Who Is This King Of Glory!? His LORD Urusalem; HIS ROYAL PRIESTHOOD?

Prophecy Link Fulfilling Nuclear BIG Sept BETA 28, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023

 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah

Who Is This King Of Glory!? His LORD Urusalem; HIS ROYAL PRIESTHOOD? 

-When I come into the demo, Jan 16/17 2023, its as though I arrive suddenly, the middle of a running race, being rushed along hurriedly. Soon to realize whatever worthwhile position you held here, like instantly I'm put to work as a physician to nurse, undoubtedly the nurturing spirit of holy Spirits. Actually it didn't take long to realize we're in second heaven intercessions, of Jesus meeting HIS in the air, running around getting everything ready. Obviously for this ginormous arrival. Representing The Holy Church Bride, means both Heavenly Saints to Holy Saints are here, including, the big sis Archangel Michael THEM promised THEY'D take off the planet as she expected Sept BETA/JUNETEENTH 20, 2022

Undoubtedly running around tidying everything up, we could only be prepping for resurrection, ascension, arrival of the Two Olive Branches, they too leading captivity captured, The Tribulation Saints; Besides waking from Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, of charcoal bodies to the Hawaii Missile Morning Alert/Hawaii scorch earth, presently Maui; Remember the frightenist of Jan 22-29, 2023, this demo begins with them first mocking my eldest, whether they're to choose the middle of fast and furious exodus, they're to return home and pack; I had no ideal they were relocating; but challenged them, the clothes on their backs, shoes on their feet, their two youngest with them.

Challenge, instead of returning home, from overnight Atlanta celebration, keep into safehaven territories US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER!    Frightnight to Amazing Grace on the other hand,  some bout you can't walk away from nor naturally drive away from, molten lava flooding. Stampeders, Trump Of God Angel Gabriel THEM, THEY'RE   prepping free for all racecars and racetracks, more of these fast and furious get aways; my son's and their families up in the air, no pundant intended; weirdly still, (Holy Church Bride escape), I'm squeezing into a cart, (now we Know, Super Mario Brothers, Cart); and skyrocketing to heaven (Rev 12), second heaven intercessions); 

-What couldn't have been no more than hours we're descending, arriving to Tribulation Saints, multi-million man water cooler, offered invitations and in hand, WHITE Royal Dress, like getting ready for the most unprecedented prom ever or ever again, then off skyrocketing them into heaven. There's a grand ball (marriage supper of the Lamb) and they're all its primary dressed, guess; meaning Heavenly Saints/Holy Saints and Tribulation Saints and The Two Witnesses are all together now, no wonder it's standing over sleeping beds anxious, Aug 5, 2021,Rev 11;15, AODHF felt embolden to show HIMSELF Star Warring along the deafening sound of the Seventh Angel Trumpet; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE!  C. O., HBOW/Apb

Article, Prophets Declare That Israel Will Be Divided Through A Peace Covenant, We See This Happening Right Now! https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/nteb-radio-bible-study-the-prophets-declare-that-israel-will-be-divided-through-a-peace-covenant-abraham-accords/

Article, We are watching Israel and the Jews doing exactly what the prophets thousands of years ago said they would do, and it is stunning to see, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/nteb-radio-bible-study-the-prophets-declare-that-israel-will-be-divided-through-a-peace-coven

-Proven to be evident Geoffery, the more, in real times playing catch up, we're near two years into its 3 and a half years/Oct 17 2021, Rev 11:1, 2, 42 month  duration, predicted 42 months reign the more DRAGON BEAST ANTI-CHRIST, Triple Great Tribulations. I know, Apostle, Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, I know. The telling of my grandson-in-law, biblical prophecy is fulfilled to the point glorified church Bride just return for the Tribulation Saints, captivity captured by ascending The Two Olive Branches.

I never told you how THEY kinda convinced me, not that THEY were there on a regularly basis, that my prayer closet had come a portal for Intravenous Angels and I, in and out of Holy God's Throne, well soon shown, presently an Eze 5 barber chair, mirror Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, ELO-HIM, Back Turn Throne; people at church, especially leaders were talking, conspiring, one just like a Nicodemus to Jesus, come visitJust as so inquiring, she wanted what I had and I'm totally oblivious, but she was up for assistant Pastor, what is it that I have that you want; for GOD'S SAKE, there's moments after my Rom 12:1, 2 type born again, surrender, a Jesus with wings, (Mal 4, described SUNLIGHT OF GOD);

-I know Geoffery, JESUS WITH WINGS, I was yet to explain, arms stretch out toward,me had summoned me up to him, thrice now;  there's even Geoffery a 21 day fast, seizure death, ascension and rerouted back to my grands and I, pilate on the flood, by Angels not wanting to let me go, farewell passion, THEY can't wait to be down here where I am! How in this world do I tell anybody that? I  swore I wouldn't, How? Again, How? Still No, no, it was THEM, or him crouched alongside my sleeping bed, at my ear saying, HE shall cover you with His feathers and under HIS wings shalt thou trust.

-Ah, "no, no, those the Aug 2021, Grand Caden and I both witnessed, standing over sleeping beds anxious to snatch us outta fiery doomsday apocalypse, that was much, much later, much; no here it was, if I can't accept the truth, like the original 12, I argued were dead, gone, long time now, I'm a foundational Apostle of Jesus THE CHRIST THEY couldn't use me! I know,  it's like Jesus, Peter and the washing of feet, ah thingy…plainly If Jesus couldn't, Peter couldn't, actually none of us can, we're six thousand years extinct by a world flood; again Geoffrey, to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed,.who shall believe what relentless, intravenous Guardian Angels, Trump Of God, THEM To Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM Saith to apostate Americans CHURCHIANS Trumpians whoring, drugging, gaming, stealing, killing and destroying? HBOW/Apb The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Peyton Alexander Monarch and Queen Bride, Letecia Britney Merrywell 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Peyton Alexander Monarch and Letecia Britney Merrywell  was born a goddaughter Lorena Barker Monarch a god daughter Lynsy Barley Monarch and a godson Reydon Alejandro Monarch, Merrywell 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"Those a tug of monster hurricanes US Georgia's Atlantic COAST into the African, American Atlantic basin,  proving if you're faithfully in one of three designed assigned territory THEY GOT YOU. I know  Juttah family, THEY'RE the same ones that walked Jesus to the Cross but THEY'RE the same ones who also walked HIM outta that Tomb and 40 days it's remarkable Intervention ascended Him on high, promising to return HIM, only, only we're a single , Multicultural Royal Priesthood, arriving with HIM. You El, El say they regardless of her pleading, begging, reasoning prayers, took her husband but THEY, Trump of God Gabriel to Archangel Michael THEM, also for Months previous by numbers inconceivable showed her THEY'RE with her, inside her, all around, up, down its commanded Intervention all song blessed to perilous journey. Hey there sleepy head," pulling her chair, putting her choice of juice, muffins, thank you, what Happened? Ah you put on a series, ah still, ah star crossed or some other, you'd relaxed into my neck, chest and soon my lap. Yeah, right there, the last I remember, yeah, after a couple episodes, I carried you, to ah bed and, left; hung around the deck for a time, then my own bed, ah, stateroom. You want bacon, eggs, can you just walk me over there, it's odd, I remember virtually seducing you, to really insisting we like consemate the vows, all. How on earth Evden did you resist all If that? Wow, usual everything look so good, taste Maha good to, you're really unbelievable, giving me Evden less and less reason to question you as my Tombola match. So many have sacrificed into Christ Blessed CROSS and Maha so Sacrificially beyond bringing us paradise Africa; I will not, I will approach such phenomona gifts so meaninglessly.

What about the fact Juttah family, looking at Moses them, escape map, one of its areas of commanded Exodus was Ramses Memphis I mean Sunlight Of God dtd just command like a MOSES Exodus of US 's Abraham to Juneteenth lineage exodus, its multicultural African, American. The Secret Of Memphis, Right Hey man? You all know approaching, inquiring holy Spirit, asked her here that question, right, what's the secret of Memphis? Yeah, love, but like those scorched earth Maui right now.donation gathering for rebuilding MOCKED from Ps 2, shown star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, AODHF to intravening going on like normal June 27 an 28 2021/ Jan 15/16 2022, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel THEM; how do you keep them from returning once fiery doomsday apocalypse stampede them; didn't Mat 24 Jesus explain regardless of sabbath days to those of mass Assembly, even if you have to interceded against them. You're force into flight these Apocalyptic days is  permanent, don't go inside your houses, let alone return to your houses, to, to rebuild them, just run!., Like, as with both BIG JUNE 2021/BIG JANUARY/ JUNETEENTH 2022, explaining prophetic blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, those three designed, assigned safehaven territories. Hey you two, we're wanted in engineering, what for Dae Dae man, yeah what's engineering want with us? Yeah, what's this about? Can't say Heyson man, just following orders. Just come El, El man, Maha, you too Evden, spouses all and dddd there's your telecom; {{{"Will godtriplets and spouses report to engineering. again will godtriplets and spouses report immediately to engineering,"}}} "I'm Coming, of course we're all coming, catch you later," cousin Heyson seeing Evden hunk his shoulders 0f worried, unaware, "I'm just saying El Shaddai man, engineering, really?     >>>"During you guys that Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids, joint hotel room, shelter, still don't know what's meant by the adviser screaming; that's because she should've been on the 57th; we know in real time, Oct 11, 2021 there's something about a marine dealing US submarine tec to the Taliban, yeah and grand Sia Talia man, during the dream thinking it military, submarine related, you all Know that was portrayed, the last episode of Manifest. What that mean Preece Levth? Raising from relaxing, reading, bringing curious Bride up, right alone; y'all I looked saw just now there's something about Russia allying The Taliban, even Afghanistan. Wow,its all fulfilling simultaneously, you was saying about Manifest, Ah, uh, they showed a wrecked ship, and red, floating ocean with the number 57; they also did a referenced to her carnival, rollercoaster, child trafficking headquarters/presently Sound Of Freedom, Movie, one of theirs son had been trafficked. Yeah those still missing passengers, were lost to volcanic ash  horrid type deaths and dying;; isn't those references, including a dragon, why even Super Mario Brothers is an earth ending movie scenario? Stranded, there's no such thing, this is the multiplex, transit, Aqua Juttah, we just take flight. I'm afraid not even that, El Shaddai, can remedy!" Having three fantastic couples before him, thinking the godtriplets they call them, and intravenous, Guardian Angel, Sariel, was so privileged to be among them, this blessed help. "You are sidelined, ah, godtriplets are, from outreach, tell me you understand. You mean, we're like put on pause Sir Sariel, for how long! Seven days. Seven days? Yes right here this place, no transmissions in, no transmission out! Perhaps" pulling brother El Shaddai apart, whispering away, like Angel Sariel wasn't informed, some bout Syed Farook highjacking, grounding Holy Church Bride, outreach. "What about our parents?" Walking over to one of the look out windows, trying to see anything familiar, there's just as stunning as the skyfalls themselves, indescribable marine life. So where are we? One of the faults Darius, Preece Evden Bazely of skyfalls, Bermuda type oceanic triangles of bedazzledment, only this fault out to seas building the African, American Atlantic Basin. You didn't answer, what about our parents? Can not be helped, soon to hear, expect to suspect the worst, settling on especially, a red alert detour. How sure are you, a seven day pause? I'm El Mahaseiah, Sir Sariel, this is my assignment, my assignment is for, toward Nextus, Godtriplets, a Stall, duration seven days. Just look around, you have plenty family here, anything, everything you want, need, both indoor and outdoor sports; exile luxury, correct El Eligh, correct, exile luxury, carnival, even jubilee. So that's what I tell the others, stranded, seven days a least, a Red Alert Detour; all the truth God triplets, I'm being summoned, as Darius, LORD, Urusalem would say, blessed day, sweet sleep." >>>"Nicholas, I'm thinking, I get a rapture demo like every other year or so, just as nuclear events threaten; only there's been three so far this 2023 year, including that hammering event, with getting TIFF," possibly this fourth, equally con, cerning." Nicholas, beginning to notice commy call seem to grow more and more serious. "Hey, seeing her coming out, he's to  guard, even more what's being said, intensifying the moment by moment grinding, gnawing, trial. "Everything okay? Nicholas, just hold on love, I guess that's about right, moving off, down the porch stairs away, she couldn't do nothing but follow. "That was specialist Veneer, he and the Global Tribunal are on their way here. Here? Ah, taking her hand, moving them into porches furnishing, they didn't wanna say Maaseiah until they're sure, Nicholas just, The kids are missing, their Aqua Juttah all. Virtually piloted by Intravenous Angels, Nicholas, that's not possible, you're right Maaseiah, right, that's everyone's response,  you can't lose an aqua Juttah..So that's why Culum is coming here? Yeah, ah been awhile since you called him that, but yeah, they disappeared the African, Atlantic Basin, rumors Maaseiah, its a building, ah Bermuda triangle type, ah gouge of confusion but that's why we have Archangel Michael THEM and many those as special as specialist Veneer. I can't help wanting to ask Nicholas you trying to convince me or you? Us, increase our faith to faithfulness, we trust whatever red alert detour they've been rushed off to as we trust Intravenous Archangel Michael THEM, right? That must be them, seeing lights from the sky come down to the ground, seeing the landing pad from there. How long it's been you seem nervous, it's been awhile and honestly, wiping tears aside her nose, seeing him, well them, all approach, inhaling, exhaling into a calm.. "I am nervous, give me your hand, yeah let's meet in the dining area. The commy, Tribunal Sioux, I'll get this, meet you in there." {{{"Hello}}} "I could Maaseiah say, you and your men, husbands, Tribunal Heelsfeet still calls them, but since I'm one of them." {{"Just saying Sia Maaseiah, I tried getting there, I know, ah, specialist Veneer, plus most of the Global Tribunal are arriving just now, so we know nothing more? I know, love, we wanna say it's a red alert detour, bit those are all monitored, and we're hearing nothing. Right, okay, I'll get to, no I Sia Sioux could just have you listen in, great, that's great, thanks, no, thank you!"}}}. "You said it, El El man, actually Resser man, I said let's pray against red alert detours, so not my fault, not my fault at all. Why's everyone stressing, are you forgetting where we are, who and what we're on, like what do I , well we do first and for seven more days so? You're looking at me again, looking Evden love, at these luscious, curly lashes, your mom, dad? My dad, I so hate they're not here with you, thanks, but I'll see them again, they were believers. They were? Yeah, I never, no you didn't, yeah only me not so much and now? Right now, married to its Godtriplet, El Mahaseiah and just conversed with an angel: wait, sitting straight up this clarity, they all did, an Angel?" Heart dropped into his stomach, looking at Mahaseiah for clarity, Evden wasn't sure. "Yes, go on tell them, yes it was an angel explaining we'd be stranded here for seven days, called himself Sariel, knew me, talked to me, directly. Wait, wait, wait, I read, the Angel Grand Sia talked to, was, she called Sariel, soon taking her a flyover fiery doomsday apocalypse birth Country, Continent, Home Planet. Well at least we know we have an angel here, not just one, we're learning Heyson, we're seeing one but there could be hundreds to thousands, all around. And on that intravenous assurity, I'm going to find all the swimming gear I can find and finish this day off right, loving husband, right behind you, darling wife. Any other takers? Yeah y'all better hurry before we beat you guys there! You're looking at me, thinking Maha love, mocked fireplace, wrapped into each other like Christmas presents, dozing in and out of recurring romantic movies. I say, temptress husband we're in a running race, day like those Dec 29, 2019 putting fulfilling for decades, reveals back on prophetic track, get ready Evden Bazely Holstrom, get set, GO! All the others sound off, watching them both speed into the elevators, sis Maha taking, keeping lead. Hey Ajiah, getting a glance how beyond it is down there, how about we dive, well there's still time? Reading my mind, El Eligh? Well I would never, because you can doesn't mean you should. A race then? No, I wouldn't wanna show you up, embarrass you all, just saying what a chicken would say. Hey, you calling me chicken? Well El Eligh Coogan, I would never!" Why Speak In Parables?


After Seeing The Investigation Of A Charcoal Kobe Bryant's fiery Crash; passing into the naming to ordaining of those ten heads, were mostly Islamic sounding; like Solomoni. I was warn US/WEST RULE, described abominable, detestable Lives, Lands and churches/WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers would be destroyed by a crashing, Saudi Petro Currency/ HUSSEIN OBAMA, US death tolls into the heavens; and before I went running down the hall, for my life, honestly Geoffery, in unbelief, I laughed!

Frightnight, to rolling twilight skies, Dan 9 27/Rev 12 1, 2 are the spirits of prophecies, I used too during error Bush HUSSEIN to predict a Hussein Whitehouse and WORLD reign; I knew nothing about politics, about Senator Barack Hussein until he began campaigning for The Whitehouse!!!! Until during a mocked nations summit, as he stood its, promising podium, some bout his itinerary, I was told, well I heard, HE'S THE ONE! Not The Man, The Biological, Abrahamic, Prophetic Bloodline/Oct 17 2021/Oct 17 2028, Anubis' Army, ANTI-CHRIST


YouTube, F. First Post, Taliban owns the world best currency, How? https://youtu.be/CiBXZ4AO1Z0?si=A8sexus3lDfps4H5;


Hearing Sept BETA/JUNETEENTH 20, 2023, The Single Word, TIME!


"Taliban owns the world best currency. How?"
Because prophetically, it's their time; its their timeline, the debate, to suggestion during Sept BETA 22 Apocalyptic Firestorm 2020, interstellar/ interplanetary, Armageddon, Eze 38 39/Rev 20,/aligned to 2015, Billionaire Trump, GENOCIDERS, GOG And MAGOG were having with PS 35/91/Rev 12, Star Warring, Intravenous, Archangel Michael THEM; marvel not while Bush and His were hunting down Saddam Hussein, The Colonization Of Islam; by Bible Prophecy, Dan 9/Rev 12/13/; see its entire, prophetic parable here, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2023/09/what-you-mean-you-just-threw-fast-and.html

Article See green comet Nishimura's tail get whipped away by powerful solar storm as it slingshots around the sun, News By Harry Baker published about 10 hours ago


Sound like predicted October 1/3 2004/2021 plethora of solar events and cosmic events and volcanic events combined; dominoing Hawaii into dominoing YELLOWSTONE, its babysitter, deem it necessary to remind its presently more with hundreds of earthquakes;.plus I just had a time getting outta my head, Little Shop Of Horrors, lyrics, I'm just a GREEN ,GREEN Mother, from outer space and I'm bad ; wondering GREEN? Beware Of CME, EMP, TIFF, like predicted back as far as flirting with earth ending movies, Eze 5, barber chair, Ben Affleck's Armageddon either, there's also KNOWING, revisted ebbing and flowing date, July 27 28 2009, so since there's been a campaigning Senator Hussein, that suddenly tens of millions are no more this planet Britain Canada America THE AMERICAS, WEST RULE SO IF YOU'RE NOT RUNNING, TAKING Mat 24 Jesus THE CHRIST advice, if you're taking AODHF suggestion, HE'S Finishing THEM getaway from leaders religious political to military deaths, aligned to GOG and MAGOG, error Islam and 50 million US deaths/in all 100; Million Westerner, run, running saves lives saving lives like Jesus THE CHRIST ❌,SAVES IMMORTAL SOULS


Why Speak In Parables? Actually, Chris, though it'd be for a limited time only, during my last burnt offering request, that counted out to be ten thousand, barbecue grill, pieces in all; one of my request, now that I had the ear-heart of God's Back Turn Throne, was HE would momentarily hold back those curses, dumbing down to going Ludacris contagious the more cast upon procrastinators Endangering children, example, the dad knowingly in impact zones, Maui's, while anything, everything Hawaii, predicted combustion who with 5 kids jumped out of a stories up window.

Getting reveals in reverse, tossing all night May 25/26 2023, about Nov 11 21 both 2021/2022, Eze 5 barber chair, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; remember there's my Eze 5, shaved bald head, four ponytail judgements. Frightnight to AMAZING GRACE all designed for mandatory evacuations, I Love. Clearly primping doomsday planet home, that you all, run, designed Apocalyptic events, so Chris, here's what proceeded but would've followed Aug 25/ 26, 2023, HUGER THAN THE HUGEST SUN EVER SINGLE WORD TIFF warning, impacting Volcanic,, SOLAR, to Cosmic events. 

When I  Instead come into the Aug 25/26 2022 demo a once school age friend, one who's, she  both our niece,  it's like we're at a Kroger, a self serve counter, bagging groceries.  From there we can see said Memphis niece is already done, checked out, waiting for us on the other side.; Frightnight come to think, she was doing the same things when I  come up, outer  that . Anubis underground. Like Christ The Lord, leading Captivity Captived, all combined by birth, rebirths to marriage, Memphis loved ones. 

Ah, my God, that's why Memphis Pastor opened his trunk, filled with all these magician like trinket to imbibes, made this offer/awful. Frightnight that's why the day of the morning I witnessed a stone Anubis come to life, stretch his bow, launch a single arrow, return like it never happen, later that day, THEY claimed Memphis Pastor, first born son.Next I know I'm paying for my groceries, only before I past through the toll booth this you need remember, Instead it's cost being two US quarters, meaning back then America/WEST RULE was also aligned to two quarters of the earth's billions dead. 

Rev , 3rd seal, Black Horse Of Famine, A measure of wheat for a penny, 

Just as so, as I crossed over through the toll booth, the exchanged is handing over to the cashier, The emphasis Chris,  on, THE CASHIER' The store managers keys, Rev 9:1a And,the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit/Rev 20:1,I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand); and once I did and I think only I Chris saw this, once those keys touched his hand, his demeanor, dress, hat all changed until like he's like character, The Greatest Showman Movie, spinning into the ceiling this mighty erupting, celebration. 

Horrifyingly this is when, from the blessed other side, I glance past him, seeing a multi-million man grocery store and stomach punching agony, the more, one of them, is the childhood friend Memphis to Mississippi aunt. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, she's now trapped a bargaining for one's immortal soul the multi million man grocery store, barter balen, toll booth, you yours your subscribers? Like buy, eat now die, descend later into eternal lakes of fire; only he Chris not in the first resurrection, he that withhold, endure, overcome for those great and faithful Tribulation Saint, straightly, a crown of righteousness await! You, Yours,Your Subscribers? C. O. HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Article, Dr. Anthony Fauci was secretly escorted to CIA HQ https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1707602458036339098?t=vCEhv9ygVxYXtFz4if3qcg&s=19

Aligned To People Eaters, Earth Enders GOG AND MAGOG; An Error Hussein/ISLAM And 50 Million US Deaths; Britain losses, 25 Million; Canada losses 25 Million; RUN, Come Out From Among Them My People/Holy Church Bride/ROYAL PRIESTHOOD!

See more here https://youtu.be/TunNIAGN8Ac?si=Y2DP_Q2H4JMr6Zlp; :Plum Island; Perfect Timing Or Coincidence? When I come into the Aug ({2004}) demo, one thing was to be immensely clear, those US lab, building a bio-weapon were those we trust, as Unlike TERRORIST, Russia, CHINA to North Korea/BRICS NATIONS.

-Right here a lab counter, computer, under the microscope was the look of a backward letter C with a mass its middle, since for decades; if you're thinking the leopard spots, yes; only in the form of a Spanish Flu/deadliest of a Coronavirus mutating into a Swine to Avian flu, New Pneumonia; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021/Jan thru Sept BETA 28, 2023, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb 

NTEB Article, YOU READY FOR IT: Is Superstar Taylor Swift About To Use Her Massive Platform And Social Media Influence To Get Michelle Obama Elected President In 2024?https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/taylor-swift-gets-michelle-obama-elected-as-next-president-of-united-states-through-social-media/

Marvel not as the days of Sunlight Of God, Egypt Memphis Moses Commanded Exodus any adviser adding and abetting procrastinating, Sunlight Of God Tenn, Memphis, Moses Commanded African American Exodus, Also Aligned To Trafficking, Molesting to Mutilating Children.


Marvel not, Pelosi Taiwan's Influence Was Met With Strike Out Her Name Followed By Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent Into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Continent! Howbeit not the continuity of anything WEST RULE;

Why Does The City The American Continent, West Rule Britain, Canada The USA All Sit so Solitary That Were Once Filled With Highly Treasured Gazillionsaires/Americans, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians?

-When I come into the Aug 5, 2019 demo and if you remember yes Aug 5 2021 Rev 11 standing over sleeping beds anxious showing HIMSELF along side Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM revisited witnessing two Westernized World Systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet fiery doomsday apocalypse as in decorated by blinking multicolor lights of caution single word NOW a day can no longer past whereas suddenly tens of millions are dead, tens of millions are injured stampeding or just as the word frozen on as HD, 5G and Social media screening DISAPPEARED!

-Frightnight to Amazing Grace blessed Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit When Rev 11 begin vs 15 For When The 7th Angel Trumpet SOUND; showing HIMSELF star warring JESUS descending into HUSSEIN reign MILLENNIUM REIGN; equally those Rev 18:4 He's advising we get far, far away, into June 26/27 2021/Jan 15/16 2022 Trump Of God Angel Gabriel suggested three designed, assigned territories Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast/Africa's SW Atlantic

-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come HE'S targeting them. described Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST its mightiest host of heaven, right here, this resident, Hawaii Missile Morning Alert described, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers/The Obama's; After SKYROCKETING BLESSED Resurrection Blessed Are Those LAMB OF GOD Lord Urusalem To Archangel Michael's List; blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT Blaexit ! See more Pieces Of Lord Urusalem here, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-viii.html and here, https://piecesoflordurusalem.blogspot.com/2020/07/and-these-are-descendants-of-beauty.html

Frightnight Chris as your video, Oct 3, 2023 (predicted to go SOLAR, COSMIC NUCLEAR); Russia Is planning a war simulation;  https://youtu.be/w_NcnIDiWW4?si=-FYr4pxXT674mp5m; whistle blowing my prophetic parables about a US lab bio-weapon/NOW Chris, its Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids unforseen encroaching guerrilla war, frightnight dominoing into an imminent, Cosmic to VOLCANIC, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE only first, predicted Ben Affleck's Nov 11 2022, (dominoing) Hawaii Is building into; as your vid, was hitting my phone itty, bitty pieces of INTERSTELLAR ARMAGEDDON/WW3/and no wonder rapture demo Feb 12, 2013, there's clearly Chris, hearing, yes an ear deafening trumpet, but frightnight to amazing grace, there's hearing, a Rev 12, star wars battle being wedged up there; since I woke again hearing both your vid hit and the lyrics 'better go and get your Armor; LOVE, OBEDIENCE, FAITH!. Safehaven Jordan's Desert Petra, Jordan's Sparks; even emphasis on sparks, LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD! There's even been what sound like military crafts flying overhead; see entire prophetic parable here;
See more here, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ntedio-bible-study-the-prophets-declare-that-israel-will-be-divided-through-a-peace-covenant-abraham-accords/ (Firs, been meaning to ask, -Nuclear, Apocalyptic, DOOMSDAY, WAR month, October; seeing this happening Trump Dec 3 2017,  threatening Abba's Threatening eight leads, elephants of staying unaware stampeded outta of Jesus warn the abomination that maketh DESOLATE, this APOCALYPSE NOW; right NOW Adam,  there's no more days that can't suddenly see US/UK/BC, soil millions dead, millions Injured to fiery doomsday apocalypse, Aug 5 2019/Aug 5, 2021, MILLIONS DISAPPEARED! 

Not even realizing to now, we're  surrounded waiting HIS ORDERS, Guardian Angels Gabriel, Trump of God, THEM Oct 1, 2023 predicted TWO BIG ONES coming, since it's due date, (2004) and whatever is going on with predicted, guided, cosmic threat BENNU, that's to convince they have this handle like the handle, launched, incoming impacting, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; we're here October 17  2021 for Adam, 7 post Jesus descending Millennium, darkest, deadliest years ever to ever again, triple Great Tribulations even;  beginning to fulfill the Holy Church Bride snatched out just prior, as in before another nano-second, ONLY NOT YET!

Frightnight, this is the scripture Dan 9;27, those Apocalyptic years THEY were confirming nearing two, it's impossible Skyrocketing Holy Church Bride, fire-rocketing West Rule still here, Islamic/Israeli/Trumpian Abraham Accord; marvel not This man of prediction has not one like Jonah equally followed by mass disasters, COME OUT FROM AMONG HM, ah, them  ticking time tables, not two, but three, including King Nebuchadnezzar's cursed, Dan 4 madness/fast and furious Ludacris and contagious.

Surrealistically, those Commanded to be killed by, Hawaii Is Building Into 

ALL ENDANGERING PARENTS who didn't die by bio-weapon, THE PLAGUE, who repented not! Marvel not Adam, in progress, Hawaii Missile Morning Alert Rev 2 Jesus threaten mass dieoff ascension of ALL children; marvel not waking Jan 15/17 2023, shown star warring AODHF saying HE'S ready, Rev 11: begin vss 15, some both, FRIGHTNIGHT, my backpack on my shoulder, molten lava flooding and being crafted are THEIR fastest getaways yet,  fancy, numbered racecars to racetracks to JESUS and HEAVENLY SAINTS, spoils of interstellar Armageddons, THEY'RE waiting Area Interplanetary, I'm squeezing into a skyrocketing to heaven, right up to HIM, my awaiting with THEM  mom, Super Mario Brothers Cart, you yours, your Adam endangered to endangering, procrastinating subscribers? 

( I explained 2004, US Lab, bio-weapon, Spanish Flu deadliest mutating into pale horse pandemic, those seemingly western days sufferers shaped their hand into a backward another demo how it got its name/ Backward C Pandemic...

Article, Jane Goodall Think The World would be better if it was reduced by 90%

https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1707944863000314249?t=ch4Ua7tPhbi6w7HGcppSNw&s=19. See more bout Plum Island  here,  https://youtu.be/TunNIAGN8Ac?si=XvsKr_cDQ0dG6zaU; marvel not they're aligned to people eaters, earth enders Gog and Magog; Article, Jane Goodall Think The World would be better if it was reduced by 90%; practice what you preach, if you feel this way, you and yours should be first in line,its torturous execution; marvel not they been pounded upon since, Russia's Moscow whispering what's whispered to them, a Euro/US Bio Weapon/trans species Avian, flu HBOW/Apb


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