Why Doeth Thou Marvel. I WIll Show You The Mystery Of The Great Whore Posing As America, As Western Civilization, We're Living In a Light Matrix" Marvel Not Seeing A Gate Open And A White Rabbit Come Out!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Chernobyl April Spring Raptures 29, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024

What can I say HOLY THEY Rev 2:10 Jesus and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of righteousness, just remember Archangel Michael had to fight demons over Moses souls! he Jesus was here since Dec 25, 2001, predicted 190 month and 40 days until Rev 17/18 descript of Mystery Babylon disguised as Americas, As West Rule and like The Matrix theory you only see what Lucifer, Apostate Angels to demons of evil want you to see, actually see only what you want to see!

Here was fiery doomsday apocalypse US/Western soil, fulfilling tens of millions dead, hundreds of millions running and 190 years of tech no more this planet! Arriving instead was a Rev 2:10 Jesus awarding a yet ebbing and flowing Matrix tenth day countdown of great to greater to greatest of tribulations and blessed spoils as crowns of righteousness, instant no question eternal heir ship the overcomer verses the Man of Sin mark of beast no question ask eternal damnation! Know also, the last matrix movie, renaming Trinty Tiffany, Tiffany is the name of two Memphis nieces, one by birth, one by marriage, both represent, the recently revisited, June/July 2023, HUGER than the HUGEST SUN, single word, TIFF, both an EMP/To CME event, believe Apostle of Jesus, THE CHRIST and wayyy more THEY retreatment me, there are no coincidences. 

Think why would THEY mock, a child's flick, Super Mario Brothers, an earth ending movie scenario, and show me months prior it preview squeezing into a cart, skyrocketing to paradise heaven, an also  predicted, Rev 2 Jesus, mass dieoff ascension of children? The same reason I say Rev 11, God's Heart, to Mind Made, you should be more concern about volcanic apocalypse, than nuclear Apocalypse, THEY for the third time designing you a fast and furious escape as race cars and racetracks, to Super Brother's Mario Carts; just who are they, UK/BC/US states of barbecue, running from and why? Marvel not I heard and terrified the more some about molten lava flood, heard and terrified the more come in on a report, predicted, dominoing Hawaii's volcanic summit, has the fastest moving lava on the planet, some bout their domes of lava being so close to the surface,  HBOW/Apb

NTEB Article, The Real Mary In The Bible Was A Sinner Who Trusted In The Salvation Of The Lord And Was Used In A Mighty Way As A Role Model Of Christian Submission

https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/the-real-mary-in-the-bible-was-a-sinner-who-trusted-in-the-salvation-of-the-lord-and-was-used-in-a-mighty-way-as-a-role-model-of-christian-submission/ Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come as a gamma ray bursting; and this shall be the plague of that day; by the time of Jesus’ Cross, Mary and Joseph were grandparent, making Jesus an uncle! 

One Of Us Is Chained, None Of Us Are Free, One Of Us Is Chained! 

Marvel not the neck brace tribulation slavers wore had its writing, its blessed emancipation Will Smith, “blinking of an eye tribe!” I Thess 2:16-18/I Cor 15:51-58/http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html

This Finding Me lately, Russia Opens Centuries-Old Cellars & Reveals Black Biblical Israelites! https://youtu.be/9L17tGc5KBk?si=Om8Mbfgtw0IaIaPF via @YouTube

Whoopi Goldberg Conspires They Wanna Bring Slavery Back; SUNLIGHT of God, God’s Back Turned Throne/Dome, June/JUNETHEENTH (2002) Saith To Me As A Moses To Pompeii  of Memphis, LET MY PEOPLE GO! The Silence In Heaven Geoffrey Had Just Broken, Remember, I Was There…

Imagine ebbing and flowing Nuclear, Apocalyptic July 6, 2020 skyrocketing Rev 12 New Born, his mother, portrayed as apostate wife Africa, Frightnight to Amazing Grace laid back in a grown up cradle of indescribable AODHF as blowing, blusterous perfumed adoration! HBOW/Apb

Be Careful Father Lest They Take Your Heart? They? These Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 1986/2023/(2025) Immaculate As CHRIST Tribulation SAINTS! Emphasis Immaculate As Christ! 

YouTube Pastor Farage, Treasures in Leviticus, The Burnt Offering, Leviticus 1:1-9 - Thursday, ... https://www.youtube.com/live/g09VbmvXZnU?si=4ePu-u4r_4Eo6UE5 via @YouTub; he’s riding  against time, the time he was defeated at the cross of Christ, GOD IS NOT MOCKED here THEY'RE describing a molten death rider being unleashed from beneath the earth; marvel not its Jan 16 2023 THEY'RE crafting y’all race cars to racetracks its fast get away molten lava flooding and skyrocketing Mario Carts filled with her, into its second heaven if interceding billions in tribulation Saints! 

I Will Strip Leaders. I Will Strip schools; KILL ALL PARENTS BY! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

There’s Some Bout John 17/ITim/II Tim 3:16 Holy Skyrocketing Holy Church Bride Farewell Benedictions 

I Just Witnessed All Ambulances Called To Active Duty And Raging Religious Issues Attention US School Building FELLED ontop of children; marvel not since Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus, mass dieoff ascension! 

See here, https://youtu.be/UGFCbmvk0vo?si=Z79oR_hmghmvyzsM; you ever pastor had a song to intimidate even you? Thus ask one who’s own leashes of divine sustenance place her Ps 22 Christ’s suffering cross at any given moment.

Yet, yet hearing these lyrics still, since I woke this morning; I wanna burn for you, only for you; make my life as a sacrifice; I wanna burn for you; I looked at my grand Khya kinda flabbergasted, asked, do they know what they’re asking? 

Be Careful Father Lest They Take Your Heart? They? These Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 1986/2023/2025 Immaculate As CHRIST Tribulation SAINTS! 

-Marvel not I thought of those three Hebrew boys and THE SON OF God the fourth; how North America multimillion man traffic jams were left scorched, burn, devoured by huge Beast for thousands of miles. 

Don’t know Pastor if you’ve seen Jim Cavizel play Luke to imprisoned Apostle Paul. Frightnight to Amazing Grace as surety he gave those being tossed into the Colosseum of portraying mine as Pompeii of Memphis gladiators, within moments they’d be with Christ forever! 

-Pray with me, even by 36,000 burnt offering pieces, of II Chron 7:14/15 intercessions; back turn throne to recently star warring FATHER GOD bring our young adults back from Great WHITE Throne Judgment; Aug 2023 THEY showed us chaotic college campuses.

I texted my grand to be aware of religious friction, keep cash for a fast getaway. What I didn’t tell him it all come a breaking news report of a campus massacre with strewn bodies being covered with pale horse/horse of hades tarp’s instead pastor of black ones! C. O. HBOW/Apb

Rawalerts                                                                                                                                        @rawalerts

Protesters have just stormed and overtook the Hamilton Hall at Columbia University Sparking Riot as They Barricade Inside and Break Windows, httpsq://x.com/rawsalerts/status/1785176389148143881?s=46; marvel not the stampeding of Islamic parents of standing with GOD against same gender school curriculums, into what was apparently a school gym.; why Pastor Breaker Do The Heathen Rage! I’m reminded before that raging protect at The US Capita Building; the lost of Memphis Pastor eldest son. I witnessed that stone Anubis Demon come to life, stretch his bow, launch a single arrow and return to his original form; Jesus saying his people, described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers like the stone gods they serve? Seeing Dragon BEAST Antichrist with scorpion King Anubis Army since, fret not you see them as policing German Shepherds, 


John Did Have An Opened Bible Grand Caden Saw And Elder Ezekiel Did Open 3 Time-Tested Doors
The Crafting Of Laborers Unto The Harvest! 


References made to Brad Pitt’s Ad Ad Astra and Ben Affleck’Batman verses Superman mean this is all a ruse to distract from our common enemy. The interstellar Armageddon John and I both witnessed; marvel not being told beware of Alien dangers to Aliems by fallen angels exist!  ‬


Go and get your armor, Divine LOVE IS AN INTERSTELLAR ARMAGEDDON THEY told us two millennia ago we wrestle not against flesh and but powers over the air. I heard it you know, Obama’s Jan/Feb  11/12 2013 an interstellar Armageddon being wedged up there; like Rev 12 John I saw it Trump’s Jan/Feb 11/12 2019; Gave us demo’s Biden/Harris Aug 24/25 2023 putting loosed 4 Angels 200 million demon army and the keys to the bottomless pit of monsters in play and portrayed it all a multimillion man grocery store toll booth; talk about world powers measuring to brandishing their weaponry let’s see yours in comparison again! 


‪As the days of Noah human extinction Jesus said, RUN; as the days of Noah’s Cousins, Michael says, Run; I witnessed Brad Pitt and Jolie kids made safer; then all from multimillion traffic ensnared! As the days of Lot and family THEYRE running’ billions Abraham lineage out, you yours? ‬

No Flirting With Keanu Reeves Movies; Like The Day The Earth Stood Still Something The Wowing Sun to Devil Comet Has had The Potential To Do So Often 2023/2024 To Count!

Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 29, 1986/2024! Any Threaten By 49 Erupting Volcanoes and UK/BC/US States Of Barbecue with 52 More Yellowstones To Go, Like Leave days to Weeks to Months to Years to Decades Ago! 

And I saw  four angels standing on the fourcorners of the earth, holding the fourwinds of the earth! John Rev 7 

And I saw  an angel standing on the fourcorners of the earth, holding a pitcher in hand pouring water upon the earth! Apb The RAM


You know what? Just pause everything, like the heavens suddenly went silent including phenom celebrations and multimillion man multicultural choir or being In predicted for millennia stormy outbreaks cone of silence. Shown to be evident we’re in an outbreak of earth Enders how ginormous is it to beginning at any nanosecond if by April 2025 a US quarter of Africa’s to Abraham’s inherit are no more this planet with another US quarter pending, billions lost, now that Dragon BEAST Antichrist Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 2025, also takes his Dan 9/Rev 11/13 42 month reign! Star Warring AODHF/ JCON/JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM! 

YouTube Billy Carson, We're Living In a Light Matrix" - Billy Carson Exclusive Interview with... https://youtu.be/gQ9bq1mjIZ4?si=ewxRXPhf3WpTVU11 via @YouTube

Marvel not the HUGE enough to block out the sky in plasma multicolor, single word TRIANGLE! 

I know I set a later date as Aug 24/25 2023, for this demo, just know 50 people in California had just reported seeing a half the size of a football tringle craft, this ear piecing event was right after this; plus I was no longer at my sons house past predicted to go nuclear June/JUNETEENTH  17, 2023, Before I could clearly wake completely to this June 04/05 2023 long, long, long, shaking, quaking duration craft! Continuously there’s some bout that Eze 5 type Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE and hearing “Last Day Of America!”

More interested Billy Carson, in your DocUFOphia; The reason I’m watching this video; besides waking the first of the year hearing a young lady crying, begging not the blue pill, please don’t give me the blue pill; only since I’ve witnessed the DEA tossing my Memphis families homes, possibly for Matrix Red pills of coming to staying aware and just weeks past, witnessed a huge run on Rite Aid Pharmacy Matrix blue pills of staying unaware! 

Understand Your elephants of staying unaware stampeded Trumps/Abbas and Abbas during Netanyahu 2023/2024 genocide since disbanded 8 leads Dec 3 2017. Actually a first as in count it, Thanksgiving 2017, Rev 2 Jesus every matrix tenth day countdown, award, every 3/13/23 of the month since, endure GREAT Tribulation with HIM as Lord, reign with HIM as eternal heir! Oh it’s Ps 2 HOLY THEM with all the more extreme mockery not me, I’m fellow CHRISTIAN/messenger/Apostle/Apb! 

To be sincere, your name popped up while I was searching for History Channel host who turn out to be Zachary Quinto, I guess you should know he also play Spark, I know up until a day ago, I wanted to k now his name, but knew his face alone. The reason I’m more interested in your DocUFOphia, well Frightnight to Amazing Grace because these for decades biblical, standing over sleeping bed anxious to snatch us out biblical style.

THEY, biblically described intravenous Angels told me in my ear who instead has witnessed a hovering triangle craft, (1996/97);  has boarded a UFO of escape, Sept BETA 22/23 2015, who just shared that long duration events, my equal witnessed grand called a UFO; who instead believe in those predating THE ADAM/EVE Godman, by many millennia, Red Dragon and millions in exiled fallen Angels are puppeteering these events miraculously instead being told that fallen Angels, they are actually why Aliens exist! You have to admit since this 2022/2023, reveal, it’s been storming to flooding UFO mysteries to sightings! Believe Apostle I am, Knowing as Noah, I know, HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Tarim Sheree Heelsfeet and Qeen Bride Corensen Khoral Arkham 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Dia Pomo Pharaoh and Lord Azaes Phobia Blassen was born a godson Sawyer Caius Pharaoh a godson Eiden Kolten Pharaoh a goddess Aloysius Giovanni Pharaoh Blassen 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{“Just think May since Sunlight of GOD has commanded mass assembly into exodus who’s supposed to lead them other than the ministering staff of those denominations? Marvel not grand, Eze 9 equally commanded heart stabbers target procrastinators for procrastinating. Plainly May that’s what Princess Ni Be Wi saw when she saw our Memphians as an entire down on all fours penance Daniel 4 King Nebuchadnezzar/Gog and Magog’s Trump crossing the old Arkansas Bridge into Georgia’s Coast, CROSSOVER! Yeah well May I’ve concluded my grands have America and Church they don’t need Jesus THE CHRIST. You of all people love, know I’m speaking from experience over a decade in various churches. I say proven to be evident why assemblers after service feel free to fill up the rest of their week with sickbeds and sleepovers and other atrocious things. Clearly going to church make them feel vindicated of their past to present to future sin,  why you think GOD knows only triple tribulations can save them., Frightnight to amazing Grace it’s the perfect wake-up from American to all dreaming to disillusioned. True grand they’ll be dead by the billions but true also they’ll also be ascended by the billions.” }}}   >>>”Well isn’t that El Dae Dae your Grand Sia mom saying God is in HIS killing season, of  Chernobyl spring? There's her hearing Angel men, he said he will kill millions after she heard the Antichrist will kill millions going broke, yeah El El man, but who’s the He will kill millions in that statement? Yeah  Tribunal Heelsfeet marvel not that Rev 9 multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, to the bottomless pit, barter balen, toll booth crossover into Jesus Millennium Reign Stand, and when you’ve done all to stand, stand therefore a crown of righteousness await! What is that exactly? Remember when demons tried to prevent Moses entry and Michael stood up, escorted him right in; that’s a crown of righteous no memory of death or a grave you’re simply in heaven with them; my assessment anyway, oh your assessment anyway, so when are we going up there? That’s easy, the nanosecond GOD can no longer bear to be without us! And husband El El that’s dancing hallelujahs all around circling the brides chariot all around! Hey, hey, hey you guys seen Netflix Damsel, what a depiction of great whore mystery Babylon disguise as the American dream, world genocide. Don’t forget damsel reigning bride Snatched out Sunlight If God, designed diamond carved, crystal, possess, prep, and launch dragon beast Antichrist murderer, finisher! Don’t forget, equally angel men,  Great Whore Mystery is destroyed by volcanic/magma Apocalypse. I admit, the stampeding elephant in the room, we’re losing count of how many series to movies are ending the world by volcanic, magma apocalypse?  The stampeding elephants in the room especially Geology Hub is showing mightiest of volcanoes are waking daily, this losing count with 101 Yellowstones in all imminent! Darius Sia Mahaseiah marry me, I am Darius Sia Evden Blazely married to you; yes beloved I was making sure, how sweetheart, kissable to edible, yeah well get a picnic, you two!”     >>>”So Maaseiah you’re explaining to Zachery and Billy Aliens were never the missing link it was belittling biblical teachings the war in heaven mutineering Angels and Holy Angels star warring into every prophesied hour the Genesis Godman inclusion? Wow that’s me'sure Nicholas Edin Coogan putting it expertly, how long had you put that off? What’s that’s love? Finishing touches Negeb Ophel Genealogy; the tribunal has posted it? Let me see, his getting tempting, meddling fill of her coming close, “Nicholas don’t pull me down, I’m doing salads, I’m starving, Nicholas Edin Coogan feed me, does it have to be salad, feed me, does it have to be soup, feed me, does  it have to be Kosher, feed me Nicholas, feed me all night long. Okay, okay, okay you know that’s why those around here knew you was out of sink, you wasn’t playing and dancing your Latina. I cut on this Latino young man John Legend used to help school his group and, Wait, wait, how you know I was sprinting across the place? Darlingly wiping blonde strands from his eyes behind each ear, some might have caught a video or two, nooo, yes, there’s windows all around do people know how well you dance? I thought I left Erica Lynn Hymn in the African Juttah, so how many are here in the Atlantic Juttah? Ah, I’m famished, you better hurry up, I hope they not sharing that, no not without your permission, not unless you want a dance contract as so a singing contract. I like it by the way, I know everything so garden fresh we are in Africa by the way; actually the Atlantic Juttah you just said, fixing his napkin in his lap, readying his delicious fork. No I didn’t, ah yes you did, how many Erica’s in the Atlantic Juttah, but think temptress love it’s befitting not only your paradise colony but your Lords to Goddess neighbors, The Richet Structure. Wow we, mesure Nicholas Edin Coogan live in the Atlantic Juttah, wow these little slips of the tongue, oh are they? I mean it Maaseiah have you seen this, seems unable to put it down since he begin viewing, “I know you just worked your butt off posting it, its incredible. Don’t forget Maha and goddesses helped, Negeb Ophel Genealogy. just saying it’s like while we’re praying Jesus Millennium to God’s Kingdom Come, only like you’ve seen and experienced, it’s already landed and going on with a new Heaven and Earth without us; like while we’re by whoremongering and warmongering an indescribably distracted world! Don’t let your lunchtime spoil itself, we are a wonder to many, king fathers David and Solomon says but HIM as in Holy Father Eli-HIM is our strong refuge, eyes Maaseiah haven’t see, nor Nicholas Edin ears heard, neither hath it entered into the hearts of man what your now described Star Warring Ancient Of Days Holy Father hath in-stored for those who love, who then sacrifice mightily for them! The psalmist says the sacrifices of God are a broken heart a broken and contrite spirit GOD will not despise!"     >>> "Isn’t those three hammering the reminder actually Jesus’ crucifixion is the authentic nails in human genocide, only God's Grace, Bleeding Lamb hath us first?  That’s why it was sooo terrifying Evden, though it would reach twilight stage, Gods amazing Grace, Jesus Christ. Though at this moment I knew this blackness was permanent, like all the world was just made blind, I'm talking like explained in Genesis “and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and there it remain until GOD, 'said let there be light and what they call The Big Bang happen and darkness Ajiah never put it out. Right explaining it instead come twilight until Jesus come fight against those who fight against Mother Africa and Father Abraham’s inherit and at evening time you two there was light! I got something, you two need to see this," hurriedly, anxiously welcoming himself to a seat, I’m still stunned, we love Dae Dae love, we’re still stun. The Global Heelsfeet, Tribunal released Negeb Ophel genealogy and look who’s included? Us, Nextus God Triplets, yeah we kinda know. What you mean you kinda know? Actually we thought you knew, ah Ajiah and I went to show our Nextus Genealogy to Goddesses and Angel men, right only we couldn’t find it, that’s, that’s El El man, I know Dae Dae not only embarrassing but horrifying. We looked everywhere, every genealogy, found nothing of its sorts, even. Virtually ran told mom, she remind there’s human error even in the Aqua Juttah Genealogy, said she’d fix it and while hunting ours down discovered not only Global, Tribunal Sioux Noel Deburk's genealogy also missing but that he's actually first born son! What, huh? Yeah and not Tribunal Apache Arrow, wait was that always so or it changed too? Don’t know, hadn't thought about it, she called a few days later Dae Dae man, asked if we prefer creating our own genealogy? I know,  is that even allowed? Apparently, so. Then they as you see posted it, well us as Goddesses and Lords, but this isn’t just you and Ajiah, it’s Mahaseiah and I, us as well. I don’t know, you thinking  Angel men sorta bashing our wedding extravaganza, becoming as our wedding extravaganza has to do with it? Anyway Dae, Dae man we thought mom would’ve told you, explaining why we didn’t! I mean, we’re still listed the Tombola Genealogy but as along with the Negeb Ophel Genealogy, so no harm no foul. But, look does Maha know? Don't know," looking right past him, his older brother, this obvious," but you can you tell her, huh? They’re coming this way. Great looking out brothers, heads up all, we’re meeting at the pub, ah Maha love, so not planned. You cut your hair? No Ajiah, you know blazes always make it look shorter, stunning Maha, but we’d just mentioned you. Hey Maha, the usual? Yes please, thanks! So why were you talking about me? This, so what am I looking at? Just keep looking, reading. Wait, is this a joke? No, and these two already knew, we knew about us because of a mishap Maha with our genealogy. Yeah, it kinda disappeared on them, they couldn’t find it, that’s not possible. Hey, going for something to drink, you want anything? I’m thirsty, whatever you're drinking, you mean Maha like what you're reading right there, we listed as Negeb Ophel, goddesses to Lords, is impossible? Yeah, it could’ve happened for, well disappeared for that reason, then why didn’t ours? Helping the goddesses with their genealogy I saw mine a day ago! You two Chodne? The same, thinking I might be pregnant again, I’m not, but it made me want to take a look, no change until seeing this, wow! Maybe that’s it, you two are the only godtriplets that haven’t conceived as yet, so yours was moved first, that, hey, hello," waving a grimace at those waving at her. "Yeah Dae, Dae love, mingle with friends as I thirst to death. Wow, I have to admit this is weirding me out, but why? Sorry bout that, hey love, why is this weirding me out? I don’t know Chodne love, nothing changed, except the title, right we're listed with goddesses and Lords, I remind The Richet  Structure, African Juttah. Wow, are we to be relocated there, that otherworthy place? Not only those once fallen angels, but once creeping me out one eyed the Ophanim, not fallen angels, decommissioned, now recommissioned Angels, says the Global Juttah! Hey, you all think that’s why they have such weirdo eyes? Yeah, but so does our mom, who is suspected Godtriplets of being Lord Urusalem, City Of Peace to Lord Israel, Jerusalem, Prince Of Peace. Okay Bruh Evden, you got me there, I should’ve gotten some fried tomatoes, or pickles, I’m gonna get some, bring you some!”  Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

In Search Of: Evidence of Alien Encounters (S1, E1) | Full Episode https://youtu.be/e9ukw1x1f8s?si=wWEZrVMezR3H41_q via @YouTube

Zachary Quinto, how about what happened to biblical related mutineering Red Dragon and millions in fallen Angels, Clearly exiled into home planet Earth during a prescribed war in heaven! What if biblically described fallen Angels is why early tech to humanoids to Aliens exist and all mysterious elements for millennia predating the Genesis man Adam, Genesis Marriage Eve/The Woman seed; r
ight, yeah kinda meaning they millions in Devils,(fallen angels) Demons and Aliens were here for millennia when blessed Trinity Elohim THEM!

Fightnight to Amazing Grace to rolling twilight skies,  in THEIR OWN GODLIKE IMAGE, formed the Adam. 

Fightnight to Amazing Grace to rolling twilight skies,  in THEIR OWN GODLIKE IMAGE, formed the Adam, from breaths of life, his ribs formed The Eve/WOMAN SEED. SAVIOR JESUS, THE CHRIST/CROSS! Then, then, then for too many millennia to calculate; just saying according to biblical truth, how much does ancient to present day history scientific to mythological flies out the proverbial windows mutineering Angels severed wings to Star Warring Angels healing wings, all? Marvel not mocked as masses on the run for Rite Ad Pharmacy Matrix Blue Pills, Do American to CHURCHIANS TO Trumpians really want to Know More Its Biblical Truth to Biblical Heritage, do they really, then follow the White Rabbit, blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit, hurriedly crossover from blessed exile America's SE Atlantic into exile luxury Africa' SW Atlantic! 

In Search Of: Evidence of Alien Encounters (S1, E1) | Full Episode https://youtu.be/e9ukw1x1f8s?si=wWEZrVMezR3H41_q via @YouTube 

see also here, Billy Carson Reveals Shocking New Evidence of a Lost City of Antarctica https://youtu.be/NMfCSaMz8lY?si=ob1ltfoArtqSQW5M via @YouTube 

see Signs [2002] https://youtu.be/Ux82ksc6Bmk?si=Y2_IfGTR2L3x_sG- via; truly if I told you where I was in 2002 and what I was doing up there, you'd think I'm crazy, for you undoubtedly it'd be your verification; 

see Martian https://youtu.be/DJuxIDyHZCw?si=5QqWhB93B88I_4yE via; is there evidence, ruins even of an ancient interstellar Armageddon, Rev 12 John witnessed and my, May 31, 2022, grand Caden with Archangel entering God's Throne, by a hole in heaven, beside those two gems, I mean? Marvel not references to escaping multimillion man traffic Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids, His Ad Astra!

Article NTEB Jews Have Been Driven Off Of Campus At Columbia University As Violent Pro-Hamas And Anti-Israel Protests Threaten To Spread Across Nation https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/jews-have-been-driven-off-of-campus-at-columbia-university-as-violent-pro-hamas-and-anti-israel-protests-threaten-to-spread-across-nation/yall showing them lately as a multimillion man shopping mall at the edge of a cliff they keep regularly falling to their deaths y’all do know what prophetically happened to Jews long before I witnesses its African to Abraham USA/West Rule Inherit skyrocket to firerocket off the planet forcing Israel to surrender as SOS Blinken suggested to an enemy Hamath? If you want to know more see especially Isa 16:1-5 and Rev 7 and Rev 12:1-6 further know by this time they’re down to a third it’s inherit and nothing western civilization is ever heard of again on this earth to continent except by a magnetic form of memorabilia one in exile luxury Sela to SW Africa hangs on a frig! Marvel not a reigning sunlight rising from behind a reigning Mt Sinai type commanding as to Moses and Pometti Movie of Memphis let my people go! 

I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; seen the bus invaded by three students one carrying a Glock  she tried to emptied into another middle schooler only it kept jamming and they ran. So did the bus driver after she finished her rounds she ran, well reigned, horrified those students from her neighborhood! 

Marvel not as far back as 2003 hearing as stone from heaven commanded to target middle school! 

FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! This was three years before US Lab bio-Covid; I witnessed a Memphis School fall on top of Students Just a month ago, one my grand Miya back seat surveyor, translator!

Pray with me, even by 36,000 burnt offering pieces, of intercessions GOD bring our young adults back from Great WHITE Throne Judgment; Aug 2023 THEY showed me this, I texted my college grand to be aware of religious friction, keep cash for a fast getaway ; what I didn’t tell him it all come a breaking news report of a campus massacre with strewn bodies being covered with pale horse/horse of hades tarp’s instead of black ones! 

Right, I can’t get a super first aid kit off the brain but I did just witness all ambulances called to active duty! Wow, if I showed you my searches for today you’d realize we’re on the same  settings; only I wanna know what I should have once we’re suddenly thrust into blackness and void! See getting The June/July 2023 TIFF is both EMP/CME related both scarily daily imminent. 

There’s warnings of volcanoes and the list of eruptions also compiling from 43 to 49 in only days; according to Geology Hub! There’s the school building on top of my Memphis grand; oh Yellowstone is swarming; Michael’s list and I rest assure you guys know where to run, US Georgia COAST; just know so does simultaneously hundreds of millions of stampeding others, HBOW/Apb

Leading Report


BREAKING: South Carolina legislators have passed a constitutional amendment prohibiting non-citizens from ever voting after Rep. Adam Morgan revealed that non-citizens were being given voter registration forms by various agencies. https://x.com/leadingreport/status/1785820009735786745?s=46

US Bio Weapon, Kill All Parents By; I Will Strip Schools, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

Doing Ten Things; And Then There Were Seven; Some Disbanded Who Are Gog and Magog’s Trump’s Abbas’s Eight Leads He And Netanyahu Making Ten! 


Boy, how much voting legislation has changed since Trump lost GA to Biden! I’d say the hardest part bout waiting like a Noah for human extinction to fall. That’ll be watching (Noah’s/Knowers) go on like normal obviously during the most technical to therefore most glaring Aqua Era of humanity’s genocide! AODHF


How many times have I cried I don’t wannabe there, the judgment of the nations, I don’t wannabe there, Great White Throne Judgment! How watching from up there, second heaven intercessions like God’s don’t make it any easier. But I knew I’m one Apostle who’ve had its demos of trials and error’s incalculable there’s no hiding, no saving face, only grinning, baring and prayer!, thank the hallelujah lord, prayers of righteous Saints profit much! 


Here’s what we know, there was war in heaven Red Dragon and Archangel did fight. Soon the earth was found void and without form and darkness was upon the face of deep. Eli-HIM spoke let there be light and some bout a BIG BANG happening and darkness star warring evils Gog, Magog and Hamon-Gog couldn’t put it out!


John with an opened Bible May 2022 grand Caden saw after a fireball strike; after he and Michael entered through a hole, wait Ezekiel’s hole, John’s war in heaven, mine! I wanted to know to know more, opened to what book? Not really realizing, here’s statin the obvious all Jacob and Jesus described intravenous Angels we only know exist because of the books of Genesis to Revelation, blessed are hearers, doers! ‬marvel not 2021, obviously that none perish, I woke Dec 3 hearing WATCH! Woke it’s Dec 4, my BD hearing RUN! Woke it’s Dec 5 hearing LIVE! 


I remember sighing all across a building, torturous, social media y’all better’s get this right knowing its predestined certain leaders be in world power, order at certain interval yeah knowing also if they re elect Gog and Magog’s Trump/Pence Jesus crucifixion day earthquake would commence and like commanded light it wouldn’t stop until two quarters of Africa’s to Abraham’s lineage are no  more this planet! 


YouTube Geology Hub Indonesia Ruang Volcano Update; Magma is on the Move, Alert Level Raised https://youtu.be/BzyNx5mPpnU?si=M0yDchgdNCMCHmbh via @YouTube

See more water  to waterfall like magma here, https://youtu.be/E8YeGy5Ak8k?si=hkpIAi8RYsN3FeNR the fighnight warning 2023 of molten lava flooding; see here, https://youtu.be/Cv-cr8ATLjU?si=Zihk601BpX9Za0fH

-As far back as Burning Bush is witnessed a death bringer from beneath; since 2015 we know Dominoing West Pacific Ring of fire into US W. Pacific Super eruptions  coming fir all sis states from it North American Craton from Alaska into New England dubbed Ben Affleck Armageddon begins volcanic winter and the deaths to migrating of billions! I say see post-apocalypse in retrograde. here Rev 6, 6th seal 

One Of Us Is Chained, None Of Us Are Free, One Of Us Is Chained! 

Whoopi Goldberg Conspires They Wanna Bring Slavery Back; SUNLIGHT of God, God’s Back Turned Throne/Dome, June/JUNETHEENTH 2002 Saith To Me As A Moses LET MY PEOPLE GO! The Silence In Heaven Geoffrey Had Just Broken, Remember, I Was There…

Imagine ebbing and flowing Nuclear, Apocalyptic July 6, 2020 skyrocketing Rev 12 New Born, his mother, portrayed as apostate wife Africa, Frightnight to Amazing Grace laid back in a grown up cradle of indescribable AODHF as blowing, blusterous perfumed adoration! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor Farage, Treasures in Leviticus, The Burnt Offering, Leviticus 1:1-9 - Thursday, ... https://www.youtube.com/live/g09VbmvXZnU?si=4ePu-u4r_4Eo6UE5 via @YouTub; 

See here, https://youtu.be/UGFCbmvk0vo?si=Z79oR_hmghmvyzsM; you ever pastor had a song to intimidate even you? Thus ask one who’s own leashes of divine sustenance place her Ps 22 Christ’s suffering cross at any given moment.

Yet, yet hearing these lyrics still, since I woke this morning; I wanna burn for you, only for you; make my life as a sacrifice; I wanna burn for you; I looked at my grand Khya kinda flabbergasted, asked, do they know what they’re asking? 

Be Careful Father Lest They Take Your Heart? They? These Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 1986/2023/(2025) Immaculate As CHRIST Tribulation SAINTS! Emphasis Immaculate As Christ! See entire prophetic parable here, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/04/why-doeth-thou-marvel-i-will-show-you.html

YouTube mrmbb333, You Won't Believe What the Sun Unleashed on Earth! https://youtu.be/YeDz7GEGeOA?si=vxbXpVCBBTsCCBBt via @YouTube; 

May 3, 2023 There’s Seeing The HUGER than the HUGEST SUN ever!!!

Yeah I just a day past I researched what to do during a sudden shut down of the planet, The TIFF, EMP/CME event! Truth is the worst to happened reigning both The Man of sin and intervening his human extinction The MAN of God, we  watched from up, there, like God’s ourselves. True we interceded innumerable in tribulation Saints John witnessed pouring into Jesus bosom blessed Brexit/ BRIEXIT, Blaexit; Isaiah witnessed go into Jordan’s Petra city and I witnessed pouring first into America’s into Africa’s Atlantic, marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING? 

Article, 2 colossal solar flares explode from the sun and Earth is in the firing line (video) https://www.space.com/two-solar-flares-erupt-within-six-hours-may-2024-video; Marvel not May 3 2023 began the 37 day countdown into the largest SUN ever; hottest days in 25,000 years including the 4th of July; the Hottest Atlantic ever and most monstrous hurricane Lee! 

See here’ https://madison.com/news/local/crime-courts/wisconsin-sun-prairie-drowning-retention-ponds/article_22444f64-af1e-11ee-b22e-97b2999e858e.html; Following by its June 4th 2023 predicting the last day of America, was there this oddity long, long, long duration hovering craft, my grand didn’t hesitate calling a UFO and some continuously about Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 

Honestly one of the first I’ve shared such phenomena with someone else; woke seeing at the edge of my bed, there was a hammering off an apocalyptic event Rev 17:14 Jesus’ Husband with him were two endangered brothers and in a flash they all skyrocketed together; Hawaii missile morning 2018 Rev 2 Jesus threaten mass dieoff ascension of children!  Nov 11, 2022 there’s some bout Hawaii is building! HBOW/Apb


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