The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024

14 mass shootings in 3 days, in US as Florida still leads nation in 2024, Mass shootings break out in Michigan, many states. Where Florida ranks (jacksonville.com)

C. A Bridges, USA Today

-Marvel not the for two  months now, run on matrix pills of staying unaware, seeing elephants of staying stampeded, since Dec 3, 2017, Close to Antichrist, Gog and Magog Pres Trump error Abbas and his mentioned 8 leads...I know, I'm in love with this image, know, Prophetic characters Kingsley and Kieynan, the prophetic parable I share at the end of this prophetic blog.. skyrocketing mall reveals are mine on. Not only showing how with such speed, as before a word passes to another, we're off this off doomsday planet and are in assigned, second heaven intercessions; marvel not the burning of Walmarts to shopping Malls come,  fallout to bomb out shelters. There's the tossing down of the shop sign, its surroundings in splinters. Israel shown as a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their deaths, frighnight, there's error Islam President Bush, 2003, telling military families, help the economy to go and shop, authentic martyred blood money.

-There's also just now, Rev 9/13, mocking, and those who didn't die by the bio-plague of reconciliation repented not, also designed, a grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth of bargaining one's immortal soul. Marvel not red alert siren concerning the since Spring Morning Street 2016, TIFF, EMP/CME event, Tiffay's May 10, 2023 BD, not for 5000 years solar event, was while it's other name, Hackscross of Memphis Tiffany and the family Memphians down on fours Dan 4 cursed Gog and Magog King Nebuchadnezzar to Gog and Magog, Pres Trump, down on all fours repentant, crossing the old Arkansas bridge. Blessed Blaexit to exile luxury destination as hundreds of millions to billions since close to the Antichrist Senator Hussein Obama's Whitehouse, Campaign, Star warring AODHF/Archangel THEM, crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic/only in reverse, Close to thr Antichrist Pres Trump's March 13, 2018, those same hundreds of millions pouring into US Georgia's, Coast/Star warring AODHF/Archangel THEM, CROSSOVER

Youtube, Bright Side, BREAKING: IS THE PLANET IN TROUBLE, The Yellowstone Volcano Has Roared Back to Life https://youtu.be/oBuKWm8UMUM?si=gxFiU1471ulUZisU via @YouTube

You Bright Side Global tell me, if we’re in trouble, the single multimillion man water cooler alone? THEY just mocked Ben Affleck Armageddon as a 101 plus YELLOWSTONE event, dominoing Ring of Fire/ dominoing The American Continent, hundreds of millions even billions escaped to Africa’s Atlantic Continent Then in the real designed a volcanic comet and send it right into an ecliptic sun just in time April 8, 2024 to mark a Chernobyl April Spring 1986 Rapture event; involving an intravenous winged Sunlight of God, bragging our enemies, presently genocidal, nuclear leaders are as ashes under our feet! 

Marvel not there’s a Rev 17, 7th Angel with him, here’s Rev 10 Mighty Angel come saying run from US W Pacific! Portrayed two years Jan 22-29, 2021 mocking a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of The Biden, Harris Whitehouse; not the continuity of anything WEST RULE beware Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign/JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN! knowing, are you translating, crossing over or skyrocketing? HBOW, Apb

THEY just mocked Ben Affleck Armageddon as a YELLOWSTONE event and designed a volcanic comet and send it right into an ecliptic sun just in time April 8, 2024 to mark a Chernobyl April Spring 1986 Rapture event involving an intravenous winged Sunlight of God, bragging our enemies, genocidal leaders are as ashes under our feet! Marvel not the Jan 22-29, 2021 flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of The Biden, Harris Whitehouse

John explained there’s two type of people on this planet the children of God, the children of Satan and the sons of God are those endangered peacemakers, the lineage of the women seed,  Abraham’s bosom’s, CHRIST’S CROSS and presently Michael’s list those translating, crossing over or skyrocketing while simultaneously Lucifer’s are fire-rocketing to incinerated until Great White Throne judgment be fulfilled! 

Article, Israel on the cusp of historic peace with Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu announces at UN | UN News, https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141302

This is why they're each aligned to an error Islam of weighing in martyred blood guilt, 100 million of westerners lives, I’d just warn during Gog and Magog Trump, it’s ill advised to leave out Iran and by it biblical name Hamath and other Islamic countries out of these Holy Land decision making. How I always suspected the Oct 2023 attack on Israel had this Israeli, Saudi, sums of all fear, the Hawaii missile crisis event at its root, only just now had it verified

Look at the date, Sept 22 2023, until warn updates coming, Sept BETA 15, 2023, since 2015 June/July/ September, 22 they been practicing yanking the bride out interstellar Armageddon stars missiling down all deafening trumpets, deafening crafts, this Sept BETA Israeli, Saudi event is easily why THEY stepped up taking the Bride by 7 specific days prior. So did I tell you though I had my suspicions I’m just now realizing all this and even more Frightnight Sept BETA 15, revisit for 3 years close to the Antichrist Trump, close to the false prophet Kushner signed Abraham Accord more evidence the more a covert signing of the Dan 9:27 two 42 months interval is Oct 16, 2021 nearing 3 years in Oct 17, 2024 with Mal 4 Chernobyl to Eze 9 Ben Affleck to Gog and Magog Trump April 02/17/20 2025 spring rapture to go before Islamic, Israeli, Antichrist and his army of scorpion king Anubis undertakers are in full prophetic, unstoppable world prowess. So exactly three years the signed Abraham accord Israel and Saudi does a historic thing only by US since 2001 judgment sentence Oct 2023 said truce is broken Netanyahu still at large Palestinian genocide when during Rev 13 two beast rise upon or by US describing campaigning Hussein Obama THE ONE, simultaneously stampeding hundreds of millions of westerners into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic unveiled him as the Antichrist; what if I add Jesus millennium descended into his 2016 WH finale and took world rule from Hussein Obama or was that a Hussein bloodline? I know, knowing as John eating the little book of remembrance both sweet and bitter only in reverse bitter, then sweet, seeing Jesus millennium reigns!

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, BREAKING - LEBANON OFFENSIVE - BEWARE THE MIDDLE EAST WAR - THINGS ARE P... https://youtu.be/Alq9R-pkqdM?si=sY_YziawKPM6K0kQ via @YouTube


And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? Last I was reassured, before arriving second heaven's intercession I, well actually we were  taken to inspect these safehaven bunkers and found myself, ourselves well pleased, only not Greenland But Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Coastal, Cities, Towns! 

I’m FSS beginning to lose count of the loved ones I’ve lost to these close causes first given these, red alert warnings. I can’t quite put my mind on it, like wondering decades back all the weirdo’s going on with the sun. Until the May/June/July, Aug 2023 warning Into April 08/May 10 2024 THE TIFF CME, EMP planetary to Atmospheric eventful changes, like commanded to guided Asteroids incoming!

There’s the first ever Rev 17, Mystery Babylon genocider disguised as West Rule. Especially since The Roman Empire, Britain, Canada, The US; Dan 5 mocking error Israel, their error Islam handwriting of Judgment on a wall Jer 37:8; warning since burning Bush/Clinton/ Bush, an invasion of Chaldeans, and build up of torture vehicles. 

I feel strongly Pres Raisi’s deadly helicopter crash conditions very similar to Kobe Bryant’s Helicopter crash, counting down ten of these alike world leaders. Except I didn’t wake with memories of investigating charcoal bodies. I feel Pres Raisi’s crash, death put, brought the Islamic US soil invasion, put it more in play; knowing as Noah SIMULTANEOUSLY SKYROCKET TO TRANSLATE TO CROSSOVER! HBOW/Apb

America Is Running Out of Options in the Gaza War


Article Palestinians reel from repeated strikes on 'humanitarian zones' - NBC News, https://apple.news/An3-SIjoHRqyq3MrDbY9TjA

Kill All Parents By; Finish All Schools! I WILL STRIP LEADERS, I WIL STRIP SCHOOLS!


-Striking designed humanitarian zones, that’s the proverbial shooting fish in a barre! We got frying ducks, boiling frogs, a flaming US WH with US states of barbecue all around; fish in a barrel, marvel its knotted rope for fishing out endangered children! Such humor, knotted is the rope given long enough to hang yourselves!

I WILL LAUGH! Like putting a splinter the brain, I’m sent to find him, probably to do with Alex Jones crying; causing the silence in heaven, an equally sobbing uncontrollably AODHF! Anonymous holds a sign saying: Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions with no consequences; Iran broke 2, got invaded, bombed and destroyed! 

Bab.la, that’s what I woke saying, I woke saying Dutchsinse Duh In Dutch but interpreted; you get it or being cursive babel you don’t, can’t get it. Then you hear John being asked why do you marvel, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but Gog and Magog posing as western leaders! 

Ask me way I say every US offensive always turns to Islam so would it be with Ukraine; ask me why I said from Burning Bush Saddam would come a Hussein WH and World reign! Like world Pope, Burning Biden is like the President of the world, seen it coming should’ve nip this in bud day one!  

-Intravenous CHRIST/Caden/Cameron Entry Hole Into God’s Throne! Ezekiel’s torn out hole or Star Warring Archangel vs Lucifer? Six yr old Caden bring me to his rm, to CNN News failed ceasefire UK/Putin/Syria! I tell you I woke with US death tolls again, 100 million westerners, burning close to the Antichrist Obama’s July 27/28 2023

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater

and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son 

Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"Set your thoughts above where there’s dancing hallelujahs all around the sounding of the 7th Angel trumpet. A visiting Angel Sariah come with Sunlight of God designed skyrocketing diamond carved, crystal chariot. He appeared to you again? Sitting straight up, its lawn furniture, stunning, sunny Sunday? Where was I? Lord Sariah come for Negeb Ophel, Richet Structure genealogy Goddesses to Angel men answer, would they Nicholas go or would they stay? I’d walked away too far, not safe, I know, got that from guardian, specialist Veneer. Standing far off its beaten by waves shore, my god, you’d walked, I was as mystified Nicholas Edin, as the day I stood out wondering about this weirdness with the sunlight. Thinking I can appreciate the results of what has happened to me, but I don’t think I like what intravenous spirituality has done to me. I just think Nichcolas our lives were confiscated from procreation to predestination to overpowering to overwhelming intervention. You don’t wonder what or who you would’ve been if you’d never been called or chosen? No, I don’t, but what I do know, they’re jealous. Sudden i had a vision of Holy Lord explaining to prophet Jeremiah a spirit of jealousy, meet temple arrivals at the door, and thus every evil work, apostle's epistles would say, as one working her stunning hair, up, way into lovely ball. Such, seducing spirits, seen recently as an Anubis demon dog, meeting entering church members. Sorry, sorry, who's Jealous? THEY ARE Maaseiah! You never wondered during that Chosen series maze of unrepentant sins how towering character Jesus stood over you! Okay then, remember Jesus saying I’ve come in my fathers’ name but you have not received me, presently the Holy Church Bride, but another shall come in his own name, say apostate church, churchians, and him instead you’ve received. I tell you, after his millennium descended with us for billions in it, I watched them ask him about the holes in his hands, heard him answer, those for which I was wounded in the house of my friends! You’re not jealous cause you don’t get it, but they’re jealous for you, who Nicholas Edin Coogan is jealous, whom, even why? Remember grand, grand answer to the Sunday school teacher which of the two does the chosen series represent or is there no telling them apart as in it’s all dangerously religious? There's here more evidence it’s not,  what they don’t know, Jesus accusing those hammering religious leaders they search the scripture for him, but having him, they refuse, so it what they’re not doing, You see love knowing, sharing that right there,, that’s why, they’re jealous for you!  Playing around with your Tarzan just now, did you hit your head? Suddenly out of the blue yonder, the house torn down by insurmountable at you charity, beginning with the doors, the windows, the walls, the roof, but not the foundation because only one foundation is laid by Christ THEY explained and his holy apostles but why this abundant skyscraping remission? Come, come here, I wanna hold you, smell your hair, your sweet breath, heart, every knee Maaseiah will bow, every tongue shall confess, you just recommend billions the planet kiss him alone, Why? Because he’s the divine one Nicholas, because it was always him, so all charity this planet ever changed it’s for centuries directive and come flooding you outta house, home, church why and isn't that why Lord Urusalem Maaseiah Adonai they’re jealous for you? Well knight in shimmering armor, feeling, smelling so yummy, I’m scared for billions Africa to Abraham inherit first stampeding for him, then descending with him, you’re, Nicholas Edin Coogan speaking in parables!      >>>"Where are you man? Both hearing the ruckus in one another background, “we’re cutting it mighty close. I’m already gone man, gone, why, how far ahead? Ah, see, hello, ah months now. Months, did you just say months? I couldn’t help it, nobody can be that right all the time and be wrong Jess man. I just couldn’t chance it, I rented an eighteen wheeler like she suggested, I mean why let all this merchandise, hello, go to, ah waste? Hello, hello, dad, you okay? Don’t feel guilty, you did what’s right for us. Look we got what’s marked for shelter inside. Dad, seeing tears dampening his phone, scrolling, his cheeks, come grabbing him into a huge hug. “Maybe I should’ve told him, you know she’s mocking those right now. I don’t, how while escaping triangle craft get burning Biden and burning Harris to safehaven, USA GA to exile luxury USA MOTHER Africa, their should’ve would’ve could’ve’s all the way there still left millions of US inherit horribly dead and mostly waking up in eternal hell!” Anyway mom say the storm has made daylight black come in, outta the rain. Dad, his day dreaming far off, fearful to faithful to fateful. “Please, she said that, so the spacecraft she saw during the incineration of West Pacific Coastline into the WH, The American Continent. I don’t know son but why would he spare us?”  Wiping uselessly pouring tears, millions to billions dead? “Dad come!” Amazing Grace with those predicted millions in tribulation Saints John witnessed pouring into Jesus’s Throne bosom dances in sin decimals head. “Tell me that scripture again, John 3:16 and what could it for eons past to eons to go, mean? You dad was the one who told me, you believe her seeing, that father, with sons, sent out for more supplies, and father, moving to secure his hideaway, found himself surrounded by all types of doors jams, represented Full Spectrum Survivor or son prepper period, like spirit and Bride going from kindly summoning us home, to possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel, 2 stone from heaven. I mean suppose like seeing that trumpet passed to Guardian Gabriel, this is now her responsibility as Rev 6, 6th John, mocking our worthless hideaways, because of the mutiny to war in heaven and the exile of hundreds of millions of now fallen angels, demons, and their hybrids, Aliens? Dad, what's that son? Where did go, and are you back? No way that was all flesh and blood my recently turnt dad, but fast and furious with blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT and Blaexit, I don't know what you mean, I'm just saying son whatever blessed come to me. You two read further she saying, those who stay behind, go back or even look back, isn't only a slap in the face of intravenous God, but those Abraham's bosom, to Jesus' martyred to Harriet Moses, Truman to Michael's list; those saints mom, under God's throne, crying, God take their vengeance, as HE"S apparently doing, showing himself star warring. Don't worry bout him, none of them, she saw them all come, all autos, every brand loaded from car roof to tires she explain, it, saw them this huge number into, here, Georgia's coast, and by intravenous angels help, witnessed them all pour out of Africa's Southwest, Atlantic into its coastal cities, and town, even said to have witnessed and visited its perfect exile luxury, safehouses all, so they'z coming, don't you worry bout it, this is god's grace, his blessed brexit, blaexit,  also 400 years predicted, nothing can prevent it, nothing."  Why speak in parables For they say to as Ezekiel day, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com and here, http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/02/people-shall-hear-and-be-afraid-sorrow.html

First Evangelist Seth know also, in prophetic hindsight Sept BETA 2023; THE  2001 WHITE TRIMMED IN GOLD INTREPID DISAPPEARING; 2015 SYED FAROOK HIGHJACKING; 2023 THE TWO WITNESSES LEADING CAPTIVITY CAPTURED THE TRIBULATION SAINTS; ALL EARTHBOUND RIGHTEOUS OUTREACH IS STALLED “POST,” THE LAMB’S  UNPRECEDENTED MARRIAGE SUPPER ALL LEFT INTERCEDING TO CELEBRATING AROUND THE SOUNDING OF THE SEVENTH ANGEL TRUMPET; THE FIRST EVER WE’RE ALL TOGETHER, RIGHT? YOU, YOURS, AGAIN, YOURS? HBOW/Apb and only moments before I knew you or this prophecy exist I’d just by my prophetic parables asked the question, well more like surmised in my demos how it was being close to the Antichrist Barack  Hussein Obama, as his first daughter?

See here Rev 13, I witnessed come to fruition  by US soil and go further into prediction as “THE ONE,” THEY described of Senator Hussein Obama begin to come into the US presidency see here, Isa 16:1-5, Rev Rev 7/Rev 12:1-6! Fret not these are the phenom forms of commanded exodus to migrations, to those westerners in the hundreds of millions pouring into the repatriation of mother Africa, blessed Brexit BRIEXIT to Blaexit. Just as a Rev 11:1, 2 I predicted a Hussein WH and world reign, knowing nothing about this man’s  very. existence, simply a lineage of Hussein did July 26/27 2016, would did reign until Jesus THE CHRIST come again! 

Marvel not for its revisit Aug 5 2021 I’m waking’s to both since AODHF and Archangel Michael standing over my sleeping bed anxious to snatch us 

out having reassured  Sunlight if God would cover me with his feathers and under his wings shall I trust; here reassuring me their Rev 11 and 12 versions how They’re Star Warring together!  

Stil What happened to August? It’d  been 4 years 2015, these June 26/27, July 6, skyrocketing Bride Sept BETA  22/23 unprecedented forms of suddenly translating some, crossing over others, then to snatch us out all that’s miraculous Evangelist Seth happening simultaneously. 

Presently your now speciality year 2019, of revealing The Antichrist, when I come into the demo it’s Aug 5, 2019, some enormity had already send two it’s world systems off the planet, leaving the word DISAPPEARED frozen on all HD 5G and Social media screening 190 years of tech gone just as fast as tens of millions of lives; 

Right until by its Aug 7th the hand that’d written on a Dan 5 wall during error Bush/Clinton/Bush Jer 27:8, was now Obama/Trump and soon burning Biden writing clumsily on a wall escape Yellowstone; the Obama’s Sept 03/04 2020 Ex Vice Biden Campaign podiums would revisit what then happened to Sept 2019, declaring home planet as nothing left but a shaky, shaky shelter, testifying all the above is more it evidence clear it all over in a flash enabled them to then unveiled this evil identity! 

Evangelist Seth, I know scripturally that wicked won’t be revealed until He/May 15, 2004 Angel Gabriel described she by a sounding trumpet be taken away; by a sounding trumpet THEY all returned Though since three years close to the Antichrist Trump signed Sept 15, 2023 Abraham Accord. Frightnight to rolling twilights skies equally aligned to the Oct 17 2021 for two years, eight months and 20 days until fulfilling 7 Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael described last week of Daniel, Dragon BEAST reign, triple great tribulations, it’s post-apocalyptic April 2/16/20, 2025, West Rule/ANTICHRIST reign until it’s Oct 17, 2028 Jesus as a gamma ray bursting millennium reign! Hurry up here yes blessed are those translating, yes blessed are those crossing over but even more blessed are those Holy Saints skyrocketing up here!”

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater

and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"Thus saith circling the brides diamond carved," Sia Darius Juttah, Kariann saying as to write on a chalkboard "crystal dove chariot all around, Angel Sariah saith to Grand Sia mom, as to say to you Negeb Ophel genealogy, "Set your thoughts above where there’s dancing hallelujahs all around the sounding of the 7th Angel trumpet, and Sia Darius, Karisann, for when the 7th angel shall begin to sound, the kingdoms of men, shall become the kingdoms of god and his Christ and they shall reign forever!" So, it final we're staying, here we are 22 years and two days it’s Juneteenth commandment as the days of Moses are we really celebrating interceding around the sounding of the seven angel trumpet until 10 millions incinerated bring about Westerners commanded exodus? Right, right, right, there's Jesus’s brother James but when have you ever seen him portrayed as Mary’s birth son and not more her step children as Joseph and not hers? Which Jesus do you want, are you paying for? A biblical Jesus who through Mary have blood siblings or a religious Jesus who only have step siblings because here’s where you’re flirting with Joseph, Mary and Jesus back to king David, back to the promised woman seed, biblical blood line, even all ours, Africa’s and Abraham’s and those who believeth not are condemned already Jesus said it, this is not a game of who’s right, wrong but what’s written, living, spirit, truth. Ah you guys reports about Mecca pilgrimage hundreds dying as we speak, said there’s the sound of ambulances all around. Just saying, a couple months ago grand witnessed, heard all ambulances called to duty like as during bio-Covid. As during Sen Obama presidential campaign, both US filling stations and an outbreak of ambulances, plus Usef she’s been saying it feels like a repeat of last year 2023, May 3 37 day countdown to the most apocalyptic solar events ever, including The TIFF any moment CME if not EMP planet wide shutdown fulfilling flirting with Keanu Reeves the day the earth stood still! >>> "Whoa, you startled me, sorry, no it’s just been a while since I caught your crouching, tiger; they haven’t jetted us off to space again have they? She yawning, getting a better look and see to say. aren’t you cold, where’s your clothes? Bringing herself, those warm soothing clovers, wrapping them in, what’s going on, everything Maha everything Your mom ever said since I been old to read, hear know, those two big ones, triple great tribulation then on the anniversary of both Juneteenth and the sunlight of Gid commanded exodus Russia and N. Korea agreed to join forces, against get this, naked aggression that’s actually America and all Urkraine to Israel again as she warn, it isn’t our enemy nation’s being aligned to people eaters would Enders but democratic nations! I also know Maha according to record 40 plus years of Chernobyl Spring raptures this is the longest they've left us on this planet so close to Solar. Cosmic and nuclear apocalypse and Evden Alien, Alien Apocalypse! But you know why she shared her prophetic hindsight of where we really are all of us two witnesses, tribulation saints all, they’re free to let all implode reigning in Jesus Millennium. So king Nechadnezzar recognized the third man those into the furnace with those three Hebrew boys because he’s procreated into predestination I never Evden considered it, but wow what a popup reveal, what brought that on? I’m starved, you? You read grand Sia Lord Urusalem, right, even Pieces and of Lord Urusalem? Yiu know Grsnd Grsnd said translated Memphis grands this time last year poured happily, even celebrating Evden Blazely into bedroom assuring she’d Been right about all of it!" >>>{||”But I told you Nibe love before they come with him to Georgia for spring break 2022. I saw them, he and four to five estranged college boys, they were like a new rap group, between judgments, neither here or there, like in the middle waiting Abraham’s Bosom to Africa’s Cradle. then just weeks past the word college reduced to its single letter C you know what thst single letter mean C, bio-Covid and colleges campuses protesting in such close proximity could only send it raging again. Plus know, they showed him as endangered by rolling, dominoing into in exploding Hussein fuel trucks as Jesus warn of the mother and that mother and child, were his making her my endangered great grand as ww as well. But grand mar isn’t that the amusement park roller coaster of a human to child trafficking center also about your great grands and how they’re too gravely endangered?” So grandma, prophetically they’re been telling them all these years why an outbreak of apocalypse has happened, explaining Rev 10 Mighty Angel desolations predicted now come you saying it isn’t about what they don’t know sux millennia of outreaching righteousness but what they’re not doing so seeing him and his in between judgment is why you start burnt offerings of interceding their great white throne arrival, mercifully genius I can read your paused mine, but will or has it worked then I afk nibe me the working of the lambs book of life, its page torn out, it’s Michael list and book of remembrance is all them trying to tell me something; how grandma about that yet wowing Iranian March for Jesus! I know, ah my God, I know but have to remember they been s Showing us Jesus ministry to Rev John nhiw Rome to Britain world heirs are the true Gog and Magog genociders, so stop standing around neck stretching there’s nothing new here to see run! So the prayer that young black males be brought back from great whites throne judgment and Nibe whites too seeing there’s is a much a pandemic of overdoses as ours is a pandemic of gun violence; right, right for god so loved the world. " The you guys stampeding of elephants in the room, grand sia being as Pres Obama, having a father, accused of being the final antichrist! Why speak in parables For they say to as Ezekiel day, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com and here, http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/02/people-shall-hear-and-be-afraid-sorrow.htm

Putin and Kim Sign Pact Pledging Mutual Support Against ‘Aggression’ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/world/asia/putin-meets-kim-north-korea.html: so the USA/Ukraine conglomerate is forcing all kinds of apocalyptic alliances, kinda stance to have Russia and especially N. Korea accuse the west of naked aggressions and it’s not the US West Pacific boiling frogs, cawing fowls, the US West Pacific frying ducks!

I’m sitting here amazed turning from my phone comment finding this vid . Understand, I was explaining to Bright Side Global asking about Yellowstone how in my work when THEY about Yellowstone in real time it’s the Hunga Tonga volcanic summit; like, I then mentioned Jan to Sept 2022: HBOW/Apb

Yellowstone's Doomsday: Will the Biggest Eruption Rock the Planet? https://youtu.be/6kf6O43heIA?si=CS3WYDU0nw_pcRIt via @YouTube; you probably heard since designed an Eze 5 barber chair Ben Alleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE The, The Last day of America.”

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Kingsly Edward Artelon and Queen Bride Kieynan Delores Mensdan

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Kingsley Edward Artelon and Kieynan Deloris Mensdan was born a son Alfred Chanston Artelon, a son, Jakhya Layton Artelon and a son, Gracelight River, Artetlon, Mensdan

Unto Brandstone Edward Artelon and Penelope Deloris Hertz, was born a son, Bradford Norman Artelon and a daughter, Chelsea Kimberly Hertz and a sonBishop Allen, Edwards

First Posted, Dec 11, 2018

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"What is it? You may as well tell me, you just stopped the middle of the mall right now, all the people, shoppers going around us, ah, I, I, ...King, what? You're scaring me, I Key, I, I think I just had a live vision just now, as we were walking, talking, of what? I, we were talking just as now, only before I could get the next word out, we were gone Key, we were taken, skyrocketing through space, ah my Christ it was that fast, that glorious, like Key before you can take your next breath, calm down, people babe, we're being stared at, who? It makes sense, if he's to know the words on our tongues, right, don't you see what this mean? Nothing babe, nothing, no place, no how, not even the grave is gonna stop Him from taking us, nothing, just imagine that. Remember the words they gave Sia Maaseiah just as spring ended, just this blessed reassurance, the ah, lyrics from that song, 'no mountains, no winter's cold, can stop me, Him, from getting to you. That's to us babe, the Royal Priesthood and though fall/winter is here, evidently it's like spring all around for Christ's anointed right now, a heatwave setting records. Which King explains the speed by which two days of snow melted at such a record pace just the other day, yes, love, yes, again it all make such miraculous sense. It was, hold up babe, hold up, look, that corner right over there, I gotta call Brandy, wait, wait, what, so he can laugh in your face as always? Yeah, Key okay, I got to call him, you should call, {{{Brand, hey, hey, you, you okay? Brand, look, can you, yeah it's, look I was, Key and I were just now walking and talking and all of a sudden man before we spoke our next word, breathe our last breath we were gone Branston man, just like that, you wake me up to tell me that? Wake you? It's like, but don't you see? That mean we're closer and closer and how long little brother have they been saying that, huh, thousands of years, right? Which is to mean what Brandy man, that we're that much closer, or further away? Maaseiah's Gabriel appearance," not hardly believing this, but as just as well totally believing it, it was Kingsley and so like him they'd suspended all Christmas shopping, the middle of the mall of America. It was just so her husband, Kingsley Edward Artelon could once more give testament to his stubborn as a mule brother, actually twin brother, Branstone, which suddenly reminded her. How it was of an odd dream, sorta like this, only it was as if these two were spending the night in a mall, happily window shopping and galloping freely all about, such fun, though the second. The second dream, yet to tell husband Kingsley about either, it wasn't so lovely, the mall had been shaped and formed into a fallout, bomb-out shelter and there battered refugees gathered and hide themselves all about it. {{{"Assured us we're that generation, the undeniable signs and wonders right now credit us with knowing, we're that season, a season proved unstoppable until Jesus take his out, that season Brandy man, I heard you Kingsley, okay, stop talking at me like I don't believe. I'm just saying, she experienced the Lamb's book of life being open, this Branston man was because of a roll call and a census that was being taken, and what pray tell little brother does that mean so I can get some sleep? It means as of the live vision just now, there is no further delay, it mean any nano-second Bran man, just as the Lamb's book sound off each of our names, and, and, ah Christ, we shoot up like, like, firing rockets, ah my Christ, just as He, and it's millions, hello. Ah, no, I, so if this phone go silent and you're Brandy here to know and testify about it, that is so not a good thing, I'm just saying, that is not good. Yeah well, I keep asking you brother why is your belief so different from mine? While how did the religious leaders and Jesus' belief, differ? It's said, the law come by Moses, but truth and grace by Jesus Christ and they hated him for it Brandy man, hated him enough to prowl him for his life, soul and immortality, all of us really, ours upon His. Like all religious people, they just knew they loved God, but they hated His Christ, which made their love, apostate. This was just because He was setting the human being free from a life of condemned flesh into a life, walk in, by the, the holy spirit, a blood redeemed, holy Temple of God. Hey, look, nice talking to you Bran man but I won't keep my stunning wife waiting, sorry I woke you, goodbye, I don't like you saying goodbye to me and you know it Kingsley man, but I'll take it, I need my beauty sleep, got another party tonight." Clearly yarning to say, no doubt stretching and relaxing under those silk covers and pillows of his, well there's, his wife, Phe, Phe, short for Penelope, such a tit for tat couple, "you bro know it's that season, yeah, tis the season alright, why Key and I are standing a shopping mall ourselves, see you later then? Yeah, that's better, see you later, hey I love you, I love you too Bran man, so much, later. "}}} Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples ask Him, with Holy Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The RAM, see the entire, Silverton Nicholas, Coogan, Chow, Liverpool, as Moses day, trail, trial' Exodus here, https://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/03/inhaling-deep-or-exhe-awke-was-his-gint.html and here

YouTube, The Chosen Global Livestream: Season 4, Episode Seven https://www.youtube.com/live/Y97RtvbhQ38?si=u9ChoVV95Pyde27j via @YouTube; (after a thousand years Oct 17, 3028, Satan  loosed he and there’s no other way to explain it, a number like the sands of sea come to intervene Jesus continuing reign and Gods kingdom descending only it final Gog and Magog is incinerated instantly; the number now I know in Star Warring Archangel army would compile every field of every game ever play and all its participants, all coming rushing in on me, this threat of bodily harm, next I know as I hear Star Warring AODHF say yes, take him his, as we as Rev 12 New born we’re skyrocketing out of all their hands especially reigning Red Dragon BEAST! Still next I see now reigning Holy Church Bride possesses, preps and launched Daniel 2 stone from heaven, it has a meteor Stefan and while it’s about to impact I hear, pretty much the sudden apocalypse of all kingdom nation building is 


“He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The middle of Main Street!” Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 09, 2024, Then I Woke! 

See more Rev 11 of Aug 5, 2021 AODHF Showing HIMSELF Too Star Warring As Jan 12/13 2019/BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, 2024, Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM! 

Is Michael’s List Feb 12/13 2021 Rev 14/20 Crown Lambs Book Of Life School Name Roll Call A Type Of Abraham’s Bosom To My Ballooning Cloud With Skyrocketing Escapees?

The Chosen Mary wandering around Lazarus empty tomb they still don’t know what he is, at this point not even The Angels. Perhaps once he raise himself from our bloody cross just as he was mocked! Marvel not I witnessed him showing his nailed scarred hands by the house of his friends! Presently three hammering off of a reigning Mt Sinai type more incoming guided apocalyptic events! 

Understand Thomas, I lost a brother to a horrid shooting, decades now, Abraham, Big June for short. I know what it would be like to have him walk again in the flesh only to have us again suffer this unimaginable horrid, death and dying. I like to think when Jesus extended his sorrow to Lazarus, it having to be this way, that’s what he actually meant. Remember causing the abrupt silencing for 30 minutes of an otherworldly celebration in heaven was a sobbing paradise throne of God and soon its entire inherit sobbing uncontrollably; marvel not we’ve been about Sunlight Of God, commanded a Moses exodus BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH INHERIT! Honor to you also, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

There’s some bout Pres Obama’s daughter Malia, I  watched your daughter Miya ascend; there’s something about Brad Pitts daughter Shiloh; TN and Memphians running shoes. I woke on this scene, Jesus explaining to Lazarus sisters he is resurrection and the life! 

Amazing Grace, Just as they’re assuring after 40 rapture springs, the rapture goes live; our days of mourning now our happy days. Showing Dallas, they’re building my stay put foundation pillar, how with each meal is pending its finale the Jan 16, 2023, marriage supper of the lamb; and that’s dancing hallelujahs all around the sounding of star warring Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet! 

Marvel not intravenous Mal 4 Sunlight of God, brag about a time parents returned to children and children to parents; marvel not waking Feb 12/13 2023 speaking Japanese; woke speaking Chinese; woke speaking Spanish were all demos of an escaping father with a single son, the atm, the store, the fast food restaurant; waking at last saying Dud, bab.la In Dutch, remind of Jesus’ explanation of why he too spoke in parables except knowing, you’d know! HBOW/Apb
