The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024/Nuclear, Close To The Antichrist, Hussein Obama July 04, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024.

YouTube The Matthew Fam, NASA WARNING: Mt  St  Helens Fault Crack on the Brink of ERUPTION! via @YouTube: surrealistically, I’m just stunned and distracted, there’s a mountain in God's Throne. The Rising Behind It Commanding As to a Moses. LET MY PEOPLE! Sunlight Little gets my attention, there’s a Mountain in God’s Throne!” 


Reminder, the scene out of the movie The Day After Tomorrow Quaid draws a line across half of the US map those who might be saved, vs those already lost. Mighty Angel did the same only everything US W. Pacific lost everybody else RUN! 


Since tens of millions US W. Pacific are gone and 6 years a Dan 4 madness curse, we’re a tug of US elections, again. Let its hundreds of millions others do what Mighty Angel warn. Understand they’re showing there's a Rev 17, 7th Angel with him, cause he’s bearing 7 more judgments bowls, those worst of all; run US states of barbecue Biden/ HARRIS WH/ The American Continent WEST RULE all next! 


Equally since you know your world ends Chernobyl to Devil Comet April Spring Rapture 2025 Country, Continent, World Systems all, all, all fire-rocketed! What do you do and if you have leaning on your very word subscribers, what do you suggest they do? 


Frightnight first besides reigning holy church Bride posses, prep and launched Daniel 2 stone from heaven; we’ve witnessed thrice that Mt Sinai Type hammered off by a Rev 17:14 Jesus husband type for its apocalyptic value. I know I ain’t Noah, but a Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era; I ain’t Moses but a Sunlight of God, blessed exile luxury! I ain’t Isaiah or John but I too have witnessed you running! In retrograde both close  to the Antichrist Obama you ran to Archangel Michael’s It’s Mother Africa’s Atlantic. During close to the Antichrist Trump you ran to Archangel Michael US Georgia’s Crossover! Easily Watch! Run! Live! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 I WILL COME UPON YOU QUICKLY, Jesus, THE CHRIST! see more here, the prophet parable, inspired by you, see also, here,

Youtbe, Jonathan Cahn, God said America will be extinct by 2025 - Jonathan Cahn New via @YouTube:

Hearing Close To The Antichrist Obama July 27/28 2023 that’s Britain 25 million dead; Canada 25 million, dead, that’s 100 million westerners dead! 

Hearing Bush July 2004/05 and what predicted The Brexit (blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit); Britain, America Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces WIPE CANADA off The Map! Seeing 2023, Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent into SW Atlantic, Africa’s Continent Following Hundreds of Millions to a Billion Its Western Refugees! 

Rev 7 Star Warring AODHF Commanding Apocalyptic Events Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic To Alien Apocalypse DESTROY America Constantly Sinning! 


In the earth ending movie scenario, we’re admonished Jonathan to watch. Since THEY showed us The flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of The Biden/HARRIS WH., Day After Tomorrow stranded Professor Rapson advice to Dennis Quaid character when asked was save as many lives as possibly. Since a particular hour yesterday that’s what I’m advising everyone having an outreaching platform, 

save lives, run! 

If on the same schedule Oct 17, 2021 skyrocketing Holy Lords gave us The Last Week Of Daniel; those 7 most apocalyptic years. Ideally we’re counting down into 3 years its 42 month into Chernobyl 1986 to Devil Comet 2024 to, by Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone April 2025 Like out of timeline to excuses THEY’LL take the Holy church bride out! As witnessed, there’s Skyrocketing to fire-rocketing two westernized systems. 

There’s following for another 42 month interval by an Islamic/Israeli Antichrist; with Jesus millennium descending by its Oct 17 2028/GODS KINGDOM COME its Oct 17, 3028! Of course Jonathan that’s if they keep with this schedule, now with Sept BETA 2020 Gog and Magog pressuring THEM that THEY do, get us out of their timeline, THEY probably will! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, EMERGENCY ALERT - FALSE CRISIS EVENT INCOMING FOR AMERICA via @YouTube: as during error Bush growing fear factor a then pending, now imminent Islamic/Israeli/ANTICHRIST, THEY showed Israel turn to an enemy Hamath THEY showed a Cuban Missile Crisis part 2 on US soil but FSS what was worse the Russians are coming or tardy stampeders being chased by one stab the telling heart by Eze 9 presently Star Warring GOD, commanded slayers? 

Hurricane Beryl's Unprecedented Intensification Is an “Omen” for the Rest of the Season; yeah, I been meaning to ask, as the revisited TIFF EMP/CME, was this, Super Mysterious Atlantic 'Ocean Anomaly' via @YouTube, too a premonition? 

Hearing A Noah’s Cousin To Aqua Era With A Pitcher Bearing Angel Pouring Water On The Planet It’s US Biden/Harris WH To US States Of Barbecue? 



See also, mrmbb333, EPIC clash as 'Sun Storm' slams into the EARTH! via @YouTube

PS, HASHTAG TO EXCETRA nuclear July 2,  Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2024, let’s hope when this warning come post-Apocalyptic US W.  Pacific Firestorms, you’ve escaped to US Georgia’s Coast/CROSSOVER! Here’s its ebbing and flowing July 6 2015/2020 skyrocketing, wait, whoa, what, while I encourage her, this build up of rescuers, is that a school on top of my Pompeii movie of Memphis, sporting, sparing, gladiators all, Memphis Grand, Little Miya Girls Back Seat Surveyor Translator? Marvel not she’s not there the multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth. Sooo, that's why in enters instead those Anubis Demons underworld “extractions,” An Abraham daughter to Memphis Sarah Niece on foot to crossing the old Arkansas Bridge on repentant knees, surveyor, translator! HGOW, because she’s now possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 Stone, in my hearing, “The Antichrist Murderer!” Apb, The RAM


I just tried to put these sayings into words how all our problem solving religious, political, social media/SHOPPING Must FSS turn to the humanitarian to hospitality of how we can save lives to souls. Like first of all don’t we like famed letters USA itself escaping into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, trust interstellar Trump Guardian Michael THEM and Star Warrior Archangel Michael THEM to hold designed territory Safehaven US Georgia/ CROSSOVER, the repatriation of Mother Africa? Star Warring HIMSELF, AODHF!


Watch! Run! Live was Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus advice. Dec 3 alone revisit  elephants of staying unaware stampeding a close to The Antichrist Trump, Abbas and his 8 leads a tug of turf wars. Presently a run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware! Too presently RED ALERT nationwide pandemic of overdoses to endangering parents, AODHF


-I know which come first? Aug 3 2021 STAR WARRING AODHF! Marvel not being present the opening of the LAMB’S book of life, a page torn out, Michael’s List, that book of remembrance laid the foot of my prayer bed! Isaiah, John and now I, we witness you Run! Think, Rev 6, 6th seal John mocked you running to mountains themselves compromised bellowing, erupting, melting, flooding!


I explained just a day past revisiting the TIFF, CME/EMP event, July/Aug (2023). One of Its Memphis niece name sake, I soon learn she was in not a Safehaven Florida for a not a Safehaven Caribbean cruise; making these areas also the warning something ginormous was building. 


-Not too long ago its other Memphis niece name sake, (Pat-Brad Shiloh niece too in not a Safehaven Florida. There’s her knowing Angel Gabriel himself this time of year June 27/28 2022 has come, bearing three Safehaven territories to exile luxury running us out of these areas. THEY say this recklessness of playing in traffic is with having a Yellowstone on your heels! Wait The Brad Pitt flashforward, I  think I know what happened to Brad Pitt, Jolie kids Jan 2018, Hawaii missile morning, threatening riches to rags sickbeds, and sleepovers June/Juneteenth 10, 2024 Rev 17:14 Jesus hammering skyrocketing of children! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast’s  Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Tarim Sheree Heelsfeet and Qeen Bride Corensen Khoral Arkham

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Princeton Damien Norcross, Atrazor and Nyla Guineve  Gogle was born a godson Lysses Sienna Atrazor a godson Eraqus Cormac Atrazor and a goddaughter, Ashton Cienne Atrazor, Gogle 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

“She’s, she's Razor man, Grand Sia,  suggesting we do something religious, political to monetary leaders can’t, even won't, pause America indefinitely, get people out. All you need to do is get out of America by the Georgia’s Atlantic COAST and Guardian Angel Trump, Archangel Michael helps with that, and, and Grand Sia is pretty sure so will US invading enemies. Guys, sorry ah, Darius, Sia Karsiann, have as asked why THEY chose to unveil the existence of aliens and was it the timing? No question Preece  Shieldon, the timing, since timing is everything with THEM, plus it was the growing evidence and fitting its mystery perfectly humanity as a puzzle no more. Plus, don’t forget nothing Alien peaked Grand Sia faith to interest convinced all long with saboteurs here. so were mutineerers back then, so the only thing changed for her instantly. How it's to realized, its true then, there’s no dating the war in heaven and no telling how long Lucifer and a third of heavens host been busy all the universe, galaxies, then by the war in heaven exiled to this planet. Marvel not, there’s no telling where all this ancient aliens and ancient civilizations possibly predating the Genesis Godman by what can be millions of years and she’s saying it’s interstellar Armageddon could’ve been commanding Asteroid Chucxulub into all their mess making, God alone is GOD! Then as Skyrocketing us, Sunlight Of God, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture rest assured our enemies are as ashes under our feet! Honestly, I feel the question here," as one writing on a chalk board, are there any mutineering Satan's genocider agenda these intravenous triangle crafts and does John seeing beast helping him with revealing those seals proves to be its evidence. Then, are we too realizing Sia Darius, within two months 2023 while she was, ah spiritual to mentally transitioning she had to events with crafts, that long, long, long hovering while warning a Ben Affleck Armageddon, last day of America and two months later she capture one trailing her.  I think they were contemplating taking her, if so Lord Hawthorn, there’s a third Hallow Eve to Halloween and I know they contemplated taking her, you know, goddess, I know.  Think, this, her entire situation Sept. Oct 2013. was identical to that Hawaii missile morning skyrocketing, that was the same house, son, neighborhood all! Hey Memphis man, the phoenix lights, what was the date on that? Looking, looking, looking, wow, I dare not say, wow, ah, talk about mockery, let's say its the same date as close to Antichrist, March 13, Trump, of witnessing hundreds, n'all, n'all, n'all Memphis man, they're all reacting,  "of, of witnessing those hundreds of millions, every brand of auto made, filled up, crossing into US Georgia's COAST, CROSSOVER; revisited again, revisited upon grand Caden, just past midnight, it's Marh 13, 2022, witnessed out the window of intravenous Archangel THEM, circling the Bride's chariot all around. "Like, didn't Grand Sia at that precise time, while watching an NBA game, playing cards, though she saw breaking news about her 10.2 earthquake? And, and, and Nextus Juttah, all that prophetic reminder, from a pop-up reveal! Right, right, plus, there are testimonies out there of witnessing godman and aliens working out these advances in technologies together for the betterment of mankind? You equally think Sia Darius these nuclear events of UFO’s intravenous comes to goes with the guilt of giving them this technology and what Lord Chrispix a sudden 190 years deficit is gonna do to it all? Grand Sia has aligned to all of Jesus’ arriving on horseback as planet earth is again the western days, on horseback! Whewwwww, extraordinary! Extraordinary! Clearly the inquiring that’s not gonna be met here, this time, so do your research before we meet again, you guys are dismissed. Did THEY break the for three years Abraham Accord? Well did Israel? The war is possibly a retaliation toward all this double dealing concerning the Holy Land right now in the first, insanely leaving out these major players like Syria, Iran, Hamas, that's Grand Sia's Hamath, Grand Sia mom keep Darius Sis, saying and saying. Then Dae, Dae, ah, sorry Darius El Shaddai Who's it's membered body? Ah temporarily laying aside 2017, Gog and Magog Trump's Mahmoud Abbas mentioned eight leads. For like an hour now, I been looking at that because In these summit of leaders are the those within an hour ten very specific heads,  knowing Darius Juttah, where they are being puppeteered, is where Red Dragon is designing his Antichrist to False Prophet to genocider cabinet.  "Okay," rushing on her sweater, grabbing her bag, getting out, I’ll leave you all to it, you, see you at instead, Juneteenth blessed Blaexit fireworks show, blessed day! So, supported by the USA, we have Israel UAE, Bahrain and what does seeing a picture of Shimon Peres to do with it? So coupled with Israel and Saudi historic deal lately, here it reads ‘Israel on the cusp of historic peace with Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu announces at UN; look you guys at the date, Sept BETA 22, 2023, exactly 8 years to the date THEY yanked grand Memphians out into Safehaven US Georgia’s COAST and skyrocketed the Bride, firerocketed West Rule off the planet. Unquestionably which make this event as the signing of that Abraham Accord too very end days palatable. Presently Grand Sia saying stop everything the American dreaming get you, yours and yours out, unquestionably as Mighty Angel Rev 12, birth mother travailing in birth, prancing back and forth the planet, the sea, the US W. Pacific map, we’re out of time, especially US states of barbecue; the elephant in the room Grand Sia believe Pres Raisi aligned to NBA Kobe’s crash signal a US soil attack, something I add a Cuban missile crisis part 2 Russia been threatening since close to Antichrist Trump’s April 2, 2019 two weeks and 7 years timetable, so can the invading Chaldeans be any combination of an invading armies, taking US cities, burning them with fire? Speaking of burning them with fire, guess which part of the planet is burning again, and you what's even  more shocking, there are still hundreds  of millions in frying ducks to boiling from still there. Ah, ah, ah, El Darius Mahaseiah, frying ducks instead of sitting ducks I get but boiling frogs. There's a scientific study to pundit, if you put frogs in boiling water, they'll just leap right out, but if you put them in cold water, and let it heat up slowly, say like the waring, 2022, Hawaii is building into, they're stay put, boil to death. We Nextus Juttah know how gargantuan the dominoing Hawaii event is going to be, because we equally know what? How gargantuan THEY responded to that Jan 12/13, 2018, Hawaii missile crisis, easily a Pompeii Movie of Memphis, with both Father Jacob's and Jesus's Ladder unnumbered intravenous, all of THEM, again, Nexus Juttah, that's all of THEM, yeah no wonder brother El Shaddai, its second return, they're so plenteous the more, Mt Olivet cleaved in two, but if you think, so did Memphis, engulfed by that Frence, Mortal Engine to swallowed up by a Skyfall Movie, type, pyro caustic, cloud, all!  Looking at the time, we better go, but first, that multimillion man grocery store, store manager's keys, barter balen, toll booth, bargaining with unimaginable evils, including hundreds of millions of demons, Rev 9, all its mockeries, its characterization, were Memphis to Memphians, with Norcross man, that Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, pending, see you guys at the fireworks show! Hey, four days to make up our mind about the Richat Structure, then said offer passes to the Nigerian 300, for 7 days, Sailors and Cruisers from there, I'm undecided, we are, so don't ask." Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4  

Unto Shieldon Chelsea Norcross Atrazor and Shaughnessy Monsliza Gunly was born a goddaughter Lorelei Bian Atrazor a goddaughter Micaela Rihan Atrazor a goddaughter Aneira Chels Atrazor and a godson Bailey Axel Norcross Atrazor

YouTube, Was Glenn’s dream actually a VISION for our future? via @YouTube

After Witnessing 3 Worldwide ANCIENT Genocider BEAST including an Anubis Demon, disguised as friendly house pets around your children. Frightnight there’s hearing By Feb 12/13 2017, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools! 


Glen, since I suggested mine first go watch Disney’s  New Dr. Who, 73 yards, but especially its Dot and Bubble scene; we just had washing his hands of martyred blood, The US Surgeon General ask for cigarette type labeling be placed on social media screening. Know for a year this video you read my mind just hours past. This isn’t about politics, this is Rev 11/12 ebbing and flowing, Interstellar Armageddon/ Planet Earth!

Stop in the name of unconditional love, right this instant find a way to use your platform to save lives; saving lives like Jesus’ CROSS save souls. Here reminded I explained lately I could write a book about 

dangers warned designing children alone.

Like I said I been encouraging some to go watch Disney’s New Dr Who Dot and Bubble scene. 

Told my now grown grands when their parents were children I was shown this same scenario. HOLY ANGELS come right into my prayer closet of interceding these exact concerns for my two sons. Assuring the same warnings, these dangers, monstrous infiltrations all would come to homes/schools, churches.

Infiltrate impressionable parents and children by trustworthy HD, 5G, MUSIC PLAYLIST and Social Media screening. 

Unquestionably a pandemic of homicidal parents, gun violence a drug pandemic, presently a pandemic of overdoes.

Until Uvalde school shooting morning I woke with something about gaming, especially it’s Grand Theft Auto. When I begin to see, this line of Children building behind Twilight Movie character scene, Bella, come to the school Office with her problems. In short it’s a building line of all injured to orphan children the entire planet come to their school administration with these authentic dangerous, damaging issues and I wake! HBOW/Apb


Was Glenn’s dream actually a VISION for our future? via @YouTube Was Glenn’s dream actually a VISION for our future? via @YouTube; Glenn I feared admitting the thing I never would and there’s been a plethora of evidence before and since; I was told something about non-existent aliens fallen Angels is why they do exist.  Fret not the political duzzy waking election morning Nov 3/4 and David Muir entire broadcast is my kitchen of reveal and we’re having my lemon of reveal; beware of Trumps Dan 9:37 Abraham Accord! 


Beware of Trumps Dan 9:27, signed Sept 15 2020 Abraham Accord; talking it ain’t politics; there’s people eaters Gog and Magog Sept 2020 debating Archangel how we’ve crossed prophetic lines? I know now we don’t have to wonder why after 7 years it’s specific date Sept 22/23 2022. Only its 2023 update to Sept 15, 2023 to match Pres Trump’s 2020 Sept none aggression accord. Unimaginably Israel vs Hamas (My predicted Hamath) broke Oct 2023; miraculous is the two Olive Branches leading captivity capture the tribulation saints. 


Surrealistically for the first in biblical, prophetic history we’re all there together. Celebrating around, for when the seventh angel trumpet, begin sounding, see more here Rev 19, to here, and if you thinking that’s what intravenous meant arriving me home earth, saying they want down here, is they want second heavens intercessions, you’re probably right. 


God said America will be extinct by 2025 - Jonathan Cahn New via @YouTube: THEY visited me, presently Jan 2022, Pompeii movie of Memphis, sparing Gladiators all. Here’s 1995, St Elmo Street, come to me, into my home as to Sodom and Gomorrah Father Abraham! Though I mocked HIM HE could take on America and ran from thunderous God! As Jonathan with speeds that hall running Man In Linen GA 2018, and yeah I absolutely think it’s mockery!


THEY said, well HE said, He’d Destroy America. Beginning with the genocider Saudi/Petro Dollar losing to The BRICS currency right now; explaining for days that’s no more banks, houses and namely abominable churches and CHURCHIANS; that’s no more America/WEST RULE presently a predicted 100 million westerners dead and the speed! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bright Side Global, NASA Announces FIRST Geomagnetic Storm in 165 Years Happening Soon! via @YouTube

YouTube mrmbb333 is always weeks to months a head, see here, EPIC clash as 'Sun Storm' slams into the EARTH! via @YouTube; know May 3 2023 weather alert appeared on my phone a 37 day countdown. Soon we’re looking at the HUGEST SUN EVER/May 10 not for 5000 years SOLAR event. Just as soon the hottest planet, days, 4th of July!

The hottest Atlantic and the largest ever Atlantic hurricane, Lee, presently that’s 3 times beating its Atlantic record, Hurricane Beryl! Believe when I say 2024 has been a repeat if not including that April 8 Eclipse, Devil comet revisit of Chernobyl April Rapture Spring 1986. WATCH! Run! Live! Thus Saith Dec 3/4/5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus! HBOW/Apb



Where You Gonna Be Crying Your Should’ve Would’ve Could’ve And How Many  It’s Dead!!! 

You mean Chris, like Gog and Magog, Close to the Antichrist Pres Donald Trump, Close To Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama; y’all do know y’all are playing ring around the roses, poses, ashes, ashes. suddenly a dominoing Hawaii Volcanic Summit And Tens Of Millions You’ve Accomplished With Stay Put Platforms Are Dead to Mostly Damned? Red Dragon BEAST/ And A Third In Mutineering Angels, Will! 

Article, As Joe Biden Prepares For His ‘Dignified Exit’ Will Kamala Harris And Michelle Obama Be The Ones The Democrats Put Their Faith In To Win It?

I WILL STRIP LEADERS! Causing The Silence In Heaven WEEPING AODHF; I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! Showing HIMSELF Star Warring As With Archangel Michael THEM, AODHF!


More the exit Geoffrey all of them, since they around that time, Jan 22-29 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel and there’s Rev 17, 7 th Angel with him; a sums of all fears movie, type Hawaii missile crisis going on, a Pompeii movie of Memphis I Thess 4/I Cor 15, skyrocketing; THEY caused that R., Congressman train wreck, didn’t THEY? 

Don’t look up, leave the world behind, even ad Astra. See Rev 6, 6th seal, all this thinking they gonna destroy this planet and Godman and just slink away safely; I WILL LAUGH WHEN YOUR BURNING BUSH/BIDEN WHITE HOUSE DESIGNED FEAR-FACTOR COMETH AS AN ISLAMIC/ISRAELI ANTICHRIST/ANUBIS ARMY, Ps 2, Aug 5, Rev 11, also as Rev 12 ARCHANGEL Star Warring AODHF THEM! 

⚠️ YouTube Marfoogle US ISSUES WARNING: July 4th Announcement via @YouTube; See More Here, Rev 11, Of GOD also Showing HIMSELF Star Warring! “He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street!” Then I Wake! Genesis Thru Revelation Speedily Fulfilling Sounds Like That’s How Close We Are To The Two Skyrocketing Olive Branches Leading Captivity Captured The Blinking Of An Eye Tribe, Michael’s List, (Tribulation Saints)! 

Take Heed We Have A Multimillion Man Grocery store, store manager keys to the bottomless pit, barter balan, toll booth of bargaining The Soul. Frightnight Adam based on what’s designed the scariest scripture Rev 9, The BIBLE! We Also since early 2019, witnessing a Star Wars battle in the heavens ourselves have an invading ANTICHRIST with a Scorpion King Anubis Army; Satanic, Demonic, Alien Apocalypse! 

Thank you Adam for your shorts, not everyone has the time for long length videos. again thanks. I must ask is this FBI warning for this time of year all that unusual? But we do have a Cuban missile crisis 2 building, some since Bush WH bout Chaldeans are coming! This where I witnessed Eze 9 heart stabbers giving procrastinators chase! 

I just felt strongly Adam only 36 hours ago to encourage persons like you. How best to use these platforms primarily for saving lives. Do what for many millennia Intravenous Angels have done, guide us to the best exit, (blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT. Blaexit!)

When you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate; see Rev 7, Jan 22 2018 Rev 10, how long you think THEY can keep these ginormities off of us? As the days of Lot and family, y’all do know that’s not THEIR assignment. 

THEY’RE Star Warring up there Adam to down here not to save your treasures, those are stored in heaven remember? But to safeguard into exile luxury who in a few years, more or less, why days are shorten, are to descend with CHRIST, a  multibillion man Royal Priesthood! HBOW/

Donald J Trump

Boxer Mike Tyson Hold Up A Sign, Red White And Blue Lettering, did I tell you Dragon Beast Sept Beta 22 2023 Wore The Pride Flag As A Breastplate of his Solidarity. Remind there’s this goat-head teen one of Disney’s favorite shows, their favorite teen hotspot that used to sit the back totally undetected. Anyway boxer Mike Tyson holds up his Independence Day shirt, saying I love Trump because he pisses off people I hate. 

I responded -I love Trump because he pisses off God and therefore mightily escalate HIS effort to bring about intravenous human extinction Jesus Millennium Reign. The post apocalypse of West Rule by 42 month’s by then. Like a disappeared Atlantis they shall diligently seek thy places and shall not find them. 

As of Aug /4//5 2023 I woke with those calculations that’s Britain 25 million, that’s Canada 25 million dead, how that’s 100 million westerners dead, further calculating they’d predicted 50 million US dead since Bush/Cheney; marvel not seeing famed letters USA floating off the American Continent into SW Africa’s Continent, blessed exile luxury! 

 Fret not I was told, of course a death bringer was being unleashed from beneath the earth. Presently, as recent as BIG JUNETEENTH 10, 2023, three years now a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone. Still Hundreds of millions by Rev 12 Holy Intravenous escaped or is it that they’re escaping into Africa’s SW Atlantic as into US Georgia’s Atlantic, first as I write and you read. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, Commanded by a Sunlight Of God reigning God’s back turn THRONE, since Juneteenth 17-19, 2002, saying, crying “Let My People Go! 

Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus had this to say by designing her, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers. More than US leads HE hate that she’s a child eater, remember the Jan 2022, outbreak with mortuary that friendly house snake lurking around funeral repasses as this innocent child this fetish for children? 

How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” So it’s Been written, Bush, Cheney Islamic wars sat at 40 million dead when you include no more future generations! See more your own West Rule weights of martyred blood guilt here,

Youtube, mrmbb333, Mt St Helens, Looks like something BIG is stirring!! What is going ON? via @YouTube

see here, This Week in Volcano News; Portugal Magma Intrusion, Taal Erupts via @YouTube: 49 volcanoes erupting, Geology Hub, Mt, St Helens possibly making it 50, with 101, type Yellowstone's/99 bowls of molten lava, predicted, the day America ends, as recent as May 3, 2023, 37, days counted us down to June 4/10, some bout that Eze 9, designed, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, whatever happen to devil comet? Hammering JCOR/Apb The RAM  

When asked why the Israeli forces were k!lling protesters an Israeli replied: "Well, we can't put all these people in jail." What kind of society are the Israelis?

I did hear KILL ALL PARENTS BY! Finish All Schools: so when grandpa now slaughtered by an Israeli rocket decided he wouldn’t be forced out; staying is the equivalent of going back and even looking back, Lot’s Life, curse; John sees under Gods Throne these wounded saints; wounded freeing you up to run, live, repent, in this order.
Think, why else would Jesus THE CHRIST intravenous Trump Gabriel THEM, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM advice there’s RUN, Endure, a crown of righteousness wait you, so THEY’RE witnessed building you race cars and racetracks a speedier escape because a crown of righteousness await crossing over, over over. 


‪Syed Farook hijacking launching Islamic/Israeli Antichrist two West Rule systems skyrocketing 190 yrs of tech gone. What if I told her one of Cali’s worst blizzards left people stranded in traffic jams for days, began with me hearing “let it snow Tookie Williams let it snow!” AODHF!‬ Marvel not flash forward, traffic jam, calling me Brad Pitt and Jolie kids are no longer together, no playing in traffic jams. ages birth to upper teens were just hammered to skyrocketed off the planet! 


‪See, Zech 14:4-7, Acts, 1:9-11, Rev 19:”; see the Chosen Series 4 FINALE, what its Jesus is teaching, lessons are invaluable by the CREATOR’S women seed eons past by the women seed’s CREATOR’S Christ, eons to come! A freshly risen Lazarus sister Mary is anointing Jesus’ feet with oil worth a year’s salary. Judas Iscariot is loosing his you know what! Unimaginably anointed feet I’m prostrated kissing before realizing we the multicultural, multibillion man Royal Priesthood have all sat Jesus Millennium, down, first atop Mt Olivet like the splitting of the Red Sea escape, cleaving it to twine, I know, I know! 


-There’s seeing a hand write in the snow that in HUGE letters, HELP! Before hearing about an atmospheric phenomenon that brought roof top reaching snow to California Sierra tourism. Saw that too, snow piles bringing down rooftops, crashing in doors, windows no more peace getting porches to peace keeping skies:
Marvel not the inferno like a sword targeting Pres Bush through Guantánamo Bay prison bars! Who are the handwriting invading Chaldeans again? 


 So did Pres Trump mopping up his bloody administration by securing the execution of death row inmates, why we witnessed GOD in the mirror pick up HIS Throne Chair and toss it down at us like reigning Holy Church Bride launching Daniel 2 stone? No, HE turned HIS back, eyes, ears, its mercy, grace, intercession, except we repent, just as He warn 2 Chron 7, Father King Solomon interceding Jerusalem Temple and guided a fireball mrmbb333 says could’ve traveled billions of lite years right into that surmountable animal sacrifice! So the fireball wasn’t his throne chair and we know that for sure? Seems, like no, Noah’s Day extinction level GOD ISN'T MOCKED But Mockerous, as HE too promised… Watch! RUN! Live! 


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