Though Suddenly Tens Of millions incinerated better not be your misinformation subscriber’s martyred blood on your hands.

The Links Prophecy fulfilling, Devil Comet, Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, Chernobyl April Spring Rapture/SUNLIGHT OF GOD commanded as Moses blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, BIG JUNE/JUNETEENTH 17, (2002), for 22 years, begin The Sunlight Of God, Commanded As Moses Exodus, the for 400 years, predicted, repatriation of mother July 6, 2020 designed, Rev 12, birth Mother, Africa, Apocalyptic Firestorms to US States Of Barbecue, 2024

YouTube Christopher Greene, Breaking Hyper Inflation, WWIII AI Takeover Of Human Beings
He kinda had AI when he warn no flirting with Keanu reeves movies, sbd has gone on to award a an ever Matrix tenth day of enduring triple great tribulations presentedly a run on matrix blue pills and an epidemic of overdoses. THRY went on to point Avengers Characters as Vision/Guardisns of Galaxy, ETERNALS  to equally out DC characters like Cy-borg to Batman VS Superman’s Ben Affleck so THEY cast him my GA bathroom reflecting God In The Mirror, its back turned HOLY FATHER’S Throne. Here’s Affleck’s barbershop saving as Eze 5 designed Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, other than wrestling, warring against flesh Russia and blood, China, these wicked devices falsifying apocalyptic skies our truest enemies; marvel not those two Aug 5 2019 world systems skyrocketing, fire-rocketing left all HD, 5 G and Social Media screening frozen Disney’s Frozen 2 premiere! “ 

The Date, Year (2002), Sunlight of God, From behind a recently hammered Mt Sinai type commanded a as Moses blessed Exodus of all westerners. Curious is today 7 Years Its Exact Date Big JUNE/JUNETEENTH 17, 2024 Mark my relocation to and fro GA/TN as complete! Know also My Grands Especially Again Snatched Out Not A Safehaven Memphis As Recent As Revisited BIG JUNE/ JUNETEENTH 04-10 2024; They Know Every Meal Could Be Their Last Until As Jesus THEM LAST SUPPER It Has Its Fulfillment In Heaven The revisited warning Rev 10 Mighty Angel Jan 16/17 2023, The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb/African Juttah Wedding extravaganza descending, now glorified The Royal Priesthood delivered both invitation and Royal Dress, I, well we were there. 

I know all we need Chris is to kinda watch, run, live  like He suggested and all we need is for Jesus to come back, come Lord Jesus, Prince Of Peace Get US All The Victory! There’s this outbreak of apocalypse it’s own, nearing a year Chris based on Rev 9 those four loosed angels 200 million demon army. The keys to the bottomless pit, MAN/PARENTS WONT REPENT, turned over to Red Dragon unlimited incoming monsters; the Grocery store, store manager’s kegs, barter balen, US two quarters, toll booth of soul bargaining. WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! JCOR/HBOW

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Seven Things That Demons Hate via @YouTube

Also Pastor, only when I say they, I’m talking references the four bound angels, 200 million demon army loosed, , the keys to the bottomless pit hand over; Aug 24/25 2023 multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys; barter balen, toll booth; satanic, demonic and shown a hybrid between the two Alien Apocalypse! They also hate, Russia/China and N. Korea threatening Rev 17/18 their genocidal to two quarters of the earth dead, Great Whore Mystery Babylon Disguised As Crystal skies all around, Apocalyptic skies, America, THE AMERICAS/WEST RULE! See more here, Rev 6, 6th seal/



Everything a democrat does is wrong. I guess it apparently applies to cooking too.

Marvel not witnessing a US General on Holy Land soil explain a buildup of torture vehicles a dirty Mede; marvel not equally seeing a US General on Holy Land soil hand his war horse to a handwriting on US wailing wall Jeremiah 37:8/Eze 5/9/ for five years Aug 5, 2019, your everything, everybody firerocketing off the planet Rev 11 Aug 5 Starwarring alongside Archangel Michael THEM designing fast and furious a ludicrous contagion, mandatory all western soil 

That thou during great white throne judgment mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Ps 51b


What Alex, a religious, political leader does is wrong except when Gov Pilate washed his hand of US weighs of martyred blood guilt and some July 6, 2015, bout UK’s Cameron/ Israels Peres, 2023: if only error, burning Bush/Clinton/Bush, Obama/Trump/Biden  and 2024 SOS Blinken had then walked away never looking back. Presently reaping what HOLY LAND/ HOLY BLOOD guilt sown hammering nails is three hammering off of Mt Sinai type reigning GOD’S back turned Throne/DOME, three apocalyptic events! Revisited Close to the Antichrist Barack Obama soaring US funeral reef, July 27/28 2023, 100 million westerners dead a sudden lost of 190 years of tech, Running?

PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH 16! 0ne day short, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, since commanded Moses Exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT/Blaexit, JUNETEENTH 17/19 ({2002}); beware, described last day of America, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone Apocalyptic devil comet, 2024 

Fret not thyself, rather trust, delight and commit and He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgments as the noon day! As The Son Of David Repentant Cross Stood Off, Helplessly; Father King David appeared personally; the reveal of the releasing of the molten lava death bringer from beneath mother’s earth skirt! Presently revisited for two years Nov 11/21 June/Juneteenth 17/19 2023, during a long, long, long duration hovering, Eze 5 barber chair, weights of the back turned throne in my mirror shaving off a Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Marvel not Jan 16, 2023, whilst Noah’s cousin flooding molten lava threatens along blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT and Blaexit THEY’RE crafting named and numbered racecars to racetracks to just in time skyrocket Rev 12:1-6, New Born Holies out of Red Dragon hands, there’s super Mario brothers carts, you yours again yours running to ascend? HBOW/Apb

YouTube Vlad Savchuk

Is There Demonic Principality Behind the Gay Agenda? via @YouTube; Indeed Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God, LIVES, LANDS,  CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, SCHOOL BUSES AND VOTING BOOTHS! 

Equally Pastor to show better evidence, satanic to demonic influencers; Marvel not those 2011 three to one bike; a mother Mary, a brother Ruben and a 7th son. A church parking lot did 

They did witnessed as Aug 2023 its keys hand over to Satanic apocalypse, there’s smoke from the bottomless pit pouring into church. Frightnight before they witnessed an assembly of pedophiler teens wearing your infant children! I know, HBOW/Apb 

Marvel Not Dominoing Hawaii Missile Crisis morning, innumerable Intravenous Host of Heaven’s Angels. It’s also here Rev 2 Jesus designed endangering parents Riches to Rags sickbeds and sleepovers! 

Marvel not those 2011 three to one bike, a mother Mary, a brother Ruben and 7th brother, a church parking lot did witnessed as Aug 2023 its keys hand over, smoke from the bottomless pit pouring in before they witnessed an assembly of pedophiler teens wearing your infant children! HBOW/Apb 


Marvel not the handwriting clumsily escape Yellowstone also wrote the root word Culum (same gender school Curriculum); as there’s some bout the letter C into College! 

Gay Pride rainbow, F for Fornication, A for Adultery A for Abortion, LGBTQB and M for Molestation, M for Mutilations and P for pedophilia; mocked the  breaking of the rainbow covenant/ genocide of the Genesis man marriage.

All unrighteousness is sin, especially those committed against The Temple Of God, we are procreated to predestined. Evidently cursed a Noah’s cousin of flooding 99 bowls of molten lava to an Aqua Era.

There’s showing an Angel up there with pitcher in hand pouring floodwater as massive flooding happening right now, on the nation to planet! Here’s both Mat 24/Rev 18 JESUS suggesting THEIRS WATCH! RUN! LIVE! After Oct 17, 2021 Guardian Trump Gabriel and Star Warrior Archangel put Red Dragon BEAST in Dan 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2/Rev 13:5 7 year reign! HBOW/ Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heaven Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3028, into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen, Goddess Lamia Jobed Cordon and Lord king, Lord Bridegroom,  Cressup Mestor Baikai

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Nextus  Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Lamia Jobed Cordon and Lord Cressup Mestor Baikai was born a goddess Feodosia Aphrodite Cordon, A goddess Fallon Alastair Cordon a godson Arlo Santiago Cordon Baikai

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM 

See here 

The Richat Structure ATLANTIS Theory Just Got Even More Bizarre


Undetermined Buildings in the Richat Structure - First Crowdfunded Excav... 


PROOF FOUND! Atlantis Is Actually The Richat Structure 

"You saying Lord Urusalem you knew this would happened? I’m not saying, we’d be approached by Angel Sariel’s skyrocketing Brides Chariot? No, of course not, we were Lord Constantine in a paradisiacal beaming down portal miles away, the other direction, when al its miraculous happened us. So no way could I suspect they’d, he’d approach you the Skyfall’s pilgrims or at all for that matter; you lord Urusalem and King Bridegroom Sia Coogan decided not to go. Right, until the marriage supper and sounding of the seventh angel trumpet up. down we’re all still on assignments; plus, the question is do you Angelmen and Goddesses all want to abandon a Negeb Ophel, beginning anew paradise Richat Structure?"   >>>"So," beginning to say as she’s writing on a black board her grand Sia mom newest theory God's kingdom descending into a super continent. "So, could Jesus and John both be describing a new Heaven, earth a new Jerusalem descending be equally describing A fast and furious Pangaea in reverse.  How would we ever survive it, is it why the days are shorten, why billions will die in only months to years? I’ve Darius Karsiann read where Lord Urusalem presented that theory to mrmbb333, I think it's too unimaginable for them to imagine even if it’s clear prophetically this planet at present will not survive all brands of apocalypse hitting us right now and thus Darius Sia she’s using this inquiry to bring more clarity’ to the unprecedented global crisis we’re facing and can’t, even won’t come back from without Jesus millennium, thus all is newly descending, like what is your eternal fate’ in the surrealistic truth Gods Kingdom reign. A rhetorical? More a Rhetorical Question than Goddess Amphitrite of stating the obvious; right, seeing two crystallized beast falsifying apocalyptic skies to their elephants of staying unaware stampeding. Also there's this run on matrix blue pills; there's also Darius Juttah Karsiann and Goddess Amphitrite Grand Sia own witnessed, descending New White (as in holy), House, the same right, as New Jerusalem descending. Darius, responding to an alerting vid, Russia is planning a nuclear  attack on US soil, as none of them care, kinda a contradiction of urgent to extreme outreach? Mighty Angels, the mightiest, I'm assuming John saw wings, he is stomping back and forth across the planet and the sea, across Septennial  and Negeb Ophel Juttah, the planet and the sea, particularly US W. Pacific, Grand Sia hearing him, this urgent pittering, pattering back and forth is possibly what woke her from her sleep. Soon, i say soon, buy years later, this reminder of why she woke, decades prior only remembering hearing one thing, "and this shall be the end," not that she'd seen the sudden incineration of tens of millions. Now here he is affirming, said unimaginable catastrophic event has come, desolations predicted US soil now come, I'm just saying, that's no small thing, her seeing and hearing that, no small thing! You don’t remember that, yeah she was cut off knowing clearly those ten heads just as John was cut off knowing what those 7 thunders, thundered! She, grand Sia, Lord Urusalem  woke with the memory of a Solemelili sounding name so between Salman to Soleiman. Plus we know because he’s dead doesn’t mean a thing, the antichrist was also wounded to death yet he lives, look how they just described the reigning antichrist, Alexander, Hitlers Germany, 

actually more evidence he's the man of sin.  Some even think described a deadly wound that was healed could during Satanic, demonic and alien apocalypse, represent the short return of a Kingdom, Nation, like Babylon, to Medo Persia, the old Roman Empire stomping ground, I heard somewhere;     ...and a wound shall hold him,' that one of her prophetic links also. What about Grand Sia mom, predicted, an Islamic/Israeli alliance, pending Antichrist reign, isn't that the fulfilment of what's prophesied Dan 9;27? So, so, so Negeb Ophel, Angel men to goddesses, hold all prophetic horses, did you all just read what Grand Sia, a slip of the tongue she say, she just assured Revelation Jesus guided fowls in the air, like have patience, soon they'll feed on man's flesh, kingds, queens, celebrities all! Huh, huh, again, huh? Close to the Antichrist, Senator Obama, Presidental campaign, burning Bush July 27/28, 2008/09; Rev 13 beast, the car is red! Quietly, suspiciously, witnessing Sia Darius Karsiann, again silently writing on the black board, points of emphasis they were to discuss first among themselves. "The car is red, said reveal was revisited Jan 2022 upon her predicted Pat-Brad, Shiloh Niece, its  May 3, 2023, 37 countdown in what has  been unprecedented solar events, The TIFF CME, EMP; also the time of that Pompeii Movie of Memphis; decades now, when Grand Sia was threaten by Rev 13 ten head, 7 horn, beast, she took refuge in a red auto better its reveals but also its first come to the rescue the Lamb of God Jesus, Husband; there's Memphis Colin, Sia Darius Holy Lords putting him in a position as both God and husband kinda puts him as high or higher than an Angel, wouldn’t you think, her grandpa, our great Grandfather? Just saying an angel authorize enough to stand one foot the earth, foot the sea and eventually swear upon God, in heaven there shall be time no longer, beware The Midwest, The Eastern seaboard as those inundated with such forewarnings US West Pacific! Your own Memphis Caden verified, this must be God, how else? There's to be honest brother, Darius, El Shaddai, I never considered but as you said if he’s both the Lamb of God and redeemed husband, He’s as The Holy Bridegroom. Here, at the end of all Kingdom, nations rule, like in splinters, all, if you all remember, the car was red that sudden translation, toll booth for two quarters, crossing into Jesus's millennium now in reign. Grand Sia and her Grand as Moses Silverton Nicholas exodus! This beast coming after her for knowing is where I want our focus, the same John is being shown, being explicated his Rev 13, the same two beast Grand sia saw come by way of US soil and Sea; an epidemic of ambulances and Hussein filling stations.  Like marvel not Darius Sia Karsiann Senator Hussein Obama was revealed "The One," Stampeding hundreds of millions through US Georgia into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, they reading and she's again, writing 'He will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street." Thus whispered also in her ear, those intravenous, a year now, reassuring, "he shall cover you in his feathers and under his wings shall thou trust," but already Sia Darius, how many times had they already taken her off on angel wings, like besides Chernobyl Spring, Malachi Sunlight of God, so more it's blessed assurance for sure, right?  I just like to say Darius there’s many ways to kill someone from Syed Farook hi-jacking to like Facebook having her work declared harmful, even info wars, THEY showed a run on matrix blue pills and in the real warn an epidemic of overdoses. But they also showed the being bound hand and feet by four women behind this unspeakable pulpit once crying May, May, May short for Maaseiah nor crying don’t give me the blue pills, please not the blue pills, so Drug Inforcement overthrowing memphos houses, looking for what or is that which, we know US leaders are Gog and Magog, implant, so who do they serve, even Dr Fauci?  Still Lord Dominus, (Dominion) it indicates Pat-Brad/ Shiloh niece TIFF for Tiffany is aware! I read her saying lately, your Darius Lord Urusalem mother; how once threaten she was rushed by a number of star al the football fields and its participates, ever, by warring Archangel.  So what did Jesus say to Nathaniel it’s verification the more HE'S CHRIST LORD, Jacob ladders angels are now his, ascending, descending again this inconceivable evidence. Yet, Darius's, Angel men and Goddesses, the nightmare of Gethsemane garden," watching her search for tissues, the emotions in her voice. This wasn’t just his disciples giving him up but these incalculable in intravenous to star warriors, these for millennia authentic guardians of the galaxy, because also as an undetected thief, His time as the lowly lamb to the hammering hands of evil man’s slaughter hath come! There's  presently you thinking your mom, our Lord Urusalem, oracle, this time as you is come? THEY snatched her outta their hands, we all saw it as she would say; at this time Darius Sia Rev 12 skyrocketing out of Red Dragon hands on, on I remind Sept BETA 2020, yes, close to The Antichrist Trump, signed Abraham Accord,  and while stampeding to skyrocketing Super Mario Brothers Cart Molten Dragon Beast, its ebbing and flowing dominoing Hawaii missile threat to Mighty Angels no more doomsday passovers January 16 2023! Only Lord Zorto, the skyrocketing cart she’s squeezing into is with the aunt once sitting designed get outta Memphis 60's blue ford indicating said aunt wouldn’t be here with us any longer, like she’d mocked God’s anointed she would never leave Memphis she didn’t, Unthinkable, not only was she murdered but exactly as portrayed grand Sia mom Syed Farook," witnessing again she’s after readied kleenexes, "to The Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, purchase at a pharmacy, parked a pharmacy lot, a Chrysler 300 auto, only hers black, what’s the definition of an omen again? An event, regarded as a portent of good or evil, thank you Memphis Colin for that, yes, madam! I been meaning to ask do we know why the Abrahamic niece taking the role of the little Miya girl? I Goddesses Ehuda wondered the same, it clealy she had been replaced. Grand Sia witnessing a trumpet passed to the Angel Gabriel, you being Angel men was this always his role or passed to him goddess wife Ambrosin per the unprecedented mutiny? That inquiry lord is the stampeding elephant of one's own heart melting into the bowls, all’s I’ll say grand Sia mom Lord Urusalem always saw little Miya as more a laboring spirit! If there’s nothing else, we'll dismiss for lunch and or other responsibilities. I have this one, why Sia Darius Karsiann do we, Angel men, Goddesses alike, too. I guess, are put on such defenses the mistrusting heart of you? If Negeb Ophel Juttah I'm too apologize, it's that I shown myself, too emotional and thus vulnerable, during these sacrifice trials and triple tribulations, holy Lords know this heart better than I if there's a discretion regarded you. perhaps it you Angelmen to Goddesses, who's mistaken, blessed day, sweet sleep." Well it was her sister-in-law, and the entire order of the African Juttah you, Lord Avra Auriel Zorto out on trial, accusing them of a Tombola marriage fraud, I still believe it was all a screw-up, cover-up somehow, and perhaps Lord that is what you're both sensing, mistrust. So, getting up, pulling new, Tombola Prenuptial, Goddess Keisen

chair out, only now realizing what confessions of the quizzed heart must make her feel. Goddess Keisen Sphiroth Ehuda, now that I have you alone, will you marry me, as in will you take on the vows with me, it is for assuredly, there's on more goodnight, goodbyes even if shortly suffered, between us! Think on it and I meet you, in our favorite spot, for brunch, what is it? I'm thinking did you, me'sure Lord, Zorto just read my mind, my heart or both but just to flatter me?  See  you soon then, miss you already, so you me'sure Zorto say, these intoxicating eyes, alone, lips, such a stunning suitor is Lord Avra Auriel Zorto, but what of a husband, I guess we'll see, shall we."  Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4

Kyle Becker


The impossible has happened, everybody.



Marvel not seeing Dec 29, 2019, intravenous Angels in a running race putting that for 18 years awarded Oct 17 2001, dominoing US soil fiery doomsday apocalypse back on prophetic track. There’s A Photo here, Of Four predestined, potential , political candidates accused of elections fraud; yes that  morning ABC ‘s David Muir and some bout two future Asian girl broadcasters; his entire election broadcasting team come debating right over the kitchen stove, my kitchen of reveal, but what does it matter for 7 described Dragon in Capital letters BEAST YEARS calculating that’s predicted doomsday Oct 17 2021 into post apocalypse Oct 17 2028 got close to Antichrist, Gog and Magog Trump’s since Sept BETA 15, 2020, yes right here, as in pop up reveal, is the reminded Sept BETA 22/23 2020 is when up there paused Interstellar Armageddon Star warring Gog and Magog  debated another missed the skyrocketing holy church bride, is now in their timeline but since two West Rule systems firerockets simultaneously; Frightnight is Red Dragon got The Trumpian/Islamic Abraham Accord, fulfilling Dan 9:27 final week of years and he’s too running into world prowess, billions dead, dying, injured, missing, blessed are those the first resurrection; blessed is the Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit. Marvel not hallow eve to Halloween 2023 the single word inquiry, RUNNING?


‪First I remind of Jesus John 17;12b prayer and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. Since Rev 17:17 is puppeteering which world leaders are in power then he’s following the law of predestination so unlawful or not  some were infused to get Biden in office;‬


First second he come while COVID is soaring US soil deaths into the stratosphere as we saw with his Obama. Plus could any other US president as predicted handwriting Jer 37;8, as of Rev 17/18 bring us this close to human extinction beginning with Bush first  awarded , Trump inauguration reminded 50 million US dead?‬


‪Third, think how Rev 10 Mighty Angel arrive on the scene as anxious as an expectant father, the birth mom travailing in birth. First I hear him prancing the map, US W Pacific crying desolations predicted US soil now come! Mighty Angel ten days the Hawaii missile crisis plus Predestination mean it’s gonna find a way, find your way out of it; like is that sky block skeletal to those black halos all these  deadly indicator? There’s this other He’s saying what’s been warn doesn’t return void Midwest, eastern seaboard nuclear Putin threats get out of there! ‬


‪Frightnight to Amazing Grace he is alone Rev 17, 7th Angel is with him carrying 7 judgments bowls. I know, May 15, 2004/Trump’s 2020, Trump Gabriel mentioned 7th Angel, Mystery woman now blacken judgement bowls; the AMAZING, before she too offer up a multimillion man single water cooler Jesus’  promised mansions in heaven? ‬Marvel not this run on matrix blue pill and its Matrix Trinity is renamed Tiffany as the short to Memphis TIFF CME/EMP warning presently that yet impacting not in 5000 years pending solar apocalypse!


PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA, Nuclear Chernobyl Spring, Rapture BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH 16! 0ne day short, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, since commanded Moses Exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT/Blaexit, JUNETEENTH 17/19 ({2002}); beware, described last day of America, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone Apocalyptic devil comet, 2024 

See here,; a pop up prophetic parable, the wowing out of a scientific study of at home students. They’re only discussing instead of a Mystery Atlantis, finding a Mystery America. Suggested area, post-apocalyptic, a dominoing ring of fire digestion of what was supposedly An entire Continent, and a billion or more its inherit, The Americas! C. O. as in agreeing with me, these near 40 Chernobyl Rapture Spring Demos and it’s MY SINAI/SUNLIGHT OF GOD AS MOSES COMMENTED JUNETEENTH AS MOSES EXODUS: Star Warring AODHF, JCON/JCOR, HBOW/Apb


comment I am so tired of this world, 233 likes…

My like to response, 

Oou we, oou, oou, oou we! Apb The RAM, I was feeling the exact same way, 2015, feeling this way, about to fall on my face tired, while outreaching made a huge teardrop fall through my ceiling, leave an impact stain of evidence!

Only just now,  feeling this way, falling in my face tired, while strolling through shorts I saw this;; IRAN MARCH FOR JESUS! Understand there were an inundation of these celebrative street marches during Jesus’ millennium reign: see more here,; 

Know in prophetic hindsight Rev 11 skyrocketing two witnesses leading captivity captured Rev 7 witnessed The pouring in Tribulation Saints; post The Marriage Supper Of The LAMB, we’re all together for the first time ever, EVER, celebrating to interceding all around waiting the sounding of Rev 11: vss 15, Oct 17, ({2028}) Seventh Angel Trumpet! You, yours, again, yours, HBOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor Breaker, September 23, 2017?  What's going to happen? via @YouTube; exactly two years to this exact date Sept BETA 2015 THEY’D yanked my Memphis grands out into US Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER! come back, HE and a Grand Caden UK Cameron mix; we’re boarding a craft Elon, skyrocketing out; weirdly retuning on horseback, that sudden 190 years indefinite lost of tech, you think? 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Daniel 7:1 to 28 Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts via @YouTube; understand before HE commanded from Ez 9 reapers to Asteroids, as Ben Affleck Armageddon He was Now Commanding “All,”  Parents dead by, ALL SCHOOL FINISHED which make revisited for a year BIG JUNE/ JUNETEENTH hammering, skyrocketing mass dieoff of children a deadly Rev 6, 4th seal backward letter C in college fast and furious Ludacrist contagion! Marvel not your US leads, especially close to Antichrist Hussein/Trump also aligned to Gog and Magog, remember, two of these ancient genocidal BEAST Lion/Leopard were posed to disguised as friendly pets all around as of your children entertainment devices with an Anubis demon dog, undertaker, mummifier stirred dominoing Hawaii, the frying of sitting ducks to boiling frogs! Again again again this isn’t about what they don’t know I been talking through to handwritings on a wall  near forty Chernobyl/Devil Comet April spring Raptures and  as Jesus said they act as they don’t hear, see, realize, know, again know, Aug 5 Star warring AOFHF war against tribulations saints is about them not doing what they know and the meaning well leaders accomplishing them, Satanic Demonic, Alien Apocalypse here, Isa 16/Rev 11/12 AODHF want his running to where Star Warring Angels can freely intervene on their behalf; simply those suddenly tens of millions incinerated better not be your misinformation subscriber’s martyred blood on your hands. 

Understand Pastor Breaker my inquiring where are they now? These same intravenous Angels, Guardian Trump Gabriel to Star Warrior Archangel Michael. There’s the comical, speeding down my hallway Man in Linen. They have all simultaneously visited me, especially by my portal of a prayer closet, with these same prophecies of Apocalypse, NOW!

Understand, Daniel was shown, WOWED by  endtime apocalypse and told to conceal; Apostle John was shown, WOWED by endtime apocalypse and told to reveal!

Here’s my Psalm 22 own heart equally melting into my bowels disappointedly seeing Trump Gabriel approaching. Apparently we’’d failed FATHER GOD! Just until I too begin to hear, “THE FULFILLMENT,” of all things is upon mankind, she’s coming, Rev 11: begin vss 15; she’s going I Thess 4:16-18 with a seventh angel! Apb, The RAM 

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: What Are The ‘Clobber Passages’ In The Bible, Why Did God Place Them There, And Why Are Evangelicals So Afraid Of Them?

