Prophecy links fulfilling Ben Affleck Armageddon. YELLOWSTONE, June, JUNETEENTH 03, Fiery Doomsday apocalypse 2024, possibly referencing the hammering of th temple of God, and the religious hammering of the Royal Priesthood at present thfe three hammering off of apocalypse from the sky Mt  Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Dome, hammering, revisiting, for a year, Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids, his
encroaching guerilla war; his end of world movie, scenarios, Ad Astra, WWZ and Babylon warn Oct 11/21 2022, US volcanism on orange alert; his hammering, revisiting for a year Nov 11/21 2022 Ben Affleck, Armageddon,  Yellowstone; his end of the world movie scenarios, Armageddon, Batman Vs Superman; Hawaii Missile morning, worldwide, type, Sums Of All Fears: witness the hammering off, at the stilts, that hold houses in highplaces, predicted, Noah's Cousin, to Aqua Era, marvel not all designed the breakage of the rainbow covenant beware, designed, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepover like procrastinating social media cite, endangering instead of stampeding children to subscribers.   

Youtube, UFOS and the Bible or UAPs and the Bible via @YouTube

Seeing The Heavens Roll Back Like A Forewarning, Burning Scroll; even mountains melting down, before the Stars Come Missiling down, thus Witnessed Holy Church Bride Escaping Triangle Craft!

2004 Two Big Ones! 2003/2015/Asteroid/ 2021/2022.2023, 2024, impacting Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone Destroy!

Fightnight is in prophetic hindsight as of Jan, Sept and June 2023 into a second year May 3 2024 counting down 37 days. Into a June 4/10 Hammering to Skyrocketing; Holy father got HIS for many millennia it’s laborers multibillion man Royal Priesthood and gone; including The Two Witnesses, Pastor Breaker, leading captivity capture, The Tribulation Saints!

Marvel not as to revisit Rev 9, they showed the key to bottomless Pit exchange hands, those four Angels and their 200 million demon army loosed. Frightnight presently, further mocked a multimillion man grocery store, barter, balen toll booth, Showing tens of millions us soil dead, hundreds of millions escaping The American Continent, Truly I hope pastor you and your parishioners to subscribers are in that number. Beware of Aliens dangers from above; beware of North American Traffic Jams! C. O. AODHF/JCOB/JCOR

I know Pastor Breaker this gonna sound familiar, blessed is Jesus, THE CHRIST! Knowing knowing blessed skyrocketing 2013 I heard an interstellar Armageddon as surely as a trumpet sounding. Imagine there attempt as at present to thwart the repopulation of the earth Genesis man, marriage/multibillion man Royal Priesthood to mocking God a fallen angel mates with a disembodied unholy spirit manifest this specific creature explaining 2023 standing over sleeping beds anxious intravenous Angels just out, explained fallen angels is why aliens exist?

Until then pastor like you I didn’t have to believe in UFOS, UAP’s to extraterrestrial I believed in Red Dragon and millions of fallen angels who lost the ebbing and flowing into the present interstellar Armageddon and been exiled here doing these ancients of evils some say for as far back as the dinosaurs days, like Pastor commanded Asteroid Chicxulub could’ve targeted Satanic, demonic and alien reign back like a since Feb 12/13 2015 Daniel 2 stone from heaven and a since Nov 11/21 2021 thru 2023 Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE target since Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 satanic, demonic shown a hybrid between the two alien apocalypse!

Apparently proven to to be scripturally evident the reason there’s a spiritual warfare, evil territory spirits, those 4 loose angels have a 200 million demon army Apollyon has a scorpion army, let’ alone a bottomless pit of monsters, and pastor breaker the Jan/Feb 2019 Alexander/ Hitler’s Germany Antichrist has a disguised as policing German shepherds, Anubis Army!

Marvel not being up. there, witnessing this debate between Gog and Magog them, debating with Angel Michael THEM we now being in their timeline. I’d not realized Pastor constantly waking to that long duration hovering quaking, ear piercing weirdo. Like the morning Im yet to remember being at the opening of lamb’s book of life into a school name roll call, I woke beyond description exhausted

There’s something for a third date straight about Eze 9 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, the last day of America. I was just so tired, so exhausted, struggling to wake up, funny is I kept thinking I need to Get get up, roll outa bed even, get skywatcher youtube mrmb333 a picture or two.  eventually I woke but to knowing Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon was imminent and hearing, "last day of America!"

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen Bride, Goddess Dia Pomo Pharaoh and King Bridegroom Lord Azaes Phobia Blassen

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Eirene Juelz Emiliano and Lord Diaprepes Giovanni Smithson was born a godson Caius Aspen Emiliano, A godson Jesiah Jaxon Emiliano a goddess Aydin Thiago Emiliano Smithson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count

"Sooo the two references to Germany both Hitler and disguised German shepherds while unveiling the Antichrist tells us more about his identity, right? Don’t know, but a month or more ago I thought I heard we have another world leader Cameron, is that actual? He’s right Daniel seeing a little horn rise among the ten heads, Grand Sia seeing those two influencers the Antichrist the false prophet rise US and go further into prediction Obama’s WH, that she predicted, rise its Gog and Gog fulfilling during King Nebuchadnezzar Trump some bout his now revisited 2023 Sept 15, 2020 Abraham Accord that’s ticking down and they’re showing no stopping, several timetables the now since for seven years, Oct 17, 2021 Trumpian Abraham Accord that equally as President Obama has his whole family involved especially Trump’s little man in the middle, son in law, Jared Kushner! Question is what do we know about him? Yeah during Obama to The Obama’s close to the Antichrist scenario it was those two Rev 13 beast rise on US soil, who is Rahm Emmanuel? Presently Dragon BEAST Antichrist put in rule, Daniel's final week of 7 years, it's who's Trump's son in Law, Jared Kushner? The African Juttah airport/heir Juttah waiting area to beloved Craftan, ah, I just read grand Sia what Dr Who last dot and bubble just remind, What Lonesome Dove Craftan love, there’s some bout Feb 2017 showing these ancient territory beast genociders all around our children at home, school, church and play even Uvalde school GTA gaming, shooting/ Twilight movie school office scene ancients of human extinction disguised as all manners of gaming to HD, 5G and social media; I read even while our grandparents, were Audra man witnessed burying their grands alive, right before huge earthquakes, Haiti, and China! Ah, okay that, but when grands were children, they come into Sia grand grand portal of a prayer closet warning how parents would be so influenced by covert wicked devices from music, movies to gaming they’d come homicidal toward their children. Though isn’t that equally Lord Bastion what Paul describes to son in the faith Timothy would also be the signs of the end and and Craftan love if what you’re saying is true then after they show Biden/ Harris and their Whitehouse incinerated as all US states gone before and coming up, exception Georgia’s COAST, they suggested the viewing of other earth ending movie scenarios because like Dr Who and the predicting Simpson episodes there isn’t one earth ending scenario that haven’t been prophesied by the Prophets of old, Apostle Prophets of Jesus and revisited upon apostle prophets of the present day and with grands Sia’s shared online 40 Moses exodus years so still all to GOD’S outreaching righteousness there truly is nothing new under the sunlight of god, that non perish, so as Dec 3, 4. 5 Rev 3 JESUS did warn, do watch run, live! That’s live as in found worthy to ascend! Mighty Angel saying desolations predicted for the ancient upon US predestined soil now come. Beware of the US W. Pacific, there’s the Juan de fuca the San Andreas and any The Largest Strato Hawaii volcanic activity all can spark US Volcanic Apocalypse soon the taking, burning of the planet, II Pet, 3:10/11. so inundated with forewarnings. Further meaning it’s US West Pacific, warn its Midwest, the eastern seaboard and showing how extremely precise these impacts can be. was that the seeing of the eastern seaboard no more? Actually Caftan love, that’s the Volcanic American Continent no more, as  into its American/Atlantic exile luxury, SW Africa; I admit Craftan loving girl, grand Sia seeing famed letters USA floating off its southeastern coast per her warn Noah’s cousin to Aqua era to mrmbb333 showing there’s again that beyond Noah event SW Atlantic appearing on gauges as a fluke to glitch just might be its disguise!” {{{ “Calling Decius Audra Hannity and Lonesome Dove Craftan, your Heir Juttah 57 Is Boarding, this message will”}}} “Okay love,” eyes, ears on full alert, grabbing their things, getting up, out, "that’s us, that’s our heir Juttah! Miss you guys already, yeah I know, Brie man, we’re really missable, missable, is that a word, tickle, saying it together, “it is now! I can’t shake it, even as I think on it, it brings tears. Admittedly I’ve turned down three tombola matches, it’s lasting anguishing regret. I was in a setting lately this person was watching an episode of some medical drama. this whoring wife was screaming at her husband in the crowded trauma center her injuries come from her having a crippling lesbian affair with her neighbor. What if I told you guys that happened to me?” Always reminding them of the young man seeking a fix at The Matrix Movie Neo front door! “Only it was a restaurant scene, I do mean identical like they copied it and inserted into that scene, I rose from the table embarrassed beyond hell, and from that moment to this one I never saw her, spoke to her again hired Coogan firm lawyers who actually put me on the path to Global, African Juttah, it’s advocacy got my children outta that satanic to demonic situation I only heard her voice again and she mine by phones messages hers evil and insulting mine leading her to the only name given under heaven whereby one can be saved, Jesus THE CHRIST! Distinguish hope she’d be restored, be here as well! There’s a possibility she still, no Astrid died in a recent car collision still her begrudging self her family still don’t know whether it was accidental or suicidal she also killed a little boy and girl on their way to a birthday party! So when I saw that scene I was like screaming walk away from her don’t ever talk to see her again, that’s per de satanic! You said you’ve turn down three Tombola matches fearing the same, we’re in the African Juttah because it’s not the world ruled by Red Dragon them influences and never Aureus shall it be again with Jesus millennium and GODS KINGDOM descending new everything we’re looking at for eons into infinity. Yeah, I’ll marry you, standing, lifting her bag to her shoulder, freeing snarled strands, your children all, I loved you, your reddest hair, freckle skin all, at first sight, I’m Paisleigh Juliaet Macpherson, I’m also running, look me up, don’t look at me like that, I’m totally serious. Perfect Aureus man, seen you cried that testimony all over our shoulders at the right time to timing, Aureus even, I don’t even, I know her, Paisleigh Juliaet Macpherson, she’s my baby sister, your, yeah and I’ve never known her to be outspoken and so brassy so she must really like you, that was not my for 21 years sis Pais, I’m gone too, what’s her rush is also mine, right, ah good day. Wow, I wasn’t expecting that, nothing like that not even close, it’s divine spontaneity, even divinity Audra, there’s no knowing it, this area is really emptying out, you waiting, yesh my brother Westin actually got outta Texas before am inundation, all I heard was you said it Audra man and you was right, no not me, I said, California, Florida, grand Sia describe some US states as not Safehaven territories and Texas is one, wow they’re calling me, he’s here, look her up she said, yeah man, Paisleigh Juliaet Macpherson, okay I’ll do that catch you reveals Monday yeah you and brother have an uplifting weekend, that’s later.” What you doing? I maybe Looking up Paisleigh Juliaet Macpherson, giving Audra a run to the Tombola lottery to remember, yeah only thing bout that bro, she didn’t just offer to marry you and your children; right, is she really ready for a self made even problematic family, though? Ah, I see, there’s my mom arrival, reminded they said memorial day travelers were historic, you think those the hundreds of millions Grand did see escape! I thought of that Oaklee man, and her again warning how questionable air travel since she witnessed as John Rev 12 intravenous Angels star warring causing in realtime an unprecedented lightening event especially Los Angeles areas its LAX flights, they’re still calling you man, right, every 15 minutes. right see ya, right, hey when done entertaining mom, we’ll be at the pub, right, right!"      >>>"Oklee love I’m here, happily waving him her way, yes here, mom, ah my mom, wait, you’re crying, my god, right upon his shoulder, first that incredible craft, that flight, then it’s like arriving in heaven on earth, I don’t understand, why isn’t all mankind here? All mankind may not be here but they’re all mom represented here. It’s like Nimrod’s Babel, world migration has its finale in the African Juttah until it’s glorified in heaven and descend a multicultural, multibillion man Royal Priesthood. Whoa mom, you already talking like a parental Juttah, Sia. not me, bright lights of explanations on our way here. Dad? Having fear over faith, decided to have that useless surgery not realizing new bride Temu is supporting it, her medical collegues getting paid. I’m yet to catch my breath, this place, ah god this place, mom, stop crying, oxygen pills on the more the parental Juttah is an African paradise its own. So sis Darin? Stayed Oklee with your dad no less, yes, so he’s endangering her as he endanger himself. Where son are we going? More like a ten star but 5 star lay over, hotel and once mom you get your jet legs off and dancing feet on, we’re going out on the town. Come, see, here we’re connected by a communication system we simply call the commy that keep us as close as we are right now, so let them treat you, ah my god, mouth gapping awe, up and all around, tears pouring right through to the balcony doors. No way, no way ever is this real, a real fantastic dream you wake from, Oklee, mom, please come, rest, really, I’ll come back as soon as you call, I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’ll try, good, see you again soon." {{{“Hello, moms here, made comfortable, ah, the freezing her where she stand unspeakable balcony, scene.  I’m on my way, good news, right? Good, we tell mommy at dinner, Noriah, she haven’t seen, heard nor wowed nothing yet, I know right!"     >>>"Just saying seeing all that Maaseiah outreach stalled all around the sounding to celebration, the sounding of the 7th angel trumpet. "The first Nicholas, all involved divine laborers are together, how blessed assured, beyond imagining, I don't know, remember I was standing before such a heavenly multicultural, multimillion man choir in heaven. Right before a weeping uncontrollably since designed Ancient OF Days Holy father begin sobbing, crying uncontrollably until we all were sobbing uncontrollably! "I know," meticulously wiping a tear, moving off, away seeing the constant influx of pilgrims, sabbatical into those phenom sky falls; it’s like grand, grand saying she’s so not impressed with seeing all those intravenous angels all around her bedroom, only THEY knowing Nicholas she’s about to suffer the walking though the valley of death of granddad Saurus be lost! 'He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments as the noonday, an appearing in said reveal King David assured. The Nicholas, HUGER than the HUGEST SUN, HUGER TIFF HUGERER SINGLE WORD YOU, as in sweetheart Maaseiah, YOU’RE the reason and the Dec 4, 2021 single word WATCH, as Maaseiah watch and see won’t they do it, bring all your predicted desolations to pass, ascend you to our stay put foundation pillar. I didn’t know or I’d forgotten Father King David appeared personally so Nicholas did a standing, staying off Jesus Christ Cross, you talking the molten lava death rider being unleashed from beneath, Maaseiah!" Concerningly snatching her up literally fainting self into his arms, getting her to the bed, "my god, you’re virtually sleepwalking, any wonder they showed your rest as a grown up cradle, with an inconceivable perfumed wind man intravenous bridegroom Jesus blowing its soothing immeasurable adoration all around! I’m so tired, you can’t do this to yourself, like Rev book John Maaseiah, haven't they shown you all its fulfillment, into the Great White Throne Judgment and God Star Warring his descending Kingdom, right now, what's predestined wiil, is done, wasn't they giving you Rev 10, Mighty this evidence , nothing return void sleep. sleep!”      >>> "Okay mother, no more hesitation, Lark and I have a surprise, as in we’re ascending to where resurrected Jesus was glorified, now our heirship to His kingdom cause that’s about all that can surprise me right now. How bout we’re pregnant with our first godson, predestined Channing Legolas Halestrum. Oh my god, yes, yes, you’re right, that’ll do it, lifting my hands, glassy eyes all, which remind when do you stop crying around here, everyone, thing so overwhelming? Congratulations you two and us all, thanks the lord for my first grandson, Channing, huh? So amazing grace, oh, I talked to Darin mom, she’s coming, said like millions of others they’re running outa reasons for being there, in known US States impact zones, again, thank god, she has an ETA yet? No but she's yo call us with  it when she get it, actually I'm beginning to think good, news doesn't stop around here."      >>>"Honestly at the time, we were running toward one the other, she coming to figure why I'm screaming, I'm looking for her, anybody really, that boy disappeared as we were talking back and forth. I'm terrifyingly telling her, she doesn't flinch, saying, yeah, he was just translated! Translated, what's that, why no one told me? And as soon as she formed the word, "well," she was gone too, and I must've fainted, I woke to a house a while later, well everybody crying to praying to swearing, parents, actually. Yeah, there's that, though a lot of people disappeared, so many didn't, too many, especially church people, I mean the length of time, we been knowing all this. Those described worshipping god with their mouth, not their hearts, tribulation saints, you just don't know Jance man, how many people were convinced by just as delusional leaders as long as they had church, America. they had god, and they had him, just how they wanted, god. Then more and more people realized this god, they thought they thought was in their pockets, left them, they just come enraged at him and I knew I had to get away from them as fast and furious as I could. Thanking God, pending even,  I knew where to go, thanking God for Michael's list all, that it'd made room for me, whewwww, the speed I reached Alabama/Georgia border, then Georgia's Tybee coast, and just waited for instructions there. Alone Jackson man, all the way? Yeah, I mean by now, everybody's running or misbehaving so it's like I'm gone, see you y'all there, hooked up with guys who knew an a just as on the run Princes Juttah Nibewi, here I am, years now, praise him I tell ya, no way my flight could've been that swift and then to find an heir to the Africa Juttah, Darius's, that's God, that's ALL God, still so loving the world, that none perish!"     >>>”I do this much easier mesure Coogan you squeeze in here with me, I squeeze in there with you there’d be no sleeping I’ll behave I promise, you’ll behave Mrs Maaseiah Adonai Saurus Coogan I’m calling grand, grand, ooou, sexy, sexy, 
using my whole name. Maaseiah, please, well that’s almost all my names, what is your mom’s name? First Nicholas, Cocktaw, Leathercoat, stop it, I never knew that, yeah I’m for real, no way was I going to school as Maaseiah Cocktaw Leathercoat; “okay, okay,” coming over, squeezing in, making them sexy, sexy cozy. “I’ll give you 15 minutes to start snoring, after that Maaseiah Adonai Choctaw, Leathercoat, Saurus, Coogan I’m calling grand, grand. Or, or better yet, I’m taking you to her, or, or I’m taking you to Specialist Cullen Michael Veneer, now how you like them apples? Ninety Nine guardian angels on the wall, Ninety Nine guardians angels, if one them should happen to fly off, Ninety Eight guardians angels on the wall! Come, on Nicholas sing with me, pleaseee! Ninety Seven guardian angels on the wall, ninety seven guardians angels, if one them should happen to fly off  ninety six” both of them yawning to say, wiping running eyes, sniffing running noses, “guardians angels on the wall!” Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4/ See more here, Of Lord Urusalem : Lord, Cherubim so beloved,   

YouTube Pastor Breaker, September 23, 2017? What's going to happen? via @YouTube

Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above, I Heard As Our Craft Take To The Skies!

I’m sitting my bed watching tv when I begin to here, guardian angel in the room say fallen angels is why Aliens exist. Knowing my heart descending, ascending holy lords knew except it comes from THEM there’s no convincing me Aliens exist and aren’t just perpetrated by Red Dragon Them.

I soon notice this then pending date Sept 23 2017 was going viral on social media; thing is Pastor this exact date two years prior Sept 22/23 20I5, like again June 4/10 2023, I woke to my adult grands snatch outa Memphis into Georgia’s COAST now come back for me grand Caden and a cousin by marriage Cameron boarded a craft, watched screen scrolling panel, Sept 22, 23 and going and since it’s the date they’re recurring revisited skyrocketing the bride until Sept 15, 2023 THEY took the holy Bride and instantly come back for two the witnesses leading captivity capture invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb on to wait the 7th Angel trumpet of summoning us back Jesus millennium reign!

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor

Then 100% Brad not Brad Pitt seen for years running with his arms full of Jolie’s children, so like a movie but not a movie. Tens of millions are about to die here alone, we knowing a dominoing Hawaii is also imminent; knowing who, why, what and where you’re assigned by intravenous Angels to run, not US Georgia but US GA’s COAST, CROSSOVER, RUN! HBOW/Apb

I know none believed Noah knew human extinction come; but those chosen by GOD even assured by intravenous Angels know these things, even that you only ran afterward!
Honestly procrastinating running even by designed mega disasters would explained when by breaking news you took off running on your heels were Eze 9 designed heart stabbers
Yeah the weirdo they’re chasing already Stampeding persons; our packing was mocked as Yellowstone on our heels; they spin their capture a waltz and point blank the heart up, down they’re outta here!

This weirdo, they’re chasing stampeders; our packing was mocked as Y. S. on our heels and during its flooring molten lava scare they offered race cars/tracks; judge Jury executioner they spin you a waltz and point blank the heart up, down, you’re outta here!
Explain my May 10, 2024, Memphis niece TIFF CME/EMP event mocking a Yellowstone on your heels is like all the tornadic areas hit by recurring storms while they’re packing what’s splintered into the grass explaining such unimaginable biblical territory US death toll/grocery store toll booths!


Leave The World Behind! That’s A Netflix Title Seems Showing HIMSELF Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM; All Righteous Out Reach Stalls All Around Waiting The Sounding Of The 7Th Angel Trumpet! I, well we were there, the multicultural multibillion man Royal Priesthood, including Pastor The Two Witnesses Leading Captivity Captured The Tribulation Saints!


Multimillion man, grocery, grocery store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth! Frightnight Rev 6:6 global food crisis Pastor was instead Aug 24/25 2023 portrayed as Rev 9; those who didn’t die by the US lab bio/plague, backward Letter C. Covid, repented not!

Hand over the keys to the bottomless pit; loose the 4 bound angels and their 200 million demon army; here comes Antichrist Scorpion Kings Anubis Army! Marvel not up to then Aug 2023 and near a year later THEY’VE moved to yank us out more ways than can be counted! Marvel not we’re for a year May 3 2024, counting down 37 days into both a June 4/10, hammering/skyrocketing! Until then Thus Saith Dec 2,4,5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! ALL ONE ON BOARD DIVINE STAR WARRIORS!!!

mrmbb333, seen this? Science / Space

‘Devil comet’ is about to make its closest approach of Earth

By Ashley Strickland, CNN

Published 11:30 AM EDT, Sat June 1, 2024.; again a since May 3, 2023 another 37 day countdown to what’s a June 4/10 2024 hammering off of Apocalyptic events/skyrocketing Holy Church Bride;

I did wonder mrmbb333 why would threaten Eze 5 Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone taunt a Chernobyl April 08. 2024 Spring Rapture. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, without fulfilling predicted fiery doomsday apocalypse all US states, continent to world rule; natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and like it or not Pastor Breaker shown a hybrid between the two, ALIEN APOCALYPSE! Marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING! Frightnight with both dominoing Hawaii and building 101 Ben Affeck Armageddon, Yellowstone; Devil Comet makes three of the predicted desolations an anxious Rev 10 Mighty warn we’re now fulfilling US W. Pacific; like get out all US states into GA’S COAST Apb
