Branding Huge Sheep; The Blinking Of An Eye Tribe: African Auction Of Tribulations Saints?

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 15, Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024

YouTube Faithful Chronicles, Who was MELCHIZEDEK and why is he IMPORTANT to us (Explained Bible Stori... via @YouTube BUT FAITHFUL CHRONICLES LIKE MAY 15, (2004), TRUMP GABRIEL REASSURED HOW IS IT ALL FULFILLING; WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Since 2023 January 16/Sept 15 2020 Close To Tge Antichrist Trumps Abraham Accord/Sept BETA 15 2023 Double Skyrocketing! 

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?


And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Queen Bride, Felicity Stuart Benz 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Second Prince Meshullam (Kadesh) and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo (Kadesh) Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

You’re crying, sobbing even, hand to hand, head to head even, sitting there just now wowing marriage bed, “you’re crying, sobbing so, you got me crying, ah now we're laughing. I can ah, ah my god, what is happening? Ah my god, ah, I was in this, I'm gonna say, like Grand Sia, this demo. I'll describe the constant first, okay, I'm visiting in Africa, there's this huge game going on, a mud lot nearby; I'll even say rugby. Also there's this huge family to tribal gathering and these shepherds running down as to brand sheep. I don't know if sheep are branded, they're kinda herding sheep. Miraculously, these are some of the hugest sheep I've ever seen, they're like three times the size of a regular sheep. All those are the constants. Soon to realize I'm not just me, Second Princess' Darius Juttah but also the wife/Church Bride, I don't even know if he have a wife, I don't even know his name. We only been watching The Chosen series for a week or so. But it's him, the one who play Jesus, I’m his wife, he's a practicing Jew, really strict. Come this moment here, as his wife, I fondly grab his waist, tease him for a kiss, he's embarrassed, all these people all around. Look, you know Kadesh love, how tall you stand over me, well he stands over me two to three times as much as you, he's towering. Soon things shift, all around there's this huge rugby game playing, this outdoor, building family gathering, these shepherds running down these huge sheep. Next I know, ……. and that’s how speedily Dallas,THEY take us off doomsday planet; before one one passes to another, see entire prophetic parable here… http://17thelightofsilverto... 

Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousins yet say Rev 18 Holy God seeth them not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or likewise of billions lost to billions pending lost,, perish; see more here,, how like for six millennia its all been ending, prophetically, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM


When Eze 5 designed Devil Comet/Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE come GA home barbershop he’s saying we missed a BIG ONE!

Seeing Famed Letters USA Also Floating Off Into SW Africa’s Continent: seeing the word College dwindle into a single letter C, US lab designed backward letter C, Bio-Covid?

-I know Adam, watching this end of the American Dream scenario. Truly it’s like watching Gov Pilate (Putin) convince religious to political mobsters to the mob (Gog and Magog The US) they really don’t wanna  crucify Jesus, (extinct their own ONE humankind.

-Only prophetically like an assigned Jonah, Russia and China, because besides designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, only they can. Supposed to deal with these evil colonizers this one last time. Marvel not Memphis grands again sudden translation come running into my GA bedroom happily celebrating “you was right about all of it!”

-Remember during burning Bush to close to the Antichrist both Obama and Trump’s awarded US states of barbecue/Biden/Harris WH; I saw into homes that I remind was of a present day Cuban missile crisis. Only with Eze 9 heart stabbers running down, heart stabbing millions of US refugees finally getting out. RUNNING? 

-So you Marfoogle, see, I haven’t just seen for near 40 Moses exodus years to experience every form of skyrocketing HOLIES off doomed planet, every. Also with every it’s Rapture Demo there’s Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael’s list of getting a number of you to designed safehaven territory. Marvel not Eze 5 HE also designed mandatory evacuations after those others HE also love; regardless 50 million US is dying; IS DYING, and the speed; HBOW/Apb

Zarar Khan




A sign says 


It ain’t complicated

It’s sociopathic cruelty

It’s apocalyptic

It’s a land grab,  occupation

It’s  a massacre

It’s Ethnic cleansing

It’s an invasion?

It’s Tyranny



Since error Islam burning Bush/Clinto/Bush into US States of barbecue; I’ve always said it isn’t war unless it’s on Islamic soil; well there isn’t a US lead to funded world war unless it’s on Islamic soil. 

Frightnight as in aligned since burning Bush into burning Biden to 100 million westerners deaths. Knowing, beginning US W Pacific Hawaii until it reaches an Eze  5 designed Devil Comet; Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, and it's all over, said, done, RUN!!!

Zarar Khan



Imagine Waking’ Ebbing and flowing close to the Antichrist Obama’s July 27/28 2023 and Rev 12 Star Warriors Are Doing These Unthinkable Calculations Of Western Countries Dead At 100 million! Running? 

KILL ALL PARENTS BY; Finish All Schools; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES (as in WOE to a same gender school, curriculum)! 

Understand further this image of Info-wars, Anonymous holding a sign saying: Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions with no consequences; Iran broke 2, got invaded, bombed and destroyed! Is evidence US as well has an error Israel, of  justifying her evildoers.

Just as it has an error Islam to new fear factor of holding them off while Israel pound them to dust. Either since Dec 25, (2001), Dan 5 handwriting of judgment on a wailing walls; says they owe 50 million US deaths. Let alone Britain 25 million and Canada 25 million, whereas thrice now there’s some bout YELLOWSTONE, and a sudden lost of 190 years of tech, taking 190 million outta US Geoegia's coast, also designed the last day of America.

 Will You Scroll Past JESUS⁉️😲😱 #jesus #god #bible #christian #shorts via @YouTube


This will shock you, matching for Jesus in Iran; 

I know right, I’m also thinking I did ask those two billion worshippers of Dec 25 Christmas, come to Jesus, come to Heaven.  Actually bringing back the blessed assurance of seeing a plethora of all types of celebrating world marches now that Jesus’ millennium reign! 


Just moments ago knowing the Rev 11 skyrocketing newborn/Holy Church Bride head is crowning the womb in its birth. Oddly didn’t suffice, spiritually, physically, emotionally we’re still here. 

Clearly, Paul Nthoba, I  needed this wonderful, something to again set my Dancing hallelujahs above where Christ wait!  Actually since Senator Barack Hussein, July 27/28 (2016) of witnessing HIS Millennium descending, we ROYAL PRIESTHOOD with HIM; some calculate HE’S only 6000 feet up, see more here, Rev 14:14-20

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Ghost Horse, Little Horn Deburk and Queen Bride Amirah, Amorah Goatson

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Emmeline Joseph Lopside and Maleah Bridget Clare was born a son, Emmanuel Nicholas Lopside, a son, Hiers Madelyn Lopside, and a daughter, Charlize (Charlie), Amirah Lopside and a son, Legolis Hairston Lopside, Clare 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII 

     "Wow, you two are so fused, you look like Siamese twins, you know us sisters love, loving on each other, while can a loving husband squeeze in there? You can have her, I'm going to help my husband cook, what dear husband Mitchel, are you designing? Stuffed crates, I'm just uncertain about whether to do something red or white in a sauce, you know once I have my culinary classes, I'm going to cook all over you, well babe until then, would you hand me the cream? Ah geese woman, you and these finding this mystery America, documentaries! Well a lot of archaeologist do think Sanford beloved, between the W Pacific and the Mid Atlantic, ring of fire, they say is yet expanding, there was not only a country, America, but an entire American continent. But in that, in all that ocean of lava? That's just Bron too hard to believe, well that sea to sea crater of molten lava is why they can't excavate it all, like they want.  Believe it or not lover boy, it is believed there laid the greatest nation this world, to follow the Roman Empire, but after 101, ah, ah, Mariah! Yellowstone's, it was call something like that, we only just studied it days past, yes, after 101 this Yellowstone killed tens of millions, and all the other stampeded, they even say, Sanny, it's why the African Juttah even exist.  Here, here, listen here, he's their top scientist, Dr Bloomberg, Volcanologist Sanny, to extinction studies. Then they're designing way's right now to do it's research, like within those lava beds, crazy I know, but just listen!"     >>>"Hey, hey, hey, sleepy head, though it pains me, you asked me to wake you, what's wrong? You're shivering, no way Phearce, no way will you ever believe what I just saw, heard, ah my god, heard! Come, come, here, tissues, ah, ah, you know I love to watch docs on finding Atlantis.  Right now they think was in North Africa, this eye of the Sahara, and before this Pangaea stuff parted earth's crust, was once part of South America? Imagine Phearce instead coming in on a conversation of young genesis marriage worshipers, of whom one is just fascinated as I am Phearce, only on finding long, lost America. Their present, generations past, many say to exist, but there's yet to be proof, now how much would that freak you right out! Okay, okay, I hear how mind and heart blowing that is, but, but Phearce, there's no proof, and the ring of fire, ocean to ocean of magma, from the W Pacific into the Mid Atlantic that is yet expanding, prevents them from excavating the conspired areas. Then as you was waking me the two sisters are apparently studying in their classes, these historic, mysteries, of whether America or North America's continent ever existed.  Loving girl, hey, come here, no, Rig, please, no, no, no, you know what? I just wanna go, I don't want no more of this, I don't want to see it, no, Phearce, no dreaming it, I'll never sleep or dream, never again, I mean that! But loving girl, go where? Just as God, the Heavenly Host can't escape this breakout of mortuary, we been hearing for a decade now Rig, even our ascension is from up there, second heaven. Still this witnessing and interceding the Tribulation Saints until Daniel week finale and they then join us, in third Heaven, Lamb's, Marriage Supper.  I got to go, I got to shower, so you gonna mention this in class? No, no, no, I'm not, I don't Phearce ever want to believe I just dreamed that, it's, it's, hey, hey, hey, okay! I mean you're free Phearce to do with it what you want, you do know Sia Maaseiah saw that, when the sword like syringes, bearing grim reapers were finished thrusting in reaping sickle US soil. Just so, it's American Continent, nothing was left Rig but a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the frig! No, no, no, don't tell me, don't, don't, ah, I saw that! Excuse, one of the young wives, Mariah, was helping her husband in the kitchen, just as she reached to opened the fridge for cream, Phearce, I saw on the door, a magnetic keepsake, ah, it had a huge red cut out heart, a picture of mount Rushmore it's middle, it was multi color and it said, I love the USA! Ah my god, ah my god, sh, sh, sh, I got you, sh, sh, sh, I got you. Then beloved girl should I tell you, the coast to coast impact crater, boiling and bubbling over with molten lava; Please tell me you knew that's Sia Maaseiah's Juttah Septennial, to the Deburk's Globe, even the Juttah Tribunal Hillsfeets, all their assumption, regarding her predicted and revisited 99 bowls of molten lava? Actually Rig seen as recent as Jan 13 (2019), as a handwriting on Trump's wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, and Rig as a hand writing clumsily, it's Aug 7th, (2019), 'Escape Yellowstone! Then something it's Aug 5, (2019), as the now COVID-19, shutting down the whole planet, only including all screening, HD, 5G, and Social, media, with the last thing it's screen, the single word disappeared? As in no more this planet, the holy Bride, those holy angels nor unholy, West Rule America. Rig, Regan Central, I'm in the shower, look, how far into Jesus' millennium would our grands to great grands be, to be having these kinds of finding Atlantic America, documentaries? I know cursed with Dan 4 madness and Noah's day normalcy bias, they can't see it, but predicted volcanic apocalypse is happening right now, as in Phearson McPhearson, right now! Even so come Lord Jesus Phearson, how many hundreds of years would it be into Jesus's millennium, is there now a Mystery, Atlantic, America? You think I'm pregnant? I don't, you babe, tell me, you know Phearce I don't have these kinds of futuristic dreams unless I'm, you know, I don't, I could meet you at the birthing center later, after your conference all. Rig, loving husband to Rig, yeah, I mean if you're still going, right, right!  Rig, all this is insane, I just want my husband to hold me, take me into our marriage bed, keep us there so amazingly until we hear Jesus, shout, The Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God, at least then Phearce we'd know we have exactly, the duration of Daniel's final week left and nothing more, and Phearce, nothing more! Ump, you smell so good, taste, so, good, I better go, I better go, grab me a face and drying towel, actually my robe would be best, and juice, we have juice, right?" Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see Regan Central and Phearson Mycal, Heart Ravishing,, see The Ark, here,

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, or simply text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

The Deadly & Deceptively Large Volcanic Eruption of Mexico's El Chichón ... via @YouTube: See US weights of martyred blood guilt judgment, sentence; When God vomits up what makes his stomach ill; The Active Volcano in Italy; Mount Vesuvius via @YouTube

Biggest Volcanic Eruptions | Mega Disasters | Free Documentary via @YouTube

Hearing The Dying Of Schools is painful; Asteroid Destroy: FINISHED ALL SCHOOLS; I Will Strip Schools! Woe To School Buses! 

So the Memphis Grand (little Miya girl surveyor, translator); I saw March 10, 2024, near death under her flatten Memphis school, with all apocalyptic events pending, which was it, natural, volcanic, SOLAR, cosmic, ALL OF THE ABOVE? 

FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! Marvel not Uvalde school shooting line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan, skyrocketing with hammering, BIG JUNE/Juneteenth 04-10. 2023, Rev 17:14 Jesus, THE CHRIST!!! 

Six states have now passed LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum legislation—each with a different definition of ‘inclusion’ Pro-life volunteer shot while going door-to door-in Michigan,


-Did I just hear an elected official say its time we get serious about same gender school curriculums; marvel not showing themselves mightily at odds was the post Netanyahu genocide stampeding of Islamic couples into what appeared school gyms? 

Passion Of The Christ To Apostle Paul here’s highlights his disappeared under sweeping rugs faster than US COVID deaths; 

See here, happened to the two boys I saw again during hammered Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband BIG JUNE, Juneteenth 04-10 2023 hammering: marvel not fast and furious as a Tokyo drift chasing my alike godson’s land me the top of a never-ending highs to low twirling, twisting, crying, screaming roller coaster for trafficking children! 

Marvel not Aug 5 2019 skyrocketing to fire-rocketing event was mocked Aug 5 2022 by The Ancient Of Days Holy Father showing HIMSELF Star Starring alongside Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM any wonder witnessed minding THE BACK TURN THRONE IS A SUNLIGHT OF GOD, 

calling on the repatriation of mothers Africa by Juneteenth inherit; A Being Hammered off thrice now, of, for  Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Mount OF Sinai.

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, if you can believe it, described interceding Holy Church Bride, she’s reigning, possessing, prepping and launching Daniel 2 Stone, The Antichrist murderer, GOD once sobbing inconsolably okay, those thirty minutes of Silence done and that’s what happened next, that’s what’s happening now, now as blinking multicolored lights of caution. HBOW/Apb

The Sound Of Freedom Review

After rescuing a boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy's sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

Rumor has it human trafficking/trafficked children and the US being both its primary supplier to consumer. unthinkable has outpaced the illegal weapons trade and is snapping at the heels of presently a pandemic of Matrix blue pills, drug overdoses! 

Marvel not after showing demon smoke possessing church teens into an assembly of pedophilers, wearing your newborns; marvel not the raging against a same gender school curriculum, here’s Rev 11 AODH. Frightight HE'S showing HIS OWN SELF Star warring with Rev 12 Archangel Michael them; 

Unimaginably while Jesus equally show HIMSELF calling on the fowls in the air to come feed on the decaying flesh of kings queens and procrastinating blessed Blaexit, celebrities. Ear piercing cawing of huge, black fowls filling up the sky before I caught myself I explain like to a hungry pet, just a day ago have patience they’d soon feed on human flesh.  

My wish there’d be no more trouble shooting problematic stomachs: John hoping there’d be no more sea, a new Heaven and earth come, could be the evidence, the abomination that maketh desolate is home planet being made inhabitable by a fast and furious in reversal Pangaea return to a supercontinent!

Marvel not THEY assured before waking to a Jesus movie scene he’s reassuring Lazarus Mary he’s resurrection of the dead “The Rapture goes live. Miraculous still, up to then they’d been literally practicing on me every rapture version imagined since Father Solomon to Chernobyl April spring rapture 1986 presently a historic eclipse entertained by a Ben Affleck Devil Comet, April Spring Rapture 08, 2024; 

Both proceeded and presently revisited 2024 by a May 3 2023 37 countdown into a not for 5000 year’s solar event remember Chernobyl Nuclear Putin April Spring Rapture 2019 THEY warn 2015, Rev 20 Mighty Angel warn 10 days the Hawaiian missile crisis 2018 all extinction level event launched, incoming, impacting marvel not the multimillion man water cooler offering of invitations to wedding supper and mansions in heavens; invitations leading the two witnesses leading captivity captured the tribulation saints this unimaginable celebration to dancing hallelujahs all around waiting the seventh angel trumpet.

YouTube Direct Weather, Models Suggest a Big Pattern Change will bring Dangerous Weather Our Way! via @YouTube



I don’t like your forecast for the south east, you lie to us like our politicians; and say it’s going to be fall, like in coastal South Carolina 

Commenting to CecilCapriolijr

Lie to us Cecil like our leaders and those two crystallized beasts, Godzilla and Sobek task with pretending crystal skies; yeah I saw that. Mind you Holy Church Bride was skyrocketing up  to Jesus; stars to satellites were all  missiling down! Apb, The RAM! See here, Rev 6, 6th seal; www.thephoenix

Article USA, Biden's pledge with G7 leaders clouded by Trump's possible return, right-wing EU wins - USA TODAY;; seeing famed letters USA floating off The American Continent Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Coastal Cities Joining its hundreds of millions escaping western refugees since there’s been a Senator Hussein Obama Whitehouse campaign! 

Fulfilling Great Whore Mystery Babylon posing as America/WEST RULE 2018-2024 Jan 13, One HOUR WITH THE BEAST! Beast and Whore Separated; BEFORE ITS NEW ISRAEL; Some Bout Israel’s Shimon Peres! 

Breaking News “After 101 Yellowstone, Eruptions!”


I’m still offering the old Arkansas bridge crossing down on all fours close to the Antichrist Dan 9:27 Trump’s Abraham Accord. The man of sin planet wide desolations increase, Western Nations, their promises of grandeur decease by an unimaginable judgment dubbed Devil Comet, ( Live! - Well, here we GO! "Devil Comet" going Wild! via @YouTube

Eze 9, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! 


I hope they all know, according to Rev 13/ 17:13/17 Red Dragon, Gog and Magog THEM not only attend these meetings but puppeteer them according to their human genocide, Satanic, Demonic and Alien Apocalypse! C. O. AODHF! 


 Remember way back when burning Bush invasion of Afghanistan turn towards Saddam Hussein and though it didn’t stop their shopping as father Bush recommended, the awarded 11:00 shopping lunch hour to calm Ps 2 AODHF awarded new fear factor though Inknew nothing about procreated to be predestined Senator Barack Huessin I   remind a Hussein Whitehouse and would reign was come; C. O. HGOW


-The exact same can be said about a seething, mounting post apocalyptic YELLOWSTONE, West Rule countries no more, blink and you’ll miss it! Surreal is believe it, see it, watch run live or not Islamic/Israeli/ Antichrist rule is already in prowess, worldwide! 


Right, this is Mat 24/Rev 18 JCOR and Rev 10 mighty angel, Frightnight to amazing Grace HES allied by Rev 17, 7th Angel; marvel not Guardian Trump Gabriel and Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM all suggesting seeing  here crafting racecars, racetracks and skyrocketing Super Mario Carts holy Bride Them out of described molten lava flooding. C. O. HBOW/Apb
