The Links Prophecy marvel not ebbing and flowing several decades into a ginormous disaster Memphis just made in comparison to a Pompeii movie volcanic apocalypse it’s black males as expendable as its Colosseum gladiators pleasure fighting to the death. I wake this demo Sept Beta 11/12 2023 the since ascended 2012 hubby and I are up and down through Memphis for dogooders. Soon finding three, one that rammed us, before I woke; Father Abraham trying to save his days Sodom took his finding of dogooders from 50 down to ten is the ten things they want from me, find ten righteous men save Sodom of Memphis/WEST RULE? HBOW/Apb

YouTube BBC NEWS. Singapore Airlines flight: Passengers tell of horror flight in which Bri... via @YouTube


Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, below was my response to a pilot commenting about what a whirlwind he and his fellow airline were put through during that not for 500  years solar storm. 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor BREAKING NEWS - IT'S OVER FOR US via @YouTube

I Still Say Flashforward Season 1 Ep 1 Is The Best Depiction Of The Early Hours to Days  of The Rapture! There’s Sunday Morning Rapture Trailer, But Only The Trailer!! NO WAY WILL Mat 7:21-23 CHURCHES CALLED TO REPENTANCE EMPTY OUT! 


Yeah Commentor, Pilot Avalewis9674 I been warning about air travel since I witnessed 2019 for myself a Rev 12 Star Wars battle up there. Mocked tampering with cockpit gauges to autopilot’s deliberately causing crashes and burning. If you research otherworldly lightening storm happened to an LAX flight at the same time Jan/Feb/Mar, 2019, see here, 

Apparently what was  happening in the spirit world was happening in the real world; same happened with mocked NBA’S California Dreaming Kobe Bryant Jan 2020, helicopter crash, before waking I saw the investigation of charcoal bodies, a child like arm raised, then I woke to news about him his daughter and companions. 

Beware, we’re counting down for a year 37 days May 3 to June 10 2024 SOLAR to CME/EMP threat predicted 2016 THE TIFF. ginormous enough Holy Ones were snatched out, I Thess 4/I Cor 15, an apocalyptic event itself, Rev 6, 6th seal. Like all travel suddenly going haywire alone, followed by Apocalypse Now, of every kind until Jesus Millennium Descends, HBOW/Apb

Died Suddenly


X Post


This is huge: 

The former director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits Covid shots caused ‘significant side effects’ among young healthy people.

He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50 years old. 

He THEN admitted that many young and healthy people have suffered “significant side effects” from Covid mRNA shots.;

SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN AND BRING THEM TO ME! Mocking my procrastinating knowing, son he’d again instead of just running return home and pack; so suffering his son would be uprooting him from his heart, his number one band literally pulling out his heart grabbing only what they can carry get into US Georgia waiting to be crossed over into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic; Suffer The Little Children! 


 (-Didn’t y’all know the moment Dr Fauci said they’d been studying coronavirus all during the Obama administration meant they knew both its damning bio-weapon and its damning cure they just didn’t realize or did they puppeteered their own human being extinction like evils falling into their own traps they laid the foundation for Rev 6, 4th seal John witnessed pale horse horse of hades there’s one Us quarter no more this planet! 

A visiting toddler who’s 6 year old sister dreamed she and others suddenly disappeared, spurn around the dining room flood and suddenly felled down and I said what’s that song? Another Miya girl start to sing ring around the roses, caught herself, saying that’s a song she better not sing. I said yeah, it’s about a panic, bubonic, plague, and the burning of bodies, but what does barely a toddler I warn are primary carriers, children are to fend off abusers, doing me this dance barely know! Marvel not just months ago March 2024 I heard all ambulances like the days of Covid worst called to duty, but that’d include morgues, funerals and crematoriums 


I Will Kill Your Children With Death (Mass Die Off Ascension Of Uvalde School Massacre Morning Neverending Line Of Injured, Orphan Children! 


‪-No Info Battle, they created y’all a bio-weapon beginning to be unveiled Aug 2004; imagine being taken as Ezekiel shown what they do behind walls. This time it was a US lab a  Spanish Flu mutating into an Avian to swine flu; marvel not you’re hearing about a bird flu/PaleHorse.‬


‪-Grand Caden taken to Heaven by a fireball said he and Michael entered through a hole. Do y’all know who, what, why, when and where to escape John is being described Dan 7 is seeing the rise of 4 beast by Rev 17 John it’s eight in all, to set off 10 heads Into 7 horns one Rome, one Britain combined that’s US/us, mystery Babylon and why they can spin the Antichrist reign off our error Islam/Israel!‬


‪When I come into the demo we’re at a grocery bagging one with me, one checked out! Next I’m done pay with the store managers keys, push through a toll booth a showmen movie celebration hit him as horror hits my  MISS friend is left behind a multimillion stranded Rev 9 bottomless pit, fulfilling those who didn’t die by plague repeated not our repentance Sunlight Of God, commanded exodus!‬


‪-Some ask as my own visiting Nicodemus how I know? Because 40 years later THE BIBLE and every Intravenous Angel in Holy Scripture. Taking its rear AODHF, Gabriel, Michael has come told me so. So multi-billions descending RoyalPriest can be awarded to types Isaiah John and HBOW, that none perish Isaiah witnessed them pouring into Jordan’s Desert City Petra, John witnessed them pouring into heaven HBOW witnessed them pouring into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic with Star Warring Archangel Michael Them list leading the way and previous inspected their exile luxury on the way to second heaven intercessions! 


Some may ask as my own visiting Nicodemus how I know because 40 years later every Angel mentioned in scripture has come told me so, so multi billions descending RoyalPriest can be awarded to Isaiah, John and HBOW!

Mount Vesuvius eruption 79 AD,

You Was Our First YouTube Dutchsinse Earthquake Forecaster, Wow!  Understand I Leard What Both A Desth Bringer Being Unleashed From Beneath And What A Hand Writing Both 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava to Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone; To Revisiting, Warning Presently A Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE ALL MEAN; and 101 Of Them! 

Though it seems to be near two decades later You Can’t Help Wondering Where Was The Writer of Rev Book Apostle John When 79 AD Mount Vesuvius Blew? 

That’s the first thing come to mind, 79 AD Mount Vesuvius and planetary to seismic activity triggering eruptions; with Jesus millennium predicted to descend post-apocalypse anything West Rule Oct 17, 2028. That’s mrmbb333 7 years Daniel 9:27 final, most apocalyptic years predicted nearing three years Oct 17, 2021! Rumor to records has it according to the Ethiopian Calendar they set The Mayan Apocalypse to happen also predicted since Christmas 2001, ebbing and flowing US doomsday, Oct 17, 2028 HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom Stellan Quincy Dogooder and Queen Bride Scarlet Koloas Betterman 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Harlow Quintan Dogooder and Nadlyn Kieran  Bosman was born a godson Wolfgang Orintin Dogooger a godson Jocelyn Aelin Dogooder a goddaughter Mahina Kyran Dogooder and a godson Harleigh Nneoma Dogoode

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

Scene May 17,2024, I included the date so you'd know, how long some of the work sit in my phone comments, even longer, not only because I get busy, but like Apostle, Prophets before  there's dealing with fear and trembling, stalling the work!

Yeah Creator Elo-HIM, when Christ unimaginable suffering cross, HIS father King David Ps 22, cried Eli, Eli when a brethren Apostle right after that silence in heaven, I know impossible approach saying HE wanted see you, Him the same Rev 11 he said he’s ready and showed HIMSELF Star Warring only after Rev 3 Jesus said WATCH! RUN! LIVE! ? It is THEM who Showed the culling of the legalized drug pandemic by wiping America, THE AMERICAS and WEST RULE off the planet not Lord Avra just the legal drug pandemic but most pandemic to all pandemics can find their root in Western Civilization the biblical lineage of the rising kingdom shown to Daniel with Iron teeth told to rise and eat much flesh think the two US leads announcing their Whitehouse run, the reminder for that msn to even be a present runner, let alone a front runner his 2017-2020 WH to be marred by the deadliest yet mutating pandemic killing of millions on to kill billions is the telling why he is aligned to a present day Gog and Magog King Nechadnezzar of a leaders of prediction Trumpian Abraham Accord, Dan 9:27 7 year outbreak of Apocalyptic Armageddon amalgamation of nations.” When you can watch Sound of Freedom knowing in prophetic hindsight hammering BRIDEGROOM Rev 17:14 lead all Uvalde school shooting morning endangered children it’s mass dieoff heaven bound two even more horrid you realize America isn’t only the primary provider but it primary consumer a pandemic that has passed gun trade and about to surpass the instead shown legal drug pandemic so Gene Negeb Ophel when Rev 18 AODHF says HE sees their sins and remembers nothing is again hidden we’re to know and knowing Revelation Book tells us we’re to do and doing is blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit!” {{{ “Wow somebody’s happy, hey may girl, sonI’m standing here searching YouTube music, I’m exhaling regretfully how my grand gonna give me a heart attack! Then love I surmise well at least I’ll ascend to Jesus only I realize which Jesus? N’all grand, yes I go which Jesus May,  the one that keeps me,” by this time Maaseiah is crying laughing or the one May love who sends me back? Llike you I’m laughing knowing all around intravenous, Angels, they’re  laughing too, ah my god, I know, I just had to share that, that’s funnier then you and grand Caden going about and forth about calling you back once you die! Girlll I told that boy if I die, ascend all I better not hear him like a Lazarus calling me, back. Maaseiah yet with tears spreading along her artist face, talking about yes I am grandma I’m calling you back, I say Caden you better not, yes I am grandma, I’m calling you back! Okay loving girl, I hear yall got that genealogy Mysery solved, yes thank his mercy we did yes, what in the world is so funny? Turning over In bed, fitting his head into her lovely tempting, soothing lap, Grand grand and testaments of her grandchildren, hey mesure Coogan, hey love, I know I gotta go talk later, alright, so you can’t permanently ascend either way, ah remember what THEY showed us the designing May of our foundation stay put pillars we go this time we’re not coming back until Rev 11 begin vss 15 sounding of tgev7th angel trumpet. meaning the two witnesses having lead captivity captive the tribulation saints we’re all together! Odd you’d refer to that Nicholas asked just hours ago, isn’t this the first time ever we’re all together? Hallelujah what an amazing question it’s all our first Maaseiah The Trinity to Heaven Created host to birth host The Two Witnesses, Abraham’s Bosom; Holy Saints, Tribulation Saints surrounded by Intravenous billions possibly why Archangel Michael’s Safehaven exile luxury felled short the entire final 42 month interval there’s, 11:1-4/Rev 12;1-6 describes the same timeline only Israel’s will be shorten explaining they’re again escaping for lives as King Zion, The Royal Priesthood and Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM are impacting My Olivet! Grilll if I don’t get off this commy you entertaining your husband, I gotta go, okay, love you, bye! Watch’s so crying funny again, not  until you admit you thought I was researching Global Tribunal Genealogy to see if it’d changed to include me as Lord Urusalem? Did THEY Maaseiah as recorded Rev 7, the holding back the 7 winds of apocalypse threatening the 144,000 equally pause that 190 year wiping out of tech because  millions the Holy Church Bride is here? I think Nicholas THEY equally stalled the Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone that all combined in set to impact Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 08 2024 Comet 12 P/ Pons Brooks and I’m getting as frustrating as when they only ascend two thirds the way. Now come here, give this shirt, wiggle out of these pjs you know what I’m finna do tremendously interrogate your Tarzan for the answers I want, I can’t tell you temptress Jane how much that terrifies me, I’m my hands trembling unfastening your top feeling I’m to just rip off, yeah those too all, all, all excitingly challenging you, do Ffemme Mariee do your worst."     >>>“So prophetic apocalypse is going on like we’re not here because as of prophetic reveals Jan and Sept and some bout Oct, 2023 and 2024 since we’re no longer here, sooo  it’s time to also unveil the identity of the Antichrist which again refers to the perfectly timed holy bride, escape tell you what Tanner if you’re here while there’s no question who this man of sin is you missed the rapture! I thought designing Senator Obama The One as he campaign for the Whitehouse reveal who he is, an Islamic Hussein lineage to be honest grand Sia mom thinks the stressing in indecision as mighty as Jesus Gethsemane night in the flesh, prophesied hour is probably a Moses type Obama; she was sitting the most unprecedented decision making of world summit of kingdom, nations ever puppeteered Dragon Beast is here puppeteering ten of them; supposed you guys this is where she began to hear those specific ten heads being named to ordain only revisited Kobe Bryant fiery crash morning you all know both Kobe’s fiery crash and Biden Harris fiery crash both Jan 20 something dates all revisited Rev 10 Mighty Angel Jan 22-29 2018 he and Rev 17, 7th Angel, evidently caused those US Congress get away train to figuratively crash and burn? She’d tell you she know now, THEY outing Dutchsinse as a splinter the brain as far back as 2017 and as recent as 2024 like a week or so before that April 8 eclipse and companion Devil comet forecaster Dutchsinse is as a splinter her brain and some bout watcher, prognosticated anonymous! Wait wait, the not for 500 hundred years solar event did mrmbb333 just get the cosmic ginormity he was expecting that April 8 Eclipse Devil comet event the already at limits Sun did shoot out charged particles at Devil comet, how we know this enormous solar event wasn’t its aftermath, ebbing and flowing? Hey speaking of which you think grand Sia mom, witnessed a huger Sun ever cause like she suspect she was seeing it from up there yeah, ah what did getting the TIFF CME/EMP during BIG JUNE/JUNETHEENTH like isn’t Nextus Juttah the crossing over the old Arkansas bridge form in all four King Nebuchadnezzar to Gig and Magog Trump a June/Juneteenth  reveal ah grand Sia June/Juneteenth 2002 Sunlights of God, put all Americans, The Americas to westerners in a Moses type exodus yesh y’all Darius Silverton Nicholas and his Aqua Juttah were mocked a literal Moses exodus my transfiguration of the 144,000, something like that ain’t no something like that Angel men, exactly like that ejected along the Nile River all, didn’t he and grand Sia both have a demo about being in Moses, exodus yeah from its Ramese of Memphis to Tenn Of Memphis to its to Jordan’s Petra and onward, what’s the secret of Memphis, again? Aah simultaneously yes, ah Lord Bastion, they shared that same dream, ah demo!” It was Your grand Sia who stood that mount with Bridegroom Jesus receiving those specialty saints being hand over by Silverton Nicholas Aqua Juttah wow, wow and said, he Silverton Nicholas said like we arrived Nextus Juttah wedding extravaganza they all woke here the African Juttah all everything set! Yes, grand Sia mom says she has  pop up lyrics, saying great is thy mercy toward me, well us, Donnie Mcclurkin style, those lyrics okaying while they opened those books into a school name roll call and the one she sanged instead of praying and an entire African male chorus sa helped her with the lyrics yesh said she told the Chosen looking black female how she never thought she’d get to sing t Selah how great thou art with them and  she return just as impressed they never though they’d get to sing it with hers  oh Grand, God triplets how intravenous Angels loves thy mother!”     >>>”The seeing also Ben Affleck Sums of all fears like in his early 20’s Morgan Freeman trying to fight off invading demons by using a gun pulled from his crouch. Truly Angel men, more evidence they alone fight this battle they alone can. Marvel not to save human life as to save human souls, they translate to crossover to skyrocket some out of the way! I have a question Darius Evolent,” here enters, Lakeside Pier Swanson wife, one of the 12 couples leading the Silverton Nicholas exodus was of mediterranean origins was also a stunning creature, herself. “The reference to Rev 9 as a grocery store, barter balen, toll booth. Mine, Darius the run on matrix blue pills, I Darius Evolent watched that movie, first time and I get it mocking them going after matrix blue pills. Right African Juttah, meaning she had an adolescence of disciples in her midst. “Yeah, the oldest story in the Bible, literally. As one making herself comfortable, scooting on top of her desk. like Darius Sia Karsiann, actually. “Their refusal to relent to repent, King Daniel son of man Jesus spoke of three primary evils not of God he assured but of the world. If you think, actually it’s why Elo-HIM sacrificed the first animal to cover now knowing but yet not knowing Adam and Eve. The the lust of the flesh,  the lust of the eye, the pride of life; the bragging of one seducing spirit its victim knees were broken/unrepentant.  Pres Trump was a good example of all of the above, and still is marvel not Gog and Magog hath him but mercifully so does King Nebuchadnezzar “reconciling” madness curse, right? King David horrific plot to kill Basheba’s husband take his wife live happily ever after.  Insane I know, but during his repentance one of his justification for this madness is that he was mold sin by his father’s Loin and in his mother’s womb. So when same gender justify what Rev 2 Jesus they stalling Hawaii missile morning described them riches to tags sickbeds and sleepovers, that they’re born this way that’s right which is why Jesus come preaching ye must be born again. Just remember John teaching there’s two kind of people sons of god, sons of the devil you know them apart one revels in sin and abomination hatred one revels in holiness, righteousness and unprecedented passion emphasizing unprecedented the world will not understand it is their creator to creation but it’s just as foreign, as alien as Jesus was to religious leaders. They can sing it, speak it, write it but only by the Holy Spirit regular  transforming the heart, mind through a regiment of welcoming righteousness sadly they perish trying. To answer Lord,  coming easily to her feet again, no I haven’t forgotten about the run on matrix blue pills of staying unaware also to The DEA overthrowing Memphis houses this will be, I know I know, this is your  homework assignment nevertheless you are dismissed, Godspeedy skyrocketing until then, blessed sleep.”      >>>”Hey loving man tell me you’re on your way there? I am, you, pressing into my lift, will be there soon! The Case For Christ, The play, I hope it’s as good Ev, as all say. Honestly just us hugging up to a play beloved Lakeside is scrumptious enough! Whoa, even more than I can stand I can’t wait to see you, I call a call, speeding your way, love and kisses.” {{{“Sis Darius Karsiann, wow, look who’s being so formal.  So how you like reveals 190? Honestly Kars it fit like a glove, I was so at home, reveals spreads litely I didn’t wanna go and they didn’t want me to  leave! Enjoy the play like I know you will, so what’s planned later, dancing? I don’t know my husband Kars is Darius Sia Pier Swanson, I’m dreaming about hugging up in front of singing to dancing competitions. I’m here, running, I’ll let you know, okay, enjoy! “Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

X Post

Stand Up For Truth

@standup4_ truth 

BREAKING: Hollywood legend Kurt Russell just said that Illegal immigrants should be forcibly deported from America.

Do you agree with Kurt Russell?


I know how angry HE is, you? They keeping record Sunlight of God, with healing wings and showing HIMSELF Star Warring AODHF commanded as Moses day an exodus outta everything American to West Rule. Put an impenetrable Dome over HIS Throne and further assigned Angels Gabriel and Michael to cross us over into SW Africa, Coming Apb


was there in the mirror when it took on AODHF turning his Throne Chair back at us, except it’s return, repentance HE’S not gonna see, hear nor respond. Taking Rev 9 you didn’t repent loose hundreds of millions in demons a multimillion man grocery toll booth eat die, be judge go to hell!


I know how Angry HE is keep record your as King Zedekiah burning scrolls return with John’s sky as a burning scrolls He mocked an Eze 9 Ben Affeck Armageddon, proof he’s puppeteer and you’re puppet your own human extinction. Showed crystallized Godzilla and Sobek as actual crystal skies with skyrocketing Rapture missiling it all down, 190 years worth!


By Christ CROSS you’re ONE NEW MAN, “ONE” Y’all do know Noah didn’t have to tell a soul but so HE’LL be true when he speaketh, judgeth,  sentence regardless Cypher and your run on matrix blue pills. Frightnight Trinity as Tiffany is the revisited July Aug 2023 predicted the not for 500 years May 2024 TIFF CME/EMP ebbing and flowing event; Sunlight Of God, rising command LET MY PEOPLE GO; as always truth must be told, for in my parents womb was I made sin Ps 51 repentant King David explained to Father God; 

Marvel not King David Son Of Man, Jesus explained to Gov Pilate his primary reason for being here, to testify of the truth, those of truth hear him, follow him, repent, watch RUN, or perish and yes bring the entire doomsday illegal The American Continent with you, see here, your Gog, Magog, Hamon Gog World system no more and the as Noah’s day to Pompeii Movie of Memphis, speed! 

YouTube, Cloud Nine Blessing Dream: " The Lord Told Me To WAKE UP and Make This Video ! You Need To S... via @YouTub

Mother’s Day 2018 Rev 3/Rev 18 prophesied hours shown manifested in the flesh; I keep warning like Rev 10 Mighty Angel, about the speed; marvel not THEY just aligned St John 17/ I and II Tim 3:16 to the  Holy Church Bride farewell benedictions to doomsday planet earth! HBOW/Apb

The American idol S7, E17, 717, Disney Night the word disappeared frozen on all sky reaching projections to Screens, HD, 5G Social Media, Disney Frozen 2 Red Carpet Premiere, coincidence or Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus mocking Americans too having more gods than they have children, marvel not hearing mark 17 and 7 Noah’s Flood, Noah’s Cousin/Aqua Era related!

reigning Bride possessing 


NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Iranian President Raisi Dead In Helicopter Crash As International Criminal Court Calls For Arrest Of Netanyahu,

I’m Thinking Geoffrey If They’re Assuring The Two Olive Branches Soon Leading Captivity Captured The Tribulation Saints, He Will Kill You , Sabbath Day, Middle Of Main Street ( Sodom/Egypt) Unveiling The Antichrist True Identity Can’t Be That Far Off!

Question Won’t This Be The First Time Ever Updated Date Sept BETA 15 2023 All Various Saints THOSE Jesus,’ Trump Gabriel and Those The Two Witnesses Are All Together Waiting Seventh Angel Trumpet, Sounding? 

“ It’s A Hit, Cities Hit Guam Just Did It!”


All the more Spiraling endtime events out of world nations control marvel not other Ben Affleck movies we have a Hawaii missile morning incalculable in numbers blessed intravention “The Sum Of All Fears” bating nuclear war. I could be shocked Geoffrey but near 3 years into what Oct 17, 2021 explained, well THEY urgently shook my shoulders, The Planet Heavens since, we’re in the last week of Daniel 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2 I used to predict a Hussein WH world rule: 

There’s Rev 13:5, THEY come into my Memphis Kitchen of reveals explaining since for decades us ascending only two thirds the way. Even witnessing Jesus Millennium leading Abraham’s Bosom descending two thirds the way, and we’re to meet THEM in the air. How Geoffrey it’s all our ascension assignment, now I’m quoting visiting THEM, “to intercede from up there to down here, Tribulation Saints given over into the hands of the Antichrist! Unquote! HBOW/Apb




-First Chris this sending out of condolences to the tragic loss of loved ones. I always explain to my grands the last enemy of mankind to be destroyed is death, For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ (Second, Last Adam); shall all be made alive; I Cor 15:21

Look,  ever since I heard about the weather concerning this helicopter crash. Especially the fog I keep thinking how it remind of conditions during Kobe Bryant helicopter crash, especially the fog.

-Then just now Chris during a kitchen of reveal it dawned on me. Remember what I begin to see before waking hearing about Kobe’s deadly crash? First coming out of this demo I see the investigation of a fiery crash, a raised arm, either a child to female.

-I’m waking when I begin to hear to look left, Frightnight to Amazing Grace it’s only a flash, but it’s the naming to ordaining of the ten kings, mostly Islamic/Israeli sounding. Since Oct 17 2021 until seven Dragon BEAST years here’s those ten kings put in rule over the New World order. 

Only Chris as predestined these ten are reduced to 7 losing 3 shown to be evident we truly are counting down Daniel final, most apocalyptic years ever. Suddenly tens of millions dead US soil alone; was Pres Raisi of the fallen three, was this the surreal familiarity to Kobe’s crash morning unveiling the ten/seven heads? Marvel not Chris and subscribers the single word inquiry RUNNING? HBOW/Apb

YouTube Fox Weather, Widespread Damage In Greenfield, Iowa Following Direct Tornado Hit via @YouTube

Let My People Go! Thus Saith The Sunlight Of God June/Juneteenth 17/19 (2002); Rising From Behind A Mt Sinai Type Star Warring ELOHIM GOD, Back Turn Throne! 




-Just a couple months ago when California was getting pounded again by a Noah’s Cousin/AQUA ERA, I  saw, heard all ambulances called to active duty! Since stood outside a smash down school encouraging my grand as building rescuers worked to get her out! Since told to keep at least 200 cash, something I told my college grand Aug 2023, Just after warning him college campuses were about to go viral over religious extremism! 

See more here, Nov 11/21 2021/22/23 Eze 5 reenactment  Eze 5 GOD building mass disasters (Ben Affleck Armageddon/101 YELLOWSTONES); for stampeding HIS PEOPLE; May 22, 2022, seeing a build up of rescuers before warn storms were coming. Like pray here, Ps 51/Rev 11;15/Selah, “How Great Thou Art!”

Blessed Are The Doers, Blessed Is The Brexit, BRIEXIT To Blaexit!

-Just ask yourself what would you do if tens of millions you love, cursed blind, deaf, dumb were about to suddenly die? How else to get their attention except force mandatory evacuations; into Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael blessed exile luxury Africa’s Southwest Atlantic but only, “but only,”as you’re to crossover from US Georgia’s Coast? HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH, HBOW/Apb

Where I get this date the final 42 month installment 1,260 days Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit? When I begin to predict a Hussein Whitehouse and world reign and while he went for Error Islam Bush’s seat Isaiah & John’s incalculable in westerners also poured into Africa’s SW Atlantic. Archangel Michael’s List arrived us there assuring its exile luxury!

HBOW, prophetic parables mine own first stanza you gonna start reading how fast they translate to crossover to skyrocket millions to safety to wait out the worst of recurring Apocalypse and exactly two US quarters it’s inherit dead  Netanyahu war and Iran’s Raisi’s death the setting up of April 17, 2025 Dragon BEAST Antichrist reign! 

See here, 2 Stanza, I begin to see the build of rescuers and warnings about storms; how no to little death tolls isn’t good they’re compiling into the sudden tens of millions dead, Britain, Canada and The US God the same today! HBOW

Where I get this date the final 42 month1,260 days Michael’s List, Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit? When I begin to predict a Hussein WH, Rev 11/12 world reign while he went for Bush’s seat Isa/JN’S incalculable in westerners also poured into Africa’s SW Atlantic!

For when the 7th Angel shall begin to sound, Rev 11 
I explained seeing the Antichrist in great power and reigning holy church bride launching Daniel 2 stone from heaven and I heard antichrist murderer, saw its meteor surface, there’s some bout Jesus on the way this all in response to those 21 Coptic Egyptian Christian
I further heard him say he’s ready mocked the scripture ALL earth bound outreach stall all laborers gathered the 7 Angel trumpet presently Pres Trump for three years Sept BETA 15, 2023 His Abraham Accord I see dead people, hundreds of millions US West Pacific. they don’t even know they’re dead, especially since burning Bush 1999 into his 2005 Katrina, and I’m with a plate coming out of my they’re warn bout going on as all is normal; the sun is about to go berserk, I got The children, The Bride and gone  watch ! run! live! Hammering June/Juneteenth 04-10 2023 Rev 17:14 Lamb Of God, Jesus Husband; marvel not Mat 24 Jesus single word inquiry, running! 

Joe Biden packed another stadium last night.

A truly massive crowd of a hundred thousand people chanted "Biden! Biden! Biden!"

Voters showed their enthusiasm for "FOUR MORE YEARS!"

Just kidding. This is who showed up for Biden in New Hampshire 👀

‪The Daniel 4 King Nebuchadnezzar

 Madness Curse October 17 2018 until 7 Years Oct 17 2019 Be Fulfilled One Of Three Trump’s Ticking Timetables into two US quarters of earth’s inherit no more this planet marvel not John beginning hearing GOD come out of her My People! Showing to be evident by extreme mockery GOD truly cares nothing about what you’re saying only if you’re blessedly Brexit BRIEXIT To Blaexit the emphasis even of intravenous Angel Wings is on EXIT! 

Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2001/2021 Rev 3 Jesus, Dec 3 WATCH! Dec 4 RUN! Dec 5 LIVE! See More Jesus Advice About Overcoming DRAGON BEAST ANTICHRIST here Oct 17 2021 thru Oct 17, 2028 Mat 24/Rev 17:14 CHRIST JESUS! RUNNING? 

‪-How many Palestinians suffered their lives, those their loved ones that Burning Biden or Gog and Magog Trump pack stadiums? Don’t you wonder how differently witnessed US lab bio-Covid would’ve went if it’d not been Trump WH during reelection here genocider leaders are again GOD SO LOVE US RUNNING!!‬

Near 3 yrs in It’s beginning to look a lot like the last week of those 7 Apocalyptic yrs billions dead by a speed incomprehensible there’s no WEST RULE to be found Mystery Biden nor Gog And Magog Trump; the trumpet herald Jesus Millennium and total human genocide is thwarted indefinitely Gods Kingdom Descends great experiment a flesh and blood god endures Satanic, Demonic and Alien Invasion post apocalyptic the planet of the Genesis man, marriage, simply world by moving us out the way, you know three designed, assigned territories where! 

God Yeah THE ONE after first summoning The Island Of Patmos Apostle John here summoning me, Apostle Pat before His throne after silence broke HIS once weeping HIS PEOPLE BEING STRIPPED OF JESUS CHRIST I will strip riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers birthday naked! This time 2002 by 2018 you’re down on all fours penance crossing the AK Bridge into US GA by now, when it come so close Chernobyl April  08 2024 Spring Rapture you’re a Rev 7, its 4 winds of Apocalypse until no certain nano-second stalled Eze 5, designed Ben Affleck, Armageddon! 

I know, I know,  if any of it was true all around it’d look like Rev 2 Jesus and every intravenous Angel there is stirred into Jan 12/13 2018 Hawaii incoming missile to Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17 7th Angel stirred into Jan 22-29 2018 congress train wreck and Netflix LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND FOR REAL! Knowing mocking Safehaven mountains to underground prep Rev 6, 6th seal John who, why, what and where to run actually no way they’d still be here US states of barbecue The American Continent Of Burning Biden’s and tens of millions its inherit The God Of wrath is here! ‬
