Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG November 18, Apocalyptic THANKSGIVING, RAPTURE; 2023


I grew up in Christ Jesus hearing about biblical phenomena, 2 Chron 7;14 15 Father King Solomon Offering of the temple, prayer done, GOD'S unexpected response,(EXCEPT THEY REPENT); thing is no one lite the offering but a guided from heaven, fireball! Frightnight to Amazing Grace at the end of this offer you're gonna wonder why I have a 13,000 piece burt offering just lying around; actually I have three, perhaps also waiting on predicted fireballs from heaven as God's Will, anyway that's another waiting to happen miracle.

Prayer, The Fire Father acknowledges your righteousness to wrath; the thousands in itty, bitty pieces commemorate Coronavirus death and dying and massive US death tolls come; the smoke of it all burning rising up into the brazen altar we pray your response to Father King Solomon Offering of the temple in reverse, (IF MY PEOPLE, II Chron 7:14/15); ThAT THE BONES WHICH THOU HATH BROKEN, MAY REJOICE; With this 13,000 Piece offer, Please FATHER, Return My Son to me completely restored, free Him from the hands of man (Sickbeds, Pharmaceuticals and surgeries): then will we further teach transgressors thy ways and sinners shall be converted and stampeded unto you; Thank You Holy Father, Amen!


Admittedly there's Grand Caden May 30 2022, Gen 15 Lot and Family, Archangel Michael type, escape, sealing his healing prayer in heaven; we can't count it nothing or insignificant millions Covid dead here and across the planet with billions threatened, its unstoppable mutations; there's no telling how many of my Grands to Memphians were saved by deciding to do burnt offering, pieces, Intercessory prayers.

-Reminder, presently Star Warring, GOD'S II Chron 7 14/15 burnt offerings grace, my faith, prayer to reasoning, with said GOD'S burnt offering grace; one Pastor Derrick, walked outta the ICU keeping him on life support the awarding to circulation of his organs; one healed from both COVID to Dialysis. Frightnight to Amazing Grace my reasoning through burnt offering prayer?

-Miraculously, until death do them part, his children not seeing him again other than behind a hospital monitor unless God's Grace intervene! God still has burnt offering grace; between GOD, you and I, I have a 13,000 piece, burnt offering, only thing missing pastor Derrick, is your works with your faithfulness, you and yours, again between us, just pull up, you are welcome to it; see more here;

http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2023/11/that-bones-thou-hath-broken-zzzz-may.html; HBOW/Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Queen Bride,  Selene Tristiana Laetitia 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Kordavis Cordell Keele Jr and Aryanna, Chandni Chowk was born a goddaughter Hailey Amiah Keele, a godson Jaylin Makhi Keele and a godson Darius Kesane Keele, Chowk

Unto Macarius Kieran Holmes and Chelsea Sannai Hippa was born a son Damien Mahew Holmes, a son Duomo Mikel Holmes and a godson Diamond Michael Holmes, Hippa

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{"There you are, what the, one minute I'm talking to you, you in the kitchen, you go quiet, I'm like damn, did she go through the window? No, well sort of. You sitting? You crying? Are you sitting? Cause I'm calling you from my grandma phone, I didn't know your grandma was here, didn't know she would again come to Memphis. Grandma is not in Memphis, she's in Georgia! AH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, catching her ears, argggghhhh, I'm not gonna be able to, KIONNA! DID YOU HEAR ME, I'M ON GRANDMA PHONE, IN GEORGIA! No, no, no, stop freaking me out, ah my god it sound like cars are crashing back to back, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I'm not kidding, she call it, wait, wait, wait, you're telling me you're hundreds of miles away from the kitchen just like that? No, no, no, stop playing, oh god, oh god, oh god, stop playing! I'm not, she call it a translation, written in the bible all, and you didn't tell, me? I didn't think you'd believe me, that's not for you to decide, ah my god Tesia, ah my god, I know your Grandma knew things, saw things, I watched her pray for Cordero from being an ICU organ donor back home, healed and everything, so stop it with you couldn't tell me, shit! Look, just calm, and Don't Freaking Tell Me To Calm Down!" Easing over to her window, peeking out carefully, seeing her neighbors in panic, some cars crashed, burning, smoking. "Breath Kionna, this is a dream, a nightmare, ah my god," staggering over from the ear pain, swinging the door opened more than she intended, stopping her son for now. That's a plane, YOU HEAR ME, THAT'S A FREAKING PLANE CRASHING! And Why The Hell Are Your Crying? My grandma too is missing, just go to the kitchen, my phone should be on the counter where I was just now, ah my god Tesia, seeing it was all true, her apple cell phone, and all else just left, like paused in time. "Nooo, you see it don't you? Noooo, no way you're telling me Tesia, you're, you're, what about us huh, what about me and Macarius? Wait, somebody's there with you, I can hear them, yeah we all start appearing at the same time, and you should've seen the looks on all our faces, Cortez here, its Kionna, hello, girl it's all true, we were all, all of suddenly brought here, and its louder and louder, I'm on my phone, here's Tesia back. Okay, okay, if our street Tesia look like this, then, I know Kionna, the multimillion in cars, traffic jams. What's that, something else she told you and you didn't tell me? Listen to me, no, this is crazy! Listen, listen, grandma told me the last she dreamed before she left Memphis, in June 2017, and the first time they showed her the backseat, surveyor, translator, was my cousin Miya. Whatt'da hell is a, ...grand said Kionna, she was making a left turn on Ramill instead of a right turn, which would've taken her home. I do know a little Miya in the back seat of the car means there's something directional to transitional here. Ah my god Tesia, it so freaking loud, I know, I hear it too, this can't be happening, because Kionna okay, because Ramill is gonna bring you out, near, along the Nike Plant, and if you follow that, yes, yes!" Uselessly wiping both cheeks into realizing where this was all leading, fitting son Macarius ear plus in the better, knowing he too was terrified. "There's an intercession, to the expressway, yes, yes, I think that's exactly where both the little Miya girl, translator and ARCHANGEL are leading. Okay, okay, I'm listening, I also heard her tell some, if this happen, if you find yourself trapped on the highway with millions of others, call on Archangel Michael. Explaining Kionna how he and his will be taking THEIRS out, call on him. plead your procrastination, that you're sorry Kionna you didn't get out when you was supposed to, grandma say Deliverer Archangel won't hear nothing else. She also said there are Eze 9 type commanded reapers, coming after procrastinators, even chasing you, one strike your telling heart. Wait, chasing, me? There are also Anubis demons, yes Kionna I said demons, looking to drag you down into their demonic underworld, oh my, oh my god, this is not happening, YOU KNOW KIONNA THIS IS HAPPENING, YOU HEAR IT, SEE IT!!!!! Now get Macarius, pack lite, lite I mean it! Now it doesn't matter what you see out that door, calm breath by calm breath, you get to that car, get in, maneuver around whatever, and Kionna take the direction I told you.  Okay, okay, but what's a Archangel Michael, what make you think Tesia, he'll hear me? I'll help you, but you have to get to your car, that's your faith to fate right now, get in, get going! Come on, well you get ready to get out, I'll pray with you, okay here goes. Please Archangel Michael hear us, please help us, please forgive our procrastination, this is Apostle grandma, grand Tesia.  I know you know me, grandma once told me, because of their righteousness I, like all their grands was one of your assignments, those you're getting to safehaven territories. Please have mercy and not sacrifice, show Kionna this same grace, and get my dear sister, out please help us. Now you Kionna just have to believe from here, and keep chanting that request, and with all your heart, all you heart Kionna, I mean it! Hello, hello, oh my god Kionna, please God, let this be a good sign, please deliverer angels have mercy and not sacrifice, ah, ah I see, the phone is dead, all our phones are dead, please deliverer Angels, please God, Jesus have mercy!" Why Doeth Trump of God, Gabriel and Star warring Archangel Michael THEM, Speak In such Proverbs, Psalms, Songs of Solomon, Books of Remembrance, Lamentations and Prophetic Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious prophet Ezekiel day, yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Texting My Memphians, The End Of Their World Scenario,  The M
ovie Pompeii Mon Oct 27, 2023, If You Love, Share 

see also here, https://photos.app.goo.gl/Fk5PNLvFYJTquECY7
State Senator asks Gov. Lee to send National Guard to Memphis

Published: Nov. 16, 2023 at 8:48 PM CST|Updated: Nov. 16, 2023 at 9:59 PM CST

Influence by ALL entertainment coming more violent, vulgar, deadly; how many remember a Middleton area church, the late 80's, THE MESSSAGE DON'T BE DECEIVED, this forbidden by The Twelve, as the Samaritan woman come into your pulpit. I only come up there cause my husband Mack asked me to. 

Soon I begin sharing how during a prayer closet of Interceding for my own questionable two sons those Angels right now, back then, Angels come right in. THEY described this Memphis right here, that was coming, (see the movie Pompeii, that's any day Memphis too); followed countrywide by a pandemic of gun violence, to fruitless war on drugs, on pharmaceutical that also ended America to Westerner Civilization, HBOW/Apb 

Texting My Memphians, Picking Up From,  Mon Oct, 27,  at 12:24 pm


See Netflix Pompeii, https://www.netflix.com/us/title/70291608?s=a&trkid=13747225&trg=cp&vlang=en&clip=81053928; (Though I have a Memphis niece, a grand as well, doing like these alike extreme resistance; y'all do know, revisited upon Grand Grand May 2022, A fireball, Archangel Michael, Skyward Escape, Genesis 15, Abraham’s Nephew Lot, refused Intravenous Angels escaping them from fiery doomsday apocalypse Into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; to the point he offered his daughters up to sexual deviates like those Fornicators, Sodomizers to Lesbians presently molesting, mutilating, eating and drinking, endangered children by your as Nephew Lot, rebellious procrastination? 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Queen Bride, Selene Tristiana Laetitia

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

 Unto Kordavis Cordell Keele Jr and Aryanna, Chandni Chowk was born a goddaughter Hailey Amiah Keele, a godson Jaylin Makhi Keele and a godson Darius Kesane Keele, Chowk

Unto Macarius Kieran Holmes and Chelsea Sannai Hippa was born a son Damien Mahew Holmes, a son Duomo Mikel Holmes and a godson Diamond Michael Holmes, Hippa

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{"There you are, what the, one minute I'm talking to you, you in the kitchen, you go quiet, I'm like damn, did she go through the window? No, well sort of, you sitting? You crying? Are you sitting? Cause I'm calling you from my grandma phone, I didn't know your grandma was here, didn't know she would again come to Memphis. Grandma is not in Memphis, she's in Georgia! AH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, argggghhhh, I'm not gonna be able to, KIONNA, DID YOU HEAR ME, I'M ON GRANDMA PHONE, IN GEORGIA! No, no, no, stop freaking me out, ah my god it sound like cars are crashing back to back, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I"m not kidding, she call it, wait, wait, wait, you're telling me you're hundreds of miles away from the kitchen just like that? No, no, no, stop playing, oh god, oh god, oh god, stop playing! I'm not, she call it a translation, written in the bible all, and you didn't tell, me? I didn't think you'd believe me, that's not for you to decide, ah my god Tesia, ah my god, I know your Grandma knew things, saw things, I watched her pray for Cordero from being an ICU organ donor back home, healed and everything, so stop it with you couldn't tell me, shit! Look, just calm, and Don't Freaking Tell Me To Calm Down!" Easing over to her window, peeking out carefully, seeing her neighbors in panic, some cars crashed, burning, smoking. "Breath Kionna, this is a dream, a nightmare, ah my god," staggering over from the ear pain, swinging the door opened more than she intended, stopping son Macarius for now. That's a plane, YOU HEAR ME, THAT'S A FREAKING PLANE CRASHING! And Why The Hell Are Your Crying? My grandma too is missing, just go to the kitchen, my phone should be on the counter where I was just now, ah my god Tesia, seeing it was all true, her apple cell phone, and all else just left, like paused in time. "Nooo, you see it don't you? Noooo, no way you're telling me Tesia, you're, you're, what about us huh, what about me and Macarius? Wait, somebody's there with you, I can hear them, yeah we all start appearing at the same time, and you should've seem the looks on all our faces, Cortez here, its Kionna, hello, girl its all true, we were all, all of suddenly brought here, and its louder and louder, I'm on my phone, here's Tesia back. Okay, okay, if our street Tesia look like this, then, I know Kionna, the multimillion in cars, traffic jams. What's that, something else she told you and you didn't tell me? Listen to me, no, this is crazy! Listen, listen, grandma told me the last she dreamed before she left Memphis, in June 2017, and the first time they showed her the backseat, surveyor, translator, was my cousin Miya. Whatt'da hell is a, ...grand said Kionna, she was making a left turn on Ramill instead of a right turn, which would've taken her home. I do know a little Miya in the back seat of the car means there's something directional to transitional here. Ah my god Tesia, it so freaking loud, I know, I hear it too, this can't be happening, because Kionna okay, because Ramill is gonna bring you out, near, along the Nike Plant, and if you follow that, yes, yes!" Uselessly wiping both cheeks into realizing where this was all leading, fitting son Macarius ear plus in the better, knowing he too was terrified. "There's an intercession, to the expressway, yes, yes, I think that's exactly where both the little Miya girl, translator and ARCHANGEL are leading. Okay, okay, I'm listening, I also heard her tell some, if this happen, if you find yourself trapped on the highway with millions of others, call on Archangel Michael. Explaining Kionna how he and his will be taking THEIRS out, call on him. plead your procrastination, that you're sorry Kionna you didn't get out when you was supposed to, grandma say Deliverer Archangel won't hear nothing else. She also said there are Eze 9 type commanded reapers, coming after procrastinators, even chasing you, one strike your telling heart. Wait, chasing, me? There are also Anubis demons, yes Kionna I said demons, looking to drag you down into their demonic underworld, oh my, oh my god, this is not happening, YOU KNOW KIONNA THIS IS HAPPENING, YOU HEAR IT, SEE IT!!!!! Now get Macarius, pack lite, lite I mean it! Now it doesn't matter what you see out that door, calm breath by calm breath, you get to that car, get in, maneuver around whatever, and Kionna take the direction i told you. Okay, okay, but what's a Archangel Michael, what make you think Tesia, he'll hear me? I'll help you, but you have to get to your car, that's your faith to fate right now, get in, get going! Come on, well you get ready to get out, I'll pray with you, okay here goes. Please Archangel Michael hear us, please help us, please forgive our procrastination, this is Apostle grandma, grand Tesia. I know you know me, grandma once told me, because of their righteousness I, like all their grands was one of your assignments, those you're getting to safehaven territories. Please have mercy and not sacrifice, show Kionna this same grace, and get my dear sister, out please help us. Now you Kionna just have to believe from here, and keep chanting that request, and with all your heart, all you heart Kionna, I mean it! Hello, hello, oh my god Kionna, please God, let this be a good sign, please deliverer angels have mercy and not sacrifice, ah, ah I see, the phone is dead, all our phones are dead, please deliverer Angels, please God, Jesus have mercy!" Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious prophet Ezekiel day, yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Is First thing, I thought about seeing, Dec 16, Juanita Birthday

Happy Birthday, Big, Little, Sis, last I saw you. Jan 16/17, 2023, I was squeezing into a skyrocketing cart with you, we were shooting into heaven, going to find momma; since seen, hugged big sis there, Sept 14, 2023, wow can't imagine, celebrating Birthdays with other family in heaven.. love, hugs and kisses!!!


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