The Mother Releasing The Molten Death Rider And Father king David Saith To Me, FRET NOT THYSELF, RATHER, TRUST DELIGHT AND COMMIT!!!

Prophecy links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb, 21, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024, reassuring those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians, martyrs, demos its 2015, revisiting, the antichrist in great prowess, yes, but showing the reigning Bride, possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2, described,  hearing further in my ear, "THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST MURERER!  There’s something about Those three hammering off a mountain in heaven, these three apocalyptic events, about WORMWOOD! There’s something about Paul’s as THE HOLY BRIDE, farewell benedictions I Tim 3:16/2 Tim 3:16; here's reminded kneeling to pray when I realized, bowed my head to agree, a Jesus character was at the time praying Jesus farewell benediction its own John 17, apparently THE HOLY CHURCH BRIDE IS LEAVING;

Frighnight to rolling twilight skies, first Britian, Canada to The USA. Proven to be evident too many skyrocketing demos, 2023 alone to count, scrutinize these phenoms farewells; or miraculously so, come with us, all you have to do despite your religion add an as 2 Chron 7, Father King Solomon's GOD, father King David, ps 51, suggested, heartfelt repentant prayer to Wahlberg and Roumie’s lent prayer and when blessed, phenom nano-second hit, see, (I WON'T HEAR YOU, , SEE YOU, NOR INTERVENE EXCEPT YE TURN, REPENT; AODHF ( Ascension : The Gone In A Blink Of An Eye, Tribe (

Listen here,;  elevation refiner, this unimaginable song automatically come into my youtube recommendations a month or so back, stop the downtown Memphis, newspaper pressors, I couldn't believe I was hearing this back then, and to be honest as it play in my ear right now, I still can't believe. help wondering do they know the unimageable sacrifices they're talking about? Like unimaginably take(Daniel three Hebrew Friends, a and it 4th Jesus); those burning Martyrs all around Paul's imprisonment in Rome, the unnumbered in wounded saints John saw under the Throne of God, waiting on Rev 17:14, us to endure alike trials, being hand blinding white, white robes, Rev 7, John and I witnessing, July 6, 2020, the two ascending witnesses leading captivity captured, THE TRIBULATION SAINTS! To indeed be absent from this body and present with the lord, here's this amazed one who just witnessed THEM, promised THE RAPTURE GOES LIVE, and building my stay put pillar in Heavenly Holy Father's, Paradise Throne, you, yours, your subscribers to endangered military loved ones?"

PS, Hashtag, EXCETRA, Texting my Memphians to Pat-Brad/SHILOH Memphis niece,

Hey, witnessed Miya at school trapped by an earthquake, couldn’t tell her so I just warned her be alert, vigilant and to know her exits;

Then just now, I send her this,,when%20the%20ground%20is%20shaking!

Send it to Cay as well that’s when I thought about Lawren; I know it’s like being a weather person who can’t warn their own family they’re in danger, kisses 😘 

Youtube, mrmbb333 HUGE update! This Just Got Better your're NOT being told about the upcoming MAIN EVENT!

Actually mrmbb333, I just saw the word update erase a previous date, The Sept BETA 9 years now, normally Sept 22/23 here 2023 was instead they landing us in second heaven intercession Sept 14 2023... I met and hugged the big sis THEY took out of hospice as I predicted Sept 20 2022, putting all volcanism on orange alert that 21st, there’s a hammering off event it’ Oct 10, its for a near Brad Pit, encroaching guerrilla war, warning Hawaii is building into, while its Nov, Dec 3,4, 5, revisits Rev 3 Jesus warning, watch, run, live, and Christmas like Thanksgiving these two decades revisiting the interstellar Apocalypse of THEM yanking us off the planet Rev John 6, 6th seal witnessed of a cosmic, to tectonic and volcanic event; see also here,, apparently mrmbb333 what I can’t put into words, THEY help with putting it all in these prophetic parables… HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Scarlet London Pikes and Queen Bride, Leona Penelope Vincent 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Audacious Sasius Baryon and Hillary Nicola Baryon was born a son Lawren Anthony Baryon a son Philippi Auntone Baryon a godson Macedon Zydox Baryon and a goddess Marianna Antoinette Baryon 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

‪”So none of those, including Bill Gates, bringing us fast and furious vaccine help are heroes rather they’re zero’s, even Nazi moms instead of dance moms! Yeah the strenuous mental to physical abuse they’re called Nazi moms and Netanyahu To The Antichrist, called A Hitler’s Germany!"     >>>"Wait, wait, wait, are we saying all those times, apparently including Halloween last intravenous Angels jumped the shout, the voice of The Archangel and Trump of God, all other phenomena proceeding yanking out the bride? So Chernobyl, Fukushima, especially Hawaii Missile morning, the number of intravenous Angels were as Jacob’s ladder to Rev 19, John Jesus return; there’s something about 2015, Obama was still in office, yeah with elephants of staying unaware stampeding a huge, huge, huge red flag, about Trump and Abbas. Yeah but with so many 2023 alone can’t be coincidence Jan, Feb, May 37 day count, June hammering, skyrocketing, Aug long, long duration hovering. Sept BETA 14, 2023 escape, return for tribulation Biden to the marriage supper. Only that couldn’t have been Aug those endangered kids, that hammering, skyrocketing happened before her sons rescue from monsters inc. unimaginably with all unexpected start and stops they end up bringing her out exactly six years to the exact date June/Junetheeth 17, 2017, exactly 15 years to the date of Sunlight Of GOD commanded a Moses exodus June/Juneteenth 17-19, 2002 no way any of that is possible unless predestined. Grand Sia commy me last night asked what good is a weather person if they can’t warn their own endangered family? Seems there’s been an advance to what she describes as The Movie Pompeii, Gladiators of Moses Of Memphis she just witnessed it for decades pending ginormity bury her grand in a building. What, wait what? Because Dae, Dae man, right before hugest earthquakes ever Porta Prince, China, JAPAN, parents were warn to get and keep children outa all buildings including day care and the workplace. The person in question, she heard days prior she was going her own way, and days before she was in a situation of  witnessing all ambulances were called to duty! She tried telling them, they didn’t wanna hear it, what do she do? First there’s no longer praying God slow HIS role, the Bride ascending, Jesus Millennium descending, these things must be and now! But you of all Sia Darius Dae, Dae know what we do, we warn, they decide so who’s, what’s the 3 rd person? I say Pray the DEA tossing Memphis houses were looking for matrix red pills that means that we are more alert than we thought but if for matrix blue pills that mean we are chosen to be ignorant, and ignorance is to be without a righteous head the opportunity for every evil work. as is apparents. In Grand Sia mom’s own words. I’m like, 30 thousand Palestinians dead, is this the deadly confrontation elephants of staying unaware detected during Trump and Abbas tug of real estate and stampeded themselves out of the way? When I read that I’m like why should a Christian Press, Pres Biden care about the votes of ceasefire protesters? What, they’re really not gonna be satisfied until international war court red flag, fly that’s close to genocide there Netanyahu slow your role there now! I keep thinking 70 thousand  soldiers, I know those rebellious of Noah’s day lost the entire planet of oxygeneers but Father king David like Netanyahu when GOD tired of him he wiped out his entire army; some can say Septennial Juttah, GOD did the same with Moses Pharaoh and have recently threaten all such warmongers with Eze 31 again Pharaoh to world leaders threat, like yeah get it together or perish, you have three choices if you wanna live, ascend, then watch, run, Live! Yeah, what was even more concerning mrmbb33: keeping us alert about the main event is him pointing out what’s going on in the heavens, especially with all the solar activity reminds of  The Carrington event (; rightly Jessup love, with Grand Sia again reminding we need to be more concerned with what’s going on with the SUN than what Russia is threatening Russia is under control by Biden but the sun just isn’t. I just wanna say, as grand Sia mom and I took our flight together her eyes glazed over as she just began to say one of the weirdest things I’ve seen, and I’ve seen reigning Bride prepping Daniel 2 stone from heaven, it had a meteor surface; a huge Carnivore beast Stomping and chomping through pulpits of all places, imagine giant slayer boy David seeing that. Jesus told us do look up and all around right now there’s a plethora of signs a New Heaven and Earth is descending while The HOLY Bride is still here, prophetically son, that’s not possible. Yeah, Darius mom, Jesus, warning, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Saying, the time that has come for her as it did them, for us all even to realize GOD didn’t send them, or us to save anyone it was only that we all know, like for instance Ezekiel watched them get new hearts so did she, the writer of Hebrews point out GOD saying the new, the authentic new putting it all in our heads, writing it on our hearts again both Elder Ezekiel and Grand Sia witnessed laborers of the end-time harvest before Gods Throne witnessed HIM as a surgeon during heart transplants and baby sis that’ll be her getting both references to John’s Jesus and Paul’s Timothy their farewell Benediction as the Bride is saying goodbye to giving well, wishes until Jesus millennium is descending." >>> "Yeah that’s both John and Paul talking once you surrender all, once you spiritually die and come newly born again , once that seed of righteousness is deeply planted in you, you’re literally oblivious to unrighteousness like Jesus you’re singularly lead and those blinders to the temptations of the world is unconditional love for HIM and that’s unconditional love for THEM ALL, US ALL. Alright, alrigfht, raise your hand if you’ve been in the presence of those Angel men, and we just need to know more, you say more Darius Juttah mom, is I woke a pilot, the cockpit of a triangle craft simply knowing, just simply knowing," with tears, his eyes, checks being tendered by loving wife, "I, ah my god, I could’ve been the one yanking grand Mar Lord Urusalem, off the planet warning about Alien dangers from above THEY Darius mom manipulating time as THEY see fit! Example according to Grand Sia, right now all Bidden, carried into The Lamb of God, marriage supper, Jan  2023 and been converging in second heaven’s intercession since its Sept Beta 2023, she then put those two witnesses leading captivity captured the tribulation saints, Jesus descending Heavenly Saints and Archangel THEM the Holy Saints we’re all together waiting the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet. Amazingly grace, Darius mom, it is right there reigning Bride unleashes what Grand Sia heard described an Antichrist murderer and King Nebuchadnezzar too witness it end indefinitely, we talking for eons and eons to come, all kingdom nation building like it never ever happened. Yeah Kadesh son with Grand, grand asking them all the celebration of her translated grands pouring in, where will you be when you can’t stop saying she was right about all of it? I know like Jesus taking no credit she’d say THEY were right about all of it! And, and, and," getting them to calm their disappointed selves the class was dismissing, "and that’s all for today, do your research, learn some of the things Angel men, wives families have shared and we’ll discuss it here next we meet, blessed day, sweet sleep," >>>{{{ The African Juttah, 11:00, News Hours, Grand Sia Commenting, and I'm reading, 'Yanking Holy Church Into Second Heaven Intercession There’s something about John 17, I Tim 3:16/2 Tim 3:16 ....YouTube mrmbb333, What you’re not being told about the upcoming event,; A volcanic comet whose eruptions look like horns to wings and skywatcher mrmbb333 just can’t believe he’s seeing this, how could this happen? Because it was predestined or prophesied? 

Frightnight Dutch last I checked it’s been the 21st, since; I know, this planetary phenom fit their warn both Nov 2021/2022, and Aug 2023, Ben Affleck Eze 5 barber chair type Armageddon Yellowstone; Solar, Cosmic, Volcanic. Frightnight still it just so happens Dutch to be arriving on the date April 8 2024 it’s been practiced a Chernobyl spring rapture for millennia, Father King Solomon’s SOS 2! Talk about coincidence when there’s too much fulfilling of the ancient of days in endtime prophecy, THEY’RE witnessed, heard, again heard Star Warring up there. 

I had to get your advice joined twitched, brought me back here. I sense This Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE Dutch is already tremendously affecting solar, cosmic and tectonic activity. Like what did cause the cellular breakdown? I know last Aug I was warn a TIFF (EMP/CME) only sky watcher mrmbb333 explained those 3 very huge solar eruptions happening simultaneously didn’t produce CMES. How it’s beginning to look like the days of the Carrington event all around up there.

Which, that’s Dutch unpronounceable solar activity that antagonizes all volcanism. Frightnight being placed on orange alert since Sept 21 2022, which days later warn the Hawaii volcanic summit is building into. Like let’s everybody take Rev 12 New born to those designed race cars get out like Super Mario Brothers them escaping Molten lava breathing DRAGON BEAST! where even Mario cart skyrocketed some into Jesus’ heaven!'

Continuing her response into Youtube, Full Spectrum Survivor, More confirmation FSS the Aug 2004, backward letter C pandemic was both USA lab made and unleashed upon the world populace; pending an avian to swine new pneumonia. All under the microscope the look of leopard spots; as in incorrigible with sin, Aug 2023, Rev 9  multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys related, repent or perish!" 

YouTube geography By Geoff, The New Madrid Seismic Zone, How The Middle Of The US Could Be Hit By A Large Earthquake (see here, Los Angeles mocked earthquake school drill, findings)! 

Sept 2019/2021 Some Bout Shaky, Shaky Shelter Planet, Earth Home/A Multimillion man single water cooler! 

-Jan 2028 Hawaii missile alert; Jan 2022 Hawaii building into Memphis New Madrid into Wyoming Yellowstone. Frightnight to amazing Grace was portrayed by two of my Memphis Nephews, as a Movie, Pompeii, gladiator arena all of a ginormity, one of which since died suddenly, a heat to heart stroke! 

A seismic ginormity I’ve suffered happening to Memphis since my grown sons with children and grands their own were children. Only  just revisited days past by my grand’s Memphis schools crashing down and burying her and days prior all ambulances called to duty could’ve referenced this same catastrophic event. 

Eventually clear, I can’t say anything that’ll spoil their imagery, dangerously as Noah’s day, positive lives. The only heads up I could give her was to text stay alert, Vigilant and know your schools earthquake drill, do Midtown Memphis private schools have earthquake drills, do any? I know, I…know!

Comments. And He (Jesus) said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

The Star Wars Battle I Witnessed In Heaven 2019 Was Followed In Real Time By A Phenomenal Lightning Storm affecting LAX Flights

Supposed why files you keep bumping heads on with this mystery, Younger Dryas. Let’s say here is found the date 12,000, 13,000 years ago, predating the Genesis GOD man, (us), by 6000 years. Phenom happening Rev 12 described war in heaven. Surrealistically hundreds of millions in fallen angels and their interstellar hybrids would’ve struck the planet like a catastrophic gamma ray bursting. Shown to be evident nothing on that side of planet into the ocean and molten abyss would’ve again been the same or made sense historically to scientifically, just saying.  

‪Comments. How did this happen, Pride flags on display in classrooms, even a same gender school curriculum? GOD been showing His displeasure the abominable direction schools were taking as far back as the late eighties; again early 2000’s until by 2017 its commanded finish schools! Your 11:00 African Juttah, News Hours Sia. BFA Files, blessed Day, Sweet sleep!" >>>Presently class, there’s something about Those three hammering off a mountain in heaven three apocalyptic events, about WORMWOOD! There’s something about Paul’s as THE HOLY BRIDE, farewell benedictions I Tim 3:16/2 Tim 3:16; here's reminded kneeling to pray when I realized m, bowed to agree, a Jesus character was at the time praying Jesus farewell benediction its own John 17, THE HOLY CHURCH BRIDE IS LEAVING, sing it's farewell, proven to be evident too many skyrocketing demos, 2023 to count, scrutinize these phenoms farewell or miraculously so come with us, all you have to do despite your religion add a heartfelt repentant prayer to Wahlberg and Roumie’s lent prayer and when blessed, phenom nano-second hit, (I WON'T HEAR YOU, , SEE YOU, NOR INTERVENE EXCEPT YE TURN, REPENT; AODHF ( Ascension : The Gone In A Blink Of An Eye, Tribe ( there’s no power ever to exist that can prevent you suddenly skyrocketing off doomsday planet, shortly billions to be dead, firstly 100 million westerners, beginning with a dominoing Hawaii Volcanic Summit into 101 Yellowstone's only Pompeii Movie of Memphis first; beware, Aug, 24, 2023, Rev 9, 2023, marvel not, Christ Cross mercy of being down on all fours repentant crossing the old Arkansas Bridge into US Georgia Coast, CROSSOVER blessed Brexit,/BRIEXIT, BLAEXIT; and a child should lead them, their tail chasing, and rope stretching, child endangering, ring around the roses, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, they all fall down! Your 11:00 African Juttah, News Hours Sia. BFA Files, blessed Day, Sweet sleep! Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51:4.

The Huger Than The HUGEST Sun Single Word TIFF (EMP/CME) related! Eze 5 Barber Chair, Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE


Youtube. mrmbb333 HUGE update! This Just Got Better

Thank you mrmbb333 for the Angelical view of what’s going on up there Catastrophist Mat 24 Jesus describes as a New Heaven and Earth descending. Marvel not my sadness and regret hearing prepper Full Spectrum Survivor on building guardians when there’s no planet left to continue domestically and THEY know y’all know it, and a run on Matrix blue pills won’t help! 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace as replacing those by unimaginable apocalyptic events no longer with us; marvel not the multimillion man single water cooler offer by the mystery woman instead of temporal treasures, mansions in heaven, behold SHE knocks, summons, if any man, HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Article, Powerful twin solar flares erupt from sun as cell phone outages spike across US (video),; warning a TIFF (CME/EMP) event as to mock being otherwise distracted cruises from not a Safehaven Florida to the Caribbean; procrastinators endangering children; Even JESUS mass dieoff ascension of them!

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, urgent newsflash- Russia Plans Leaked, ( The Sun’s too FSS, actually Solar, COSMIC, Volcanic events until nothing is left of THE AMERICAS but an ocean to ocean impact crater (Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin); bubbling to boiling over with 101 Yellowstone and 99 bowls of molten lava!

There’s Something About The HUGEST, Blocking Out The Sky Single Word YOU! there's An Ever GREATER, blocking out the sky, magnification of the triangle craft and blastoff scar on my wrist, WATCH! RUN! LIVE!


Know also FSS just as we were being hit by that impressive cyberattack, the giving of TIFF (CME/EMP Aug 2023! There’s the HUGER than ever Sun as I warn shot off three ginormous explosions. Though Biden can upload millions of sanctions to deter Russia, even CHINA, N Korea.

Only when coming after abominable Americans constantly sinning are apocalyptic events of every category; marvel not warning pound guns, bombs, Churches, EDUCATION CENTERS and voting booths, (Wahlberg/Roumie) into alters of Jesus THE CHRIST, Watch, Run, Live! Star Warring REV 11 AODHF!


There’s Something About Wormwood and One of The Three Hammering Off Of Cosmic, Apocalyptic Events

FEMA Camp Coffin Investigation,

Hearing Feb 19, 2024, All Ambulances Called To Active Duty

see here,; states of emergencies being declared that approaching by April 08, 2024, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Cosmic, SOLAR, Volcanic event; beware The TIFF (CME/EMP); those US states of emergency I witnessed Trump’s 2020, were those equally warn ten days past the Hawaii Missile crisis, by Jan 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel, beware of "Post Apocalyptic," US West Pacific, “The Eastern Seaboard,” Apb, The RAM

NSNBC Article, Vladimir Putin's 14 US targets in US he would likely aim for in nuclear war with West; (-I witnessed THEM translate my grands again, June 4 2023, right after the hammering to skyrocketing event, they come pouring in an earth home, home heaven realism celebrating I'd been right, how I'd been right about all of it!!!


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