After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions; famed letters USA floated off The American Continent As Following Its Hundred Of Millions Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, I Saw It!

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 19, the say of, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024

The Chosen Global Livestream: Season 4, Episode Six via @YouTube
There's The Word Update, Erasing a Previous Date, May Previous Dates, A Decade Or So, Changed In 2023, One to Coincide With Gog and Magog Trump, Sept 15, 2020 Abraham Accord/The Word College, Erased Into the Letter C/The Backward Letter, C, Bio-Covid, Raging Again?

-Growing up in biblical prophecy, the spirit of prophecy, Jesus' Gospel, even, intravenous angels coming and going, I Dallas Jenkins remember this teaching, this first abomination that maketh desolate, until this very day, Antiochus IV, Epiphanes is considered the first Antichrist. I also remember, this attempted stoning of Jesus, make sense, all these rocks flying, somebody would get injured. Besides the two witnesses mysteriously taken off this planet, cleverly, I use both this example, Jesus sudden translation out of their hands and Philip translating from the Ethiopian Eunuch; as to explain, since 2015 June 27/July 6 and SEPT BETA 22/23, the sudden translating of My oldest Memphis, Grands into Gabriel and Michael's safehaven crossover, territory, US Geogia's Coast/CROSSOVER! See also the same event, here, Isa 16:1-5/Rev 12:1-16/ REV 7! Blessed Exile Luxury, blessed, Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit!

-Fightnight to rolling twilights till HE come, healing, wings, leaves all, and at evening there shall be light; after another hammering off of a Mt Sinai, Type, better Eze, 5, type, mandatory evacuations, Rev 17:14 lamb of God Jesus husband skyrocketed HIS HOLIES, off the planet, leading captivity captured, all endangered children by HIS described, Rev 2, Jezebel, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers; here again, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 2023, suddenly translated older grands come running in.

Yeah, I'm watching all this from the foot of the prayer bed, Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11, standing over, AODHF showed HIMSELF, Star Warring as Rev 12, Archangel Michael, THEM! They're running in and all I hear is, them happily saying, grandma you were right, you were right about all of it! I know like a prophet Ezekiel! Then one least believing, though she called the earlier that week or the same reoccurring event, there was a craft involved, that 2015, translating, skyrocketing, event, here's a long, long, long duration hovering, she called a UFO, yeah that was live, this time last year, and they all heard it, even unusually, inquired about it, probable the same triangle craft, that October I caught hovering and trailing the car I was in with now my Memphis son, I know, I know, C. O. HBOW/Apb

X Post

Isaiah Love - Oregon,





Isaiah love

Bruh. Whites have been overloaded with foreigners . Give us a break.


Apb, The RAM

Don’t you mean whites have been overloading other countries as foreigners for centuries? Young man who frequent flights to Africa remind lately. There’s a flooding repatriation of mother Africa alright, blessed Blaexit, only by those whose skin are pale as known colonizers; pound voting booths into altars of Jesus get CHRIST, JESUS, get up yonda!



Article W. P. La.’s Ten Commandments law will test religion-friendly courts, experts say - The W. P.

The state’s R. Gov signed a measure requiring taxpayer-financed schools to prominently post a specific version of the commandments by Jan. 1.,

Admittedly The One who stood before God’s Throne thrown off by its reigning mountain when a Sunlight rose, commanded let my people go! Witnessed during campaigning close to the Antichrist Senator Hussein hundreds of millions pouring outta Africa’s Southwest Atlantic into its Coastal cites; witness myself close to the Antichrist Trump invite hundreds of millions out of US states of barbecue into US Georgia’s Coast/CROSSOVER; then to make for six millennia of prophecy a finale Apostle John saw this


They entreat like a Moses, I say THEY, only with a prayer closet portal and an with healing; oh there’s the for decades now hammering’s off of more apocalyptic events, beware Batman vs Superman and the worlds cinematic inherit of Alien dangers from above! Actually do look up, even see more here, the skywatcher who detected months prior Devil Comet or The Sums of all fears; Eze 9 design Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE!


Honestly this odd inquiry “I need you to do ten more things,” and this article kinda did it for me. However not the continuity of anything West Rule, including this continent, hearing Hawaii building, that’s dominoing, volcanic apocalypse, we’re done. Actually Mighty Angel said so ten Rev 17:14/Matrix ten day counts the Hawaii missile crisis, haven’t y’all been listening?


So more leaders two burning Bush era/error Islam, US Generals; for years Dr Fauci; SOS Blinken; US Surgeon General, now this governor; washing their hands of Westerners weights of martyred blood, guilt? But are they equally by Eze 9 Inkhorn man marked for life or left for the heart stabbers, judge, jury, executioner? There’s only one right, one restored by the last Adam, Adamic blood lineage and we’re it, right? The descending with Jesus millennium reign multibillion man African/ Abrahamic RoyalPriesthood, basically no more this mystery of godliness.

I Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

During Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, soon hand over to the prophet Ezekiel, opening 3 time-tested doors I can tell you the new heart is actually a surgical Heart transplant and the The surgeon to look at, while like the angels you can’t look at him, he’s SUNLIGHT. He’s what Revelation John meant, there’s no need for the sunlight there.

Remember Mary Magdalene first touching her RISEN Savior; only by the woman seed and virgin birth can you know, see, and have a personal touchy, feelly, passionate to compassion relationship with SUNLIGHT! Meaning he was as anxious and tickled to touch us, to kiss us for the first time also; And that consuming door was closed; only like Biden, Harris Flaming, Blazing White House to Airforce ones, twos, 
it wasn’t consuming but Revelation, the long term designing of end day harvesters, by a shift-shaping SUNLIGHT. The heart transplant was only the hugest part of it, huge parts were yet to come and the joy, the gladness again the gladness, each door closure, as unspeakable as Apostle Paul describes; see howbeit not my memoirs of visiting paradise Throne, more my imagination to prophetic dreams, parables, but try, see more here,'Pieces Of Lord Urusalem here

Prophecy Link

And I Heard In My Hearing, 07/31/2017, the song, the lyrics, sounding continuously, "no winter cold can stop me babe," (these lyrics are of the song, 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough,' to keep me from getting to you, apparently it's blessed assurance, those awaiting a spring rapture, (In Songs of Solomon 2:8-10, Spring 1986, Apb), that the God who promised is faithful and trustworthy, Stand! Nothing will prevent Him, nothing, Jesus is here! Apb

Amen, before another word crossed my tongue, I, well, the Briexit were skyrocketing through the heavens and planetary beings, up to blessed Lord Jesus, Rev 12, Second Heavens Of Interceding Tribulation Saints, Begins, Apb

I Cor 15:51-58, So when this corruptible shall have put on in corruption and this mortal shall have out on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is wallowed up in victory. O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? The Sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, Amen! Apb,

See Kingsley and Kieynan, Nano-Second Ascent, see here,

Mission Butterfly,

Pay close attention to the butterfly image, Caden and I just snapped this picture, 08/09/2017, right outside the patio door. This right before we got into an argument whether it was indeed a butterfly or a leaf, though before I explain further, days after I witnessed the word, "HORRIBLE!" Just what Trump and Jong Un are threatening. That it, this word was just plucked right out of this work, only a few days later, I witnessed the word 'MIRACULOUS,' also being plucked out of the work. I'm in the kitchen washing dishes and suddenly Caden say, grandma come look at this huge butterfly, using a measurement of his hands to demonstrate.

So I'm like a butterfly that size, really? I come over, I look out the patio door and all I see is this amazing looking leaf that Caden is saying is a butterfly and to be honest I don't believe it. Soon with careful exams, I'm like O my God, is that a butterfly? It's so still, it's so huge and so camouflaged into it's surrounding and to be honest I still have doubts. I say boy that's a leaf and he say no grandma, I saw it flying, then I tell him, I wrote a poem months ago entitled 'Mission Butterfly.' that would go right along with what we were seeing and debating.

Open the door he say and I'll prove it, we open the door and nothing, it's doesn't move at all, so Caden take a stick and touches it and it spring up and back down, still, I'm thinking, did he just move a leaf? So Caden touches it again and it lifts off and flap it's wings and back down and again lay so still, so stunning. Well before he does it again I cut as to set the camera to record, and caught it.

While listening to Selah, I ran across a youtude video by one Big Daddy Weave miraculously entitled, 'Over-whelmed,' see here, Being shot from some part of Africa, possibly the most remarkable display of nature and the most lethal display of carnivores this world, this Beast of Beauty I like to call it, ah, what a mighty God we serve, Though the word 'Horrible,' is plucked out, He is just so MIRACULOUS, again hallelujah I say. Apb. The RAM, see also here,

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Cadence Nicole Coledalay

Starring: Desrek Allum Deburk and Kiefer Bay Martinet, Soledad Maurice Deburk and Kassel Berlin Martinet , Collin Hain Johaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Desrek Allum Artelon and Kiefer Bay was born their son Claymore Vincent and a daughter, Robin Zioness Aretlon  

Unto Soledad Maurice and Kassel Berlin was born their first daughter Reese Lora lay and a second daughter Cadence Noël and daughter still Christian Journey

Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johnaanson, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray

Poetry RisingMission ButterFly 05/12/2016

My Dearest Regan Central

I've only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone, I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear, I miss you so much, though I little miss you. I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you?

I've found you, ah my god I’ve lost you, yet here you are right beside me, inside me, you and I are one, yet I am alone, I am alone. I know who made you and you say no way, I know where you come from and you say not that place, I know who you are and you say that’s not me, I know that you are mine and you say not this time.

I can see you and you say I am blind, I can hear you and you say I am deaf, I can feel you here, there, up, down and all around and you say you’re this distant away from town. I say I’m crying and you say its laugher, I say I’m dying and you say I’m very much alive, I say I’m gone and you say I’m near, I say I hear you and you say, you’re nowhere near me. Your skin is like silk, your tongue like milk, your blood like honeycomb and your substance on mine this priceless imbibe, I know that you are mine and you say not this time.

I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m keeping you here, yet the window is open, I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it. I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible. I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it.

I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here lite breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time, one Heart Breathe, Beat away, thine own, Phearson, McPhearson, love always. From Preece Phearson McPhearson to wife Juttah Bride, Preecest Regan Central, by Patricia A. Bradford, Apostle, Prophet, Spring 1986-Spring 2019,


Herenton Egan Lowd IV, Evacuate Us!

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Starring Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel, Herenton Egan Lowd IV and Joslyn Ameka Bellows, Kylpe Elfin Lowd and Sophia Ireland Harrison, Kegan Berlin Noellel and Tyson Edward Wells

The Ark Of Love, Of Salvation, Regan Central And Phearson McPhearson Our Father In Heaven

Regan Central, Our Father In Heaven Scene II

“Father, the only way I’m to understand this unmerited grace out of such a horrid reaping of faithlessness is Christ alone hath gotten us all this indescribable for all of eternity victory, thus not to lean unto our own understanding, this fertile quest of rebellious man. Then you give me him, this inconceivable of a holy man, not to be or practice vainglory I know where I would be without him.” A praying Regan Central not realizing, but sitting the floor, laying his head into the door post, eyes leaking closed, a smitten heart conjoin to hers, husband was as usual this close. “I fret father I admit, you knowing this heart, you once having given it, but not as fear, for fear is the penitentiary where marshaled at their contrived gates are damning fallen angels. But faith Father, Christ, though it too is a reformatory, it is a true, wondrous freedom of choice guarded and commanded by you of Holy Spirits, this strait gate, path to you, even to our Prince King, I read somewhere, Prince of peace. Somehow and as usual you’ve taken that desecrating the heart and by divine soil, it’s neutralizing blood, seed revised to us a son, a Herenton Egan Lowd the III, so proud of him are parents Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead, as always and forever trusting in all that you do, all glory and honor father be to you. Deliver our soul from the sword, our darling from the power of the dog, save us from the Lion’s mouth, for thou hast heard us from the horns of the unicorn, Amen precious father, amen.” That when she had finished praying, did she tip toe as discreetly back into the room, calmly eased into the bed, where a pretending to slumber Phearson did lay topside, with her need be, being under protective covers, and gently laid her head into a soothing breath of her pillow even having this slightest smell of him, fully hoping she’d not by him, been detected, so beautiful for situation as always, Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson. See More Here,

...And Noah went Into The Ark...

Scene VII

“Mother, I’m here boy, what’s the hast? It’s Rig, Regan, She’s here, here? As a curious one pushing back, out, up of her desk, wondering, hoping nothing was wrong, that Regan had not changed her mine. “Welcome sweet girl,” that happy to go lucky, loving arms, did she like hoister Regan Central right along, into the house, the sitting area. There Regan seeing immediately that others were present, that an overly friendly Mother Lowd wasn’t alone. "Darius, Your father? Ah no mother, he’s not return, well come, come in, you too Mr. McPhearson, what a surprise, please tell me all things are alright?.They are, well we heard from the Attorneys, so they verified everything was, you know,” as to wipe a single spill just under her eye, and the next, along a breath, sniff, to get, set emotions again right. “Yes, that is why I wanted to talk to you, so you did hear that things went as well as they could have? I did, yes, …may I ask is Bristol here? I see Darius and Kesane are here, I’ll get her, ...thanks, …ah, can I get you anything Rig, even Mr. McPhearson as we wait? Water Darius, or juice, even some tea, that would be great, I’ll see, I’ll surely see. The truth is Mrs. Lowd I been having these dreams,” as one easing into a seat, noting husband Phearson just stood behind her, not being comfortable as yet. “I’ve been having them for a while, these wondrous dreams, then wake and couldn’t remember any of them, this frustrating thing. Though Regan, going under, yes,” hesitating excitedly as it was the first Mrs. Lowd called her that, even sweet girl, meaning healing was setting in, trust, just as need be. “Yes, exactly, going under as you said, that changed everything, I now know what it is I see, that it’s Henry, ah, this Henry,” as to gently touch her protruding, pregnant belly, all the more getting especially a curious sister Bristol drawing that much closer, attention. He, Herenton the III, he has a calling on his life similar to that of Noah, I’ve seen his wife, his children, ...His children? Yes, my grands, and your great grands, I’ve seen them, I even know their names, ...their names? Did a stun as they all were Bristol come down to a seat next to her, sitting right across from her mother, her brothers and Phearson, Regan stunner husband standing speechless in the back, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "I know it's stunning and hard to believe." As with Regan Central as one happily sniffing and brushing away nearing tears, again, this elated to say, to describe. “Ah he’s married, a Kyefer Berlyn and his first son is Henry the 4th his second son is Kylpe, …Kylpe? Ah my God, my, his, my Henry’s grand father name is Kylpe, it’s his father’s Middle name. God as my witness I didn’t know this, I know darling, I know, you are most trustworthy. And little Henry daughter? Kegan Berlin, ….that’s,” swallowing hard this look of awe, even this staggered mentally, "that’s, it’s my mother’s name, it's my middle name, …and Rig, mine, my name is Bristol Kegan and I’ve never told anyone, nor I, ...oh my god, oh my God, then it all makes sense, …yes, beautiful girl it always does. Well, I believe it’s a blessed assurance that’s to act as reassurance of the sacrifices of tremendous mercy and love we’re all to make. That’s Rig no more or less than father Abraham face with slaughtering his only son to maintain his covenant with him, with as you say Rig, Elohim. How astonishing Phearce, if I’m allowed to call you that, yes Darius please, all of you, I only ask for the same mercy and grace loan this special wife of mine, ah ours. Forgiveness Phearce said, yes Darius, because genuine love is rooted in forgiveness first where you’re to then find all of mankind so very dear and precious to us all, like our father, God, of course. And His, Henry’s Sons, yes, the lost of one and the gain ….…no, no, Mrs. Lowrd, you didn’t lose Herenton, your Henry repented, ...what? With her heart in one grasp, as so this single breath, this blown away at what she was hearing, Herenton’s repentance, “what girl, what? Yes, he was laying on the floor, blood spilling from under his head , his face toward the ceiling, with what appeared to be as heaven on his face and I heard him say, God, Jesus, forgive me for this madness, Rig please darling, forgive me and I watched him as he ascended.” Easily before she had finished saying, witnessing this beyond miraculous thing, brother Darius was on his knees, brother Kesean speeding to his breaking down mightily mother, sister Bristol increased her grip at laying a crying head, face into a crippled with an alike emotional breakdown, Regan Central, all with a husband Phearson all the more astonished by it all. “Did I miss the party?” A curious father Lowd walked in on them, this worship, this celebration, he didn’t know, seeing all things above. “He repented, what? Henry, our Henry, before he took his last breath, Regan heard it, saw it, he ask the Supreme God, Jesus for forgiveness. You are sure of this? “Yes, just as promised, the child of the faithful will return, I saw it, heard it, I watched him ascend, he even visited lately, forewarn us to be gravely aware of Alien dangers coming to us from above.” As one flopped into a seat this astonished, blaming himself for losing his son to such the evil, trying to sleep just one night, that's without imagining Him, his Herenton not crying from the pits of hell this damn thing forever. “You are sure about this? I didn’t appear here today to tell you any of this, …I can witness to that, at most Regan was to apologize for what happen to Herenton, …yes, for my fault in all of it, …your fault, what fault? None of that matter now, mom, dad, my brothers, even my sister, Rig has brought us all healing. She’s seen your grandson father, he has a calling on him like a Noah, his wife, children, your great grandchildren, she even father know their names. Is that right? It is father,” as one pointedly raising his communicator as this proof, having captured every dear moment of it, every, “and I have it all right here, I hope Rig you don’t mine, no, that’s perfect Kesane, just perfect. I know of one prophet whose been seeing a mass exodus out of this county for decades, even a world of it.” As one raising, coming to her stand, a now come to his senses Phearson, this lovely help, of soon making this their departing. “Even that the Supreme said of her, doing a visit there, even a divine celebration, “that light like the sun from heaven spoke to her and said, “to let his people go,” like a Moses. So the call upon little Henry as like Noah make all the sense, though instead of escaping flood waters, he’s to escape a world of stampeding people. You said prophet, but make reference to a female, she is actually Maaseiah, …are you at all certain Regan this was little Henry’s call and not our Herenton before the fall, do you see what I’m asking you? Your dreams are referring to disasters happening right now, by the time of my grands and greats married with their own children Messiah will be reigning into His Millennium by then. O My God, I’m not dreaming about the future, I mean I am and I'm not, more so I’m dreaming about the present now passed, ok, dad, you Regan both just like lost me, us I guess. I Kesane, the rest of you give you these clues, the mass migration about the world, Col. Gaddafi’s attempts at a Untied States of Africa. How that now as we speak there’s an outbreak of the Damater, surely an outbreak of natural disasters, flood rescues in the land, this breaking of the rainbow covenant by indescribable abominations and the chaotic earth's return. I did hear a voice papa lament a few years back, about five more disasters, like a certain, or timely amount has already happen. It’s my sons, daughters to explain how none of this is going to wait on little Henry, nor his children, it’s for us to do. I am a Herenton, I have two sons and one daughter. I’m an engineer, you too Darius, I, we know exactly what to do, I have dreams too, I’ve known for years, a ship, a cruise ship, even a Carnival. Cleverly, one that transforms into an Ark, that can as well traveled under water, not to avoid floods, but what’s to target us from above, just as our Henry forewarn, I been working on a schematic for years and years. Ok, am I dreaming this? No my child Regan, you just verified it all, now I know I’m not the only one crazy around here, no offense, …none taken, I assure you, welcome. ...We Rig better go, ...ah I don’t want you to go, stay here, live here, that Mrs. Lowd is so tempting but we have other plans. …Other plans!” Causing her and others to break into a jolly, thinking that was such a Regan Central response, so laughable. “Other plans, ah, I like that, you be safe sweet girl, I will, I’ll call you soon, please do, I love you,” that at a nugget of a kiss to her cheek, seeing them right out the door, of this mesmerizing, beautiful for situation visit. Even how eventful, indeed, mother, daughter coming to a loving rest on her mother’s shoulder, seeing this amazing woman depart them. Lovingly, what a wonder, even a wonderful joy it all was, a cursive maze all turn this miracle that only God could've ever medicated. Why speak in parables For they say to as Ezekiel day, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, be aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here, and here,


We Evtn Have A  Matrix Ten Day Countdown Aware: mocked just months back westerners refusing to accept the end of their world come caught up in a run on Matrix Blue Pill; then the media reported a pandemic of overdoses! 

Breaking News, “Hawaii Is Building Into; After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions; famed letters USA floated off The American Continent As Following Its Hundred Of Millions Into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, I Saw It! 

Pretty much Chris up until, what maybe a year or less ago. I believed what Pastor Breaker is teaching here;; anything, everything Alien was perpetrated by an innumerable of exiled planet earth Red Dragon and a third of heaven’s mutineering fallen angels… AND THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN! 

Right now, I’m Pretty sure the June 2023 long, long, long duration craft over my Georgia son home; was the same Oct 2023 triangle craft I witnessed hovering and trailing my Memphis son  and I, his car into his driveway! 

I was sitting the bed months prior watching tv when I begin to hear a guardian Angel just up and say, let’s assume since I didn’t believe in Aliens. “Fallen angels is why Aliens exist!” I know they don’t normally communicate until at times they do, just out of the blue! 

There wasn’t the least bit shock, I just reasoned fallen angels is why giants exist. But on this note to reason fallen angels is why a bottle-less pit of monsters and demons exist; why those four loosed angels have a 200 million demon army; how the Antichrist I saw close to Gog and Magog Trump 2019 had Scorpion King Anubis Army, only disguised as policing German shepherds. 

Though, what I totally doubt the Genesis man designed to reproduce only of itself Lucifer them have a hybrid alien, “The Genesis man,” creatures. AODHF would have to codon that and his  warning no flirting with Keanu Reeves movies alone to DC and Avenger characters hybrid The Genesis human being characterizations. Do we really Chris need to contemplate Aliens seeded Genesis man, reproductions! I tell ya the next infinite frontier would be something more otherworldly and transcendent than blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit Africa’s SW Atlantic! Running? Star Warring, HBOW 

YouTube, Anonymous, So, you're being INSTRUCTED not to notice this.. via @YouTube



That’s what they do, shown to be evident like the Pharaohs of Egypt, Star Warring AODHF is targeting them. Here’s TV series Jericho, only the US states of barbecue, Russia China and N. Korea ending up more our intervention than invasion! 

Rev 18 AODHF Come out from among them, I’m judging, sentencing their weights of martyred blood guilt; Western leaders are aligned to any day now, 100 million westerners deaths; where’s your watchman allegiance blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit or more these stay put campaigns, frying ducks to boiling frogs? You, yours, again yours FSS, Anonymous, running? HBOW/Apb

See more here about N. Mexico lava rivers via @YouTube; while finishing this declarative warning, “after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions,” mocked Nov 2021 Eze 5 designed Ben Affeck Armageddon  YELLOWSTONE and 3 hammering off of a reigning up there, Mt Sinai cosmic events! See also here, Massive Asteroids Barreling Towards Earth! via @YouTube

YouTube mrmbb333, Coast to Coast Unexplainable UFOs Captured on Video! via @YouTube

25 million Britain dead; 25 million Canada, dead, 100 million Westerners Dead! Then I Wake! 

Knowing As Noah, His Family And His Witnessing Few/My Witnessing Hundreds Of Millions!!!

Hearing Again Since 2003 Close To Gog And Magog Civilian/Pres Trump Inauguration Morning 50 Million US Will Die!

Just as I explained before, all around me is like the movie nuclear Americans to nuclear Russians are come, The Day After. Whereas American Dreaming wife her daughter’s wedding day had to be dragged into a fallout shelter; to save all their lives, equaling their immortal souls! 

The same with my Memphians, hand running shoes for tattered red wedding heels all; those Georgians too, Angel Gabriel chased into Georgia’s COAST/CROSSOVER again Jan 16, 2023. Like cursed, they just won’t see, run, even can’t, like not until millions US W. Pacific are dead first! 

I must admit mrmbb333 this being a saucer remind of the one I witnessed parked outside the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff; Frightnight of showing both Biden, Harris their intravenous Air-forces all engulfed with flames; 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies while famed letters USA floated off the American Continent into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. I was there, kinda on Angel Wings, Ah Gabriel’s to Michael’s, then there’s intravenous Chernobyl Rapture Spring, The Sunlight of God, come with healing wings! As so there’s standing around, that into the heavens capturing, ballooning cloud. Running is the question, are you, yours blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit! Running? HBOW/Apb

YouTube mrmbb333, Coast to Coast Unexplainable UFOs Captured on Video! via @YouTube

25 million Britain dead; 25 million Canada, dead, 100 million Westerners Dead! Then I Wake! 

Knowing As Noah, His Family And His Witnessing Few! 

Hearing Again Since 2003 Close To Gog And Magog Civilian/Pres Trump Inauguration Morning 50 Million US Will Die!

Just as I explained before, all around me is like the movie nuclear Americans to nuclear Russians are come, The Day After. Whereas American Dreaming wife her daughter’s wedding day had to be dragged into a fallout shelter; to save all their lives, equaling their immortal souls! 

The same with my Memphians, hand running shoes for tattered red wedding heels all; those Georgians too, Angel Gabriel chased into Georgia’s COAST/CROSSOVER again Jan 16, 2023. Like cursed, they just won’t see, run, even can’t, like not until millions are US W. Pacific are dead first! 

I must admit mrmbb333 this being a saucer remind of the one I witnessed parked outside the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff; Frightnight of showing both Biden, Harris their intravenous Air-forces all engulfed with flames; 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies while famed letters USA floated off into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. I was there, kinda on Angel Wings, Ah Gabriel’s to Michael’s, then there’s intravenous Chernobyl Rapture Spring, The Sunlight of God, come with healing wings! As so that into the heavens capturing, ballooning cloud. Running is the question, are you, yours blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit! Running? HBOW/Apb
