Knowing As Noah Be Ye Doers Also!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear, Star Warring Warriors Archangel Michael, May 27, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2024; 

Showing ebbing and flowing Jan 12/13 2022 Memphis moms, grands as high as Memphis Dunlap Street, The Obama’s as procrastinating escaping Memphis, endangering children: Reported during Maui fires was one tourist father leap from his hotel window with five endangered children their running toward Dominoing US/The America’s Volcanoes; recently mocked a Pompeii movie to devouring a Mortal Engine pyro-caustic cloud; marvel not Jan 16, 2023 the offering of running shoes to fast and furious race cars to racetracks! 

Still which outta forty Chernobyl Spring Raptures was its most unprecedented; there’s being yanked out before another word is spoken; arriving in time too see the Holy Bride as the new born suddenly snatched out; here recent as June 4 2023; for many decades Rev 17:14 Lamp of God, leading captivity captured, endangered children is hammering off apocalyptic events, translating some and skyrocketing others!  There’s the seeing of persecuted, executed tribulation wearing a chained neck brace with the writing “blinking of an eye tribe.”


AP Families dig by hand to retrieve bodies buried in Gaza rubble

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Pre-Tribulation Rapture Panel LIVESTREAM via @YouTube

CNN, Article, US-made munitions used in deadly strike on Rafah tent camp, CNN analysis shows

Ebbing And Flowing date, Feb 12/13 2017, Kill All Parents By; Finish All School! Since We’ve Seen Eze 9 Heart Stabbers Chasing Down Stampeders On US Soil Aug 5, (Rev 11), Star Warring AODHF was no doubt commanding them! 

I know pastor, where are they now? This breaking news on top of Pres Raisi suspicious helicopter crash to Russia warning not one US weapon better touch their soil! I mean most of all, don’t Putin ally Islam; his, XI, Kim, Jonah and the whale impacting decision making?

Set to full reign his Daniel 9:27/Rev 13:5, 42 months interval beginning Ben Affleck Armageddon 2025 April Spring Rapture/revisiting Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 1986; here’s since ten heads were threaten Trump/Abbas Dec 3 2017/ 

Here’s Since ten heads were in a flash named to Ordained NBA Kobe Jan 2020 fiery crash morning; names, territories to bloodlines, thrown out there, 2008/09 Rev 13, US soil aligned Antichrist! Burning Bush’s Hamath, UK error Cameron, predicted USTHE ONE Hussein/Gog and Magog Trump/Soleimani/ some bout NBA’s California Dreaming Durant! The US and Israel puppeteer world wars off trusted allies, again who ally Father Abraham’s, Islam? Star Warring HBOW/Apb

Article, Reuters Israeli attack on Rafah tent camp kills 45, prompts global outcry, recently bombing a Rafah shopping mall; marvel not seeing Christmas holidays 2021 a shopping center tossed and the shop sign tossed down! What does it mean hearing before it's news Israel, seeing a picture of Pres Shimon Peres and Israel’s busy shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their deaths; marvel not I surmised one American dying every 20 seconds an end of the world scenario being scarier to earth’s inherit than the deadly bio covid itself/Palehorse/Horse of Hades extinction of a quarter of humanity

And Moses and Miriam, celebrated, Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has hurled both horse and rider into the sea.”


My wish for these stampeding people is that Netanyahu push them as far as Jordan to Isaiah’s Sela, when he try to take them, also see Hezekiah’s witnessed 185,000 dead God dealing with ALL HIS PEOPLE ENEMIES/Rev 11 witnessed Star Warring AODHF/Rev 12 witnessed Star Warring Archangel Michael entreat them as Moses exodus Pharaoh’s Armies, finish them


-Marvel not Michael’s List, I explained how well tribulation saints into exile luxury are treated I don’t care how Netanyahu is persuaded; there’s intravenous assignment Rev 1-6, they’re cared after 1,260 days/Holy Church Bride ascends through missling stars to satellites into Second Heaven Intercession.


GOD shooting a fury at Trump and Pence as Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog! Will I include this wish my 3000 piece burnt offering, intervention? No for millennia prophets of old Isa to Jer to Eze already have. Until Jan 2018 prancing US skyline Rev 10 Mighty Angel remind it’s all fulfilling! There’s, with showing himself equally star warring rebelled doom to damnation Revelation 11, here Rev 18 holy Father warned get away from these evil genociders his people their sins have reached unto me and I will judge them in one hour, they no more this planet, with the earths protective holy Saints taken a nano-second within prophesied single hour


Plus I explained revisited April 8 2024 Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986, as blessed assurance I was shown how immaculate as Christ HIMSELF Tribulation SAINTS I warn HOLY FATHER safeguard HIS heart; several inquiring Holies approaching, asking, sooo what is the secret of Memphis/Nazareth/a reigning Mt Sinai/Cleaving Mt Olivet/Apb?

YouTube Pastor Breaker Pre-Tribulation Rapture Panel LIVESTREAM via @YouTube

Beware if Since snatching us Chernobyl April Spring Rapture Malachi Described Sunlight Of God June/Juneteenth 17/19 2002 like Mat 24/Rev 18 put both the Royal Priesthood and Blessed Tribulation Saints in flight your stay put ministries to churches endangering hundreds of millions you’ll be held accountable for!

I was shocked, no I was strongly disappointed when Trump Gabriel appeared to me May 15 2004; I now call him, whether it’s formally belonged to a fallen I saw a trumpet passed to Angel Gabriel!
Frightnight to Amazing Grace now here he was June 27/28 2022, strongly disappointed to find me in not a Safehaven Florida.

My children had committed offenses on par with those standing against Moses, to Arron’s sons to Peter’s Ananias to Sapphire while being revisited May 31, 2022 as a fireball to escaping Archangel the days of Abraham’s Lot! Gabriel, Pastor Breaker is brandishing some bout 7 years, there’d been 7 years July 27.28 2015 THEY’D began the process of snatching us out!

The Gabriel appearing to Daniel Archangel help to teenage Mary, referred to three Safehaven territories. Let’s just say what Netanyahu is doing as far as stampeding the holy land once he reach Jordan to its Petra he’s gonna have Described Rev 12, Star warring Archangel Michael them to contend with, says the one who been aligning Netanyahu to I Chron King David to Jer 37 king Zedekiah, there’s Hezekiahs report my 185, 0000 dead with two thirds Israel’s reportedly dead

Theyd devilishly commited a form of domestic violence so bad THEY should’ve slept on their repentant faces or rolled out of bed doing so; I just panic to get home before total, infinite darkness!
Only Trump Gabriel presently Jan 16, 2023 wasn’t running us home, Dekalb GA but for seven years now, US Georgia coast and until US volcanic apocalypse wipe out The American Continent Eze 6 designed mass disasters with Eze 9 heart stabbers on their rebellious heel will stampede them into one or three of three exile territories Isaiah’s, John to Lord Urusalem THEY entreat me,

YouTube Marfoogle This STRIKE Enraged The WORLD via @YouTube

Marvel not Adam, Jesus praying from the cross his enemies be forgiven, KISS THE SON, even or that sudden earthquake world wiped them all out, no us today into divine infinity it’s multi-colored multibillion man Royal Priesthood!

He Without Sinful Schools and Colleges Among You Cast The First Asteroid! 

Understand Jesus Described These ENDTimes As The Abomination That Maketh “Desolate!”

Yeah Marfoogle we warn our college kids college campuses were about to blow up over religious issues a year August 2024; I still have the text message, some bout keeping cash, at least 200, blackouts coming. Said warning went on to become a breaking news event that left a college campus littered with the dead covered with pale horse colored tarts. 

The heart sign, take the left hand out, keep the right hand, that’s the backward letter C sufferers displayed, Aug (2004). Marvel not I just witnessed (2024), the word College wiped out to the letter C. Only letter C warning, the backward letter C, pandemic two decades before US Lab, bio-COVID begin to kill millions!

Just saying Trump’s 2020 Covid campaign killed millions; Covid yet mutating, taking life. These close vicinity protest must have Dr Fauci, CDC and WHO cringing big time; God said He’d strip sexual abominable schools, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; well he commanded an Asteroid to, destroy them, I think we kinda missed colleges are schools too! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bright Side Global, 2024 Asteroid Watch: Will a "Lost Rock" Hit Earth This Fall? via @YouTube

WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Rev 3 Catastrophist Jesus; You did watch, you did RUN, some got as far as Jesus throne bosom, Rev 7 John witnessed; you did live, (ascend). Only by Rev 17:14 now  hammering Jesus’ Husband, by devastated Rev 10 Mighty Angel by bearing 7 more judgement bowls Rev 17, 7th Angel witnessed and witnessed as one of the original Holy Apostles THEY entreat me, tens of millions dominoing Hawaii’s West Pacific suddenly incinerated; Frightnight was the monstrous hot wheels speed on you, on school kids buses and your elephants of staying unaware, stampeding heels. 

Hearing asteroid destroy Wisconsin; since separate Britain, America into itty bitty pieces; wipe Canada off the map; since Aug 24/25 2023 waking to the calculating of 100 million in western death tolls; predicted to go nuclear apocalyptic June/Juneteenth 2023 revisited Nov 2021 designed Eze 9 Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 

A Handwriting Clumsily Aug 7 2019, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! 


Hawaii missile morning THEY’RE translating some, crossing over others, still skyrocketing some; it’s ten days later Jan 22/23 2018 See more here, up there, Rev 17, 7th Angel threatening 7 more judgement bowls. Frightnight while a very intense Rev 10 Mighty Angel is explaining West Coast US West Coast gone, beware, RUN the Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard US Georgia COAST Rev 12 described Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM have you, Tribulation Saints into exile luxury Africa’s SW Atlantic! HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Geology Hub Buried by 2,500 Feet of Water; The Altai Megafloods via @YouTube

Accept It Or Not, GODS PEOPLE ARE ON THE MOVE, THEY IN FLIGHT, BLESSED BREXIT, BRIEXIT, BLAEXIT; Marvel not Eze 9 heart stabbers even gave stampeders chase they having procrastinated Impact Zones, US States Of BBQ, too long: EXCEPTION US GEORGIA’S COAST! 

Just weeks past I witnessed these events floods to mudslides to pyro-caustic clouds. Actually lately mocked as cities to towns to states being swallowed up by a movie, Mortal Engine super predator! I know THEIR extreme Ps 2/Rev 6, 6th seal mockery just keeps getting more and more extreme! HBOW/Apb

Article, AP. Israel-Hamas war: Families dig by hand to retrieve bodies buried in Gaza rubble | AP News,

all US wars, Russia’s Urkraine, Chinas Taiwan forked roads all lead to Islam, I been telling you and telling you; it’s their error Islam and soaring into heavens petro currency to funeral reef of millions of westerners dead! Tell Apostle I Am you know what one of highest courts on the planet just did, wasn’t it the same as Romes Gov Pilate in the public where all could see, washed their hands of US/West Rule weights of martyred blood guilt, soon and mrmbb333 by a speed incomprehensible, billions dead. You , yours. again yours, running! 

Article Reuters Rafah deaths won't change Israel policy, military aid,

Frightnight is, is the spaceship also in view also to the rescue; Old Joe Biden, some call him, just got his donkey ass kicked trying to hold back from I Frankenstein, error Israel! Frightnight to Amazing Grace, merciful thing is it’s probably why though like Moses/US Bush burning it didn’t consume. The same Rev Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, US Congress Train Crash, Kobe’s fiery crash morning; all same date, Biden’s Jan 22-29 2021 burning, consuming White House, Air Force One, all.

 I even remember thinking he and Harris with those kinda burns no way they’d survive; pray for all human beings at the wailing wall; Inkhorn man mark them all for life; scrutinize all earth ending movie scenarios learned from them! Marvel not, not the continuity of anything The American Continent to WEST RULE ever again, beware “The Speed!” 

I know only a year July 2009, hundreds of millions American to Western refugees were witnessed by me, gushing up outta Africa’s Southwest Atlantic; Hussein Obamas Aug 2010 as John’s witnessed descending New Jerusalem, we witnessed a New, White (Holy) House descend, all previously treasured of man passed away, Jesus THE CHRIST arriving as a gamma ray bursting; you, yours, again yours. RUNNING? 


See here,; they search through the rubble, they’re looking for the bodies of their children; I was there weeks before storms start burying US children; comforting my grand as building rescuers freed her from her splintered school, four winds of apocalypse destroy!


Since Israel continues into Palestinian Genocide killing more its hostages than to their rescue. Netanyahu and Burning WH To US states gonna have to come up with a better excuse; blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit Is divine intervention goals yours RUNNING? 


You read it as I wrote it , the last White House family, The Obama’s are aligned to procrastinating 
parents, a dominoing Hawaii into Memphis 
 except WH families by the words of their mouth endanger a world of GOD’S children! Britain 25 million dead, Canada 25 million dead US 50 million dead; yours RUNNING? 


One of the grands cut on the movie 2012 and I passed back and forth reminded it’s the exact scenario of how I surmised The African Juttah, by the near extinction of humankind, its two US quarters dead. Though it’d been predicted for millennia to centuries world apocalypse, Arks, Africa all my decades work; Nuclear, Apocalyptic 1996, Genesis worshippers 16 years later 2012 doomsday prom, yours, RUNNING? 

US-made munitions used in deadly strike on Rafah tent camp, CNN analysis shows

AP Families dig by hand to retrieve bodies buried in Gaza rubble; this actually made me sick in the stomach; marvel not 101 YELLOWSTONES imminent each & everyday with 46 erupting up GODS equal fury; who ally Islam, Our Father Abraham’s other promised son?

Apparently causing more death than rescues his Israeli hostages of a an excuse! Here’s Just making stomach sickness worst, perfumed Windman Jesus filled the room all around Rev 12 African birth mother; the supplement of what’s being mentioned here, the retriever of decaying families. You know a dominioing Hawaii leaves into Memphis with orphan children, I know calling a halt on Netanyahu is like calling a halt on the ten plagues of Moses ramses Memphis to My Moses of Memphis TN pounding US soil, abominable lives lands churches, voting booths, monetary and education centers into Jesus THE CHRIST, REPENTANCE! 


The last I was this sick I seized ascended so if He keep me, foundation pillar does await I saw them building it! There’s no more holding back millions dead per each apocalypse! I know Jesus reentry as a gamma ray bursting holy bride exit as a gamma ray bursting Marvel not Jesus assuring blessed are those in the first resurrection! HBOW/Apb

Benjamin Fulford & Jim Willie: Trump's Big Comeback!  (Video)  | Alternative Yeah what a curse of disillusionment those two crystallized Godzilla beast up there, one an Egyptian Sobek keeping your  apocalyptic skies as crystal skies want you to think all is normal even with tens of millions US W Pacific coast dead, both famed letters USA and its hundreds of millions of stampeding refugees seen since a Hussein come into US White Houses escaping into Africa’s SW Atlantic exile luxury! You, yours again yours? 

Listen here,

Marvel Not 20J3 June and Oct Hovering Triangle Craft/Halloween Moring single Word Inquiry, RUNNING? 

Dream, Dream, American Dreaming/NBA’S California Dreaming; knowing Who? Why? What? When? And Where to Escape!” marvel not Jan 16, 2023 the making to offering of named to numbered fast and furious race cars, race tracks and now we know, skyrocketing into heaven to be with momma, Super Mario Brothers Carts; wait, Super Mario Brothers end of the world movie, scenario, who, why., what, and where besides up into heaven are hundreds of millions in real American refugees stampeding, a described building since Oct 11, 2022 dominoing Hawaii; don’t say I didn’t tell ya plenty, where is US Georgia’s COAST/Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM CROSS OVER into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, C. O. Star Warring HBOW/Apb

Vladimir Putin Threatens ‘All-Out War’ if Ukraine Uses Western Weapons to Hit Russia — as Volodymyr Zelensky Asks Allies for Their Permission

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Daniel 4:1 to 37 Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream: THE TREE via @YouTube; see Mat 7:21-23/Rev 1-3, after they’re told by visiting angels, by the masses get outta churches to alters of Jesus THE CHRIST, they’re equally told know end-time prophecy! 


Bush war on Islam, Father Abraham Other, OUR BIBLICAL BLOOD LINEAGE It’s Colonization by his 2003 was designed one error, into a new fear factor!


But Pastor, Where Are They Now? One of many so far, handwriting of judgment pastor began with Jeremiah 37:8 1998; adding the warning once 2000 come there’s no more normal days. Described Gog and Magog Trump counting down this timetable of 7 years he and his Trumpians being aligned to Daniel 4 madness curse; warn for a year Oct 17, 2018 so the count begins Oct 17, 2019, so six years and counting into US since Dec 25, 2001 Oct 17, doomsday, a SUDDEN TIFF, CME/EMP subtraction of Eze 4/5 190 years,  first! 

Frightnight only one of many timetables of Gog and Magog Trump including his recently discovered date of Sept BETA 15, 2020 Abraham Accord. Aligned Oct 17, 2021 to fulfilling Dan 9:27 non-aggression pact. Marvel not the word update wiping out a previous date; what if I told you not since September 22/23 2015 have they used another Sept date Sept 15, 2023. Like Pastor as a demo of arriving us to heaven busy as bees to receive incoming guess The Two Witnesses leading captivity, Rev 7 described the tribulation Saints! See entire blogpost here,

“Saying in my sleeping ear, 2023, “He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust, yes; only here, April 9 2024
In my sleeping ear, saying , “He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street.” Truly does verify equally how far into those
7 Oct 17, 2021 Daniel 9:27/Trump Abraham Accord Dragon BEAST years. Whereas GODS ANOINTED are recognized only as they’re on the move with Eze 5 designed incalculable mega disasters on their heels! So you see when Oct 3 2021 revisit Oct 3 2004’s TWO BIG ONES COMING! Unimaginably also reminded Oct 17, 2021 mocked as the day THEY’D snatch us out.

Truly, surrealistically wasn’t a new timetable. Only fulfilling Dan 9:27 7 Dragon BEAST Years had reached its finale. Presently Oct 17, 2024 nearing 3 years  to Rev 11:1, 2 its first 42 month interval; unquestionably Putin, XI, Kim all, they’re puppeteered, empowered, allowed even to wipe Gog and Magog America/West Rule Off this planet. Only US W. Pacific dominoing Hawaii made without hands, Netanyahu primary ally obliteration is Volcanic apocalypse. The breaking news report, 101 Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONES! So 2015 warn any type of mega disaster is flushing you out of the territories of the most unimaginably horrid deaths to genocide of the human being ever; then Jesus millennium descends, and that’s dancing hallelujahs all around, admittedly a twilight planet littered with the deadly but at evening there shall be light!  HBOW/Apb


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