The Hussein Obama’s Memphis New Madrid Time Done Lapse Street!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Chernobyl Spring Rapture May 16, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2024 Memphis Dunlap Street to Its Highland Park, Poplar to Its Hacks Cross Of Memphis Or Is That Memphis Visited President Hussein Booker T. Washington HS to Visited First Lady Hussein Obama, St Jude Of Memphis 

The Hussein Obama’s Memphis New Madrid Time Done Lapse Street! 

YouTube mrmbb333, Look what the recent geomagnetic storm did to my new tv via @YouTube

Aug 7 2019 Handwriting Clumsily Escape Yellowstone Is My Moms Birthday Warning 

I’m thinking mrmbb333 the last you asked a question about the physical effects of that not for 500 hundred years solar event; you got over 800 responses. Frightnight the more we’re counting down for a year the May 3 Into June 4/July 6 2023 witnessed of the hugest SUN ever to revisiting that since 2016 HUGER TIFF EMP/CME event and suddenly we’re the western days again, especially 1811/1812!

Only way to explain what happened to me that day, you know anything about the Havana Syndrome? Then I was in public and blaming it seeing to honor millions Covid dead there’s no going on like it never happened, like everything’s normal, at one time it was like floating and everything outside was the matrix blurry!

As far as technical devices we been warn about since my son turning 42 was 7/8 years. Honestly I’d been having problems since those previous solar events; down to one app YouTube thank god, with same gender poisoning everything it’s my most visited musical app. HBOW/Apb

Article, Ukraine Asks for U.S. Help in Striking Targets Inside Russia the last day of America proceeded by the calculation of 100 millions in western death toll, y'all


And this shall be the end, hearing that was after The American Continent was wiped out by Volcanic Apocalypse the aftermath of natural, nuclear, SOLAR and Cosmic, events the last day of America. Get it, seeing Israel surrender to an enemy Hamath, a US General and his men, a dirty Mede; a US General hand his horse off to the Prophet Jeremiah, USA to West Rule were no longer this planet! 


Being told, "He is going to kill you, sabbath day, the middle of main street," further verifies we truly are near three years, the final 7 years, Daniel 9:27, before Jesus millennium descend into billions dead littering the planet, Rev 11 described two witnesses who're actually being warn here, will be martyred post apocalyptic West Rule during the last 42 month interval Chernobyl April Spring Rapture 2025 thru Oct 17, 2028, the middle of Sodom and Egypt!


Know before waking hearing the last day of America, relentless hovering craft, I'd been wrestling in my sleep, some bout flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, "the day the earth still, other than Covid outbreak, there's predicted, since matrix tenth day Nov 11, 2021/2022 and 2023, Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE an outbreak of Natural, SOLAR and volcanic events, presently. 

Washington Post, Article, American doctors in Gaza see up-close toll of war weapons on children - The Washington Post,

Do you know where your children are? Marvel not  the Uvalde School Shooting morning never ending line of injured, orphan children lined up behind Twilight Bela answering the lambs book of life school name roll call, page torn out into Angel Michael’s List! HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Kiesser Stefano Flibsio and Nedeline Kyfer Manning 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Stellan Quincy Dogooder and Scarlet Koloas Betterman was born a godson Basti’on Alexander Dogooder a god son Asher Michael Dogooder a goddaughter Briar Rosemary Dogooder, Betterman 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{“Wait, wait, wait so you’re Harve man saying there’s a difference in your Holy God and my church God? Well Stell man, wasn’t there a difference in Jesus Holy God and the religious leaders temple God? Explaining Jesus Holy GOD 1998, calling all mass assembly back to Jesus’ CROSS OF RECONCILIATION, then by March 13 2018 show them by the hundreds of millions. Here’s Stell man every automobile ever as in nothing man made  can save us. Soon cars come bikes, bikes wagons and wagons our running shoes to stampeding feet; loaded from rims to car roofs escaping into US Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, referenced here, a not that willing leading African Native Land Lord, Moses type leading the way, ETA is 30, see you then, can’t believe you returning here, y’all described doomsday California, can’t believe Stellan man you stayed here, knowing that!”}}}

“The Stampeding elephants of staying unaware in the room; the warning witnessing Archangel Michael them star warring up there, Not lost angels but Los Angeles. Easy Angel men, that’s just mean Memphis Carter has join  our luncheon tables. I was listening to another two days old YouTube vid on the imminent San Andres seismic apocalypse. Rightly which would also revisit Aug 2023, Rev 9 Scorpion King Anubis army The Rock, movie San Andreas. When it all hinted better revelations of them predicting not Los Angeles but a lost Angeles California. So, readying his paper napkin and fork, did they Memphis Carter round out what could suddenly be millions in death tolls. You know they didn’t Cassius man, they never do. I’m thinking further, here remind Grand Sia just now, seeing Memphis schools on top of children revisited her hearing breaking news, major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada and during that same reveal, hearing 10.2 earthquake! Frightnight an earthquake that size would be on that just now, not for 500 year solar event of increasing, seismic activity. I’m gone warning the 11:00 News Hour, get this out, catch you guys later, alright dae, dae man! Yeah revisited interstellar Armageddon and Drsgon beast them exile into the planet since, live that very day was an unprecedented lightning storm that interfered with LAX flights., returning and grounding one if you guys wanna know whether we’re taking this pop up reveal too serious? So Memphis Carter man you’re reading our minds now, no only your spirit hearts, I’m going too like you all I still have procrastinating loved ones visiting in these primary impact zones, I’m gonna call, give a heads up anyway! Guy’s marvel not grand, grand Sia watched a fireball only strike their lawn furniture where she’d seen wasp building a nest and warned great grands, kinda showing doubters like mrmb333 that’s how precise traveling for billions of miles guided fireballs can also be. I thought he was one of her supporters, you would but none of them are her supporters, none of them, she trust respond and support them only as watchers and prognosticators influencing millions in supporters so such is their blessedness! Here’s mine, in words of cousin El Dae Dae I’ll catch you guys later! Marvel not especially Angel men Memphians and God triplets are related by their Seminole Mother to Memphis Grand, I know how biblical genealogies just flow and flow into that multibillion descending Royal Priesthood! But why angel men is that worth saying when we billions are the biblical lineage of Mother Africa and Father Abraham yeah no wonder Jesus told those Jewish doubter before Abraham I Am, his being ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER manifested in the flesh and no longer is the mystery of godliness the dateless interstellar Armageddon!” Wait ah wasn’t there a previous in hundreds of millions escaping of US soil, if I’m thinking right? Predicted HUSSEIN WH infinite world reign until Jesus descending millennium as it come inyo fuition, ah god, don’t tell us, yeah Grand saw its hundreds of millions in US votes springing up outta Africa’s SW Atlantic into its costal cities and towns and just last year’s witnessed famed letters USA do the same, meaning Angel men after ancients of years we haven’t seen bad until right now! Slow your roll Ghosthorse man, yeah before you lose a hand, sorry just come off that, but that’s even it, my wife in labor with our last godson, what, are you, congrats man yeah, so this is me hurrying back to births, excuse my messiness.     >>>”Two Godzilla beast, one fitting the description, of an Egyptian Sobek they’re loading Stellan vehicle, getting out yeah not just any Godzilla but Hollywoods 1998 one, 1998 Stellan she witnessed US first hand writing of judgement on a wall, wrote a letter to who’s now burning Bush once the year 2000 come there’d be no more normal. Okay, finishing up by putting in carry on bags, getting in, behind the steering. Who are you and where is my Harlow brother? Oh, once you”re African Juttah you’re unimaginably the land of pop-up reveals, you just know. no more veils, darken mirrors GOD promised disillusionment, no more Harve man Godzilla them falsified skies, right, right. Okay what to expect on the roads, as far as besides maneuvering around some flood areas, grand Sia predicted Noah’s Cousin to Aqua Era, yeah, yeah Stellan so much is happening to prove she is who they say. She is. But if you thinking traffic wise, no they showing her a free for all racetrack versus multimillion man traffic jams was also mockery. Look, a more touchier subject where’s Kkolas wow Harve man what took you so long to ask? I only ask cause I figured you hanging back knowing as intravenous Angels Apocalypse Now was because of her, she want nothing to do with any of it, they’re not leaving, yeah sadly count her Stellan with those seen on a run for matrix blue pills. Huh? Which remind Grand Sia last June/July witnessed DEA tossing Memphis families houses looking for, it had to be matrix red pills because like Noah’s house they know what’s happening, even who, what, why and where to run indicating the matrix red pill of making one aware. Dern, that one she heard crying not the blue pill, please don’t give me the blue pill, was Memphian? Wait Harve you’re telling me even holy spirits refer to the Matrix trilogy, more than that, that botched up last one they renaming Trinity Tiffany who you think grand Sia predicted TIFF, EMP/CME technology to world ender also revisited June, July last, possibly during a nearing decade Matrix tenth day countdown into another ginormous event both Stellan man a niece by birth and marriage named Tiffany, before it comes out, so not a coincidence seeing times before these evil’s have made it clear they know her as well, converse Stell man with Archangel Michael them one stalled Sept, BETA of skyrocketing us when will they get her out of their timeline to reign?  And Stell man lay waste to billions. Ah, ah, blinking. swallowing, clearing away stinging emotions, handing him a small book, here’s my miniature bible, just tell which scripture I’m pray to get back gods good graces? Look, first no cry driving, pull over here, cut on some dancing music. Dancing music? Ok, those the two scriptures she keep assuring for leaders and ourselves, ah Ps 51 for us, Dan 9, begin vss 4 for our leaders and for both holy and tribulations saints you’re right now Stellan man translating from one to the other, especially Ps 35/Ps 91. Until when they whispered into grand Sia ear saying he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust he was quoting Ps 91. But Stellan if you think that’s Father Jacob’s ladder, of descending, ascending Angels, to Jesus’ described all around, up, down through Angels and grand sia described all around up, down, through Star warring Angels. Okay, okay. clearing his throat, wiping his eyes, looking around for tissues being hand him, how old Harlow man are you as of the African Juttah? It’d be a year June 17 2024 and remind me before we arrive at Georgia COAST CROSSOVER Into her, grand Sia paradise Island, even what that coincidence of a date even mean? Dance music, should I ask? You can ask or you can get out and dance with me, grand Sia assuring to perhaps mocking stampeders she hope they dance on the way to Safehaven territories; perhaps the next stop Harve man, I can’t wait to get there I ain’t scared no more I’m accelerated, it’s like fusing through my blood then let’s go I can’t wait either it’ll be my first visiting Grand Sia Aqua Paradise some swear it’s her promised mansion come down already Stell man and it has its own Skyfall, what’s a Skyfall? Ah my god big brother, you saw how the last solar event revisit her this time last year the seeing the Hugest SUN ever, put heart stopping auroras in every US state not for a 500 year event a Skyfall is like that only as it’s pouring from an unforeseen portal, a healing water fall onto the planet; some say Jesus predicted his conversing with the samaritan woman at Father Jacob’s Well at that Stellan about the pouring, flowing stream of living water gushing unto immortal life or Stell man some like that. Hey, why so quiet nothing, just listening I guess, I’m now wondering what the phenomenon behind that date, June 17, not just June 17th but Juneteenth the loosening of ancestry slaves and for hundreds of years they’ve procrastinated the predicted as the Hebrew slaves only their repatriation of its Mother Africa; presently Stell man, Sunlight Of God commanded Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit meaning Stellan, you’re driving not only toward the African Juttah but a being designed as we speak according to your heart repentance just now an Aqua Juttah Genealogy, could still be Kolas. Wwow, clearing, sniffing, swallowing, don’t clearly understand but seem to verify Harve man, instantly becoming Jesus Throne Heir, wait where that come from? Popup reveals man Stellan, heart, eyes, ears, mouth awing and you just can’t wait and you just can’t wait! Wow Harlow man THEY’VE already moved on with a descending new everything, left the rebellious, evil world behind and Stellan billion’s its doomsday earth’s inherit dead to damned because they refuse to see it, easily why Grand Sia like Jesus speak in parables, no question that’s why, no question.”     >>>"So is the sudden subtraction of 190 years of tech to even out the more than ever technological battlefield; curious Nextus Juttah, intravenous sky-rocketing us leave by triangle crafts, the height of technology and return us on horse back; technology no more! Coincidences?

Such is your homework, we’ll debate our next reveals class, you are release, blessed day, sweet sleep, oh and Grand Triplets what a biblical territory Mic Night of celebrations! So you saw that? Ah yeah,  you all know once it hit the commy, don’t worry you’ll hear about it for a while, Godspeed everyone!”     >>>”So never exalt your enemy even if it seems as if they’re getting the best of you, that’s Rev 17:17 Holy Father puppeteering their worse fall ever, remember pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! Oh, Take Heed I Heard A Star Wars Battle LIVE Being Wedged During The 2013 Rapture demo marvel not Sept BETA Rapture 2020 Gog and Magog then taunted Trump Gabriel to Archangel Michael weren’t we, skyrocketing Holy Church Bride now in their timeline? As of today’s 11:00 Juttah news hour. Some hath said Sia Darius African Juttah (SDAJ) that’s like Jesus rebuking demons verification of who he actually was I can see that yet but most think Gog and Magog them we’re pressing Archangel them for a more precise timing of the Holy Bride escape, then SDAJ, they mock Archangel THEM who’s been at these intravenous events for millennia as amateurs right, but gone the blink of an eye the bride and it’s sweet and bitter, and bitter West Rule world systems there’s no timing only signs and wonders! I have a question SDAJ have grand Sia grand, grand figured the ten things she’s to do before we skyrocket? Honestly Preece I think they spoke more at her Christ  Cross nature which like all of it  free to flow is naturally prosperous into fulfilling God's Will so the suggestion was again moreover about a timing and there’s no actuality Angel men of pinning it down, right and we of all the redeemed know right well, when these ten things are fulfilled we ascend exactly what does II Thess 2 say when the bride is second heaven intercession is the Antichrist true identity revealed until then we’re its guessing game. If there is nothing else l’ll be releasing you early, I have an urgent conference. There is SDAJ the matter of an ineffective to inferences within the Aqua Juttah Protocol, it’s genealogy actually Lord Constantine you’re speaking of the your own yet developing Negeb Ophel genealogy a simple DNA test resolved and the Nuptial to Prenuptial Dorms were stalled back to its first prenatal period until resolved. Believe, no more than we want to frustrate the Holy Trinity do we want to frustrate The African, Aqua Juttah Genealogy! We are all Lords, dismissed blessed day, sweetheart sleep! Father of Paradise Juttah, awarded to teen Genesis marriage worshippers first awarded to him, now Sia Darius, African Juttah and for Godmen to be awarded his classes of reveal was beyond an honor to mercifulness."     >>>“You know you talking to one who was there, you Avra was there? Yes and there’s nothing like them on this planet, meaning their performance can’t be touched until celebration in heavens. So you trust the medical findings of your uncertain Negeb Ophel genealogy, you mean lords that it was never mines, they shut down the Nextus Juttah back to first dorms and would’ve done a hell of lot more. Anyway, my actual Tombola match she was there, The Pub Mike night, also, so when you gonna tell us? In time, right now like professor Darius Juttah I got conference, matter fact we all do, now shall we linen clean all, run!” Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

YouTube Mrmbb333, Can the power grid hold during a REAL Carrington Storm? via @YouTube; let’s just say mrmbb333 while Rome's Pope was securing the Vatican’s financial assets he should’ve as intravenous Angels been moving to relocating its billions human inherit into Safehaven territories; multibillions to die and the as Noah’s day, speed! 

YouTube, Anton Petrov, Wow! Did We Just Live Through an Actual Carrington Event? Maybe... via @YouTube; 

Asteroid Destroy Middle Schools; Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin; Destroy Louisiana! Wipe Canada Off The Map! 


Clearly Anton We didn’t dodge anything we’re in the cone or the aftermath of the worst solar event to predate Jesus returning as a Zech 14 described gamma ray bursting. I keep hearing bout an alike solar event Halloween 2003; ask those reading behind me some ginormity was concerning enough. THEY discussed to debated yanking Holies off of doomsday planet between Hallo Eve to  Halloween morning (2023), so exactly two decades later. 

Frightnight the more this ginormous solar event was predicted by witnessing the HUGEST SUN to CME/EMP threat a 37 day countdown from May 3 (2023); a hammering off an apocalyptic event its June 4 and by its June 9/10 we’re suffering this long long duration hovering, described a UFO; here’s another matrix tenth day countdown to greater the earth Enders, counting Dec 3, 2017, that’s every 03/13/23 of the month and counting, Watch! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb!

YouTube (Adam, Marfoogle, RUSSIA FIRING MISSILES OFF OUR COAST | NANO DRONE FOUND IN THE WILD? via @YouTu; drones, I call them darts, probably because I watch Star Gate Atlantis too much! They we’re triangular in shape with three points of lights on the bottom, red to yellow to blue, Iveas middle of denying them as passengers flights, when an actual passenger flight flew right past them, like I suddenly in two different time zones simultaneously. That’s not all if I told you what Icsaw weeks later walking to the end of the drive this craft was as low as a helicopter and I could see its pilot to passenger, and it all appeared Animated like a like a kids drawing of a Super Mario Flying Craft come to life. I know a couple years later Jan 2023 while they’re mocking my eldest son birthday party check out don’t go home, again get to US Georgia’s Coast, CROSSOVER, like don’t worry bout momma at the time Adam unbelievable I was squeezing into a cart this was before I knew about Super Mario movie premiere it was with my next to the youngest sister, recently murdered and we were off to heaven to find momma; GOD knowing judging the heart! Marvel not since THEY explained Fallen Angels aren’t the perpetrators of Aliens But Why Aliens Actually Exist Is why there’s been a plethora of unveiling unraveling Satanic, Devilish, Demonic, Alien tech to HD, 5G to Social Media screening; For In One Hour 

Asteroid Destroy Middle Schools;  Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin; Destroy Louisiana To 190 Years Of Tech; WIPE CANADA OFF THE MAP! Dan 2 Stone from heaven launched by Reigning HOLY Church Bride Beginning Gog, Magog and Haman-Gog Western Soils Destroy Any Semblance Of Kingdom Nation Building There Ever Was Or Would Ever Be Again! I even heard it call the rising for 7 Daniel prophesied years Oct 17 2021 DRAGON BEAST Antichrist, his murderer!


There’s the loud, annoying movement of aircraft’s all through the night like they getting ready for war or something, like are they? What, Russia didn’t get the memo besides training and testing we don’t do actual military stuff from US soil. We just go on shopping its blood money, while they wreck somebody else’s, you’d think Marfoogle they’d know that by now. 

Besides solving ancient of days of Mystery planetary to early hominids/Atlantis. Aliens exist and fallen angels exiled here for millennia before Genesis Adam, where we multibillions it’s Royal Priesthood come from, Genesis Adam/WOMAN SEED! There’s solving the mystery why we keep ascending only two thirds the way. We’re off doomsday planet yes billions to die but not the paradise of God’s REST to Apostle John’ its stay put foundation pillars, not just yet. 

Soooo, after another near skyrocketing us holies, Feb 2011; instead firerocketing those Trumpians. THEY come into my kitchen of reveals explaining and I quote Adam soon “the Holy church Bride,” could be in heaven, looking down; I’m thinking from where this time last year  I saw the HUGEST SUN, HUGEST ever EMP/CME threat;fret not we’d be up there praying for you to stand ascend with the two witnesses. STAND Adam, The American Continent no more, hundreds of millions dying daily! STAND! Warring HBOW/Apb

See here, the prophecy of the hour glasse remind as recent as Jan 2023 THEY were building and handing out race cars with numbers and names to fast and furious race tracks; some bout molten lava flooding Woe to US W. Pacific, cried its Rev 10 Mighty Angel; ESCAPE BEN AFFLECK ARMAGEDDON, YELLOWSTONE! 

Why did 2015 Syed Farook wait the pharmacy parking lot. show up, outside my drivers door explaining to me prophetic Islamic takeover? Beginning Mothers Day 2020 there’s showing the prophesied hour Pastor manifested in the flesh. The doubting part he and I soon this cover over with white huge tent and as high jacker Syed Farook, prophesied hour is Gethsemane Garden night of indecision. It was totally consuming him, fear, doubt. promised, cursed disillusionment all hath him, all hath torture! 

There’s the restaurant scene, we’re formally introduced; the outdoor family gathering Dr Fauci called for. There’s even taking refuge in churches GOD called to repentance 1998 and Rev 2 Jesus/SUNLIGHT OF GOD put in FLIGHT HAWAII MISSILE MORNING 2018. Only to be put in highchair like traps and kept by these mesmerizing choirs! Thing is what did Hawaii morning Rev 2 Jesus asking me would these incalculable in intravenous Angels also ascend?

Actually have to do with me and doubting Syed Farook to The Prophesied Hour. There’s those horses of judgments coming after me, birds of prey waiting my orders, the harvester with reaping sickle beside by bed; the salt bearing man in linen running its hall; hundreds of millions in American refugees, yes pastor coming to US Georgia/Mother Africa as to all the worlds injured, orphan school children come to me, who do they, ALL, even Jesus think I am? HBOW/Apb The RAM

YouTube Pastor Begley Breaking: "Evil Rises" via @YouTube

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Kiesser Stefano Flibsio and Nedeline Kyfer Manning 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Stellan Quincy Dogooder and Scarlet Koloas Betterman was born a godson Basti’on Alexander Dogooder a god son Asher Michael Dogooder a goddaughter Briar Rosemary Dogooder, Betterman 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

“I think Harve man I’m beginning to see, by the way if you’re tired of driving? No, I’m fine, it’s kinda scary but she mock N. Korea, Russia and China intervening on US soil especially Volcanic incineration of millions dead., injured missing to Stell man escaping. Will they suffer US inherit to the judging of its colonialist, monstrous, deadly leaders? I don’t know Harlow man, will they? Apparently Grand Sia doesn’t think so and Stellan could be what’s mocked she’s teaching a class of I endangered children, how the Chinese language works. I know that loud long hissing sound, the tens of millions dead before their intravenous rescue! You think their procrastination Harve man is about money? No, look around the militant world it’s easy to see their procrastination is distraction, Russia’s error Ukraine, China’s error Taiwan, N.Korea’s  error, yes mutineering US Trump! I read Grand Sia describing how we watched launching tearing through the sky imploding nuclear wars from up there. Like Stell man we’re holy gods ourselves. You don’t know brother, smiling, seeing they’re crossing the Alabama border, “how good hearing you include yourself in the angelic skyrocketing of the Royal Priesthood. Hey, filling station, Truck stop coming up, we can switch up drivers there. What’s to eat? Seriously, anything, everything, to drink too, then I can’t wait I’m starving, yeah me too. what’s that sign say? Ah three more miles to replenishment, I know right! Those Burning Bush era greasing of handle bars Stell man disallowing Russia, China revisited by Nov 04 1975/Obama 2013 paper boy bike handlebars attached by a funeral reef soaring skyward their error Islam Col. Gaddafi! Man-o-man, GOD gets them at every turn! What is that saying Harve brother, Jesus says brings him back to this planet? Mostly Israel, Jerusalem crying blessed is he who cometh in the name of the lord. Frightnight by then they’re a third left, that awarded 1,260 days of Angelic Safehaven expired and running for their lives! Whereas Stell man, Jesus and literally an entire heavenly host like crack Olivet in two just in time for stampeding holy land inherit to escape across into Safehaven that’s Jesus descending millennium itself, just saying GOD is also a GOD of phenomenal deliverance!” Wow Harve man, wow, now where’s all of that written? That’s some of the early prophets like Isaiah to Zechariah, oh, ah Ezekiel and Rev 12 tells how Star Warring Archangel THEM intervene, for 1,260 days the second half of great tribulation, all that!”I think I smell the bread baking from here, I know I can Stell man, hug hoagie sandwich here I come, here we come!”  " The Pyro-caustic flow, shown as that London, Movie, Mortal Engine, Swallowing up tiny Memphis, also Memphis Carter what you would call a stampeding of elephants og staying unaware in the room, was that before or after seeing the little Miya in the real buried under her Memphis school. Grand, grand staying outside her midtown middle schools, encouraging her, feeling she would again be made safe, as a buildup of rescuers work to save her, was before being swallowed and still showing these same area Memphis as a Pompeii movie, gladiators all, followed the warning Hawaii is building, and that first hammering off of more cosmic earth enders, a reigning Mt Sinai type, but, but, but, don't forget earths inherit including first of all children are either, translating, crossing over or skyrocketing, meaning frightnight to amazing grace there's no more worrying about how these ginormous events gonna affect mankind,  so as grand Sia would say, marvel not the single word inquiry, running and running shoes mocked being hand out to Memphis Brides replacing red tattered wedding heels and i must say every time I hear the word heel, I'm reminded of genesis, Creator Elo-him, explaining how the Lucifer would bruise the woman seed heel   
DEA, overthrowing I think Memphians houses, it's like what does or how does Noah and his family, come with this unimaginable escape. know what we don't, can't but we do, what's he hiding so curious they go looking or something like that! Yeah but Memphians show themselves just as American, CHURCHIAN to Trumpian as any others, they're no help, but being family, they're the first to what? The first to know, even if they're not during, because of their intervention, like we're all; being blessed by their divine intervention, how we know, star warring archangel them will snatch hundreds of millions out of US Geogia's course, and cross them into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, because they first did it to grand, grand, Memphis Grands and showed it, reenacted by hundreds of millions of refugee Americans."  Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

Breaking: "Evil Rises" via @YouTube

Separate Britain, America into itty bitty pieces. Wipe Canada off The Map


Desolations Predicted US Soil Now, Thus Saith Jan 22-29 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel 

If by evil Pastor firstly you mean West Rule, Britain. Canada and America all being aligned to their own weights of martyred blood guilt a sudden lost of 190 years; Gog and Magog an error Islam and by Aug 24/25 2023 100 million westerners deaths  

I know by a curse of strong delusion y’all been deceived into thinking it’s them but it’s actually us, Rev 17/18 Great Whore Mystery Babylon of Human extinction disguised as American to California dreaming, marvel not y’all crystal skies come missiling down as your Holy Church  Bride skyrocketed. Watch! Run! Live!  Thus warn Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST!

YouTube Anton Petrov Wow! Did We Just Live Through an Actual Carrington Event? Maybe... via @YouTube

As I said we didn’t dodge nor can we dodge the fulfillment of end day prophecies presently fulfilling; We can only do as Jesus suggest and Intravenous Angels Assert THEMSELVES, we can run! 

YouTube mrmbb333. This was not normal! Entire CITY goes dark! Millions could be without po... via @YouTube


I just learned the Memphis school I just saw March just now, on top of my grand daughter has lost all power. Classes canceled till further notice; hopefully indefinitely! There are so many red alerts concerning schools  for targeting its same gender school curriculum; those right before Covid, crying, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! 

Those right-before China and Haiti 2010/2011 earthquakes, “ GET CHILDREN OUT OF ALL BUILDINGS, mocking grandparents burying grands alive; presently there’s a 10.2 New Madrid imminent, October 17, 2018/Pompeii Movie of Memphis! Some warnings about endangered children, their plotted execution go as far back for decades now! HBOW/ Apb

YouTube (Adam) Marfoogle THEY ARE PICKING SIDES... via @YouTube


-Having said that Marfoogle y’all been in the know forever what did Mat 24 Jesus suggest now that you know? Quoting LOVING HIM, for when you shall see (know), RUN! None of these YouTube channels are worth you jeopardizing life, soul, family and supporters and supporters Marfoogle! 

-I keep telling y’all when y’all as Brad Pitt and Jolie kids did break out those door’s running with arms filled with children Eze 9 heart stabbers gave chase. Why is that Adam? You’re finally doing what Hawaii Missile morning Jesus said two millennials ago, cause I been during this online 40 Chernobyl Rapture Springs now, I didn’t understand except your procrastination so ANGER 

Tell me y’all know what just happened? That’s the predicted for decades to start a new 37 day countdown near a year May 3, 2023 into a matrix tenth day countdown June 10 2023 warning the HUGEST EVER SUN TO CME/EMP event hitting May, that’s supposed wipe out 190  years of tech like it never happened. 

So who want to tell me what as western days again 1811/1812 are especially known for, 
Hint a dominoing Hawaii is headed for right now; beware those 101 alike Yellowstone eruptions especially the US/The American Continent totally primed, 
and what else gonna flip your noodle those sky phenoms known to increase seismic activity our Chernobyl April Spring 08, 2024, Eclipse companion by they Devil Comet Pons Brook was first sighted 1811/1812 in time to be conspired as the cause for such a ginormous 8 plus New Madrid Earthquake! Marvel not Oct 31 2023 the single word inquiry RUNNING? 


-Okay, okay, okay some may ask what is a Holy Bride Of Wrath (HBOW); well right after those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians males were beheaded and eventually birds were chirping HES HERE, HES HERE, HES HERE! They showed the for 7 most apocalyptic years this planet ever Oct 17 2021 DRAGON BEAST in great prowess but the shocker not only was Jesus a gamma ray bursting especially targeting invading Antichrist holy church bride possess, preps and launch Dan 2 Stone from heaven, “The Antichrist Murderer with a meteor surface so you see they don’t need our help they just need us out of the way translating, crossing over, skyrocketing, firerocketing! 

YouTube 13, WTHR, Greenfield 4th grader takes his own life due to bullying, parents speaki... via @YouTube 

Marvel Not To Match, There’s A Burning Pres Bush’s Gitmo prison To The Flaming Blazing Frying Pan, Flying Saucer Yes They Exist Liftoff Of The Biden/Harris Whitehouse to two Firerocketing WORLD Systems! 


Sobbing Uncontrollably AODHF I WILL STRIP LEADERS 2002/ Showing HIMSELF Equally Star Warring, I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! 2024 AODHF

-I have to ask, though between June/Juneteenth 4 thru 10 2023 meaning the long, longest duration hovering could’ve been THEM! Rev 2 Jesus/Rev 17:14 hammering Lamb of God, Jesus Husband, leading captivity captived all endangered children. Perhaps, like was the bullied, shirtless, crying in the boys school bathroom, Sammy; 

-Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, like leaving behind a message only his blazing with flames Hot Wheels T-shirt shown during a super medical center could convey to primary endangering, parental procrastinators? Sammy’s Flaming, blazing hot wheels T-Shirt Shown passing to intravenous Star Warrior toSkyrocker Archangel Michael’s,  my Grand Caden to match his blazing with flames Hot Wheels slacks? 

-Don’t worry bout Apostle/Prophet granny here, I’m as Holy Bride millions squeezing into a cart (an end of animating children’s world, movie scenario Super Mario Brother’s Cart)! Shooting into second heaven intercessions, mommy and now all children and those Abraham’s Bosom are there interceding you Rev 11 Two Witnesses  and Tribulation Saint’s. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till’ he come, there’s the fast and furious, contagion US bio-weapon, Ludicrous speed, racing of every brand of APOCALYPSE NOW! HBOW/Apb
