PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, paypal.me/patriciabradford77@gmail.com or simply text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling
 Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture June 6, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 

Youtube mrbb333, Radiation Storm* Blanketing the ENTIRE Earth in DENSE Waves! https://youtu.be/tOBTUtsuet8?si=oCJ3DYG61Cr0Beul via @YouTube

Remember before Pres Putin threaten US soil April 2019, I'd just witnessed all warn apocalyptic events, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, to Red Dragon, hybrid Aiens, launched, incoming, impacting! Frightnight its Aug 05, 2019, two west rule systems skyrocketed to fire-rocketed, it's 7th, we're equally warn about volcanic dangers, a handwriting clumsily, "escape Yellowstone," Woe, to US staes of barbecue, by its Aug 31, 2019, here's the breaking new report, "after 101 Yellowstone, eruptions, probably the breaking news that cause people to blaze through their houses for emergency supplies and out the door running, with arms filled with Jolie them, endangered children!"

Though I've Little Mention It, Chernobyl A April Spring Rature 08. 2024, Devil Comet, P12 Pons/Brook, An Erupting NEO, Fits The Definition Of Since Nov 11/21, 2021 Eze 5, Designed Ben Affleck Armgeddon, YELLOWSTONE! Undoubtedly on repeat since May 3, 2024, A weather report beginning May 3, 2023 to count us 37 days into the HUGEST SUN, the HUGER TIFF/CME/EMP in realtime the hottest planet earth, hottest days, hottest 4 of July, hottest Atlantic Ocean to HUGEST Hurricane Lee and fastest intensification of Pacific Mexico hurricane! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Marfoogle, ALARMING Troop Movement | Russia To Cuba https://www.youtube.com/live/uyiVDMUFxZ0?si=xCp6GxM1LLzspoqS via @YouTube: See Disney, Dr Who? 73 Yards, See your Genesis man, marriage procreated, predestined, depopulationalist, genocidal leads!

Youtube, Marfoogle, IS THIS REALLY A DRILL? https://www.youtube.com/live/3crtMJMVyR4?si=NTkF8GAbbFBg8zpa via @YouTube; -just saying, what's its matter? Since before Putin threaten US soil, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 2019, there's shown incoming, impacting, natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and Rev 9, Red Dragon's hybrid Alien, apocalypse!

Marvel not the Aug 24/25, 2024 Rev 9, loosed angels multimillion demon army; bottomless Pitt opened to an endless unleashing of Red Dragon them for millennia, evil gotten creatures; multimillion man grocery store, store managers' keys, barter balen, two US quarters worth of toll booth; never mind your cursive should've, would've, could've's if you're not skyrocketing to firerocketing off doomsday planet, even with Eze 9, heart stabbers on your heels, you should at least be Mat 24/Rev 18, Jesus THE CHRIST, Runners! HBOW/Apb

PS HASHTAG EXCETRA Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture June 10 Ben Affleck Armageddon, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024 Repeating May 3, 2023 37 day countdown to Apocalyptic Solar Storms! Marvel not a pandemic of overdoses, mocked a run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware!

Texting Mine, their Nov 4, 1975 Paperboy, bike rider, Saudi/US disintegrating, genocidal Petro-currency US/Obama/H. Clinton's funeral reef,  soaring skyward, how many Trump error US Covid, death tolls with tens of millions US dead, pending! 

I'm more concerned about dominoing Hawaii/YELLOWSTONE! Y'all know what's going on with Biden and Putin, right? Biden is putting weapons in Ukraine to target Russia, for error Islam Biden, them it’s always been about puppeteering a Russians war off Ukraine and its allies! 

So Russia right now, that type of Cuban missile crisis I saw during Bush, Eze 5 heart stabbers chased procrastinating stampeders. He's supposedly putting Nukes in Cuba for targeting US soil, only guess whose side especially nearing 3 DRAGON BEAST years flowing apocalypse, fulfilling biblical prophecy Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 13:5, is on? Marvel not, knowing who, what, when and where to blessed exile luxury? Marvel not, The single word inquiry, RUNNING? 

I told T, before I left THEY again showed Granddaddy a year today, June 10, snatching them out of Pompeii Movie of Memphis, so we still know US W.. Coast the most dangerous; remember that really loud hovering T called a UFO? Around that same time! Then your dad at the time hammering off more mass disasters and who seem lil N stepsons, skyrocketed, see more here, https://www.wsaw.com/2024/01/09/young-brothers-die-after-falling-through-icy-pond-sun-prairie/; T the lead, they come pouring into my bedroom, saying grandma, you was right about all of it! The prophet Ezekiel, this ministry mostly revisits, N was told the same thing.

YOUTUBE Full SPECTRUM SURVIVOR BREAKING NEWS ALERT - RUSSIAN NUKES IN FLORIDA WATERWAY - GET READY, THE... https://youtu.be/G1yCzRL7HDI?si=6ylJ10AAqPCRdvcE via @YouTube: In An Africa Loves China, Kinda Way; a line upon line, never ending line of injured, orphan, children and the Holy Church Bride INTRAVENOUS, STAR WARRIORS also entreat me; marvel not Hawaii missile morning Mat 24/Rev 2 Jesus inquiring of me, would millions in circling ANGELS also ascend? Knowing how Holy Angels babbling Youtube Dutch-Sinse, Duh, (Rev 11/17/18 bab.la), also how the Asian language work especially May 27/28, 2022 and Feb 12/13, 2023, fast and furious, as a Tokyo Drift, Japanese and Chinese, with the Spanish language stirred in! 

Though guided apocalypse, traveling for billions of light years, can be extremely precise as to strike a lawn table, only where wasp are building a nest; admittedly taken in a fly-over US soil, on Ps 91, described angels wings, at that, US fiery doomsdays apocalypse. Still, still, still, FSS it was years before I knew seeing burning Walmart fallout shelters, to the melting of safehaven mountains, THE WHITEHOUSE, safehaven. hence their names, as Burning Bush, Burning Biden/Harris, yes, there's some bout a hovering all around spacecraft. I didn't know seeing an equally burning Kennedy Space Center was actually this unprecedented fiery doomsday apocaltpse reaching into not a safehaven Florida. 

-Still, still, still, triple great tribulations come, intravenous, star warring THEM, haven't spend near four decades stampeding us even our Dec 3, 2017, elephants of staying unaware, into a described lesser barbecue, as US Georgia's COAST, CROSOVER; frightnight, now we know,  as from a dominoing W. Pacific Ring of fire, US W. Pacific dominoing super eruptions. Frightnight the more there's a dominoing Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, 101 eruptions, frightnight reminded, updated, Aug 24/25, 2023, "the day last of America,' and there's an even closer of a call, a long. long, long duration, hovering craft. Simply THEY didn't just Jan 16, 2023 design us named to numbered race cars and race tracks into an also being incinerated US Florida COAST. 

Truly I know, like all through biblical history, we've seen what THEY do, using relentless Sahara sands the frustrating of some of the most apocalyptic Atlantic, African  basin hurricane making, some all together,  just dodging safehaven US Georgia.  I guess we're about to see FSS, what they'll do,  translating some, crossing over others, skyrocketing others, with an equally  threating nuclear error Biden revisiting Russia, Cuban missile crisis, only then Gog and Magog America, WEST RULE genocidal colonization were only getting started, here's their hand writing of judgement on a Dan 5, sentence on a wall sudden incineration; blessed are hearers and doers of these pop-up reveals, a ring around the sounding of the seventh angels trumpet, heralding the end of all kingdom, nation building, and then SHE released it, Daniel 2, stone from heaven, leaving nothing of them all, but dust and win,  RUN!     

Article, Euro Sinks After Macron's Shock Election Call, Gantz Quits Israel Government | Markets Today 06/10; Article, Euro Sinks After Macron's Shock Election Call, Gantz Quits Israel Government | Markets Today 06/10; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2024-06-10/euro-sinks-after-macron-s-shock-election-call-gantz-quits-israel-government-markets-today-06-10; YOUTUBE Full SPECTRUM SURVIVOR BREAKING NEWS ALERT - RUSSIAN NUKES IN FLORIDA WATERWAY - GET READY, THE... https://youtu.be/G1yCzRL7HDI?si=6ylJ10AAqPCRdvcE via @YouTube:

What a day of fulfilling tens of millions suddenly dead Russia locking and loading a nuclear event Cuba/Florida, wait is that Intravenous Star Warring been warning not a Safehaven Florida? See I told you, error Islam. burning Bush 2003, seeing people sitting waiting breaking news remind of the JFK era, Cuban Missile/ Crisis/Hawaii Missile Crisis that burn everything from volcanic Hawaii into the Kennedy Space center hardly Atlantic/African Coast was far enough away for floating famed letters USA and hundreds of millions to a billion its Stampeding host, the thing to stop them now, that predicted dominoing Hawaii/Ben Affleck Armageddon 

Gantz Quits Israel Government; Don’t really know who Gantz is but still a question. Like was this before US General described to his men a build up of torture vehicles and a build up of charcoal US bodies a dirty (Mede); to a US General handing his war horse off  to a prophet Jeremiah Dec 24/25 2001 Dan 5 handwriting US weights of martyred blood guilt judgment, sentences, lije Jeremiah 37:8, Chaldeans committing barbecue on US soil? Yeah, that’s how long Genesis man, marriage procreated to predestined US leads have known, well actually, you too, Apb outraeching ministry. 

Getting my attention, why? First I’m a day ahead I thought this was SUNLIGHT OF GOD, COMMANDED EXODUS, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH the 11th! First of its kind ever paying true attention to this name, Macron, except he’s French! Only the other day I commented Obama being in France how 2008/09 during a  Dan 7/Rev 17 mock nation summit Obama declared “The One,” soon in real time he visited France’s support systems. Sorta the same, ebbing and flowing shaky, shaky shelter, Sept 3, right before he took Sept 2020 podium for campaigning now error Islam Pres Biden portrayed again as his daughter we the Obama’s had just returned from getting their support, France.

So my question just days ago during Antichrist building cabinets, some Pres Rasis going, others Hussein biblical lineage, like Dec 2017 Abbas mentioned 8 leads coming. THEY once asking me, what’s the secret of presently Pompeii movie to gladiators of Memphis? Anyway here’s my alike question what’s the secret of France, even of mentioned twice Hiter’s Germany and shown to have The Mummy’s Scorpion King’s  Anubis army? When I just now see this article, some bout France and I’m thinking I know through NTEB Geoffrey Griner, that Macron name! 

Especially since mock nations summit  Obama mocked knowing his itinerary knowing his sincerity. Honestly, other than all that seeing Macron beings French, further got my attention, then during Antichrist established reign. You see  on  social media the name Macron again along with Abbas 8 mention leads are stirred into the pot of a US soil BEASTLY entry of Antichrist maybes. See also, there’s more references made to the final man of sin during THE ONE, Senator Obama campaign and Gog and Magog Trump announcement/ Sept BETA Abraham Accord: 

Frightnight the more, that’s with Rev 13 designed two BEAST, Antichrist. False Prophet during Senator Barack Hussein! Plus with both aligned to error Islam and any hour to nano-second 50 million US deaths, two quarters planet wide. Until lately I’ve began calling them each a two weeks and 7 year timetable, close to the Antichrist! There’s equally revisited since BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 06, 2015, especially see debating Rev 12 interstellar Armageddon Gabriel, Michael Sept BETA 2020! 

Only today , BIG JUNE for a year 2023; as a solar weather alert, May 3, counted us down to a GINORMOUS SOLAR EVENT finale, see here, www.space weather.com. Frightnight to Amazing Grace to rolling twilight skies till HE come, by sky-rocketing children and the Holy Church Bride off fiery doomsday planet, like a year today June 10, 2024, but not before HE  got a third apocalyptic hammering! Yeah, following such the blinking of an eye speed were updates 2023 Jan 16 and Sept 15, 5 years and 9 months of a Rev 11:1, 2 42 month interval. Take heed mightily when that is then Dan 9:27 7-12/Eze 38/39/Rev 13/17  biblical prophecy fulfilling Rev 13:5 42 Month interval.

Undoubtedly ebbing and flowing Chernobyl/Ben Affleck April Spring Rapture, 02/-7/20 2025/US doomsday Oct 17, 2028 “AND THERE ROSE AMONG THEM A LITTLE HORN! Error Islam Pres Bush/Senator Obama Rev 13 2008/09! Marvel not for the love of you, and protection of your everlasting souls any as Mat 24/Rev 18 passion of the CHRIST. Jesus suggesting you RUN, Just RUN! Its been promised for many millennia Gen 16/Ps 35/91/ESPECIALLY Isa 16/Rev 12, Trump Gabriel and Star Warrior Michael THEM setting THEIRS all around got y’all from there for 1,260 days of it; HBOW. Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Ghost Horse, Little Horn Deburk and Queen Bride Amirah, Amorah Goatson

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Emmeline Joseph Lopside and Maleah Bridget Clare was born a son, Emmanuel Nicholas Lopside, a son, Hiers Madelyn Lopside, and a daughter, Charlize (Charlie), Amirah Lopside and a son, Legolis Hairston Lopside, Clare 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII 

     "Wow, you two are so fused, you look like Siamese twins, you know us sisters love, loving on each other, while can a loving husband squeeze in there? You can have her, I'm going to help my husband cook, what dear husband Mitchel, are you designing? Stuffed crates, I'm just uncertain about whether to do something red or white in a sauce, you know once I have my culinary classes, I'm going to cook all over you, well babe until then, would you hand me the cream? Ah geese woman, you and these finding this mystery America, documentaries! Well a lot of archaeologist do think Sanford beloved, between the W Pacific and the Mid Atlantic, ring of fire, they say is yet expanding, there was not only a country, America, but an entire American continent. But in that, in all that ocean of lava? That's just Bron too hard to believe, well that sea to sea crater of molten lava is why they can't excavate it all, like they want.  Believe it or not lover boy, it is believed there laid the greatest nation this world, to follow the Roman Empire, but after 101, ah, ah, Mariah! Yellowstone's, it was call something like that, we only just studied it days past, yes, after 101 this Yellowstone killed tens of millions, and all the other stampeded, they even say, Sanny, it's why the African Juttah even exist.  Here, here, listen here, he's their top scientist, Dr Bloomberg, Volcanologist Sanny, to extinction studies. Then they're designing way's right now to do it's research, like within those lava beds, crazy I know, but just listen!"     >>>"Hey, hey, hey, sleepy head, though it pains me, you asked me to wake you, what's wrong? You're shivering, no way Phearce, no way will you ever believe what I just saw, heard, ah my god, heard! Come, come, here, tissues, ah, ah, you know I love to watch docs on finding Atlantis.  Right now they think was in North Africa, this eye of the Sahara, and before this Pangaea stuff parted earth's crust, was once part of South America? Imagine Phearce instead coming in on a conversation of young genesis marriage worshipers, of whom one is just fascinated as I am Phearce, only on finding long, lost America. Their present, generations past, many say to exist, but there's yet to be proof, now how much would that freak you right out! Okay, okay, I hear how mind and heart blowing that is, but, but Phearce, there's no proof, and the ring of fire, ocean to ocean of magma, from the W Pacific into the Mid Atlantic that is yet expanding, prevents them from excavating the conspired areas. Then as you was waking me the two sisters are apparently studying in their classes, these historic, mysteries, of whether America or North America's continent ever existed.  Loving girl, hey, come here, no, Rig, please, no, no, no! You know what? I just wanna go, I don't want no more of this, I don't want to see it, no, Phearce, no dreaming it, I'll never sleep or dream, never again, I mean that! But loving girl, go where? Just as God, the Heavenly Host can't escape this breakout of mortuary, we been hearing for a decade now Rig, even our ascension is from up there, second heaven. Still this witnessing and interceding the Tribulation Saints until Daniel week finale and they then join us, in third Heaven, Lamb's, Marriage Supper.  I got to go, I got to shower, so you gonna mention this in class? No, no, no, I'm not, I don't Phearce ever want to believe I just dreamed that, it's, it's, hey, hey, hey, okay! I mean you're free Phearce to do with it what you want, you do know Sia Maaseiah saw that, when the sword like syringes, bearing grim reapers were finished thrusting in reaping sickle US soil. Just so, it's American Continent, nothing was left Rig but a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the frig! No, no, no, don't tell me, don't, don't, ah, I saw that! Excuse, one of the young wives, Mariah, was helping her husband in the kitchen, just as she reached to opened the fridge for cream, Phearce, I saw on the door, a magnetic keepsake, ah, it had a huge red cut out heart, a picture of mount Rushmore it's middle, it was multi color and it said, I love the USA! Ah my god, ah my god, sh, sh, sh, I got you, sh, sh, sh, I got you. Then beloved girl should I tell you, the coast to coast impact crater, boiling and bubbling over with molten lava; Please tell me you knew that's Sia Maaseiah's Juttah Septennial, to the Deburk's Globe, even the Juttah Tribunal Hillsfeets, all their assumption, regarding her predicted and revisited 99 bowls of molten lava? Actually Rig seen as recent as Jan 13 (2019), as a handwriting on Trump's wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, and Rig as a hand writing clumsily, it's Aug 7th, (2019), 'Escape Yellowstone! Then something it's Aug 5, (2019), as the now COVID-19, shutting down the whole planet, only including all screening, HD, 5G, and Social, media, with the last thing it's screen, the single word disappeared? As in no more this planet, the holy Bride, those holy angels nor unholy, West Rule America. Rig, Regan Central, I'm in the shower, look, how far into Jesus' millennium would our grands to great grands be, to be having these kinds of finding Atlantic America, documentaries? I know cursed with Dan 4 madness and Noah's day normalcy bias, they can't see it, but predicted volcanic apocalypse is happening right now, as in Phearson McPhearson, right now! Even so come Lord Jesus Phearson, how many hundreds of years would it be into Jesus's millennium, is there now a Mystery, Atlantic, America? You think I'm pregnant? I don't, you babe, tell me, you know Phearce I don't have these kinds of futuristic dreams unless I'm, you know, I don't, I could meet you at the birthing center later, after your conference all. Rig, loving husband to Rig, yeah, I mean if you're still going, right, right!  Rig, all this is insane, I just want my husband to hold me, take me into our marriage bed, keep us there so amazingly until we hear Jesus, shout, The Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God, at least then Phearce we'd know we have exactly, the duration of Daniel's final week left and nothing more, and Phearce, nothing more! Ump, you smell so good, taste, so, good, I better go, I better go, grab me a face and drying towel, actually my robe would be best, and juice, we have juice, right?" Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see Regan Central and Phearson Mycal, Heart Ravishing,
https://heartravising2017.blogspot.com/2017/07/and-these-are-descendants-of-beauty.html, see The Ark, here, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, paypal.me/patriciabradford77@gmail.com or simply text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb



You’re All Beagles; crimes against humanity 

https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1799417761539805431?s=46; actually Elon most of you are “procreated,” (bless “THE WOMAN SEED”); and predestined to extinct your one Genesis man, marriage! Marvel not Star Warring AODHF explained to US Generals surrendering to Prophet Jeremiah, HE knew him before his mother’s womb; see more here, Ps 139, even understand The Lambs Book Of Life, my page of names torn out; Archangel Michael’s list; the laying the foot of my bed of a book of remembrance; actually I told X Sulaiman Ahmed (X Post, Post WAR ON BABIES! NSFW*);

I’ve these near 40 as Moses Exodus years, so many warnings about endangered children I could write a book then I remembered they already have, blessed are hearers and doers for the Genesis Human being, who we all are Elon end is at hand by our own bloody hand to petro-currency! Marvel not the fir a complete year today June 4 Inyo Juneteenth 10, 2023/2024 Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband hammering off more apocalyptic NEOS TO UFOS wasn’t just about children but these two brothers https://madison.com/news/local/crime-courts/wisconsin-sun-prairie-drowning-retention-ponds/article_22444f64-af1e-11ee-b22e-97b2999e858e.html as all children were all escaping with him! 

-I saw them remember this was all happening at the foot of my prayer bed and then as speedily as Rev 12 new born then and Rev 12 New Born Chirrch  Bride Sept BETA July 6 2020 THEY were all gone in a flash then as testified my Memphis Grands were translated to US Georgia’s COAST simultaneously! AODHF, JCON, JCOR, HBOW. THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD,  just saying if you’re praying to either or all of THEM I’m too procreated to predestined and THEY sent me! Apb The RAM! 

Before I heard I Will strip leaders as the days of their birth now star warring AODHF was crying inconsolably as all heaven by now, including yours truly, his people were being stripped of everything Jesus Christ has brought them!

2023/2024 I WILL STRIP LEADERS! 2003/Trump Gabriel 2004, ASTEROID DESTROY MIDDLE SCHOOLS! 2010 Go and get the 12 heirs; 2023  invited the beta, 2023/2024 WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

‪-Frightnight is he considering going into business with the one HOLY LORDS align to demon Genociders especially US leads, especially Trump/PHARMACEUTICALS; but if you think Trump’s mismanaged Covid is killer wait on this planet see what Antichrist does with his Abraham Accord! ‬Marvel not Mat 24 Catastrophist Jesus in there’s nothing more you can do, saying WHEN YOU SHALL SEE! Run! 

Know biblical prophecy yes, the Daniel 4 madness curse; marvel not GOD promise strong delusion; Actually know what the Adam lost and aligned it to the sunlight of god calling an exodus on the precipice of biblical truth. The Genesis man has come close to your extinction the dumbing down of smart people the opening  their your mouth is lethal!‬

‪The portrayal of the sister I skyrocketed to heaven with by a Super Mario Cart, as skewing to unskewing nuts. Mock a fast and furious ludicrous contagion; both Pharaoh and Moses belittled Star Warring GOD presently they little know how Pilate and Judas role differ as Trump and Fauci! Which do we trust? Before you answer though mightily overwhelmed by visions of grandeur to deception first publicly washing his hands he tried hard to bring us to our senses! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor Breaker Daniel 6:1 to 28 Daniel and the Lion's Den or the Swamp https://youtu.be/11bykrKmHmc?si=93x1bP6pmSbsUEEu via @YouTube; I heard Asteroid Destroy on  US soil, witnessed famed letters USA floating off the American Continent; Never mind now your should’ve would’ve could’ve Sept BETA reigning Holy Church Bride, possesses, preps and launches Daniel 2 Stone From heaven! RUN! 

Ring Around The Sept 15, 2020 Abraham Accord a pocket full of poses ashes, ashes all US states of barbecue; Hand Writing The Chaldeans Are Coming, They’re Here! Marvel not Pastor Two Years witnessing our two world systems skyrocketed to fire-rocketed was mocked Aug 5 2021 Showing Rev 11;15.. AODHF Also Star Warring! Presently a date matching Trump for three years and 9 months Abraham Accord. 

Presently a Sept Beta 15, 2023 Seeing carnivore beast and Anubis Demon Dog Daniel’s predicted Lion, Leopard Rev 9 John Opened Bottomless Pit, peace keeping pulpits, living rooms, porches; Godzilla and Sobek peace keeping skies, 

and multimillion traffic Jams!

Then Mat 24 Catastrophist Jesus and I begin to witness they’re running one stab the heart Eze 9 slayers giving chase one is taken and the other left! You, yours, again yours running, taken? But Where are THEY now pastor Breaker; we’re talking a mighty celebration 2023 Jan 16/Trump 2020 Abraham Accord Sept 15 all around waiting the 7th Angel trumpet, for when the 7th Angel shall begin to sound witnessed Rev 22 reigning church Bride launches Daniel 2 stone from heaven designed Feb 2015  The Antichrist murderer!

Frightnight to amazing Grace as recent as June 10, 2023 and far back as skyrocketing us Jan 2018  Hawaii missile morning Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband leading captivity captive Rev 2 Jesus threaten mass dieoff ascension of children.  Surrealistically, pastor, such unprecedented rescue goes back as far as the mid eighties and coming after me, while for many millennia, that none perish, blessed, righteous outreach are both Dan 7 and Rev 13/17 described 7 horns, 10 crowns beast; 

Unimaginably, said ten crown heads begin to be named warning 3 years Rev 10 Mighty Angel Kobe Bryant fiery crash morning! Marvel not close to the Antichrist Pres Rasis’s one of three a downed head coincidentally was so similar to Kobe’s crash.  Marvel not since 2024 May 3 37day countdown in monstrous SOLAR “storms,” as since May 3 2023 on repeat monstrous SOLAR “storms,” in prophetic hindsight Rev 12 Holy church bride snatched outta the mouth of Red Dragon! Miraculously Pastor, return moments later leading captivity captured the two witnesses leading captivity captured the tribulation saints 

I know how fantastic a feature all bidden to the marriage supper of the lamb wait around the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet! Alpha and Omega AODHF JCOR come as a gamma ray bursting; HBOW/ THE BETA launches Daniel 2  Stone! Marvel not your King Zion to Lamb of God Jesus Husband to Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael THEM have all designed you as Lot and family, as running! 

YouTube Bright Side Global, There Are More Than 100 Volcanoes in Antarctica: Can They All Erupt at O... https://youtu.be/n0HipMdFHyo?si=o2vMbD5Z01n9yCS1 via @YouTube


I believe the various predictions of 101 Yellowstone eruptions is 101 separate super eruptions happening simultaneously  The American CONTINENT beginning with Hawaii’s  largest planet wide largest above ground volcano!

Next I knew I woke close to the Antichrist Pres Trump March 13, 2018 inviting all US states from a barbecuing into a lesser US barbecue  US Georgia’s COAST/CROSSOVER; not even Florida’s coast is Safehaven territory, that’s how precise THEY Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael were, Apb, The RAM!
