Dear Dallas Jenkins As the bike to horse and buggy days again! Jesus Millennium Reigns

The Links Prophecy fulfilling; 
The picturesque image Dallas of Bush's invasion of Afghanistan, designed, quoting THEM, "one error into a new fear-factor!" There’s even hearing, waking me from sleep, Trump's inauguration morning, 50 million US will die, GOD'S WILL ALONE, BEING DONE! As since May 15, (2004), seeing Angel Gabriel approaching, dropped my heart into my belly, its stabbing regretfulness ours for many millennia extreme failure. 

-Only his heart felt, reminder the fulfilling of all for many millennia prophecy into May 31 2022, John opened bible to Rev1-19; Jesus millennium reign arriving on horseback as all the planet a sudden loss by revisited Aug 2023, and for a year May 3, 2024, counting down 37 weatherized days into The TIFF, SOLAR CME/EMP event. The sudden lost of 190 years of tech. marvel not earther's are also as the bike to horse and buggy days again, like an express way pileup of wrecked vehicles, there's seeing a pileup of wreaked bike, to these odd repo's on bikes, instead of cars,

I keep reminding Dallas THEY have extreme mockery at procrastinating blessed exile luxury, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit; marvel not, error burning Bush 2004/05, seeing America, Britain take separate forks in the road, hearing, as to Eze 9 commanded heart stabbers, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, pitty pieces; the very incineration, of world nations, warn of reigning Holy Church launching King Babylon's Daniel 2 stone from heaven. Presently three hammering off by a hammered Jesus/Holy Bride, THE CHRIST of this same stone, more apocalyptic heaven to earth, events, come! C. O. Star Warring AODHF, JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM

See more its pieces of Lord Urusalem Prophetic Parables here,; here,; and here,




I shared how at one time, this only time, I physically wrote A US President, President Bush; lead during the last of it, to tell him, once the year 2000 hit there’s no more normal days! Apostle/Prophet Patricia Ann Bradford; The Rising Above Ministry, THE RAM, Apb

-Emailing The Chosen Series Dallas Jenkins: The Chosen S4/S3; I remember this Father King David scene so well, no I wasn’t there. I was put in Moses' exodus from Egypt to Petra to Cannan land, so close to both biblical lineages, Father Moses and Father, Joshua, but no I wasn’t here.

-Like I been encouraging readers I’d been moved to memorize its entire blood, heart penance prayer Ps 51, decades back following a three day fast our pastor put us on. The approaching prayer meeting, of winning his tremendously scattered church back to him.

-Well actually since everything burns, but described it can be rebuild, the foundation laid by Christ and His Holy apostles. Surrealistically it’s back to the living spirit, living word and living truth. My turn come, I kneeled, prayed this unprecedented blood, heart intravenous, his parishioners poured back in. When Eze 9 heart stabbers are unleashed upon US soil, yes like Ezekiel, I saw them, saw what they do GOD’S command, sparing none, young, old.

-Frightnight Dallas they weren’t stampeding you, they were chasing after you for its tardiness, for its procrastinating the incalculable in martyred blood, blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit. These heart stabbers were instantly ascending, mostly descending some. Anyway Ps 51/Dan 9 vs 4, these are the types of spirit blood hearts you best hope commanded heart stabbers find;

-So when a father in Christ, World Evangelist (Jimmy Swaggaert, when I say I grew up in Christ by a prayer closets of intravenous Angels and a panel of godly, anointed men); FJS, him, plus I always imagine all tens of thousands to millions.

-Here’s Dallas, equally confessing with him religious/(Catholic Pope/priest), political, parental, monetary, military, SOCIAL MEDIA leaders. So and so, let’s add the two billion worshipers of Christmas I cried come up here with me! All, all, all confessing before the world they trumpeting Noah’s evil days far and beyond, how they also hath abominable, detestable sin.

-Right until when Hawaii missile crisis morning, presently the Cuban missile crisis part 2; I witnessed during error Saddam Hussein, burning Bush. Actually Dallas those stampeders Eze 9 heart stabbers were chasing. As I explained it, they were first seen like Brad Pitt with an arm filled with Jolie's children running into a described lesser barbecuing US Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER; as from breaking news about this very event, a Cuba Missile crisis 2, post-apocalyptic anything WEST RULE with 100 million Americans to westerners speedily dead; presently Sept BETA 15/2020 Trump Abraham Accord, Islamic/Israeli/ANTICHRIST reign, I KNOW!

-Surrounded by Zechariah 14 described Mt Olivet arrival by every Jacob’s ladder intravenous Angel there is, Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus called them riches to rags, sickbeds and sleepovers. How he’d BIG JUNE/Juneteenth 04/10 2023/2024 hammering to skyrocketing taken their children a mass dieoff ascension, they're left suffering a mutating Rev 6, 4th seal, contagion, pale horse, horse of hades!

-Crying Repent or Perish, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! How additionally confessing all leaders to advisors all admit HE'D been equally talking to them; Marvel not crossing the old Arkansas bridge into US Georgia’s coast, CROSSOVER; mocked down on all four Gog and Magog both King Nebuchadnezzar and aligned Gog and Magog, error Islam/Abraham Accord Trump’s penance; while 7 years after extreme madness, wilderness animalistic King Nebuchadnezzar did wakeup, (REPENT)!  

Marvel not the burning Whitehouse complex to Airforce one and two, howbeit not the continuity of anything THE AMERICAS TO WEST RULE 'ever,' again. Biden and Harris to famed letters USA (Pres Obama’s error Col Gaddafi’s United States Of Africa) were just as the three Hebrew boys, only there's a waiting intravenous triangle craft, blessedness is they weren’t equally consumed.

Psalm 37:10-11, marvel not the molten death rider from beneath included a Present Father King David, quoting, it's vss 1-6: FRET NOT THYSELF! Psalm 37:10-11 says, "For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of Peace. 

PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH  13, foour days short, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, commanded Brexit, BRIEXIT/Blaexit, JUNETEENTH 17/19 (2002); Ben Affleck Armageddon, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

Zarar Khan


An image of Info-wars, Anonymous is holding a sign saying: Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions with no consequences; Iran broke 2, got invaded bombed and destroyed!

See more here, Disney’s Dr Who, Dot and bubble; The worse of beast I’ve seen, besides one stomping and chomping through abominable Pulpits; there’s those three for the ancient genociders Lion, Leopard and Anubis demon dogs, all around your children posing since my sons now with children,  grands were children, as HD, 5G and social media screening; marvel not just before raging also razed the US capital there’s that stone Anubis demon come to life, stretch his bow, launched his arrow and return as stone as Jesus described the hearts of men; see so here,

NBC News, -and UN accused both Israel and Hamas of war crimes; (Apb, last count Gaza 2000, Israel 35, 000); But the ratio between Islamic dead and westerners dead is always this huge deficit; until West Rule error Islam owe 50 million here, US soil, 25 Mil Brits, 25 Mil BC, I woke close to the AntiChrist, Pres Barack Hussein, July 27/28 2016/Jesus Millennium reign,  hearing clearly each sentenced country, it's calculation in insurmountable, death tolls, Running? HGOW

Marvel not, just before US grocery store keys mocked a real live Rev 9 release of millions in assigned demons a barter balen, toll booth over immortal souls; Marvel not reaping what’s sown I saw Israel as a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of them regularly falling to their deaths. Eze 9 heart slayers take no prisoners old young, they catch you, spin you to face them, a swordlike syringe cuts through the air point blank the telling heart up or down you’re no longer this planet; hence the cry pray for all human beings at the wailing wall; 

Marvel not forecasting anonymous on the brain like earthquake forecaster Dutchsinse; not just weeks ago they mocked a run on matrix blue pills, when these commanded heart stabbers were done pharmaceuticals were too as burning Bush/Clinton/ Bush/Obama/Trump Biden aligned to millions to billions dead!!! HBOW/Apb

Apostle, Prophet Dallas and wayyy more THEY entreat me knowing as knowing Noah’s Cousin is also molten lava flooding; see, pray more here, Dan 9 begin vss 4; just as I prayed Dallas psalms 51 during this Chosen scene; when all evil overseers confessed; I felled into my portal like prayer closet, on my knees and start lamenting “Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from sin.

“For we acknowledge our transgressions: and our sins are ever before thee Against thee, thee only, “father,” have we sinned, and done this evil in thy sight. That thou mightiest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. 
“Behold, we were shapen in iniquity; and in sin did our “parents,” conceive us Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make us to know wisdom.. Amen, RFKD/HBOW/Apb The RAM:

Herenton Egan Lowd IV, Evacuate Us!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Thanksgiving 23, k2018,, 6:31 AM


...The African Juttah, 1986-2016/2026/3026, God's Kingdom Come!!!!!!!!!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom,

Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Queen Bride Felicity Stuart Benz

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo Kadesh Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

You’re crying, sobbing so,” hand to hand, head to head even, sitting there just now wowing marriage bed, “you got me crying, ah now we're laughing. I can ah, ah my god, what is happening? Ah my god, ah, I was in this, I'm gonna say, like Grand Sia, this demo. I'll describe the constant first, okay, I'm visiting in Africa, there's this huge game going on, a mud lot nearby; I'll even say rugby. Also there's this huge family to tribal gathering and these shepherds running down as to brand sheep. I don't know if sheep are branded, they're kinda herding sheep. Miraculously, these are some of the hugest sheep I've ever seen, they're like three times the size of a regular sheep. All those are the constants. Soon to realize I'm not just me, Second Princess' Darius Juttah but also the wife/Church Bride, I don't even know if he have a wife, I don't even know his name. We only been watching The Chosen series for a week or so. But it's him, the one who play Jesus, I’m his wife, he's a practicing Jew, really strict. Come this moment here, as his wife, I fondly grab his waist, tease him for a kiss, he's embarrassed, all these people all around. Look, you know Kadesh love, how tall you stand over me, well he stands over me two to three times as much as you, he's towering. Soon things shift, all around there's this huge rugby game playing, this outdoor, building family gathering, these shepherds running down these huge sheep. Next I know I'm in this building, you know, it could be a waiting area of a waiting room. I'm as the wife, I'm standing the hall, I'm waiting for him to get done with his Jewish duties. A door opening and closing reveals, he's in a room with two others reading and studying, the Torah, they too I'm sure are two of The Chosen characters, Peter and Matthew, I think, they're all strict Jews, studying. Here, its clear, the wife want actor Jesus to see her waiting for him, even like a deer it's waterbrook, panting for him, I read in the bible somewhere. Things shift again, I'm outside with others, standing this wire fence, watching these constants, the game, the family gathering, the sheep herding. Soon my ear catch a new thing, some others, hunters, fishermen's are in trouble, and all-around rescuers start gathering what they need. This is when I see our daughter, like I say, don't know if there's a wife let alone children. Anyway, she's helping them prep, only to myself, I'm saying, thinking, she better not try sneak off with them. Then I begin to see, hear someone say, there's a storm coming in, then I hear what grand Sia said she heard as dozing off asleep mother's day night, just now, 'pray.' As soon as I heard pray, I looked toward the heavens, a dimming sunlight, start singing, Selah's How Great Thou Art, ( and ah my God growing mostly male voices all around start singing it with me, helping me, so, so incredible. Then automatically, I started singing it in the language Selah does, possibly Swahili, and so did they, equally amazing, ah my God. Once finished, I looked at one African female and said, I never thought I'd get to sing that with Africans and she said, we never thought we'd get to sing that with you. That's when everything, every constant filled in really close, when I realized I'd lost track of her, the daughter, frighten she'd sneaked off with rescuers. But soon again distracted, this huge game of rugby was on going, as so that building family to tribal gathering. I watched as these shepherds, captured another sheep, huge, they were, sheared up to the head, white with black to red circles each leg, just above the hooves. Suddenly, it broke away like a shot, and sheep dogs took out after it, only soon a ginormous, lying in wait alligator snatched them all up! Then the oddest of all, pig, after pig after pig kept piling into its mouth, oddly this rescue too; like keeping the predator gator from trapping them all in his mouth, jaws. Suddenly I woke this riveting gladness to celebration soon erupting limitless orgasms, that exploded all over, through me; ah us, our marriage bed, so wordless itself; ah my god woman, so, so indescribable, all of it! I know, I know, I couldn't help it, I could be embarrassed , coming after you like that, but you are my husband, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh, Coogan, Kroff. Oh, oh, oh, I got a sorta revelation days past, about your name, meaning RECONCILE, BE HOLY! Just think Kadesh, that's the down from the FATHER OF LIGHT'S ultimate cry for Israel and Palestine right now, in fruitless turf wars again, right now, Which raging, blistering temptress remind me, I was visiting grand, grand Saurus, the one that took, raised First Prince Silverton and grand Maaseiah and I these mysterious visitors for years. I was questioning her as always about spiritual things, can't remember what right now. Just then she say, we be godlike living spirits, the holy spirit can come into our spirit and make us like Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, all the billions of us, we just have to let HIM; ah my God Felicity, we just have to let HIM, even THEM. Then she stress, move off, after I went into my closet that day and said Apostle Paul's Romans 12,1, 2, as a heart, true prayer, I was never again the same, never again! Then moving off with tea and toast in hand, again she pause, it was only minutes later Kadesh son, Almighty Jesus having wings and a nondescript host of heaven besides Zech 14 and Rev 19 all come for me. It was all those times they'd visited me since I was a child, this is exactly what they were waiting for, for me to surrender heart, mind, soul and cursed earth, life over to them. Know also grandson, you can say THEY too lie in wait for millennia now for any and all of us to just opened to Jesus knocking, that they surrender to THEM all, the amazing grace of belief, faith and faithfulness. Okay, okay, beloved Kadesh, grand, grand is as brilliant as always, but I know you know what that dream mean, if nothing else those shepherds to sheeps were curious; and Felicity love the lot of it, but, not now, not while we're racing to the shower, too, too late, last one sit in the crowded back, ah you're such a cheater, last one Felicity dear, argggg, you're such a cheater Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Coogan, Kroff!"     >>>"African Juttah Septennial to El Shaddai Coogan, what is going, sorry Cassius man, ah, I'm still flabbergasted over the divine curative, Holy Father, Garden Of Eden. The husband flesh and blood of hers, for curing the wife and the wife, fresh, blood of his, for curing the husband, especially their unspeakable, humbling, procreating, blessed, marriage bed. I'm sitting the balcony as evening grew cooler, I'm broken hearted and overwrought this pointless conversation I just had with a Preecest Juttah. Soon cold, miserable I'm pining and pining for newly wed Chodne to come, wrap her warm blanket self all around me. Only, only fascinatingly, just as soon it's not a dream, I shockingly, happily feel her warm juicy body on mine and it's all wayyy more amazing, magical than imagined. When as Forrest Gump would say, that's all I gotta say about that, except, except Sias all, Holy Father of lights does indeed know what we need, when and where and like come to Job's rescue, He delivers, mightily. So, so beginning with yourself, I Darius Juttah, El Shaddai Coogan say, all surrendered to THEM, come to glorious light, all this cursive, deadly, damning, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying never heard of again, God's Christ, Paradise, The Tree of life, all on planet earth. I know they take more pleasure in darkness and every evil work, still I'm just saying, blessed deliverance, it's all in them, come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden's lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls, Jesus Christ Of Nazareth. I need to go find beloved Chodne, right now, we got some planning to do, catch you all in reveals. So Maha, how you do it; I know you told Chodne you would, we all heard it, doubted it, so how? If El Elylon big brother you must know, I found her, but I didn't go alone, Darius, Queen Juttah, Karsiann and Princess Juttah Evolent, both accustomed my efforts, my mission impossible if you will. Oh my God, you're kidding, there's no saying no to either of those Juttah, Revelation, Goddesses. To be honest Ely, once Preecest Cottie was informed there'd be no more outgoing transit, how all Juttah Tribunals agreed it'd be too much of a target for Ezekiel 9 grim reapers targeting all non-compliant transit; one strike the telling heart, some ascended, most descended. Then big brother, there was only convincing her how there's not for many millennia past, nor for many millennia to come, it's a coincidence she's in the Juttah Septennial; being pursued by one of the most fascinating Tombola Prenuptial's here, and you Sia, Christopher, Cobra, Coyote, know who you are. Equally, you know she's not speaking to me, won't hear nor see me? Ah but she will, digesting one's own foolish heart anew all Sias here know is really, really, mentally to physically drooling. Easily it could be Sia Mahaseiah, she wants nothing else to do with me, which is why Sia Coyote the Tombola Pool is filled with such titillating possibilities and guess who else knows that? I give you one guess." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousins yet say Rev 18 Holy God seeth them not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or likewise of billions lost to billions pending lost,, perish; see more here,, how like for six millennia its all been ending, prophetically, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM

PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH  15. 22 years, three days short, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, commanded Brexit, BRIEXIT/Blaexit, JUNETEENTH 17/19 (2002); Ben Affleck Armageddon, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

YouTube, The Chosen Global Livestream: Season 4, Episode Four via @YouTube; the moment these sons made this request I said, frighten even, Jesus doesn’t hold this authority; only our father in heaven; I knew Dallas because I’d thought to do something similar, even if for different, desperate reasons but yeah. Know, it’d be a decade or more before I’d know what grievances those seven holy spirits designed THEIR OWN  foundation Apostle, Prophet had made,

see more its Anamnesis And The Spirit Here,  its


As quickly as one can turn his head I was in a dark place, dark I say, it was black, void and horrifying; we take for granted we’re surrounded by sound, by life, by movement. There’s the time I even Dallas took solace in my neighbors moving about one late night, it’s blessed reassuring, I wasn’t alone.


Though this place, I guess the way ELO-HIM, THEM found planet earth, in the beginning, the silence, pitch void and not just the creepy crawlers slowly eating you alive, clawing, biting, chomping, tearing! So when CREATOR looked, saw it was good, we’re never alone. Don’t you think it for a minute it’s only a metaphor, Jesus threatening outer darkness! 


Jesus threatened outer darkness, any like me thinking to climb up any other way. I’ve witnessed entire assembly of families get as close as to hear blessed assurances, "and the last enemy of man that shall be destroyed is death," before they all crash and burn into the earth, like lightening bolt, Lucifer and his mutineering millions. 

Know, it wasn’t that I thought I was worthy. If you truly knew me like THEY know me, you’d know I’d never think like that. I guess I wanted his ear in person, I desperately needed him to hear me. So I imagined to just maneuver, curve, pushed all else paradise heaven aside, approaching HIM directly.


I know what does one have to do with the other, with the sons of thunder request? Like he explained to Paul’s and mine own horrifying at times transformation infirmity His Grace is sufficient, even HIS WILL! Stop, pause, listen, everything hath sound, hath music, everything hath hallelujah dance. For its speedy supplement I wished for the cries of hell this devouring, inking lifelessness: wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy I’ve said and said! 

Mercifully, I presume knowing the heart, this light come, this lamp under my feet, leading, guiding, rescuing.  Here’s hoping HOLY Father said she’s had enough, learned her lesson even, (www.lord; (for decades my reveals, Rev 17:14); “Lamb Of God, Jesus Husband, go, deliver her!” C. O. Star Warring, AODHF/ JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb


When Eze 5 designed Devil Comet/Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE come GA home barbershop, he’s saying we missed a BIG ONE!

Seeing Famed Letters USA Also Floating Off Into SW Africa’s Continent: seeing the word College dwindle into the single letter C, US Lab, backward letter C, bio-Covid?

-I know Adam, watching this end of the American Dream scenario. Truly it’s like watching Gov Pilate (Putin) convince religious to political mobsters to the mob (Gog and Magog The US) they really don’t wanna  crucify Jesus, (extinct their own ONE humankind.

-Only prophetically like an assigned Jonah, Russia and China, because besides designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, only they can. Supposed to deal with these evil colonizers this one last time. Marvel not Memphis grands again sudden translation come running into my GA bedroom happily celebrating “you was right about all of it!”

-Remember during burning Bush to close to the Antichrist both Obama and Trump’s awarded US states of barbecue/Biden/Harris WH; I saw into homes that I remind was of a present day Cuban missile crisis. Only with Eze 9 heart stabbers running down, heart stabbing millions of US refugees finally getting out. RUNNING? 

-So you Marfoogle, see, I haven’t just seen for near 40 Moses exodus years to experience every form of skyrocketing HOLIES off doomed planet, every. Also with every it’s Rapture Demo there’s Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael’s list of getting a number of you to designed safehaven territory. Marvel not Eze 5 HE also designed mandatory evacuations after those others HE also love; regardless 50 million US is dying; IS DYING, and the speed; HBOW/Apb
