Insight: Gaza faces the threat of famine. How children starve. - Reuters,


The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 23, four days since The SUNLIGHT OF GOD, JUNETNNETH 2002, COMMANDED As Moses Memphis, Egypt and Harriet (Moses) Tubman/Blaexit from Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024

Ancient Aliens: Extraterrestrial Portals to New Realms via @YouTube: Do Alien Portals Exit? Since we know by now, since intravenous Holies concern Fallen Angels Is Why Aliens Exist Mean Like The Incalculable In Monsters The Bottomless Pit Aliens Too Are On A Very Short Leash Also Knotted For Rescuing Children! 

Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above! My Question Are There Alien Allies, For Example Stargate Atlantis Asgard? Who Are The Beast Described Opening The Seals To John? 

The UAP I witnessed approach and fly over my head would be as these two crafts combined, it was just so animated; I guessed by its ebbing and flowing Jan 16, 2023, squeezing into a cart, shooting skyward to heaven, finding mom shouldn’t have been odd. Now those the backyard of this same GA house THEY  were Triangle Dots, Stargate Atlantis is my favorite space exploration, TV series, behind Lost In Space, I know the difference between a Mother Ship and Triangle Dots, three colored lights the rear, red, blue, white.

Now that June 04-10 2023, long, long long duration, earth shaking, furniture moving, ear numbing craft and everything else I should’ve fret it’s Phoenix Lights, 1996, 97 Triangle Craft silently hovering over my Memphis Neighborhood undoubtedly those are Mother Ships! I know the first I remember boarding, Sept 22/23 (2015)/Rev 12 sign Sept 23, 2017; to be honest we, Caden/UK Cameron mix, we went from boarding to catching the screening estimated time of arrival/The BETA Sept 22/23/24 soon hearing warning those left behind, “beware of Alien dangers from above!” Skyrocketing HBOW/Apb

Insight: Gaza faces the threat of famine. How children starve. - Reuters,

-All he has to do to fix the world, its gone wrong Genesis man, marriage is the speed the blink of an eye, it’d be Eden’s Garden again, like its fiery doomsday post-apocalypse into this very hour never even happened. I’ve seen it many times, you heard me say, blink and you’ll missed it, marvel not those  immaculate tribulation saint are designed blinking of an eye tribe. These words are carved into their thick, worrisome wooden necklace, the blinking of an eye tribe reminding their enemies how with such speed as Rev 12 New born they too are skyrocketing to paradise heaven. 

So seeing these types of unimaginable inhumanity to man, especially to the elderly, to women and children what’s the hold  up, even Star Warring AODHF, Just blink, Jesus’ Millennium Reign Here, healing peace, wings, the leaves from the tree of life! I know you thinking, it must be better watching it all from up here, I know, we had arriving us back to planet earth in time for breakfast with grands intravenous spirit explain they wanna be down here! 

Plus Holy Father God and I had this conversation long ago, I never want to exchange one workplace imploding home earth planet for another interstellar Armageddon/second heaven intercession! I know down here, things seen temporary, things not seen eternal, it’s the most unprecedented trying of one’s  faith ever; up there for eons past and eons to come, what’s promised, procreated, predestined reached it finale. Still tell me, did  you see the chosen series S4, E7, Jesus weeping that hard, remember what brought total silence to the most other-planetary, red carpet events and world wide wedding extravaganza’s  of all those ever the planet combined.  

Remember soon spreading fast this inconceivable untellable stillness in heaven, there’s also sobbing uncontrollably God’s back turn throne, my people are dying, dying and they’re being stripped of everything Jesus Christ hath them. It was (1992), and I was in my prayer closet, waiting another of their intravenous Angel with phenom answers. When when I too began to hear, feel, sobb, I too began crying uncontrollably.  

Thirty minutes of trying to figure an eerie, dispirited contagion the multibillion man choir, the multibillion its royal priesthood. Soon surrealistically to overwhelmingly we’re all weeping, sobbing uncomfortably; then one approach me, saying he wanna see you, who? Him! Marvel not since, ebbing and flowing two decades Sunlight Of God, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH (2002) commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit! HBOW/Apb

Article AP, Thousands of bodies lie buried in rubble in Gaza. Families dig to retrieve them, often by hand

The Guardian war live: Trump given plan to halt US military aid to Kyiv unless it talks peace with Moscow - The Guardian,   



-The deadliest war for children right now is Netanyahu’s. So more impressive would be Trump gives plan to halt weapons to Israel unless it has peace talks with Hamas or nothing charges. It all stays the same, I hate the way they treat y’all like imbeciles!  


Aligned to Gog and Magog, error Islam and 50 million US dead. Besides The now firerocketing Abraham Accord he’s ticking down more timetables than even I can count. Think why else would Trump be in the running except to finally do what CHINA Russia and N Korea won’t do, stop Netanyahu!


You right, burning Biden tried this halt on error Netanyahu’s weapons got shown the same door as blessed Briexit, UK Johnson. They WON’T see it, US own weights of martyred blood guilt and only ticking time bomb, close to the Antichrist ex Pres Trump the cure!


One of us is chained, none of us are free pray, one of us is chain, pray for all human beings at the wailing wall. 

There’s Pistol Toting Morgan Freeman vs Lucifer’s for the ancient bottomless pit of monsters, Helel hand the store manager keys Aug 27/28 2023. I keep telling you all they have extreme mockery Psalms 2 Ancient Of Days Holy father says to error Islam burning US states Bush/Clinton/Bush; says to error Islam burning US White House/Walmarts Obama/TRUMP/ Biden I will mock your new fear factor as ISLAMIC/ Israeli/ANTICHRIST reign!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King, Bridegroom, Decimals Yisroel Headwater

and queen bride, Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Decimals Yisroel Headwater and Janevee Peyton Nevaeh Brumson

was born twins god daughters Hayden Hazel and Hazel Hayden Headwater a god son 

Blaine Adelbert (Adel) Headwater and a godson Fallon Emiliano Darvin Headwater Brumson

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

"Where are you man? Both hearing the ruckus in one another background, “we’re cutting it mighty close. I’m already gone man, gone, why, how far ahead? Ah, see, hello, ah months now. Months, did you just say months? I couldn’t help it, nobody can be that right all the time and be wrong Jess man. I just couldn’t chance it, I rented an eighteen wheeler like she suggested, I mean why let all this merchandise, hello, go to, ah waste? Hello, hello, dad, you okay? Don’t feel guilty, you did what’s right for us. Look we got what’s marked for shelter inside. Dad, seeing tears dampening his phone, scrolling, his cheeks, come grabbing him into a huge hug. “Maybe I should’ve told him, you know she’s mocking those right now. I don’t, how while escaping triangle craft get burning Biden and burning Harris to safehaven, USA GA to exile luxury USA MOTHER Africa, their should’ve would’ve could've all the way there still left millions of US inherit horribly dead and mostly waking up in eternal hell!” Anyway mom say the storm has made daylight black come in, outta the rain. Dad, his day dreaming far off, fearful to faithful to fateful. “Please, she said that, so the spacecraft she saw during the incineration of West Pacific Coastline into the WH, The American Continent. I don’t know son but why would he spare us?”  Wiping uselessly pouring tears, millions to billions dead? “Dad come!” Amazing Grace with those predicted millions in tribulation Saints John witnessed pouring into Jesus’s Throne bosom dances in sin decimals head. “Tell me that scripture again, John 3:16 and what could it for eons past to eons to go, mean? You dad was the one who told me, you believe her seeing, that father, with sons, sent out for more supplies, and father, moving to secure his hideaway, found himself surrounded by all types of doors jams, represented Full Spectrum Survivor or son prepper period, like spirit and Bride going from kindly summoning us home, to possessing, prepping and launching, Daniel, 2 stone from heaven. I mean suppose like seeing that trumpet passed to Guardian Gabriel, this is now her responsibility as Rev 6, 6th John, mocking our worthless hideaways, because of the mutiny to war in heaven and the exile of hundreds of millions of now fallen angels, demons, and their hybrids, Aliens? Dad, what's that son? Where did go, and are you back? No way that was all flesh and blood my recently turnt dad, but fast and furious with blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT and Blaexit, I don't know what you mean, I'm just saying son whatever blessed come to me. You two read further she saying, those who stay behind, go back or even look back, isn't only a slap in the face of intravenous God, but those Abraham's bosom, to Jesus' martyred to Harriet Moses, Truman to Michael's list; those saints mom, under God's throne, crying, God take their vengeance, as HE"S apparently doing, showing himself star warring. Don't worry bout him, none of them, she saw them all come, all autos, every brand loaded from car roof to tires she explain, it, saw them this huge number into, here, Georgia's coast, and by intravenous angels help, witnessed them all pour out of Africa's Southwest, Atlantic into its coastal cities, and town, even said to have witnessed and visited its perfect exile luxury, safehouses all, so they'z coming, don't you worry bout it, this is god's grace, his blessed brexit, blaexit,  also 400 years predicted, nothing can prevent it, nothing."   >>"Sitting in the dark?" A kind, quite handsome Phearson was to find her, was to draw remarkably close to her as these were above comprehension trials for them both. "Vince said you've been here all day," modeling the stunner he was into her, at fiddling in her long, sandy strands, as so to bath in her adorably tempting scent. "You want to talk about it? So how long were you two lovers? Excuse me, you and Vince?" An assured by these abrupt revelations Regan Central locked more than curious eyes with an in haste to abase himself Phearcson McPhearson. "Up until a year before I started receiving your letters, just before Rig this amazing article I read in the Paris Globe, that one written by an Apache Arrow Deburk, alias Alyn Tristian, Alyn, One entitled ‘The Suicidal Confession.’ It was an amazing article Rig whereas Mr. Deburk is to compare homosexuals to blood farmers who perilously, monstrously and even murderously cultivate their gardens with this world's one blood supply instead of water. Thus diverting this single hemoglobin, at poisoning the world's blood harvest with a holocaust impenetrable, namely HIV-Aids. I tell you I was ready to pack and move all my, I can't Phearce put myself in, shhhhh I would never Rig put you in danger, never, ever, the test came back positive. Test?" Grave with an alarm sending his thoughts on like this roller, coaster ride of twist and turns at how Regan Central knew something he didn't. Indeed what test had he taken? When? Where? Even how and was deadly Aids this positive? "The pregnancy test," sweeping at creeping tears at pulling a few packed bag free was she obviously going somewhere, home perhaps as she'd been with him from her hospital release. "I'm pregnant with Henry's child, I'm so confused, I don't know, it's ok, we'll figure, how is it Phearce ok? I've been sitting here in this spot all day trying to figure this, wondering why I've been so greatly punished, it's not a punishment," did a tremendous after her with an infatuation indescribable Phearson come again into her inviting spoor, that stinging uncertainty. "Not Rig directly but that we're born into and are at limits with a prevailing calamity, hence Christ's Cross. I don't want to lose you, please tell me I’m, it's healing, I don't know Rig suddenly I heard a voice say, it's healing. How the nine months you're to carry this child will be a time of regeneration not just for us but all those involved. And once it's born we're to see something human, something wonderful come out of something horrible, something so inhuman. My grandmother Louise always told me we should treat trials and tribulations like storms that come and go so untimely. Storms she said can be very damaging even deadly but once Rig they're passed, these clouds of illusions, how nothing is the same. How we're to see a brighter day, see and comprehend Rig in ways at first eluding us entirely. I don't know, ah baby we can do this! "We?" Wrestling instead off, away angrily was she at better to cry, a back to him, after those specific get away bags. "What we? My made deranged proposed Phearce raped me, leaving me for dead and managed to slip up and kill his fool self, my god leaving me with these impossible remedies. He also killed you, killed us Rig, the devil's very aim, but like this unborn growing inside you we're both to metamorphose into this newness of life as all things are possible with the supreme. I know baby learning of this pregnancy just made things a little more difficult but what else is there to be done? You're going to kill it? That's still Regan Central growing inside you, Regan Central and a man you knew and loved, not the monster Rig, but Herenton Egan Lowd the man. I'll admit Phearce this conversation is not going at all like I thought, I know, you thought you would use my ex-homophile lifestyle, this pregnancy as reasons that we're to go our separate ways. Only Rig, I want what was promised me in the beginning, I want the cleavage, do you know how greatly I desire at having you? How I want to cleave to Regan Central, how I want her, just her and none other for all eternity cleaving to me. That's what we as husband and wife are to share behind closed doors, what billions have song and can't perform, even in that marriage bed Regan is to be phenomenally above and beyond this reality. I've not lost my dreams Regan," easing a comforting sigh of release, even an agreement of his warm breath into the back of her head, those smell good, feel good, silky soft strands. “They've only for a time been placed on hold, perhaps on faith, that door. I got to think, I've packed as you see and will be off to Celeste so I, I married you that night in the hospital, I made that vow to you Rig but most of all to the Supreme Host, I'm not only your husband but the father of that unborn. Why don't I Rig run you a soothing, hot bubble bath and we sleep on all of this, as to Rig digest it all and if you feel the same by morning I'll put you on a plane to Celeste myself, what say you? I say that sound so incredible, that my astonishing husband of the Juttah vows, is so astonishing, how can I refuse him? Good, a hot bath then, yes, and something to eat right, yes, right again, good, a hot soothing bath and dinner coming up." Beware, AWAKE! Apb, The RAM, see, read more here, www.regancentral15.blogspot.comWhy Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4 

YouTube, Forbes Breaking News, “I Came Here To Get Something Started!': Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Ear... via @YouTube; Beware Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Earth, I can’t help but think about turn to ally Trump. Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain Trumps bio-Covid campaign rallies like millions of others got the best of him, cost him his life. Marvel not an explosion of raging pro-Palestinian to pro-Israeli marches reduced the word college into a single letter C Covid, you too thinking? 

See and never ask why again: see Netflix Collin In Black and White; Tube’s Colors Of The Christ; Netflix Harriet ours too is as Jesus Gethesmane Night. See as she sat that bridge finally free to decide how she’d die; he that lose his life for my sake shall gain it forevermore, “Lazarus Come Forth!” JCON/JCOR! 

Equally See why The Sunlight of God centuries later still see Africa to Abraham Juneteenth inherit even more as spiritually imprisoned, enslaved and improvised; why HE mocked them so distracted its American Dream, they’re building their own labor camps, millions dying annually, with a mass majority waking up damned! 

Then see why The Sunlight of God from behind a Mt Sinai type commanded as Moses an exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

Marvel it’s too many molten lava, handwriting of judgments to count; too many close to The Antichrist Trumpian time bombs; marvel not seeing famed letters USA float off the American Continent taking the exact trajectory as would’ve Senator Hussein Obama hundreds of millions In votes; marvel not close to the Antichrist he is, aligned to a skyrocketing US soil funeral reef! 

Megatron ✅ 



From now on, anyone who wants to get German citizenship must declare that they support Israel - Financial Times 

A new citizenship law came into force in Germany on Tuesday with an explicit requirement for applicants to declare the state of Israel’s right to exist.

Interior minister Nancy Faeser on Tuesday:

“New test questions have been added on the topics of a, Article

Do They Know? Seeming Popup Intravenous Asked Outta The Blue, Do Their Parents Know? They Will Instead Grow Up In An Occupied America! 



Stop it Megatron, please tell me you’re kidding, you’re not kidding? Scary? Scariest, Feb 12[{ 2015, Reigning, casting down Dan 2 Stone of ending all kingdom nation building, Holy Church Bride, here Feb 12/13 2019, displayed Antichrist come with Scorpion King Anubis army and human kind got like an hour before they’re wipe out faster than Noah’s molten lava Cousin, flooding, twice refers mentioned Hitler’s Germany, to disguised Anubis demons, German Shepherds


Twice now one time regarding close to the Antichrist Trump to I’m beginning Megatron to understand what Jesus meant by Satan sifting certain leaders like wheat the scene Dr Who 73 yrds the catastrophist whispering old women could finally reach a UK genocider hearing ear, ah my Jesus I wish! there's one exception, the Jan 6, 2021, stone anubis that come to life, stretched his bow, launched a single arrow, return to  his regular for; for though normaly like their stone Anubis Demon, gods, Americans, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians, have eyes, ears, a mouth, to a hallowed out breast, but they neither see, hear, heartily feel, nor speak. 

Here enters Antichrist reign. When I come into the July 6, 2020 demo, hearing, yes take him his, Rev 12 New Born is already Skyrocketing out of Red Dragon them hand; June 10, 2023 matrix tenth day award, instead there’s a , hammering, soon sky rocking Jesus, leading captivity captive Uvalde school shooting morning of all earths endangered children;

Republicans Against Trump 



Campaign Walk Back Trump’s Green Card Promise,


Anything to get them stampeding like stampeding elephants of staying unaware; beware the massive run on matrix blue pill of equally staying unaware; the pandemic of overdoses, right now. So , go Green cards, what, genocide like company? Referring to Israelis, a shopping mall cliffhanger, crashing, burning. USA a multimillion man barter balen toll booth grocery store. Marvel not as beastly King TRUMP down on all fours “OLD,” Ark Bridge crossing into Safehaven US GA’S COAST/CROSSOVER, the for 400 years predicted Juneteenth repatriation of Mother Africa’s Cradle Father Abraham’s Bosom marvel not lambs book of life, school name roll blessed Brexit/Blaexit Michael’s list 

They refer to him as King Babylon, even them, as Gog and Magog, that’s what matters; He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches: marvel not famed letters USA Like its hundreds of millions inherit witnessed floating off The American Continent Onto US Of Africa’s SW Atlantic Continent. 


-Close to the Antichrist, Pres Trump with too many ticking time bombs; Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him. Ticking Oct 17 2018/2019 until 7 yrs be; ticking April 2/20 2019 until two weeks and 7 years be ticking! Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth; easily not the continuity of West Rule, but why burning Biden/Harris WH, Air forces, motor cage all, didn’t have a scorching smell! Laughing to keep from crying, I like to ask, since not to save one of Gaza’s children; What would yours give in exchange for their Presidency; say if Hezebollah was pounding Israel into the dust! Let’s say, well rather North Korea is pounding S. Korea; there’s China pounding Taiwan, if not for their barbecued US military, loved ones, surely they’d forfeit the US awarded 11:00 shopping lunch hour to save Taiwan! 🇹🇼 

How many billions been spent and millions put in harm's way allying Ukraine against Russia?  Frightnight when that man stood before the world and begged burning Biden for help with Russia. I’m saying for me, it was burning Pres Biden and burning Netanyahu. Like they are all hokey, dory good bear hug Gazans digging through decaying dead to over two thirds Israel prophesied dead,

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies is a stirred in burning Obama skyrocketing funeral reef of having millions American dead by babbling Biden WH  shown reaping error Col Gaddafi US Of Africa denair currency US petro-currency it’s burning ashes of a dominoing Hawaii it’s US Of Barbecue! There’s the promised car trunk surprise per how tidy baby sis lawn, is kept; promised by the one soon murdered by a lawn service. That’s sorta what he was warning, while during our lawn for the last time. they gonna kill you, sabbath day, the middle of Main Street! 

Like you know when Revelation 20, describes the number the grains of sand to come against intravenous Jesus THEM once the thousand years are finished. Since they sorely mock game playing, like a Fast and Furious a Tokyo Drift, Bio-COVID Pandemic. Tokyo Olympics marvel not the Jan 12/13, 2022, Roman Colosseum, Pompeii movie of Memphis of sparring gladiator brothers, over the mother murdered by a lawn service; don’t get us started, the sudden death syndrome targeting of mostly healthy gamers; see also here,; so take all game fields past, present, future ever displayed take all it is members players to cheering, jeering participants.  Rightly, see the innumerable ever of them all, that’s how vast and like a flash of retaliatory in intravenous Star Warriors that rush me , to protect me, while doing our front yard lawn for the last, that day! 
