RED ALERT - Something really bad just happened via @YouTube


The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 19, the say of, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024



MAYBE AS DANIEL'S KING BABYLON'S/To US Trump MADNESS CURSES OF HITLER'S GERMANY THEY DON'T SEE CHILREN ANYMORE, EVEN HUMAN BEINGS: Proven to be evident, the charged mercifulness, "pray for all the human beings at t                                              he wailing wall!"  US soil Eze 9, Ink horn man, "mark them for life," slaughter all others! WOE TO SCHOOLS BUSES!


There's showing Sulaiman Ahmad US non-white males, as endangered as US non-white, women with children. Imagine my shock, Hawaii missile crisis morning, the most ginormous of translating, crossing over and skyrocketing others, those of GOD. Rev 2 Jesus, threatening the mass dieoff ascension of all children, showing, those most endangered children are those who's procrastinating parents, riches to riches sickbeds and sleepover, keep them in impact zones. I know with Gog and Magog Nethanyahu Anubis dogs prowling even where US red line's blur, where to run? Exceptions , lesser barbecued areas, Jordans' Petra, US Georga's coast, CROSSOER, Africa's Southwest, Atlantic, costal cities, where to run?


MAYBE AS DANIEL'S US Trump MADNESS CURSES OF HITLER'S GERMANY THEY DON'T SEE CHILREN ANYMORE, EVEN HUMAN BEINGS: proven to be evident, June hammering Rev 17:14 Jesus was skyrocketing two boys, who'd soon drown by a school bus diver mistake! There's the middle schoolers during a bus stop, attempted the assassination of one of their classmates, saved by a jammed glock.

The mother, who had to come to the harsh reality her child had been repeatedly molested on the school by one of his classmates; woe to school buses indeed, even more so given a specific death date, right before B- Covid killed millions, woe to endangering parents. Apb                                   
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater

and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son 

Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"No the question is Rev 14 Crown Christ thrusting in reaping sickle, cloud and Grand Sia standing a could as she witnessed another could balloon with each skyrocketing saint, the same event? Just remember Nextus Juttah, when she see's harvester with a gleaning tools aside the head of her sleeping bed she’s seeing this identical Christ Lord, King Jesus. okay, okay her just described, comical speeing the hallway, prophet Ezekiel an Prophetic Daniel Man In Linen, you Darius, Juttah, Little Miya girl in actual flesh and blood said you could explain and explain Abraham, actually he's uncle big June, dies by police gun violence, when grand sia was only a teen." wait you have a memhis uncle, commanded sunlight of god, on big June, as a moses exodus is named for, does seeing an Abraham daughter, per close to Antichrist Trump, Abraham Accord in any way intimidate you?" I could use, granddaddy saurus, used as a Lamb of god, Jesus husband here on earth then died its crown of righteous, ascended and is now, ordain for all eternity the Lamb of God Jesus's husband, so far his positionm, is to be close to holy church bride, even at one time, in, as comforting her sickbeds, all of thinking only minutes, despite her teen years, she was definitely showing herself Darius Juttah Coogan/Kroff. just as I promised, the pundit, behind the racing down the hallway, his garment blowing in its speed, grand sia believe is their fun mockery of the time, she ran from heavenly father, roaring, raging at her, how he's alpha and omega, the first and the last the beginning and end, he dare think the catastrophic removal of The American dream to The American continent, it's entire world systems, would any amount of a challenge for him, like she now say blink, and you'll miss it, its for five years, Aug 5, 2024, skyrocketing to fire-rocketing. Good-day Darius, Tribunal Heelsfeet, good day Sia Miya, and the Nextus, Juttah, I was beginning to think they'd set me  subitute and I could, get with my family, the celebration of Juneteenth a bit earlier, so I'm guessing that is not the case, not, Sia Heelsfeet the case at all, the how both sweet and bitter, raise your hand if taking the blazing, flaming, frying pan, flying saucer incineration of the Biden, Harris whitehouse,  on to scrutinize other earth ending movie scenatios, one of them is the movies, as one clinking a screen ready, player. "The Day After,"  you've watched youtube's "The Day After!" I see those hands, please rise and quietly write your names on the boards. Now having watched, The Day After, therewith you must wonder why the only such movie, of a US soil vs Russia soil, demonstration of nuclear war is older than your parents to grandparents. I did, well I see many of us did, but I also witnessed history channel finally during such the scenario, and besides, reporting millions dead the us, millions dead in Russia, there really not true content to work with, nuclear war is human genocide. Then Nextus Juttah we're right back to Grand sia, showing that incredible conversation, Trump, Angel Gabriel is having with an at limits star warring red dragon lucifer, teasing, him, about how unwise his advisors. They're being puppeteered with the most techological militaries ever or ever again, inextincting humankind, including themselves. those of you raised your hand who've watched this demonstration, I want to hear, what did you learned, what not to do! since they're american and fixed to failed, these actual events, they're just a domino, effect of following the some delusional leader after another, until they perish, then why does, righteous outreach continue, even the midst of twilight? The parable of the sower, in case Darius Heelsfeet, there's yet good, fertile soil, regardless of its wrathful God, thrusting in winepress of reaping mountainous, weights of martyred blood, I know billions will lost during Jesus, millennium, but doesn't that also mean, like what's left of the holy land inherit, billions will be won? Raise your other, hand if you just got an image of that explosive Iranian march for Jesus, so what's scarier for a closer the Antichrist, USA, an Iran that worship's Muhammed or Jesus, THE CHRIST?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4

HOW DID THE VIRGIN MARY DIE? The TRUE STORY About the Life and Death of ... via @YouTube


See more its prophetic parable here, See how dangerous as driving the nails Jesus day, presently three hammering off of more apocalyptic events a Mt Sinai type reigning God's Throne; they equally accused this cast and how tremendously THEY responded to the Chosen Series possibly courting Roman’s Pope hitting at a Virgin Mary instead of a Genesis man, marriage Mother Mary.

Beware Crowdfunding, beware, protest, suggest next they show a child Jesus how about he’s with a younger brother James. Amazing grace how sweet the "sound of freedom," equally these brothers Jesus, James are with a Mother Mary about to burst with another, there’s a cinematic Dallas Jenkins we haven’t seen. HBOW/Apb

Here Come this other cinematic come on passion of the Christ 2 to Gods not dead 5 my 1996 prophetic parables to their 2009 2012 apocalyptic movie of tribulations to world repatriation of Mother Africa, coupled with Jesus as a gamma Ray bursting second return and this shall be the plague of that day! Zech Zech 14/Joel 2/Rev 19

-Unquestionably   bible stories, this inquiry was confusing at first until I realized the actual biblical inquiry. How did mother Mary, who also gave birth to 5 other children. Like three sons and two daughters, including a son Joseph and daughter Mary! 

Further proof his blessed truth causing me to realize by the time women seed “virgin,” birth, “virgin,” Jesus went to the cross, more its amazing Grace he was also an uncle and Mother Mary her other Genesis  marriage procreating children, a grand mother! C. O. Also As Archangel Michael THEM, Star Warring Jesus Millennium Reign AODHF! 

Article, Thousands of bodies lie buried in rubble in Gaza. Families dig to retrieve them, often by hand....

-Biggest pro-Israeli March, the 100 days since the Oct 7 massacre; surely people gonna ask which massacre, Israeli couple thousand dead or Islam 35,000 dead and counting? You guys see the pics of Gazans looking through decaying bodies for lost loved ones? 

Yeah, seeing them search through decaying bodies did remind of Ezekiel’s witnessed, how Israelis come cannibals search through and eating their own dead! Marvel not all this mockery of shopping malls to grocery stores of bargaining one’s soul this barter, balen, toll booth.

Marvel not as they’d brought a fainting prophet Daniel to his feet when intravenous Angels brought me up from kissing Jesus feet too my own feet, it was then I realized the unnumbered Jacob’s ladders; ascending and descending upon Jesus, to visiting my prayer closet, kitchen of reveals, we’re standing for millennia promised Mt Olivet return and I tell you though the  planet is Twilight toxic billions death, burning, dying the air up here is crisp, cool, living spirit, truly alive! 

I know, recently assuring JCOR summoned feeding fowls, how soon they’ll to feast  fir 7 months of Dr decaying flesh; one who’s seen during an 11:00 shopping lunch hours barbecued charcoal US soldiers, who’s seen from Jesus descending millennium the earth littered with its dead; Admittedly seeing such a horrid of desperate Gazans searching through decaying loved ones for decaying loved ones. 

See here,

Before I could control it a fury rose in me as the hand writing mene, mene. on King Beltzazzar/Gog and Magog West Rule celebrating walls 

as close to the Antichrist Trump/Pence; as Jesus finding those blasphemous money changers tables. So good! Kiss the son lest he be angry and we perish like Noah’s Ark never ever was! Broken promises mother Eve’s women seed, Virgin birth, Lamb of God CROSS to Lamb of God marriage supper!” Knowing, Run! C. O. Star Warring ALPHA AND OMEGA AODHF A GAMMA RAY BURSTING JCOR THE BETA HGOW/Apb The RAM 

You can email here, text/Zelle here. 901-600-9519, the mobile your videos come directly too; Given as a scenario to mrmbb333 to asking even if rhetorical the prophetic heavens, and the Earth being made new. Chances are, just saying if we are in a fast and furious Pangaea  in reverse. Frightnight here’s back to a supercontinent in no time flat. How recurring apocalyptic Bright Side Global would it look and how would  the multimillion man single water cooler with more, now blacken judgment bowls pending ever survive. Surrealistically except blessed Brexit Briexit, Blaexit the prophetic cross over to skyrocketing rapture to intravenous Jesus Millennium Reign! 

 And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son 

Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"So Russia, who can no longer pull back his US soil threat is building an arsenal of nuclear invasion in our backyard Cuba. I remind, the revisited Cuban Missile crisis Grand Sia during burning Bush witnessed tens of millions run from. Frightnight, witness, Eze 9 commanded heart stabbers get after these tardy stampeders, doesn’t warrant Mat 24/Rev 18 Catastrophist Jesus saying for when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate to Mighty Angel saying saith desolation now come US soil, run. We're all sure, this rejection has nothing to do with her being female? Well remember what Spirit of Prophecy Jesus said to all nations the rejecting him, holy land inherit John instead witnessed of every tongue there ever would be, washed and made white by the blood of the lamb, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, yeah, Iran's Jesus march, right, right? The scripture passage Grand Sia planned to use, explaining, Chernobyl April Spring, presently Devil Comet, April 08. 2024, Spring Rapture, Jesus having wings,. Only before it's revealed years later, here, who she's actually seeing, hearing come up here, while she's equally hearing, seeing a starwars battle, between holy and unholy angels, Nigerian 300, is Mal 4 described SUNIGHT, skyrocketing us out, while bragging our enemies are now under our feet.' Speaking of feet, even Mighty Angel, like a husband, in travailing over his wife in birth,  prancing around, up there. didn't that odd cloud, of mrmbb333 at first glance appear, as the bottom of shoe print? I saw that too, didn't want to say seeing, he didn't see it that way, or he did and just wanna say, woldn't be first they use science to logic to explain revelations away. Yeah, yeah, Y’all think he's crying, jerusalem, jerusalem, like Rev 10 Mighty Angel, he's too as stammering between the planet and sea W Pacific Ring Of Fire, US W Pacific warning fiery doomsday apocalypse now? What, why are you looking at me? I don’t know husband Lord Zorto whether to kiss you Or bite you. May I suggest," as  tickled one flirtatiously climbing over into seat. we continue our wall climbing marriage bed, yes, please, stunning creature, indefinitely bite me. What the heck you two, way, way, way, over share, Juttah vows all, not funny either. Let me then ask Grand Sia as Jesus calling on deafening cawing fowls to come feed these billions dead come to terms with these billions suddenly dead. But Canadian Sailors, Cruisers answering with a question isn’t that what she’s equally inquiring every, bless her bleeding heart, all the pieces of a burnt offering of coming to terms with sudden mass dieoffs come? One I know, Cruisers, Sailors she’s building right now, interceding a Memphis, artistic, limited verbal child! You mean her doomsday Pompeii movie of Memphis, Autistic Memphis, Carter of an enormity hitting: beware the warning Hawaii is building? How is it possible you, Damien Norcross 

even know all that so personal, with her? You know, all of you know how, being around her Memphians. Ump, okay, pray for her like as often, last time she disrupted her eating pattern, y’all know what horror into phenomenon happened. “I don’t Damien man,” as one raised hand, the edge of his seat hearing, seeing better, well we don’t, Janavee wife here, newbies remember! It is written, during a described Dan 9/10 21 day fast Decimal man kinda the Matrix scene, Neo seized, died, ascended and was brought back to planet earth, to her grand children breakfast table by intravenous Angels reassuring her actually they wanna be down here with her! Wow, sniffing, brushing his nose, easing back, askewly his seat, “wow, so that’s why we follow her, cause they follow her! Never Decimals seen it that way, but Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus threatening all parents as riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers, threaten their equally compromised children. He did turn to Lord Urusalem ask her would, like an innumerable of them, Angels also ascend?”     >>>"Where are you man? Both hearing the ruckus in one another background, “we’re cutting it mighty close. I’m already gone man, gone, why, how far ahead? Ah, see, hello, ah months now. Months, did you just say months? I couldn’t help it, nobody can be that right all the time and be wrong Jess man. I just couldn’t chance it, I rented an eighteen wheeler like she suggested, I mean why let all this merchandise, hello, go to, ah waste? Hello, hello, dad, you okay? Don’t feel guilty, you did what’s right for us. Look we got what’s marked for shelter inside. Dad, seeing tears dampening his phone, scrolling, his cheeks, come grabbing him into a huge hug. “Maybe I should’ve told him, you know she’s mocking those right now. I don’t, how while escaping triangle craft get burning Biden and burning Harris to safehaven, USA GA to exile luxury USA MOTHER Africa, their should’ve would’ve could’ve’s all the way there still left millions of US inherit horribly dead and mostly waking up in eternal hell!” Anyway mom say the storm has made daylight black come in, outta the rain. Dad, his day dreaming far off, fearful to faithful to fateful. “Please, she said that, so the spacecraft she saw during the incineration of West Pacific Coastline into the WH, The American Continent. I don’t know son but why would he spare us?”  Wiping uselessly pouring tears, millions to billions dead? “Dad come!” Amazing Grace with those predicted millions in tribulation Saints John witnessed pouring into Jesus’s Throne bosom dances in sin decimals head. “Tell me that scripture again, John 3:16 and what could it for eons past to eons to go, mean?   You dad was the one who told me, you believe her seeing, that father, with sons, sent out for more supplies, and father, moving to secure his hideaway, found himself surrounded by all types of doors jams, represented Full Spectrum Survivor or son prepper period, like spirit and Bride going from kindly summoning us home, to possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel, 2 stone from heaven. I mean suppose like seeing that trumpet passed to Guardian Gabriel, this is now her responsibility as Rev 6, 6th John, mocking our worthless hideaways, because of the mutiny to war in heaven and the exile of hundreds of millions of now fallen angels, demons, and their hybrids, Aliens? Dad, what's that son? Where did go, and are you back? No way that was all flesh and blood my recently turnt dad, but fast and furious with blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT and Blaexit, I don't know what you mean, I'm just saying son whatever blessed come to me. You two read further she saying, those who stay behind, go back or even look back, isn't only a slap in the face of intravenous God, but those Abraham's bosom, to Jesus' martyred to Harriet Moses, Truman to Michael's list; those saints mom, under God's throne, crying, God take their vengeance, as HE"S apparently doing, showing himself star warring.  

 Don't worry bout him, none of them, she saw them all come, all autos, every brand loaded from car roof to tires she explain, it, saw them this huge number into, here, Georgia's coast, and by intravenous angels help, witnessed them all pour out of Africa's Southwest, Atlantic into its coastal cities, and town, even said to have witnessed and visited its perfect exile luxury, safehouses all, so they'z coming, don't you worry bout it, this is god's grace, his blessed brexit, blaexit,  also 400 years predicted, nothing can prevent it, nothing."  >>>"Comical, running the hallway, man in linen salt trail, we got like 20 minutes, ten to get to our next assignment, plus you need to ask a Darius Juttah relative, like the Memphians to Coogans, Kroffs, ah Drburks I  guess, we get, the Heelsfeet, Charming Socrates we got it man, it’s Socks, he doesn’t deserve to be called Socrates, wait who was Socrates? Mom didn’t care, right Tristan Troy, man? She like how it sound, but I think he’s a Greek philosopher, oh like BFS files over here, only African Juttah, Sia Juttah! You gonna tell them or I? I’m Darius Princes Miya Coogan, Kroff, you, you’re a little girl, I'm The Little Miya girl actually, I know this story but let’s pick it up in reveals class, saying that, we’re late. Hey deer in head lights, who’s cat got his tongue, come on! Did she, yes, she’s the little Miya girl surveyor, translator in Grand Sia reveals, you not gonna throw up are you? Cause you look like it, you know. You think she’s married? Are you kidding? I don’t know if she’s married but I know who is, you! We’re losing credits, I can feel it, coming? Sorry, coming, didn’t know those her reveals can be real, well she is! Let’s get the answers to our other pressing inquiry, her Abraham's daughter, cousin of a replacement, what's up with that?" Thinking thanks, Memphis Collin, as the last time her reveals she’s the spirit, flesh, blood little Miya girl, most like now, couldn’t take their eyes to inquisitive hearts, thoughts off. “I thought the little Miya girl was only a figment of grand sia's prophetic reveals, didn’t we all.  "No the question is Rev 14 Crown Christ thrusting in reaping sickle, cloud and Grand Sia standing a could as she witnessed another could balloon with each skyrocketing saint, the same event? Just remember Nextus Juttah, when she see's harvester with a gleaning tools aside the head of her sleeping bed she’s seeing this identical Christ Lord, King Jesus. okay, okay her just described, comical speeding the hallway, prophet Ezekiel an Prophetic Daniel Man In Linen, you Darius, Juttah, Little Miya girl in actual flesh and blood said you could explain and explain Abraham, actually he's uncle big June, dies by police gun violence, when grand sia was only a teen." wait you have a Memphis uncle, commanded sunlight of god, as Big June,  that a Moses exodus is named for, does seeing an Abraham daughter, per close to the Antichrist Trump, Abraham Accord in any way intimidate you? I could use, granddaddy saurus, used as a Lamb of god, Jesus husband here on earth then died its crown of righteous, ascended and is now, ordain for all eternity the Lamb of God Jesus's husband, so far his position, is to be close to holy church bride, even at one time, in, as comforting her sickbeds, all of thinking only minutes, despite her teen years, she was definitely showing herself Darius Juttah Coogan/Kroff. just as I promised, the pundit, behind the racing down the hallway, his garment blowing in its speed, grand sia believe is their fun mockery of the time, she ran from heavenly father, roaring, raging at her, how he's alpha and omega, the first and the last the beginning and end, he dare think the catastrophic removal of The American dream to The American continent, it's entire world systems, would any amount of a challenge for him, like she now say blink, and you'll miss it, its for five years, Aug 5, 2024, skyrocketing to fire-rocketing. Good-day Darius, Tribunal Heelsfeet, good day Sia Miya, and the Nextus, Juttah, I was beginning to think they'd set me  subsitute and I could, get with my family, the celebration of Juneteenth a bit earlier, so I'm guessing that is not the case, not, Sia Heelsfeet the case at all, the how both sweet and bitter, raise your hand if taking the blazing, flaming, frying pan, flying saucer incineration of the Biden, Harris Whitehouse,  on to scrutinize other earth ending movie scenarios, one of them is the movies, as one clinking a screen ready, player. "The Day After," you've watched youtube's "The Day After!" I see those hands, please rise and quietly write your names on the boards. Now having watched, The Day After, therewith you must wonder why the only such movie, of a US soil vs Russia soil, demonstration of nuclear war is older than your parents to grandparents. I did, well I see many of us did, but I also witnessed history channel finally during such the scenario, and besides, reporting millions dead the us, millions dead in Russia, there really not true content to work with, nuclear war is human genocide. Then Nextus Juttah we're right back to Grand Sia, showing that incredible conversation, Trump, Angel Gabriel is having with an at limits star warring red dragon lucifer, teasing, him, about how unwise his advisors. They're being puppeteered that with the most technological militaries ever or ever again, in extincting humankind, including all themselves. Those of you raised your hand who've watched this demonstration, "THE DAY AFTER", I want to hear, what did you learned, as in what not to do! Since they're American and fixed to failed, the recurring statue quo, these actual events, they're just a domino effect of following the same delusional, genocidal leader one after the other, until they all perish! Then why Nextus Juttah, to the Nigerian 300, Righteous Outreach Continue, even the midst of fiery, doomsday, apocalyptic, twilight? Come to mind The parable Of The Sower, in case Darius Heelsfeet, there's yet good, fertile soil, regardless of its wrathful God, thrusting in winepress of reaping mountainous in hundreds of  miles, weights of martyred blood, I know billions are being lost during Jesus, millennium, but doesn't that also mean, like what's left of the holy land inherit, billions will be won? Raise your other hand if you just got an image of that explosive Iranian march for Jesus, so what's scarier for a close the Antichrist, USA, an Iran that worship's Muhammed or an Iran that worship Jesus, THE CHRIST?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4

RED ALERT - Something really bad just happened via @YouTube

Here’s FSS between Ps 2 God saying he will laugh when your fear come. There’s Rev 6  6th seal John the mocking of all prep as Hawaii missile morn, terrified, running, crying save us; marvel not the reigning Bride prepping to murder the Antichrist that rose by US soil, weights of martyred blood. Star Warring God won’t let them stand another hour let alone a day, a month a year, ten years! You, yours, again yours, Running?

I remind FSS now Archangel chosen grand Caden how both his 5th and 10th birthday there’d been what’s lately described these deterecto storms, one so bad his tenth we expected cars to start blowing around the parking lot. Only just as said there’s been a plethora of tornadic, flooding storms especially the Deep South presently leading up to his BIG JUNE/JUNTEENTH 15th birthday; pray, that’s what I was told to do after THEY warn Grand Miya May 2022 birthday, storms were coming , after I saw a build up of rescuers, I looked toward a twilight sun and prayed this,

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound when I began to fail the African beleaguered chorus, an entire African male choir took up the rear so extraordinarily stunning! I happily explain to the African female, ()

 I never thought I’d get to sing that song with them, only she graciously returned they never thought they’d get to sing that song with me, like portrayed two years prior as the Rev 12:1-6 skyrocketing New born, African birth mother, grown up cradle, blessed Blaexit all of the above !

Article, WP, Surgeon general calls for social media warning labels - The Washington Post;

Kill All Parents, then a pending pandemic of domestic issues to 

gun violence; finish all schools, presently a growing administration of a vipers and child molestors. Soon explaining when their dad was a child say 1987, Angels came into my prayer closet. 

At the time I’m interceding for them, warning HD, 5G and Social media screening; would be used to indoctrinate extreme mental, physical and social issues come an epidemic of gun violence. 

Recently paid my grands one of which since showing progress; to watch Disney’s Dr Who Dot and Bubble; an immediate reminder to wake-up call of how extremely mesmerizing to deceptive, disastrous these biblical described wicked devices! 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Daniel 7:1 to 28 Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts via @YouTube

This comment to US Surgeon General isn’t even cold yet; where Are They Now?

Article, WP, Surgeon general calls for social media warning labels - The Washington Post;


Also See With Your Children Disney Dr Who Dot And Bubble! MINE GOT The Message!

Marvel not 2017 these same intravenous Angels unveiled these same seeming innocent viewing devices to friendly house pets as ancient genociders Dan 7, The Lion, The Leopard and Aug 24,25 2023 Rev 9, four loosed angels to the open bottomless pit, of invading monsters, as Anubis demon undertakers, mummifiers: like reaping for the ancient Egyptian excavations, sown? Frightnight then I hear, “kill all parents by; finish all schools! “WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!” HBOW/Apb 

  And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater

and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son 

Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"During great white throne judgment It’s all this guarantee no sin to sinner will be winked at or justified; there’s rumor she has a mountainous burnt offering of pieces, like 36,000 lying in weights to wait these as King Solomon temple offering, guided fireballs for alone interceding great white throne arriving a pandemic of prejudice to hatred to violence against young black males. So Horse River man not just them filling up prisons and graves but eternal hell! I could tell you all something more shocking about grand Sia aunt, please Memphis Carter like you have to ask, like down off a cliff, she just talked the child leading us, five year old once praying for a Jesus heart now twelve convinced he wanna go dark, how dark only work here, grand Sia remind, but once you crossover and yes she’s tossed knotted ropes into dark places fishing out children demons also wait on other side for children, they can’t stay there but there’s no telling how long they suffer here. I don’t know bout right this minute, but next she saw him he was sweet heart Jesus again, just by her being scarily honest. wow Car man, nope, not Car, never Car! Iran, Jesus March, y’all, what the heck was that? Yeah, and grand Sia reminder during Jesus millennium reign it’s just like that wowing earth to heaven celebrative marching yeah make that go viral until Jesus millennium reign even if into a planet littered with the dead! Jjust imagine that image is buried in our memories somewhere, beginning with the barbecuing of US states to the incineration of The American Continent! just think that’s Jesus assuring holy land betrayers they won’t see him except for reactions like this needing, wanting, calling him! KISSING 💋 HIM! What you mean BFA man, (Beethoven Fifth Artz) it’s in our memories? Lord Bride Urusalem arrival being explained by Lord Bridegroom Jerusalem what we’re having Lucius msn aren’t dreams but memories; how long the prophetic hindsight of snatching us off this planet if Song of Solomon 2 or even earlier is describing Grand Sia mom, Chernobyl April Spring,Rapture? Presently Sun Eclipse, Devil Comet, April 8,2024 Spring Rapture? Definitely could explain why it seem Grand Sia getting her reveals in reverse and the running backward in your word Memphis Caden, retrograve man of reveal and Heus man, the recent Spider Man, yeah I saw that, thought of Grand Sia backward running man; and you guys those angels running in a race to put Rev 17:14 ten days of tribulation, Hawaii missile morning Mighty Angel remind, pending prophecies back on prophetic track. Right, right, swapping his bread after every ounce of gravy father day brunches all around because from Genesis to Rev 19 has be done on planet earth as in heaven by West Rule since Dec 25, 2001 doomsday Oct 17, 2028 also rumored the stampeding elephants of staying unaware Darius Princess Nibewe, finding how the Ethiopian calendar actually puts the Mayan Apocalypse, see grand Sia little Miya girl backseat surveyor, translator. Found cruised under her school close to the Antichrist Trump’s March’s 2018 multimillion escape to traffic Jam March 2023 their actual date for the Mayan Apocalypse is also Oct 17, 2028, did she know this was also the date intravenous Angels had been showing grand Sia mom since burning Bush, Dec 25 2001; stunning all guys, little Miya girl Translator, that can work both ways, is that’s why Grand Sia keep waking speaking all these languages? Like the last she spoke Dutchsinse Duh in Dutch, as in mocked both the fall of close to Nimrod’s Babel, Elon and all nations come to Mystery Babylon disguised as all come to the American Dream; even mocked close to the Antichrist Barack Hussein’s July 27/28 2019, examples NBA’s Russel West-Brook and Kevin Durant California Dreaming and took Kobe, horribly and threaten Tiger!  what you guys are not saying, how many are in bed with Wade, supp0rting mutilated kids, what subject base where Kobe's pending we know through the earth ending movie, scenario Around Of freedom, Great wore mystery America human to child trafficking greatest supplier, consumer, who, why? I'm guessing, seeing a hammering off of the mt Sinai type, Rev 17;14, that may 3, 37 day countdown on repeat, Jesus leading captivity all endangered children, another apocalyptic finale,  but I'm hearing Grand, grand has warring, about a plan to exterminate all children, back to some of our grands births. yeah as first warning as what's portray Disney's Dot and Bubble, come by angels entering her closet while she's praying about an unholy spirit infiltrating her children and they began telling her, its what's right now, US Surgeon general is warning, about, dangerous deadly and damning tech posing as HD,5G and Social Meeting, Screening, Wait, wait, wait, didn't know that's what she in her closet praying, about, yes, grand, grand was in her prayer closet praying, when her unanswered  prayer, was her beginning to see, well actually see, hear and emotionally suffer what caused the silence in heaven and end up being The Sunlight Of God, here 22 years, its Juneteeth celebration, a Sunlight of god, from behind a Mount Sinai type, began to call for 400 years of slavery themselves, over 7 hundred thousand work themselves to death annually, Moses Hebrew inherit, also into a commanded exodus their own,  blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! My Parents, Darius Sia Beowulf Michael Angelo and Charlotte Nicole Wellson were one of the 12 couples, who lead the Silverton Nicholas, as Moses Exodus Nile River to those 44,000 Mount of transfiguration soon translated into the Septennial Juttah,  I'm Sebastian, like the TV series, it's sudden TIFF event, Revolution, character, Bast, not like him but his nickname, Just explaining to some here, how I know what it is I know, so Hawaii missile morning crisis, we know was real, because nearly the entire host of heaven descended to snatch to skyrocket Grand Sia them out of Pompeii Movie of Memphis, gladiators all, Rev 2 Jesus threatening, now hammering out the mass dieoff ascension of children designing parent's riches to rags sleepovers and passovers! You Goddess Herophile Amias still reading that prophetic parable of what Gabriel said to kidnapper Red Dragon, Helel?I keep thinking scripture says while Gabriel explained to prophet Daniel he was held up by these evils, particularly The Prince of Persia 21 days who knows but holy spirits like Lord Urusalem what actually happened during those 21 days plus Apostle Paul, another would know Negeb Ophel Juttah Ephesians 4 does detail within those three days Jesus descended talk to us condemn spirits; supposed he charged us can these bones live, behold he stands at the door and knot, supposed we’re the only ones who listened, supposed some conversate can such delicious Angelman and Goddesses change their leopard spots: Egyptian , Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo Persian, So you there, Silverton Nicholas Exodus, on, I kinda wasn't born yet, my, ah yeah, so why did they do it, why, ah they, their aqua juttah was ejected, into Egypt's nile leaving them to endure what may come, and they''re rescued, espcapees has been had been coming and going for days, weeks, they even know, these specialty saints were in their midst until they were looking down, well up into a mount of transfiguration of hand them off to what appeared, both Lord Israel, and Lord Urusalem, next they knowm they're translated and waking up here, the  African Juttah genealogy,  and that's all I'm to say about it!  So Sia Beowulf, other's here, who are those grand Sia torn out page of the lamb’s book of life, now Michael’s list to grand Sias own as Psalms 139 described book of remembrance, to or close to the antichrist, Barack Hussein soaring funeral reef, it's list of obituaries; to Craven man, first on his watch, outbreak of ambulances, even here recently? This seeming new descript, close to the Antichrist, Obama and Trump,  not only, Novelist, man, more references to the Antichrist, during both their campaign and presidency, but they're only two US Senator to Presidency given a two weeks and 7 year timetables, Trump's still in progress, with a couple others. Honestly Septennial Juttah I think we Trump especially, we're seeing what Jesus meant when he looked at a devastated Peter assuring him, Satan wanted to sift him like wheat, Peter's own Gethsemane Garden of indecision, there's our flight, we're all off to the parental Juttah for Juneteenth celebrations, hey, hey, hey, that guys that posted, that amazing Iran march for Jesus, how much we know about him, this Paul Nthobia? don't know, any Memphians here? Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4



See also here, Magma is Moving Underneath New Mexico; The Socorro Magma Body via @YouTube; like seeing a US General hand his war house to a handwriting Jeremiah 37:8, a Super Mario Brothers Cart, molten Dragon mocked an end of the world scenario, proves as Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn, the spirit of prophecy always wins; 

see here, Diverting Lava Flows Via Aerial Bombing & Other Methods via @YouTube; Geology Hub explaining a literal War on molten lava: the death bringer from beneath, hearing 99 bowls of molten lava yes could’ve been some of the blacken bowls mystery women was still carrying; a handwriting on a wall 99 bowls of molten lava have you said your farewell to West Pacific, US W Pacific tens of millions its sitting ducks to boiling, frogs, inherit; 

Evidently FSS it doesn’t matter if Biden and Harris are jetted out by a triangle craft crying their should’ve would’ve could’ve all the way with a horse of hades pending millions of you are dead, most ain’t coming back, as in a molten eternity have you, see what Isaiah saw here, Isaiah 5:14 so marvel not Jesus is directing fowls to feed on you, it’s predicted to take 7 months to bury you end by that breaking News about 101 Yellowstone eruptions hell is enlarging itself to refilled itself the millions of you come pouring in! 

Marvel not Presently an eze  5 designed Devil comet, its erupting horns; Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE 

Diverting Lava Flows Via Aerial Bombing & Other Methods via @YouTube

The World's Weirdest Volcano; Ol Doinyo Lengai via @YouTube; -I explained mocking building a fast and furious escape, crafting named to numbered racecars free for all racetracks into Safehaven US GA COAST beware of traffic jams molten lava flooding come! 

Breaking News “Hawaii is building; Breaking News, After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!” Breaking News “The Eastern Seaboard Is Gone!”

Kill ALL Parents By; Finish All Schools!

The Oxymoron is Chernobyl April Spring 2019, yet here its ebbing and flowing Devil Comet, Pons-Brook April 08, Spring Rapture 2024; A recurring Russia’s Putin with his repeated US soil threats, until he can no longer take it back, like he just said. 

Let's just pray with XI allying Valdimir both are procreated as predestined to come as our rescue, dominoing WP Ring Of Fire into dominoing WP Hawaii into dominoing Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, 101 predicted last day of America June/Juneteenth 2023! Again pray, PS 51, supposedly invading, enemy nations arrive doomsday US soil in time our divine intervention and not in time as our molten lava incineration, Watch! RUN! Live! 


PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH  16, 0ne day short, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, commanded Brexit, BRIEXIT/Blaexit, JUNETEENTH 17/19 (2002); described last day of America, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

See here,; a pop up prophetic parable, the wowing out of a scientific study of at  home students discussing instead of a Mystery Atlantis, but finding a Mystery America. Suggested area, post-apocalypse, the ring of fire digestion of what was supposedly An entire Continent, and a billion or more its inherit, The Americas! C. O. Star Warring AODHF, JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb

YouTube Marfoogle. THIS CAN'T BE GOOD! | NUKES, NUKES, NUKES! via @YouTube

Maybe it’s raining nukes is why I saw the raining down to missiling down of stars to satellites; see here Rev 6, 6th seal I believe here also  there’re showing John’s reveals as we’re their era Adam of total fulfillment: so yeah prophetically fulfilling Rev 17/18 US soil, tens of millions US W Pacific can be dead to incinerated in a flash! Knowing! RUN! HBOW/Apb
