Listen here, Michael Jackson - Earth Song (Official Video)

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024.

Is there no god of Israel in the land? 2 Kings 1;16-17The prophet Elijah was lead to mock king, Ahaziah reliance on false gods; said mockery revisited upon described, I Kings Elvis Presley and described, Second King, Michael Jackson; marvel not Hawaii missile morning Jesus describing endangered, procrastinating blessed Brexit/Blaexit parent, riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers; marvel not Eze 9, US soil heart stabbers, accuser, judge, jury and executor carried, swordlike syringes. Frightnight THEY mock not, the agents of illegal drugs trade, but also aligned to 50 million US dead and the end of our world, America, legalize drugs, prescriptions to distributing pharmacies, marvel not, the genocider, Islamic/Israeli Antichrist, too come by way of the pharmaceutical Syed Farook hi-jacking, Islamic world reign, 100 millions in western death tolls; 

Listen here, Michael Jackson - Earth Song (Official Video) via @YouTube; memorializing described, II King Michael Jackson; during imminent its tug of WW3, here’s his Earth Song!

YouTube, September 23, 2017?  What's going to happen? via @YouTube

Pastor Breaker Live In S Carolina somewhere; 


I tickled pastor, seeing you’re in S Carolina, actually you, my eldest son and his family probably arrived there at the same time! Yeah, the one while celebrating their anniversary this exact time 2022, for reasons most threatening their Apostle, a disappointed Trump Gabriel come, run us out of Florida’s coast into Safehaven Georgia’s COAST! 

The son mocked by intravenous Archangel Michael THEM they’d go home and pack, but should take the opportunity her Jan 16, 2023 birthday celebration morning instead of returning home. They're early in the street, clothes on their back, July 2020 Memphis granted running shoes on their feet, two of their youngest with them, keep straight into Georgia’s coast/CROSSOVER!

Alls I can tell you pastor THEY said Sept BETA 2021, THEY’RE taking  Eze ⅘, Dan 4/5 Dec 24/23 2001, these  references  (390)190 as a total, a subtraction of 190 years, a reduction of 190 million persons outta safe haven Georgia’s COAST. Now  since I’m squeezed into a skyrocketing into heaven an end of  the world scenario. Super Mario Brothers Cart leading captivity captured the described holy church bride, back in an eyes blink leading captivity captive the two witnesses themselves leading captivity captured the tribulation saints. 

Frightnight to Jesus arriving as a gamma ray bursting, there’s recurring, nonstop apocalypse to dancing hallelujah's all around the 7th Angel trumpet Jesus' millennium reign; marvel not the triangle scar on my wrist is now wearing a Thanksgiving, 2018, skyrocketing blast off scar! So Pastor, Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael this time, since 2015, inquiry, the clothes on your back, Memphis running shoes on your feet, whatever, whoever loved ones, are with you, blessed is keeping into US Georgia. Coast CROSSOVER! Marvel not the single word inquiry, running? 

2024 Hajj disaster - Wikipedia; Between 14 and 19, 2024, at least 1, 301 people on the haij pilgrimage to Meca died due to extreme heat, the most ever! 

-Right, here's the reminder, it isn’t just the heat, there’s something else, something commanded to use every opportunity to instantly take life! I’ve see them on US soil, they took one of the Jan 2022 Pompeii movie of Memphis gladiator nephews, while leaving his cousin. Frightnight to Amazing Grace intravenous angels kept them apart, who’d planned to work together until one was no longer this planet. I know this so does the TIFF, CME/EMP, Brad-Pitt/Shiloah niece. 

-Remember, we watched as, by Prophet Ezekiel 9 witnessed God summoned these same heart stabbers, with slaying weapons from the higher gate north. Bearing swordlike syringes, send them into US cities, especially target even procrastinating, recently seen stampeding parents of endangering children, Including, Jan 2022, endangering children, Dunlap of Memphis, The Obama’s! I know the unforeseen hallelujah dance around blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit! Billions Mother Africa to father Abraham inherit, suddenly translating, crossing over, skyrocketing to fire-rocketing! 

“YouTube mrmbb333, EPIC clash as 'Sun Storm' slams into the EARTH! via @YouTube

Plus the warring against Blessed Brexit/Briexit The American/African Atlantic Hurricane Building Those More Monstrous Sahara Sands Are Back

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Sailor Moon, Bright Knight Headwater and Queen Bride, Sweet Magnolia Glorious Windman

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Sailor Moon, Bright Knight Headwater and Sweet Magnolia, (Sweet Maggie) Glorious Windman was born a godson Magnificent Lion’s Paw, Riverwild Headwater a god son Stardom Aarav Nabir Headwater and a goddaughter Brooklyn Ahuja Caihong Headwater, Windman

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"Blinking of an eye tribe, because that’s as fast as taking Rev 12 newborn, as fast as taking Ehs 5/I Thess, 4, The New Born church, as fast as taking Rev 7, The Tribulation Saints out of Red Dragon hand. Oh, by the way Red Dragon shown Sept BETA 2021 with a pride flag of a multicolored breast plate it’s own damn inherit, except those who didn’t die by bio-Covid, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, repent, run,  live!  The 11:00 shopping lunch hour forfeiting of military loved ones; the multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, balter balan, toll booth the loosing of hundreds of millions of demons stirred in; the Israeli shopping mall shown cliffhanging as its busy spending bloody war victims increase. 

For six thousand years here’s the proof there’s a star warring Almighty GOD repatriation of planet Earth; don’t you get it, the tens of millions sudden dead and damned. Right here, are those distracted during exactly what hers were doing, are doing and are planning to do. Frightnight to Pompeii movie of Memphis even that  building tide with tide containers, hurricane Katarina targeted everybody going on as normal, especially tourism. The revisited ebbing, flowing since Spring mornings street 2016 the TIFF EMP, CME! You  wanna know Bishop what for it name sake is she and those marked down on all fours crossing Arkansas old bridge into US Georgia’s are doing? “NO BFA FILES MAN!” They all played, “she’s, well they’re in not a Safehaven Florida crossing  into a not a Safehaven Caribbean cruise; now was it the Carribean just now with that 7.2 earthquake of bringing back and proving to Dutchsinse he and grand Sia’s intravenous are on the same tectonic to seismic timetable? Look, I  know, everyone its exile luxury is blessed but those translating to crossing over need to be concern they’re not instead skyrocketing. Right Carrington event man, cause, really,  bruh, Carrington Event, cause cause those skyrocketing to firerocketing that’s us. No, those skyrocketing Sailor Moon that’s us and Star warring Archangel Michael Them. Now those firerocketing the lineage of Islamic/Israeli Antichrist and Star warring Gog and Magog are with them. Here’s sayings Islam first because any prophesied hour right now, after West Rule firerocketed.. will you stay outta my plate, Islam took Israel and we know the rest. You always let me in your plate, not this Beethoven love,, it’s all the pastas left for today and you love me less is that it? Then BFA files, Ben  Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone dominoing across the planet cause billions their lives, while interstellar Armageddon now pouring down into Meggido coupled with the Antichrist 666 economy, eventually kills billions more. Like marvel not Ghost horse man that as Jesus millennium descends ebbing and flowing close to the Antichrist Obama’s July 27/28 2016/Oct 17,2028, the multibillion Royal Priesthood is seeing first the earth is littered with the dead; so that’s where, well when grand Sia see him walking among Holy Land inherit inquiring about the holes in his hands? Grand Sia Lord and Prophet Zechariah, I think he too witnessed the inquiry of his now redeemed friends, Jesus wombs. Those for which you guys we think have for reaping those three hammering off of that Mt Sinai type more incoming asteroids, comets and firestorms, Alien invasion, she also saw Alien apocalypse. Right, there’s her predicted since before we were born big ones coming, so is that equally Nostradamus and two rocks shall worry them, the  same them! Grand Sia witnessed two big ones coming after THEY convinced her, shut her outreaching off, shut any rescheduling hotel stay all of it they were taking her  Oct 17,2021 Daniel 9:27 DRAGON BEAST all caps, 7 year reign here, triple Great tribulations, all intravenous involved positive, we’re done  here so. Do Lord Hawthorn  now in prophetic hindsight we’re setting all we are on this planet toward all righteous outreach there ever was including descending reigning brides leading captivity captive the two witnesses leading captivity the tribulation saints into the marriage supper/wedding Extravaganza of the Lamb dancing hallelujah all round the sounding of the 7 th Angel trumpets and, and this Meshullam Kadesh shall be the plague of that day even AODHF showing himself Star Warring, Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Easily Septennial Juttah why Grand Sia keep reminding those reigning holy bride possess, prep and launch Dan 2 described stone from heaven, Jesus too arrives as a gamma ray bursting; yeah kinda Frightnight to Amazing Grace to have that explosive NOVA event when a little over 42 months Jesus himself streaks through the heaven again as a gamma ray burning and just as intravenous sunlight of God warn near 40 Moses exodus years ago, skyrocketing us off, our enemies under our feet!” Still is Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone barbecuing the planet fulfilling earth ending movie Knowing revisiting as to fulfill 2 Peter 3 witnessed world inferno; maybe its beginning to the end and knowing what manner of man yiu outa be Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus suggested you WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Which remind, grand Sia witnessing the word update obliterate past dates does that mean the thousands of years of pending prophecies have also been updated to right now! Yiu don’t mean Tristan of The Carrington Event the word now decorated with blinking multicolor lights of caution, Dec Christmas 2001 of post apocalyptic America? I’m gone, I’m late so are you guys catch you at the pub tonight if not at the burnt offering rally and still if not catch in reveals class blessedly day sweet sleep you too, Trist man, too!" Why speak in parables For they say to as Ezekiel day, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, and here,

Unto Erica Lynn Roget and Dr. Matthew Edwin Hymn was born their first and existing son Tristan Mikel Hymn and their newly born twin sons Covington Aldin Hymn and Carrington Aron Hymn, Roget. 

Unto Tristan Mikel Hymn and Natasha Denise Glockson was born their first son Clayson Diaz Hymn, Twin sons Coten Eden and Colten Chase Hymn and a daughter Morgan Renae Glockson 

Unto Covington Aldin Hymn and Myreah Raine Coogan was born their first son Adam Eve Hymn, their first daughter Casandra Jazlyn Hymn, and a later son Damien Michele Coogan

Unto Carrington Aron Hymn and Amirah Jordon Coogan was born their first daughter Jordon Micah Hymn and twins daughters Makala Roslyn Hymn and Ethiopia Roselyn Coogan, Roget 

Article, 2 'potentially hazardous' asteroids will streak by Earth this week, one as big as a mountain. You can watch it live. 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, and a predicted two quarters of the earth is dead, the earth is littered with them, unimaginable where I was, I saw this horrible digestion for myself; see more here, youtube mrmbb333 as with Devil Comet, warn us for months, warn this, commanded asteroids are coming, a week or so prior. fright-night we know, there's predicted as far back as 2004 and as recent as 2021 those big ones coming, we know thrice now this reigning Mt Sinai type has been hammered off for its incoming pressurizers to earth enders value. Undoubtedly when the sunlight of God, from behind a silence in heaven, caused by a weeping uncontrollably Holy father God, commanded plainly, let my people go," just remember when accused Jesus was explaining to Gov Pilate, he'd come to testify of the truth, and the truth sets to mode us free, say as Juneteenth inherit by the hundreds of millions Senator Obama's Presiental campaign pour of outa Africa's Atlantic coast, its  coastal cities!  

-While, there's still questioning, the launched into a stunning eclipse erupting with volcanoes, P12 Pons/Brook devil Comet, in time to revisit for decades a Chernobyl April Spring, Rapture, 2024, the Eze 9, HGOW designed, fiery doomsday apocalypse, "kill all parents by, finish all schools!" I mean if it looks like a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, is Devil Comet alone, the predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone? Well after a for decades Rev 17:14, Jesus husband, Juneteenth hammering, skyrocketing event 2023, designed "the last day of America, after this wowingly loud and long, long, long duration hovering craft. 

-I know some of you remember this being a later date, as Aug 24/25, but no, I left this GA resident, suddenly exactly 7 years to the exact date, Juneteenth 17 2017, I left Pompeii movie of Memphis, and 21 years to the date, Juneteenth 17. 2002, Sunlight Of God, after the silence in heaven, commanded Juneteenth inherit, that's blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit exodus, the I'm learning, like decades my African Juttah work, prophetic parables, all, to Col Qaddafi's US of Africa, is actually the 400 year predicted repatriation of just shown July 6, 2020, Rev 12, skyrocketing New Born us, an African/Abrahamic birth mother, authentic biblical, ancestry family, all else the turning of biblical truth to lies an ah what a tangled rope, so long, so knotted for fishing out endangered children the fast and furious, Ludacrist contagion.      

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Does Your King James Bible Teach Limited Atonement And Part 2 Of Last Week’s Open Forum Question And Answer,

I Wasn’t Geoffrey so much flabbergasted as I was misconstrued: apparently like come wayyy to close a very well intended 21 day fast landed me dead, in heaven with several intravenous leading me home, while explaining actually they won’t down here with us; second heaven intercession of interceding described Rev 13:5 endangered tribulation saints all the holy inherit world blessedly Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

There’s again pulling me from sleep, from a tent Pat, Pat, Pat, bringing me out Geoffery to an African, Atlantic Ocean peer witness of hundreds of millions of westerners like Moses exodus to John’s also innumerable in tribulation saints pouring into its coastal cities woke by this strange African bilingual male

-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, the waking me from sleep sharing with Pat-Brad/ SHILOAH/Pompeii movie of  Memphis TIFF/CME/EMniece a familiar voice as in a brother in law Paul, Pat Pat Pat!

-Though did I Geoffery tell you how astronomical,  surreal and mesmerizing the preaching pulpit before 

I witnessed huge carnivore  beast stomping and chomping through all of its lives, lands churches, and voting booths! Before her relentless crying Pat Pat Pat drew the Holy Spirit and I her, held down by churches backdoor, by four equally blind church women; then revisited April 8, 2024 Devil Comet. Ben Affleck Armageddon Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, soon how immaculate as THE CHRIST their tribulation Saints alone; be careful lest they too take your heart; the living spirit of the living word of God of the living Christ did all this, plus in prophetic hindsight three years close to The Antichrist Pres Trumps Sept 15, 2023 Abraham Accord you know where we all are right now, for the trumpet shall begin to sound, Jesus millennium designs and multibillions it’s multicultural Royal Priesthood! C. O. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Unto Erica Lynn Roget and Dr. Matthew Edwin Hymn was born their first and existing son Tristan Mikel Hymn and their newly born twin sons Covington Aldin Hymn and Carrington Aron Hymn, Roget. 

Unto Tristan Mikel Hymn and Natasha Denise Glockson was born their first son Clayson Diaz Hymn, Twin sons Coten Eden and Colten Chase Hymn and a daughter Morgan Renae Glockson 

Unto Covington Aldin Hymn and Myreah Raine Coogan was born their first son Adam Eve Hymn, their first daughter Casandra Jazlyn Hymn, and a later son Damien Michele Coogan

Unto Carrington Aron Hymn and Amirah Jordon Coogan was born their first daughter Jordon Micah Hymn and twins daughters Makala Roslyn Hymn and Ethiopia Roselyn Coogan, Roget 

See also here, March 2024 “There Are Ten More Things We Need You To Do,” Thus Saith Those 1998, Also knowing I Was Leaving Asking I First Tell Those In Mass Assembly Get To Alters Of Jesus, THE CHRIST! LEARN OF ENDTIME EVENTS!
Chernobyl/Devil Comet Spring Rapture, April 9, 1986/2024 “They Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street!”

Earlier this week Pastor, asking them to choose between what man think and what JESUS IS! I too suggested the picking of one or the other, middle-men no doubt damned. The Catholic Jesus whereas Joseph and Mary Have no biblical, procreating lineage their own; or Biblical Mary, whereas by the time a “VIRGIN,” Jesus went to the cross near two millennia now, not only was he a blood relative uncle but Mother Mary was a grandmother.

Suggested crowdfunding The Chosen Series ELOHOM accused its cast of being as blindly religious and deadly as those nailing those nails still. I suggest next Dallas Jenkin show a young Jesus, how about a younger brother James is with him while Mother Mary is bursting with another, like a sis Mary! Today pastor Juneteenth 2024, ten days since I witnessed with John 30 minutes past the silence in heaven, The Sunlight of God rise from behind a moreso thrice hammered off for its world impacting, apocalyptic value, a Mt Sinai type, call for an alike Moses exodus of Juneteenth inherit! There’s by its June 27/28 2015, beginnings the first Sept BETA grands first yanked outta Pompeii Movie of Memphis; its 2022 me and mine personally warned outta Florida into GA’s designed safe haven COAST by Trump Gabriel himself. Today it’s 2024 only hours past a wowing Nova event remind during an episode as The Chosen 04/07 “Lazarus Come Forth!” The Rapture Goes Live, just as I see THEY'RE building by stay put foundation pillar, you, yours, again, yours? HBOW/Apb

He must decrease, I must increase why would the Antichrist assassinate A Roman Pope onboard with the same gender genocidal agenda! Marvel not, ten days skyrocketing Holies out the Hawaii missile crisis; though where John witnessed Mighty Him standing, he’s now walking between the planet, the sea; prancing between West Pacific Ring of Fire and US W Pacific inundated with imminent volcanic eruptions. Surreal is Pastor Breaker that I first hear him up there back and forth, back and forth. Like a father Joseph travailing over mother Mary travailing in birth with son James; know also Rev 12 skyrocketing New Born/New Born church, head is crowning! 


The 10 commandments, I had strong reasons for searching those out the other day. Understand when illusive intravenous stood just past my bed March 12,13 2024, saying there are ten more things THEY need me to do! Admittedly Pastor I thought about Kobe’s deadly helicopter crash morning and now its eerie likeness Pres Raisi deadly Helicopter crash, especially the fog. 

Right before I come to myself, hear what’s happened to Kobe, realize why I’d seen the investigation of burnt bodies. I looked this other way, found myself seeing, hearing the naming pastor and ordaining of those short lived, end day ten king heads. In a flash gone away as John beginning to record what thunders, thundered.  waking with one Israeli to Islamic sounding name, as Salami. 

Frightnight to amazing Grace the taking, eating and digesting the little book, Jan 22-29, 2018 Mighty Angel hand; since the elephants of staying unaware stampeded a Dec 3, 2018  tug of Trump and Abbas. Surely I’ve wondered pastor, Abbas mentioned  8 leads, adding he and Netanyahu makes ten. So did he also unveil those ten heads and was President Raisi one of three heads predestined to fail, is indefinite Hussein reign the wounded BEAST head healed, revived in great prowess, right now? 

Unimaginable, Eze 9 designed US soil heart stabbers, “go into the city, have no pity, kill literally old and old; Archangel’s List, as Holy Bride THEM skyrocket into second heavens your intercession; pray for all the human beings at the wailing wall; come, appear Inkhorn man, mark every it’s penance for life, immortal, ALL begin at my sanctuary! Star Warring AODHF/JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bright Side; Why Yellowstone Still Sends Shivers to Everyone? via @YouTube; the Dan 5 type handwriting clumsily on a wall, “escape Yellowstone!” Know a previous ginormity send two west world systems skyrocketing to firerocketing; I know what’s more humongous than a Yellowstone, then predicted 101 it’s super eruptions? The dominoing Ring of Fire that equally triggered innumerable in orphan, injured children Hawaii right into a dominoing Pompeii Movie, gladiators all of Memphis into Ben Affeck Armageddon/Yellowstone. 

Clearly, though John is seeing this, Rev 6, 6th seal, there’s Peter seeing its world stretching inferno, 2Pet 3:11,12; Though being told by pop-up characters to prophetic parables here’s what I saw:; 

A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. Marvel not equally what Joel 2:3 is seeing also that’s possibly volcanic apocalypse related! HBOW/Apb



I have this pundit with YouTube Pastor Breaker as Ps 2 AODHF mock I will laugh when your fear cometh; inquiring where are THEY now? I know THEY whom? THOSE dominoing Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus asked would THEY too ascend? Clearly every angelic host mentioned to described from Genesis to Revelation especially Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986 intravenous The Sunlight of God.

Frightnight to surreal, Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty ANGEL/Rev 17, 7th Angel is with him; marvel not Aug 5 2021 Rev “11,” AODHF shows He’s too as shown up there Star Warring as Jan/Feb/March 2019 Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM! HBOW/Apb


See more here,; see the molten lava of what happened to The Americas! When I come into the demo, Nov 11/21 2021, revisited Nov 11/22, 22 as “Hawaii is building. Presently an Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Ben’s entering into my barbershop, (Memphis into Georgia home) saying “we dodged a big one!” 

Perhaps in retrograde, that May 10 2023 not for 5000 yrs ebbing, flowing since Spring Morning St 2016, The TIFF/CME/EMP event. There’s Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, 08, 2024, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone. Both the Abrupt The Americas Continent to World ending Rev 6, 6th seal, pending The BETA of described Holy Church Bride escaping through melting to missiling down stars, satellites to crystal skies!  C. O. Star Warring AODHF/JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM


THE DYING (Evil Infiltration Of Schools) Is Painful But Where Many Are Gathered There’s Envy, Strife, confusion and every evil work.” 

‪I just interceded by fasting, prayer and soon by a 7000 piece burnt offering for both Alzheimer’s patients and autistic children! Mainly they come again to their senses don’t worry if this is right to fruitful Jesus suggest we make these curses right by healing these infirmities!‬

‪Yes you heard correctly I said a 7000 piece burn, it isn’t offend planned but intercedes both personally and internationally.  It is earths inherit return to Jesus THE CHRIST with repentance and obedience; have a blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! Raise your hand if you ever knew America would end, now raise your other hand if  you ever prayed GODS KINGDOM COME! You are the prince of peace, arriving with healing leaves you, JESUS THE CHRIST, deserve the glory!

Reducing the word college down to the letter C. as in John and I, Pales Horse pandemic to THEIR predicted deadlier backward letter C bio-Covid come of all this contagious campus protesting? Marvel not heart stabbers too aligned prescription drugs on 50 million US dead and two US quarters Home Planet. One of my grands start singing the national prayer, to blessing, quietly I return as II CHRON 7 GOD would as to King Solomon, if my people who’re called by my name, who’re stampeding by my name humble themselves and pray, seek my face. turn from their evil ways, only then will I  see, hear, return Christ and for eons to come, heal from genocidal turf wars!‬

‪You died suddenly know I believe the shirtless, crying school bathroom boy this superstore of a medical clinic; was the victim of Israel’s first vaccine child run to the boy recently bullied into suicide. Endangering children being mocked as fast and furiously escaping molten lava schools to barbecued buses his to their sacrifice now a complete Hot Wheels set‬! Why doeth they speak In such parables? Frightnight he exiting the bathroom reveal was pulling on the shirt to match his hot wheels pants was the Caden Archangel May 31 2022 save from a Lot family to Pompeii movie of Georgia, Fireball impact! Marvel not June/Juneteenth 10, 2023 Hammering, skyrocketing Rev 2 Jesus Husband lead captivity captured first all dead to murdered, all orphan, abused, aborted, molested to militated, ALL CHILDREN and the speed! HBOW/Apb

Article, Israel kills senior Gaza health official, tanks push deeper into Rafah. 

There’s Something About UK Cameron; “reigning holy church bride thrusting down Dan 2 stone from heaven separate forked Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces! WIPE CANADA OFF THE MAP; 

Frightnight to rolling Twilight skies so Soleiaman to Anonymous to all Watchers, preppers
waking close to the Antichrist Senator Hussein Obama’s July 26/28 2023 to their calculating western death tolls, dominoing ring of fire into dominoing Hawaii volcano summit into predicted 101 Continent wide Yellowstones had been a long time pending their own US leaders weights of martyred blood guilt. 

-The building torture vehicle to rescuers to a call on all ambulances to duty. Netanyahu kills the director of Gaza's Ambulance. Understand the rise of two BEAST through US soil brought two things more bloody Hussein petro, ambulances and worldwide billions dead!!!!

You ask how? The BEASTS are Antichrist and False  Prophet Dan sees his 7-12, Eze see it’s 38/39 Jn sees it Rev 13/17 the Hussein petro becomes the axle grease to handlebar disallowing Russia and China still; the handlebars grows a US of B funeral reef into the heavens redeeming error Obama’s Col Gaddafi’s USA of Mother Africa Rev 12, skyrocketing New born’s African, Abrahamic cradle; 

Marvel not all to have raging bio Covid by Pres burning Biden/Harris Whitehouse 

Clearly just as I was Hussein daughter, I was Mother Africa’s Cradle and skyrocketing Holy Church Bride into Jesus’ throne bosom, but first second heaven intercession THEY come saying we have Rev 13:5, tribulation saints come marching in the two star warring Rev 11 witnesses leading captivity captured the tribulation saints 


Here’s a warning Rev 18 again and again; you too need know, and why redeeming , AODHF don’t want us nowhere near them anymore; they caused a weeping throne of god, that caused a pause in heaven that caused a Noah’s Cousin of US/The Americas coast to coast, the Atlantic basin of molten lava. Translating my grands coming to take me home the 2015 Cameron THEY mentioned is Netanyahu presently justifying his manslaughter as targeting terrorist presently 25 million brits dead, 100 million westerners in all; STAR WARRING AODHF IS NOT MOCKED! Marvel not Israel is as a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them all regularly falling to their deaths; while America/WEST RULE is given an 11 o’clock shopping lunch hour and mocked a multimillion man grocery store, store managers keys barter balen, toll booth for bargaining eternal souls, during Antichrist 666 economic reign! 


The Chosen Mary wandering around Lazarus empty tomb they still don’t know what he is, at this point not even The Angels. Perhaps once he raise himself from our bloody cross just as he was mocked! Marvel not I witnessed him close to the Antichrist Senator Barack Hussein, July 27/28 2016, showing his nailed scarred hands by the house of his friends! Presently three hammering off of a reigning Mt Sinai type more incoming guided apocalyptic events, like we’re seeing in the real here, guided asteroids on the way and 
while in play, well  by cinematic events as a Devil Comet hyrid Ben Affleck Armageddon here, via @YouTube

Where Is Dutchsinse?  A Couple days later, this happen, 6/28/2024 -- Large M7.2 Earthquake strikes South America -- New seismic ... via @YouTube; Remember these exact dates revisit, 2015 it translating my grands Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband and especially its come to the rescue, Trump Gabriel June 27/28, 2022, the beginning to take practice yanking holy church Bride out, there's something about it's July 6, (presently it July 6, 2020, its skyrocketing newborn as its skyrocketing the Holy church! it's Sept 22/23,(it's Sept 22/23 2020, star warring interstellar Armageddon Gog and Magog mocked the holy bride now being in their timeline. I know where us August, we wouldn't know what happened to August until it's 05, 07/31, 2019!

YouTube Mr weatherman Earthquake in the Middle of the Night... via @YouTube

Geology Hub

Brightside Global,


As you can see, though I appreciate everyone of them, I love watchers, and forecasters. I’m getting Mr Weather Man; Geology Hub; Bright Side Global with another splinter the brain, Anonymous stirred in, to what, compensation for a missing Dutchsinse? 

 Where’s Splinter On The Brain, Dutchsinse? Noah’s Cousin of flooding 99 bowels of molten lava is imminent, just see, ask Geology Hub. What are you seeing? 

Oh there’s mrmbb333 devil comet forecast, is now three incoming asteroids; there’s blessed Blaexit from US Georgia’s COAST into The Atlantic basin Africa, he’s also seeing that unprecedented sand storm that instead stunts its building guided, endangering hurricanes! HBOW/Apb

Record Setting Hurricane takes aim at Jamaica... via @YouTube

My night club friends and I used to race one another in heels, I could say I always won, you? Marvel not Pompeii movie of Memphians were hand running shoes for tattered red wedding heels. Surrealistically right before that stunning Beirut Bride went running for her life, this sudden ginormity.  Coincidence?

I keep thinking after a May 3, (2023) phone weather alert count us down 37 days, HUGEST SUN EVER; hurricane Lee was the largest ever Atlantic hurricane, the hottest Atlantic ever. Seems 2024 has been a repeat of 2023 solar extremes. Hurricane Beryl is setting 3 records so far, the earliest, strongest, fastest intensification. 

I explained just a day past revisiting the TIFF, CME/EMP event, July/Aug (2023). One of Its Memphis niece name sake, I learn she was in not a Safehaven Florida for a not a Safehaven Caribbean cruise; making these areas also the warning something ginormous was building. 

Not too long ago, its other Memphis niece name sake, Pat-Brad SHIOAH; was just in not a Safehaven Florida, knowing Angel Gabriel himself, this time of year June 27/28 2022 has run us out of these areas. I call it playing in traffic and therefore extremely tempting to mocking God with their knowing. Marvel not Eze 9 designed heart stabbers chased tardy stampeders.

Reminder, not just seeing a buildup of Tide detergent containers. Actually like the Bush WH, hurricane Katrina come with another warning, there’s no more normal, especially tourism! Whereas hurricane season 2018, set the record of sending major hurricanes into all national, international US costal beaches! Which hurricane season menace Louisiana,  commanded April 3 2019 destroyed? HBOW/Apb


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