Kill All Described Hawaii Missile Morning Rags And Riches Sickbeds And Sleepovers By; FINISH ALL SCHOOL! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JUNE, Juneteenth 11, Apocalyptic Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone Spring Rapture 2024;

Ye Must Be Born- Again; pound corrupt flesh, drugs/Alcohol, schools; guns, bombs and voting booths into Jesus THE CHRIST repent altars, repent or run while you’re repenting; with Eze 9 heart stabbers giving chase, like 101 Yellowstone, eruptions, they’re right on to you, too! 

I saw them, like everyone wait burning Biden and Nuclear Putin, Hawaii to Cuba missile Crisis Part 2, did I explained how many angels descended with Rev 2 Jesus to snatch us off the planet crisis planet earth a dominoing Hawaii? One moment you're all like a scene outta the movie, Greenland, sitting breaking news, when the apocalypse happened, you run around, grabbing what you can, out the door, oblivious Eze 9 heart stabbers did chase you, caught you, stabbed you. ascend to descend you, on to the next. 

While I shared this image, and called Oprah and The Rock, donation campaign just another, stay put campaign, can you see Lot and his daughters, going back to rebuild Sodom and Gomorrah, even after knowing intravenous angels barely the nick of time, just ran them safely out of a Pompeii movie, scenario, even that he lost his wife, after being warn, cause she couldn't help looking back, as to miss all its abominable, detestable evil? The sweat shirt I have, its freedom riders ate the images of Pres Obama's era rich, black American celebrity, 'THE ONE," said of Obama , I want to mean like a moses lea d us off of doomsday THE AMERICAN CONTINENT! Marvel not CREATOR ELOHIM, just  explained I'm to reassure you, you don't owe these people anything, cause you don't have anything, that didn't originally come from ELO-HIM! 

NO MAN CAN DO THE THINGS YOU DO EXCEPT GOD BE WITH THEM! Marvel not Hawaii missile morning Jesus, ask of too plenteous angels all round me, would angels all ascend; no, like right at that moment, they're star warring, translating some, crossing over others, and still, star warring to with the quickness as in a flash, Rev 12 newborn star yanked, out they're skyrocketing others; next I hear, star warring AODHF, "yes," take him his, but this one, she's mine, and as soon as ELO-HIHM saying 'she's mine, as birth mother, AFRICA, I lay back into a ground up cradle, anointed by indescribable adoration and per all the billions dead decaying, here's an unprecedented, unrelenting, perfumed, wind-man, Bridegroom Jesus, THE CHRIST!   

Even wayyy back then my Nicodemus too come alone, early morning, wanted to know one thing, how I’d gotten like this and how she’s to get it as well? Only I was clueless then as I’m now. I didn’t know what she was talking about, didn’t know what to say. remember what Jesus saith to Nathaniel describing him THE SON OF GOD, you’ll see greater things than this like Jacob’s ladder of ascending to descending angels, by now that was my bathroom, prayer room, portal to and from! 

So in all defense I’m like ah yeah while out walking the other day Jesus appeared to me (Jesus with wings by the way, I was intimidated to explain) (actually Mal 4, Sunlight Of God, but what I knew)? He told me thrice come up to him! It’d be exactly 7 years later before I knew what happened next and presently 30 years plus I’d yet understand how is it I now have this weirdo connection with “The Sun!” ( howbeit, Sunlight Of God); 

Anyway that mind blowing testimony seem to suffice for now, good cause I didn’t know what else to tell her, I didn’t know I’d become some kinda  amazing obvious! It was in that closet I took Roman 12:1, 2 Paul’s advice with all my heart; after King Fathers David and Solomon Ps 66:18 reminder I’d spend all my near 30 years in church not only separated from GOD but while endangering my soul and all my lifestyle advises! 

I can’t but say it all began with an Epiphany one night club night and here I am today with intravenous Trump Gabriel, I witnessed a trumpet passed to him; well honestly before they rushed me in my yard, like every member, every participant of a football game ever played. Oh since decades later, he and AODHF Star Warriors standing over my bed; I wasn’t that familiar with Archangel Michael THEM. Even when I saw THEM in interstellar Armageddon I only knew it was him, there’s equally hearing, “ Michael is setting his all around! 

Since he’s seen with a list of names to crossing over hundreds of millions into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, see here Rev 7, dancing hallelujahs all around also when the Blaexit come marching into exile luxury! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus after The Sept BETA 22/23 2021 of extreme assurance THEY’RE snatching us out, another for decades near misses on to the next June/Juneteenth 10, 2024 only borrowed from its Rev 17:14 Jesus’ hammering, June/Juneteenth 10 2023, except those days be shortened remember?

Blessed Blaexit, seems error Obama's reaping petrodollar US funeral reef soaring through the heavens, Col Gaddafi as of unprecedented interstellar Armageddon got his projected UnitedS States of Africa; what’s those scriptures, Lord Urusalem asking who then can fall in love; Hebrews 9:16/22, SOS 8:6, almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator, "set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm, for love is strong as death," HBOW/Apb

Ben Sorter 


What the hell is Biden doing here??!

This is BAD, guys.

In prophetic hindsight 22 years, BIG JUNE/Juneteenth 17/29 2002 SUNLIGHT OF GOD, commanded as Moses days blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/ Blaexit; marvel not seeing since Obama moved to take the White House both elephants of staying unaware and hundreds of millions of westerner’s; including the famed letters USA pouring across the Atlantic into Africa’s SW Atlantic Coastal cities, I was there, I saw this, skyrocketing is Archangel Michael gave us this grace before he took us to awaiting Bridegroom Jesus!

 Believe Me Or Not, Just Do What Mat 24/Rev 18 Catastrophist Jesus Suggested; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Now roll  that back, you live eternally, as in ascend, only if  you RUN, WATCH! HBOW/Apb! 

Kill All Described Hawaii Missile Morning Rags And Riches Sickbeds And Sleepovers By; FINISH ALL SCHOOL! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

‪-We the multicultural communities of the United States; better get y’all some before Ben Affleck ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE and or Putin’s Cuba blow us off this planet; beginning W.  Pacific RING OF FIRE dominoing into Hawaii; Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM and I warn the speed!!‬ HBOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor Breaker Daniel 6:1 to 28 Daniel and the Lion's Den or the Swamp via @YouTube/see also here, Trump and Pence 2015, announcement to presidency aligned to rising, Gog and Magog human genociders!

“He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street!” Ben Affleck Armageddon Spring Rapture, April 9, 2024; marvel not AODHF and Rev 12 Archangel equally standing over sleeping beds anxious. Showing HOLY GOD of Noah’s Cousin wrath, was also “star warring,” was based on fulfilling prophetic events, Rev 11;


I explained Pastor first ever Chernobyl Juneteenth Spring Rapture 1986, The Tribulation Saints (CHURCHIANS) being left behind and return for Jan 2023/ALL 2024, I witnessed were as immaculate as Jesus, CHRIST HIMSELF! 

See Aug 5, 2021 Rev 11; But where are they now pastor? Seeing from all points of fulfilling prophecy; Miraculous reveals happen when those 21 Egyptian males where lead out to be, beheaded! Like Netanyahu THEY showed the Antichrist in great worldwide prowess! 

This is when interceding “come up here”, reigning Bride come the Bride of wrath; she’s launching Daniel 2 Stone from heaven, At the Antichrist; Rev 17:14 Jesus a year and a  day now hammered off of for even more apocalyptic events and skyrocketed us out

I got a text like message Feb 2015, the edge of my bed. At my feet actually, saying thrice Jesus is on the way here. I, we were with him when he descended the last days of THE ONE, Barack Hussein; just as birds chirped, he’s here, he’s here, he’s here! The earth was littered with death. 

Whenever my grands tease about some death defying attempt I’d always say yeah Jesus gonna be looking at you and you gonna be looking at Jesus; seen SOUND OF FREEDOM, Jim Caviezel, Apostle Paul; it’s kinda PG 13, they show Christians raised to light poles and set ablaze.D

There’s this one scene Jim as Luke is temporarily tossed in with prisoners; one ask what they gonna do? Toss us into games, children all, Luke say. They wail, he says no, it’s only gonna hurt for a short time then you’ll be with Jesus. There’s a scene they cross over, skipping away, singing dancing with Jesus! 

Marvel not, there’s the movie The Book of John I put on, it’s narrator help me sleep. I lately being told the rapture goes live; woke to this Jesus telling Lazarus sister HE’s resurrection of life; they’ve also shown the building of my stay put PILLAR; another I kneeled to pray, soon realized he’s teaching the Lord’s Prayer and I pray with them! WATCH RUN LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev 3 Jesus! RUN!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Bredel Santiago Benningsly and Queen Bride Sloane Arjun Anniston

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Bredel Santiago Benningsly and Sloane Arjun Anniston was born a godson Sawyer Anthoni Benningsly a goddaughter Dakota Shiloh Benningsly

a godson Julian Everly Benningsly and a godson Dariel Aurora Benningsly, Anniston


Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count 

"What the hell is she doing now?" Turning about, researching, were they as usual in this visual research after Erica Lynn. "It's about time, ---I think he really like me, ---he, when did you Erica get it down to just one? Yeah, yeah you two, just get in!" Flirting as usual Erica at Susan's their designated driver agitation pushed into the auto. “Girl I tell you, you and your men,“ as one starting the car, turning, backing them out, fussing at dawn catching them another morning leaving their favorite night spot. “Man what has happen now? There’s no telling, this is Hike's Peak, there’s always something going on.” Seeming this ritual of their’s, spending most Friday nights partying and the dawn of Saturday mornings rushing home to rest up for that nights’ partying as well. “I can't believe this, it’s what 2, 3 o’clock in the morning? Man this is crazy, damn it Sissy, you’re barely going, moving, yeah, this is awful, people honking their horns and yelling profanity back and forth, like that’s gonna help them at all. I guess I'll go to sleep," with a dazed as this Tiffany Ann laying rather comfortably in the back as it was her turn, was Susan and Erica disagreeing to debating over the cause of this taxing build up. Looook!" Suddenly letting out the most horrifying screech, her eyes stretched, jaws dropped at her pointing and leaping literally from her seat, "it's him! Who?" With a now ruffled Susan and Tiffany anxiously investigating was Erica Lynn hysterical at grabbing Susan's head, turning it to the direction she was most anxious, causing Tiffany Ann at hanging over the seat seeing as well. "Are you guys freaking blind? Ah my god!" With eyes beaming into her own jaws dropping, quite traumatic made aware, did Susan Faye indeed see as well, "it is him. Who? The monster!" With Erica bearing a cunning grin suddenly Tiffany too began to see him, "ah god," sighing sorrowfully, even sickly into a hand over the mouth, it was him, the Monster of Hike's Peak, two-face they all called him, the pressed traffic had caught him as well. “Just try not to look you guys, don’t stare, what’s that other thing they call him? Two faced, it is said for one side of his face Erica is as beautiful as any man would hope and the other side is horribly scared and contused.” People were very cruel to him, the girls had only heard of him and by dares peeped in on where he lived, this is the first time they'd actually seen him, he wasn't but a car over from them, to their right. "I wonder Tip how do you know all of that? I wonder who looks best he or his dog? Ah leave him alone, don't you guys think he has suffered enough? We were only kidding, ---god! I bet he could just die. Okay Tip" winking an eye at Susan that this was their chance to get the best of Tiffany Ann "here's your chance, my chance for what? You know, yeah Erica’s right, you always befriending people, let's see you befriend that, yeah, I bet you won't go over and ask him his name. You guys are crazy" instead shaking her head into a much desired rest down into the back seat was Susan and Erica being their silliest. "What is the damn hold up? Hey!" Summoning one of the motorist as if he’s to know better than them all, was the unknowing unbearable. "You know what's wrong? A really bad accident, about five cars, it's all on WKL 101. Thanks," as one responding to a nod of his head did Susan get busy finding the station. "Five cars, there's no telling how long we're gonna be here, yeah I wished I'd left earlier with Mike" as one peeking out disorderly when suddenly her car door open and she began walking toward the monster's car. "What the hell?" Jerking around quite astonished, turning, as well through the rear view and side mirrors watching carefully. "Is she crazy? I don't believe it," gravely suspecting Tiffany's insane gesture, contemplating her every move as she’d undoubtedly lost her mind. "My god she's actually going over there. ..Ah my god!" As one approaching the car did his dog begin barking rather frantically at causing her to be spooked somewhat. "What am I doing?" Those very words, that very fear squeaked in her tighten throat, “he's gonna think I'm mad, hell I think I'm mad." He'd reclined his seat and couldn't see her as she pursued upon him, but his dog alerted him to the point he rose and looked toward the window, right into her face. "May I help You?" Tiffany thought she would die, she was, she was dying, she'd never done anything so stupid in her life. She thought she would fall right there in the street, in the traffic, her knees were weakening, her legs trembling, her heart was in her throat, her stomach, she was sick. "Miss, is something wrong?" Gulping hard, god! She hoped she'd hadn't swallowed her tongue, for she couldn't speak, she couldn't make a freaking sound. "Miss?" Being of utmost concern after her, that she’d abandoned her own vehicle, came upon him a stranger among all strangers. "Are you alright? Uh huh," as a sort of hiccup. “No, no, my friends, they, sort of, you,” displaying herself terrified, not because she felt threaten, but somewhat dumbfounded, he wasn't a monster, but quite the gentleman, one speaking with such grace, such passion and with a darling accent, only forceful when he ordered the dog to be silent. "I’m sorry, sorry I bothered you," instead backing off, retreating did Tiffany get back to the car as quickly as her weak legs would go. Diving into the back seat, covering her head in shame, she'd made a damn fool of herself. “Ah my god, are you insane?” The both of them jeering her, bursting their sides, it was so hilarious, did Tiffany's throat began to tighten the more, eyes tingled, heart pounded as she felt such the idiot. It would seem she got back just in time, she could feel the car moving faster and faster, getting as far away from him. "You can raise your head now, yeah he's made his turn, he won't come for you until nightfall, Ha, ha, ha," slowly unveiling herself into a push upon their seats was Tiffany herself wondering what mental breakdown inspired her to do such a thing? "My god I can't believe I did that, tell me I didn't just do that? Ah you did it" Erica as did Susan yet taunted her, herein making their way home as quickly as possible. Obviously their not realizing the accident which held them up for hours. All the police cars and ambulances they were passing was an accident involving Susan's man friend Syefan Erin and Tiffany's fiance, Michael Day, one of which had been killed. They paid very little attention to the wreaked cars, the massive chaos, but how could they have known? Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan

 9 begin vss 4

The Parental Juttah Genealogy Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Rudolph James Saurus and Thadius Consuela Leathercoat was born their daughter Maaseiah Adonai Saurus, twin sons, Icus Ivar Saurus and Agurus Ivar Saurus Unto Benard Reginal Roget and Virgie Denise Coleson was born a daughter Erica Lynn Roget and a son two years later Patrick Benard Roget

YouTube Marfoogle, ALARMING Troop Movement | Russia To Cuba via @YouTube: See Disney, Dr Who? 73 Yards, See your Genesis man, marriage procreated, predestined, depopulationalist, genocidal leads!

Youtube, Marfoogle, IS THIS REALLY A DRILL? via @YouTube; -just saying, what's its matter? Since before Putin threaten US soil, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 2019, there's shown incoming, impacting, natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Rev 9, Red Dragon's hybrid Aliens! See entire prophetic parable, here,
Marvel not the Aug 24/25, 2024 Rev 9, loosed angels multimillion demon army; bottomless opened to an endless unleashing of Red Dragon them for millennia, evil gotten creatures; multimillion man grocery store, store managers' keys,, barter balen, two US quarters worth of toll booth; nevermind your cursive should've, would've, could've's if you're not skyrocketing to firerocketing off doomsday planet, even with Eze 9, heart stabbers on your heels, you should at least be Mat 24/Rev 18, Jesus THE CHRIST, Runners! HBOW/Apb  

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Parkland Keziah Bates and queen Bride Lorcan Killian  Ves’sel

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Parkland Keziah Bates and Lorcan Killian Ves’sel was born a goddaughter Lucian Jillian Bates, a godson, Royal Caspian Bates a goddaughter Empress Cassius Bate and a godson Yesenia Casimir Bates

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count                

     “My goodness,” looking up from his drink at the bar did a cheerful Phearson find himself face to face with an astonishing thing. “I see you made it to New York, yeah, I see you remember, Ctentri right? Yeah I remember. I thought I would take you up on your offer,” happily shaking his hand, never could Phearson McPhearson imagined such the like. “Just how did you find me? Ahhh,” having glanced curiously around the night club soon seeing a kind wave of Branch Vincent, did Phearce seeing as well, get up, with this guess following, to join Branch Vincent. “I thought you told me you would never be caught dead in this place again, well Vince I guess you can say I’ve done a lot of dying since. I had to bring Ctentri here to you, he said he felt lead of the Lord, even the Holy Spirit, that he couldn’t let you Vince get away. It’s not of God, what?” Having a smile of uncertainty to whether Vincent was talking to him or Phearson, did he rub a nervousness as this into his slacks, a defective glance about at easing into a seat. “What you’re seeking Ctentri, it’s not of God and if Holy Spirits did indeed lead you here, that’s what I’m supposed to tell you, actually we, it’s what we’re to tell you. What make you, how, why are you so certain? You’re talking about same sex relations right, courtships, marriages? There’s only one god Ctentri that can give you what you’re searching for and it’s not the God of heaven, not unless He’s to abandon His Own Will for mankind, even this Christ Lord, Jesus. You ever heard of the Genesis, of Adam and Eve? Of course, I know about God, Ancient of years ago creating one man, and that one man Ctentri, not just male and female, but husband and wife. You have to then realize even painstakingly, this is God’s Will for mankind despite the passage of time, male and female, husband and wife. Yeah, yeah, you think I haven’t heard this all before, ok Ctentri, what is sin? What you mean what is sin? All unrighteousness is sin, but whose to say, sin is a transgression Ctentri, against the righteousness of God, and same sex relations fit under the banner of fornication, right? Unless you’re married, if it’s not, if Ctentri it’s not of God how will you ever justify it marriage or not? As so Ctentri when Vince say marriage, he’s talking about the physical conjoining of a naturally born male husband and a naturally born female, wife, hence God knowing the heart.  I know mankind builds freely upon what he considers his foundation only there is only one foundation laid, which hath been laid, and God by His Own Son’s Blood, hath laid it, we build, live and worship accordingly or we perish. People are allowed to transgress against God every day, twenty-four hours a day, it doesn’t mean it’s justified by God. Though that man, like God is free to practice his own will, he’s even free to kill and die but after this, I know, I know, reaping what’s sown, the judgment await. Though if sodomy can never be justified, not only is it fornication, it is a transgression against the body, it’s the one sin. That's a transgression against the body, the very body Holy Spirits want to take and make into the temple of God. The temple of God Ctentri is where God in all of His Glory, by the anointing of Holy Spirit power and mercy dwell, it’s The Christ citing, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild. Yeah, its what the Supreme Christ was describing to the Samaritan woman, how the cathedrals and the temples and churches and congregations would all be done away with. That for whatever purpose they served would now be performed individually within each believer, now serving God in Spirit and Truth and where not even the gates of hell could against it, prevail. But, but, it’s not possible, talk about away with the middle wall of partition, the entire assembly would, I know, like Jesus, they would fight us to the death, which Ctentri they do, all over this world, but without prevail. No, no still, what you’re saying that would make us like god, more like the Christ Lord, who was God manifested in the flesh, making us Christian. My Jesus in heaven,” displaying a gasping sigh of bedazzlement at falling back from an attentive edge of his seat, of all he was seeing and hearing. Truly, the very implication, the sure glory, even divinity of what he was realizing, two of the most gorgeous men in the world, most of all what he was hearing. “Even guys if what you’re saying is true, I couldn’t do it, no, none of us can, as you say, do it, it’s why we have to surrender, why Christ's Apostleship is begging us to.  It’s why Ctentri we have to lay down our arms so to speak that they’re to do it, God’s will through us, you must be born again,” passing away into a blank awareness at quoting this especial Christ of them all, at thinking what indeed had he got himself into, indeed who were these guys? “Yes, but most of all Ctentri you must be willing, willing because the Supreme Heavenly Host cannot, and the emphasis Ctentri is on, can’t, they cannot go against your free will. Only as you reconcile with them, and yield your will forthwith do they then by a spiritual intervention inexpressible. Do they then begin to shape your heart, unto your mind, unto your soul into a holiness of the Lord Father Supreme, yeah the only sacrifice the Holy Lord will not despise. Ok, ok, it make sense, flesh and blood, sin, cannot inherit, this is why they hated him so, but they only got a glimpse of what you guys are telling me now. Yeah Ctentri but even this indication of God’s form of righteousness, right there manifested in flesh jeopardized and imperiled all things they’d believed and taught since Father Abraham.  And, and, what make you, how do you, what make you guys so sure? It’s the truth, the truth according to the living and righteous word of God, it is this greatest testament of all at God’s will for the spiritual will of mankind. We haven’t Ctentri told you anything that isn’t according to the living word, just ask yourself, what is God’s will for not only this life, but mostly for your eternity? As you just quoted, if flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, then how does flesh and blood then transform to Holy Spirit, how do sinful flesh become Holy? The Supreme Christ born of a free will, tempted at all points inherited God’s Kingdom because he gave over His will to the will of God. Yeah it happen to me right here, well not right here, up there, sitting at that bar, coming here was everything and all things. It was like clockwork, my favorite thing of all to do, then all of a sudden this particular night I saw things in a light.  Even in a revelation if you will, like I’d never seen it before, I know Vince I never told you this, but I suddenly glanced about the entire club and I said to myself, all these people are going to hell, and I’m going with them. I didn’t know it then, but it was a breaking through of the illusive veil pulled over our sense of spiritual awareness from our mother’s womb, a darken mirror even. Though now like you Ctentri, I begin to know and to accept and believe what was by Holy Spirits made known to me, so that’s Phearce, why you abandon the club. Correct, that’s why, this belief didn’t come easy, the truth was like stabbing thieves all over and through, because I didn’t want it to be true. I didn’t want the will I treasured so to be hostile to God’s will, even a hatred and a rebellion, but there it all was. There, in the Supremes’ living word, forget choosing the will of a perverse lifestyle, though from my mother’s womb, I was a transgression against God as all are, cursed. T
hus you  two, is the lesson of the woman with the issue of blood, not only that she was cursed, so was her womb and all mankind proceeding from it with Jesus the only Blessed HOPE! Everything else then Ctrenti being temporal hope, Band-Aids if you will, wow Pearce I never, me either, ah, Regan, so you guys are saying this is what has brought me to New York, to you two? We’re saying if this, as you say is the Holy Spirits will for all mankind, knowing the heart, they will not Ctentri leave you ignorant therein, again, God’s will, that mankind, all of them, us, are to dwell like Holy Spirits, in the House of This Lord Father, forever, Amen.Why speak in parables? For Those Today As Those Rebellious Prophet Ezekiel Day, Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth! Beware Holy GOD Of all Gods, Is AWARE! Apb

That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Apb, The RAM

Article, FOX NEWS, CLEAR CHOICE: Actor and comedian Russell Brand can't understand why any freedom-loving American would choose to vote for President Biden over former President Trump.

Knowing Who We Are There’s The Building of Named , Numbered Race Cars to Race Track Noah’s Cousin Brings Molten Lava Flooding!

What The Spirit Sayeth To Tribulation Saints Scrutinize All Earth Ending Movie Scenarios Like Super Mario Brothers Skyrocketing Craft!

Clearly the building of Bush/ Cheney Islamic war of colonizing Islam only Gods Will alone has been done! Heaven to earth planet wide for eons past and eons to come. I know during Kobe’s fiery crash and now President Raisi’s there were charcoal bodies, the countdown to Antichrist 10 headed cabinet, apparently Raisi wasn’t one of them.

They’d been showing me this pileup of charcoal bodies, those of US soil. Faithful soldiers said to be Ukraine’s front line of defense against Russia only while Russia allied by Rev 11:15/Rev 17:17 Star Warring AODHF is invading US soil the US states of barbecue exception US Georgia’s Coast, CROSSOVER!

So the sudden incineration of millions long before Kobe Bryant‘s crash and Biden Harris, burning along with their White House; marvel not the more the multimillion man grocery store, Rev 9 store manager keys, Barter Balen, tow booth for your souls!

Clearly, emphatically revisit US burning bush 2003 awarded 11 o’clock shopping lunch hour now as long as they forfeit all children to riches and rags sickbeds to sleepovers then as long as they forfeit US military ones to Mede buildup of torture vehicles

Fret not Soon John hears, sees the loosening of hundreds of millions in demons. Apparently set to timetables or they’d wipe out those John describe the billions this planet not repenting within hours minutes, truly no more than days all humankind no more this planet!

Truly what could be a Sept BETA as far back as 2013; there’s an interstellar Armageddon being wedged in the heavens; it’d be Trump’s Feb 2019 before like John I’d see it but boy could I hear it the Trumpet and the Starwars Archangel Michael intravenous vss Red Dragon Genociders!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Queen Bride Xiomara Alantia Anakausuen and Lord King Bridegroom Amitola Daamodar Eadburt

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

Nextus Juttah genealogy,April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign   

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Xiomara Alantia Anakausuen and Lord Amitola Daamodar Eadburt was born a godson Eadbeorht Naa'irah Anakausuen, Eadburt a godson Zaafira Qabeel Anakausuen, Eadburt and twin goddesses Xochiti Kylie Anakausuen, Eadburt and Xanthe Khloe Anakausuen, Eadburt

           Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count 

       …And He Showed Me A Pure River Of Water Of Life

                                                       Scene I

     “Who are you and what am I doing here? You have been brought here Maaseiah, as the time of your appointment hath come. My appointment? The true reason that you are come into the world and now to here. Is this a dream, is that what this is? It is not a dream, you’re actually here, as so am I. Then I’m dead, that's what this is, no and yes, you’re dead afar from the world but alive for all eternity, as in heaven bound. Who are you? I know you, don’t I? You seem so familiar yet such the foreigner, tell me this is a dream and it’ll all make, I can’t do that, it’s of no truth and thus I’m without said liberty. This is heaven? If this is heaven then I’m either dead or dreaming, you Maaseiah have been bidden to The Marriage Supper of The Lamb, there can be such the like marriage without you,The Bride. The what? At bringing stinging emotions to the forefront, even along the design of her perfect facial structure at having too plenty to mention dreams, but was this a doozy. “This is our father’s house,” as to showcase to her in a way rather remarkable, were his efforts literally unrecognizable that he's to persuade her his directive. “You’re now in one of its many mansions, I’m not staying here,” as to leap into a run away although the door, the seeming exit ahead wasn’t a door, not as in a way out. Just as soon there was nothing but space, clouds, unto the unspeakable universe and soon a display of the entirety of the earth below. "My god," again activating a flood of tears along her face at the sudden, rather abrupt reminder it was all so real. “My god, I remember this, I stood here and I spoke to the masses of the earth below, I spoke to them all in one tongue. A tongue unfamiliar to me,” ideally positioning Him with this marvelous testimonial, marvelous countenance to marvelous countenance, eye to eye, "but familiar to the entire world as one. I remember the feel of those unfamiliar words rushing through every vein of my being, an actuality my Lord above and beyond any comprehension, there was such a peace, such a liberation, a humbling grand-stand. It wasn’t a dream Maaseiah but a memory, and it was a reminder from which you’d come and to where you would go. What do you mean it wasn’t a dream?" Additionally spilling old tears to new, what was happening and why to her? Indeed how astonishing it all was, how remarkably implausible, unwordable. "Some of the things I remember as you say could only be performed by Supreme God’s, deeming me only a by-stander. I can only Maaseiah speak the truth, this I tell you is the truth, then where are they? The chosen at transferring me from spirit to flesh, they are of course as you’ve always suspected, cared after by one of the many rooms here. I know Maaseiah you’re to have many questions, but those who will prepare you for thy final and eternal purpose of all, are here to assist you. Wait," as one questionably grabbing his hands into a physical astonishment unparalleled, did this sweet, wholly incredulous interlude obscure her the more. "My god what was that?" As if she’s to be pleasantly shocked by electrical currents all over and through, what indeed a titillating, even exhilarating plight. "My god what was that?" As one blinking and swallowing back new tears what, how indeed who were these blood startling occurrences, if she still had blood, what was happening to her? "I touched you and it was like I became you, that in a second I became all things that you were, are and shall for all eternity be, what was that? It is Maaseiah what you are, it is what we shall be for life, wed-lock everlasting. Now trust me," as to passionately touch her temple did she just as soon lose consciousness, at gingerly collapsing into his magnificent arms, passionate heart away."     >>>"Lords Cherubim so beloved, I will be with my Lord Urusalem alone, as you will King of all kings. I fear you've heard, well more than likely, you've fused and felt, Yellowstone exodus began. I'm better Lord Israel than expected, good, those predicted have escaped, Michael and His Holies star war to show them the way. Yes my spirited grands always reminded as Lord Elder John heard and saw them come up to here, I heard and saw them come into their own Jordan's Petra to Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic coast. Though Holy Lord, who besides them could've guessed they'd be all the world's refugees, the same? And still those millions in losses only because of rebellion, of thieving, lying, murderers, do I hate them King Zion who hate and war against thee; do I count them also mine enemy? For thy own name sake this unwordable, untellable escape, fret not thyself Lord Urusalem because of evildoers, for they've been cut down as green grass. They wither as the green herbs, diligently you should seek their places and not find them and just as soon like their betraying Helel, Hades molten ovens will gladly have at them! Why Lord Jerusalem, do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying. Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure, then Lord beloved, city of peace, for countless millennia, world leads are forewarn, all its damning folly. And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem, ( Lord King Zion); Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. Come, come always come, I'm thy comfort, I don't want to be comforted, billions are dying to perishing to, yes, and you've placed the Jesus Husband in their sickbeds, crafted Michael's Throne, second heaven their, its intercession, knocked, knocked and knocked to offer up mansions in heaven, you are Lord Urusalem, indeed. No doubt you think Lord Urusalem I'm more worthy, I know stop reading your heart's mind, but do you really think beloved Lord, mine also being human as they are, the night of Gethsemane to the desert,  wilderness trials are the only times I pleaded Holy Fathers cup be gone from me? Our everlasting holiness Lord Urusalem, getting us all the glory is what make us worthy to sit as judges Elohim's Great White Throne judgments. Where Lord Israel as from the womb, his telling heart is his judge, jury, executioner to redeemer, he among you Lord Urusalem, without sin, cast down Daniel 2, stone, cut out without hands. I look out into this beyond and I'm again Lord, floored, I think I see, no, I know I see a flock of red birds, and what a sweet miracle. Just a day ago, earthen home, I was to Google, though two played tag the tree's my backyard, why there's only one red bird seen at a time? Then Lord beloved, I look up days later from writing, commenting, you could hear their loud cawing, but there, the tree limbs, nearly as close as you Lord Israel right now, black birds and they're frozen, intensely looking at me, calculating. Any doubt Lord Urusalem waiting to relaunched themselves, go feast upon the flesh of kings, queens and warring billions, have your fill to busting, even.  A beyond description mansion in heaven, wondrous floral, chirping birds, look, come close this moist cheek, there's a crystal, healing stream, still, just there, see it, a tree of life. The beloved Maaseiah, tree of life, its leaves for healing tattered nations once this phenom is all descended to there; be still thy bleeding, melting heart, even speaking heart. Listen closely, such delicious, replenishing hymns of praise, eeh, so amazing grace.  Did I tell you King Zion, I was told as a child, growing up, into you, heaven's host all , Ancient of days inhabits the praises of his people? Did I tell you, I've seen Holy Father dance, dance I say dance, bitter is grim reapers for stampeding did spin captures into a hearty waltz, themselves, and one strike the telling heart, if only to descend them all. Did I tell you Lord Urusalem, Lord Israel can't endure this out breaking of mortuary, one strike the telling heart, as you say, and most are descended, without you? I know beloved hearted one you're to stay this wonderment and like its stunning pillars never let go ever, ever! Of course, that untellable escape will come only not yet, only beloved Urusalem, not yet; here Lord Israel, take my as yours, my firing hands, come, come, surely and for always, I too, will run after thee! It spoke, your heart Lord Urusalem also spoke to me, and what dearest one of all did it dare say? Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God! Indeed, spoil this rod of peace, extinct the genesis man, marriage, make Lamb of God's, Christ's Cross of non-effect." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their elephants of staying unaware and their Brides of going on as all is normal, refusing running shoes, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here, (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come ) Why speak in parables? For Those Today As Those Rebellious Prophet Ezekiel Day, Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth! Beware Holy GOD Of all Gods, Is AWARE! Apb

Email me here,
Subject, The Seventh Angel/text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; see more here, Rev 9/ (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come; Rev 9, Appearing to be fulfilled Aug 24, 25, 2022, am I telling you I witnessed the opening of the Bottomless Pit TO THE WORLD  ENDING SATANIC, DEMONIC and shown a hybrid between the two, ALIEN APOCALYPSE? No, what I am telling you? Like Apostle John I Witnessed a multi-million man grocery store reveal of persons trapped in a barter balen for their immortal souls, the exchanging of hands, of power and responsibility of the key, (store managers keys); to the Bottomless, Pit, again August 25, 2022;

Seeing A Trumpet Passed To Him, Clearly THEY, Trump Of God, Trumpeter's, Angel Gabriel THEM appeared to you with such  illuminating SPECTACULAR, Glory, totally expecting such God's Throne  Fantasticism to be easily believed. The next I know, for this other fast and furious escape, Jan 16/17 2023,  THEY were fitting Tribulation Saints into racecars type FAST getaways, along a free for all racetrack. Guardians Angels knowing, what was coming wasn't just a catastrophic tsunami wave but packed with those 99 bowls of molten lava, sightnight as the sounding of The Fifth Trumpet, we now had unprecedented, inescapable, molten flooding; 

-Although I don't have to, I am the one in the actual Christmas Carol type flyover I shared, portrayed by book characters Tiffany (Maaseiah Adonai) and Nicholas Edin); still you nor I can begin to imagine an APOCALYPSE of such magnitude, just now with California's  Long Valley Caldera Eruption while tens of millions of them were reportedly paralyzed  from recurring atmospheric rivers to tens of feet of snow to more historic deluges, mudslides. Surely it's easy to see like Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev Mighty Angel, warn, US/BC West Pacific was being wiped to washed off the planet;  RUN; beware the Midwest the Eastern Seaboard, warn further, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, who's himself, aligned by Rev 17, 7 th , Angel and he's too b bearing 7 more Judgmentt bowls!!! HBOW/Apb

Breaking Of News Report, Aug 31 2019, “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions,” Two US World Systems Skyrocketed Aug 5 2019;

Recently as April 08 2024 Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon; since predicted error Islam Bush/Clinton/ Bush 1998; there’s a molten death rider from beneath the earth; it’s super eruption dominoing along all West Pacific to The American Continent volcanoes; could this be 2 Peter 3:10/11 witnessing the world total consumption by fire.

Clearly Peter asking knowing volcanic apocalypse replenishes home planet God’s Kingdom Come, what sort of man ought you to be? ; Evidently with June 04/2023/2024 intravenous Angels designing us a fast and furious escape decades now, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, 1986 again just visited by that Ben Affleck Armageddon Spring Rapture, April 08, 2024 Eclipse/Devil comet. HBOW/Apb

There’s Threatening Described Riches To Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers With A Mass Dieoff, Ascension Of Endangered Children


Referencing Eze 5 designed stampeders, Eze 9 heart stabbers; both Morgan Freedom Deep Impact and Ben Affleck Armageddon; YELLOWSTONE; adding both their SUMS OF ALL FEARS; meaning there’s not just nuclear threats but Cosmic threats. Kinda make sense, since they’re all impacting.

Marvel not I clipped an article the other day. One reminding Chernobyl April 08 2024 Spring Rapture, Devil Comet isn’t done with us yet! Knowing who, why, what and where to Brexit/ BRIEXIT, Blaexit blessed is escape! RUNNING?


Hearing Invite The BETA; THEY  been translating to skyrocketing mine as far back as Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986 and as Recent as Ben Affleck Armageddon, Spring Rapture June/Juneteenth 04-10 2023/ticking into fulfillment as we communicate! Knowing The Heart, Translating Those Grands Who’re Churchian; skyrocketing those grands who are Christian! You, yours, again yours? HBOW/Apb

YouTube Bright Side Global, Twin Explosion at Yellowstone: What We Know So Far via @YouTube

See more here, just as I been telling you run from US W. Pacific literally into its Atlantic African basin with oceans of magma!

Be Ye Runners And Not Sitting Ducks To Boiling Frogs Only! 

After waking hearing 99 bowls of molten lava; there’s a Handwriting on a wailing wall 99 bowls of molten lava; there’s a hand writing clumsily on Trump’s border wall “Escape Yellowstone!” Since there’s an Eze 9 Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, declared the last day of America. There’s a skyrocketing Super Mario brother Cart, molten Dragon movie mocking us by designing race cars with our names on them and a free for all racetrack, molten lava flooding coming!

Pleased Bright Side Global we thank you, but remember we pretty much know as much about Yellowstone as Vulcanologist, don’t need another documentary. If this is serious please make it breaking news, short, we just don’t have the time! The one I heard, saw Aug 31, 2019 as two West Rule World Systems skyrocketed, firerocketed, went “after 101 Yellowstone eruptions,” Aug 24/25 2023 it’s Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone is coming, all this year there’s fulfilling also predicted, Nuclear, SOLAR to Cosmic EVENTS, I guess we know the rest! HBOW/Apb

Israel and Hamas committed war crimes, U.N. says; Hezbollah unleashes rockets after top commander killed - NBC News,

-and the United Nations accused both Israel and Hamas of war crimes; last count Gaza 2000, Israel 35,000; But the ratio between Islamic dead and westerners dead is always this huge deficit until West Rule error Islam owe 50 million here, US soil! Running? 

US Soil, Dan 5, Handwriting of Judgment Jer 37:8 warn of Chaldeans coming and for some reason since Pres Raisi in likeness to Kobe’s fiery helicopter crash; which begin naming 10 Islamic leaders, sounding names; I feel signal these impenetrable warriors to attack, to launch, to ah, strike! I know who are the Chaldeans today? 

How is it Dragon Beast Antichrist have The Mummy 2 Scorpion King Anubis Army, are there actual for generations curses upon digging up Egyptian Pharaohs to mummy’s? Marvel not some are thinking there’s an Aug 24/25 2023 bottomless pit unleashing innumerable of these creatures; you think some ask why does those Aug 24/25 2023 4 now loosed Angels have a 200 million demon army themselves and Mat 24/Rev 3/Rev 18 catastrophist Jesus THE CHRIST only advise is WATCH! RUN! LIVE? Knowing who, why, when, where to run, ah, RUN!  HBOW/Apb


Marvel not the really precise fireball having traveled for billions of lite years struck my patio furniture table right where wasp were building a nest. Apb

Breaking News; “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!


You mean Chris not a Safehaven Florida get instead into a lesser barbecue of all US/BC states of barbecue, Georgia’s Coast/CROSSOVER? THEY, Trump Gabriel THEM did close to the Antichrist Obama’s BIG JUNE/Junteenth 27/28 2022 actually run us outta Florida’s Coast into Georgia’s Coast! Marvel not close to the Antichrist Trump’s March 13, 2018 THEY mocked me warning the multimillion man traffic jam the barbecuing come! 

Therefore Chris my reason for reminding though reigning Holy Bride Launches Dan 2 Meteorite at the Antichrist! THEY really do have guided fireballs; see more here, I I Chron 7, Father King Solomon didn’t have to lite the offering a precise fireball from heaven did it for him! HBOW/Apb
