could count nor measure, come out of, of, ...of those right now Mother, lead of your first son, of my big brother, a beyond amazing grace. You told your brother Silverton exactly that, I did, again mother before I knew what I was doing, I even mother spoke her name, I shudder to think what might be the consequences, I don't want to be taken from this place, my wife, my children. What is it now young Prince Meshullam? Darius Father, I did not know you was there, which is why Prince talked so freely, no, I wasn't spying, I just happen to come in. I admit Darius Father, I made reveals to First Prince Silverton that may perhaps be too soon, reveals son that will affect his exodus to deliverance of these escaping people? I revealed Lord Urusalem to him, why, why would you do that, why did you Kadesh take such a chance? I was greatly overwhelmed and without cognition and it just blurted out of tender hearts ...and why pray, tell Kadesh could that have caused such a brainstorm? I was right about first Prince Silverton all alone, you say that Prince Meshullam as though that is unusual, you're always right about him, have been since, no, no Darius Father. I was right that someone had to witnessed grand Maaseiah's ascension and all the Righteous with her, it was him, it was First Prince Silverton Nicholas. "It's true," that stunning, stunn husband Darius Preece Ebonee looked straight to her for speedy verification, stinging, teary, eyes, nose, he couldn't like her, like them believe what he was hearing. "Jesus is Christ Meshullam, you always suspected and, and you, and that caused you to lose your head? He'd been devastated by what he said he saw, his Maaseiah come as a blinding light and shoot into the sky, he felled to his knees screaming and crying. From a spiritual perspective father she was all he had, he went into shock for days and days, not pappa eating, drinking, hating everybody and everything. Surely such reveal come of the heart of me as reassurance, I didn't realize what I'd said or done until it was kinda too late. Our Shepherd, God son has not given us a spirit of fear, it is already done, I'm seeing to it right now, Prince Silverton will have little or no memory of that name until it is time. I must warn, if you cannot Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh hold such reveals until their assignment, maybe this is not your station. I have Darius Father considered it, but what I considered as well is that it only happens when I'm around First Prince Silverton Nicholas that I begin to freely empty of myself. I'll take your advice and leave off such visits until the last of his ordain missions, which Darius Mother, Father remind me, the desert trials begin today, well actually now, then there son is where we will guide our assigned intercessory. Very well son, leaving off such visits for now, I think that too is best, now where are my beautiful granddaughters? I was husband, waiting for that question, if you Sia Darius look from the balcony just right, that amazing rock to sand formation to the left, they are there playing on the beach with their mother Felicity, where I you two will rightly join them. Darius father, is it right for me to think it is allowed that I do share Prince Silverton's witness of grand Maaseiah's ascension? Surely son, spread it far and wide, we will all join you mightily, we have a living witnessed, a testament, down with these damning conspiracies of terrorist and aliens once and for all. Very well Darius father, Mother, I will begin with my family then, can't wait to see their faces and hear their laughter even as we dance and celebrate. I bid you farewell and goodnight, goodnight? It is barely evening, I know, but if you two don't mine, I will find BFA files and friends, and get to spreading news of grand Maaseiah's beyond description ascension, if you know what I mean. That too remind me, grand Maaseiah's recollection of ascension, where she witnessed the sun itself, ...ah my son, how extraordinary, the sun itself, slowly, untellable come a blocking out the entire sky, diamond carved, crystal dove, that just swoop her, well us, right into the third heavens itself, a story no doubt we Juttah husband, Juttah son, will be telling for eons and eons to come, just the miraculous they've showed our mother, alone. Much love to you two, well getting such begging with description reveals to family and friends, that son should keep you pretty busy, just Sia, Darius as I suspected, again mom and dad, blessed, blessed night.  A Door Was Open In Heaven, now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Intermission, -"Who are all these thousands upon thousands of followers and from whence cometh they; you Tore have never asked that question? Did you know there's another like us Deliverer couple, Pier Swanson and Evolent and 12 other leads bring up our rear, what is going on, what is all of this? Well Silver, Apostle John did witness 24 elders, if that's any type of clarity,  I been thinking about what that bike dealer said, do you know how wise, if it was possible, but we Tore, we know where Christ's 144,000 are, they are with Christ. I was in this, this, this ceremony I guess, well, when I woke all I could hear in my head was,"be ye are washed, be ye are cleansed, be ye are washed, be ye are cleansed and the rest is like a gnawing, blur in my head and it'd gone on for a few nights. Soon, I begin to see hands going forth to be cleansed, even my, these Tore, hands, he Silverton that hath clean hands remember? I, I," a witness of her picking rocks as usual only to back into a seat, a rock formation alongside him., soothing waterfall gliding down a flawless mountain right behind them. They'd endured the desert trials with barely a scratch, some as usual had felled off or stayed back, but their huge numbers were still enact. "I don't Tore, help me remember, ah, it's in psalms or proverb, a question is asked, who shall enter into the, I don't know, the presence of God? My Christ that remind me, the bike dealer, yes, the questioner, three of grand Maaseiah's most daunting and concerning reveals, even the telling Tore of what has come her described, outbreak of mortuary, had to do with bikes or handlebars. I remember, I remember also Tore there were lights and footprints even as I walked, I mean, like under my feet as I moved on, ...see, that too Juttah husband is scripture, the Psalmist talk of God or His word being as a light and a lamp to his path. As it is written Prince Silverton, who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in this holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. this is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. For it, is written, Prince Silverton, I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. Wow, where did, just who were right just then, how did you know all that? For is it written Prince Silverton, three times to four, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. For it is written Prince Silverton, this is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord. I will put My Laws in their hearts and inscribe them on their minds for they shall be to me a people and I shall be to them a God. For it is written Prince Silverton, but this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the LORD, "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. For three times to four it is so written. Hey, hey, you freaking me out with, you, you kind of finished? That was amazing, ah, I Tore, ah Juttah wife, those scriptures remind me most of all, the putting and writing of his word in our heads and in our hearts. I was standing with this vast multitude, the Sunlight that could consume but for reasons His Own was not consuming. This majesty of all, become as a hand, for to touch their, our very head, ah temple, either to anoint us this last time, or as it is written to mark or brand us as His Anointed. Then Tore, HE come as a mouth, as to speak great and swelling words to us, I couldn't contain all that He spoke, only we, all of us here by the thousands were to be acquainted with both, His, griefs and sorrows, and when they left the throne they, they; oh god, oh god, oh god," with a shock wave rolled over with huge tear drops, pouring down and all around, just inundated with made aware bursting out, free. "Grand Maaseiah was there, Tore, my Christ, she was there, away, off in distance, this lovely bystander, admirer, even perhaps, herself a righteous judge. She knew us as well, she knew every word and every spirit, she knew our names. Ah god, ah god, ah god," as to shoot an even greater awareness skyward, a solid wipe of  his cheeks, of nervous palms, his plant legs, of prancing back and fort with it's burning, notice. "She was there, she was in possession of the stone, grand Maaseiah, wait, wait, if that is still her name, she had it right there Tore in her hand, like Elohim held our beating hearts, from death to life immortal, ...stone, what, what stone? Ah, King Nebuchadnezzar's stone, he had this dream of a mountain falling from heaven and it crushed to dust and wind this towering figure of a statue he saw in a dream, it's all Tore written in Daniel's second chapter. This odd, even to him terrifying statue was made up all minerals this earth, from gold to clay. Where he, this king of kings they called him, he was the head of gold of it, now so frighten, so Torr, bedazzled he threaten all seers in the land, including Daniel and his three Hebrew friends. It was, if they couldn't see his dream exactly and interpret it Tore he would have them all executed, of course, only Prophet Daniel could and he did, like he'd dreamed it himself and interpreted it just as well. That statue Tore, even thousands of years ago represented every kingdom nation past, there ever was, into this present prophesied hour with the beast when this king of all kings witnessed a mountain fall from heaven. Witnessed it crush it all, them all, to dust and wind and that rule, that invasion of peace this entire earth that followed was described by him as righteous from everlasting, to everlasting. I see that look Juttah husband, as no doubt mine own, of how in the world did I know all that? Only now Tore, the Bride again reigning in heaven, was now in possession of that very stone, only it had the look, the surface of a meteor, grand Maaseiah. As so Maaseiah's Aqua, Reveal, always linked this event to what is being described of the seventh angel trumpet, ah, it's Revelation book, eleventh chapter.  Its all like making us an eyewitness that once this mountainous stone is released, the kingdoms of men Tore, the heathen,  made so angry, instantly come the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever. The entire multitudinous, host of heaven, right into the twenty-four elders are in the mightiest of celebrating ever, ever Tore, ever, cheering on God for keeping His Promises, finally laying waste to the heathen. Only," as to cut an odd look , even sadness just over his right shoulder at her, no doubt another bright light is come on, no doubt with sweet and bitter components; Preecest Torrance had to admit it was pouring and pouring out of him, kind of out of them both. "Only Tore, all this ginormous celebration was suddenly, abruptly instead brought to a screeching halt, causing this unforeseen silence in heaven, this untellable stillness there and just as soon you hear it. First faint and inaudible and vaguely all the more clear, but still so improbable, but no doubt, it is Supreme Elohim Himself and Juttah wife, this blessed, blessed Creator, Lord, Father isn't just crying, He is sobbing uncontrollably, what, how is that possible? So much so, I too began to cry, I too began to sob uncontrollably, as so does those once in unspeakable cerebration, all it's Host at the sound of Elohim weeping, they all wept too. Then again you hear Him, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day as in the day of their birth, naked and bare. For it is written Prince Silverton, "the righteous perisheth," now with wife Torrance Allegra again as one caught in a trance again beginning to say all around these thousands upon thousands by way of First Prince, Silverton, Nicholas's and his twelve coupled leads, all gone into westernized exodus, seeing, hearing, suffering and experiencing this in descriptive. As It is written Prince Silverton, "My people perisheth and none lay it to heart, merciful men are lost, as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come. Again wife, so, so stunning, only Tore, one approached me, said he want to see you and I said who? And he said HIM, instantly I was standing before a mountain God's Throne, when a Sunlight began to merge, only it spoke, and when it spoke, it was as the days of Moses and what it spoke, it put me right back in remembrance of being with Moses and the escaping Hebrews along his own path of commanded exodus. It was when the Sunlight, a mountain God's throne, spoke and said, "let my people go," and here we are Tore, this unspeakable exit this entire world, all things that held us down, back, the greatest of transgressions and abominations all now by even the prediction of this mountain's, release, we by this Thunderous roar in heaven of a cry, WEEP NOT! Behold the Lamb of God, we have been made free. As it is written Prince Silverton, And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Again Juttah wife, perfect, perfect place, perfect timing and perfect scripture. And this shall be the end, I'm sorry, I heard that Tore as I open my eyes this morning into only hours from the Juttah, as in Petra, Juttah bound, and this shall be the end. So, Juttah husband, THEY, reduced us Thousands to seven days of bread and water for a reason, our hearts, spirits and thoughts, our very blood Prince Silverton couldn't have been clearer, only more, than the day of our birth and we Juttah wife, Torrance Allegra, bless his name, hear us Holy Father, we, Prince Silverton Nicholas exodus, Bless Your Name! For it is written Silverton Nicholas, I have glorified Christ the Lord, Jesus and will Glorify, Christ the Lord, Jesus."

                                    ...The Lord Shall Reign For Ever...

                                                              Scene XXIV

     "Yeah but Reidler only by this highly visited water cooler as Maaseiah's reveal describes it, here comes a great maze of the lost and unrepentant. Even at a time showing restrooms, no doubt transgender restrooms, as traps being laid for children and even before there was the slow motion exodus. Then a time prior the world of civilization being portrayed as a loan of an artificial, leopard skin coat, visited bed and bath, mighty costly. Though Cobbleson, only in the way all of it distracted from Jesus' promise to come among them as stealthy as a thief, only this time, as has happened, to steal the Bride right from under them. Hey, hey, couldn't we say Sia Maaseiah turn to parables, as everything given her was given in an opaque setting? The dark mirror, the veil, the world come all twilight and oblivious from the fall, then if that's not bad enough, the curse of strong delusions above it all. Yeah, yeah, An'te but not just her, remember the book of Revelation is mysterious to so many, for thousands of years they just don't get it and don't forget what early prophets were made to see. The various allegories, especially the prophet Ezekiel, there's the exception, God's reflection, doing a mirror image of Maaseiah, His Mighty Throne with it's back turn at us. All you all demonstrating His promise to not hear us, see us, nor handle us, that's not except abominable, detestable, now infested with beastly lives, lands and churches, and churches you guys, repent. So what is this, repent? Well Nibe, Psalm 51, where King David himself is pouring it out of his heart, his own personal wilderness of sinning against God, when he make it clear, It is Nibe, that the sacrifices of God, those only acceptable to Him, are a broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit, you understand? Yes, killing off self that spirit reign right, the heart blood even, until you are as Christ? Only Maaseiah Nibe, shaped them into two yet curious, acceptable exodus', either God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, she said of it, Trump. Yes, well of course, you are Lexus describing those mightily in love, God, like all of us, want those mighty in love with us, closest to us. The chances of them perverting it, is slim, as you would say, ah, not at all probable that they forfeit it's tender vows, I guess. Wow, I don't know about yall, but I love the way she, ah Ni Be we, just put that, yes, I'm reminded of Ephesian 4:15-16, said to be Maaseiah's favorite, and I quote, {"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love}. Giving further clarity to Jesus appointing the two great commandments of love, except you walk and waddle in forgiveness and love, pound all nation building into plow shears, you're condemned already, yes Cobblerson those with the beatitudes of Mat, 5, stirred in, one is totally without excuse, forever. I mean look at America right now, they've but watched another episode of a well prophesied escape, this time from a Noah's cousin, something especially the US West Pacific. Just as warn all these years and now that the work is done, this come need for exodus of all of its territories is clear, especially the warning of the little Miya girl in the car. So what do you? I know Ari, you combine that with Maaseiah's dreams of Dunlap street, as so lately, St. Elmo Street, the bringer of death from beneath the earth, all these clear composites that apocalypse is come and Ari come. Knowing, one of the words that will be removed from it's vocabulary,  again Nibe knowing this especially these thirty years right into what Maaseiah described as a second by a second countdown, unfair to mention I know, as to use the word knowing. But great and small professionals of every scientific category national and international, gave them warning, well us, gave us warning after warning. Then Maaseiah witnessed  and warn only days prior how it was all in the kitchen sink this wash, yet tens of millions died upon impact. Millions are dying right now, and millions missing, whereas perhaps as parody of their mockery, the Bride is missing just as simultaneously as they are. Again, little brother, just as Maaseiah warn, no doubt caught as the days of Noah, because their, our, our answer to both Apostle Peter's and Maaseiah's question. Asking, knowing extinction levels, one after another are upon you, are upon us, yeah, you guys, remember when she got that dream about that word puzzle? A word puzzle?" All snuggled in close to the fire, there were so many all around, it was as though the stars missing from the sky had descended down, That they were burning all around this amazing grace of warmth, for as far as the eyes could see, the earth was filled with refugees the same as these. "She described looking into a play upon a word puzzle, the word now Nibe being moved all around until it come to rest aside the word Judgment, as in Judgment Now! When only a few days later, again this word now, decorated of blinking lights of caution, so knowing this, what do you do? I say, do as the earther's of Noah's day, taunt and mock the messenger, curse God, go on as in the days of Lot and Moses as all is normal and ignore for the last time this gigantic fireball of awareness. Then the list you guys of Maaseiah's reveals, goes on and on and on, it would take a lifetime to give prior awareness to some six thousand years of outreaching the woman seed of righteousness upon this planet. We all know this, this exodus, this bitter to sweet evidence, plus I'm sure the Princess here has had and heard enough. I rather enjoyed it, love hearing about this Maaseiah, yeah, just remember, she'll tell you as John the Baptist did, it was when religious leaders come asking him, he told them he was not the one, but had come only to pave the way for his arrival, so world worthy, humble. Surely seen lately by Maaseiah come in the form of Jesus' having healing wings, it's glorious millennium now descending, well, goodnight all, would you Cobbleson show a Princess this mercy, walk with her to her tent? Sure, I'll be right back, what's your hurry, we don't leave until tomorrow noon? I can't help but wonder Cobbleson will Zimbabwe's skies be blacken out as well, is this what Apostle John saw and Sia, Grand Maaseiah, when they saw that the heavens were no more, rolled back like a scroll, you know, she saw it as well. I knew it, I knew Princess you knew more than you let on. I can honestly tell you, I've loved Jesus since my mother's womb, possibly as of it and have followed grand Maaseiah since, right into the first marriage worshipers, and please, just call me Nibe. Tatum, I'm Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, that is a beautiful name, I want to say, could you Tatum ever consider marrying, ah, marrying me? Please I beg you, just consider it until we're stretched all across these seas and I'm introducing you all to the Majesties of Bulawayo. It is then, only then, can you give me this answer, thank you, surely as they say, chivalry Tatum isn't dead, goodnight, good night Nibe, pleasant dreams."     >>>"We were surrounded Silver by them, the kids were terrified, scorpions crawling upon them, their legs arms, shhhhh, no one was bitten, all are alright, it was a test, another we didn't fail, right? Did I explained we were terrified? Yes darling, but I'm told they're harmless unless provoked, ah, that make me feel so much better, thirsty, tired and about to be eaten alive, just look, speaking Angry of feeling better, they're singing again, the little drummer boy, come, lets join them. Remember the promises of Psalms, get, well shake this terror off, bring new joy, I don't know, should I hate you husband for being so brave through all of this? {He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee., Ps. 91:1-7} Fantastic, thank you first leader Kylan for that read, perfect, just perfect, you all know what my favorite Christmas hymn is? O Holy Night, especially, the fall on your knees part and so suddenly I'm reminded of when Moses sister Miriam after unthinkable trials, took a timbrel in hand, she began to sing and all the other women went after her with timbrels and dancing. Just as you kids right now, faith in the face of danger, there's nothing like it to warrant God and the host of heaven presence, so what say you? O Holy Night, as surely this has been, yes, yes, Locust and all.

...listening to O Holy Night, by Clay Aikens, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-GqI8vrz5U

                                                    ...And Ever...

                                                      Scene XXV

      "I still don't get it, he speaks, sings even, and the thousands spread all about can hear him as they're standing right before him, so you're saying what love, you don't understand God's miracles? Because just as you said, I'm reminded of Maaseiah's testament, of first speaking in tongues, while in heaven, down, upon, right into earth's inhabitants who all heard her and understood it in their own language, as I told you Todrick a miracle, So what is your favorite, ah, Christmas Carol? I don't have one, ah come on everyone has one, "ah, Christmas wish, I guess, and what is your Christmas wish right now? I don't know, something like God, take me, save the children, how charitable, but foolish, sorry, the chances are their names remain written, why Jesus could only threaten them with a blessed death, but your Todrick, our, all of age here, unless we've repent, unless we're born again, we are in danger of that lake which burns with fire, for as long Tod, as we're unrepentant, I feel a draft, I say we move closer into the crowd where it's warm. Wow, it is warmer, like a heater even, while the joyous singing, bringing angels descending, is itself Tod, so warming, so sing, sing until your warmth content."  A Door Was Open In Apostle's African Juttah, "No Preece Ebonee, it is being said she plucked him from a beach, one of many stranded it's areas completely desolated by Sia Maaseiah's 99 bowls of molten lava, and she's bringing him here. So guess whose coming to dinner, he and five of his friends? And it seem I can't get dressed fast enough, calm down, come here, sit for a moment, breath by love, breath, such is already decided. The fact that our daughter is alright is one miracle, she is a light among men for Christ, she walks in revelation, this young man. This Preece, must really be something if he capture Ni Be we's impossible heart, well just wait until you hear this, she has already asked him, asked him? Moving into the mirror, fixing his tie, an older, brighter if possible, fatherly Preece Ebonee, the first of the Marriage worshipers deliverer, father, it's Sia Darius. "Your Daughter Prince Ni Be we has already asked young man for his hand in matrimony and what did the young lad say? Say, are you serious, did you not just hear me? I did, you said Nibe is returning not only with a guess but a fiance, only that remain to be seen, she disallowed him from saying yes, until he meet us. My girl, I can't believe how calm you are, I thought our outrage combined, together we would've birth other children, now themselves sitting this sixty by forty of a dining table. I'm curious, you're stunning, just let me Ebonee, get that tie, why love those exact measures? It was something Mother Maaseiah said, years ago, a dream about a dinner table, sixty by forty, I even remember dad teasing how that wasn't very large. you my queen bee look astonishing as well, I hope we haven't overdone it, as to overstate ourselves. No, your daughter was very specific, they'll looking to meet the Majesties of Bulawayo, please dress accordingly, why Zimbabwe? She doesn't know, only that when asked, it was first to pop in her head, a Zim, thus Zimbabwe, I'm afraid having little knowledge it's inundated with breaking news right now. Do you Darius Lord care to wager what he will say, I have only a question first, have you meet Princes Ni Be w e Consquella , Isabella Kroff? Seeing Lord Darius that I have, I agree, all bets are off, lead me as you will, at least five courses to six, and then a fabulous dessert, Sir, Madame Darius Kroff, you are  now with guess, please follow, please come into expert feasting."  Intermission   >>>"That's just it Nibe, sweet to bitter, bitter to sweet I was there. I was there crying, laughing with them as they all made mockery of everything Maaseiah or any other leader saying the same, did warn, get out, escape! I was also there to see their heart, this laughingstock themselves, they were terrified about what was about to happen, I guess you can say we'd played follow the leader a little too long. Now, the only vibe we were getting from them, though terrified themselves was to shelter in place verse's everything Maaseiah had been warning all of our lives into it's very second, now a Moses day exodus. What is it, why are you suddenly so distraught? Why is my spirit so suddenly cast down within me? Is it Tatum Oniel Cobbleson because I feel the horror of knowing the answer to my question, will you marry me? Why would you ask something so sacred of me? You don't even, what, know you? Little Tatum did you and those laughing as you said, making mockery know Maaseiah nor could they even contemplate she was the Bride manifested in the flesh. I have traveled this world since I was a child," coming, easing close, a seat, the swing aside him, casting teary eyes skyward, a totally different sky indeed, so bright, so amazing. "Looking for a suitor, it was only when I heard your voice and my heart leaped out, that I decided that for all eternity, is the way I must have it. "Wow, my princess daughter," see, hearing them clearly, as to fall  upon the bed, his tie in hand, right along one by one, the removal of his shoes, was mother Preecest, Karsiann doing the same, undressing only to dress for the evening. "Ni Be we, how will he ever Mother Preecest, say no to that? How incredible, so incredible,  ...how would I ever Nibe counter that? Counter what? I only Preece Lord told you my heart, what does yours say, may I ask? May I Nibe, instead ask, it's, it's my friends, of course, they must miss you, but first Princess of Bulawayo, great is the mystery of godliness indeed, this place. This indescribable scenery is so breath taking, the sky, moon, stars in all of their fullness yet visit you, look I'm not to disappoint you," striking her dampen cheek along a fold of her darling face upon his hand, black beauty surely she was, a heart in love with Tatum Oniel Cobbleson chosen it's husband, now so golden. "I despise it's fit and feature of you, I, I Tatum Oniel understand and I will pardon you to your friend's bidding, I will join you when it is time, I sweet Princes will look to see you then. Is he Darius Preece to drag this indecision her heart, right along with it? Sadly darling, it is the trial she has chosen, there's nothing to be done but share in its prayer, faith and so soon come song and dance, you are certain I see. I'm just longing Mother Preecest to admit, he is the perfect heart of her, and she it's mistress, I still can't believe she found him, the worse of men's greatest fear-factor. The worse of their era. just as the seventh angel readies, it's sounding trumpet, yes but one Preece husband could still say, perfect timing, true, true as well."

     ...For The Horse Of Pharaoh Went In With His Chariots And With His Horsemen Into The Sea, And The Lord Brought Again The Waters Of The Sea Upon Them; But The Children Of Israel Went On Dry Land In The Midst Of The Sea... Exodus, 15

                                                  Scene XXVI

        "I can't help thinking, so this huge farmers market, this lovely restaurant we sit, all along the Mediterranean, both so visited, so this is the world going on without America, even if that's Ni Be we, why you brought me here? I feel it's my way of asking you Preece Tatum Oniel to imagine, that Jesus prayer, that God not take them, well us, Their, chosen out of the world, but keep us from the evil, is that request His response to Elohim's conclusion to Nimrod's rebellion, as to cast them all into Babel, I could, Prince. like Darius Juttah take it further and say, it's Jesus suggesting that we ask Holy Father to be found worthy to escape, so we're questioning Elohim's methods? Actually no, I'm questioning you, Prince, ah, Preece Cobbleson, Elohim, as you said, well, conned the phrase, man cannot be trusted united and except Elohim honored Jesus request no nation building beyond the Roman Empire need ever exist, only here Satan, the Prince of darkness was. What is it Princess Ni Be we, honestly said of men unison, how does this evil one use it against them, clued, the curse nature of them. You're Preece speaking of Apostle James, announcing man's nature, ever why knowing it's outcome, we're march on to Armageddon right now, envy, jealousy and strife,confusion and the most alarming Preece, every evil work, and the emphasis here is, every wicked device wickedness can craft and cast at us, meaning Princess, assembly never could be trusted, was never so good for us. It is doing the greatest of Heaven's Prince, of Revelation, trial and judgment offered up a literal impossible to deny himself of such this fascinating world of mystery Babylon to come. Only right now Preece Tatum Oniel, all of it, nation building attention again turn to ancient lands inundated with bible prophecy, it's as though it never did. Extend that is, beyond its most obscure, fierce beast of them all, having iron teeth, for breaking and tearing at men. Though only for bible prophecy fulfillment, God's allowance is what has made the Cross of Christ of every man's effect, so plenteous it's incalculable inheritance the entirety of it's visitations this entire planet. Surely Princess Ni Be we, except the Lord Christ be lifted up, none would stand the evil day only now come, which make sense that when sia Maaseiah witnessed it all end, like now, western civilization, these area predestined along Mediggo did take world reign. Need I Princess Ni Be we, remind, it has been three days, yes , yes," stirring an imagined cool cup into wondering should she get it refreshed, at one glance all round them was a sea of varied people of various debates. "I've arrived just as you requested, I Ni Be we, asked you a question, are we in the African Juttah and if so, how? It is nothing more mysterious Preece Tatum than I invite you to join me, to sup with me and I with you and you agreed, yes? One, more question, am I dreaming this? Ah such, sweet, juicy tears, I could but eat them and eat them as I so pleasure but no, this is not a dream, it is an escape. Even as mentioned earlier, that Christ Lord suggested we all pray, that by His Own flesh and blood we're found worthy, are you Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson worthy? No, because I'm no more worthy than any flesh and condemn man, but my Lord is good enough to ensure me by blood inclusion, expert answer, I have many appointments, days so serious with complicated celebration is upon us all. I'd hope beloved to present you as my husband, even its intended, but you yet so doubt it, correct? My heart Ni Be we, is so overwhelmed by all of this, what is happening to me, most of all why, how? Nothing more mysterious Preece Tatum that you are chosen, there are many called, there are some, some like you and yours who are chosen, like chosen to be your husband? I'm Preece Tatum made sad of your confusion but I must digest it away, you Preece Cobbleson will never be satisfied with any answer. Perhaps I was wronged by my own heart, it's leaping about of your heart, has that ever happen before, the many years you travel about, abroad? No, how would it, could it? There is only one of you Preece Cobbleson, good evening, happy shopping, we will be exchanging gifts, so see that you remember me, but don't over think it, any of it, yeah, yeah, lean not unto my own understanding right? Then there she goes again, pardon," a tall, stunning gentle, too expert for words, stood, come rushing happily, exactly along a shake of his hand, a matter as well, so strange. "It is just I am anxious Preece Cobbleson to meet the man that my Sister Princess Ni Be we, has chosen, I'm Prince Darius, Meshullam Kadesh, you are Preece Tatum, Prince Tatum, I'm sorry, if you marry, ah, would you sit and have a spot of tea with me? It is perhaps I can iron out that so puzzling you, that Prince Juttah, ah, Darius, well if you're to say miracle, surely they're welcome, no? Yes, certainly, why, why have your sister chosen me? Come, sit with me, please, I will, good, let me show you it's way.  When I stand here in the midst of all these people, great and small, young and old, the wisest ever this planet, I can't help but ask, am I and Princess Juttah already married and I just don't realize it? You ask this question with much disdain, it is Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson that you yet don't know Elohim who has suffered the ruin of men disobedience, it is these thousands of years even to the point as to chance the forfeiture of His Own active Will? Didn't know what I was thinking I guess, I was watching the beginning of this movie that come on by mistake as I searched for another, it's the Jerusalem wall. When just as so Prince Darius three of the primary religious leaders were summoned into it, a Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam and I sat to consider. I then Lord considered the Rabbi, a religious leader who represent a multitude of parishioners who believe in God, but not that Jesus is God's formation of Christ. Where equally, there is the Priest who shepherds a great region, surely those Sia Maaseiah said, who actually drove the nails into Elohim, it, they Darius Juttah have a faith in both God and Christ, but worship another, the creature, born sin herself, Mother Mary. Then there was the Imam, over seeing the religion of Islam, like Israel, they believed in their father, Abraham's God, even that it's Christ, Jesus could've had some significance as a great prophet, but they, Islam too worship another, again the creature over the Creator, a Muhammad. It was then I thought as never before that I mightily realized something, they are the unholy trinity this planet earth, Catholicism, Judaism and Islam and God's creation indeed perish from a lack of knowing or ever comprehending this reveal as blessed truth. No doubt Preece, even Prince Tatum, that abomination which possesses, perverts and seizes the Genesis man, who by droves are damned by these wicked devices, penetrating as to possess their hearts. It is so when Maaseiah stood before this mountain in heaven and watched as a Sunlight of God did emerge itself from among them and did speak, "let my people do." He, the Sunlight of God, the Prophet Malachi called HIM, summoned His arrival, was talking to all world leaders, it's parishioners. Those held in merry hostage to this unholy trinity as you foretold since the days of the forbidden fruit and a world of  it lost in disobedience and uncertainty. Though now Preece Tatum Oniel they're as of the Sunlight of God commands, they're set free from them by a number immeasurable, so it is by Christ's Cross  they remember, they return, they repent, as of God's will, is it not Preece Cobbleson, is it not and how merrily happy are they, right?" Of course as content of those lead Moses day exodus, a few days trip that only took 40 years instead, how horrifying Darius Juttah, how horrifying indeed.   A Door Was Open In Heaven... And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia. And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering's, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.  And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.  Intermission  "Do you normally Preece Tatum begin your days with coffee and Sierra Leone news? Princess," though he'd summon her there, stumbling to startled right out of his seat, heart, here it was three mornings later, America's Thanksgiving Eve, and he and friends taken off to Zimbabwe, America's come exodus. "It was the article, ah paper, it was left on the counter, capturing my eye, I thought it was best I help myself. Strange, strange? I'm sorry, strange seeing it first thing, Sierra Leone was pounding in my head just now, that and the name Michael, did you Princess know about the mudslides, their leaders, it's people suffering along a bi-partisanship? I know what Apostle Paul said, help me with my chair, ah, yeah, yeah, first all of it, Apostle said, again would be the stumbling block of men, grand Maaseiah always said you have one or the other this life, a quagmire say others. A stumbling block or a detour, and then she said, you know what to do with a detour, then secondly Preece Tatum, they being ignorant of God's righteousness, hath built their houses upon sand. Though who knew it would lead to this, an entire world system of gazillions in revenue and yet hunger, bi partisan and war prevails. Don't fret Preece, as in it's okay, one come, or should I say the one is come, he'll turn it all to more blood, then will Jesus' reign. As I said, fear not, Michael is here, I'm sorry, Michael? The Glorious Warrior for divine change, he is here, ah, how, how do you know that? Again sit and I'll tell you, this is my favorite morning spot, how did you know? You and your friends, Americans will suffer all the more mightily until you free yourselves of that notion, of what notion? That you are Americans, you are, well we Preece Tatum Oniel are the genesis man, with six thousand years of genealogy this planet, as surely as we're made known of our patriotic father, we then know our own creative blood once stolen and now reconciled. Everything else an illusion from the beginning, so whatever you read here, is because of what happen there, have you ordered? There? I know Michael is here, as it was whispered in my ear, the synchronization of Israel, what is really to get our special attention, the earth's Grand-Mother of us all, it begins. Therefore clearly Preece Tatum, Michael, Israel's divine warrior, come with heaven's armies, for change, are all here. I saw you last night, we were leaving one of the stores and I glanced left and there you was laughing and eating with friends. Don't tell me, you was shocked, yes, to see I was human after all, I was a young lady with style and equally young, happy acquaintances? Tell me Tatum Oniel, is it because I'm black?" Straightly resting her hand, gently, atop his, reminding him of the stark difference of it's pigment in skin, terrifying him, had it become too obvious? "I assure you there is nothing I can do about it, even if I could I wouldn't, isn't that a little like Job, wishing he'd never been born? So offensive to Elohim, I am black just assuredly as you are white and again a mission impossible all these millennia and there is nothing to be done. Concurrently, why should we, why should we attempt to Americanize the origin of our birth, it's set in cursed blood linage now the failure and damnation of millions. Truly when it is the origin of our creation, destination and eternal continuation that hath us both this way, now by Jesus blood adopted heir of His? So love, what is for breakfast and after three days, awaiting a meeting as this, thank you for inviting me. What, why do you look at me in this way? I can introduce you to my friends, I think you should meet them, they're dying as some would say to meet you. really, dying, as you say to meet me, why I wonder? One, because you are God and America's abandon, two because Princess Ni Be we, heart flutters to have you and three I asked only that you Preece Tatum take my hand even as black as it is into Juttah's marriage worship. Miraculously because of that one thing, you Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, is mighty with importance, being the next Prince Juttah, if you say yes, of course. No doubt, I will, right? I'm sorry, am I beside myself, stepped over boundaries Preece Tatum you have set? If so please tell me, no, no, calm down, please, sip, sip your cup while it's hot, you said Michael is here, as in Archangel? Yes, like Jesus' prayer, America, he will not keep Israel from the evil of it's great judgments, it is predestined, but he will prevent their complete annihilation until Christ Himself as is prophesied, is again Mount Olivet bound. Understand Preece Tatum, well first reconsider, when Prophet Ezekiel witnessed it sore desolation, Israel's, he asked Elohim The Great, one question, will you at this time destroy the entire house of Israel? Israel the Christ went down in biblical history, as to warn, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild. Surely like now, He, Elohim was angry enough, all nations war and battle, battleships into it's own Armageddon are over the faith slash fate of Israel the world, they, though, told, they just refuse to know it. It is only like the garden of Eden of all men creation, if it falls so does the world. Of course, it's the Angel Gabriel's mention of the seventh angel, you're referencing Maaseiah's, Grand Maaseiah to her grandchildren, and yes, I'm referencing Angel Gabriel meeting with her. It is Preece Lord just as he'd done with prophet Daniel, as so a pending mother Elizabeth, well father Zechariah and most important, a pending mother Mary, the same mother Elizabeth whose womb leaped with joy over Mother Mary's divine womb. Then, nightmarishly, it is Nibe, truly over and I'm struck crying how I never thought I would see this day, be Nibe this day, while you are plenty with company, multi millions vexed and taxed by the same awareness. I love blueberries, don't they look so delicious? They do, yes, I'm famish, I had a long night, these friends as you say, who is he? Well, why, you the lest bit jealous, yes? He is my match from birth, perhaps from the womb, but my heart has never leaped for him, for no other, the way it has for you, for Preece Tatum Oniel. He is Preece Tristan Allen Stuart, he is of the house of my parents long living friends, Dexter and Corronda Stuart, he has asked and expect my hand in marriage, it's Juttah, if he woo me about, it is for this reason. Will you, will you marry him? No, I've waited a long time, I admit I'm worn by the journey at times quite treacherous, but to find one's heart desire is worth that and more. How is your breakfast, delicious, right? That remind me, we leave today, leave? It is getting more and more dangerous for you and your friends to be here, you possibly read in these articles, about Zimbabwe's leader as well, it is not safe, where will we go? Possibly the Africa of Darius' birth, Kenya, or the hills, lakes of Ethiopia. Then Nibe, it is true, Darius Juttah is your father, Sia Maaseiah is your grandmother, and Prince Darius, Juttah, Meshullam Kadesh, ...reconcile, be holy, excuse me? That is the meaning of my brother's name, Meshullam Kadesh mean, reconcile, be holy, which is what he spend all of his time doing, I know he meet with you, what did he dare say? Only Princess Ni Be we, that all are made worthy as of Christ's cross, so, you are filled, pleased? If so Preece Tatum, I have one thing in particular in, Preece Tristan!" Shocking her into her stand, a strain Tatum as well, was it obvious there was lots of friction between them and Tatum just caught speechless, it's middle. "I thought you return to your post, this is highly disregarded, is this him, the man you've asked to marry, this Yankee? I beg you Preece Tristan don't do this, don't embarrass us all, though I couldn't bear it, I should've told you, my heart leaps out toward him and so does yours, another. Another, mine? I will not stand for this, then I'm hurt Preece Tristan by this indecision of yours, is that what you want, that I hurt myself? Of course not, I beg this man's pardon, but can we sit again, talk? I'm yet Nibe to understand what is happen, I will Princess meet you back at the castle, then you Preece is most generous, but no, this heart is not for me," as to reach a heartfelt hand to his chest, seeing it completely dissolved by him, surely as one totally convinced, they were so not on the same page, here. "It never has been, it never will be and talking the more Preece Tristan isn't the change you need, it is admission, truly you love another. I must go, you as well, Nibe, you sure about this? Yes Tatum, I mean yes Preece Tatum, it is my heart, at least let me speak it, goodbye my friend, I plead you farewell in love, always in caring love.  We must go, Darius Juttah has been summoning us this entire hour or more, what, what kind of, okay, okay, my chair then, please, ah, yes, where are you going? Ah, the transit, no, I have my driver, you just really hurt him, I don't need to be reminded, my heart is like wax because of it, it is melting, how long were you two intended?" Seeing she's to past tearing eyes, the looking window, wipe so meticulously, it was as well stunning him, why suffer such sorrow for him, a man she did not, possibly will never know? "I thought I explained, the knowing of him, that Preece Tatum would be since birth, I look at you Princess, because you are the most stunning, the most visibly stunning in every character of a human being, I've ever met. I Nibe was sitting mom's balcony, staring, admiring for at least an hour all the various trees, scrubs and vines, tall, short, full, bare, even those with colors. Mesmerized, how in all their variety they stood in unison, just so powerfully breathtaking. I then asked my mother, why men couldn't be like that? And she said, because men have mouths and I said, no, it's because the tree, by it' true nature have no other will other than God's and they're blessed because of it. then Nibe I said, too bad men can't be like that, exactly Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, exactly, now you know why, why? Why my heart, broken, contrite, only leaps out at you, and Princess Ni Be we will wait until forever, to have it's desire, this heart as your husband, fulfilled?  Why where you left here, for like a better description, left behind? I could Princess ask you as well, as matter of fact I will, I was no more left here, than Jesus doing his 40 days of visiting among the disciples after resurrection. I wasn't Preece Tatum, like Jesus after visiting among the people about to be taken to here, but back to mansions in heaven, yes, deaf boy back. My Christ is God you're serious? My heart heard yours and leaped, even pleaded inside me that we meet, well that explains this, all of this, like I told you, I was way too busy falling down laughing this curse. So you're telling me you're an angel to something, no, I'm as Christ was, Holy Spirit transformable and what pray tell does that make me? Undecided, come, I'm not facing Darius Juttah alone, he's your father, perhaps, but until Jesus, Himself sat in Jerusalem, he's your Darius." 

      And Miriam Answered Them, Sing Ye To The Lord, For He Hath Triumphed Gloriously; The Horse And His Rider Hath He Thrown Into The Sea.

   7:17, 10:57, seven to eight days passed the cataclysms hitting US soil, a mass migration southeast into Exodus, Into The Paradise of Africa

                                                           SCENE XXVII

    "I didn't tell you, you didn't tell me what? Ah, I'm sorry, what was I saying?" Paused absentmindedly into stuffing their totes with what little they'd scatter around the room, the week they were there, unable to stay in one place too long, keeping ahead of the chopping blocks, literally,  regretfully they were on the move again. You said something about not telling me ah,  yes, yes, he called the night of, who call you the, Kingsley, I was so busy Phe, planning our next party I just shrugged him off, he'd just had a live vision, right there in shopping mall where they stood, ah,he said, it was before he could past one word into another, how gloriously he was soaring through the heavens. he tried to tel me Phe it was a sign, said blessed event wasn't that far off. I been kicking myself so damn hard every since, no way where we to be separated, no way we wouldn't do this together, but I'm here, we are, and he's gone. I tell you, I just made mockery of him when I never heard him be so serious and so genuinely concern you know,  you didn't know, no, but Phe, just like Kingsley I knew it was close. I knew it was closer than ever before all the signs where there, you can even say, it was my elephant of staying aware following me wherever i went, even sia Maaseiah's little Miya girl, staring back at me from the from the rear view window. I still Bran think you're too hard on yourself, King and I talked about this often, we kept this wait on track, well I think your girl is right, my wife, she's my wife, why it is Celine man I have to keep telling you that? I'm sorry man, it's just hard, you guys are so young and what Celine man young people can't get married? Apparently you don't know the African Juttah, apparently Kingsley neither did you, they're home and you'll still here, we, okay Celine man,we're still here. Look, I said that to say this, ah, your wife is right, ....what the hell! Skipping a breath, a heavy fright the heart, they could hear gun fire, screams and it was close, scary close, it was apparent they were they were no longer safe,  MOVE IT! MOVE IT NOW! We're out of the time, get into the tunnels now, NOW! All of you, what about you? I take up the rear Branston, or did you forget? I'm right behind you, get the hell of here now Branston man,  I'll find you, I'll find all of you, here take this, I can't, what you mean you can't? I, I mean I can't use that, I can't hurt others to save myself, .I, I,okay, okay, just go, go, I will catch up, I will find you guys! I'm frighten, we made it this far, no, frighten that I can't protect you when the time come, and what Brandy, you think that doesn't go double for me? He told me, King told me, the last place you wanna be once the bride is taken is America, is planet earth really, but really America,  I now babe, I know, you think he's gonna be alright? Looking back did the exit way off seem a fog light the deeper they move only flashlights into this tunnel, I just hope there's no snakes down here, make that rats for me Branston man. Bugs and creepy crawlers, spiders, creepy crawlers, worms don't scare me much, my dad and I used to fish with them? I wonder how long will it go on for, I don't, look like there's light ahead, nall Hale man, I think you hallucinating already. There's something, it comes and, see, there, there, you all know what would be funny, if refugees are headed toward our lights as we're headed for there's, no Hale man, not that funny, not funny at all, well. I'm thankful it doesn't smell all that bad, how many of you fee like that scene off of Cloverfield, you probably haven't thought of it since you playing, but revelation book does describes some strange creatures being on the earth at this time,, really, the both you, so not what i want t hear right now. What about you guys, think we gonna see Celine again, I like so think yes, but that could be wishful thinking, when you Blaze man have nothing else, wishing sound pretty freaking good. I overheard you Brand,  talk about your brother, come as thief, it was hard to pinpoint exactly, I know Hale man, I just hate the so called believer in me didn't take him more serious,i mean you guys that hear that conversation it was heavy, way heavy, perhaps the wife and I wouldn't be going through this you know. No, but some of still would and to be real Bran man, I welcome the company, I see it, it sparkled into a circle just now, I see the lights Benze man, you're referencing, the truth is, this tunnel could go for miles and miles, before we can exit, hey  you , hey, there's something curious behind us as well, Celine? Probably, but it could as well be them, the hunters, let's just keep moving forward it's in God hands, has been long before we stepped into this tunnel. Speaking of God's hand, what will we find on the coast? My mom told me before I lost her, it doesn't matter, that is where holy spirit are driving us, and there's some divine intervening about that alone, well said, wife Phe, Phe, well said.  Guys guys it's me, it's Celine, we were hoping that was you, but at the same time we thought we might press on in case it won't, so what happen back there, you remember Lil Kik, the red scarf guy, seem he an some guy had it out over a food box, he ws bleeding pretty bad, I gave him on of the first aid kits and got out of there, I think he was trying to sell it and they disagreed over the price, look you have any ideal Celine how long we gonna be in here? Not, long I predict another hour or less we'll come at a manmade fall and we get into the woods for cover, find somewhere to sleep for the night, be on our way again first light, how that sound Good, perfect, thanks, welcome."     >>>"No Rielder, her being so upset, is what woke me up and even then I was more concern that she'd been asleep on the floor right beside me, well not actually right beside me, I was on the sofa and she was on the floor next to the sofa, I mean, just imagine that? Murmuring and going on about November 4th, what is November, 4th; woke, me, even herself, she seem she to puzzled about, I called out her name, her eyes glassed over as to realize she'd committed some wrong, she pulled herself tight and got the hell out of there! You sure that's what she said? Yes, I'll never forget those words, November 4th, it was really creepy, nor that look, like going from enlightenment then as she'd committed some grave injustice, and did she, well you two? Will you get your head out of the damn gutter, this is serious, you do Riedler my brother know how serious this is? Even that we've not seen her for seven days now, she, Nibe disappeared before, but not Ari for seven days or more. I don't like it, look, okay look, I do remember doing the Aqua reveal there was something about a, ah, that date, that date Cobbleson man and this enormous death toll, just mind bogging impossible, I even remember thinking how could she talk so easily about so many people being dead, especially Americans? You mean Ari unlike prophet Daniel seeing a great beast, with iron teeth, told to rise up and eat much flesh the pending Roman Empire to nation building right now; there is even Apostle John's witness of God' pouring out His wine press alone, said to be 175 miles worth of blood spill. Maaseiah's warning right before she, well they were taken from us, was that God was now avenging martyred blood, meaning no flesh you guys was again safe, get to repentant altars, yeah Cobbleson man, like that. Past me the juice, please, you guys notice the food here is way good? Another false alarm, hey An'te? Yeah, the only good thing is if I don't drop soon, they're threatening to induce my labor, a boy, you named him yet? Taylor, right, we're going to name our first son, Taylor, right? Well she was right, ah sia Maaseiah, though I can't bear to watch the constant news of it, feeling a little guilty that they're there and we're here, and why Ant'e man is that? I know, Nibe, no, when Princess Ni Be we, saw me feeling guilty, remind me God is shepherding all men's death and dying, and having Christ is the single blessedness of it all and whosoever call his name, shall be saved, still. I'm just saying I don't know if you all know it, but an advanced or mutated to kill form of a flu like Cholera has broken out among them, the ah, rebellers, so millions more will die. As Derus man of the pale horse judgment that was to follow all of this, so what they gave Sia Maaseiah was only on the repeat of thousands of years bible prophecy.  Preecest is right, it's the dream of Grand Maaseiah seeing those bedeviled this way as to form their hands into a backward letter C of demonstrating it," a sudden appearing Ni Be we, shocking all of them eventually to their feet, even a weighed down mighty with child, Antelope Deer, this their majesty appearing. "Please everyone pardon this intrusion, there is no need for that, I'm only Princess, please again sit, sit, I come to apologize in case my thesis of misbehavior the other night offended any of you. That Princess would be seven nights ago, so you are counting? Yeah, well, does the offer of marriage still stand? Riedler! What? Just saying what you was thinking, this is my heart, let me alone speak it, okay? Again pardon me, it is that my youngest sister coronation is tonight and I want you all, all of you are invited, the car will come around noon that you may go for a dress of your choice, please, I want you all to be there, she, Princess Brooklyn Robin has asked that you all be there. So I thank you all in advance, good day, before you, may we talk in private, I fear Preece Tatum I'm with plenty to, it's been seven days, surely you're to spare just a moment more, sure, ah, yes, of course, come, walk with me. You do know Princess nothing happen, but it did Lord Preece, you just can't see it, I slept in the room with a male Preece who is not my espousal, from where I stand, that is way, way serious, November 4th, and that is the puzzle I did see, what does it mean? It is as your Preece Aristotle revealed, what it meant now that millions are past, millions Preece Tatum missing and millions are threatened, unthinkable horrors all alone hinges on Grand Maaseiah witnessing this date and the tearing into the sky, even through the heavens of a funeral reef. This outbreak with mortuary leaving all battling streets and fields littered with the dead even upon the descent of Jesus' Millennium, so I guess Preece Tatum you can say Jesus' millennium reign and thank God for it! Thank you Princes for the invitation, it's more Brooklyn Robin, than it is mine own, to be honest I think her eye's, heart, desire has fallen upon your brother Preece Riedler, just to caution you. What you think, you think he's more app to marriage? You mean Princess more so than me, his brother, what if Nibe, I just for no particular reason don't want to marry you, or marry period, what then? Surely Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson you haven't, of our free will married, at least we're not, or did I miss something? Right, you're right, again please, pardon me, you will be there right, your sister's coronation, you Nibe will be there?. Is that Preece Tatum an invitation of your own, I do so need an escort, are you volunteering your heart or your services or mercifully, could that be both? Good day Measure Cobbleson, good day! What is it, you look all pasty, ghostly, ah, Nibe right now was really proper with me, Nibe is the epitome of proper, no, Rie, scary proper, and I'm not just talking her, but her spirit heart has all changed. Hell Cobbleson man that just mean she's grown tired of waiting your answer, she ask, me, I'm the next Prince Juttah, I'm just saying. Princess Ni Be We won't ask you or another, and why not, so sure of yourself? Because Rainman her heart doesn't leap out for you or any other, what does that even mean? Exactly Rainman, exactly! See, see you just did it again, ghosting, no, I just realize, I got the word Friday the other night as a word, and here come Ni Be we, to invite us on it's very day, yeah, what would be America the world's black Friday, still keeping up I see, yeah, why not? Because Riedler man, we're no longer Americans, Americans no longer exist, even if they ever did, everything such a freaking delusion to illusion from the beginning. I'll be in my room, I know, I freaking know, something Princess Ni Be we you said, you used it to just cut my head off, only the truth can do that Cobbleson man, but only to reconcile you, only the truth. And you brother," just as he's to reach the stunning, swirling staircase, this stunning home away from home, from heaven even, "you better get your act together, it would seem Princess Brooklyn Robin only have heart eyes for you, for you only, stop it Cobbleson man, ah my Lord, you're not, are, I think I'm gonna be sick, you wanna kinda wait and at least see her first, because if she's anything like her sister, I'm just saying. Guys, guys my water just broke, ....wait do I even want to marry? I Look in your mirror bro, when you ask that, ... I'm not kidding, it just did, why am I freaking? Like don't mean, ah, right?  ...We; gonna have a baby, now guys, like, right now!  A Door Was Open In Ezekiel's Temple Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east: And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory. And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face. And the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east. So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house. And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me. And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcasses of their kings in their high places. In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger. Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcasses of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever. Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern. And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. This is the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy Behold, this is the law of the house. And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits: The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; even the bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span: and this shall be the higher place of the altar. And from the bottom upon the ground even to the lower settle shall be two cubits, and the breadth one cubit; and from the lesser settle even to the greater settle shall be four cubits, and the breadth one cubit. So the altar shall be four cubits; and from the altar and upward shall be four horns. And the altar shall be twelve cubits long, twelve broad, square in the four squares thereof. And the settle shall be fourteen cubits long and fourteen broad in the four squares thereof; and the border about it shall be half a cubit; and the bottom thereof shall be a cubit about; and his stairs shall look toward the east. And he said unto me, Son of man, thus saith the Lord God; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt offerings thereon, and to sprinkle blood thereon. And thou shalt give to the priests the Levites that be of the seed of Zadok, which approach unto me, to minister unto me, saith the Lord God, a young bullock for a sin offering. And thou shalt take of the blood thereof, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the settle, and upon the border round about: thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it. Thou shalt take the bullock also of the sin offering, and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the house, without the sanctuary. And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering; and they shall cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse it with the bullock. When thou hast made an end of cleansing it, thou shalt offer a young bullock without blemish, and a ram out of the flock without blemish.  And thou shalt offer them before the Lord, and the priests shall cast salt upon them, and they shall offer them up for a burnt offering unto the Lord. Seven days shalt thou prepare every day a goat for a sin offering: they shall also prepare a young bullock, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish. Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it; and they shall consecrate themselves. And when these days are expired, it shall be, that upon the eighth day, and so forward, the priests shall make your burnt offerings upon the altar, and your peace offerings; and I will accept you, saith the Lord God. Intermission,  "We Major just want to thank you, no, these men too astonishing in appearance just come out of nowhere, I imagined like the night of Jesus' birth, bright star, heavens all, told us of this, told us to bid your welcome, and the blessings of God, be with us always, and whose gonna turn away children? Truly sir you don't want me to answer that? Of course not, eat, drink, merrily have your fill and just remember young man, it's Silverton, well just remember the world is totally changed, totally and that Major, sir, is forever. So how many is there is of you? I have leaders overseeing a certain number each, to be honest I haven't counted, have you considered you are the one hundred and forty and four thousand? Ah I really doubt that, but you don't know, right? Well, I just want you to know, down to the final count I followed Maaseiah's reveal, especially those she had about US generals, come as she said, warn, there is no changing biblical fulfillment, no way, no how, good night sir Silverton, good night to you sir, she said, a come Moses day exodus, now look, here is it arriving my post, my door even, not in a million years could either of us have thunk it, not in a million years. What? Did you hear what he asked me? I did, could it be, nall that can't be, right they're all males for one, virgins remember? And for an estimated amount of time, they're with Christ Lord, day and night. Truly, thank you for that, I mean when he said it, while asked it, the one thing I could think was could it be? And I'm husband saying no, it' can't and if  Tore that's possible, and it's not, I don't even want to know, I totally agree, so we keep this mystery between us, yes? It's time to eat, that's why I come for you, we're having a delicious veggie stew, that sound so delicious after days and days pf bread, water, sand and serpents, ah god Tore, are we really gonna be able to shake this wonderment off, it's like a needful growth in the brain? Gone, admit it, this is a question for Prince Darius and the others, he always come when said things come their most mysterious, so I guess we can expect to see him, that's possible, but Tore, there is no mystery here, if you Juttah husband say so."

So Moses Brought Israel From The Red Sea, And They Went Out Into The Wilderness Of Shur; And They Went Three Days In The Wilderness, And Found No Water.
                                                   Scene XXVIII

      "No, I'm with God, I'm with my husband, I'm in the hands of professionals, I don't need you guys here, we no longer walk by sight, that kinda thinking is no more, remember, we walk by faith. So you all go, Princess really want you all there, I'll tell Taylor you all said welcome, okay, okay Sis, presented so lovely, how can we dare An'te say no? I'll be back here as soon as the festivities are over, well if you can take pictures and videos, I can't wait to see how good you gonna look, what you're waiting on? Go, go! What's out that window husband that has your attention so? The lights, the sky, the building, to the to and fro of traffic, combined they make a universe of earth, just things Deer being so busy you don't think about it, how about you, in any pain? More discomfort than pain, well, can I come, help? I want to say husband you've helped enough, come, sit close, hold my hand, what is that you're watching, I think it's a version of funniest videos, only Africa's. Ah my god, he didn't just do that, surely he broke his head, ahhhh, ah, ahhh, now, now that, that hurt, please talk to your son, son, son Taylor, take it easy on mom, I know you just trying to come home, but take it easy, yeah, yeah, I think it work, he like it when you talk to him. I'm sorry about tonight, I'm not, we're bringing a son into the world, and what kind of world will it be Ante without America? How can you ask me that? A world for a thousand years under Jesus' reign, hey, hey, I'm really hurting, get someone, sure, I will, I will, Taylor you take it easy with mom, okay, arggggggggggg,  hurry, hurrrrrry, arggggg, arg , yeah, good!" We're already rushing in to get her out, good, really, I think he's coming, my son is coming, {{{this is Doctor Blyeville, get birth room 4 ready, we're on the way.}}}  A Door Was Open In Ezekiel's Temple, Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut. Then said the Lord unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord, the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut. It is for the prince; the prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same. Then brought he me the way of the north gate before the house: and I looked, and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord: and I fell upon my face. And the Lord said unto me, Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary. And thou shalt say to the rebellious, even to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations. In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations. And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves. Thus saith the Lord God; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel. And the Levites that are gone away far from me, when Israel went astray, which went astray away from me after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity. Yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having charge at the gates of the house, and ministering to the house: they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister unto them.  Because they ministered unto them before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity; therefore have I lifted up mine hand against them, saith the Lord God, and they shall bear their iniquity. And they shall not come near unto me, to do the office of a priest unto me, nor to come near to any of my holy things, in the most holy place: but they shall bear their shame, and their abominations which they have committed.  But I will make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein. But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord God: They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall come near to my table, to minister unto me, and they shall keep my charge. Intermission  -"It's just that you're so astonishing, I just didn't think I could approach you, stop being so silly, they look incredible together don't they? Riedler looks nervous, other than that, they do look like picture perfect, then it is official, does she really feel that way about him? Yes, it is, I just hope he doesn't disappoint her, nor she him as matter of fact, dance with me, ah, first I'm too delicate to approach, delicate wasn't the word, look at you, you're a wonder all your own, plus this is one of my favorite songs, what, what are you thinking? We've never been this close, I, I even think k I'm nervous, I never get nervous,  I won't Princess Ni Be we let anything happen to you, but if you don't want to, it's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust me, my heart now yours. You don't really think before you speak, the things you say about your heart are so poetic," a delicious whisper on her ear, even this tickle, did Princess Ni Be we, look, feel and smell delicious. "And little do you realize, I now look down Nibe at our feet, we're dancing. and e're good at this, I just can't shake it, you people live such extraordinary lives, like something out of fairy tale even. Surely Preece Tatum you must know, just as heavenly father promised, eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, let everything that hath breath praise and praise his holy, holy, holy name/ Yeah Nibe, Maaseiah's reveal about being in the presence of the Lamb's Book of life, now being open, and made into a roll call, as is also the overwhelming census taking, that she testified of. I still Tatum, can't get over how being there as the lyrics, we exalt thee are beautifully and magically sounding all around, up down and through, yeah Nibe, now imagine having to come back to this earth after experiencing something like that. Man, that is so messed up, but didn't she experience it so she could give us it's testimony? That revelation is like those dreams and visions of Dunlap street and the word, Tatum,  'Now, ' now time was running out, you smell so incredible," another intimate whisper on her ear, intimidating and tempting in her blood, causing her to feel things mentally, physically she never had, casing her to break off dancing, "even your neck, so much so I'm pressed to ask, to inquire, where is father Darius in all of this? Why, are you Preece Cobbleson to take his daughter without asking? Ihe thought, it's imagining has crossed my mind, I can't hear such talk, as to wrestle herself away along his childish laugher, this sho nuff prank, or at lest, thinking, it better be. "I was only kidding, Nibe, Ni Be we, look at me, stop it, shhhhh, I was only kidding, don't you know me? They're all here, all the Sia's and their families, no Maaseiah is here? No, not yet, I know something else, what? This is our third dance, and as much Preece as I love being this close to you, my legs are cramping and my throat is parched, good timing you two, I was Prince Cobbleson, coming for you, please, beg our pardon Princess, Sister. I have someone I need you to meet, someone who need to meet you, come with me, I Nibe, will have him back before the last count, promises, promises, you know Prince Darius I'm to hold you too it, how blessed Princess Darius is that?" "Am I to assume Preece Riedler you have heard I am especially fun of you? I have, I just don't understand why, walk with me, I'm sorry you're to leave your own party? I assure you, we're hardly to be missed, okay then beloved Princess lead me on," as to take her delicate hand reached out to him, follow as she lead him, already astonished by her, by the Kroff Juttah, anything the more would be heaven itself. "I just don't want to be in trouble with Darius Juttah, again Preece Riedler you won't be, my Christ , my, we're underwater, we're on the Aqua? No, no, and yes, this is my moms aquarium office, she spend all her free time here, I guess we can see why, huh? Don't worry," feeling he's to pull away concerningly, but the look on his face was priceless, meaning bringing him there was just a perfect ending to a stunning evening. "I asked her permission, that I bring you here, every time Princess Brooklyn I think there is  nothing more amazing grace, you, ah, god this is wordless, you see here, each species has a tablet explaining it's origin. Something just told me you would love it here, well, that something, no, no my god, ah my, when, when did we ah, board a Juttah, ah, an Aqua, as soon as you accepted my invitation and did come. Believe Princess Brooklyn, this Preece Reilder is the least that's to alarm the senses, come away with me further. What is that? Again Preece, a humpback whale, before everything changed I was to study to be a marine biologist, it is that plan that have lead to this aquatic arena, wow that's Princess, unbelievable.  Your skin Brooklyn is so stunning, may I? Sure, wow, it's as soft as cotton, like I could, could ah, just melt into, ah, you, I'm sorry was that stupid, no, I love the way it felt when you touched me, I was thinking the same my Juttah Preece, just too intimidated to ask. Come, again as to hold out a trusting hand so daring and darling characteristic with trust that alone warmingly overwhelmed his melting and dissolving into this wonder woman's heart; I'm don;t know Princess if my heart can dare take anymore, but as a trusting follower if you led, I will hesitating not, dare follow, then good, then Preece, the more magnificent your agreement, what, why do you instead hesitate? I remember your Darius, our Darius this world until Christ return, sit, his earthly throne, don;t fear him, only reverence him  like we all do. "That's a cave, what is a cave, what is happen? Shooting curious eyes up, there was no denying it, this was a huge cave cut out of a towering mountain all aboard an Aqua reveal, it was settled, he was dreaming, surely he should kick and slap himself painstakingly awake. "No more questions Prince, just come and come, and what you see will no longer require questioning, ah, I so seriously doubt that, you do know all of this Princess, all of ti, is what dreams are normally made of, then ask me, go head, ask...okay are we, no, we're not, but you didn't even, let, ah my Christ, why my Christ, did new tears sting and move just under his eye, until a passionate wipe by Princess Brooklyn, even readied his cheek. I know this place, we all know this place, it's Petra, I've, ah, studied, ah I was a student of archaeology and biology , ah too many of my moms Indiana Jones', ah, movies, look, seeing this is just gonna make me cry, you are crying, well cry more, who are they, why are the fields and fields filled, who, ah,wit, did I just ask a question? They are my brother's First Prince Silverton Nicholas, they are the final exodus and like a Moses, my brother, first Prince Silverton Nicholas is the only one anointed,other than grand Maaseiah herself to lead them, after sevens days of journey, they arrive in Petra under the next hour wow, I feel so honored, mentally flabbergasted, but, ah, as so do I, you see I have never, even meet him, but soon, come we must hurry, ah, so now we must hurry, yes, quickly, quickly, hurry, Darius Juttah prepares his toast, ah  great, I could've lived for an eternity not knowing that! If anything happen to me I'm like heaven bound right, no reapers, Negeb Ophel, planted like a seed, all that stuff, just close your eyes, no, please, please for me, for all that's forbidden, please,just close your eyes."

And When They Came To Marah, They Could Not Drink Of The Waters Of Marah, For They Were Bitter: Therefore The Name Of It Was Called Marah.

                                                         Scene XXIX

     "Since you didn't want breakfast nor, lunch, I thought you might like a hot cup, you're feeling alright? As to funnily test his forward, husband Silverton hadn't been the same since a sleepless night, "I keep telling you I'm fine, that is good, what? Hot, apple cider, the tree yonder, fires, spices, tis the season to be jolly, ...the reports come in yet?" Just as he hope a record of the missing would validate the phenomenon that just happen, but just as well, he didn't, even couldn't explain perhaps a missing thousands upon thousands of them. "People beloved, are beginning to ask, what to expect once we reach those hills, what is waiting them there? I asked love about the report, no, nothing yet, I know, I've known what to wait us right across the bend but not this time, since we come into the desert, and used this place a refuge from the storm. Right now juttah wife. we're right now practically walking blind, by faith is what the bible would say, I'm going to walk for a bit, I could come with you. Please allow me this grace, though Preecest Torrance a question, if I say Gethsemane, what do you say? The time, night of Jesus greatest trial ever,  or ever again, does he redeem us or does he forfeit, both heaven and earth fate bellowed along the waves of  challenge, what does Gethsemane have to do with anything? I think love, you just said it, like the garden of Eden itself, the first Adam challenge that failed all of mankind, now come the second, last Adam, blood, redemption, it has to do with everything. None of this, none of us were to advance beyond the Roman Empire, Christ's Cross was born, England, then, only then is come western civilization. Listen closely as grand Maaseiah would say, you can still see the man in Linen, Daniel's prophecies,  using the heavens of his own blood defense, as to swear to it, that for a times, times and the diving of time, is then come the worse of Jacob's troubles, the rise of Gog, Magog and Hamon-gog. From this point on Juttah wife, we cannot drink the water, they've been made Marah, there are markers, still, please, tell all leaders; just don't leave me for long, I won't, you will hardly miss me.  Please holy spirit what did I see? Mount Zion, then mount Sion, the Holiest visited me and plucked from me a specialty number, this mystery of godliness, why doeth you marvel my brother? I will as always show you the mystery, Prince Meshullam, Lord Kadesh, I plead with my brother, what is happen, what always happen with time's and tables pasting, fulfillment, our father kingdom reign agreed? Surely and this is all but dust, carried about with the wind at toss, pluck out the worth of it, let all else scatter, such is always the matter. You can come with me now, come home, Juttah Kroff, it's done isn't it, this mission, yes, it has ascended, there is a great city Petra that lies ahead for the choice of family, friends and the Juttah heir your wife's belly, you decide, and when you wake, it is to our heart's desire, the answer to your question first Prince juttah is yes, all this time the holy anointed, 144, 000 come right through the test, all glossed by the flames, you and Preecest as well, well all other's failed, and failed, as such journeys are fulfilled, awake to your heart's content, awake First Prince Silverton, Nicholas, Chow, Liverpool, to a work well done! A Door Was Open In Ezekiel's temple  And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat. And when they go forth into the utter court, even into the utter court to the people, they shall put off their garments wherein they ministered, and lay them in the holy chambers, and they shall put on other garments; and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments. Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long; they shall only poll their heads. Neither shall any priest drink wine, when they enter into the inner court. Neither shall they take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away: but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before. And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. And in controversy they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it according to my judgments: and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all mine assemblies; and they shall hallow my Sabbaths. And they shall come at no dead person to defile themselves: but for father, or for mother, or for son, or for daughter, for brother, or for sister that hath had no husband, they may defile themselves. And after he is cleansed, they shall reckon unto him seven days. And in the day that he goeth into the sanctuary, unto the inner court, to minister in the sanctuary, he shall offer his sin offering, saith the Lord God.  And it shall be unto them for an inheritance: I am their inheritance: and ye shall give them no possession in Israel: I am their possession. They shall eat the meat offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering: and every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs. And the first of all the first fruits of all things, and every oblation of all, of every sort of your oblations, shall be the priest's: ye shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough, that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house. The priests shall not eat of any thing that is dead of itself, or torn, whether it be fowl or beast. Intermission, where are we? You cannot ask me a question, Preece Darius, Tatum Oniel that you do not know the answer to, now rise up and come this way. We are atop mount Zion, that I am seeing this, who are they? They are Sia Juttah", that just as he asked himself, he knew the answer of himself, only as he stood this aware across the mountain terrain far and wide as to see Prince Juttah, Meshullam, Sia, Juttah Tribe Beowulf  Michael and Sia, Preece Ctentri Israel. Though they were all standing aside him, bring him for to see him, they all stood at a distant a far, away. easy to see, hear, there were urgent conversations, strong and mighty betwixt them and first Prince, Silverton Nicholas. Why are we here, when shall I return to Princess Ni Be we? That just as he asked he understood the matter, gave an answer, we are here, for we've come to receive the 144,000 from Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool's exodus. It is to deliver them to Christ, Lord, what mighty celebrations he hath for them, I will return to Princess Ni Be we, before long. Who is she? It is Sia Maaseiah Adonai, come Bride, Come, Lord Urusalem, did tears come into his eyes, stinging and running along his nose, his cheeks, even to taste salty on his tongue, just as she looked toward him s to recognize him and he her. He has been here before, she and Christ now this one, all territories his visit, not hers, I once stood the mount of Olivet, the time of intervention hath come. A great valley right through it's middle would serve as the holy people's deliverance is that she remember, the air was crisp and cools up there. Even as my heart and that of my Preecest made inquiry, we never imagined it true, I have brought them all this way, remaining totally clueless." Suddenly as to zoom in for a close up, so close he could feel Deliverer Silverton breath on his cheek, even as to whisper in his ear. "I do not understand any of this, then I as well whispered to his ear, then lean not unto your own understand, and they shall shot off into the heavens, like skyrockets, leaving but Preece Silverton and I, and yet another whisper, "you are return."   >>> 'There you are," as to hastily, happily wrap her arm into his, carry him her way, one thing I can say of Prince Juttah, he does as he promise, what's wrong, did he mightily overwhelm you? I only ask because he's known for that, hey, hey, come back to me, I am here, I promise, good because right now, the last dance is ours, wait, what? Ask me for my hand, carry me to the dance floor, and I'll take it from there. Dance my lady, my Princess, surely Preece Tatum, and I will honor it for as many years to come.  >>>That's not Nibe the least bit amusing, I did or I did not invite you in? I beg your pardon lord, what did you do to him, ah to Preece Cobbleson? I showed him the mission of a Darius Juttah, how they're sent on missions for Christ, and what did this mission consist of, he yet being so mesmerized? I'm afraid that love couldn't be helped but given him time, he will shake it from him. Have I not warn Princess Juttah about being so careless as to use this sacred passage way? I am sorry my Lord, please again, I beg your pardon, it was as though I was finally getting through to him and you come and whisk him away. It was time and you need not rush his will, again be careful, you boarder at the line of foolishness with predestined foot traps all about you, be careful is, Nibe you prevent them. As I assured you, he will be yours, you will bare Juttah Heirs, but not Princess Darius until it's time, now go before discovery and keep thyself aware, O, you, my sister is most astonishing this night, thank you Preece Meshullam Kadesh, may it be well with you love, as well.     

     -Unto Eagle, Canyon Mountain, Deburk and Erin Alexandria Brook was born their first daughter Whitney Nicole Deburk, a daughter Sunflower Falls, Deer Haven Deburk and a son, Soar Eagle, Mountain Brook, Deburk 

                  ...Come, Canyon  Mountain, We Will Run After Thee!

                                                          Scene XXX

      "And I'm telling you that was the word just as I open my eyes, I Erin heard it in my ear, the word, "Gethsemane," though it was familiar, I even thought and thought; okay, betrayed by a kiss, his friend Judas Iscariot, well disciple, betrayer. That it was just as Jesus described, their night of dinner, it's last supper, Jesus described it's meeting as something that would not again happen, not Erin until it has it's fulfillment in heaven, referencing both glorification and the marriage supper, God's Kingdom. Only Erin, not to be confused with Christ's Millennium, Christ Millennium will spend up the last thousand years this planet, six thousand past, now it's seventh thousand of a rest, like Elohim's 7th day. Then as Apostle Peter warn, it will by burning infernos be completely dissolved, an exploding sun, star, atom, no one knows, it is only that God's Kingdom will be greeted not only by a new Jerusalem, but a new mankind, heaven and earth, ...and we Preece Eagle, Canyon, Mountain have never since the foundation of this earth been so close to all those ever of prayers, promises and prophecies totally and completely fulfilled. It is why when Sia Maaseiah first heard of the description of a planetary solar system Erin, moving itself right in, this Nibiru of Planet X, immediately she imagined, it is what Apostle John did see, when he witnessed New Jerusalem descend. Thus Princess, the warning of come from heaven alien dangers, ...both Preece Canyon this good and this bitter, so that's what Holy Spirit, Heaven's Host meant doing Sia Maaseiah's visit there,  ...you mean, how they Princess, couldn't wait to join her here, no doubt we paneth after kingdom throne, they paneth after Kingdom earth, now doesn't such innocence make all the sense? As it is written Preece Eagle Mountain, and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Hallelujah I say Juttah wife," anxiously and happily saying along blinking and sniffing away near tears, thinking this is indeed what he saw, a number that none could number. Perhaps, even first Prince Silverton Nicholas entire exodus received, shooting off like skyrockets, right into it's awaiting Christ, "and received into glory, yes, yes! So I ask you husband, you have any regrets right now? That answer beloved would be sorta redundant, seeing you crawl out of this incredible wedding bed with that amazing, nude body only to wife ask if I have any regrets, no, no no, down boy, way down! We have those meetings with Deliverer Silverton, and, and Princess' Brooklyn wedding, dress rehearsal, we could Preecest Erin, being a young married coupled, be late for at least one of them, soooo, come here," patting the bed into his alluring invitation, even that shy smile of hers anxiously firing up his blood to blistering lust, "just what are you gonna do to me, that mind blowing thing you do, as you swallow my erotic screams away into your own outer limits? Yes, I'll do that, promise, come," again patting the bed, not really understanding, even asking, how it is, they went the from the deserts of Jordan's Petra to this phenom escape of his steamy invitation. "What you got waiting under those covers for me? Nall, you Juttah wife must come and see, I want details, what you gonna do to me? I'm gonna tickle you into a fun wrestle onto your perfect belly and kiss, bite and lick you from your edible neck, to your delicious, bottom, ...and, and husband, that screaming thing? Yes Erin, especially that, I tell you what, ...wait, wait you're, youre backing up, no, no. no, don't do that, don't back up, nooo, come here, right here. Juttah Husband, I'm starving, I am too, look at me, I'm gonna shower and find me something to eat, ahhhhhhh, I can't believe you. How can you just leave me Alexandria, your husband like, this? If I'm not mistaking husband, there's room in the shower, come do that screaming thing to me, ah, you are bad wife and just how bad is my husband for knowing how bad is his wife!"  A Door was Open In Psalm, Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle. Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert. Because they regard not the works of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. Blessed be the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever. 

Intermission "What is he doing to that girl? That Preece Tatum would be his wife, and let none pull the genesis marriage asunder, plus, since I'm yet to marry, I don't want to imagine. I thought we come to the courtyard to give them their privacy, right , right. Tell me Princess Ni Be we, of Maaseiah various demonstrations of rapture, surely beloved, which one? Grand Maaseiah had them for as long as she was Christ's, her first ever encounter with him, was in a live, and the emphasis, Preece Tatum is on a live, demonstration of what is described in holy scripture as the great gathering of saints. Plus darling Cobbleson, we have a wedding to plan and what you just ask is going to take forever. Okay, I saw when they shot off like shy rockets, but I Princess also saw that once in heaven, there was a cloud, wings you mean? No clouds, but there are some, Tatum," as one searching the drawers about looking for pen and paper, she was dead serious, and now in this hurry wedding plans were all about them. "I don't know Preece Tatum, I heard or read that, clouds are really cottony wings as is described all through the psalms. Okay, but since Princess, I'm telling what I saw,  it was a cloud that grew all the greater and mighty as it captive and cuddled each of us, and for a while we just stayed there, seeing everything the earth, its inhabitants. When soon a nuclear missile come sailing by, a nuclear missile, you saw this? Before there was just this eerie silence, and all corners of the earth, three to four where in one way or another fine, sunshine to storms and just as soon as i described, a nuclear missiles come sailing through. My sister, Princess Brooklyn description of a perfect wedding Preece Tatum is to have me and me alone, of course with your input, design it. Did you Nibe, just hear anything I said? Yes, it sent me wondering was that Holy Spirits to Maaseiah's description of a Noah's cousin, or was it the Yellowstone eruption, even the sun, it's mightiest solar flare ever this world history, or was it Nibiru, pending with a New Jerusalem settling in, again, grand Maaseiah, three headed to four, two times a Godzilla monster she described of it, I guess it doesn't matter, she warn and warn, they were all coming, yes nibe, even a nuclear fate. Ahhhh, or should the apple trees go here, my god, I'm gonna need plenty of erasers, only that was before she heard in her ear, Noah's cousin, sadly meaning Preece Tatum, as so the extinction level and earth ending, my Christ you are planning my brothers marriage, another phenomenon that has happen, while it's my sister's wedding as well, have you talked to her and I mean really talked? I can Preece Tatum, ask you the same, he called me Darius Prince, doing, ah, ah, whatever that was last night, trans this or that, he called me Darius Prince, well don't forget w will all one day serve God's new kingdom earth, walk, talk, labor, as kings and queens, remember, now, have your talked to your brother, and I mean really talked? Touché, I get it, yeah, your uncertainty isn't his, nor his, yours, they felled instantly in love, their hearts, minds and past dreams yo though now come new were all in Unisom, as was  Darius Juttah, Sia and the tribe so nothing whatsoever to worry about, except this, wasn't yours an art major, in design, so I know if anyone can help me, you, well please, help me.  What, why are you now so cast down, how do I dare Princess, count the various ways of saying, no doubt Preece Tatum, when Sia Meshullam Kadesh, described you as Prince Darius you automatically thought he was sealing our fate as husband and wife, I don't get it, it is only your speaking tongue away, right on it's tip, but you just remain dumb and dumber, please, excuse me, no doubt I'll apologize later, ah god Jesus please, watching a furious with him and should be, Princess Ni Be we, flee away from him, he had to admit, he was thinking, asking, for how long this time and how would he dare bare her obscene getting all the harder to bare? Lord, why wasn't I just captured up, leave all my troubles behind, it wasn't time, frightfully thinking as the days of Jesus, he heard a voice, from heaven, but with a storm moving in, as well was it just thunder? Suddenly remembering Apostle John being in heaven, thinking his earthbound ministry and thus pilgrimage this earth, was over, done, when he in heard a voice, telling him no, he had many kingdoms, nations tongues and people to minister too, well John, if you can hear me from heaven, I just want to say, after seeing and experiencing what I did, I know exactly how you then felt.  You wanted to see me brother, talk to me? That before Preece Riedler could get it out his neck, chest was instantly filled with his sorely weeping big brother, and what was he do about it? Please tell me brother, though you're welcome to my neck, this pleasure, tell me these scribbles are scribbles of joy? No, breaking away free, where, soon distracted, there was a herd of Zebra's easily seen passing along so safely, trusting right through them. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, asking her is like right here Rie, just like that damn song, right on the tip of my tongue, no doubt this cursive heart of my mine. Asking her, Really Cobbleson, asking her? Princess asked you ages ago, she only want your agreement, anyway I was being told to come to you, just as I was commissioned to summon you to Darius' chamber, well, the brother of us, it would seem, his Majesty, ah I'm not in the right mood for that, not ever, That's okay, I'll hold your shoulder, you've held mine plenty of times, in the face of danger, now to return the favor, okay, and I'm not joking, who the hell are you and where is my brother Riedler? Cute, come brother, walk this way, Princess Brooklyn seem to think there is a solution, a double wedding, imagine us two getting hitched, at the same exact time, we could even become one the others of uncles to our children, simultaneously, what? Ah nothing, that guy there, he looked so familiar, eerily, could it be him, I guess it could, but how is that, I witness him rise out of it? Well look at me, I'm here, earth to Cobbleson and you have the audacity to wonder about me, really? Sorry, something really unspeakable is happening, now what where you saying? A Double wedding, what you think? I'm thinking if Princess Brooklyn Robin suggested that then she doesn't know her sister very well, okay, okay, it was instead my ideal, hum, not surprised, yeah well you always thought you'r smart one. Apparently you lil bro didn't hear me just now, the tip of my tongue, not at all smart, not at all, still, I know what I saw when I saw it, stop spacing out, you're freaking me out, wait, what did I just say? See, it's rubbing off on me, sorry, it's, something really weird is happening, can't say brother I know what you mean, which brother mean you know something, something I can't say, yeah, ah you better or you're not my brother, the i'm not your brother because i'm not saying, can't, cant say."    "Erin, look at me, look at me, you're scaring me, you're shaking, look, talk, Erin, talk!" witnessed as one, overwhelmed by this petrifying marriage bed, along a shivering, gasping for control mess of herself, mightily alarming Preece husband, Eagle, Canyon. "I'm gonna call, noooo!" Leaping a tight hold of his neck, did he whisk her naked, wet body into his wet arms, quickly into the bedroom, the bed, terrified they'd taken such blistering intimacies too far, the mind, heart, the blood? Tell me you'll ok," laying hard pressed breathing, soothing kisses to her naked back, pulling the covers over her, worried that he'd not seen her so fragile, had he broken her, even them? "If you'll okay, I'm gonna dress and get, ah, hey, talk to me, I love you, I love you too, if I babe, did I take it so far with you? No, I just lost, ah my senses with you, ah control, you was, that, I'm fine, I'm fine, ...we could just order room service, no, you dress, you go and I'll meet you, I don't know babe if I want to leave you like this, like what?" Finally cutting that beautiful look at him, his crying eyes into hers, surely the horror in playing, around, "I'm fine, it, just, you know, so amazing, go, go, I'll be right behind you, I promise, okay, okay stunning woman, that is my wife. If I'm not in the cafe, I'm with the kids, I kidda promised Princess Ni be we, we would take them off of her hands, you do love those kids, okay stunning man that is my husband, I'll be right there, I love you so much," fitting his magical temple so preciously into hers, a quick smooch of her warm, titillating, mouth, they could easily tear again into one the other, as they often had, "don't lovely keep me waiting, you know I won't."   

  ...And The People Murmured Against Moses, Saying, What Shall We Drink?
                                                        Scene XXXI

       "It make all the sense to me, if Christ called us into our own cross, surely he, even before the foundation of the world called us into our own Gethsemane of fierce uncertainty. A new life, a new world, and new era, which Preece Tatum, all Preece and Preecest sitting here would explain Maaseiah's single word of warning just before the end, of, "Decide!" Like Preece Tatum said, even like the first garden testing the obedience of our decision making, it's free will, we all must decipher between God's will and or ours. Then as usual he's gone, where is he going, who is that guy? That's the guy you guys Cobbleson was so in odds about just the other day, I remember, we were mighty with concern about meeting with Darius, Sia, and seeing him was like this obscure intermission. Which Riedler remind us, how did said meeting go? It was a private talk with Darius, Sia, thought, Todrick, or shall I say Preece Todrick, I could Aristotle tell you, but then I would have to release you to the reapers of Negeb Ophel. Okay, okay no," as to burst them all into a laugh stirring up the table, they had yet to get over that remarkable event of Princess Brooklyn, with hearing, Princess Oceana was next. "Then you are mighty welcome Preece, to keep that all to yourselves, we know right, right! I been dodging that place all my life, as a fact I'm sure we all have, only I feel now Ari we've never been so close and yet so far away."      >>>"So how was resurrection? I don't know what you, I'm as familiar to you as you are to me, and neither us can figure it, plus, I was there, the mountains of Zion to Sion, Prince Darius Juttah had taken me and arrived me there, just this mountain view, to see and suspect just as this selected few flew off away from her, you rose into heaven, as so did I, you just don't remember. I hardly, the first thing come to memory, is a multitude going before what could only be described as God's throne, for to be washed and made clean, I heard a voice, ...be ye washed, be ye cleanse yes, yes, Preece Silverton, and then it repeated, "be ye washed be ye cleansed, yes, then their bodies went before him, this unspeakable ritual to be cleansed, then their feet, but most of all, but most of all Preece," as to oddly pass into a look of examination at opening his hands, just this eerie revelation of being made aware, ...their hands, ah my God, their hands, scripture says, well ask.  Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He Preece Tatum Oniel that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Ah my Christ, even when Apostle John witnessed the greatest multitude one is to ever imagine come in, they being washed, well their robes being washed and made clean by the blood of the Lamb. Now made them worthy to be before the Lamb, God's throne day and night, it, it Preece Tatum, had to be the cleanliness Jesus spoke of when he described holy disciples now having taken a bath, possible baptism, need only to clean their feet. But how Lord, how is this possible? Yours no doubt first Prince Darius Juttah because of Darius' bloodline, mine, I'm pretty sure is because of her," turning both of their awareness toward Princess Ni Be we, breakfast, constantly breaking out with laughter, she being quite funny herself; but you two never married, I know, I mean we haven't announced the vows, but I'm sure our hearts merged into it's unspeakable holiness the first second we meet, now God's Throne."     >>>"That remind me, Riedler close your eyes, pleaseeee, or do I need a blindfold? I need to show you all this but no looking only hearing first, I started the design of it, but your, well, his, Preece Tatum, design king, finished it. He took us from the West Wing to the North, there seem to be a stunning rock formation of an animal path along here, so if we place the makeshift altar, bride and groom here. You guy, I'm talking just the length of the vows, there is no telling what guess will see, enjoy and be wowed, of naturals own, let's just say, a petting zoo of Africa's Incredibles. Okay, okay can I open my eyes, not, yet, sweet Preece, you know it's not gonna kill you, though reapers, they will, they bury you like a seed, just like a seed and leave until a planned harvest. Now I asked, look at the scenery around here, this is beyond amazing wouldn't you agree? The background into the sparse greenery, those unusual, awkward trees, I could just eat them all up and then the sun setting over the mountain range right here, and that is only the dance floor. So imagine their first dance with this amazing view enveloping this wordless showcase already, so you guys even those already heart to soul mesmerized, now impatient fellow, open, open your eyes. We possibly should've plugged your ears as well, but you Princess told me to here, and not see, speak of this to anyone, and I tell you, don't even flinch when they come for you. What, what you see? As one jerking a glance back to see what it was she was seeing, exciting him and the whole table of deliverers, sitting at the edge of an out break of laughter. "One of reapers over there just gave a nod of agreement, did the table again break out in fierce laughter and jeering, "stop, stop it Ni Be we, you're freaking me out here, you, how about us, you're freaking us out, I'm just telling you come my little brother, behave, behave and behave!"  A Door Was Open In Heaven  The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. Intermission  "So please Lord Preece, tell me, what else did you see? Well to be honest, something if possible, some even more extraordinary, that if it wasn't also by Prophet Ezekiel written and kept these thousands of years by Holy Scripture, there is no way you would believe it, nor any. It is Lord deliverer, I then witnessed and so did you, as this Holy Lord of Israel, come as a physician, miraculously as a surgeon who reached into the very breast of this multitude. That once there, rightly in his hand so clearly, beat their once sinful, dark hearts, raised high for all participating to see and then, a new heart. Now this is of a heart transplant that by this divine surgeon hand, was then placed into each and everyone one of them, so now washed, cleansed, even their hands and newly hearted they all were, I command you Deliverer Silverton Nicholas Chow, remember what it is you further saw.   

...And He Cried Unto The Lord; And The Lord Shewed Him A Tree, Which When He Had Cast Into The Waters, The Waters Were Made Sweet:

                                                          Scene XXXII

     {{{"Paging Preece Eagle, Canyon Deburk, Preece Canyon Deburk, you are wanted in the Infirmary!"}}}, Hey, is that you man? Yeah, what's that about?" Rising this still, blank heart, look, from playing with one of the kids, actually doing a puzzle with them, the fact that wife Erin didn't seem so good earlier now haunted his heart, it's thoughts. "I better go, yeah, go, go, I'll get the twelve, coupled heirs, we'll right behind you. {{{"Paging Preece Eagle Canyon Deburk, Preece Canyon Deburk, you are wanted in the infirmary!") I'm, I'm ah, Can, ah Canyon, ah Deburk, is it my wife, is my wife alright? It's nice to meet you Preece Canyon Deburk," offering a hand to a stunning appearing, young, Indian male, a frightful whipping of his nerves drove huge drops of popping out, off, of tears. Hey, calm down for me, okay, calm, ...calm, I did this and then I left her, no, no, whatever this is Canyon has been going on with her since birth, Preecest Erin Alexandria, is your wife? Yes, how long have you two been married? We ah. we had an incident in the shower, this ah, this ah, screaming thing she call it, ah God if anything happen to her, Preece Canyon, we're all here." A glance back by the both of them and there they all where, Deliverer Silverton Nicholas, with Canyon Mountain's, included, his twelve married, leads, "we will be in the Chapel, we will not rest our prayers until Preecest is again well, thank you," spinning additional tears down, away as he leaped into and endured such a tremendous group hug, the mightiest as they all were. "I need you Mr. Deburk to come into my office where we can talk better, it doesn't change the fact Doc I just left her there, okay, I just left her! Blame yourself all you want but Preecest Erin has diagnosed long before now, degenerative heart disease, I've never seen a case so severe. You, you talk at me Doc like I know what that is, plus, plus, we're in the Juattah Septennial, this can't be happening, no, no Preece Canyon, doing Christ's Millennium on earth, this can't happen. Though here now, Ancient beast reign, until these evil days fullness of, ....so you're telling me my wife is dying, what is this, this degenerative heart whatever? It's also called Coronary artery disease (CAD), a disease of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart, causes decreased blood flow to the heart's muscles, ah god I'm dying here, hear me Lord Christ, I'm dying here, we, we're dying here, your beloved deliverers. I won't hear it, I can't, so her heart, her blood is broken, I've heard my father pray for that very thing, his sister in law, and there was complete recovery. No one Canyon is telling you not to pray, ...besides God in heaven, my father is Sia Sioux Noel Deburk, the Sia, Tribunal Juttah, heard of them? He's punishing me, Father Elohim is punishing me, I was arguing with him about hell being eternal, and not being able to bear it, even HE not being able to bear it, that none of us could. Preece Canyon please, surely you don't think you're the first to disagree with God's tactics, trusting him, delighting in him and committing all. Making a day and night study of his word, all life, living and treasures hand over to him, is to serve and obey him, is divine wisdom that's better than hidden treasures. Is my wife going to die? You nor I Preece Canyon know the answer to that, only God in heaven, okay, okay 
right, I'll calm and clean myself up and go, and, ah, see, ah her, you sure she doesn't blame me, that this is my fault, have you Doc talked to her at all? See her, see your wife Preece Canyon, pray with her, for her, we will induce a coma to help with swelling, you have until then, okay, okay, so walk by faith, right? That is so correct, Preece Canyon, totally right, now go, she calls."     >>>"I won't believe you really did that?"An accent all the more refined, African, British, had Princess Brooklyn Robin come right without hesitation to the rescue of her crying one. "I did threaten him, it's easy to say," yet to raise her head from writing, even designing, planning, no doubt the most fabulous wedding ever. "Can't you look at me but for a moment? Lest ye forget, my dear sister Ni Be we, the existence of reapers may not have ever been a threat to us, but for them. My Lord is Christ Jesus Brook, I was only kidding with him, we were all laughing and having such fun. And, well being Princess Juttah, maybe, just maybe I took it to more drastic levels than I should have. To be honest I didn't know he was so offended, man what a scary cat, scary cat huh? I have one question, yeah I just bet you do, whose wedding are you designing, mine Nibe or yours? I said it, even asked it and I'm not taking it back, well, just be careful saying what you won't do! My Lord, I feel faint," that just as truth telling sped off her sister, as to move up, over to the end of the porch, a sight right into whispering pines, those at a certain time; it is by the wind, it feel as though a little tickle is whispering at your ear. Could it be true, even requiring Preece Tatum expertise, have I confused such a wordless wedding of mine and made it hers, Princess Brooklyn? If so blessed Lords don't hesitate to tell me, how could I be so blind, who've been blessed with revelation even from the womb of my mother?"  >>>Please Princess and Prince, pardon this interruption, it is all here, as to lay all her work for days and days bare, whatever plans she had for the wedding and more," everything I ever imagined my Princess sister wedding ever to be. I can't tell you how a match made in heaven come this earth you two truly are, so how would any of us ever Brooklyn, ever match that? I need you, the both of to go over it all for the last review before we you know, put it into action and to you Prince Juttah, I owe an especial apology. I'm told I went too far with us, no, no, yes, I did, thine own Princess Brooklyn is right, the commanded reapers, as those prophet Ezekiel witnessed lay the territories of an apostate Israel blood bare, and for further biblical fulfillment Western civilization is no more present-day Israel come synchronization today. Even as we speak, I will not, it is a promise, I will not forgo any of it, if you Princess find it to be against your will. You, you were right," turning as to get Preece Tatum expert, eye to eye attention, was this show of her entirely open to the wedding guess public. It would seem the wedding I was deigning, well, we, Preece Tatum and I were designing was my own, but since that's never to happen right, right? The supreme as my witnessed, and all that's Kroff territory, baby sister, this extraordinary ceremony and let me be the judge, it truly is one to bedazzle all for the longest. It is now only one I assure you, of my wedding gifts, please excuse this intrusion, be as you all were. What an odd dove, yeah, with an amazing as Christ, heart, you really gonna sit here and not go after her? And say what Tod  man, and say what? Let me ask you one question, what, or how do you really feel about her? I feel set up, even in Majesties quarters the other day, he welcome us as sons of his, as come the father of the heirs of God, even of paradise Africa. So all the more Tod, you all, I feel trapped in a marriage that haven't even happen, I'll be in the chapel if anyone ask. No,  no brother, first go, tell her what you just told me, us, Ni Be we is one of the wisest I know, meaning Cobbleson, she will see. She will understand and she will know, plus don't forget, Ante and baby Taylor are being released today, walk by faith  man, fear is all men's torture, it always has been, walk by faith, A Door Was Open In Heaven  And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. 

My Beloved Tatum
What, Who, Am I?

     -It descend from above as gifts and presents to men and just as soon the deaf can hear, the blind can see, the mute speaks, and the heart it feels, it's feels and leaps out only as will. Those lovely eyes, shoot from across the room, thy beloved is warm just as soon, those ears that perk up when it is your undying one, cared after by such charming whispers. Your tongue sing, unknowingly it speak of us, what a sweet, smooth imbibe, such a touch of it's honey. Oh so sacrificial is the heart in love, a treasure beyond all things this earth, in lovely goodbyes, it leaps out, see, hears, itches, mourns home is where we belong, sane, unconditionally aimed, but never, ever the same.

                           ...And The Lord Showed Him A Tree...

                                                    Scene XXXIII

Thine own beloved, Princess Ni Be we, Intermission 

     "I gather this is what you want? That you Preece Tatum Oniel come to me? Surely, I little know, only that I bid you farewell and I go away from this place, I will not again return, you would've found a letter by the morning, even a poem, perhaps, you do poetry? It is not as easy to say, the beauty of it Preece Tatum, is only in the comprehension of the beholder but since even one as stubborn as you are and you are so stubborn, still you came. I had a friend, a brother actually to tell me, you know the answer, I will admit Princess even so tangled, stubborn the thought of you leaving along a point of no return weigh more heavily on my faint heart than words, psalms or poems can express. I gathered, it is only when I'm in your presence, it feel so constricting, like you're, I move you against your will and it is so agonizing, even frustrating. It is come harder Preece, that you kick against the pricks of uncertainty and make a decision, just this little, tiny one, I decide for you, for us both. I go. So you forfeit the wedding? Do I? All that is joy ever this heart since it first leaped out at you, has been filled doing it's planning, I go, I assure you, I miss nothing. Please don't, don't leave, please, is that what your heart is asking or Preece Tatum mine own, how do I trust either? I must know, I will not remind in your presence only to cause you confusing agony, I would rather resign this post unto another far from any confusion. If you do not attend Princess wedding," suddenly struck dumb with the sight of falling, raining leaves the window yonder just sending him to wonder, whether or not it ever snows there? "If you're not present, that will most of all devastate her, but don't you see lord, this is not that, you can't even see it, reach nor speak it even now. I admit, I know only this one thing Princess Ni Be we, I can't lose you, this foolish heart of mine, still I feel my need to surrender to it is somehow broken, even my knees. I employ your pardon Preece Tatum, even your yet to surrender knees so broken, take this, read it, it is urgent that you consider it a resignation, even of my heart from yours. Princess, Princess please don't go from me, I know, even foolishly I know, my heart could not bear it. If you care, if you sincerely care about the pain of it, then grant me this grace, be your bitter to sweet, sweet to bitter imbibe? Honestly sweet Princess is there any other? I'm afraid where I am going yes and as I've written, it will strip my memoirs of all the days of Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson. I won't even know there is such a breaking of the heart in love as this, but such healing will it give, and what Lord Princess of mine own? I did not say it was perfect escape, only I will not play a homicidal maniac bent on destroying the heart of my beloved. You Nibe have the sweetest heart I know, homicidal? You Tatum ask so much, and you give so little, it is the heart and doomed faith and fate of all of them, surely Preece Tatum you must see you have asked and asked even though there is nothing else and there truly isn't, what will you give to take me and honor me as your bidden to wedding supper, wife? I know, such a view is breathtaking, Darius Preece could and does stand here for hours in admiration, in imaging there is still no place like home heaven, but still, it's simple but impressive nature, please Lord, this heart request, bid my pardon only to enjoy it a little further."   >>>"I know, you are angry at me, I'm angry that you are this sick, I keep asking and asking Erin Alexandria how is this? I know, my beloved, famous one question, that probably wife got us both in trouble, got us both here, even Prince Silverton and the coupled heirs, they're interceding God's throne after you, on this constant. Still, I don't understand this Erin Alexanderia, I will not pretend that I do, I know, you want me well and back in our bed, ah God please, don't mock me as well. This is not mockery, nor is this your fault, I was born with a broken heart, but if you reconsider that beloved Canyon, even the woman with the issue of blood, we all were born with a broken heart and God does what? And God does what? Go ahead and admit it, He keep us still, ...Eagle Canyon, other than cursed blood, there is no fault to be found here, Sia Maaseiah's Mission Butterfly, will my beloved read it to me? Fastening me to sleep, right into fascinating dreams that'll be only about you, beloved husband, about us both, and our future Juttah, Heirs, but nothing as nightarish as this, promise me, I promise, now will you read it to me? Just know, as I fasten my beloved off asleep her, heart, it is as to take you wife, into my wanton arms, carry you off to wonderful places and lay you into cottony, safe wings of God, so beloved Erin, multitudinously testified and testified. You dock think they know she may never again wake? Listen to that unspeakable goodbye and you nurse Wells tell me, ..."always remember beloved husband what Sia Maasieh did say, when she looked to him from whence cometh our help, all of ours, what beloved, what did she say, even see? She said she saw a diamond carved, crystal dove, blocking out the entire heavens above, shaped and formed of itself right out of the very sunlight of God, blessed, blessed sleep beloved, to you beloved as well, come back to me, read to me and we'll surely see! 

Poetry Rising
Mission ButterFly                                                                                                    05/12/2016

     -I’ve only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone,  I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear, I miss you so much, though I little miss you. I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you?

     -I’ve found you, ah my god I’ve  lost you, yet here you are right beside me, inside me, you and I are one, yet I am alone, I am alone. I know who made you and you say no way, I know where you come from and you say not that place, I know who you are and you say that’s not me, I know that you  are mine and you say not this time.
     -I can see you and you say I am blind, I can hear you and you say I am deaf, I can feel you here, there, up, down and all around and you say you’re this distant away from town. I say I’m crying and you say its laughter, I say I’m dying and you say I’m very much alive, I say I’m gone and you say I’m near, I say I hear you and you say, you’re nowhere near me. Your skin is like silk, your tongue like milk, your blood like honeycomb and your substance on mine this priceless imbibe, I know that you are mine and you say not this time.
     -I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m  keeping you here,  yet the window is open,  I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it.  I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible.  I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it.
     -I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here light breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time,

        -There He Made For Them A Statute And An Ordinance, And There He Proved Them-
                                                          Scene XXXIV

      "I only see big brother that you're standing here letting her go!, I begged her to stay, she only said she couldn't trust it, either it was her heart or mine. It may or may not be similar, but Nibe said something to me the other day, she was talking of her regret and she said something that sounds so familiar, my heart is like wax, it is melting. That's Preece Tatum, is from the Psalms, the Palms, as Preece Reynolds in the book of Psalms? Yeah, its 22 chapter, it's as though it's writer, possibly King David, even his son King Solomon, either or are given a revelation, a premonition if you will, of Jesus' death, just this lamentation of the Cross, where at one point he say,well Jesus says, dying so horribly, mocked, abused, again he say, my heart is like wax, it is melted into the midst of my bowls. This claim being actual, it is possibly what great scholars believe that Jesus' heart possibly burst under all it's strain and agony, and is why while being tested for death, both water and blood spilled out of its womb. I was a seminary student, I know you all don't believe, it, and I as well I studied, Maaseiah's reveal, though many, I little believe it. Wow Reynolds, so that's what she meant, my heart is like wax,I mean y'all should read the letter, the farewell poem she ah, left, left, as in Tatum, she's gone, whose gone? Princess Ni Be we, ah not gone, I was making an exit just now, and she was coming, in, unless she has a twin, twins do run in the blood, ah Princess Brooklyn has one, Princess Brooklyn has a twin, what the hell brother, have you been drinking, I know, the bachelor party isn't until tonight, but what Rie, what? I know, I know, I know, I didn't believe it either, but she showed me proof, she being here for wedding day, so not to cause confusion, I men they're not identical but the resemblance is surely there. Okay, name, if that's so Prince Juttah, what is her name? Hum, I, I guess I was so shocked, I, didn't ask, yeah well, until the both of them make an appearance ain't no way I'm trusting it, ok Todrick man, don't. I'm going for something to drink, its this place I'm telling, it's ever, ever changing, hey Cobbleson man you believe him? I got to go, if Ni Be we, if here, that means she stayed on my account, yeah, well you hope, it's like playing a game of tennis, the ball your court, study hard make a genius serve, yeah,calling back at them, "I need all yours prayers, all."   >>>"It is good Preece Canyon to hear you laugh, I take it the wife is some better? She did open her eyes the other day, smiling ear to ear, said, heyyyyy, babyyyyyy, and fasten back asleep, Doc said it was a good sign, she's in her right mind, and her speech isn't impaired. Anyway, she come out of the coma in two days so I guess we'll see, you know there's the (ALR), the? The Aqua, Lineage Reveal, I don't understand, it kinda tells you who you will marry, who your kids are, surely Deliverer you're kidding, do you know how terrifying that is, you did this? I kinda let Preecest Torrance talk me into it, I would die if it revealed something other than Preecest Erin, that's exactly how I felt, was horrified but; how does something like that even work? Well by your name, room number, and the answer to a question only you would know, a question, what kind of a question? Well, like I said, one only you would know, probably something you set up long ago and totally forgot, I didn't know the answer to mine.  Preecest Torrance knew hers, we know how many children and each of their names. Ahhh man, Prince Silverton, I so want to believe you, ...Jesus, the time, we better get back, thanks for the chat, yeah Preece Canyon, you as well, see you at your wives awakening huh? Please, I would be totally grateful if you were all there, I'll see to it, good, thanks again, the, what you cal it again? The ALR, got it, got it!"     >>>"I would like to spend every second of this day with you, well, if you Preece Tatum is serious, see all those packages the corner there? Yet to take her eyes off a sight portraying these phenomenon rose designs, so still, the serious wedding planner with o time to waste, "and take them to the first floor and I'll meet you there in about thirty. I didn't know Princess Ni Be we, when you was talking about hurting Preece Tristan, your heart being as wax, melting, you was quoting scripture, the most important ever. You see these, these red roses, I look at them and I remember something grand Maaseiah told me as a child, you smell really good, what have you done to your eyes, remove those contacts, remove, you mean this is the actual color of your eyes, golden brown my mother's are, well,hers are more blue, green like her dad, so where grand Maaseiah's golden brown. People Preece Tatum, said they freaked them out, how with my dark complexion, they seem almost demonic, that they just didn't seem right. I Princess say as you say, let nature decide, now as I was saying about these roses, I know, it's was the first of her dreams of Dunlap street, and Americans all panic along an outbreak of exodus. Grand Maaseiah said in a dream running with the masses, she come to a house of her youth, of Dunlap street that distracted her from all the surrounding, exploding chaos for now. That when she ran toward it,as one, not taking her attention away, working on a visual reality of where and how staged each floral, display, "oddly Preece Tatum, instead of running to the door, she ran past it, right into a certain area it's back yard. That once there, a bouquet of red roses, as to pay her special reverence just come right out of the earth, into total bloom into her, where she chanted beautiful. That on one side of them, laid a beige, beautifully embroidered handkerchief and on the other side, possibly a bible, and something dark, not dark she said, as in evil, but dark as in mysterious and the intermission from the apocalypse of dunlap street, all round ended into what has precisely come, the opposite of blessed influx, of instead, Exodus. I don't know what I said or did to warrant that amazing reveal but thank you Nibe for not leaving me. Thank you Tatum, for asking me not to leave you, us in limbo I guess, I so want to be here for this wedding and for you, I wouldn't miss being in your  presence for all of heaven, well maybe for a small portion of it, I got to finish this, so see you in like thirty, and dunlap street is where it all began, it's where grand Maaseiah's reveal originated, I felt you needed to know that. Okay, okay, I think, I'll bring snacks, even a picnic, my daily work will be finish and there is somewhere special I need take you, and Darius Juttah completely agree, so Preece Tatum Oniel, I ask you again, are you yet at all certain? I'm Crystal clear, certain, this is where I want to be, you Princess Ni Be we , is who I want o be with hum, funny you say, hum, that remind of yet another dream of Maaseiah, ah, don't worry, I'll just tell you how miraculous, later, so again see you in about thirty."      >>>"Come on you guys, it's time we get out of here patrols are on and the last place you wanna end up is one of those camps, I don't know Hale, probably better than these dumps. They're called beheading camps Anthem man for a reason, okay, and for whatever reason you take the mark, there is no explaining it away, scripture make that plan. You take the mark like the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, you're automatically tossed into the lake of fire. You have one decision, you always have man, it's just that we're at the end, what you decide has never been so right now, this very second you guys, so right now. Why is it Hale man you know so much about?  I been meaning to ask Hale, what is that short for, if anything, Haley, Haley, Enoch Amram, let's go you guy, let's get out of here! I'm staying, I'm taking my chances, you have any family, friends looking, waiting for you, want me to deliver them the message Anthem of how you just gave up of you, them us? What you mean on you, we;re a team, a team is like a body, a body function better when it's all together, right? Who are you man, really? Someone just like you man, trying to get to my family, praying that they'll among the coast this one or African praying and awaiting me, now please, we really need to leave so which part of the body  you see me as? The head Anthem man, what else? But isn't that what you are,? Yes, but a body can have more than one head, a spiritual body, that is, John testified of seeing seven holy spirits before God's Throne, yet we know that seven make up this Mighty One, okay we need to be quiet, stealthy from here, really, really stealthy.     >>>"What Ni Be we, am I seeing? Focus Preece Tatum, and you will know, sound like your brother, first he's my Darius, it's third, Americans, they are American refugees, come right off the southeastern coast,where we once sat, so lost. Can they see us? Only if we want  or need to them, and Preece Cobbleson, we don't, if you look closely you may recognise some of them, how is this, what is happening? It's the cruise ship the world, they've joined the efforts and they're loading up with these stranded people and they're delivering them here, still, how is this possible, what changed? God's Grace, the African Tuttah arranged it, made then an offer, I mean, they don't know it's them, they just know they've been assigned to them and are getting paid tons and tons in gold denair. So, see anyone you know? Thank you for showing me this, it was heartbreaking thinking so many people who risked all to get to those areas were just left stranded, I was hoping I saw my cousin Branstone and his wife Penelope, his brother Kingsley is here, is actually one of the twelve coupled, leads, as so one of my best friends, ah, Pier Swanson, Anthem Knows, a few others, we life the neighborhood the same time, but we kidda lost track, then you brought us here. Well, as soon as these ships manifest are released, we'll have a better ideal of who all we have here, just think, all these people, all these Americans, grand Maaseiah had all this impossible in her head for years and years, and people, hell even I called her crazy, I'm sure Preece Tatum it was more fear than anything else, right? Ready, I mean I can't get that picnic basket out of my head yes, is this like a secret or can I tell the others? No, no, you're free to share it, it's reassurance that Silverton Nichols's exodus wasn't in vain. What is your earliest memory of Grand Maaseiah? Very good question, seeing telling us such things come our bedtime stories that and the bible, especially bible prophecy to Grand Maaseiah's, and that explain why you guys know so much about it, right? Know some yes, look at Princesses being so modest, ah look, you are being summoned, I guess the basket and the story will wait until laster find, me, I will.  >>>I'm told Darius Preece, Juttah you want to see me, please just call me Preece Ebonee, my daughter, Princess Ni Be we, come to me with a problem. The problem she had consisted of your heart Preece Tatum that is sorrowfully for her not as well with hers and there was nothing she could do with the breaking of it in two, but treasure you, so she made a request, it is that I release her to positions elsewhere."Witnessed as one  looking out of this window, such a powerful, genius of man, a father even who surely fit the profile as a Darius Juttah, he was so perfectly intimidating. "Now when I look from this window as I've done  plenty, I'm reminded of what Princess Ni Be we, said of you asking your mother of how well it is with nature having no other will but God's, such a genius revelation, Prince Tatum Oniel Cobbleson even as well wise, seeing we come from there.  Now I myself made weary of her weariness,  rightly I summoned her Brother, Second Prince, Meshullam Kadesh, and he. Lord, decided to take me there, to let me see with my eyes, to let me hear with my ears, to let me decide with my heart. The last thing you and Prince Silverton saw, was a great multitude standing before Elohim God, who was speaking great and swelling words to them, neither of you could tell what it is Divine Majesty said, only that they, now washed, cleaned and Christ hearted were to be equally acquainted with His grieves and sorrows. Meaning Darius Juttah, Gethsemane decision, God's will this glory forever, or the will of my own perverted heart, condemnation forever, that Prince Juttah is absolutely correct, thank you for the time you have spent here, be well as to be excused. A question Lord, when I saw Christ the Lord, when my eyes laid upon him, I only saw holy father and I couldn't prevent it, it is what Christ Lord told early disciples they would see when they what Prince Cobbleson, see him, because? Because Darius Juttah, the mystery of Godliness is that Jesus is god manifested in the flesh and Paul and grand would say, now even the angels can see him, what Sia Maaseiah would say said is now even the angels have a God, who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost,  Princess Ni Be we. await, I bid Darius farewell ...good girl daughter Ni Be we, showing himself so proud of Preece Cobbeson as he walked away, "very good girl."     >>>"No, what is it?" Still rocking the baby asleep, this way than fancy rocker, everything all about them just so radically ancient and priceless seeming right into the toilets, even the strange envelope husband Aristotle's hand. It's an invitation, an invitation, yeah, yours Tod, mine? It's to the wedding. This is to formerly invite one Preece Todrick Matthew Stockton to be the escort, to escort you guys, one Princess Oceana Tabitha Kroff,  "wow!" Spinning joyfully into a seat, so I guess we know the twin's name, Oceana, I guess that's pretty enough, huh? It is to the ceremonial wedding of Preece Riedler Conrad Cobbleson and Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff, watch it there Tod, or they'll have you married as well, and that Aristotle man would be fine with me. I don't know Ni Be we, your dad said something to me really, really eerie, it was like, thank you for your time here and suddenly I felt overwhelmed that I was leaving, even being evicted. Which remind me, he, Draius Juttah said Sia Maaseiah had this odd dream, it was look upon a Matrix screen, like you guys the movie, and the number ten filled, and filled the screen. Well it is right now like ten days until we celebrate grand Maaseiah's birth, which could as of this dream mark great sorrow, and that's Nibe why I'm leaving? I don't know wait,you're leaving? To be honest we all are, ah, the time of the sounding of the seventh trumpet angel is upon us, the two Olivet branches will suffer their greatest trial, all of this Preece Tatum will go into recess, not again seen, nor heard until Christ Lord, the Righteous Bride, Michael and a host of heaven again sat feet upon the mount of Olivet.  I Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, I am a man, I am not a child, I fully understand the vows I will make, witnessed by  a few of his friends, as to take a knee, as to take a stunned into tears running down into a wipe, the taking of Princess Ni Be we's hand, turn her, well them all his way, all those busy about final touches, the approaching wedding, "Do take thee Princess Ni Be we to be my wife, to have and to hold from this moment forward, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, unto a perfect man,  my Christ, my, he's, he's doing it, he's doing it, while it's about time, I will love you, you Ni Be We Consquella Isabella, Kroff is this love. So Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson is doing this now, all these people this witnessed, all this family, yes Nibe he is, even the heaven this witnessed, yes, will you Princess Ni Be we have me? No, ah doubt you're anxious Prince Darius to have me answer that, I am, truly, well I need some time to think about it, okay, okay, okay, frightening his heart into his stomach this sickening, this spinning the room around along a sure faint, "I thought it, I thought about it, I Princes, Ni Be we, I am not a child, I am a woman, I fully understand the vows, all here will lay witness. I first Princess do take thee Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson to ah, be, my husband, wait, wait, I Ni be we, I'm not a child, I'm a woman, I fully understand the vows I was take, I Ni Be we, do take thee, Preece Tatum to be my husband, to have and to hold from this they forward until the rest of my life, I will love, you Preece Tatum is this love, ah, for, ah, ah, forever, and we all stand as witnesses,kiss her, kiss him, you are now Juttah Marriage worshipers, thank you Heavenly Father!!!     >>>"Does this mean, you're saying you've been there? I'm saying Preece Todrick, I am a Citizen of heaven, really at the point in biblical prophecy, we all are, and there is nothing scary nor intimidating about it. Please, come with me, be my escort along an evening walk, that Princess would please me very much, good, I have a secret garden I want to show, as to reach out her hand to him, though she and Princess Brooklyn Robin were twins, one of the most obvious differences were their eyes, with Princess Oceana Tabitha's more slanted, Asian eyes, but was she just as breathtakingly beautiful and Preece Todrick Matthew was rightly smitten, rightly. What, why are you smiling, making you young juttah Preece even more, if possible, enchanting ? I so been meaning to ask, what was it like, growing up with Sia Maaseiah as your grandmother? I mean I hope it's okay that I asked, it's bold I'm sure, but as well brave, you would be surprised how many want to ask but shy away instead. None of this seem real, none of it, I mean let me count the ways ...and Preece once you do, there is yet this nuisance of spirit, nature bedazzling you. While, I'm gonna need you to close your eyes, close my eyes? Wait, easily spilling her lovely perfume, the use of her belt to cover his eyes, you must really trust me, plus I need to say you  Preece Todrick and your acquaintances are so incredible. Nibe, you know her as Princess Ni Be we, and Tabby, you know her as Princess Oceana Tabitha, both told me this, said I had to come and meet you all and they were right. Duck your head, and, okay, we're here,  I was just about to ask where, ah my God, where is this place? For now it's an underground cave, waterfall, there's even edible fruit growing over there, Sia, ah Grand Maaseiah was first to bring me here, you ask Preece what was it like? And I thought, I would just show you. the rocks, the way they swirl and curve like that, like master artist, yes it is said such amazing mutation is to be caused by the wind and the water over a passage of time. I, ah, Princess, my god, I'm astonished you trust me this, while, honestly, Preece Todrick, I did blindfold you, so I don't know how much trust that is, this is too, too, it's beggars, ah, defiles description. I know, I know, this is why telling you was superfluous, I had to bring you, ah show, look here, we could sit for a while, talk, a citizen of heaven you say, and then you bring me here, to this phenomena place. I mean, you Princess Juttah, look at all this astonishment and yet you say? I say Preece, there is no place like heaven...my god, tearing up,over, moving off, away into a wipe, surely that she not see this, him, this, emotional breakdown of his "I'm sorry, you don't have to apologize, but it really is all changed, isn't it? As Lord has been promised and predicted thousands of years now, which is come man's folly, what is that? When they miscalculate the passage of time, when they discount it all together, I know it's fear, but don't let that keep you from heaven, and I know Princess Oceana, you could stay here forever, yeah, I mean I know what's out there, why leave, what else is there Jesus been asking all these millennia? I'm afraid we have too,leave that is,  my brother is calling, how, look here, and place your ear about here, my God, I both see and hear him, we're not in trouble, right? It's just Vlad, you know him as third Prince Darius Juttah, Vladimir Elizondo, he's one of the First Prince Silverton Nicholas' deliverer like all others, Preece Toderick, arriving in time for the wedding, being his overprotective self, trying to keep me from these types of foolishness, he and Second Prince Meshullam call them, come, I know another way, Grand Maaseiah showed me as well, by the time he figure it we're again safe in the castle, come this way, run after me." A Door Was Open In Heaven, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Intermission,    >>>"What girl, why you look at me? You know why, what was , was that fake? There you go, you turn and walk that way, but if you leave this group you will die. You're only trying to scare me, plus you never gave a damn before, why now, what changed? Everything, don't you freaking get it? Everything is changed, ah god, why did I have to end up in your group? Well nobody ask you to, those people Anthem offer you a crumb, just a crumb and your freaking head and soul is gone, just gone. These others don't, but I knew your mom, hated her for her faith and the restrictions they brought, but she taught us, she taught you, stop deceiving yourself and stop deceiving others. Your mom Anthem was a believer, ...all my freaking life and I don't want to talk about it. You two siblings? No, hell no, my mom was her host parent for years, there was even talk of adoption, but it never happen, I can tell you and Allegra have a history, ...he's just beginning this huge pinhead and I know he's better than that. By Maaseiah's reveal, the little girl of translation, and the toll of fifty cents, no not fifty cents, fifty cents is nothing, when that toll come told, it was weighty, it was mighty weight, almost unheard of, two quarters. As in two quarters of the world's populace, John's pale horse one quarter, Maaseiah pale horse to Nov. 4th prophecy, one quarter, equals two quarters, sooo, that's like/ That's like ten of millions US soil, western rule and the world, so hundred of millions and that's not calculating God's wine press nor the Antichrist reign, and this weirdo wanting to take chances with these ancient beast. How many miles more? Okay you need to say it, our world is over, it's done, it served its God given purpose and is no more, I don't want to be here, damn it, I feel so agitated, so frustrated even. That's because you're a fool, you're a fool and don't realize how much better off we are than millions of others Anthem, than millions of others. We may as well be on a pilgrimage to heaven while others suffer along a beyond hell on earth, ...and instead Anthem of being on your knees thanking god and interceding their stand you complain and cry, your eyes swell with tears why, why? Here, clear your face, the sky is dying, second Prince Juttah revealed it by a dream only nights past, meaning we should appreciate this walk to the Aqua Reveal, while we can still enjoy it, meaning no more feeling  sorry for your miracles. Yes, yes what? Yes, I will marry you, what the hell are you talking about? You serious, you forgot, we made clay from the mud puddle, you shaped a ring out of it and asked me Allegra to marry you,... I remember you slapping me in my face with yours,and running off this chicken!" Surely causing the others to break out in a long time waiting, laughter, ....shhhh, shhhh you guys, left not invite the wolves to the party ...and I vowed Anthem to never speak to you again. How old where guys, ah like seven, eight, ...she's right, she has hated me since, ...and you me, and that's what I get for asking! Will you, will you Allegra Erica Lattern marry me? You don't owe me anything, you have what you thought you wanted yet all you can do is throw it away, ...I get it okay,  I'm selfish, you can take us out of America but you can't take America out of us. No Anthem, you have to release it and gain Christ's spirit and truth, that's what your momma said, it's time we get out of  this nice, funny reveal you guys. You guys had a great mom, it's explain why you're here and not counted with the hundreds of millions dead, missing or ascended. you know Haley what come next, the deadliest of a plague? Sia Maaseiah, as Allegra just said saw it, doing her Intrepid dream, it was a towering beige horse, infested with fleas, she also saw that Islam, well kingdom nations of  the middle east took world rule, ...as I said you two, great reveals, and to Anthem answer your question, we are another nights walk away, let's get there safe huh?

...And Said, If Thou Wilt Diligently Hearken To The Voice Of The Lord Thy God, And Wilt Do That Which Is Right In His Sight...

                                                                Scene XXXV

     "Where are we, is this even real? The ceiling beloved Husband over our sickbed, open into a glorious light, a glorious angel descended and beloved brought us here, but where beloved is here?  Just as she took us I then felt intense joy my heart, you beloved, I felt when you felt it as well, look, look around Princess Erin, they're all here, Lord Israel, Lord Urusalem, The African Juttah, (world exodus), the Juttah Tribe, (Bride's final outreach), The Juttah Septennial, (Bride's Ascension) The Aqua Reveal/First Prince Silverson Nicholas's Exodus, (as Two The Olive Branches, of Interceding The Tribulation Saints), they are all here, beware beloved husband, a silence is come to these heavens; 

     -For it is written Prince Silverton Nicholas, Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

     -For it is written Prince Silverton Nicholas, Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him:
     -For It Is Written Prince Silverton Nicholas, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.     >>>Opening squink by the daylight, sunlight shooting in through the pulled drapes awake from such unspeakable joy and reveal looking to a kind Doctor Morris, poorly explaining this vugar interruption. "Forgive me, Mr. Deburk, Preece Canyon for waking you, it is time you take a recess from this room, go, freshen up, eat something, we don't want you sick as well, right? I was in heaven with her, with my wife, h, Preecest Erin, the Lambs book of life was open, and it's ancient contents was being made into a roll call of it's many names, but as well what was equally frightening and pulling at the heart strings, things, whosoever Doc, wasn't written in that ancient scroll, were instead cast into a lake which burn with fire and I think for the first time I understood, I completely understood why that is. Thank you, my mouth is so dry and my belly bubbling over with hungry, Preecest Erin, may not be awake here, but there Doc, the things they're showing her, she may never again come, but I won't blame her, I'll just pray for the mercy and grace to just join her there, good evening Doctor Morris, god bless you, you as well Preece Canyon, you as well,"     >>>"How did we ever get this assignment? I do not want to see this, and you Prince Bronze Coten think Elohim does, just how long you think any of it would have lasted if the cherubim didn't sing to him twenty four seven. Talk about kiss the son, yea surely do, lest he be angry, sing to the Lord Ancient of days lest we all genocide, hey, hey, you guys think this is where Maaseiah, Lord Urusalem now Lion, yeah right, you think this is where she was standing when she spoke in tongues across the entire world below. She talk about a passway that lead right into the universe of all phenomenon eyes could survey and gradually she could see right into the earth, right into each and every person. You think he ever figured what it was said to all of them? I know what she hoped, she hoped it was Psalms 100, make a joyful noise to the world all ye land, serve the lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing. That's how we do this, each of us figure what it was lord Urusalem spoke down to the world that day, you know what she said when, holy spirits spoke to her in the kitchen that day, what day, Spirit man? There were many, when they reassured her, how soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking guys down upon the tribulation saints, and praying for them, just as she described in that dream or memory you guys. Yeah spirit River, blessed reassurance, though she didn't' realize it until later, but that reveal verified how there would be a pre trib rapture, I must of miss that one. Well you are Bronze Coten and we're not surprised, you was so caught up in paradise Africa, you missed just about everything. You know what, little brother Medicine bow, if we wasn't in heaven, I would say you're a little jealous, and miss Maaseiah, no way Bronze, no way, right Spirit River? Yes, indefinitely, so what was said exactly. well Bronze quoting her, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the antichrist is given power to overcome them. That's guys, just as we're doing right now, Lord Urusalem's assignment, now brothers ours, you guys realize we speak of her in the past tense like the prophets and apostle of old. I did Spirit River sense that too, I had yet to mention it though, I'm seeing a world not only without America, but as though western civilization never exited beyond the Roman nor the British empire, and I'm not liking what I see. It explains Bronze, though western civilization has caused the death of hundreds of millions, and where now with Trump's administration on it's way to genocide millions of more not realizing it's own time hath come, they were to repent and escape, Jesus' Millennium Reign. Beowulf, since you're last to be ordain Sia Tribe, I bid you go first, if you'd been Sia Maaseiah, that day, what would've been your prayer? the Lord's of course, the one He taught us all to pray, I know the sounding of the seven trumpet is upon us, I know Jesus Millennium is descending, but after a thousand years we're going to look to one other planet relocation God's Kingdom come. Even as Heir Daniel, described of him, the ancient of days, yeah Beowulf man, blessed is he who cometh to the 1,334 days indeed, lets bow and pray, that as soon as he spoke our father, out spilled a language that had not been spoken on planet earth since the patriotic fathers."  Intermission,  "Cobbleson man, I'm talking to you, I think he's still in shock, I ask you did you want something to drink? I, was there, I was there, just now, it's like I witnessed the Juttah Tribe, praying in tongues from heaven all across the planet, what are you talking about?" Seeing him pull napkins free, wipe spilling his eyes, his nose, his chin, it was apparent something besides those vows were happening to him, "my Christ, it was like I was one of them, these youngs Sia's. I heard them talk about Sia Maaseiah, only she's now what they call, Lord Urusalem, city of peace, now how would I know that if, if, ah my Christ, I saw her. You saw her? Yeah, she sat a throne as well, she had in her possession the stone, the ah, stone cut out without hands, I saw it as clearly as I see you guys right now. You, you deliverer, you saw it too, I did, though I been uneased to say, I did, I saw the Bride reigning in power and glory, and she did possess, what some call Nebuchadnezzar's stone. The one his night terrors, those of all world leaders, I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, now as Prince Tatum had said, how would I know that if I'd not seen it, I saw, we, we Prince Tatum, that as it was released, a voice then cried out in our ears, 'this is the antichrist murderer. Yeah and we both deliverer were curious about that description, but it is as to die by it's own sword, okay, okay, Juttah reveal to Prince Silverton and Prince Tatum, let us not forget this is a celebration. Our own Preece Tatum is now a married man and before I send my brother off to marriage beds, I want to have a l little fun with him, so you guys have you ever seen Me sure Cobbleson dance? No doubt, it, like his Princess Bride alone is an eighth wonder, Cobbleson my brother, we give you the dance floor, you know I don't dance, ah you dance, it just you're so awful at it; so you think these visitations to heaven improved that, show us, prove it, my man Aristotle,  music please."   A Door Was Open In Psalm, Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle. Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert. Because they regard not the works of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. Blessed be the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever. Intermission, "This princess would be a good time, right? The story of Grand Maaseiah's humble beginnings, it is only an old bed time story, perfect for this tree swing and those striking flames. They were leaving the nht clus this night, she and her friends, from, you're yawning already, I'm sorry, ah, its so soothing, please, please continue, it ws Maaseiah only her friends aunt Susan and aunt erica, Tatum,knew her as Tiffany Ann. The traffic was jammed, just packed for miles, and miles, so they just sat and talk and talk, while grand Maaseiah relax in the back. Soon aunt Erica alerted them to the fact, the monster of hikes peak, two face they also called him, wsn;t a but like a car over from him, according to grand Maaseiah, you mighty quiet, are you sleep, I'm listening, i'm yarn, arning, but I'm listening. Any they started jeering her on abot going over to talk to him, you since she liked befriending people, she shake it off as they sat, inquired of other motorist what's the problem, soon they her it a really bad car accident, about three four cars, not tatum realizing, it's aunt susan's man friend nand grand Maaseiah's fiancee of which had been killed. ah god I know you would say that, soon the back door open to their bothof their shock and she was doing it, grand maaseiah was walking toward the monster's car. She said she's approached his window, just s the dog began barking nand before he ne they were face to face, a moment she described as both exhilarating and terrifying, but it was when he spoke, she said it was then she knew, while, for both of them, Christian Cross and Maaseiah Adonai, and like us it was love at first sight Wait, wait, isn't your grand father named Nicholas, ah, they married, he and grand Maaseiah, mr. Artelon, though they separated and on the verge of divorce. like grand Maaseiah marriage was very sacred to him, though they were madly in love nothing even as intimate even as marriage come of it. What, what an unimaginable trials, thinking, even witnessing how that heart gripping mad aware seem to shake him awake, no, no, I don't Princess even want to imagine it, and you're serious? I told yo just as it was told us, but that, that would be pure madness, and it was, okay, your grand dad o how did thy meet? Actually he's the brother in law of aunt Susan, one she thought was her spirit destiny and the other that one predestined her heart, I, ah, if you don't mine, I think I've heard enough. It didn't happen to us, hey, we're married now, you love m don't you? Very Much Princess, rising into an offer his hand, thinking he ws hungry, that it was almost dinner time, "very much, though when you love say spirit husband, the one she will more than likely take into eternity, though all it's love is there, the one she have the most memory of, and please Prince husband, don't ask me how i knew that, I think I just did, so you can Princess Ni Be we, say, that night, that highway, when and where they met, changed everything, exactly, exactly and that Princes husband is the marrow of that story."

               ...And Wilt Give Ear To His Commandments, And Keep All His Statutes...

                                                      Scene XXXVI

      "Stop it, stop it, you're killing us, I have one tip for you, don't dance at your wedding, as a matter of fact Cobbleson man, don't dance at anyone's wedding, right, Deer. Wait a minute, how are you here? I missed my husband, plus I  knew by now you'd had enough, let go, let's get out of here, don't worry, even caffeine make him a little topsy, he should've told you guys, caffeine, you guys gave me caffeine? We gave you wine, what? Seven, eight proof, a glass or two and you couldn't handle it, I still mean what I said Cobbleson, no more dancing, ok, Ari man, okay, miss you already, miss you too, glad to be back here with you, me too, hey Ante Deer, need some help? No, he's just a stuffed bear, I got him, you know how much I like stuff bears right, right, so Ari, what does that mean? That mean you gonna eat me right up and we're gonna have lots and lots of fun, yeah, once you sleep off barely two glasses of infantilize wine. Where they been? They asked to go to Ghana, Africa, ah, Antelope Deer has family there, they're here for Reidler's wedding and I don't know if they're staying or, well to be honest Princess Ni Be we, now your wife brother, that's what we're celebrating, right? Right, ah she said we'll be returning or going to mansions in heaven, the sounding of the seventh trumpet is come, and all these lands will go into a recess, the Olive Branches into tribulation and martyrdom and we can't be here, or something like that, in a few words the Antichrist like never before is targeting Christ's Cross and since for a while they will fall to him, it is not wise that either of the anointed be here. The times and troubles of the tribulation saints hath come and we can serve them better by the prayers from the brazen altar, so we're just here long enough for Princess' Brooklyn wedding and even then Nibe says we're cutting it close.  Why you think it is she know all that stuff, like a walking bible or something? For some reason Tod I think she supposed to and t's just like so, I mean Prince Darius, Juttah, is that way, as well, just full of God's revelational light you know, so how you and your princess getting alone, man like you I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it, one moment we stranded the coast dead horribly. Now, it's as though we're ascended to mansion in heaven, you know that's what this feel like, as Tatum no longer of the earth as we know it, Isn't that the feeling you get as well? Yes, until Nibe explained, yes, the world, even the universe Tod is changed, ahhhhhhh, its like, we're at a bachelor party probably somewhere between heaven and earth and that is blowing my mind away, just blowing my mind completely away, is it even that brother or the wine? You're getting married, you're marrying a princess of the Kroff household, one of the greatest deliverer of men this planet, since Moses, do you know that, did you all know that about the Kroff name? Well heck if we didn't best friend Tatum Oniel Cobbleson we do now, but nall, I didn't, you guys? No, yes, the exodus of the young marriage worshippers some thirty years now began with their father and mother, African bred and born, Darius Juttah, what a reminder that Africa's designed the crater of mankind. You all know what Maaseiah think right, please Preece Reynolds, pray, tell us, she think the garden of eden was of or is of Africa's territories, meaning it's where we all come from, is it true you think? I mean, I been meaning to ask you, did Preecest Naomi father lay down his life that you, a complete stranger, that you live or is that just another tall-tale.  It is true Rielder that I woke some days later to learn exactly that and I wasn't Preece Todrick so happy about it, as of matter of fact I was down right upset. You know, that someone had risk their soul for one already redeemed, ah so that was your displeasure? Yes, I was horrified, soon I meet the family at my mother encouraging, learn he'd been a servant of Christ for some years and you all know the rest. I want to know, how is it you volunteer for their mission just as you and your mates where about to enter the septennial? That is cray to me, there was Rie a good, legitimate reason,  though if I told any of you I would have to either ascend to descend you, but don't fret mysteries don't seem to last long here. I mean  Rie I'm already hearing rumors of it fastening upon the winds all about, hey you guys, I  think, I just found a room that has everything for our entertainment there ever was, books, music, movies, various instruments. Who play? Ah I play a little, while you mastro Reynolds play and we'll sing, okay, that sound like a plan, apparently you haven't heard us sing, can you Cobbleson sing better than dance? Because if you can, we have a deal, surely I can, plus I need to practice, a solo the wedding dinner rehearsal, ah, ahhh, okay then, I believe you.  A  Song Of  Solomon, I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.tay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love. His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me. I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice. My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.  Intermission, "I'm just telling you we can't go with them, what you want to drink? Ah, decaf, ah, coffee, ah tea, which one dear? Ah, tea I guess, and why is that? You know why, because of our unbelief, you mean Deer, because of my unbelief, I don't get it Ari, even now in the midst of all this wonderment beyond description and you yet don't get it. I never said I didn't get it, only that I don't want what they're selling and what pray tell Aristotle Heiress are they selling but to occupy mansions in heaven; on to reign as heirs this entire planet earth doing Christ's millennium; then go from there for all that is time for men ever again to reign as Kings and Queens God's Kingdom for eon and eons to come? What is this Aristotle, even where are we? I don't know, some part of Africa I guess, how about every part of Africa, of this entire planet at the same time, that as a glorified member. It is all they have to do is think it, say it and you're there, how you know that? Because we, they, they inherit Christ's, that is how Jesus was upon His glorification, He could virtually disappear and appear just as he favored, and the disciples witnessing this, and were mesmerized by it told us all about it. The resurrected to glorified are now like him, holy spirit, don't you get it? It's what all the ancient years of outreaching repentance God's temple, brazen altar, Jesus, because in the end only the Genesis man, by God's works of righteousness made holy spirit will stand, will Ari, reign. My being one of them, I no longer have to travel by man-made devices, that is something I do with you, I don't even have to use my feet if I don't want to. Nor Ari bother with this, this physical food is for you, the tree of life is ours, it is all the food we need, I go from here to there just as often as you sleep. But you stay with me, knowing this, having this, you stay with me, I stay with you because you are my husband, I vowed myself to it and I love it, I love being your wife, there are now, no words for it. Though right now Ari, those unholy have never, ever been in so much trouble, never, they will seek you out and since it had been given that tribulation saints are worried, some to horrid death by him, they will seek you out, and they will find you. I will literally have to watch you be imprisoned and tortured to death and that's not all, except you repent of all this foolishness, I'll have to make a visit of you, hell's dungeon! Wait," a refreshing string of tears passing along his a face of utter despair, of harsh debating how this can't be right and even if it is, it can't be true. "Am I dreaming this? Tell me Antelope Deer, Jaguar I'm dreaming this and I'll forgive you instantly, forgive me? That you have come some believer behind, behind what, your back? I am always on the verge of believing all things now proven Christ's, always, and you know it, you will not shit here and pretend like you don't. I have rehearsals, understand, not long after Princess Brooklyn Robin wedding my dear Aristotle believers, meaning all bidden this wedding. They all will be automatically without a say taken from this place, the seventh angel trumpet summon them, me so like never, ever before. Ari, you have a decision for all that is a lifetime now beyond resurrection and mansions in heaven, even beyond Jesus' Millennium; which itself is for a thousand years of world peace, I don't even want to spend this next hour without you, but this practice is for the bride's maids alone. Let alone spend eternity without my husband, my beloved, can't you see my heart is sandblasted at the very thought of it? Now truly and I husband mean truly, ask your heart, what it is Aristotle it truly wants? Because if sincere, Hallowed, Heavenly Father will grant it, ...just come back to me, always, all ways, make this marriage bed in heaven Ari, and I'm there, descend marriage beds into hell, I'll be there, love Ari, is but self sacrificial. Our own garden of Gethsemane, heavenly father would say, as so my father, remember from whence thou art fallen and return, by Ante disobedience, from Ante, God's Grace, and no longer Aristotle Heiress Cologne is godliness a mystery. Look at me," laying her warm, delicious, perfumed cheek so darling, relaxing, into his own, even his edible warm, breath, just as well so happily, heart melting, and her parents, siblings definitely saw it, witnessed it, "I so despise this hour, I won't be long."

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

  The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, a final son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Nesting Brave Heart Longknife 

    -I Will Put None Of These Diseases Upon Thee, Which I Have Brought Upon The Egyptians: {The Rebellers, Apb}}For I Am The Lord That Healeth (Rescue, Deliver, Apb), Thee.

                                                              Scene XXXVII
      "No, no, according Silverton to Darius Juttah things the Ancient of Days said I don't think it was meant that we hear nor comprehend all of it, at least not just yet. Remember Heir John, when the seven thunders spoke and he went to write but he was told not to write it down, not to reveal what it was that was said, right? Very good example Preece Cobbleson, so God, as a mouth speaking great things to this multitude allowed us to hear only that needed, which was to be acquainted with both his grieves and sorrows. Our as well, deliverer, garden of Gethsemane on the way to both the beginning and the end of our unbearable cross, Christ Cross yoke of deliverance. He became as a hand and touched them, did you Preece Tatum see this as well? I did see, he touched or marked their temples just as scripture describes it, that God's Anointed are marked, either their heads or their hands. We saw the hands cleansed and the forward marked, only heir John saw that the beast made mockery of it. No doubt Tatum, the ultimate bruising of Jesus' heel by marking his followers, the number instead of men, of 666, the hands or head as well. So who were they Silverton Nicholas and from whence did they come? If I had to guess Lord Tatum, I would say they are the one hundred and forty-four thousand of Christ's virgin followers, who're pluck right out of the greatest of Babylon's abomination since Noah's day, only worse, all fulfillment now come, well said Preece brother, so well said. You do realize Preece Silverton what you're telling me, that I Tatum and my twelve leaders just saw the one hundred and forty four thousand specialty saints straight through the worse to happen right to Christ; that it is unto Him you and I both Preece Cobbleson like a Peter, a John, from Mount Sion to Zion then watched them ascend? Just know Preece Tatum Oniel what I couldn't imagine kinda flew the coop when Preece Torrance revealed not only was I adopted, I was originally of the house of the Saurus, Coogan.  Well actually the Saurus, Coogan, Chow, the beginning to the end of paradise Africa, as so was I to understand was that a fated Aqua transformable. Now the Juttah Septennial forfeited was making like a U-turn and coming back especially for me, all no win high sight, just to wrap my mind, even my heart around that impossibility alone. The next I know I'm leading an exodus of thousands upon thousands without even realizing who they are, right along these literal forbidden scenes , this perfect memory of Moses exodus, truly the phenomena things Preece Tatum Oniel, Elohim has in stored indeed"      >>> "Come in, it's open, Lord's," seeing three unfamiliar males enter in, thinking they'd come to arrive him to the fitting room and so timely, "the fitting, I know, yes Preece Aristotle and no, we're here to arrive you to what your heart desire. It is perhaps that will help with such indecision, it is the dream only last night, my wife and I were strolling, crossing a busy street. Seeming Lords, right into a woody, dirt path, when suddenly there was a stampede of speedy elephants, just quaking the earth with it and I lost the hold of her hand in the great shuffle, even scuffle. I looked and looked all around, this stampeding crowd themselves, I couldn't find her, my Christ, I couldn't find her anywhere. Peace be still Preecest Aristotle, Antelope Deer is why we're here, you do Preece know what stampeding elephants represent? The waking up of millions out of their fears of being made aware, elephants of a daunting reality in the rooms no longer plague them. Now of you Lord, please come, so I have not lost her? No, Preecest Antelope deer is only twelve feet away, pray, tell what is my heart's desire, truly God knows and that is a stunning gem, a mighty treasure the heart, one is to discover. You guys are Indian, yes, the continent of America, aborigines, what Preece Aristotle is the continent of your birth? England, so Europe, my parents were Dutch and Duchess, Clear'ance, may I ask where are you taking me? It is Lord Urusalem desire that you be taken on the same seeing journey of her made aware, this one she called a type of Christmas Carol, are you Preece at all familiar with any of Maaseiah's reveals? We heard it said in your heart, that Jesus' reveal of God's revelations was in the manner of the things which where. the past, the things which shall be, the present and the things which would be there after, the future. So Preece, where did the story of a Christmas carol truly originate? Tell us Preece Aristotle of England, what is it you see? I see nothing, nothing, that there is nothing left of the US, West Pacific coast, now pasted away completely, just as Maaseiah warn and warn and warn, those things now past. My lords, I further see millions are like the days of Noah, gone into mighty waters, an Aquatic fate, never, ever to return, now these strange sea fellows. I'm afraid Preece, although they knew it could happen, they Preece Aristotle never thought it would happen, I fear, I fear mighty I don't want to see anymore of this, please have mercy lords, please. I Sia Bronze Coten, Preece Aristotle told them the same thing, you know what they told me? Father Elohim has to, see that is, so why not I? Surely time is of the essence, so go Preece Cologne and suffer accordingly, you said my wife send you, who is she to you, that she send you to me? Preecest Antelope deer, Jaguar is the last child, daughter of Tribe, Sia, Sioux Noel Deburk, so you're telling me she grew up in the house of Deburk? Making us, Sia Medicine Bow, Sia, Bronze Coten and myself, Sia Lion Wolf, our niece, please beloved one, tell us what it is you now see? I see the great house this planet, fantastic not in might but in the majesty it is given, it is burning, it and all of its inhabitants are lost with it, as so Preece, the smoke of it's burning? It is crying, lamenting unto God, right into the brazen altar, and what does it say? It is the church, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation haven't been destroyed, but the foundation haven't been destroyed, the one laid by Christ and his holy apostles, it can be rebuilt, it can be rebuild! I look still, Lords and I also see that the Kennedy Space center suffers an alike fate, this, such are things at present and millions have fallen because of the burning of it. When I meet Antelope deer she wasn't such the believer herself, so excuse me Sia's, if it's all a mystery that she grew up in a house of such fierce reveal. Belief Preece Cologne come with time and only then as the heart's participants wills it, pray tell, Sia, what is your name? The wind Preece blows as will, and none know from whence it come, nor to whence it goes, so are all those born again and now, come Holy Spirits. Again Lord Aristotle, I must caution, we're on borrowed time and but a little of it, it is only Sia Beowulf Michael that Preece feel betrayed by his wife, Preecest Antelope Deer.  I don't rightly know Sia Uncles even if betrayed is the word, it terrifies my heart, what if she'd not told me to caution any of it? But don't you see, that is what terrified Preecest Antelope deer's heart as well, she swore to take your uncertainty either to heaven where it is forbidden, or to hell where it is mightily welcomed, than to ever abandon you, because Sia's, love is sacrificial. Now tell us Preece Husband, what it is you further see? I now see what can only be, the East Coast of America, everything is washed away or burn of it, everything but that deep south of it, truly I as well fear for it, the mighty deep, black waters beckons and calls out for it. There, right there is where I, Ate, our friend Cobbleson, and others sat so helpless until Princess Ni Be we, found us, and carried us quite a distant away. Then I heard it, a voice, a transmission so clear in my ear, when it was said so plainly and I quote, "the eastern seaboard is gone,"  O the blessed, bitter seeing of all of it and there Preece Aristotle Heiress Cologne ended the lesson, go and know Preecest Antelope deer and your Father in heaven, righteous judgment now come, all the better."  A Door was Open In Zechariah's Prophecies, Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.  And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.  All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's wine presses. And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.  And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, Holiness Unto The Lord; and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. Intermission "Well, we were playing like this word, well letter game and you have to quickly choose a college to match the letter drawn and explain why that campus. So it was H and the whole table just knew I would say Harvard, but I said Heaven and they said that's Nomni so like you, but that is not a college, then I said I know, but it's a lifestyle I said, just like a college and they all sat in awe. Then I said something not so, I don't know, I said Harvard is going to burn anyway, like all the rest of it, so let's just say I kinda lost all my friends that day. You was right though, Nomni, I saw it, you saw it, what you mean you saw it? I saw it all burn, Harvard, Yield, the White House, all of it, whoa, what are, THEY came, THEY took me on a visionary quest across the country, something like out of the Christmas Carol story, wait a minute, they? Yeah, THEY, when first I looked the entire US West Pacific coast was no more, so past, over and I guess like now, millions with it, after that I witnessed how it was yet burning from the west coast right into the midwest, even the White house, so again, all of it, whatever it was once before now gome. I even did a flyover the area we were staying when Princess Ni Be we, found us and delivered us here and you guys even then the great waters were making ready for to claim even millions more. And that's not all, I heard a radio transmission, as clear as I'm talking here, and it said, the entire eastern seaboard was gone, so now, it's tens of millionss staying and staying in the way. Now I know how it all sound, but it's true, I guess they were trying to make me repent or something, but no one Ari man can make you repent, it comes of the heart, blood, it's free will or God doesn't accept it, tell me man you at least knew that? Ah, Tatum, you know what I mean, they were trying to convince you, repentance is better than sacrificing your soul, right? I beloved see that look, I was going to tell you, it just blurted out of itself before, it was Ante even three of your young uncles and one young leader called Beowulf and at another time, a Ctentri Israel, if you can believe that. THEY, your Sia uncles, showed me that all of it was gone either by fire, flood, wind and more and more apocalypse and return me in time for the dress rehearsals. And Return you Aristotle in time for the dress rehearsal, wow, Ari man, wow, yea they were really adamant about the time, said it was borrowed and but a little. They babe even said they were doing it for you, showing me what Sia Maaseiah had herself seen, only now, the Brides' reign, though they call her a Lord Urusalem, I clearly knew that's what they meant, is't that something? That Ari is incredible and horrifying I guess, that they did that for you, so are you convinced? I'm convinced Reynolds the world as we know it is over, but what's to come of it, even of us, who knows, right? Though they told you and they left Ari their urgent post this entire heaven's earth to show you, you still have doubts, so I guess I'll just close my eyes, cover my ears, my heart when they're torturing you to death. So I'm supposed to believe all this terror is upon us, yet we're unto dress rehearsals and rehearsal dinners of a Juttah weddings, that's between two people who only meet days ago?  Yes Aristotle Heiress, you think about that and you be reminded how heaven go on for it's Father, for It's Son, for its Host of heaven that now includes, the now reigning Bride and a myriad of others events. These spiritual phenoms, all while hell is in full force and steadily enlarging itself you guys and why, because it must, because that is its nature, even it's predestination! That's said so stunningly Antelope deer, I just like to thank all those mention here, the Father, the friend, Savior, the comforter, the Bride of fulfillment, unto the whole Heavenly, Holy Family for all their efforts to bring the whole world to the blessed Cross who alone is Jesus. Again all efforting that they, that we may save our own selves, that Preece Reynolds remind me, the last thing my father Sia Sioux Noel, of the Juttah Tribe said of my procrastinating escape was, if I can't, or simply won't make the exodus beginning with America. Meaning if I refuse, then I should get as close to Jesus as is possible, don't get left here, he said, in the worse judgments ever or ever this earth, again. Whereas now Antelope Deer, it is that your name make all the more sense, he sent me a prayer you guys I think all of us should gather into right here, right now,  Cobbleson, what are you, yeah look like I'm right on time and we take hands and bow our heads and say. Dear God, the first thing we ask you for is the forgiveness of sin, for you have said in your Word, not only will you not hear us, or see us as long as we have sin, it is impossible for you too. Then Father we ask that you forgive us for living our will apart from yours, mend us together as One. Now forgiven of sin, we ask you Jesus to come into our heart and mold it into yours, we ask you Holy Spirit to come into our spirit and design it, as yours, the Holy, acceptable Temple of God, we ask you Heavens Host to be with us, as with Jesus. It is in Jesus name and by His Blood we pray, we ask, we trust, we seek thy face, thank you worthy Father, for redeeming us, all, Amen and Amen. Now that he further said is Gethsemane's decision, and that lovely wife remind me, the last thing you said to me that day before all this outbreak of reveal was remember from whence thou art fallen and return. Then you Aristotle Heiress having a Peter, Jesus, Spirit moment said, by disobedience, from God's Grace and you love said, no longer Aristotle Heiress Cologne is Godliness a mystery. Yes, right, not once we realize disobedience is the first abomination, lost of wisdom and falling from Gods grace it's mightiest curse along a course of dangerous indecision and we're all done looking for the enemy in all the wrong places. I have, hallelujah everybody, amen."     >>>"What Cobbleson man, one night of married life already disagreeing with you? I don't know, you don't know? I think I got a runaway wife thing going on, meaning? Meaning I haven't been able to find Nibe, not since the vows, kind of sound like she didn't mean it, really Ari  man, the woman who propose to me, a beach inundated by escapees at the first leap of her heart? Then it's you, did you mean it? We have a wedding tomorrow, a practice dinner this evening and to be honest I just want to get through all of that, so please no more questions, she's my wife now and I guess, I'll see her when I see her. How you doing Mr.Wedding now? You look rather glum, I admit, Cobbleson, the closer we get, the more nervous I am, as nervous as a change of the heart, mind? No, nothing like that, I just want to get it right, you know, be perfect, your wife has styled us a crazy, amazing wedding, I just don't want to mess it up. My wife, that sound, that sound kind of nice, but what's there to mess up Rielder? You got the easy part, you stand there while this crazy, magical wedding as you describe it, is performed all around you, Preece Reynolds is right little brother, besides your dress, your vows, and you know them perfectly, all you have to do really is show up, so breathe man, breathe.  Yeah, ah all this food just sitting here going to waste, come on God's Kingdom reign, you mean Jesus' Millennium, no, Jesus' reign though beyond all things phenomena, is short lived, but God's, wait a minute, you calling a thousand years of peace on earth short lived? As I was saying, I don't know where my runaway bride is, Prince Tatum Oniel, Though Jesus' is a phenom these heavens, earth ever, the Ancient of Days not only is it for all eternity into eons and eons. This present earth is no more, no more pain, sorrows suffering, no more crying, no more waste, all former things passed, away. Well you're Reynolds right about that, praise Jesus, you right about that.{{{Paging Prince, Darius, Tatum Cobbleson, you have a message for you waiting at the fifth hall, this transmission will repent in fifteen minutes,}} any of you care to guess what that is? No, but hurry on back and put us out of our mystery, cute, Rie man, really cute, yeah just tell Nibe I said hello, that I miss her, lets hope you right, pray, hope, I tell be blessed brother."

And They Came To Elim, Where Were Twelve Wells Of Water, And Threescore And Ten Palm Trees: And They Encamped There By The Waters.

                                                       Scene XXXVIII

      "What is this place? I never knew beauty could be like this, as Prince Tatum reported in Exodus it is the area of the twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees, and the Hebrews encamped there, well here Prince Tatum, by the waters. This has to be a place in heaven, surely there are no places like this on earth, but I just told you where we are. When I Prince, Darius Meshullam received such a message I thought for a certainty my wife, summon me here, your wife, Princess Ni Be we, believes with all of her heart. It is Prince Tatum Oniel that she had committed great offenses by citing juttah vows in the face of tremendous fear, both yours and her own, she rescinded all things here to arrive God's Temple throne, seeking his forgiveness. Of such Prince Lord, I feared, I do so want to spend my eternity with her, but as I said those vows I was so sick in my heart, it was to keep her near, assuredly as she threaten to disappear. This place, your majesty, anytime spent here would be considered heaven itself, surely Prince Lord, thyself, spoken by one who is yet to inherit it, heaven that is. But the air so fresh, so clean, the sounds of life, it's their making merry all around, sometime I'm so sick of such things, even questioning, why have so many been lost without at least knowing, this? Pray, tell Prince Juttah, what are the seven to eight wonders of this planet and why, and what about Rome, it's British Empire, even America, where the world has lived deliciously for all of it's centuries? If I count correctly, we have the Great Pyramid of Giza, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. the Hanging Gardens of Babylon," stop, please stop, how am I seeing this, that even as you say they, these wonders beyond imagining appear? Need I tell you Prince Cobbleson, again and again, it is the hour of Maaseiah's reveal? As so there's the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia," as one moving in close, laying a curious hand so, as to jerk tingling tears right along, truly he could not have named one, and seeing them for the first time just added all the majesty to what he'd already seen, yet so unbelievable. "There's the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Prince, Colossus of Rhodes and last but not least, the Stonehenge, of England. These are only a few, a few of that bedazzling men to the points or features of, in denial, that the creator created the creature so they all the worship the things of men. They call them wonders because to visibly contain them is achingly invigorating to terrifyingly remarkable, tearing at the breathe, heart, but aching thirst yet remain. No doubt, it is when they stand before him, they stand before him without excuse, not even Prince Tatum a tittle, the message of Christ Lord, it being very clear was always perish or repent. Come, walk this way with me, Father Lord simply says, I will destroy all those who destroy the earth, burn everything unworthy built upon his foundation, laid by Christ and Holy Apostle that is not Holy Spirit. My Christ is God? As to look oddly, excitedly into a sun that begin to descend, change and metamorphose right there where they stood, until before his wondering, crying eyes did appear, as to block out the entire sky, was a giant, diamond carved, sparkling crystal, dove, all now his chariot, as a chariot into the above, beyond. "I don't understand, understand Fourth Prince Juttah he is come for you, so get out of here, get to your wife Princess Ni Be we, you haven't seen nothing yet, surely he will take you there, I will see you again, I promise, I promise, you two are yet bidden to Princess Brooklyn Robin Tatiana's wedding, go, go, fly right away, until then, ...surely be careful father, lest they take your heart."  A Door was Open In Heaven  And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Intermission  "What, why we stop? We're here, pull those bushes apart gently, don't want to startle, and you'll see, why Hale are we being so careful? Because my brother in christ I don't want us to walk into a trap, we sit here as to case out the place, make sure it's as it seem, if you don't agree you are free to just enter at will. No, what you're saying make sense, but how long, how long do we wait? We need to spit us for the rest of the day so we're scan these areas from all points of views, giving us an all points bulletin if you will, two by two all angles. yet I keep asking you, how do you know such things? Yet I keep telling you, I just do, if there is an outbreak we need to know to what extent, even if broadcasters patrols are here, we need to know that as well, things guys are not as they seem, but the opposite could also true, we meet back here at morning dawn, if you don't return  I will understand and, and godspeed everyone.  Haley, as one rushing into a congressional, welcoming hug, glad he was wrong about not seeing his brother again, what took you so long? Is it brother as it seem, is it just a sea of desperate people looking for the next African transit? For now, it is just that, desperate, hungry, hurting people, loving, hating, thanking and cursing God, you are alone, now that I did not expect, where is she, where is Clementine?  She and Justin are about three rolls, east, rolls huh? Yeah, and numbers, hers being, well ours being 593, I didn't come alone, I put them all on screening duty, they are like casing the place, yeah that sound just like you, ah the cruise ships are now helping come Hale from around the world. They are not Aqua submersible, but better than  nothing and in time for the deadline, hoe do you know there is a deadline, I know what my brother told me, that this escape is temporary, that we're to calculate as or dear life, the ten matrix ten day count, it's tenth in only a week, thus the assurance lately, we will leave in a week, in a week the final, the tenth will be realized, so your timing brother, also is perfect. What about the outbreak we been  hearing about, there are some, but that too seem to be on hold, the supreme is good, just so you know, I'm now brother one of those, Clem too, good, good to hear. I'm to take a look around, I'll meet you on your roll bearing friends morning, dawn, tell Clem hello, tell my nephew, I'll see him soon, Hale, be careful, stay of of trouble, you telling me, that is a switch."     >>>"Ah finally you are here, where is this place and who are these children? These are the children from Deliverer Silverton's exodus, and this wonderful, astonishing place is Petra, this, this stoneage villa is Petra? One more question, why aren't you Nibe at all surprised to see me, only that I ask, that you come here," a hug of his neck, even a smooch of his cheek, eyes, a lay of her head into his, a breath of his breath, where they so in love, and such was apparent. "Husband, come right here to me, what if I tell you my chariot was a diamond carved, sparkling crystal dove, hugely blocking out the sky, I, nor would they believe you, unless we'd seen itm, you've see it? Children, children, this is my husband, Dove Rider,Dove Rider? It's what they call you, but his birth name, come Prince, is Tatum. Oniel Cobbleson, yes, you all call me Tatum, you all can call him, Prince Tatum. Now come, all come recess is over and we have lots to do before the night, you are really enjoying this? Truly I am, and having you here just adds to it's appeals did you hear, armies are building in Megiddo and soon the battle of Armageddon is in full force, I know, here we know just as, is known of Elohim. Ah, I still can't believe you're here, I could just eat you up, and tonight perhaps I will, just leave some for entering God's throne huh? I can only promise beloved that I will consider it, but I don't know, the women of Africa's Juttah are right, you are Cobbleson, sort of irresistible. The women of Africa's Juttah? You didn't know, they count you so special, hum, I guess I'm going somewhere and quite fast, yeah, running right behind you, where is she taking you? Won't know love until we're there, ah here, we're here, wow, are all the caves marked up like this. I don't know, thank you Miya, but I walked into one a day past and I just burst forth in an unknown tongue that just kept coming and coming until I walked out of it, you're serious? You're laughing at me, I didn't; make it up, it was both constricting and miraculous, the wonders of God and this planet He hath made, I could take you there doing lunch recess and see what happens. No, no thanks, thanks to your prince brother, I just watched the high sun change and change and again changed until it come an enormous, diamond, crystal dove,and then he tell me to go fly of  and find you. Only now I with an adopted name of dove rider, I should say I'm good for now, just Nibe at least for now, I wonder what it all say? No double it's about Israel's travels these thousands of years this world over, and their return, their stand Prince Tatum, defeat, and rescue by it's only savoir son, Jesus, I mean it's as I imagine, huh, blessed imagining, I don't know any of it, but I feel so blessed so refreshed my spirit and soul just being here, I mean just so indescribable, you know, surely beloved, I know, just as I wished upon you being here and now you are, come. It's time they take a lunch, and recess in the valley of the broken trees so, so wondrous is it, so, so wondrous, come. see, so Nibe being here, you haven't meet with any resistance, to be honest it is though we're literally undetected, even invisible, and it's okay, only sometimes it's not, does that make sense? Well we are love, adopted into the family, perhaps that's the distance and kinship we feel, and you just come up with that? Flesh and blood did not, okay Prince Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, and lease I forget, Dove Rider, flesh and blood did not, is all I got to say." 

     -Then Said The Lord Unto Moses, Behold, I Will Rain Bread From Heaven For You; And The People Shall Go Out And Gather A Certain Rate Every Day, That I May Prove Them, Whether They Will Walk In My Law, Or No.

                                                              Scene XXXIX

      "I look so glamorous, like glamor shots or something," looking at herself by a hand held mirror, her hair, makeup so, so pretty, awake from the induced coma, did it seem everything was as perfect, even that her room was surrounded by smiling, benevolent strangers, friends. "So who did this? It was I, I confess, I'm Danielle, I was in training to be a stylist, makeup artist for person's incapable themselves, okay another question, what is the occasion, or are we just celebrating my awake day? You are not going to believe it, but you are awake just in time for Princess Brooklyn and Prince Conrad Rielder's wedding, and I can't wait to fix you a bath whose bubbles reaches the ceiling, you guys are so gonna make me cry, good happy tears are good for you. So what did I miss? I'm no longer pregnant, ah my Christ,Ant Deer, Ari, you two, yes,  his name is Taylor, 8.7 pounds look identical to his dad, but I guess he's just gonna have to work that out with God, what are you trying to say? You Eagle man need help delivering her majesty to blessed bubble baths/ I don't Rile man but thanks, thank you guys for everything, none of this is possible without you all, see you all in a few hours. I have a surprise for you, you gonna tell me what else it is you saw? I'm tell you I'm pregnant, what, pausin into getting he carriage of a wheelchair ready, surely she being pregnant was the last, it was the farthest thing from his mind. "Ah my God, sitting as to break down, apart, not believing after all the wonder of having his wife Erin Alexandria back that she's still with such phenomenon news, truly what a beyond description God they serve. okay ,okay, swallowing hard, along wiping both cheeks clear, I'm sorry, i was so not expecting that, but you glad right? how I'm feeling about all of this beggar's description, so this is what being blessed feels like, I'm to assume, that's since our wedding day, so you forgot, the second best day, I knew that's what you meant."     >>> "You do know they're leaving us, actually leaving us, right? Yes, I know, but it is written Tatum they would leave Petra, filter back into Jerusalem as soon a the Antichrist is otherwise distracted, he'll return and deal with them later or so he thinks. That was really clever Ronnie, really, I like that, thanks, you very welcome. so you're wife telling me, everything going on with them has been written and sitting in a book, the bible all these years and they knowing this are just following it like it's a script? Well put Preece Cobbleson, never thought of it like that but yes, but husband, not just them, Grand Maaseiah warn for years, even more so once President Trump come into office that America, speaking of him Nibe, you think he's dead or missing? Kinda both I guess, again, Maaseiah warn how western rule was being dealt with according to certain old prophets right into Revelation 17 and 18 chapters, and like you said, world nations, leaders just felled in line and followed it like a script. You see the kids drawings, I did, some of them were really good and others really, well not so good, but what did you tell them? I Nibe told them what I would want to hear at their age, good, you'll make a good father one day, just look at that, they're leaving in droves, you sure there is nothing you can say to them? They don't, I'm Ni Be we, they don't, they won't even recognize we exist, especially you, a westerner, let alone listen to us. So we're here for the long hall? No, we keep them and escort them to the wedding, and Silverton again will come and take over from there, he's the first Prince Juttah, they're all his responsibility, you know, until it's not. Ok, when they're done playing, we gather for group prayer and three book readings, three books are read and they lay still until they're asleep, not right away, but Tatum, they know after three books, they lay still until they're asleep. What about her? She look like she want to ask us something, it is forbidden, ok, 0nly Deliverer Silverton know exactly what to do here, just leave them, first Prince Juttah, my Christ, you know I never realized he's your brother Yeah, he's my mother's son, but don't be alarmed, most people never, ever put that together, never, look what's here? Ah my god, it's real, I never thought I would see it again, it's your assigned by Sia Maaseiah chariot, it will always come for you, I guess we're not spending the night here after all, the kids are gonna more than love this, I think we all will.  Will you please help me, and who is this stunner? That is Miya, my niece, your niece, what is she doing here? She asked to be here, and her dad, Second Prince Meshullam allow her, don't tell me, yes, Grand Maaseiah little Miya girl, just as Dunlap street, three times, actually four as to represent an apocalypse to exodus that has come, the little Miya girl reminder, that can't be helped, a new world order that has as well come, do you Miya girl know how pretty you are? Daddy Meshullam says the same, say don't let it go to your head, then I said, like you did, and he laugh and says, yes, like I did, thank you for letting us ride your mighty crystal dove, all of you, are so welcome I could just eat you all up, and mess up your appetite for the wedding, oh no, I don't want to do that now do I?  A Door was Open In The Urusalem's Reign, "You think Maaseiah I didn’t want to come running immediately to you every time you went into a heinous above description trial with my name on your lips? I know, it was almost as though you had to hate those who treasured you so they instead would love, and treasure your people. I realize this the very day I realized my life on earth was as horrible as my work was phenomena, I’m to say I’m sorry Maaseiah but how is that to even suffice? I think people realize the promises made the brethren prophets of old, as so mine own brother apostles but I think Maaseiah man is to forget promises of the Supreme were made to me as well. How everyday there was no manifestation I too was made ill in my very spirit. I guess Maaseiah what I’m to say is this wait has been both long and suffering, I hear you Lord but where are you taking me? There’s something at the twelve gates of the city I’m to show you, what it’s to be I’m afraid neither of us are to know until once we’re there. So how did you do it, endure this everlasting continuation? I heard you that day Maaseiah when you’re to tell your husband how it is you want to be in the presence of music so anointed the Supreme Father Himself would want to come and abide in your house with you. That evenly melodies so spirited that the Heavenly Host would desire at riding along as a passenger with you. I remember how this revelation reminded you of yet another memory, yes, a baby Gabriel that was to ride in the car with us, I never understood it. A baby of course Maaseiah mean a form, a type of the original, how a genus of the angelic host with likeness of heaven’s man Lord Gabriel stayed always with you. I Maaseiah read your thoughts just then as we’re becoming one mind, that if this was so why didn’t he prevent some of the horrors you’re to endure. My god," as to see a bright, beyond description celebration, a form of divine Jubilee unto an unrealizable gathering, of an unrealizable host of heaven "what is happening? The day of your original heritage, you’re to be welcome back to it and them for eternity, just imagine Maaseiah if those heinous trials of yours are then magnified gloriously by heaven a million times their insufferable weight, what measure could it then mete? It would be measure-less, the reward would then my Lord be boundless, incalculable, then my beloved, welcome to the inimitable, from this day forward, you will not only be known as my bride. Nor as the Lamb’s wife but you will go forward unto Him, unto Him Maaseiah as He will dub thee for all the ancients yet to come as that City that is to sit for all eternity upon that hill, Urusalem, (Jerusalem, City of peace), go and remember I’m with you always. You’re not to come with,” as one supposedly turning into this glorious one for ions and ions but He’d disappeared or dissipated away entirely, which was beginning to be the norm all around and about the Kingdom Of Heaven. "You will Lord Urusalem trust me instead? And you are?" Witnessed upon as one wrapping a fold of her arm along his were these events already beyond any description, "I’m thine own host for this evening, Raguel, there’s much we’re to do still, ---o please great one, come."   Intermission  >>> "You summon me my Lord, I did Princess Brooklyn, I had this dream of you, tell me it is all well with you, heart, mind and soul? Pray, tell, what did you dream? We were there, there? There in the midst of the greatest of celebration ever these heavens, how do you dare describe such the jubilee? Tell me Princess Juttah so I'll know, I saw her there, your grand Maaseiah, she now sit a throne, she, she had in her possession, and I don't know how it is I know this, I guess there we're omniscient. Though it was the stone, the one said to be cut out without hands, right there Princess is Sia Maaseiah, only she was now dubbed lord Urusalem, I say that it had the surface of a meteor, that even as she prepared to release it and she did, she did release it, I then heard it said in my hearing, this is the, antichrist murderer. Tell me sweet, blessed Prince, how much do you know about grand Maaseiah's reveal? I'm ashamed Princess to say nothing, in the year of our Lord, well first, come, sit the wishing well with me, as I was saying. It was the year of our Lord 2004, the angel Gabriel appeared to her, upon sight of him Maaseiah was not glad, she was sad, sad that God had to yet take such measures. Out of all the things he possibly said to her, she was made to recall two of them he said, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, then he said something that really threw her, she's coming or going the with the seventh angel. The Seventh Angel Trumpet sounding  and the release of the specialty stone, is the same, it is a celebration as the amazing one you just described, such a Trumpet will proceed the Brides escape, as so Prince Reidler, such a Trumpet will herald Christ and the Brides' Return. Whereas Heir, Apostle John, witnessed the twenty four elders cast off their golden crowns in celebration, because such a time, as the wedding supper is come, it is equally why, not long after the marriage, and though the earth will little understand it, all the territories of paradise will go into a form of recess it is then why the antichrist will think to cry, Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him and he shall continue, forty and two months, yet how do you princess even know this how do I know, for it is written Prince Conrad Reidler Cobbleson the time is at hand.     >>>"You are most certain, you want to do this?" I can only say Preece Todrick, tell you my heart is as fixed as yours, so it is when the wedding couple stay their ready, announce their vows, we lock heart, hands and eyes, and swear ours to heavenly throne as well? Yes, sweet prince, and we wake up the morning, a married pair as well, be certain, mighty certain Todrick Colton Derus this is what I want, come, sit here, we have a few minutes. There's something you must know, there was a time an unnatural affair of such things burn in me, you know what I mean? I don't, there was a time I preferred a husband Oceana over a wife, ah, I see.  Well beloved, see further, see that when I went to my sister about it and she ministered Christ to me and I so hated her for that, boy! Leaping up with fierceness, a rough drive of his hands into his pockets, had a day never been so possible and impossible at the same breath. "For months this warring with her in my flesh just went on and on and then one day, I just decided to end it, if I couldn't have this life my way then what was the purpose of living it? Are you saying you don't feel like you want or need a wife? No, Christ as Lord no, I've burn in places of a marriage bed inconceivable since I first laid eyes on you, no, when Preecest Alicia, as you know her. Knowing what I was contemplating, just out right asked me, so you're choosing suicide over God? That obscure inquiry immediately send me back to that night my grand and I were watching the movie, "Son of God," my ideal, you see we'd just watched a Christmas video, song. Listening while we played pool, only this one had images of the movie in it and she said you know I could put that movie on for you and after a spell I said, I want to watch it. So we did, she broke the tie we were in, and we watched, so when it come to the part of Judas, she asked me, I'm like eight years old now, and she asked, what's worse, betraying Jesus or suicide? And I said, betraying Jesus and she said, betray Jesus you can ask God's forgiveness, you commit suicide you damn your soul forever. So Ocean just like her, she asked me again, what is worse, betraying Jesus or suicide? And immediately I said, suicide, then she said, remember, holy scripture says. If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you, your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and we went from there and finished watching. Ah, ah, ah, before I forget, at one point, gramp said, you really need to watch the movie Risen, where Rome's governor, his solders are frantic about finding Jesus' missing body. She said there's this commander, where at one time he sees Jesus, nailed to cross dead, lifeless and the next time, he sees him, he's sitting, eating, laughing and drinking with his disciples. When she and I both just burst out laughing, ah, Ocean. it was so funny, said he never return to his post after seeing that, even experiencing that. That he even gathered with the disciples for a while, ah, such fun, and a few days ago, the worse happen and now she's gone, well ascended with the millions of them who are missing. What darling boy, soon to be juttah husband a wonderful testimony that was, thank you for sharing and trusting me with it, thank you, thank you, thank you. Now, let's finish planning how we're to make Princess Brooklyn Wedding as our own and when she learn of it, she's going to be so catalytically happy for us. I must say Princess Oceana I'm more concern about what Darius Juttah might think, say, I don't want to be dodging reapers for eternity, so to speak. Ah, this will for him be such fun, okay, okay, since I've fallen so in love with you I'm mesmerized into believing whatever you say and as a student of the law, that make for an expert argument, ah, so I see my husband to be isn't quite the fool, no, no my beloved, not at all."

     And It Shall Come To Pass, That On The Sixth Day They Shall Prepare That Which They Bring In; And It Shall Be Twice As Much As They Gather Daily.

                                                           Scene XL

     "Okay, okay, standing straight up this stun about what he was especially hearing, like what the heck was happening and how oh how to him? They are calling us by our name, like hale the book of life, what? I mean the books of life and earth does Haley know all of our names, why wouldn't every ships manifest no beckon to this rescue, know, or do the same? did yo brother jts verify that we're being placed on this crises as easily as our names are formed on ancient scrolls, how can our at limits hearts bear it, that such the miraculous is also predestined from the foundation of the world, so that would mean Hale, that for some six thousand years an seventh will be spent in the most glorious times this planet, since the making of the garden of eden itself and it's reproduction of the last adam by t he woman seed who hath him. You best get ready, when they call your name, I can't explain it, but it's though you're suddenly translated there, you're suddenly translated where? Front and center of such roll calling, front and center, only this time there is no decision, making, this is it, where you are on these list has determined that fate for you, what are you brother yet trying to say? I will only ask a question, will the tribulation saints attend the wedding supper and what stories Haley will they have to tell their J
uttah heir for eon and eons to come? There are some tissues there, im just saying o f it's speed be prepared, now breath brother, now breath, I'ma I'm breathing there is now away I'm missing this no way, no way, now way, wait we will be together, ray, tell yes, but to be honest I just don't know, h my Christ, I don; believe it, they are calling our names, wait, wold that like take forever?. Not if they already know Hale man, whether or not you are here!"     >>>>"Okay everybody it's time to pose for pictures and take our places, you are serious aren't you, you really don't care that it is not your wedding? Constance, is that the face you going with? Remember, count to three and say, Merry Christmas, and this nice man is gonna take your picture. I thought by now Prince Tatum you would've figured, this isn't' just Princess Brooklyn and Prince Reidler's wedding but everybody, explaining why even heaven's host are here, every Prince and Princess that will ever enter into Juttah vows from now on, this is also their wedding, our children, grand's, all, there is rumor that Lord Israel and Lord Urusalem could very well be here, okay, I'll admit it, are here. When this night is over, Prince Todrick and Princess Oceana will be married as well and if you didn't know it beloved husband, He has done it, our Father in heaven and earth has done it, everything He has ever promised, so when the seventh trumpet sound, and twenty-four golden crowns Prince Tatum are thrown down in celebration, it will usher in Jesus' millennium, whereas a thousand years in, is the final Gog and Magog, Then planet earth is finished into Apostle Peter's description of it's complete restoration by a fiery apocalypse make you wonder doesn't it Preece Cobbleson, what it ever was they thought they were fighting for if it wasn't Christ Millennium to God's Kingdom reign? So it began with a marriage, a match made in wilderness heaven and descended into the earth, it then Princess Ni Be we make sense that it end with that marriage now ascended to heaven, it's marriage supper, even as I spoke it, holy father Tatum this witness I didn't see it as that, ah blessed, blessed hindsight. Yes, yes sir, the children, unless reunited with family all have a section right here, you have been most helpful, thank you. I'm gonna go, place my hand on my brother's shoulder while I still have time, if you know what I mean. Tell this brother, I said, I love him, and he is so welcome to the family, oh, and I'm, well we're really proud of him, ok, just let me find a pen and paper, funny. I would come,kis his shoulder as well, but I have them, I won't be gone long, I know, time is run out, and I want you right here, at my said, the best man to your maid of honor, okay, okay, got ya. I got something I must tell you, when I Nibe first set eyes on you, I never thought black could be so, so beautiful, I was dumbfounded, I, I turn away, only that I not make an utter fool of myself. Then only days later you ask for my hand, that we wed and it was then, only then I knew for a certainty God know exactly what He's doing. Well now beloved husband, not only can you look at me, you can touch me, kiss me and have me anyway you want, and you stunning as well husband, is running out of time, right, I just thought it was time you knew that, thanks. Ah yes, yes Tatum, ah the children left to our care, we thought were all orphans, even joked about adopting all of them, well deliverer Silverton. He just now remind me, he has twelve other couples with him, so twelve of his leaders and those are their children, so not orphans at all, isn't that just wonderful. So it would seem Princess we are going to have to have our own, yes, it would seem so, and what fantastic fun, now go, see you soon, not Princess Ni Be We if I see you first."  A Door Was Open In Africa's Juttah, I thought you would be more happy, bidden to the most wonderful Juttah wedding of it's kind, if Lord I say Gethsemane, even that of your, or need I say our dreams just now what indeed would you say? Surely you remember when you first come for me, that beginning of spring morning, our first encounter, surely beloved you don't really think I would forget that? Then you remember how cast down in my spirit I was? Exactly, that it was Lord Israel in likeness to the sadness you bore the night of Gethsemane, just this horrid breaking apart from this life, family, friend, it's love affair with precious, dangerous, men, only known of the heart of it, which lord was? Ah, Gethsemane you mean? The beginning to the end of humankind's, spiritual evolution, set in foundation stone the moment the spirit reveal to disciple Peter, whom was the Christ, the son of the living God, that He is now come, and I was Him. When last you come for me, you asked me was I ready? And though you didn't shout for joy, did I? When I didn't as you say shout for joy, did I curse this last thirty-one years of a delay upon both the righteous and unrighteous because I wasn't ready when you first come for me? Be careful beloved how you use the word cursed, you do know Lord Urusalem, you're asking me was the last three decades of revelational outreach a folly of some sorts? Though how Lord Israel is that any different than you saying whosoever believeth not is condemned already? You remember that morning you learn there was none righteous, therefore none to send forward and you cried out so eager, send me, send me, I'll go, send me! Yes, not knowing Lord I was pleading to go into the lion carnivorous den, the bear's tremendous swallow, the wolf lethal pack and most of all the dragon's seat bed of those martyred this entire planet and bring as many of the righteous laborers, their anxious to be spent cross right along with me, with us. Though, admittedly, they were there for us, I must admit, they were there in the dark shadows, just these specks to sparkles of  reminding us we weren't alone. though an entire host of heaven was right near our grasp, even beloved witnessed all round your room, as insurmountable trials laid before you. Still why Lord, why did he do it? Resurrection and ascension was happening by incalculable speed we're at the throne greeting Heavenly Father, readying unto marriage suppers and mansion and rewards, everything, everything you ever promised us, ever. Only the next I know I arrived back at that apartment door and the last I heard you say was, "I'm coming soon, go and tell my people," and you did, ah my God Maaseiah you did , making you Lord of the Resurrection day, wait, what? Demonstrations of the great gathering were performed more at your benefit than any other, holy, hallowed father was adamant that you know, that you be reminded, that you stand in total regards of it. Then lord Israel, lest you forget, westerners escape to exodus, well beloved that was more so your doing, I'm sorry, yes, it was as though you refuse to leave without them, as to infuse yourself to them. Don't you get it, you never, ever stopped for them, never, so upon receiving you unto myself if I asked so permanently are you ready? This is why, just think, doing the intrepid dream it was you being weighed for them, as so the transformation to transportation you was sitting in the car, no driver, your little Miya girl, searching out two quarters of a toll for passing into a safe haven just for them. The woman bearing black bowls was interrupted by you only, wow then at a recess offered up cards for better homeless shelters, because there you was Maaseiah as usual standing in the gap for them. I fear to ask, when, when did this happen? When beloved you think? The moment your hearts cried to lament send me, send me and Father Eli heard you, well your heart's cry with your offer, quite well. Even now, you just made a loan of the most fanciful chariot ever, to Preece Tatum Oniel Beloved and Preece Silverton's Exodus. You remember the day it first come for you, how you was in your worse mind, heart and spirit ever? Yet, Lord Urusalem, you wasn't ready, so it instead kissed you and ascended back to it's offering, the additional time it come, moved all non members southeast, out of the way of the worse troubles ever or ever or else stunning one, you wouldn't come, so if I've been victimized, I have only my heart to blame? Holy Lord knows the heart, it is why His thoughts are not our and His ways are past finding out, what a blessed, blessed treasure chest all this earth and universe to then make him the shepherd of your innermost feeling, nothing can then deceive you. Speaking Lord Israel of the heart, mine sat so broken as I stood there in that harvest field, witnessing the very sun itself, change, transform even and metamorphose into this beyond all this earth phenomena thing. Believe me Lord, it was so immense with glory and divine honor it blocked out the entire heavens, a diamond carved, sparkling, crystal dove, so it didn't come for me that day nor any other? It didn't come for you love until you was ready but it made this appealing that you know you're greatly beloved. Only to remain faithful in showing you a promise, that would not fail, that would not go void and it haven't. Do you beloved, equally remember that day you walked your Caden to the park and there was this clear spot in the dirt you so wanted to mark up as you so often did. Yeah, it was very hard for me to see a grand opportunity like that and just past it up, just so tempting, only you couldn't figure what. What it was you should mark and little Caden so, so busy playing was totally clueless of your dilemma, I'd began this little ritual of mine by writing in the dirt simply Jesus, then eventually hurry Lord Jesus. Then Beloved Maaseiah, simply hurry, yeah I wrote that one a lot and I beloved received it right well, we all did, but you didn't, you didn't hurry at all and I was getting really, really desperate. So by the day you just mention, wait a minute, you was there? Always, always? That's right, by that time you was here ...and you Maaseiah, knew it clearly, made a warning to others, blink you told them and they'd miss it, and they did Maaseiah, there was so many who just wasn't ready no matter what. But still you was here, waiting for us along that perfect second, or as you loved to say, that nano-second, I heard you explain it to your Caden as that time in between a passing second which was barely calculable. so expert the things you told him. But there you was, as innocent as a child yourself, so faithful, you had the marking stick, you had your canvass in the dirt all thought out, your heart was so anxious to write, but knowing, believing even forewarning I was already here, what, what would you write, now? Then after such debating, all mankind's redemption from the first Adam now all laid along this taxing, balancing act, even the heavens, it's host, it's elders stood at the edge of golden crowns, then I did it, I just did it,I found something to write about, ah what a relief I figured this one thing to write, yes, though reluctantly, ah nooooo, yes okay, yes, though reluctantly as not to offend, you wrote, may I have a drum roll please, 'begin the count,' meaning this second by second countdown and from that moment forward, no sincerely in your heart, you was ready, you was ready.  Forgive this intrusion Masters of the Nations, the wedding party await you both, thank you Joseph, the ancient of days bless you, bless you Lord Israel, bless you Lord Urusalem. Say that again Lord, I barely heard, I didn't say, you didn't say, then who? I beg your pardon Lord, it wasn't me, you didn't just say what it must be like to have a heart like that, causing me to remember when I so boo, hoo, about it, tell you wasn't there for that, now that Maaseiah was possibly as the night of Gethsemane. As to help her with her grand cape, surely it was Princess Brooklyn and Prince Reidler's wedding day and the entire Juttah, it's host of heaven had gracefully and funnily descended into it "Look who has a sense of humor, why am I not surprised, so you don't agree? Then beloved, breaking all of our hearts so, why were you crying, woman why weepiest thou, why?  By some revelation I horridly realized I had a heart, one of forgiveness and passion for humankind and I knew for a certainty no one on this planet would understand it, ah, the mystery of unmerited favor. I further knew this misunderstanding and if I stood for it, it would make me a castaway, even my loved ones and friends would think me an outcast a pariah and want nothing else to do with me, I was in the midst of n incalculable host of heaven yet I Felt so alone, my god, my god why has tho forsaken me? Ah my Maaseiah, is it so, I'd, come, begun, I, oh my Christ, my heart had become as yours on the cross that day, it too was like wax, it was melting at the very realization, I had a beyond love that none would understand it.  I, I was so young in my faith, I don't even know how I even knew that, you had to know it, beloved Maaseiah, you had to know it before you went forward, you had to know what Christ's outreach would cause you, and I will show you what great things you will suffer by a spirit of unconditional love, now Majesty of heaven, perk up mightily, here's our curtain to bear, stand your ready, surely I am, the spirit Lord Israel, ready and willing, blessed be the name of the Ancient of days, O blessed, blessed indeed." Intermission, "Ah brother surely you heard my heart's cry, it's panic with fear," grabbing big brother Cobbleson into a gracious hug of his shoulder, neck right there were tears themselves breaking forth, only not for much of a mess, but there was no wonder, the room, the atmosphere was thick with the anxiety of the day. "How is it possible Cobbleson that we two sinners have come to this beyond miraculous affair when only days ago we were stranded amidst cataclysms US soil come and come and millions are gone, gone, even mom, dad? Hey, hey, stop that, you'll spoil your tuxedo, this wedding, it is brother that we were chosen, is that so bad? And we accepted the challenge and were lifted up, out because of it and now God is our shepherd, as so it's host of heaven. Why wasn't I more like you, I mean if this had to be and just let the Juttah vows have at it, so simple, so sweet as that? Let me help you with that, I'm but positive little brother Princess Brooklyn has for all her life, this wedding pending, and plucking you from Florida's coast mean so was your destiny as well predestined. You don't understand Cobbleson, she looks at me, I mean Princess Brooklyn really looks at me, like she has known me forever and cherish me as some priceless jewel. I feel it all through my heart, it's blood, someone she doesn't know from Adam, are we or are we not strangers?  We are Adam and Eve redeemed by and renewed by Christ Cross, we are not strangers, what, what is that look? Ah my christ, beloved Riedler, as I said such, I experienced a divine revelation of looking at Christ's cross in hindsight, that for the first time Christ Cross is no longer before us, only blessed, blessed fulfillment.  An insistence of reality which engulf me so entirely, deliciously just now, it is Riedler truly finished and I feel so strongly this wedding will be the mightiest of validation. even beloved  brother, now you first out the door, a charming authentication. Why do I yet feel Cobbleson, as though you're setting me up, like you used to do when we were kids? Only little brother, we're no longer kids, we are as grown up as any man would, or could ever his entire lifetime be, I tell you, if you keep your hand on my shoulder just like that and not let me go until my new bride carry me off I can do this, I Cobbleson, can do anything! Then like as Christ, I will never leave you, I'm with you into this end into an incredible beginning as Prince and Princess African Juttah!" 

     ...And Moses And Aaron Said Unto All The Children Of Israel, At Even, Then Ye Shall Know That The Lord Hath Brought You Out From The Land of Egypt:

                                                      Scene XLI

      "Ctentri, Ctentri Israel, what it is, why are you suddenly so cast down? Please wife, don't, don't call me that, not the Israel part, why, why not? That is your name, it doesn't bother you Talsha, that after a night, an experience like that, we just magically appear in these staterooms to Princess wedding as if that transformation didn't happen? This beyond incredible happen-chance, of us wife first becoming one this enchanting wilderness, I mean it's like we can ever, ever forget it, right? Love, I have something to ask, when Sia Maaseiah speak of an alike illness the Apostle Paul's messenger of Satan, what is that to mean, for her I mean? Ah, ah, a stubborn, proud little school boy, attacked her when she was still in grade school, caused her grave head trauma into epileptic spasms that has plagued her and bruised her heel of outreach until the very day she was taken off earth. Sia testified how it was tortuous to be seized upon like that, so tortuous at times, she begged and prayed to die to beloved, ascend her out of it, so it was that bad? So bad Talsha I read how at one time she said she wouldn't wish it upon Islamic terrorist, ah, well yes, that's bad, really, now!" As one pulling his shirt over his head, having those edible, kissable acorn locks spring up, out, as so himself springing up, leg by leg pulling on his pants, actually he appeared to be in this hurry to get out of there, only to where? "I have something to tell you, why I didn't want to be called by that name, Israel right now, don't even know why my mother did it, gave me that name.  Right before I woke, it is from a maze of troubles, I'm back on that train, the one that exploded with both Caddy and I, I died, well, we, we died, ascend to heaven, return, she doesn't. I know don't know if I ever told you, though I'm in Paris when this happen, I'm somehow transferred to Israel, to Jerusalem and they've suffered mighty troubles, even possibly Jacob's. It is right then and there they're celebrating what was once a force evacuation, of them now returning, they're returning and it's a celebration all around. Though still love, it's a mess, it's a mess for as far as one can see and no way, no way they're out of danger, so, I guess what went down with Trump, with Jerusalem another of Maaseiah's ten day count, before everything hit the fan I guess and now, now millions. Ah my God Talsha, so many, men, women, children. I told you I saw her there, Caddy girl, she was more safe, more, I don't know happy, just this unspeakable joy, clarity, the horror that's happen to her. To them all, those blood washed didn't matter at all, they were now in heaven, sia Maaseiah described it as the safest tabernacle ever build for them, for these children. He's suppose to, a third of Israel will fall because of him, a third, can you even imagine that? How are we Ctentri to imagine tens of millions dead Us soil, as Maaseiah has heard predicted nearly two decades? Right, right, I asked her you know, my mom, why Israel? She said it just popped into her head and that it went so perfectly between the names Ctentri and Bonai, hey, hey where are you going? I want to walk, think, you want me to come with you? No, I'll find you here in about an hour and we'll go and get breakfast and make this last day on earth or wherever we are, a day of it, Ctentri, don't worry, what will be, will be these thousands of years now, just remember Elohim father is in control of all of it, of all of them, thanks stunning wife for that juicy reminder, now cuddle back into warm pillows and thick, edible blankets and I'll return soon, sir, yes sir, that is so tempting how dare I resist, I love you so much and I love you wife, all the way up to God.  A Door was Open In Heaven, And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I felled down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Intermission  "Hey, hey mister I'll be back in an hour I come to tell you, time is up! How did you find me? Seriously, the Juttah, Aqua Aquarium is where we all escape to walk and talk, and despite how you tucked me in and under cottony, juicy pillars and covers they weren't you, you beloved was all missing. Plus after a night like that I..am...starving, wait, wait, a baby whale come in just before you did, you said you hadn't, there, there, see, ahhhhh, my Christ. my christ, I've never, ah that is so amazing, but he's too huge to be a baby, right? No, he's not, so, so they just come in like that, past right through? Yeah the sea creatures that find their way in yes, wow, see that is what make this place so incredible, so come on, come on feed your wife, this is the last day we get to do this, right, right? So I just want to know, it is again ok to call you Ctentri Israel as long beloved as you don't call me Lord, right, now husband walking this way with me were they anything like you expected, Lord Israel, and Lord Urusalem? Nothing Talsha besides who they apparently are, there was an humbleness about them indescribable, they have God's heart, spirit more so than we ourselves, so how could we have expected anything less? I still can't believe we were in their presence, Lord Israel and, and, what they call her, Lord Urusalem, City of peace, how amazing, I want to try and see him, ask him about his name sake, Israel and how darling husband I love is that any different than asking him about the wounds in his hands. My God is Christ where on earth Ctentri Israel did they just come from, did you even consider? Not flesh and blood I assure you, that was astonishing, surely not flesh and blood and further upon that rock Preecest Catalsha, now, tribulation saints will stand and not even the Antichrist seizure will prevail. What is that scripture in revelation, revelation 17 and these shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they Ctentri Israel that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. How beautifully astonishing, ah I shudder to think if we'd never heard his gospel and go to believe it, love it, kiss it and even share it. We couldn't be here, none of this phenom could be happening to us, none of it, ah how I shudder husband to think to reconsider unbelief, amen darling wife, Amen"      >>>"You are tickling my neck sir husband, and exciting my places, and I'm making a mess of this plate, it's embarrassing, people are beginning to stare, poke fun, now stop it. Exciting your places wife, what does that mean, stop it, now what you gonna eat? You, as soon as we get back to our room, what, what on earth has gotten into you? Nothing, ah, everything, the wedding of eons to come Princess Ni Be we, just reminded me, you are mine, I mean I look at you and I can hardly believe it but it is so.  Okay, I see, so you're not hungry? Because I'm famished, I guess I could eat a little something, especially coming down off of that high, of actually being in the presence of Prince and Princess of Peace, Lord Israel and Lord Urusalem, I know, I'm here with you, being this, seeing this, this Preece Tatum is what we've become for eons and eons, yet still, how do you wrap your heart and mind around it? You know what? I Nibe don't think we do, we simply past through it, let it past through us and come dissolved by it, into it, we are Elohim and He, Heavens Host are us. Wow, what a wonderful awareness, just wonderful, sooo, ah yeah my plate, want help? No, stay right there and be the most benumbing creature here, that is beside Lord Urusalem herself, I will, I promise, I will hardly breathe let alone move until my beloved Preece Tatum Oniel Cobbleson, return, I promise.     >>So you ready? Really Tore, that question here, it's your genealogy, so don't let it flip you out, and by my genealogy, the one that's been predestined, predestined, you mean, well are you in it? This Silver isn't just yours, but your brother's and the rest, while that of your twin uncles children, it's basically how Aristotle and Antelope deer knew their first child is a male named Samson. Ah my Christ, you're telling me by Maaseiah's reveal we can not only know our child's sex, but how many right into their names, it tells us Tore who we will marry, not will marry, but have married, so, you sure you're ready for this? Not Tore if it's to reveal someone other than you as my wife, just tell me, so you think our coming together was some big coincidence though none of us actually believe in them? Okay, okay, but that is neither admittance nor denial, and people, I mean we really do this? You know us, there are always some like you Torn, I suspect, I can't, I can't do it, I'm too scared, is this even allowed? It is there, written for our admonishment and acknowledgement, you think it's all a mistake? Tell me one thing and I'll reconsider it, does it say I'm  married to Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern? Yes,   ...I knew it!" Lifted up into a celebration before she could take her next breath, this spinning dance all about the room, up down and all around, "I knew it, I just knew it! So how many, how many children, four, four, we have four Children? Yes, including a set of twins, Halle and Katherine, Halle,' bringing tears to his eyes at the very thought, mention, Halle, after the sister yet lost to him, and was she as well adopted, and what does that even matter? You have a son Braxton and that Torn would be after my best friend in all the world, I can only wonder will I see either of them again? It all make sense, and you dear bride allow it, ah, I think I'm even more in love, if that's possible, we better go, this is one wedding event we don't want to be late for, huh? But, but what beloved? You just told me all I need to know and hear, I will from here trust what it is you know, ah, what a phenomena husband I married, I wouldn't take it back for a million years or more, you better not, we are Preecest Torrance predestined, remember? 

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

     -Unto Lakeside, Pier Swanson and Evolent de' Rossi, was born triplets sons, Aleph ben Jermaine Swanson, Daleth ben Jacob Swanson and Teth Iod Judah de' Rossi and a daughter, Lamed, Samech Swanson, de' Rossi

-And It Came To Pass, As Aaron Spake Unto The Whole Congregation Of The Children Of Israel That They Looked Toward The Wilderness, And, Behold, The Glory Of The Lord Appeared In The Cloud.

                                                               Scene XLII

      "Dear, sweet Evolent, tell me, what it is you're thinking? Only that, that I, Avolent de' Rossi, I am not a child, I am a woman, I fully understand the vow covenant I will make with God and the sons of God,  I Avolent de' Rossi, do take thee Lakeside, Pier Swanson to be my juttah husband, from this day forward until a perfect, Christ, and God's kingdom reign.  I will love you, you Pier Swanson is this love, from Christ healing wings to the blessed leaves of the tree of life, now a healing for all nations this planet, now it's government upon his shoulders, so let it be written in the canons of scripture so let it be done, you Prince Juttah, Lakeside, Pier Swanson is my beloved husband for eternities to come "    >>>"This is it, isn't it? I just know it, when we Chant slipped through the chapel curtain that day and end up on paradise earth, heaven making love on cottoney roses, that floated us up and all about this wonderland. I never thought I would see this place again, even though we both imagined it or dreamed it, are we, are we dreaming this? Look up there, I can see it, being here make our universe earth a little less than our first heavens in comparison, it's so phenomenally beyond it. What Salvor about that wedding just now? Are you kidding, that's what that was? I've never seen anything so extraordinary, it could've lasted forever and everybody would've loved it, such an amazing joy, I mean not Preecest Channing Paris this unspeakable." As one yet to bring his eyes and his glowing countenance of just seeming to spin around and around, practically this enchanting forest of wondering what it was just above them? Perhaps a sky, perhaps not, perhaps they were just below God's heavenly throne, beyond anything imagined, describable. "Look there, what is that? A bird, no Salvor, I don't think so, I don't think that's a bird, a plane then, a plane, here, really? Then it's God's Chariot, wait, how that song go? Swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home, swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home, beautiful, my, my Christ, I didn't know you sing, Well how do you do it? Do? Make a living with and make wondrous love to a wife you rarely know? It's as if you never heard her sing before, I bet you don't even remember Sia Maaseiah's rain teardrop reveal, Sia Maaseiah's what? Well, it's as if she's sitting in bed, this ceaseless task of her getting and getting out word, testaments and reveals of God, she'd lost the use of her most proficient communicator. Meaning Salvor, what she was reduced to made these efforts an even more arduous task, very trying indeed. Then beloved it happen, that unexpected, as she was making a testament from a book she'd read so blessed she just had to share it despite how taxing. It was then a single, huge, crystal tear dropped from the ceiling, impacted, as to imprint the very pages she was sharing, how God ought to be exalted, praised, how indeed he is worthy, no matter what. Not instantly stopping her work, but soon she glanced up wondering what was the matter? Because not only had she seen it, she'd heard it and there on the page was the mark of it, so pausing, looking, seeing, even asking, is there a hole in the ceiling, is it raining outside? The answer was neither, only Salvadore Constantine like this unspeakable get away right here, there was no logical explanation. Except Channing Paris, it is that Heavens Father, as with Jesus found Himself so impressed by her, her worship one of His tears felled through to her, as to virtually anoint her work again, with his tears. Now that sweet wife mean every now and then we're to pause and remember how, well, realize, just the mighty weight of blood, heart and tears that has made this impossible night right here, event that incredible wedding, possible. So as Gram would say, it's not the armed military men staying and standing at attention, it is the army of angels shown enveloping us, even them all around and around, countlessly. Even when need be all through and all around us, that safeguarding us, that ever making western civilization and America possible. And this jovial night Salvor is only the beginning, for Heavenly Father said, for I will wipe away all tears from their eyes, neither shall there be anymore sorrow, nor pain, nor crying, nether shall there be anymore death, for the former things have passed away, hallelujah, amen! So, how about we give it another try?" Giving his hand that she lay her hand so delicately into his own, figuring where they both are, is where they both now belong. "If you stunning husband is asking me do I want to make beyond phenomenal love on cottoney roses floating us into this delicious, graceland beyond all ever imagined? Just you take my hand and lead me there, hold me there Salvadore Constantine Amature and never again let me go from there."  A Door was Open In Heaven, And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

      ...Thy Plants Are An Orchard of Pomegranates, With Pleasant Fruits; Camphire, With Spikenard...

                                                      Scene XLIII

     "That's just it, Evolent see being adopted by Americans as God's way of finally Aid man delivering her to us, to me, her husband, her faith and belief alone, I, know, amazing. Okay, you keep Pier piling on all the reasons you should've finished the Juttah vows Evolent started the lodge cabins, but you didn't man, you chicken out, so who are you trying to convince? That's Aid how you see it, you two brother Caleb? I can see Pier if you're not ready for that responsibility, being a husband, a father, but what else is there, I mean there is no sin against staying single, except you covet, except youu fornicate, but you looked forward to being Evolent's husband until she amazingly as you prescribed announced said Juttah Vows, why is that Pier man? Now all these various guys are all over her, pressuring her and what could be her defense and your source of defending her you resign, you bombed Pier man, pretty bad. Yeah and don't think Pier we don't see how you with displeasure eye these guys as Cay say who are all over your heart into the AJR appointed lady love for you, that is not a coincidence and you know it. Just know Pier, this coming from the young lady who want you for herself, has dreamed about it all her life, come across thousands of miles, of oceans to get to you, it's just crazy phenomena when you think about it Pier man. Have you told him, Miss judging me, have you told your own Halely? No, and I'm not going to, but soon all inquiries as we get to an Aqua reveal, I will show him it's Juttah future genealogy and he'll see for himself. That's a good plan sis, but none of us know when that's gonna be, we're more apt to thumbing a ride on a fishing boat or something, meaning young lady your AJG, these tell, tell, plans, they're sis right up there in no man's land with Pier's denial to rebellion, unless you just tell him and suffer to bitter to sweet consequences. Is this sabotage, I mean the way Halely is drawn like most men to Avolent, well, I tell you, Haley might marry Evolent but Evolent as you know sister, is to marry one. Has, by the Juttah vows married one man, looked and locked head over hills to Lakeside Pier Swanson, you just might to tell him. Speaking of wives, the AJG, I promised mine we would walk along the lake here, just as the sun set and since colonial said that'll be fine, I'm in love with keeping my promises. I can't wait Pier when and Ev Rossi can indulge yourselves along such blessedness, me too Aid man, me too, there bro, that sound too good, me and mine will join you..   >>>I heard about these coastal beaches lite up with so many fires look as though the stars that felled from heaven landed here, ...may I Halde sit? Please do, and that you said is a lovely sentiment, a beautiful assessment at the end of our world ....and when you Halely come to think of it, that's exactly as it seem. God, even man's worst of evils ever, it's judgments and trials come, God, yet acting as lamp to our feeted, designed path. What do you Halde think about poetry? I found this poem, I think it's presenting the butterfly as man inevitable destination with love, death and judgment, I guess Halde for me, it was when I visited the Aqua Reveal, along here, before all this craziness, ...you was on the Aqua reveal? Yes, if I heard right just now, not Halde that I was eavesdropping, or anything. Still I heard, you too, you and your brothers all where at a time upon the Aqua juttah, ....no, I wish, and Halely if so, I would, well we, my brothers all would be in the Septennial by now, well, that may not be so, ...why you say that? Because we were Halely, for three tonight inundated all around by Heir Juttahs, Ariels, so much so we thought they were set to deliver us there, to Juttah Septennial, but no, it happen overnight, while we slept, and it took all of us but 12 pending marriage worshippers, and one leading couple, Pier and Avolent and we're yet to figure it, ...Pier and Avolent, a couple you say? Tell me Halely while on the aqua reveal, ....a submersible cruise ship said to be beyond description and Hale it is, especially it's own botanic gardens and wordless super aquarium. You know it has an entry, so sea creatures of all sorts, great, small can make visits, I've imagined nothing, nothing Halde like it. All while you're there, the moment you step one foot on deck, your heart, mind and even your soul I guess are all on this repeat, "eyes haven't seen ...I know, I know, I knew you was going to quote that scripture, ...no other description Halde can compare, oh my god, it's blew every particles I am, heart, mind, ....then please Halely tell me why, why didn't you stay? As the days of Noah, assured you and not God control your fate, and your f. a. i. t. h. I guess, I know, that's ridiculous after seeing all that, being all that, ...well don't beat yourself up too bad, after a thousand years Jesus Reign, something my gramps pound into me, after that long length of blessed peace on earth, people will still side with satan for a number Halely in numbers as imaginable as the sands of the sea, I know. Crazy as heck Halde I know, but imagine that everything and anything they ever wanted or needed this planet. Even that death be healed, they get but only Halely by the name of Jesus, and because it's Jesus and they're yet antichrist, they're deceived by rebellion all over again, but only for a nano-second do they pose Jesus and His anointed a threat, God wipes them out, instantly. So you guys really do know the bible like that, when I halde overheard, there was mention an AJG, may I ask? What's that look? No, since the aqua reveal, reveals all things ever this earth, it also reveals a future genealogy, meaning if your all your members as scriptures says are within it you can see Halely and know who you're to marry, all of us, the twelve, why the thirteen are matched so. That's why, or how, I described Avolent and Pier as our lead, they're Aqua Juttah Genealogy paired, so are my brothers and their wives, as I said, the entire twelve, including the six couples that went on ahead of us on buses, but as it is meant to be, we will be together again. You said Halely, you were all paired? Yes, Halely I as well, but pardon me for now for not saying, please, I've possibly said too much already, what a soothing brew huh? It is all this calm Halde in the midst of chaos, it's a pure blessedness, divine intervention itself, wouldn't you say? I would Halely definitely say, yes, how wonderful are the wondrous holy spirits we serve, you say that like you know I'm a believer, ...well aren't you? Now you mean, that it's gone to hell without return, isn't that Halde a little hypocritical, believing now that you see, ...well Jesus said unbelief is condemnation, so belief Hale, whenever it's to be is divine." Intermission, "I, Lakeside Pier Swanson, I am not a child, I am a man, I fully understand the vow covenant I will make with God and the sons of God,  I Pier Swanson do take thee Evolent de' Rossi, to be my juttah wife, from this day forward until a perfect, Christ, and God's kingdom reign.  I will love you, you Avolent de' Rossi  is this love, from Christ healing wings to the blessed leaves of the tree of life, now a healing for all nations this planet, now it's government upon his shoulders, so let it be written in the canons of scripture so let it be done, you Princess Juttah, Avolent de' Rossi is my beloved wife for eternities to come "  Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord see us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they. Be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, 1986-2016/17/18, also see, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com      


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