I Know A Sunlight Of God From Behind A Reigning Mount Sinai Type Commanded As To MOSES/THE HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, The African American Exodus! You, Yours, Your Subscribers?

Prophecy Links Fulfilling BIG Sept BETA/JUNETEENTH 24, Apocalyptic Firestorm, VOLCANIC SOLAR COSMIC, 2023, 

GEN 15 

1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

2 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Moses African American Exodus VS Waking from Being In Moses Egypt/Hebrew, Exodus; see the map of its arduous path, here, https://bible-history.com/maps/route-exodusonly for its overnight waking overwrought, mesmerized, famished; marvel not being in heaven, Lambs book Of Life opened into a school name, roll call, we talking back to ADAM into those its biological Abraham to THE LAST ADAM/ROYAL PRIESTHOOD at present, then another book, and another, this also waking feeling totally drained, all with lyrics,"We Exalt Thee," sounding, playing repeatedly in my head/HEART! 

Atlantic Basin Slave Trade Map/US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coastal Cities Towns; When I, like Rev 8, John, Come Into The Demo, I'm standing before this incalculable multicultural choir to celebration, beyond any its description; though what happen next. 
Fightnight my closet prayers portal to HEAVEN, obviously, scarriedly falling on deaf ears, only in heaven, The Back Turn Throne Of GOD; 

When, when, soon I begin hearing it, no doubt they'd, it's multi-billion in heavenly saints, heard it, explaining such phenomona jubilee falling silent; its just now showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN, Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER and HE isn't just crying he's sobbing uncontrollably and by now, so are we; "my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of EVERYTHING my  Christ hath brought them; my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of EVERYTHING my  Christ hath brought them, behold,  I will Strip their leaders and leave them as in the day of their birth; undoubtedly, Hawaii Missile Morning alert, Rev 2 Jesus, THE CHRIST, described, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers. 

Back to John's witnessed THRONE of ELO-HIM; one approach me, saying he want to see you, very suspicious, I say who! He says Him; I'm reminded Grand Caden Gen 15 Lot, Fireball Archangel Michael escape, knowing to lift his hand skyward, Michael taking his hand explained, GOD WANTED TO SEE HIM! Next I Know, like blinking of an eye speed, I'm, Ryan Hall Y'all, flabbergasted, I'm standing before a mountain in heaven, in God's Throne and being honest I just can't get over it; I just can't get over it     until the Sunlight Of God rising behind him, instead get my attention, saying, speaking to our genocider parental, religious, political leaders as to Moses enslaving, insaning Pharaohs, LET MY PEOPLE GO! 

-Marvel not, the Nov 11 21 2021, Ezekiel 5/ Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE barber chair, enlightened mirror image, GOD'S THRONE, ITS BACK IS TURN AGAINST USrevisited its exact date Nov 11, 2022, hearing, "Hawaii (dominoing Hawaii); Is Building Into; Marvel not stampeding US, Eze 9 commanded heart stabbers; marvel not, stampeding us, Intravenous Trump Of God/Archangel Michael THEM; marvel not when all else fails, stampedIng US, Ezekiel 5/Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, designing, guided Mass Disasters to Apocalyptic events, you're sure to run; running to equally designed safehaven, racecars to racetracks, Skyrocketing Super Mario Carts,, saves lives, saving lives, like Mat 24, Jesus THE CHRIST, ❌saves immortal souls,  you, yours,  your subscribers? 

Article, Nationwide blackout as national grid collapses again, Published on September 19, 2023, By Ogaga Ariemu, https://dailypost.ng/2023/09/19/nationwide-blackout-as-national-grid-collapses-again/



-Think back, wayyyy back to Intravenous Angels come to help lot and family escape, family lot knew these were Angels visiting him, warning him, these were holy angels that mob of sodomites (see pride marches to MOLESTERS to MUTATORS of children.) He resisted volcanic apocalypse come for them to the point he offered ( like western parents, to pulpits to politicians) a devlish, rebellious and mockerous Father Lot offered his daughters to raging, ravishing sexual deviants; (from school curriculums the emancipation of children); see, that's what The hospice bed sees, Jan 12 13 2023 Rev 18, meant saying He knew what he had to do.

Then as being celebrated in Aug 5 2021/Big Sept BETA/JUNETEENTH 20, 2023, today, yes a for a year oldest sister who by THEM overseeing her sickbed to hospice bed had planned its very morning THEY would take her. Like just as I'd also promised both daughter and her, and yes we again come close to a double funeral; we hold off until The Sept BETA Holy, Psalm 35/91,Intravenous Guardian,TRUMPETH, Angel Gabriel THEM would take her, well us out. Beware, like, while loving family members, were planting us in, Holy inherit m, Apostle Paul celebrating resurrection, ascension, GLORIFICATION, death, grave where is thy string, thy glory?

 -THEY knowing I'd be making this comment, there's only days past, showing holy Saints as busy as ants at getting second heaven intercessions all ready, and I mean whatever helpful position you held here, I mean were running around this hurried and hurried like ROYALTY THEMSELVES ARE COMING! When with filled 🛒 in hand, soon to realize, I'm standing right behind her, busying about. Here's bum, bum her grands call her, the look on her face, her eyes, she was all herself again, when looking up,realizing I'm right there with her, running to hug, hold though I woke just as suddenly, that amazing Reunion, greeting, huge, stayed with me, all round , in, through for the rest of the day!

-I'm ready, is what I heard, is what I was assured, with me just now realizing the question asked me before a grand Caden/CAMERON and I boarded a craft to heaven, asking me first, was I ready? I admonish THEY take us to our equal as Christ THE LORD, glorified body, like hourly but knowing THEY'RE right here doing just that taking us, just a Morning past I had such its anxiety. I know once there it's gonna be whether we'd ever been here, DOOMSDAY earth ever atoll. Star Warring ELO-HIM, the saints under the throne has been pleading HE take their vengeance for millennia, but this star warring Rev 11 ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, reminded of days of old, only one thing literally put fire behind Lot and Family.

Unquestionably, alike warning that followed my sister awarded big sis, Septa BETA 20, 2022, blessed Brexit, it's 21, Volcanism On ORANGE ALERT; its 22, REVISITING, OUR MOMS BD, THE HAND WRITING CLUMSILY, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, designed mandatory evacuations. Next I knew not only I, but Rev 10 Mighty Angel and allying him is Rev 17 7th Angel, bearing 7 more boils. I know, I know, was this May 15, (2004) visiting Angel Gabriel mentioned 7th Angel?

As phenomonally so, or the Mystery Woman, the multimillion man water cooler, having these bowls only now blacken was Rev 17 7th Angel come with judgment bowls, also with her? Looks like, so WE were All inviting US states from a sudden barbecuing, exception US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER. Instead being barbecued, hundreds of millions of others were to escape an as dominoing, Apocalyptic Hawaii Maui just now, with Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE  just as all ofa sudden, taking up  its rear

Commanded from behind a Mount Sinai type, Sunlight Of God, they're escaping Fiery Doomsday VOLCANIC Apocalypse but recently, Jan 16/17, 2023 they're to use prepped racecars to racetracks to Super Mario Brothers Ariel Carts to
escape a boiling as well, warn as molten lava flooding. Just as I explained it here, I'm seeing myself squeezing into a Mario Cart to heaven; Woe, getting that HUGER THAN THE HUGEST SUN EVER SINGLE WORD DONATION TO TIFF remind as Jan 2018 Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL, no further delays get it get Jesus THE CHRIST  just as wishful thinking, donations for rebuilding can't save; get up yonder or even denying Him get you and yours over yonder, those only given down from heaven safehaven territories, for Father Abraham's/ MOTHER AFRICA'S, billions his spiritual, to biological to prophetic lineage including, you, yours.

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Tyrunas Danielson Kluxx and Queen Bride Pangeaa Felicity Maxsden 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Wildwoods Sundance Pierson and Madison
 Morgan Jjamein was born a god-daughter, Medra Eloise Pierson a god-daughter, Mavis Eloquen Pierson and a godson Piercing Pierson, Jjamein 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"So you're saying The HUGEST SUN EVER FOLLOWED BY THE HUGER SINGLE WORD TIFF EVER, FOLLOWS NOW UNPRECEDENTED SOLAR EVENTS THE HOTTEST DAYS PLANET AND ATLANTIC Ocean AS IN EXPECT JUST AS UNPRECEDENTED AS THE DSY THE EARTH STOOD STILL TWO WORLD SYSTEMS SKYROCKETING TO FIRE-ROCKETING, EVENTS? I'm just saying grand Sia Russia's Moscow Scientist ah, whispering, ah, whisper blowing, I think its called saying there's a Euro US bio-weapon, human/Avian crossbreed of depopulation out there, a YELLOWSTONE event; they were revisiting your regularly fulfilling forth telling; The mutating into Billions Dead, Backward Letter C pandemic/slash dominoing VOLCANIC Hawaii into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, like Kingdom Nations oblivion, easily 100 million Westerners no more. Like that's all, all all, some assurity, to verification from, as in covertly confirming you, I mean like this all timely out breaking of doomsday events. Speaking of that breaking news, ah,a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone, that's was our, your grand birthday right, Aug 7 2019, right? Having invited local villagers all around to the family gathering, were they yet taking The opportunity to make various inquiries. Well ah, yes, the one Preece Tyranus was warn 2021 their packing an escape would soon be interrupted by an on their tattered hills/heels, erupting Yellowstone, and they're in Georgia, well swow grand Sia, wow! apocalyptic events especially, Volcanic, SOLAR/TIFF, COSMIC, that's why Grand Sia you just remind they're, West Rule are aligned to Jeremiah's King Zedekiah as you once again accused them of burning forewarning scrolls, ah so to speak, yes THEY reminded as I was commenting just now, laying that book of remembrance the foot of my prayer bed, remind they're keeping record; so marvel no longer once lead out of threaten outer darkness by the SUNLIGHT of God, soon up down, four prints all, found walking in Revelation all around, Grand Caden opened bible John the Revelator, only all Tribal Juttah here, they weren't his, but the keeping of record of mine own. Edven, no doubt like them all yet flabbergasted over one of the most wonderful day of their lifetime, the family gatherings had gone that fantastic; Evden Bazely!" Bumping her shoulder into him, as not to disturbed the gathering question and answer section, getting his divided. "Sorry, teary eyes, leaning a breath on her ear, cheek, I'm still Maha overwrought by that beyond Broadway play, My world needs you Right now. Please tell me," yet caution, courteous, carefully fanning eyes around this unbelievable, multicultural crowd, "y'all gonna do that for the wedding supper? Probably, that was just a trial run, A TRIAL RUN! Sorry, sorry everybody! Surely Darius Sia Mahaseiah, showing second heaven intercessions running around prepping for a ginormous arrival, for instance, the resurrection, ascension of The Bridegroom, the two witnesses, the Tribulation saints. you know Sia Darius Maaseiah, Sia Darius Ahmunga most think that number, The Tribulation Saints will far surpass it's previous escaping to, to return, Holy Saints. Like meaning Sir Lexington, in these demos they've shown grand Sia fate as those the heavenly saints, as those the holy Saint and as those the Tribulation Saints, all now occupying The second Intercession of actually Interceding Tribulation Saints, there's showing her as those rebelliously, begrudgingly commiting suicide her all of suddenly translation into Jesus cursed outer darkness, The Anamnesis and The Spirit, http://anamnesisandspirit2018.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-anamenis-and-spirit-confessions-of.html
I've read that, can't see how anybody can read it but did. Speaking of which grand these ancient mysteries you believe once these alien planetary spoils of for millennia interstellar Armageddon. I hear you Tribal Juttah, Hawthorne, but that bell means time up and mostly deliciously, dessert is being served and that live music, per, per request, well, as I like to say, I hope you all dance! Wow Grand Sia mom actually saved by the bell!"
>>>see more its prophetic parable here,The Juttah Septennial, 
https://thejuttahseptennial15.blogspot.com/2015/02/juttah-septennial-i.html; "So you're saying Kingsley love you don't remember beginning to say something to Brandy, about The Lamb of God, book of life School name toll call, and people ascending, descending have probably been called off this planet in it's order of name calling, only you caught yourself. So Branston, you don't remember either! I Know what you guys, the Lamb's Book of life performed like you're saying, a school name, roll call; only there's prayers of intervention, explains both Grand Sia there it witness all, witnessing its torn out page, possibly now Archangel Michael seen with its list of questionable names to  Tribulation Saints; Wow BFA man, wow! Yeah! The more Kierian I think about it, the more I'm familiarize with what you're saying, I mean I'm half sleep, you two the middle of a shopping mall; but like he was beginning to lose his thought, fumbling, or he didn't know how quite to put it's pop up reveal; okay, okay, I give, this two against one, yeah like loving Branston is ever gonna disagree with Kierian, you ah J bout that Phe, Phe love? Which remind y'all, I haven't told, I had shopping mall reveals too. Like what? Ascending Ascending African Juttah to Kier, oh, just thinking if I want a drink first, I'll get it, but don't start without me. Anything Kier like grand Sia seeing right before Christmas 2022, shopping centers left in shambles and the shop sign thrown to ground? What about Israeli shopping, actually all around these cliffs and actually witnessing them on a regular, routine basis falling to their deaths? I forgot to ask, which kind, so I got three in all, the pink lemon babe, remember? Okay, ah, the first night with such fun, we're locked in a mall fun shopping, window shopping, playing in bed's pillow fighting all, iust so tickle! Only you guys, this other, like I Instead, overnight post Apocalypse had come, and what was a fun mall was now a fallout shelter filled and filling with injured, dead and dying people, and I woke! Why you never, honestly King until you had that live, mall, Christmas holiday, escape, I'd like, I don't know, like put it away, you know!"     >>>"Yeah I was just asking Maha the same, were they performing that phenomena play at the wedding extravaganza? I don't wanna go y'all as amazing, it is being on an Aqua Juttah, that place their, that have to be close to Jesus Millennium love, Decent to a Mansion of God's Throne, yeah Betz man, Grand Sia Mansion descent; I mean it has villages all around and, and an otherworldly sky fall, well, developing, come on godtriplets help me out here. You love, Maha have whipped, here let me get it, leaping across the table bitting,  licking and smooching her mouth, stirring orgasms in places she didn't know she had, there, there I got it. What y'all what?" They all think he'd never been that publically passionate or anything. Ah, yeah, believe it or not Kesser man, a lot of what you're saying hadn't even crossed our mind, yeah, he's right, I mean the phenom encroaching of a skyfall, too obvious to deny, but I love hearing the theory Grand Sia, Mom heavenly mansion has descended, I mean, that's really amazing to consider, God's Kings Heavenly mansion intact, right? I'm so El El man gonna bring this up in reveals class; wait guys, you read herso, so beyond, Pieces of Lord Urusalem, Revelations about her mansion is in there. Plus godtriplets didn't she just get a gander at them constructing stay put pillars, hers? Now that I don't understand, really Jessica love, and I will make you a pillar in the house of my God that you go no more out, JESUS THE CHRIST; intimate, intimate rest, Cresmir, that's like her, well as mother Africa Exile, floating into that ground up cradle, again divine rest. Something you guys, I gonna to get Right now, goodnight, sweet, salty, yeah everybody it is getting lateWalk me to my room? Wow, you guys really are saving yourselves for The Wedding Extravaganza, not if he keep tidying me up like that. Still, believe me Heyson, I'm seeing plenty, we're not alone, goodnight guys, so loving wife, who're we're to talk to? With their voices fading, was wife Chodne truly fading, also, hey, you don't want me carrying you, you better not, then come, okay, I said okay! Okay I can carry you? I'll allow it El Shaddai love only this time, well thank you, for only this time, stop, stop, stop, that tickles. What, you want El Elijah that I carry you, stop reading my  mind, as tired as I am love, Ajiah, I show was thinking it. Ah,  you guys, pray no urgent detours, wait, is that selfish? Totally selfish loving husband," pushing him into back right along it's pacerer get away, "right, right, you should repent right before we fall into bed, wait, wait are you mocking me? I would never!"  Why Speak In Parables?


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