Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Jan 23, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024, not yet as 2 Peter 3:11/The Earth Ending Movie Scenario, Knowing, except US/UK/BC Soil States of barbecue: marvel not since before predicted Hussein Whitehouse, THEY'RE running, running and running you! You know three since, Isaiah 16, The Book of Rev 7, Rev 12, Territories where; US Georgia's Coast, slash, Mother Africa, Southwest Atlantic Coast Witnessed Star Warring Blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, await! T

Talk about loved an image, I saw this live, not a dream, like I explained, I'd find out later, at the time Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster was threatening planet earth home, like seconds outa my prayer closet, according to Ps 66;18, Rom 12;1, 2, was my hearts prayer. Just, then, son soon, 42, then, 4 years old son and I we're out the door, a stunning, stunning, stunning spring day, phenomenon spring rapture await. Short, the three times I was encouraged to look up, I saw him, yeah him, a winged Jesus, and I know, until Revelations of Malachi 4, Sunlight of God, intervened, most of all I'm thinking, how would I explain to Sunday School, Jesus having wings and was I about to die and he'd come for me? HBOW/HGOW

Youtube, Lion Of Judah, What The Antichrist Will Do In 2024 Is Shocking! vi a @YouTube; when Sept BETA 2021, THEY shook my shoulders, 3x's great tribulations come, THEY'D not only verified Dragon Beast 7 yrs here; following was a reigning holy church bride, possessing, prepping and launching Daniel 2 stone from heaven. 

-After I quit reveals come in via my prayer closet, even at one time, The Sunlight of God, HIS STAR WARRING SELF, that's why THEY come to me that night; saying THEY couldn't use me unless I accept a role as an original 12, yeah, that's why I quit, a role as HIS foundation Apostle, angels, descending; Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus asking me, would Angels also ascend? Like I said, h's of the lineage of Hussein. even Hamath, she's African, Indian, American, and the stone SHE now possessed had the surface of a meteor; marvel not Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 17, 7th Angel assisting Rev 10 Mighty Angel, carried with him, Rev 16, 7 bowls judgments.  

For when Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11, the seventh angel trumpet shall begin to sound, the stone, Daniel's King Nebuchadnezzar did witness strike down all kingdom nation building, past, present, future; leaving dust and wind of ancient guilty martyred blood. Frightnight to amazing grace that's including Great Whore Mystery Babylon, WEST RULE bloody cup, all, next I heard, just now witnessing the Antichrist in great prowess, "this is the antichrist murderer!"

see more here, Rev 20, Beware I witnessed a page torn out, beware, Archangel's Michael's List, the fast and furious escape, Jan 16/17 ({2023}), into US Georgia's coast, that's GA's COAST, fashioned as crafting free for all race cars, racetracks and skyrocketing Mario Brothers Carts, leading captivity captured all endangered children. The stone in her possession, Daniel's Nebuchadnezzar did witness strike down all kingdom nation building, past, present, future leaving dust and wind of ancient guilty martyred blood, send those two West Rule systems, skyrocketing, fire-rocketing off the planet. Next I heard, "this is the Antichrist murderer, when Jesus Millennium reign descended, and I witnessed billions dead!

I know how it sound, we're already going on three years into  Rev 11:1, 2, it's 42 month interval, but why you think 2024, LION OF JUDAH, into its third year come with enough forceful voracity and mess-making, natural, VOLCANIC, nuclear, SOLAR, cosmic, ALIEN and Eze 5, Ben Affleck's Batman vs Superman, Alien, to extinct mankind many times over and over again. marvel not their references , Moses 40 year wilderness, my as Moses exodus, near 40 years of Chernobyl Spring type rapture demos to no flirting with Keanu Reeves Matrix Movie, blue to red pill, which are you? Jesu, THE CHRIST don't, won't tolerate stragglers! HBOW/HGOW/Apb 

Youtube, Why Files: Humans vs Superhumans | When Monsters Were Real and We Almost Went Extinct via @YouTube (-Don't really have time for this, stop deceiving yourselves, stop fooling others see here, they're not showing you popping matrix blue pills for keeping you delusional until you burst eternal hell wide open, for nothing. Article, Sixty-six million years ago, a mountain-size asteroid slammed into Earth just off the coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, dooming the dinosaurs and leading to their extinction. The collision was cataclysmic, triggering tsunamis that swamped vast swaths of coastline and firestorms that may have raged across the entire globe. Article

And There Were Giants Upon The Earth In Those Days/California, Maimi Just Had Ten Feet Aliens, Bottomless Opened?

Marvel not those I witnessed reigning, Holy Bride, launch something similar, it had the surface of a meteor, and some bout Daniel 2 Stone From heaven; marvel not those four bound angels, the bottomless pit and just now that totally related Rev 9, multimillion man grocery store, store manger keys, barter balen, for two US quarters, toll both. Just as suddenly Chicxulub Asteroid hit, early tech, humanoid, civilizations, titan's all gone or corralled in pits until prophetic fulfillment, Rev 1-20; I been there, seen them.

-Presently 'Why Files we have the Revelations of CREATOR GOD to the Genesis, The woman seed/CROSS, Jesus THE Christ and what's left of the dispensation of grace, this very prophesied hour. Frightnight, an imminent Ben Affleck, Armageddon, Yellowstone, despite what human extinction Israel, Russia and CHINA are threatening , capable, US guilty soil.

-Marvel not the genesis man marriage of procreating skyrocketing, 'THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, fret, what's left of America, THE AMERICA'S, of West Rule, fire-rockets off the plant simultaneously; described,100 million westerners dead, a billion migrating, witnessed pouring into Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic, witnessed pouring into Jesus Throne bosom, got HIM, got Jesus THE CHRIST and gone up yonder, blessed are those in the first resurrection, blessed is the Brexit, BRIEXIT! Blaexit! HBOW/HGOW!

YouTube Fellowship Of The Martyrs, Repent Christians, 

That’s pastor forsake mass assembly, get to altars of repentance, learn of end-times events; Americans, CHURCHIANS and Trumpians. Thus saith visiting Holy Angels suggested as far back as Bush, Cheney error Saddam and again July 27”28 2023, it’s US, Islamic assassin creed was designed an error Islam, a new fear factor, aligned to 50 million US deaths . 

Post apocalyptic, fiery doomsday, events ebbing and flowing between each US Whitehouse. Especially  Obama, Trump, Biden/ Harris since; marvel not Jan 22-29, 2021, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff wiping out of the Biden, Harris Whitehouse! WEST RULE! C. O. Holy Bride of Wrath/Holy God Of Wrath!!! Apb 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Scarlet London Pikes and Queen Bride, Leona Penelope Vincent

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Silvester Addison Seine and Hannity Jeannine Smalls was born a son Mahhans Caldwell Seine a son Coleus Manasses Seine and a goddaughter Avis Breanna Seine, Smalls

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

“15.10 months added to Dec 24/25 2001= Dec 24/25 2016,+10 months = Oct 24/25 2016, thinking out loud, , whispering while she work, those seems ancient ago totals. Well maybe not so ancient, Dec 29 Aunt Memphis death did revisit those angels it’s 2019 in a running race to those as Mighty Angel described them, desolations predicted US soil, now come, the putting of such stalled full steam ahead; “plus 40 days Nov 23/24 2016 intervened adding, plus ten matrix days Dec ¾ 2017 the first matrix tenth day countdown aware. Where did you go? As one literally staggering into her getaway garden, after her, literally sleepwalking , “temptress wife, for how long?” You was sleeping so good, a few hours I guess, a few, that Nicholas early May 37 day countdown meaning it stopped short of Christ millennium reign, Hussein world reign July 27/28 2023, 40 day deficit, how is it I’m just now seeing that May 3rd 37 day countdown was originally 40 days? Methuselah age falling short 40 year of the Genesis men being a thousand years old, a forty-year deficit ebbing and flowing periodically Moses 40 year wilderness. Mentioned again recently, revisited Eze 4 40 days for 40 years. There’s grand and I, prophetic ministry nearing 40 years its duration, simulation (until AODHF, Bridegroom Jesus into the two witnesses, The Tribulation Saints 24 elders heavens paradise of an innumerable hosts marriage suppers done we all wait both interstellar and Megiddo Armageddon until the sounding of the 7th angel trumpet sounds descending Jesus millennium. As we count down post apocalypse. You coming? I know you’re hungry, I’m gonna shower, wake up, while you do all that; continuing, the again we’re in post apocalypse, US, West Rule Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5, 7 years Oct 17 2021 thru Oct 17 2028 aligned to Daniel 9:27 final week of years ushering in Jesus descending millennium reign posthaste its finale. How we used Holy Spirits, an ebbing and flowing 40 day deficit again Eze 4/Jesus 40 days wilderness trial to come to the date 190 months Dec 24/25 2001 until US, Oct 17 2016 and 40 days Nov 22/23 2016 Rev 2 Jesus intravenous every matrix tenth day , into greater tribulation, award. Look here all Africa’s Juttah tuning in, freshly squeezed orange juice, so delis. We being in an as Moses' wilderness forty year matrix simulator proven to be evident these mazes of revealing sin and how prophecy fulfilling into waiting the sounding of the 7th angel trumpet. I must admit I think the word update might have tempered with described Dan 9:27 finale, but why, when where and how does Americans, CHURCHIANS and Trumpians two April 2/20 2019 seven since count, I mean literally count." >>>"You guys hearing this, yeah Chant man and how much sense it all make THEY did begin to take us skyward as far as when Chernobyl threaten the planet and a nearing Japan nuclear planet falling only 25 mile short of that 7.1 Dec 2023 quake so yeah we’re hearing but at the same taking in under a second we’re not here. I been meaning to ask Chant man, it’s Trojan or Troy no one calls me Chant anymore, other than mom and dad, right so chant. So I just waste my breath? Where’s Caesar? Is the food here always so good? That’s just it, I was hoping she was here with you guys. Here with us? Caesarion and her entire family were killed in a car accident only a couple weeks after you Socks man, ah n'all chant man. Yeah dad decided he’d beat a train caught it instead nothing but ash left closed casket, five in all. So I guess that’s no, you know how Caesar was about God, about those who believed God. I know Trist she was a mess with all the craziness going on in that house nothing Trist man to encourage trust in god. You won’t be surprised, most think he, even they, crashed intentionally murder suicide. I know I can’t get it out how horrified that had to be for those kids. Just enter Channing, the Tombola has a remarkable way of figuring these things out! That’s what I’m told, and I have, can’t wait to see how it all turns out, neither can we lil bro, neither can we all."
>>>They all nervously, excitedly awaiting the stunning young man approaching them, there’s actually two, but one in particular. It is our pleasure to be meeting one Meshullam Kadesh,” taking happily shaking his hand, they all standing the corridor of yet amazing places, Sia Juttah Meshullam Kadesh was one seeming to a dozen couple's, one who’s name mean reconcile be holy, exciting them the more. “It is a pleasure

legion of Angel men to be meeting you all as well, please all of you come this way, there’s more than enough room. Then you bright one, I know you, let me think, ah, there it is, the mount of transfiguration, Silverton Nicholas exodus.  Please don’t give us homage, we’re just pardoned men like yourselves,” hearing all their responses spreading like holy winds among them. “This was the same Sia Meshullam Kadesh, one time we’re standing before the same mountain of transfiguration when the blinding sunlight rise, reconciling and translating us next we know we’re the latest your marriage, ah wedding Extravaganza. Remarkably among planetary explorations we haven’t visited for millennia, until soon we’re looking at

your Milky Way Galaxy and other incommunicable cosmos, including your sky fall, pouring over the stars of heaven for rocks right into healing waters planet earth. May we ask how, who are you two together, our Mother Africa, Father Abraham like Israel and Islam we are brothers of the same mother, Queen Bride, Darius Juttah. The same legion of Angel men, we were suddenly translated here. Translated here? Yes, transgressions forgiven, after the mount of stunning transfiguration suddenly we’re here, The Lord Constantine African Juttah Palace Estate. So you saw her as well, reigning, Queen Lord Urusalem, it's all kinda entwined conundrum, what it was we actually did see. That’s why i, well we feel as if we know you already, akin by the Holy Spirit I’m sure, also, I’m one of your pilots, then you know the wonderment cosmos as well as ourselves, almost I guess.  You were given key cards and a package, there’s all the info you need, your suite number, take your leisure. Pray, tell Legions, when dinner is served, we will greet you at the doors, bring you along, sup with you, you with us, blessed stay until then. Blessed day Lord Sia Meshullam Kadesh, Lord Silverton Nicholas, to you as well. Mercy on us, what such stunning, making us aware, let’s get to our quarters and prepare to launch our arrival with a celebratory dinner.”      >>>“The word update love, squashing an old recurring date, yes Nicholas and some usual dates did change. Ah, you see that right? Yeah, you don’t think it’s them do you? Hum, I think we ate more blueberries than we saved, and Mrs. Bellows gonna get us, you saw the footage seeming paranormal tripping up Oprah Winfrey, god Nicholas this witnessed, if that’s actual I thought about how Jesus felt about Jezebel and now Rome’s Pope all others evil working having freedom in the pulpits, the world stage to corrupt the Genesis man marriage, then to be reminded 100 million people deaths are aligned to their devilment, defilement! So loving man, let me get this right, you think since counting 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump's wall failed, I should count the number of angels? Soon setting, getting a familiar image in his head, such as this groundbreaking anomaly he’d found lately, the emphasis definitely on sky-breaking to groundbreaking. “Hawaii missile morning, Rev 2 Jesus referenced, you do know that number of angels is virtually incalculable? Yeah but your count is from 99, then loving temptresses the counting of the names Archangel Michael’s List, been there, those second chance names from the Lambs book of life Nicholas, opened to a school, name roll call, those not yet stricken out. When I woke feeling as if I’d ran many relay races, these specific lyrics on repeat, 'we exalted thee." You finished? Untying his apron, his neck, chest, smelling all good upon her, his untying hers as well. “I have something to show you, that unforgettable noon day I broke in here having you, attacking me! I didn’t tell you but something, just come, you not gonna believe it, me, I'm not gonna believe it, the one who stood before God's Back Turn Throne and watched as a Reigning Mountain gave place to a Rising Sunlight who spoke to me to command another Moses exodus, The Americas/West Rule? Just come, draw me knightly husband and I’ll run after you, you make me so hot when you say that, but hold it for now, just come away with me.”    >>>”Seine man, when you get here? Stop it Trojan man, what'ta, I been looking out for you since we left doomsday Canada, I been here all newly wedded, webbed, need I say more? No, please don’t, I only just now entered the Tombola, yeah, ah Socks and Trist advice. I still can’t believe Socks here after he died so, so, but that’s all rumored The African Juttah unimaginable reconciliation, eyes Troy man, hath not seen, ears haven’t heard, heart, your hope Trojan man you’ll find Cesarean again. Please have mercy Lord and not sacrificed, they virtually being murdered, what a phenom divine reprisal but always Sweet Lord, Your Will be done. Which remind Troy man I’m almost positive I saw her brother Alurus, what, why the heck Seine man didn’t you lead, he was many ahead of us, but I really think it was him. Where, when? Bout an hour now , while during a sightseeing tour, no, "ah, wait Troy, easiest to search the Aqua Juttah database, his name both forward and backward," backwards?" Yeah backwards, I heard too I guess. Hey, what took so long? Seeing Trojan run off like that I guess you told him, told him Alison what I think, so what where, where else husband? Births, let’s go, I can’t wait! We’re here Aliway and I still have doubts this place exist I know, same here! How the world Nicholas did you find that? I think it’s mrmbb333 and his  from the interstellar heavens mystery beams, sorta Maaseiah like what waits at the end of the rainbow.  When you mentioned Jesus angels, where’s the story about Jacob’s ladder, Genesis 28, begin 10-22, I know because I just researched it, read it. We now Nicholas having Angel men in our midst with two of our grandsons right now, meeting, greeting them. You’re thinking this is a type of Jacob’s ladder, portal for ascending. descending angels? Before you do,  that, touch it, that’s what send me raging to tearing into you last couple noon's, ah, why we brought packs in case, sniffing, wiping as she, like giving them this astronomical sky fall wasn’t enough. “Yeah temptress, I even imagine, remember you describing what touching Jesus hand in heaven felt like pulsating electrical currents, yeah and I knew things, knew him in ways indescribable, go ahead, I’ve already set us a place, a lay, a picnic even.” Stepping aside, seeing her fitter her fingers all through the colorful beams, almost expecting her to shoot skyward, as she’d experienced plenty, witnessed once hammering Rev 17:14 Lamb of God, Jesus Husband skyrocket, just now. So was I right, that’s how remarkable it felt touching him? Exactly, ah my God exactly, yes, that’s, wait what’s happening to me, what is, wha, wha is, come, I have us a place, I know, come or it all falls off right here, no fighting to delaying it.”     >>>“This better be good, I know, I finally found Seine, he’s but positive he’s seen Alurus, Cesarean brother. Yeah, we know who Alurus is, so I went searching the database both their names backwards, forward finding nothing. Timing Chant man," stallion, model caliber like his brothers, alluring eyes, lashes to die for, in, "but Chant If it’s not meant to be just yet, wait to see what the Tombola reveal. Coming to the parental Juttah, see our parents settled in, Marickson? Yeah, sure, don’t do that, lose your joy here, there’s none helpless, this is ultimate working of our progression Channing man, can’t you feel it? Yeah, don’t want Holies thinking you’re ungrateful all the sacrifices made for millennia. ‘No Lord God, know that I know that we’re appreciative beyond description and praise you all our days, amen Chant man, we gotta move, we’ll miss the final train." >>>"Sleepy head, ah god don't, we're here forever, you mean we didn't go, the portal, we're here, we're permeant, you just know it, it's not the paradise of god, nor, second heaven intercessions, ah, don't even mention that place, the divine, intercessor that's gonna save probably your two billion christmas worshippers, ah, well you didn't feel at such the lost I felt when they planeted us there, like two thirds the way, howbeit, not the paradise of god, no THEM building my foundation pillar just now. Come, look, the morning has turn to night I can just feel Specialist Veneer out with hovering heir Juttahs, barking dogs and hollering researchers, if that man is after us, after a few hours missing, I need help, you need, please tell me temptress wife you didn't just ask knighly husband to help you put clothes on, a sin on, Nicholas Edin Coogan. Look, look, I was dressing you, waking you! {{"Make haste Sia Maaseiah, tell them no sheltering in impact zones, US Stated Of Barbecue, Watch! Run! Live!"}}} Tell me Nicholas you just saw that, heard that? Wait, was that him again? Sariel, yes, what is going on? {{"Hey"}}, one on a loud horn aproaching them, with a massive search sounding up, down and all around, Nicholas this being this right. "They're over here!" Me'sure Hawthorne, wait, how did you amass such an army of searchers, the sky being filled, the fields, all, "in only hours, even why? Hours, yes, hours since the morning? Right sir, madam, since Monday morning, right like I said, only sir, this is Friday midnight, you only been missing and we been searching these areas for you, four going on five days, This weekend would've declared you taken up, ah ascended even! What the hell are you talking about? We been gone, yes, only hours, but like you ask Sia Attorney Coogan, how could we amass such an army of searchers in such a little time, even why? Let me warn you, your settlement is inundated with searchers, prayers, even praisers, let me ask you, you didn't see the beam, a couple miles back, there's an interstellar beam, no, no, we've searched this area, followed your movements to here, there was nothing for days, until you start walking toward us just now. Ah my god, Mr Veener gonna kill us ..and more Sia's, seeing he's barely slept, ate, even! >>>I'm here specialist Veneer, glad to report, Sia Mr, Mrs Coogan, they're taken undeteched to their quarters, needing a moment, I know Hawthorne they do, that's understable, though I would presume, will you have the Godtriplets instead brought to me, right away sir, right away. Mr Veneer has asked for a conference with the godtriplets, we're Sia Hawthorne right behind you. So, ah, you three are with us? I'm coming, Ajai? Yes, Evden? Yeah, me too, here we are, we come as soon you wanted to see us? Oh, they Mr Veneer can hear first hand from you, or second hand from us, and perfect timing dad says grand sia mom, haven't stopped crying, is inconsolable. 'I am resigning," somewhat tried, tall, stunning, older, specks of gray, but still so masterly model caliber, relieving papers from his desk to hand them, "and I need you to accept these papers. Did you not hear us? Grand Sia mom, she's crying, and that's and that's Godtriplet like finding holy father god, crying at his throne, bringing that multimillion man choir and the host of heaven to a halt, John's witnessed silence in heaven. I can't do it anymore, like for the last days it turns my world upside down whenever I fear something nefarious has happen to her, and I'm run out of excuses that make sense even to me, let alone my family, my wife. You all know it getting more dangerous for her, no one likes what she's doing, none of them, Gog, Magog and Haman-gog want her here, don't you, they get it Specialist Veneer, referenced as recently as Aug last 2023, the same Aug month 2021 God showed Himself star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, once that key exchange hands despite Islam's Israels and the UK, BC, the US, S. Koreas', North', Ukraine's Russia, Taiwan's CHINA, and ELON Musk them, star warring, Ad Astra, two quarters of this earths inherit is theirs, billions are dying even as we speak, tens of millions first of all western soil. All, all, all, apocalyptic, genocidal events Mat 24 Jesus explained must be, like marvel not star warring, Alpha and Omega, The BETA, And Jesus arriving as a gamma ray burst, get the heck, fast and furiously outa of all of it, Jesus' redeeming Cross" Enough El Shaddai, he's moved by guilt not love, guilt has never, you think I don't love your mother, that like your dad I haven't suffered immeasurable bouts of hell on earth for her, died many times for that I love? Like all men I loved her at first sight, I never told her, she was my first love ever, ever, recurring since right this moment! Tell me she told you all about that 21 day death, resurrection, ascend and descent, the unimaginable things she choose to suffer over a man she hardly knew, holy spirits come and sat down beside her that morning prior, asked her, was the agony she suffering for this no body, worth its weight in pain. Instantly without a hearts thought, she responded, I love him, love is worth this pain, like Christ crying from the CROSS, "it is finished," for eons and enons past and now come, all the world changed. You equally know, she just realized it wasn't that they send her back, even grand, grand, Chernobyl spring rapture, yanking her off doomsday planet, your Grand Sia Mom, chose to come back for him, for me, for all of us. Understand that knowing has both devastated and blessed her since, there is no greater love, how can you even fathom losing someone that loves like that? Marvel not, holy angels assured her that day, even they couldn't wait to be down here with her, to be where she was, that ancient of days Holy Angels loving on her that way. Marvel not Mary Madalene sat crying outside his tomb until he made his reappeared. But You right, I gotta face her, hand these papers to her myself, just get out, go away from me, please, please just go! Ah my god is Christ, talk about silence in heaven, these unimageable reveals, yeah I also thought Maha, that 21 day Daniel fast phenomenon and holy angels descending was about saving your dad, but Specialist, Veneer, yeah, but, but you guys," pushing the stop button on the elevator, its pop-up reveal. "You must know, it was always suspected Specialist Cullum Michael Veneer and T-Tamb had something to do with the bombing that almost killed him, did kill three of his fellows Attorneys. Maha, talk about his overwhelming guilt, his feeling so undeserving, wait, wait, wait, are you saying Mr. Veneer is ex T-Kamb, that's just it, we don't know, we just know he wears many halo's and Evden Blazely, all of them make him a dangerous, perfect man. Okay wait, a dangerous perfect man, that Hawaii missile morning, Michael Ealy appearing perfect, dangerous man? Y'all do know," cutting the elevator back on, sending them again on their way, "he come to know our mom, unimaginable love our mom, because he was undercover, investigating our drug cartel granddad that almost got them all killed before any of us were born, including the African Juttah? Dad need to let him see mom, mom need to see him, talk with him, sincerely spill her spirit heart as well, he's right, whenever she's like this, its because reveals are being made, she's not, acceptive. The word update erasing a previous date, before I left their quarters guys, there was something about that, perfect Eli man, Chodne and I been surmising how 2023, not only were there too many demos of snatching us off the planet, even a hammering, skyrocketing, Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, Jesus husband, leading captivity captured all endangered children, all you guys triangle craft related, I remind. Here's when a lot of familiar dates renewed to upsized I guess you would say, putting all ascended holies that matter, all those ever having an earth-boud mission, up there awaiting the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet, reminded grand, grand since Angel Gabriel appearing back there. You Evden said something just now, I never considered, doing Daniel 21 day fast final, the same host of angels, appearing, all around Grand Sia Hawaii missile morning, appeared all around Daniel, including by name, Michael, Gabriel and a dangerous, perfect man, called the Prince of Persia, yeah, Bush, Clinton, Bush era, Mede, building of torture vehicles, better to fortune, finish, US troops." Well, we have a date with births, ah I'm going, I haven't seen my nephew in days, none of us, we been busy trying to either find Grand Sia them, or stage ourselves for THEM taking us as well. so were we really glad they'd been losing days picnicking along a suspicious interstaller beam as Jaboc's ladder or we really wish THEY'D taken them, and we were shonuff next to go? Do you really Evden Blazely want us to answer that question? Okay, I'll settle for now, it being rhetorical, but godtriplets only if I'm allowed to revisit it as need be, what the heck brother Edven does that even mean? Yeah, you have a fever? As one playfully checking him for fever, shaking their heads, the things Evden Blazely says. So everybody thinking or just not saying it out loud, y'all think angel man suddenly appearing at Grand Sia paradise home, were too transported by that beam of Jaboc's Ladder, ah type, maybe Ajai no one saying it, because it's kinda obvious. So you, Ajia can ask those kinda questions, but I can't unless I have brain fever or something? We're here, we gotta move first we're almost outa time, Ev, you know we just playing with you man, I'm running right behind you, see, see, I'm coming." >>>"Whatever his excuse I'm not gonna see him, you have to see him, what do you, you of all people Nicholas, he met with the god triplets, ask they accept his resignation, his resignation, with her eyes glistening and pouring tears, "I don't understand, said he's tired of his world being turn upside down with caring so indiscernible for you, he can't take it anymore, so yes, you gotta see him. The bothers and I will address the searchers, prayers and praisers," seeing him get his things, like he's off to work, to the Coogan firm, "like Maaseiah show them our appreciation. You meet with him, a bite of a smooch to her marked by GOD forward, know I love you so, so much, love you too, so much, too, can't believe you're making me do this, no one love can make you anything." >>>"I'm here, I hear I'm supposed to accept your resignation, you all be excused please, you look well, after all the rumors I mean, you being so distraught. THEY just reassured me billions of people are about to die, so forgive me if it took time digesting. I'm going home for good, to my wife, my children Maaseiah for good, you talk at me Cullen Michael like I haven't suffered each of them leaving me, Desrek Allum, Christian Cross, Nicholas Edin, Sioux Noel and now, Specialist Cullen Veneer and all it alias, I hear for it final time. What the hell woman, to bride to wife of god do you want from me, Lord Urusalem isn't all this a bit unholy and therefore unhealthy? You didn't need my appearing for this, so I hear Specialist Veneer is resigning home to his family, tell me, what did you feel if anything when Me'sure Nicholas told you i hand your godtriplets my resignation, you mean besides how cowardly, right? Just as Mahasiah said, I'm worth nothing to you, moved by guilt alone, wow, I'm sorry she said that, of course she knows better, they, we all do. I was as devastated as when Desrek Alum assured we could never be, even Christian Cross, when I was losing Michael Day to when I was losing him, Nicholas Edin, pretty selfish. I don't want you go. but I don't want you to stay either, at least Cullum you can at least go, yeah, right, if only I could leave my heart behind, but I can't can I Maaseiah, so I'm not really losing you, nor you I, nor am I leaving you, right? I accept your resignation, you better keep me abreast of your daily doings, and hear I was thinking I was all cried out, you know like stars of heaven I can't bear it, right, right, goodbye Cullum Michael Veneer, even specialist Agurus Janseen, Olaff. I Admit, I so want to run and jump in your arms, never ever lettering him go, "readying the door to her bitter to swallow, digest exit, "I admit, I hope I'm dreaming this and the next I go missing, you're be there. Promise, the next you go missing, I will be there, hum, there's hope in getting lost, don't forget you promised, not crying, that's not what this is, no, not crying," gently closing the door, to him instead, bursting into tears, the hardest thing he do since he escaped into the middle-east playing a dead and gone, Michael Day, impossible then impossible now. >>>"Let me get this straight Brad, you too Sye, you want me to take you to the place, where Maaseiah and I lost four 24 hour days, we won't make contact with the beam, we just wanna see it, no, suppose like Eve and that forbidden fruit, you can't resist touching it, its probably no longer there anyway Nickie, are the Angel men still here? Ah yeah, then it's still there, you think, yes, almost positive, it translated them, wondering why it didn't take Maaseiah when she touched it. Don't see Nickie babe, it did take her, even you for four days, you really think they didn't make use of that, of you and being there at the most opportune time? You know, Angel Raguel, wait, Maaseiah saw Sariah, but I could've sworn his name was Raguel, see what I tell you. Either you two come with a message just we were dressing, getting out, dressing? Yeah, touching the beam, have that type of effect, a raging hormone, organism sort of effect, others reason why you guys shouldn't touch it, you'd be climbing the walls explosive before you know it! Well Okayy, good heads up, looking out, only not, yeah baby boy, that only make us wanna grab our ladies go there more. Tell us, isn't that why you took Maaseiah, knowing its' effect? Yeah, and look how much trouble, I mean she's not happy about that lost of days, and Specialist Veneer Handing in his resignation, guess who's the blame." >>>'Lord Constantine, Lord, Casen didn't imagine seeing you guys here, nor you godtriplets, you have an infant here? No, not an infant Lord El Shaddai, Tatum is nearing three years old, I know you have a newborn yes, you've more than congratulated, me, us, right, obviously trying not to make direct contact with El Mahasiah, his true heart, most revered, regretted, "excuse us, Godtriplets, as we make our exit, please you two Lords be excused. So God triplets, are we supposed to ignore their angel child Tatum is possibly the age of Holy Angels, Daniel 7th week, nearing three years old? Truly sis Maha, you don't miss anything, yeah, like Lord Constantine went out of his way to especially avoid you, he also ran away. Here he is you guys, Mem Tazaddl Saurus, golden boy amazing, I love his honey blonde hair, just like his father, and your Chodne grey eyes, ah lord they're cutting the light out on us, love you son, yeah love you nephew, see you bright and early in the morning, kiss, kiss. This is not happening, you, knuckle head brother is not a father, I am, yes, there he is all the proof right there, I'm hungry, a late night snack, I don't like the pub at this hour, but I could use a snack. How you all think Grand Sia mom meeting with Specialist Veneer, taking his resignation, went? Only Edven Brazely, broken heartedly, I can't believe she saw him, I can after dad explained what was going on, perhaps urged her, yeah, it had to be done and only those three combined could've done it. That's just not right, for the sky to be that crystal clear, I'm just saying after what we've seen for it to be that simple and clear, is what's Dae, Dae, not fair! You remember waking me Evden, trying to explain we had the Milky Way Constellation right outside our window, hadn't we taken flight? I can't forget it, it only was wedding extravaganza skyborn, but arriving through planets and galaxies, with angel men, once the Ophanim stirred in, what's more unbelievable than that, you think that's why John called them beast, seeing them, well some, in their true form?" >>>"But wouldn't you agree Tribunal Juttah Deburks, Heelsfeet and Joining us these conferences intravenous Angel men, trying to figure what's Grand Sia book of remembrance, laid the foot of her prayer, bed could implement. I'd think, its no different to difficult than trying to figure what the 7 thunders uttered, we have names, Hussein, Logan and what sound like (Salmon to Soleimani), taking into reminding all other US Prez are aligned to error Islamic leaders that are martyred with a Hussein lineage declared "the one," and the ten heads beginning to be named, were mostly Islamic names. You said Tribunal Deburk, Lord Sioux Noel, laid the foot of her prayer bed, this book of remembrance Putting on the whole amor of God, ones, feet, Eph 6:15,  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the sons of God. If we  remember, when come to the rescue, Rev 17:14 Lamb of God, Jesus husband, Gog and Magog, prowled Lord Maaseiah, as the religious leaders did women seed Christ, Lord Jesus, for it prepping gospel truth peace (contentment) and heart blood, reconciliation, I contend characterizes, Michael's list and Lord  Urusalem's book, are the same, and of the billions religious she urged into King Savior Lord, King Zion. Do Pray Royal Priesthood for all the human beings at the wailing wall, surely they're those which make us these lists. Grand Sia, advising Tribulation Saints how best to handle the Antichrist poised to take claim he is God, know your exits well, how to the horse's bridle, pipeline, bloodline to unnerving was all that? Somebody has to tell them Lord Angel Men, somebody has to warn them, no sheltering in impact zones, any kinship to affiliation with colonizers West Rule; world leaders are measuring and comparing human extinction, by how vast and technocritical I Lord Constantine say, their armies. Predestined and threatening to puppeteer them and rule them, the seven of the ten left standing, Dragon Beast Antichrist got them, their destiny to slay billions and gone reigning. Hear! Hear! Hear! Tribunal African Juttah, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Why Doeth Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel them, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, Even Ancient Of Days Holy Fathe God, HIMSELF, Speak In Such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon, Jeremiah Lamentations, REVELATIONS and Prophetic Parables? HBOW/Apb, The RAM

Unto Marickson Dalonzo Trojan and
Mahaliah Taiwane Heneva was born twins a daughter Aylin Morgan and a son Adkins Carmichael Trojan and a godson Darling Casifia Leo’ne Trojan Heneva 

Died Suddenly 

Post, Speaking from the WEF's annual Davos summit, Bill Gates excitedly announces all the new vaccines he has up his sleeve, ready to unleash on the world, stating: 


2011/2012, Smoke From The Bottomless Pit Bellowing From The Earth Demonizing Church Assembly A Pandemic Of Pedophiler Teen Boys!!!

See Revelation, the 7 letters to the 7 churches; I was getting out of it, after ten years of Antichrist Churches, Pulpits, Pews  and THEY just now showing choirs as highchair feeders locking parishioners in! It was 1998/1999 I was writing President Bush at the time, the last I was to tell him  1999 as the year 2000 come, there’s virtually no sheltering in impact zones, no more normal to be had, many would die. Again Bush’s 2005, Hurricane Katrina, I’d made a plate, sat to eat, then I heard him, tell them no more sheltering in place, the only good parent, pastor to political are those stampeding and running away with their assembly to subscribers.

-You are virtually relieved of all your earthbound duties, your predestined to duty bound to look down and pray down from second heaven intercession, interceding them, blessed Tribulation 
Saints. You, as in Obama's July 27/28, 2016, Star Warring Jesus descending with Heavenly Saints; Trumps 2019/several times, Biden's 2023, star warring Archangel Michael THEM ascending Holy Saints; Post Apocalyptic Obama, Trump, Biden 2021 through 2028, Rev 7, 11, The Two Witnesses ascending, leading captivity captured, the Tribulation Saints. 

THEY'VE come right into me again, 2011, saying, soon the church bride would be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the Antichrist is given power over them,” unquote! Explaining every time I’d visited up there, prayed from up there, witnessed the brides chariot to a ballooning cloud deliver us there, two thirds the way and I wasn’t happy, wasn’t Holy Home, 
all explained. Marvel not THEIR references to an as Moses 40 year wilderness, present-day, counting down, since Chernobyl spring, 40 years, a matrix like simulator, again near 40 spring Rapture demos; ARE WE THERE YET? 

Bill Gates At Davos 2024 Says That The New Era Of AI Vaccines Will Include His Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Delivery System ‘Patch’

See here, Bill Gates At Davos 2024 Says That The New Era Of  AI Vaccines Will Include His H. I. Q. D. M. D. S. P.; except those days be shorten, outa the mouth of Prophets 
scary the slow pace by which they’re dying, with its timetable to kill all parents by, full speed ahead its targeting procrastinators!!!‬

I explained Geoffery elephants of staying unaware stamped since Trump’ error Abbas they’re instead popping Matrix blue trying to stay unaware like opioids of a drug pandemic. Oh my when slayers stabbed the heart of even stampeder’s HOLY THEY did blame pharmaceuticals. Before HE commanded all parents dead by, THEY showed your houses, your Churches, your children. Frightnight through more and more wicked devices HD, 5G and Social Media screening kept by demonic to demonstrative spirits Dan 7/Rev 9, The Lion, the Leopard, Demon dog Anubis, then they showed parents knowing and knowingly endangering children, the future Royal Priesthood, ‬

‪I Still say Dr Fauci revealed reasons why millions are dead  and shoveled under the proverbial rug, they brought genocide then fixed it like it never happened. what’s shooting skyward in Hussein US death tolls should be in wrongful deaths suites. They’d taken the totality of Barack Hussein Admin studied Coronavirus and your DNA, how to kill specifically; marvel not the US lab bio-weapon reveal, presently a syndemic of mutations a quarter of you no more this country to planet, my as well Dec 24/25 2001/2023, pale horse rider, mass dieoff of children ascension, Ludacris contagious. 

See also here, 

ADM shareholder sues company, execs for fraud,

ADM shares plunge 24% in worst day since 1929 as CFO is placed on leave,

My People Are Dying,” Their Own Self made Labor Camps A Reported 700 hundred thousand Or more Work Themselves To Death Annually; “They’re Being Stripped Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders” AODHF After The multimillion man choir felled silent by HIS once sobbing uncontrollably. 

I’m not surprised nor sympathetic they’ve cheated Mesothelioma suffering, dying, dead employees. Like my husband’s family out of millions; vengeance is mine saith the lord; marvel not the reaper with slaying sickle standing aside the head of my prayer bed ready, willing

Don’t even ask me if he suffered, the medical facility alone treating him and his medical insurance like a new sacrificial cash cow. Remember I was there and so was John when AODHF sobbing uncontrollably caused the silence in heaven then all you heard, I will strip their leaders as the day of their birth, 

We had amazing praise made the nurses stay with us always but it didn’t sacrament guardian angels crying Psalm 22 THEIR hearts were like wax, melted into the midst of THEIR bowls; Speaking of a heart, where laid my prayer hand, his beat as one falling down running, then only days later I watched him ascend. 

Article, Many scientists fear the collapse of humanity by 2100; such dreams, we're a 3rd year within the 7 yrs that bring us Jesus' reign; and West Rule UK, BS, US is to be a coast to coast impact crater of boiling, bubbling molten lava by then poisoning earth Apb

How frightnight would be if  I told you Kobe was targeted for his American to California dreaming and not just him, all NBA', MBA's celebrities, TITAN ELITES,, talk about Lots family, to May 3, 2021 grand caden family wasn't to look back, let alone go back, think 10 days past that threaten Hawaii morning missle, Rev 10 mighty Angel warn the Mid west and the eastern seaboard, about procrastinating leaving California, can you even count how many times, Eze 5 types designed mass disaster been used to clue them in, there's no, safe heaven California nor US/BC West Pacific, nor THE AMERICAN CONTINENT to WEST RULE WORLD SYSTEMS a predicted 100 million dead; LIKE Rev 17, described 7 destroyed kings and a pending  8 targeted by Daniel 2 King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed stone from heaven, revisited  Feb 12-19 2015, as reigning holy church bride possessing, prepping and launching it, they’re, you’re all all done, like Mat 24 Jesus and a Mass of Holy Angels suggested, RUN!

So Geoffrey who’s Blinken really, did he turn in his resignation just before dealing with Netanyahu like they would a Putin, a XI, A Kim you all know the only one they would let’s commit open genocide  to colonize Islam is Netanyahu’s Israel and again, y’all know it; Gods WILL being done, KINGDOM DESCENDING, what are the chances THEIR predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone/Batman vs Superman beware of Alien dangers from above, is now a winged volcanic meteor heading toward a solar eclipse, by the finale of one of Trumps two weeks and 7 year  timetable, April 8, 2024'2025? 

know told to scrutinize earth ending movie Scenarios after we lost the Obama/Biden Harris Whitehouse to a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of two West Rule Systems, two unforeseen events happening to the sun simultaneously, after THEY showed me the hugest sun ever/EMP/CME! We learn from the movie day after tomorrow the sun drive and control all apocalyptic weather and Rev 7:1!17:18 GOD has proven HE  puppeteers all things else…I know I explained to my niece THEY have extreme mockery, an Eze 5 barber chair Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone, Nov 2021/2022 some bout Hawaii is building; Aug 2023, woke during a planetary to UFO, again a solar eclipse, winged, erupting asteroid would be, phenomenon, hearing “last day of  America” tens of millions dead, soon a billion migrating beware our Southwestern Atlantic, African leaders, instead their intravenous angels have, translating, transforming wings, coming, star warring AODHF/JCON/JCOR

'Article Los Angeles Times, They're 100% not human': Las Vegas police investigate reports of extraterrestrial sightings (-Odd  the more during my own as Rev 12 John witness of Star Wars battle being wedges in the heaven not only  was there this unprecedented lightning store but I heard Michael is setting his all around, yes, but there’s equally some bout not Los Angeles but lost Angels; some witnessed the days past Miami ten feet Angels just now said they appeared lost and confused. 

The popping of matrix blue pills now that elephants of staying unaware stampeded many years ago! Light hath come but why seeing an approaching Angel Gabriel and a blizzard whiteout that was black, delusion making on the wind, of chosing bewilderment ah so upsetting? AODHF/JCON!!‬

YouTube Destiny Image, 10 Foot Alien In Miami Or Nephilims?|Joseph Z

See here,; What’s even more unbelievable than Matrix Blue pills replacing elephants of staying unaware; marvel not the designing of race cars, race tracks even skyrocketing Super Mario carts a fast and furious escape; as into Isa 16:1-5 described Safehaven type territories, including US Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic,

01/20/2024 YouTube Dutchsinse, Live Earthquake Update,

Hey Dutchsinse, I didn’t get to respond back to you asking had some dark evil force descended into the planet, it was disabled. Though, yeah they have, only scientists and I just can’t agree  just when Rev 12 described war in heaven happened; whether it predates the Adamic GODMAN era by thousands or by millions of  years?

Fret procrastinating, since THEY  revealed Fallen angels is why Aliens exist. Like there’s been a plethora of UFO sightings to reveals; evenly since they mocked Rev 9 bound angels loosed and the bottomless pit opened, there’s more and more alien visitations; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Mat 24/Rev 3/ Rev 18 divine star warriors suggest, pray your flight isn’t during traffic snarling winter, Apb, The RAM

Died Suddenly 


Post, They don’t mention how many of these 1,500 children died, however. 

Because none of them did.

‪Why the heck y’all keep leaving Trump outa mocking taking Covid serious killing millions; STOP IT! HOLY LORDS aligning this man very announcement to Gog and Magog. Gone on to design his Abraham Accord Daniel 9:27 Non -aggression pact, billions dead knowing what he is! WAKE-UP!!!‬

‪Yes they carried swordlike syringes, two things I didn’t expect, of Eze 9  heart stabber. One, they’d run down those yes finally  arms filled with children running; at the end 100 million westerners dead, but they’d blame y’all losing the war on drugs on trusted pharmaceuticals. ‬

Don’t get me wrong the over use of the biblical word pharmakeia dates back to I Kings and 2 Kings THEY mocked upon both Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson deaths; IS THERE NO HEALING BY JESUS’ STRIPES IN THE LAND? Marvel not that multimillion man Rite Aid, like GODS THRONE, back turn counter! 

Died Suddenly 



Post ,

17 million dead from the COVID vaccine, that number is extremely low considering they stopped autopsies and continued to claim the vaccine was safe and effective and called just about every single death Covid. I believe the number could be x10 that”

Again that’s Trumps vaccine 

, y’all inabilities to see what a monster man he’s been  predestined except he repent is up there with Rev 13 John being told how people how you’d worship The Antichrist right into him  claiming HE IS GID! Know where the exits are ahead of time that they’re  viable, know where Safehaven 

you’d run, escape lovers of the world of man other than God, are Antichrist! 

BREAKING. INSIDER INFORMATION. Explosives are being loaded. Weapons are ... via @YouTube;



I’m reminded, Oct 10/2021/ Oct 10 2022, US Volcanism On Orange  Alert, Brad Pitt/Jolie Kid, that encroaching guerrilla war; reminder intervening Israel, Hanas tug of WW3 was the sending of USA/West Rule off the planet; Islamic/Israeli Antichrist Reign!!! I know, fulfilling biblical prophecy US soil though THEY make mockery, isn’t a joke. Apb The RAM 

Beware of North America Traffic

See here 15 of the worse traffic jams ever 

Yeah I’m pretty sure the Brad Pitt that called my phone Oct 21 2021 was  stranded in multimillion man traffic my son, who’d rather disown me, was complaining about happening not  just to GA  highways but groceries . Yeah just as I saw,  three non-English speaking fathers with a single  son, unimaginably congested banks, roads, stores and restaurants; marvel not single words inquiry TIFF, Flight and RUNNING? 

Warning Russia-US nuke war 'would kill 5 billion' as Doomsday Clock 90secs from midnight Rev 16, 4th seal, pale horse, one of hades will claim a quarter of the earths Rev 18 GOD, threaten this toll as double its insufferable wt., of blood, like 3 to 4 BN

Warning Russia-US nuke war 'would kill 5 billion' as Doomsday Clock 90secs from midnight; now since THEY mock Trump/WEST RULE as Gog and Mago, these toll booths crossing worth at two US Quarters; billions dead are more aligned to The USA warmongering HBOW!

see more here, Dec 24/25 2001, thar's how long THEY been warning about America, WEST RULE its own weights of martyred blood guilt; just recently Biden's Islamic assassination Creed, that bear hug recently, veto to abstaining humanitarian efforts like Islamic leads described, that doesn't in no way sound like a Christian nations, over 20 thousands dead, with only S, A calling it all Israel to US genocide

Rob Schneider 

And so it begins…

Because Texas Gov Greg Abbott has invoked Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 ... other states are now able to enter into agreements with Texas to help repel the invasion that Texas is dealing with.

Other states may now send troops and/or equipment to aid in halting in the border invasion.

Which states will send troops and equipment to defend the border?


‪Will thou at this time destroy the entire house of Israel; and some bout two Asian girls. I woke last election morn David Muir debating team Trump to Biden my dining/living and kitchen I couldn’t get a word in used lemons for lemonade of Revelation, will thou at this time destroy the entire house of USA/WEST RULE? Apb ‬The RAM

Believe Apostle I am and wayyy more seeing famed letters USA float off The American Continent in the direction of its hundreds of millions in refugees. Which of these two men you chose would decide if Covid would halt killing I heard and David Muir reported one every 20 seconds or Fauci, Biden and vaccines would prevail? But why pastor delay the inevitable, US own weights of martyred blood guilt, 50 million US predicted dead? AODHF! 

Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Exile Luxury; Right after THEY warned beware of Alien Dangers From Above! THEY detoured the Bride’s Chariot and showed its hundreds of millions crossed over from US GA COAST into exile luxury, those Rev 7 John did witness pouring into Jesus’ Throne Bosom; marvel not Isaiah inquiry who shall believe our report? AODHF/JCON/JCOR

Pastor JD speaks about how the world will be once the restrainer is take... via @YouTube; AND TWO WEST RULE SYSTEMS ALSO FIRE-ROCKETED!  Reassured in my ear, HE shall cover me with HIS Feathers and under HIS WINGS shall I trust; given Bill Withers Song, Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone; only darkness everyday; go and get the 12 heirs; invite The BETA, pray for all human beings At the wailing wall

(-In prophetic H. S. Dan 2 stone from heaven, cast down by reigning bride finished him; presently Heavenly saints, Holy Saints, Tribulation Saints gathered  Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet Sounding; you yours? 

In P. H., near a Moses Wilderness 40 Year Matrix Simulation, a run on blue pills; Jesus and HIS descended Obama’s 2016; lately THEY, already a year, except those days be shorten, Jan 16/17 2023 THEY mocked procrastinating Tribers, yanked out H. Saints and come right back for T-Saints, the marriage supper of Lamb on! 
Through a Isaiah 16 we know Holy Land Tribers escaped into Jordan’s Petra; by Rev 7/12 John they poured into Jesus Throne, after being kept for 1,260 days; when Angel Gabriel 2021 come brandishing no. 7 reminding three designed Safehaven territories, that’s US GA coast crossover into Africa’s S. W. Atlantic, marvel not the single word inquiry running? 

Big Fish

The FBI’s staff knows what’s coming. 


‪The FBI has lost all of their credibility due to the politicization of the organization.  -Only the FBI, why you think Nov 3/4 2020, election night into morning, only ABC David Muir them were shown drinking the lemonade of reveal and truth telling? Mede building torture vehicles or The Media, like Biden’s Bear Hug‬ of sprinkling gasoline on, for millennia tugs of turf wars thousands more, to millions more, to billions more dead. 


Witnessing a run on Matrix blue pills, mean The DEA overthrowing Memphian houses could’ve been looking for one thing Matrix Red Pills of reveal; D-Day Oct 17 2018 warning no courting, flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, I’VE SEEN IT ISLAM TOOK RULE WHILE TWO YOUR WORLD SYSTEMS SKYROCKETED, FIREROCKETED OFF THE PLANET There isn’t one US organization to Social Media Platform, worthy, marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING? 

Tribers Americans, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians, know what’s here, ready its exodus, showing you safe in exile luxury, even famed letters USA and by Jan 16/17 2023 a year now brought up to the marriage supper of the lamb; it’s Sept BETA 14,  update up there WE’RE in a running race prepping your arrival. 

Warning to predicting Saddam Hussein US Military capture to execution a Hussein Whitehouse Win, World Reign; Isa 16/Zech 14, Eze 38/39, Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 12 to Kobe crash morning naming to ordaining of ten prophetic kings all reference the Holy Land to Islamic territory why SOS Blinken is warning these predestined for millennia people won’t be defeated especially not by the colonization of unholy means, as evil, whormongering, warmongering men, demons and sinners not only won’t, they can’t cast out one the other, marvel not my saying US Covid Pandemic thwart  civil war to upheaval Trumps very run brings, all ropes, knotted even, never heartily confided in reconciliation that’s Christ CROSS ALONE! 

UN top court orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza - but stops short of demanding ceasefire via @YahooNews

Remember how many tens of millions are about to die and how first, Article, Israel to ensure that its military not violate the Genocide Convention; (-Like Pres Biden’s Hug to Veto Netanyahu’s armies are being for bombs smart enough to avoid genocide! Prophetic tables turn two US Systems wiped off the planet, Hussein/Hamas take two thirds of Israel will Biden/World Court cry for ceasefires then? Blinken told y’all, but so did as far back as Bush Clinton Bush handwriting of judgment on a wall, Jeremiah 37:8 saying despite how you defeat they’re coming and they’re relentlessly unstoppable. 
I know, have I figured it yet? Seeing picture of their Shimon and Israeli shopping malls at the edge of a cliff, with shoppers regularly falling to death? Since there’s a mall tossed and shop sign slammed down passed into a multimillion man grocery shop, store manger keys, barter balen, toll booth two US quarters, no guessing human genocide is more shopping money! 

All I know I saw a fury cut at campaigning Trump and Pence as Eze 38/39 witnessed; saw Hussein/Obama/Biden newspaper bike skyward handlebars by Trump/Biden/Harris WH hundreds of thousands presently a million US Covid dead reportedly with vaccines mutating into multimillions slain. 

First realize D-Day Oct 17 2021 Red Dragon in power means your leaders are under his spell going on three years; marvel not A YouTuber yet trying to explain what really happened at Miami mall, two January 1st 2023/2024. There’s some bout teens to Aliens on to various conspiracy theories which included some bout The Geneva Convention; reminding the for decades back order I heard “DON’T TOUCH GENEVA!!! Referencing don’t touch Geneva as The Antichrist overthrow three of the ten headed king I heard named to ordained Kobe’s (NBA’S California Dreamers), crash morning? 

Article, Now The End Begins, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: From Trump, Texas And All The Way To The Middle East, America Is A Nation Fighting Wars On Multiple Fronts • Now The End Begins From Trump, Texas And All The Way To The Middle East, America Is A Nation Fighting Wars On Multiple Fronts: (-Admittedly I feel about campaigning Trump supportive Trumpians/Biden and error Netanyahu, how Eze 38/39 felt about Gog and Magog to Moses felt about a proud, arrogant brethren Pharaoh.

Like right until ebbing and flowing Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11, Ancient of God, Holy Father explained, it was on purpose. Hardening his heart was best for destroying him, but so is Pres Trump awarded a Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar madness curse, until 7 post-apocalyptic years another of his timetables counting down including since for a year 2018, D-Day, Oct 7, 2019; why did God, Jesus and now intravenous Guardians to Star Warring Angels, speak in parables to Whom is THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, TO ARM OF THE LORD REVEALED?

Article, UN top court orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza - but stops short of demanding ceasefire via @YahooNews Youtube, Pastor JD speaks about how the world will be once the restrainer is taken... via 

@YouTube Annie75026 

 Offered To Call Me Bride; asked what am I called? also see here,, why were 

US leads judgment, sentence made into comparison, a handwriting of, on a wailing wall, Eze 4/Dan 5, especially Jeremiah 37;8, During three separate prophetic reveals Annie75026, three times was the calling of my name, 'Pat, Pat, Pat, the July 2009, stranger SW Africa Coast of hundreds of millions pouring in, African male pulling me from my tent that I come see this; Bush's 1998, the blind woman being held, crying against her will, behind the back door of a MEGA CHURCH/beast stomping pulpit, Holy Spirit and I both went to see about her; my bedroom, one my Pompeii/Gladiator Nephews of Memphis Pat-Brad/Shiloah niece shared with me, waking us from sleep, an 11;00, timer set; 

Fret Americans, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians, they all remind, ebbing and flowing June/Juneteenth 17/19 ({2002} Sunlight of God, from behind a mountain presently, GOD'S BACK TURN DOME, America/West Rule, as Moses day, "commanded exodus is inevitable," no turning to useless Dan 4/Rev 17, possessed to Maddening to Ludacris leaders, they're the ones, as Holy Bride skyrockets off the planet through falling crystal skies, stars meeting Jesus and Heavenly Saints in Rev 12 designed second heaven intercessions, they're tracelessly fire-rocketing, Ps 37 says. you shall diligently seek their places and shall not find them, marvel not, not Jesus The TV Series, but Mat 24 Jesus, THE CHRIST simply telling you, RUN! Also see here, The Ascension : Kingsley and Kieynan, Gone, Soaring Before One Word Passes To Another ( HBOW/HGOW

see also, here, China Tells Iran To 'Rein In' Houthi Attacks in Red Sea; see more here, 


(-a billion in westerners threaten; sound more like one of those GOD turning HIS back moments, on JONAH, until he too did what GOD actually wanted him to do; see from no on earth ending movie scenarios, even TV series, like Jericho... 

WW3 fears soar as US will 'imminently' move nukes to RAF to counter Russia threat


(Thank Star Warring AODHF we know the threat to mankind's billions inherit is what's going with Israel and Hamas; any caring world power China, Russia would've backed up SOS Blinken ceasefire, Apb


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