Heaven's Heart Surgery, And I Saw When Their Old Into New Hearts Die To Live In The Palm Of Elohim's Hand

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     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Silverton Nicholas Chow and Torrance Allegra Lattern

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

     -Starring: Preece Silverton Nicholas Chow, Liverpool And Torrance Allegra Lattern, Blake Mario Hilton and Erin Alexandria Brook, Branstone Antonio Hathwell and Heiress Maximillion Lots, Kingsley Edward Bellows and Keyian Deloris Mensdan, Kylan Desrek Stuart and Danielle Alexis Blaine, Jacquis Mkai Cooney and Reese's Loraine Penniman, Vladimir Elizondo and Riley Bailey Nortstrom  

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

-Unto Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo Kadesh Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz 

     -7:10, 10:53, seven minutes before Cataclysms Us soil, And Millions and Mounting Are Dead, The Bride Soon To Be Counted With The Missing, Itself The Greatest of All Conspiracies

     -"Who are all these thousands upon thousands of followers and from whence cometh they, you Tore have never asked that question? I been thinking about what that bike dealer said, do you know how wise, if it was possible, but we know where Christ's 144,000 are, they are with Christ. I Tore was in this, this, this ceremony I guess, well, when I woke all I could hear in my head was,"be ye are washed, be ye are cleansed, be ye are washed, be ye are cleansed and the rest is like a gnawing, blur in my head and it'd gone on for a few nights. Soon, I begin to see hands going forth to be cleansed, even my, these Tore, hands, he Silverton that hath clean hands remember? I, I," a witness of her picking rocks as usual only to back into a seat, a rock formation alongside him., soothing waterfall gliding down a flawless mountain right behind them. They'd endured the desert trials with barely a scratch, some as usual had felled off or stayed back, but their huge numbers were still enact. "I don't Tore, help me remember, ah, it's in psalms or proverb, a question is asked, who shall enter into the, I don't know, the presence of God? My Christ that remind me, the bike dealer, yes, the questioner, three of grand Maaseiah's most daunting and concerning reveals, even the telling Tore of what has come her described, outbreak of mortuary, had to do with bikes or handlebars. I remember, I remember also Tore there were lights and footprints even as I walked, I mean, like under my feet as I moved on, ...see, that too Juttah husband is scripture, the Psalmist talk of God or His word being a light and a lamp to his path. As it is written Prince Silverton, who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in this holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. this is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. For it, is written, Prince Silverton, have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. Wow, where did, just who were right just then, how did you know all that? For is it written Prince Silverton three times to four, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. For it is written Prince Silverton, this is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord. I will put My Laws in their hearts and inscribe them on their minds for they shall be to me a people and I shall be to them a God. For it is written Prince Silverton, but this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the LORD, "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. For three times to four it is so written. Hey, hey, you freaking me out with, you, you  kind of finished? That was amazing, ah, I Tore, ah Juttah wife, those scriptures remind me most of all, the putting and writing of his word in our heads and in our hearts. I was standing with this vast multitude, the Sunlight that could consume but for reasons His Own was not consuming. This majesty of all, become as a hand, for to touch their, our very head, ah temple, either to anoint us this last time, or as it is written to mark or brand us as His Anointed. Then Tore, HE come as a mouth, as to speak great and swelling words to us, I couldn't contain all that He spoke, only we, all of us here by the thousands were to be acquainted with both, His, griefs and sorrows, and when they left the throne they, they; oh god, oh god, oh god," with a shock wave rolled over with huge tear drops, pouring down and all around, just inundated with made aware bursting out, free. "Grand Maaseiah was there, Tore, my Christ, she was there, away, off in distance, this lovely bystander, admirer, even perhaps, herself a righteous judge. She knew us as well, she knew every word and every spirit, she knew our names. Ah god, ah god, ah god," as to shoot an even greater awareness skyward, a solid wipe of  his cheeks, of nervous palms, his plant legs, of prancing back and fort with it's burning, notice. "She was there, she was in possession of the stone, grand Maaseiah, wait, wait, if that is still her name, she had it right there Tore in her hand, like Elohim held our beating hearts, from death to life immortal, ...stone, what, what stone? Ah, King Nebuchadnezzar's stone, he had this dream of a mountain falling from heaven and it crushed to dust and wind this towering figure of a statue he saw in a dream, it's all Tore written in Daniel's second chapter. This odd, even to him terrifying statue was made up all minerals this earth, from gold to clay. Where he, this king of kings they called him, he was the head of gold of it, now so frighten, so Torn, bedazzled, he threaten all seers in the land, including Daniel and his three Hebrew friends. It was, if they couldn't see his dream exactly and interpret it Tore he would have them all executed, of course, only Prophet Daniel could and he did, like he'd dreamed it himself and interpreted it just as well. That statue Tore, even thousands of years ago, represented every kingdom nation past, there ever was, into this present prophesied hour with the beast when this king of all kings witnessed a mountain fall from heaven. Witnessed it crush it all, them all, to dust and wind and that rule, that invasion of peace this entire earth that followed was described by him as righteous from everlasting, to everlasting. I see that look Juttah husband, as no doubt mine own, of how in the world did I know all that? Only now Tore, the Bride again reigning in heaven, was now in possession of that very stone, only it had the look, the surface of a meteor, grand Maaseiah. As so Maaseiah's Aqua, Reveal, always linked this event to what is being described of the seventh angel trumpet, ah, it's Revelation book, eleventh chapter.  Its all like making us an eyewitness that once this mountainous stone is released, the kingdoms of men Tore, the heathen,  made so angry, instantly come the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever. The entire multitudinous, host of heaven, right into the twenty-four elders are in the mightiest of celebrating ever, ever Tore, ever, cheering on God for keeping His Promises, finally laying waste to the heathen. Only," as to cut an odd look , even sadness just over his right shoulder at her, no doubt another bright light is come on, no doubt with sweet and bitter components; Preecest Torrance had to admit it was pouring and pouring out of him, kind of out of them both. "Only Tore, all this ginormous celebration was suddenly, abruptly instead brought to a screeching halt, causing this unforeseen silence in heaven, this untellable stillness there and just as soon you hear it. First faint and inaudible and vaguely all the more clear, but still so improbable, but no doubt, it is Supreme Elohim Himself and Juttah wife, this blessed, blessed Creator, Lord, Father isn't just crying, He is sobbing uncontrollably, what, how is that possible? So much so, I too began to cry, I too began to sob uncontrollably, as so does those once in unspeakable cerebration, all it's Host at the sound of Elohim weeping, they all wept too. Then again you hear Him, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything my Christ has brought them, behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day of their birth. For it is written Prince Silverton, "the righteous perisheth," now with wife Torrance Allegra again as one caught in a trance again beginning to say all around these thousands upon thousands by way of First Prince, Silverton, Nicholas's and his twelve coupled leads, all gone into westernized exodus, seeing, hearing, suffering and experiencing this in descriptive. As It is written Prince Silverton, "My people perisheth and none lay it to heart, merciful men are lost, as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come. Again wife, so, so stunning, only Tore, one approached me, said he want to see you and I said who? And he said HIM, instantly I was standing before a mountain God's Throne, when a Sunlight began to merge, only it spoke, and when it spoke, it was as the days of Moses and what it spoke, it put me right back in remembrance of being with Moses and the escaping Hebrews along his own path of commanded exodus. It was when the Sunlight, a mountain God's throne, spoke and said, "let my people go," and here we are Tore, this unspeakable exit this entire world, all things that held us down, back, the greatest of transgressions and abominations all now by even the prediction of this mountain's, release, we by this Thunderous roar in heaven of a cry, WEEP NOT! Behold the Lamb of God, we have been made free. As it is written Prince Silverton, And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Again Juttah wife, perfect, perfect place, perfect timing and perfect scripture. And this shall be the end, I'm sorry, I heard that Tore as I open my eyes this morning into only hours from Juttah, as in Petra, Juttah bound, and this shall be the end. So, Juttah husband, THEY, reduced us Thousands to seven days of bread and water for a reason, our hearts, spirits and thoughts, our very blood Prince Silverton couldn't have been clearer, only more, than the day of our birth and we Juttah wife, Torrance Allegra, bless his name, hear us Holy Father, we, Prince Silverton Nicholas exodus, Bless Your Name! For it is written Silverton Nicholas, I have glorified Christ the Lord, Jesus and will Glorify, the Christ the Lord, Jesus." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com  


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