Trump Dan 4 Curse, Saying Hewn Down The Tree, Cut Off Its Branches

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture June 6, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

See here, URGENT WARNING!! GOD SHOWED THIS MAN JUDGMENT DAY/HELL via @YouTube; in this of line of the accused himself, he witnessed a woman accused how her face book, mislead over a quarter of a million people; like Jesus repentant CROSS, every stoke of my keys I labor as Holy church Bride, to win back:

Marvel; not. Witnessed Twilight Movie, School Office, Kirsten Stuart loving on some female companion, seeing she still don't get her seedless grapes of a same gender relationship. The genocide of the genesis man, marriage is aligned to that May 22, 2022 Uvalde school shooting morning, line upon line, never ending line of endangered school children; 

Article,  Reuters, Israel keeps pounding central Gaza as Palestinian death toll in hostage rescue raid rises to 274 - Reuters,; I think you’re getting the most nuclear nation on the planet puppeteering Ukraine war on Russia just told Putin to bring it on is being puppeteered by Star Warring AODJF and Archangel Michael THEM to finish indefinitely fir centuries world colonizers, Frightnight for 100 million of your living endangered could near  3 years of a 42 month timetable! Now let’s revisit why Mar 24/Rev 18 Catastrophist Jesus suggested you beware of Michael List., blessed Brexit BRIEXIT. Blaexit! RUN! 

Building Dominoing Hawaii Into Pompeii movie  of Memphis New Madrid Inyo Ben Affleck to Singing Michael Clark Duncan Kill All Parents By;!



-Yeah. and Pharaoh kept telling Moses no, not knowing as described mocked nations summits here Dan 9/Rev17/Burning Bush/Senator Hussein soaring funeral reef. They they were being set up for unprecedented losses of life: marvel not Mat24/Rev 18 Jesus says RUN!

YouTube mrmbb333 Is 'Time' REALLY speeding up? Maybe it is!! via @YouTube

I Will No  Longer Count Rebellion As Ignorance Watch, Run, Live Or Perish! 

Counted Worthy To Translate! CROSSOVER! Skyrocket! Blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

Knowing as Noah’s Cousin, no more would’ve should’ve could’ve’s. You mrmbb333 talk about how ginormous of an infiltration to alter time this would be; while another quote scripture its evidence, said days made shorter or we’re all as good as dead, and mostly damned!

Prophetically since Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, there’s no more talk of it, it’s all set to ticking timetable or no flesh would be saved; Satanic, Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two Alien apocalypse are loosed upon home planet; you know who, you know where to run! HBOW/Apb

CNN Watch Live: President Biden’s Remarks from Normandy | CNN; 


What The Secret Of France to A Hitler’s Germany Antichrist with policing, Anubis German Shepherds All Around! Right after close to the Antichrist Declared The One Sen Obama cried know his itinerary; real-time he first visit France; Biden’s 2020 Election Podium Obama and family had just return from France;

Article, CNN Tom Hanks on potential Trump return: ‘Journey to a more perfect union has missteps’ X

Shown to be evident we’re six years Dan 4 contagious, madness curse. It’s not that error Islam, COVID, Abraham Accord Trump is running again, it’s that he has hundreds of millions of endangered Trumpians, yet supporting him! Okay, okay, okay, Tom Hanks, so before DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST, 42 month reign, there's about a year to get to exile luxury, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's COAST crossover, into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, America, The Americas, WEST RULE are all being wiped out, city of Atlantis style, like they never, ever happened! RUNNING?

Youtube Amtv, BREAKING !!!!! THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE FOREVER !!!!!! PREP NOW !!!!... via @YouTube


Knowing Who? Star Warring WITH ARCHANGEL, AODHF; Why? US Soil/WEST RULE Own Weights Of Martyred Blood Guilt; What? Fiery doomsday Volcanic Apocalypse; When? Allied By Rev 17, 7th Angel, Jan 22-29. 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Witnessing US West Pacific Incineration into The Biden/ Harris WH, warn no time left, The American Continent/to West Rule World System: Where To Run? Blessed Brexit/Blaexit, By Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael Into The Atlantic/African Basin/Southwest Africa, Exile Luxury! Marvel not the Oct 17, 2023, single word inquiry, running?

-By the time Chris, I heard, 'This Is The Antichrist Murderer," I'd witnessed now the reigning HOLY, church bride, possess, prep and launch, Dan 2, stone from heaven, seeing further, it has a meteor surface!" Marvel not presently, admittedly all apocalyptic events, natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and a hybrid between the two Alien, Apocalypse, are earth directed, locked and loaded, impacting!

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you under my wings but you would not; you wanna guess how many millions to billions of people are no more this planet because they couldn’t listen to I Cor 12 AODHF choice of an Apostle Prophet, explained Moses Pharaoh’s downfall and  aligned for decades to error Islam US leads Jeremiah’s King Zedekiah error King Nebuchadnezzar! 

When I come into the demo like Dan 5 King Beltchazzar’s  party of mockers soon, Frightnight they’re seeing a hand and it’s writing on a wall, on my mine says Jeremiah 37:8’ meaning like Pre Netanyahu right now and all his US leads its Islamic assassin creed. Despite how you plummet these unworthies into the dust, emboldened by fulfilling prophecy and even  more by Pres Raisi’s close to Kobe Bryant fiery crash, The Chaldeans are coming, taking, burning US cities. Those Mat 24/Rev 18, catastrophist Jesus', RUNNING? HBOW/Apb

Breaking: "Wormwood To Cause Earth's Pole To Shift" / Gill Broussard Exp... via @YouTube 

Actually Pastor Begley, I got "wormwood," as a word while that historic eclipse and erupting, devil comet, (Eze 5 designed, Ben affeck, Armageddon, yellowstone were incoming to fulfill both for decades Chernobyl April Spring Rapture and a for three years Nov 11, 2021 Eze 5, designed for mandatory evacuations Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! HBOW/Apb 



Trump Dan 4 Curse, Saying Hewn Down The Tree, Cut Off Its Branches; FOWLS OF THE AIR COME HAVE YOUR FILL! 

In Prophetic Hindsight Pres Biden/ Harris Whitehouse Did Begin Jan 2021 With The Breaking News They’re  Incubating People Again In San Bernadino!

-No doubt FSS my saying days back as the days of Trump’s campaign rallies;, spreading, shedding virus. DR. Fauci, CDC and WHO couldn’t be happy, during a raging pandemic that’s killed millions with a quarter of us its predicted aim. 

-Seeing the word college erased into the letter C; my concern all these protesters bringing them in close proximity. Just saying can’t be good news a yet mutating US lab Bio-Backward Letter C/Palehorse/Horse of Hades, Pandemic!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Queen Charybdis Tenidae Deimos and Lord King Bridegroom Mneseus Rencor Mamomoso

Negeb Ophel Geneoloagy/Wedding  Extravaganza

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Dia Pomo Pharaoh and Lord Azaes Phobia Blassen was born a godson Sawyer Caius Pharaoh a godson Eiden Kolten Pharaoh a goddess Aloysius Giovanni Pharaoh Blassen 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count 

“Ah believe me Darin she’s a she, the most beautiful ever and intravenous angels especially Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael and all those various types mentioned the Old Testament to those mighty ones the book of revelations they don’t mind at all! Like to question her ability as a female is to question their abilities as guardian and star warring angels! You know she heard a Star Wars battle going on up there during a rapture demo. Like Red Dragon, Gog and Magog them isn’t gonna just let them take her without a fight. 

Hummm, grand Sia explained overhearing Gog and Magog taunting Archangel THEM during a stall Sept Beta 2020 mocking keeping her here puts her in their timeline; anyway, possibly why during these interstellar battles as Stars of Heavens are missiling down during Jesus return stars of heaven are missiling down sis during the bride skyrocketing triangle craft! So how you like our hangout pub so far? To be honest Oklee, it’s kinda like my fav scene the movie covenant only more reserved, and Holy Spirit and mic night people can actually sing. So will you, sing I mean? No loving brother I won’t and I’m using the fact I just got here as an excuse. You sing, you too Lark! Oh heard you guys pregnant, mom said y’all even know his name, yeah Channing Legolas. That’s Darin how it works here. Still shocked Vincenzo didn’t come, just Oklee understand none of his are here. Plus he can’t believe I left without him, thinking about going back for, you can’t! There’s Darin no going or looking back, truly it’s an insult to GOD and all the wounded saints martyred for you Angels yet Star Warring, getting you to Safehave territories, like those martyred John saw calling for vengeance under god's throne. Wow, who are you Oklee and best friend Larking, you guys been in the African Juttah, what five minutes! Knowing as Holy Spirits here Darin come on suddenly, even pop-up  reveal, some say. You should’ve heard mom just since her flight here, flight, it’s Oklee like we flew thousands of miles in just minutes! You wanna do it, sing? Grand Sia said the last love song given her is You Are Reason, followed Darin by a HUGE, blocking out the sky single word, YOU! One of my favorite duets, yeah, let’s do it. “Yes”celebrating sis Darin happily clapping them into an actionable performance. Thinking she had to do some apologizing if only to persuade Vincenzo to join her. Yeahhhh, that’s by big brother and my friend sister in law, go ahead amaze us, whewwwww!”     >>>“Now Angelmen, Goddesses, let’s toast to Mauritania’s Eye Of The Sahara our soon paradise home. Unimaginable for eons to come, from cursive Ezekiel’s Dry Bones to Grand Sia Negeb Ophel dry hill right into paradise Richet Structure! Amazing GRACE with plentiful its Aqua Juttah Negeb genealogy of a new blessed eternity in progress ELOHIM’S  MERCY IS ELOHIM’S MERCY ALONE! >>”Look, here’s what you do get an appointment to speak with tribunal advisers, explain your dilemma concerning Vincenzo and they’ll render you incredible advice that’ll eventually include him!”    >>>”I tried Nicholas to shake it off, I know you have the last thing you want  Maaseiah is to think bad about a person! But it was too persistent, to evident this man isn’t what he appears. I remember listening to grandma old revealing videos about The Antichrist and could still hear them say something happens to this man.  like Maaseiah, during that Rev 17 mocked nations summit, he’s suddenly possessed. So loving temptress is the tie straight? Then Nicholas at this age of unprecedented as mocking two Godzilla beast the keeping us with disillusionment.  Just Reconsider who they are Hollywood 1998 Godzilla was an invasion of these amphibious monsters.  Plus 1998 is the mocking of US leads error Islam and 50 million US dead; the Nicholas erupting up the planet, molten death rider! Then 1998 Godzilla is with Egyptian mythology god Sobek, guardian of the underworld assistant to undertaker Anubis shown seducing our Children by every form of entertainment there is. Those red monster trucks Nicholas only come to rescue said disillusionment stalled long enough a Memphis caravan of road readied escapees! You said Maaseiah they’d return from a family movie night knew as they stepped on their peace getting, keeping porches an evil infiltration not just their home but all homes, the highland park, poplar neighborhood. Like when I wake there’s something Nicholas in the news about Trump, Nov 11, 2019; then let’s look up, the ten things you need to know happen Nov 11, 2019, two things about Trump,

you know that date is two years before the Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! I’m not surprised, of the its revisit June/Juneteenth this time 2023 was mocked last day of America. You know Nicholas Edin what I found looking up Brad Pitt endangering Jolie kids Oct 11, 2021 US submarine tech being traded to the Taliban. Then after you Maaseiah was certain there’s something the US navy about this extensive maze of sin  crying aloud at its end “that’s because she should’ve been on the 57th! This is exactly how Daniel’s little horn would rise to powers. This man is possessed by where dragon beast during a meeting we have seen across where religious leaders are told overwhelmed for example by Jonathan Roume’s Jesus, though Nicholas that’s more the role, of the very persuasive Senator Obama, July 2009, rising two BEAST, its False Prophet, sobgoing back to your chosen series maze of revealing sin.

You remember Trump, he was so disastrously immature, how can anybody get his age Nicholas and learn nothing about Human Resources, take care of our human being first. That’s Gods heart and his retaliatorial wrath the lost of billions yet multibillions Jesus millennium descending.  Don't they know what they’re missing, Isn’t that why Jesus suggested the rich man follower go get rid of All his disillusioned wealth it’s conflicting influences come be made new? Yeah, hey Maaseiah, come here, sit!” Beginning to massage her seeming tense shoulders, neck to back. Calm down for me, how you say The mortal man forfeiting his immortality and for what all things seen temporal, those things not seen, this walking by faith eternal. I’m good, priceless, priceless man, husband, thank you. I’d love tea, tea biscuits, even, pulling my words off my tongue. I’ll be right back, no if you have to go, the Coogan Firm appraise the Richat today, yeah and no one believing Maaseiah you’re not coming. I can’t travel, what, those intimidating, tracing overhead triangle crafts? Some like that, oh Angelmen ask for a favor the Richat conference they’ve been here, the Skyfall all it’s unreliable magnificence, now they want to bring their goddesses to get a taste Nicholas of what a Paradise Richat could be like. Sooo from Thursday , Thursday as in tomorrow, until Sunday Nicholas they’ll be their own sabbatical here, these here Skyfall!” You know that’s gonna put them here a year counting down that since May 3 37, days Nicholas into a translation, skyrocketing event, not Holy Father this witness, heyyy, sh, sh, sh,” delicately laying his forward to hers, it soothing coupling  “I know you’re tired but if we’re the birthing canal last week the skyrocketing new born, also the holy bride Maaseiah his head has to be crowning right now!  Like the standing the cloud. tossing in gleaming sickle crown SON IF GOD! Right, hum? How you do that after so long, kiss you like I have waited all my life? Don’t you know? I’m always at the edge beloved girl of whatever I’m doing getting back to seeing you, holding, kissing and loving you. I’m gonna go, no more crying, these are our happy days. oh, think about the emptying out hour glass reminder THEY send Mighty Angel of warning Maaseiah, yes, it’s time we’re out of time! Oh, grand called, said she know why besides referring to his movies Morgan Freeman and her are battling together a spiritual warfare, Demons at that, he’s a Memphian; I’m sorry, in the mirror, yet not satisfied with his look, especially it’s tie. Did you say Morgan Freeman is from Memphis? Frightnight to Amazing Grace as in Nicholas all warnings shot at us about dominoing Hawaii into Memphis are equally aligned to him, Deep Impact Morgan Freeman. I’m going, I’m running, I’ll remind if you have a dozen angelic couples coming in and only, you right, I have plenty to keep me distracted. May I temptress bride kiss you? Please silver stallion husband, have mercy,” always electrifying her all through, stirring, to firing, the way its been since its first ever, explosive kisss. “Plus love, In total prophetic fulfillment you witness us two witnesses, Tribulation Saints all waiting around the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet.  Any wonder like with teenage Mary Trump Gabriel appear to you, just to remind when The 7th Angel sound we both ascend to JESUS and descend with JESUS! Andddd, yes, that’s your brother in law calling. Look, have fun prepping for Angelmen arrival, promise, yes darling man I promise, now go, go, get us the Richat Structure!”     "So Those Islamic couples running, taking shelter in school gyms then pending Netanyahu genocidal colonization? Yeah but was that before or after they portrayed Israel as a busy shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their deaths? I know this Memphis Carter Nextus Juttah would call all that a stampeding elephant of staying unaware in the room/DEA overthrowing Memphis homes searching for matrix red pills of Holy Lords portraying Memphians as being endangered being aware Jesus millennium reign is lord of the harvest of Souls. Right there, Israelis disagreeing with Netanyahu tactic of seemingly to target Gaza’s children most of all are they staying around for the deadliest of its people retaliation; even Isaiah 16:1-5/ Mat 24 Jesus/ John Rev 7/12 is asking, “ARE THEY RUNNING?” Trump madness curse Pres Trump fork tongue to UK/USfork road goes from calling Netanyahu to ceasefires after supplying him with billions in weapons and sending US military to equally US funded Ukraine frontline with nuclear Putin daring any of it to touch his soil; yet they can’t see how 100 million westerners mouths depopulationist no longer have to feed can be dead within the same eyes blink THEY'RE skyrocketing THEIR’S out! Angrlmen and goddesses I’m thy brother Sariah come to these portals to make you an offer of resurrection ascension, look and be clear Sunlight Of God. designed Diamond carved, Crystal Dove Chariot Await! I remind further, this must be a joint endeavor you are one fallen, one risen, one Negeb Ophel Genealogy and one ascension; you have three days to decide; blessed day sweet sleep! Okay all Angel men, goddesses saw that right! Yes, Lord Constantine we all saw, heard to fantasize forfeiting the paradise Richard Structure for Paradise Kingdom of heaven; you all do know there’s a forfeiture of everything planned since the Nextus Wedding extravaganza like the extraordinary months never happened! He, this Lord Sariah didn’t say, look it’s gonna take us three days to get back to Grand Sia Paradise Skyfall let’s pack, go, conference with her for its limitless worth. I saw you walking away as Lord Sariah was saying, I can’t believe that just happened I know goddess Amp the last we were here, well not so much here, nothing close, no, you didn’t have us goddesses with you and were so complete as couples. You think Grand Sia knew this would happened, we Lord Bastion didn’t come here for that. Then Goddess my heart why did we come here if not to faced with these untellable trials all this phenomenon is? We gotta pack, run literally, thankfully we have her to debate weighty issues! Just so it’s clear beloved Bridegroom I want paradise Richat I know, it’s clear, I know! You, what do you want? At least goddess the three days to reconsider it all, so much of spinning us into blessedness infinity has happened, changed I to want conference it all with Queen Bride Lord Urusalem. Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan

 9 begin vss 4

Article Before Its News (Israel); Situation Update: Black Swan Events Incoming! American Troops Being Sent To The Ukraine Frontlines With Russia Aka "The Meat Grinder!" White Hat Fake Trump Assassination! Banks Failing! Biden Laptop!  | Opinion - Conservative 



I been thinking recently, seeing Israel as a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff regularly falling to their deaths! Anyway since nearing three years of seven Oct 17 2021, soon Dragon BEAST Antichrist will take Jerusalem. If You’re Netanyahu Israelis knowing extreme retaliation is coming how fast are you the “One Third,” predicted left and getting to prophesied exile luxury, Jordan’s Desert City Petra/ Street Vending?

Where You Gonna Be Crying Would’ve, Should’ve, Could’ve’s Realizing Not Only Were You Told To Run But Like Your African to Abraham’s Biblical Lineage You’d Been Told How Fast And Where! Even How Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM got blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit it’s next apocalyptic Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 2025 into presently post-apocalyptic US doomsday Oct 17 2028 Man, That Wounded Heart Salting By Speeding Away Man In Linen Really Gonna Hurt! Apb, The RAM! 

I know as recent as a year June 04/10 2023 its May 3, solar weather alert count us 37 days into the hottest planet some meteorologist said in 25,000 years, this showing Himself hammering to lead captivity captured all endangered children, translated some, crossed over other's and still skyrocketed others: as to revisit Sept BETA 22/23 (2015), first of its kind: like I  just asked a third of Israel are they running from July 2009/Feb 2019/Oct 2021 II Thess described Antichrist taking over Jerusalem his Rev 13 described 42 month interval, in about a year, Chernobyl/Devil Comet Ben Affleck Armageddon, April 02/17/20 2025 Spring Rapture? Knowing who, why, what, when, and where to run; marvel not the Oct 17, 2023 single word inquiry RUNNING! 

Just moments ago Thinking I could ask Americans the same, if especially SOLAR to Volcanic Apocalypse don't beat them to threatening Putin and his, the manslaughter of 100 million westerners; per their world leaders error Islam, weights of martyred blood guilt; see here,; That's 50 million here, 25 million Canada,  Britain 25 million; no not counting the being wiped off this planet within a second of the prophesied hour, The American Continent! Marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING and ebbing the flowing Jan 16, 2023 THEY crafted race cars with names, knowing who you are and free for all racetrack; marvel not during the multimillion man single watercooler mystery woman bearing more blackened bowls judgement instead offered mansions in heaven, blessed are those in the first resurrection behold she too stand crown, balloon with ascending Saints  Cloud of Heaven's sighing "COME UP HERE! Holy lord's this witness Rev 14:14-16 John seeing something similar a Crown Bridegroom Jesus thrusting in reaping sickle see together witnessing the same sky phenomenon?

Sulaiman Ahmed 



Since The Late Nineties and Early Two Thousands I Could Put In A Book Shaykh Sulaiman Red Alerts I’ve Received Regarding Endangered Children! March 12/13 2023 shown endangered By Dominoing Exploding Fuel Trucks Mom, Child and Young Black, Adult Males, Were Both None White! 

Deep Impact Memphis TN, Morgan Freeman, None of us are free, one of us is chained, none of us are free; Marvel not herded into human auction Rev 13.5 described tribulation Saints painful neck braces were written upon, described I Cor 15:51-58, blinking of an eye tribe! 

‪Waking Feb 12/13 2017, hearing “kill all parents by, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! Lately it’s I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; like beware F for Fornication; LGBTGB- M for molestation, M for M for mutations and P for Pedophilia Marvel not Rev 2 Jesus threatening a mass dieoff ascension of children! ‬

‪Remember the May 3 for a year 37 day countdown into SOLAR weather events June 04/10 2023 Hammering Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband. Clearly ascending with HIM two brothers as children endangered by those he described Hawaii missile morning Jan 22-29 2018 as riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers! ‬

‪-Those Jesus urged we pray for the abomination that maketh desolate here; women with infant children: Frightnight shown March 2023 to be as endangered as US young black males; both threaten by regularly exploding fuel trucks building toward them burning gorge, by burning gorge!  ‬

Sulaiman Ahmed 






When Rev 18 GOD says our sins have reached unto HIM and HE hath remembered HE WILL STRIP LEADERS; HE WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! I guess we should’ve listened or at least our doomed leaders! One Author years back put US Islamic death tolls at 40 million; when you count their losses for future generations to come; Frightnight to Amazing Grace, since Burning Bush into Burning Biden their error Islam stands at 50 million US dead and error close to the Antichrist, HUSSEIN Obama, Trump at two US quarters the planet inherit; again back door Lucifer busy at human extinction, you yours again yours running? 

Memphis TN Morgan Freeman, One Of US IS Chained, None Of US Are Free, One Of Us Is Chained! 

The Fire Burning Bush Was As A Sword From Prison; Gitmo You Thinking?

And He Shall Be A Wild Man! INVITE THE BETA!


 Seeing fulfillment in reverse, there were events that happened previously like 2024 run on matrix blue pills in the real a pandemic of overdoses. Presently 2015, soon to learn standing my driver side is Syed Farook and it’s time to stall West Rule Religion indefinitely and lose that build of Mede tortured vehicles, only his free will is as conflicted as Jesus night of Gethsemane but wouldn’t yours be billions of lives and souls in your hands!


Just know there’s an error Islam against US soil for the atrocities committed against these people since those New York towers went down. Beginning with a Hussein Whitehouse as I predicted one error, a new fearfactor THEY predicted reap what’s sown right even Israelis to Americans; marvel not their own weights of martyred blood guilt begins with a firerocketing event causing a loss of 190 years in tech, and 100 million westerners lives, that oughta stick it WW3/AI

What happened previously like four years later; going to the back turn counter the otherside counter is run amok for what we now know are Matrix blue pills of staying unaware and all seem lost; seeing it’s closed I turn away hear, I’LL WAIT ON YOU!  Lay a five to the counter oddly get 15 back exchange the reminder 50 million US will die also reaping Obama/Trump/Biden error Islam

 Previously still Obama’s error Col Gaddafi, funeral reef of US death and dying soaring skyward; my 7 siblings and I are squeezed into Dunlap street door. Shockingly, revisited Jan 2022, there’s a St June endangering children, lady Obama on our street and she’s as Syed Farook/Jesus THE CHRIST conflicted, backdoor Lucifer busy at our extinction once again! 

When I come into the demo revisited here for 3 yrs is Rev 10 Mighty Angel Jan 22 2018 warning desolation come and some bout a flying saucer. Everything like Putin threatens Biden is being incinerated and I’m thinking no way is he and Harris gonna survive those types of burns; marvel not famed letters USA floated off the American Continent the direction of error burning Bush 2008/09 Senator Obama’s Hundreds of millions In voters Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Coast! RUNNING? 
