Threatening, Dragon BEAST NATO Putin, ABBAS, XI, UAE, Kim, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE, Gog and Magog, US Soil Ezekiel 9 One Stab The Telling Heart Reapers, RUNNING!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Chernobyl Spring Rapture May 8, 2023, I ask myself a question, while commenting shouldn’t I tell  y’all how it felt boarding that craft, to THEM since circling the bride’s chariot all around Archangel Michael settings his all around? I told you that for near 4 decades since Chernobyl April  8, 2024 Spring Rapture Eclipse incoming Ben Affleck Armageddon as an erupting, Comet 12p Pons/Brook, of taking me off the planet. Here’s Prophet Malachi described Sunlight of God arriving with healing wings handing us off to the a waiting up there, Lord Star Warring HIMSELF, ELOHIM.

Like I’ve described it million, I wasn’t happy, unaware only months old Jesus Christ’s THEY were taking us out of billions to be suddenly dead, tens of million here first, well in the order THEY named them to calculated their weights of martyred blood dead 100 million. Britain, Canada and America, ah first. Understand here fire like 3 decades of ancient prophecies fulfilling, I just witnessed it’s for decades Rev 17:14 lamb of God, Jesus husband, their grand dad another hammering off of an incoming apocalyptic. skyrocketing event.

Right yes, but that Big June/Junetheenth 2023  we’re talking soon to be the famous date, a Rev 12 biblical planetary event two years hence, the first Sept BETA 22/23 2015 THEY, for decades  Lamb of God Husband and grand Caden/ there’s some bout world leader Cameron all  just escaped my older grands from nuclear, apocalyptic building dominoing Hawaii into New Madrid Memphis we just witnessed up by a mortal engine, instead into Safehaven crossover, US Georgia coast! Frightnight to amazing Grace next I heard, there’s some bout Cameron, yes, but what I heard from this grand Caden to Cameron mix was “are you ready?

My reaction, kinda like visiting, teaching., revealing for months, my prayer closet all explaining now are you an Apostle, when I heard are you ready? Yet a Memphis home, Hacks Cross Of Memphis, the predicted, revisited June 2023 TIFF, EMP/CME; DONE, as THEM trying to convince me I’M Apostle. I closed my laptop, pushed from my desk, DONE; next I knew Lamb of God Jesus Husband. Grand Caden/Cameron, clearly boarded a craft One with its scrolling panel in view ETA Sept 22/23;

Marvel not the last SEPT BETA actually visiting for 3 years I recently learned April 2/20 2019 two weeks and 7 years Trumps/UAE signed Abraham accord Sept BETA 14/15 2020.  Frightnight to amazing Grace to rolling Twilight skies till HE come, THEY showed us prepping second Heavens intercession for this ginormous arrival that could only be the only Holies missing all around waiting May 15, 2004, Trump Gabriel assured Seventh Angel Trump sounding resurrected, ascending leading captivity captured Rev 7 John witnessed innumerable in washed , made white by the Lambs Blood, Tribulation saints; 

Marvel not Dec 2021 Rev 3 Catastrophist Jesus a morning each, 03/04/05 warning WATCH! RUN! LIVE! We won’t know, THEY just distracted by imminent turf wars and took the Trump / UAE Abraham Accord shaped it into Dan 9:27 Non-Aggression pact didn’t bother telling the most proficient of biblical scholars this planet until we’re  nearing three years the first  predicted a Hussein WH indefinite world reign Burning Bush error Saddam Hussein 2003, Rev 11:1.2 42 month interval.

Surrealistically until Netanyahu bombing over there could be clearing the way for Jerusalem’s Antichrist as John The Baptist and invading ROME cleared the path for Jerusalem’s Holy Christ; Star Waring AODHF truly is a GOD of war and Rev 17:17 masterful puppeteer now knowing do as Mat 24 Catastrophist Jesus suggest, run and Catastrophist Rev 18 Star Warring AODHF suggest “COME OUT! There’s, and Trump Gabriel and Star Warrior Archangel lead into three assigned, designed Safehaven territory for the western, eastern hemisphere beginning with US Georgia’s COAST! 

Article, Russia Warns Ukraine's F-16s Will Be Treated as Nuclear Threats,

Published May 06, 2024 at 7:56 PM EDTUpdated May 07, 2024 at 8:12 AM EDT

Threatening, Dragon BEAST NATO Putin, ABBAS, XI, UAE, Kim, Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck ARMAGEDDON  YELLOWSTONE, Gog and Magog, US Soil Ezekiel 9 One Stab The Telling Heart Reapers, RUNNING!   


 -Billions the Royal Priesthood watching from post-Apocalyptic Ad Astra intercession. Seeing nuclear missiles to stars rising, falling. Seeing the earth littered with the dead; Gone, do it already, predestined leaders are aligned to human extinction 7th Angel trumpet sounds, we by the billions return begin a New Earth, Heaven, just as catastrophist Mat 24 Jesus warn, before he suggested, something your  we all then, RUN!.

Surreal it was as shocking as seeing Ezekiel 9 heart stabbers come after procrastinators already stampeding seeing huge beast eat their cars while they sat in traffic, eat their peace keeping porches, falsify their peace getting skies, babysit their kids and grands, a lion, a Leopard and a demon dog, undertaker, still the worse of them seeing them guarding the doors of mass assembly and eating pastors and their pulpits, fightnight years before, bio-weapon, yet mutating into killing, Rev 6, 4th seal, billions, Covid..

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, until he come HIMSELF as a gamma ray bursting religious leaders leading blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit or not, counted with the millions suddenly, incinerated, injured to missing, blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit, Gen 15, Lot and family a prime example, there's equally Isa 16;1-15, Eze 13/14, Rev 7/Rev 12 all predicting for many millennia multimillion, worldwide, Tower of Babel, Mystery Babylon, world migration the holy land into Jordan's Desert City, Petra, its West Rule biblical inherit, into America's SE Atlantic crossing over into SW Africa's Atlantic, and like them I witnessed June. Juneteenth 17/19, 2002 commanded as to me as to Moses exodus as gain such mockery, as a predicted Rev 11;1, 2 during Burning Bush, error Saddam, a Senator Hussein was taking the Whitehouse, and ruling the world while its hundreds of millions in voters were witnessed pouring up, out of Africa's  Atlantic, marvel not there's witnessed a floating off the American Continent famed letters USA  taking this same trajectory as its hundreds of millions; marvel not the single word inquiry watching? Running? Living? 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons and Lord El Elyon Gabriel Coogan

Unto Godess Chodne Axil Wilhelm and Lord, El Shaddai Machail Coogan Saurus and Godess Uqeen Bride Chodne Axil Wilhelm was born a son, Mem Tazaddl Saurus, a godson, Koph Reshiram Saurus, a godson PE. Khopesh Coogan, Wilhelm and a daughter Abekam Nedac Aeth Saurus, Coogan, Wilhelm (daleth, Aleth, Cheth, Samach), MEM, I love your law, Tazaddl (your word is very pure, Koph, PE,

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

“We going somewhere? Quietly fitting on his backpack and then hers, “ unless you went I go investigate that beaming portal alone, huh? I thought we were staying away from place, too tempting, no it’s not even that remember, mrmbb33 showing that wowing seeming inter dimensional sky phenom. Grand, grand call said it remind her what wowing her in the sky Thanksgiving rapture 2021, not all the colors but the why its otherworldliness commanded the sky she knew she was looking at Jesus descending millennium only The Rapture has to happened first said she even sighed all wide eyes, mouth, Jesus is that you? So we’re going looking at the place it probably radiated from, beaming portal! And if we run into Angel Sariah and his beyond tempting circling the bride chariot all around? We won’t, and just how won’t we! We’ll we careful stay alert, right that’s what the packs are for, okay we’ll be careful, hide even, oh that’s funny, yeah if you thinking you’re hiding from your very own intravenous Angels who are no doubt all around you right now; will Angels also Ascend? Isn’t that Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus asking you that because by the innumerable temptress Maaseiah they were all right there, do both the virgins and holy angels love you! How long you be waiting Silver Stallion Nicholas to put those two together? You know them so well, scripture I mean, but you just put those together Shakespeare  in love David and the son of David! Go on, stop wooing me, you making me light hearted to headed.”       >>>”11:00 Noon African Juttah news break, See here, Netanyahu saying attacking Rafah is a go hostage deal or no, I’m just saying  will the US military have to intervene for Rafah against Netanyahu; like if Hamas was driving Israel into the dust and wind? Yeah, like was that mass grave really filled with Gaza children buried alive by his armies or are we still waiting to hear from the described enraged UN? Wow what intravenous all this time South African leaders must be saying!” Marvel not Grand Sia just asked for prayer per those 36, 000 burnt offering pieces, now get this tribunal Heelsfeet for interceding so many young adults facing The Great White Judgement marvel not they gave her the resurrection, ascension of interceding tribulations saints from up there.  A lot of people El Dae Dae argue we can’t be near Rev 11:1, 2 42 months intervention seeing what’s happening with Israel and Hamas first Angel it’s Gog and Magog US Israel and Hamas, The US Russia and Ukraine and grand Sia mom remind there will be wars until the end shown to be evident she says those ten heads begin to see, hear being countdown Hussein/Obama's July 27/28 2020 Kobe’s Crash morning were by wars reduced to 7, probably Abbas’s mentioned eight on with Dragon know that suddenly subtraction of 190 years is to most definitely be a wrench to prepped toothbrush/Toothpaste in Red Dragon them plan but first to send great mystery Babylon America/ WEST Rule skyrocketing, all its hundreds of millions its inherit run, you know where. Yeah do y'all know celebrated Rev 11 AODHF using that date Aug 5 to show himself too Star Warring revisited for 2019 those two west rule systems skyrocketing to firerocketing! Whoa, In just the limitless world apocalypse the warning God is not mocked and for two millennia the book of Rev 18 he’s been confirming he see us, and remember our sins reaching unto him and he’s to judge accordingly, shown to be evident beloved grand Sia losing a count of too many mazes of sin to count.” Take it from Angel men, speeding this planet grows more and more inhabitable for the Genesis man, this mortal must put on immortality, this corruption incorruption until then truly blessed the Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, showing to be evident why hammering Jesus, THE CHRIST blessed overcomers in flight.  I’ve been screening particularly your sci-fi material, true only way possible, there is no Jesus millennium, no God kingdom descending, only biblically, scripturally to , prophetically that’s not true, Revelation 11 celebrated he’s taking his vengeance and show his own-self Star warring with Archangel Michael THEM saying your AI world, it will never be so! Which you guys makes sense, it all mocked in comparison to the matrix franchise seeing none of this is real, the fact that Trump multimillion Covid dead, yet aligned to Gog and Magog, an error Islam and 50 million US with a Daniel 9:27 Abraham accord that’s gonna kill billions is running for any office let alone The US Whitehouse, that they're  still having US elections in any capacity is mind-blowing  talk about why Ps 2 AODH speak to puppeteering Rev 17;17 AODHF, as with Lucifer mock man's plan for HIS Genesis humankind!"   No I'm just reminded, marvel my Aug 2021 maze of sin, detail my grand and I laughing about her terrible singing, 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump's border wall, I still think she's joshing me, all while I'm regularly pulling pots from under the kitchen sink, filling them with scolding water frightnight to amazing Grace, they each, each, as described by Jude, like our leaders religious, political, monetary to social media/HD viewing, they each had holes in them; a threat since 2015 of 99 bowls of water, 2019 a hand writing 99 bowls of molten lava, Aug 2019 a handwriting  clumsily escape Yellowstone; 2021 there’s some bout a threaten Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE and June 2023 revisit the Ben Affleck Armageddon and in real time, Chernobyl April Spring 08 2024 an Eclipse of the sun has what could an erupting with volcanoes doomsday comet headed for it! So not clean what it was intravenous Angels been translating my Memphis grand into US Georgia Coast, into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic actually before they were born, is no longer a Mystery; no longer the Mysery why for decades during every near Solar to Cosmic to nuclear they’ve snatched us off the planet yes, but only as two thirds the way apparently our ascension assignment of interceding The Tribulation Saints!"     >>>"Oh my mouth gaping, sinking into my knees, tears, bringing just as transcended transfixed Nicholas Edin along she was right there it was Identical to what mrmbb333 subscriber had seen, you felt that, hear that? Only like it’s pulling them, begging to summoning them right up, in, yeah my ears feel funny, look the hairs on my arms, your arms look at your head, mine, Yesh your too, this is as close as we get; remember what Intokd you what it felt like touching his hand, Yesh and he explained every born again the planet felt its transcending possession well this Nicholas looks like what that extraordinary felt, hey can we just sit right here for fur a time, we can’t fall asleep, remember what happened last time, then set a timer, I can’t my watch us spinning and WiFi is zapped okay let’s go back, no let’s stay we start feeling overwhelmed,  more so than now then we go! How the heck Maaseiah did you know? Because also created in in their image we a spiritual connection as well as a physical to scientific one. Ah this breezeway is just yummy, you’re yummy, how can heaven be anything beyond this, my being there loving Nicholas as often as I have, it just is!     >>>{{{"Now here this, Lord Urusalem speaking, wondering is this what she prayed down from heaven its universal language? If you are up here two thirds the way ascended, be quiet everybody grand Maaseiah speaks “and you still have loved one on the planet make surely their names are on Michael’s List. Like Father Abraham’s Lot your faithfulness intercedes for them!}}} {{{This messages will repeat every half hour of silence!}}}     >>>“You was saying Lord Chrisprix,  oh I saw golden boy Caleb like Rev 17:24 Jesus Husband he’s a collector to translator of divine children; also like the little Miya girl surveyor, translator you mean, the elephant in the room since the snatching of some Memphians outa underground Anubis territory a Memphis niece, of Abraham’s daughter has taken little Miya place, I'm just saying her Memphis grand just witnessed her school on top of her by a Pompeii movie, New Madrid quake! Wow Memphis Carter another stampeding of elephants of reveal? I admit I caught reveals in her reveal most don’t but think that’s why I am! Like marvel not the stampeding of Islamic parents, possibly from an outbreak of raining storms planet wide, of standing with GOD against same gender school curriculums, into what was apparently a Safehaven school gym. hey, hey hey, cheerfully sticking his head in the door. y’all better come El Shaddai done caught wind of something y’all know what happened the last time, yeah that transporting portal, oh wow!     >>>"Wait does that say for winged creatures only? Believe me its assessable you can watch, enjoy, perhaps ride! Ride, did he say ride? You just can’t fly, oh, keep it to yourself this place is by visitation only, meaning you don’t know it's here until you’re here knowing it’s here. Huh? Just come quietly, you’re not here, oh my god that the amazing wowing surmised portal in sky phenom mrmbb333 just showed us, you sure we’re not inside Brightville space compilation if we’re two thirds Lord Meneus ascended, oh right, right, no more simulations, ah nawww, sirens blaring, I thought we had time, everybody get to their prayer assignments you got like ten minutes, oh meet me back here, don’t bring anyone, just you, yourself!  Actually Nicholas love they’re all Jonah’s in disobeying God and wondering like Trump’s previous admin and Biden Harris now why mass disaster are following them whatever they say, wherever they go even the highest resident in the land to planet marvel not that flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of Biden/Harris Whitehouse. marvel not their error Nethanuhue is so outta control right, yeah I just heard, they're, well the US is  holding back some weapontry going in but at the same time allowing billions of dollars worth such a dang contridiction, I admit, i got concern when you asked would US troops have to invade upon their wown Frankenstein Nethanyue, itsbeginning to seem they might have too, or simply stop allying them, that's what i saw Nicholas, US/Nato its affliates could no longer ally Israel, please ask me why? ah I think I know, my god, Aug 5, 2021 Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM,  its very date revisit, it's Aug 5, 2018, two of their world systems skyrocketed to fire-rocked, off and since that include, the snatching out of the Holy Church Bride, is a catastrophe on the planet all it own, right don't be using any type of public transportation when this happen, nor be anywhere near traffic, pretty much how the TV flashforward begin with an all of sudden all world-wide apocalypse, count so far millions dead, injured to missing! So in your own personal, all of sudden flashforward a locating by phone Brad Pitt and Jolie kids which of these categories, ah, clearly without excuse, stunk in multimillion man traffic? Right, like Maaseiah, who's really on Archangel's List and can during this unimaginably horrid times, actually call on them? I don't Nicholas I'm feeling the over all promise, whosoever call on Jesus shall be saved, so whosoever are faithful enough to all on intravenous angels. So you're saying this list isn't fixed? You know who, where, how Michael's List originated, wasn't mine was a page torn out, so you tell me."     >>>"I'm just saying Tribunal Juttah, undoubtedly this is the interstellar to aerial Star Wars arcade, hundreds of millions to billions of people taken out of the way, so we supposed to think fallen angels just gonna let that happen? Supposed this enormous arrival updated, Sept BETA 5, 2023 was AODHF second heaven intercession to be with the Jesus Holy Saints, Archangel Michael THEM Holy Saint and leading captivity captived The Two Olive Branches Tribulations saints, by this time are all in the billions waiting around the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet. Wait, am I  just now realizing I’ve played the role that of both Holy Bride, standing a cloud, waiting a cloud, balloon and balloon with escaping them and Tribulation Bride, medicating their sickbeds most notably Hawaii missile morning: yeah Maaseia,  like marvel not the little Memphis boy sitting his porch sitting mom's lap asking that for nuclear apocalyptic Christmas 2021, the favor owe be in clean, drinking water! And Nicholas Edin the factor owed, what am I drinking, a new wine, sissy asked we try, as so this lime, Chicken recipe, what I owe, know these reveals by a Dec 24/25 2001, demo were about grand, grand sister, my aunt murdered four days later, here, a really, really, really referenced concerning dangerous to deadly events a Pharmacy Back turn counter to its Syed Farook, (Islamic end days reign); high-jacking Parking Lot! I'd been so tremendous busy, jumping from Highrise buildings, tracking down this beast, stalking killing by day, hiding underground by night, I'd gotten turn around, and someone this house, where this boy sat with his mom, was Nicholas gonna show me the way home, and according grand, grand, it's the area Memphis, Poplar, Highland, her grandma lived, so that's the authentic connection."  Looking at the clock, it's time we get back, yeah, help me finish this, I'm really full, ah, get a carryout box, I'll going to be excused, met you at the exit. yes, can I get a to go plate. Tribunal Coogan, right? Right, I also thought you look familiar, yeah, I'm close to your godtriplets,  Preece Avra, let me get your box so that was Grand Sia Maaseiah, wow, I'm told, how stunning, especially her eyes, wasn't even close, so Avra, you're Tombola bound, already married, expecting, ah, already have an Aqua Juttah match, its sixth day and undecided, and here I'm talking to the husband of the queen wife of wedding extravaganza's you better run, she's looked at the time several times, well you know there's a helpline you call for making these types decisions, sweet sleep Avra, blessed sleep, you two also, thanks so much, welcome so much. So what was that? Avra if I heard right, he's his sixth night of it seventh of decision making his Aqua Juttah genealogy, I don't want to startle, but he is so familiar, yeah I said the same, no Nicholas, the demo,  the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh I first met in a restaurant setting, look just like him, Nicholas, at the root of those demos, end of being three, was predicting as at present a plethora of storms that were coming, and, and, one including churches filling up with stampeding people who  choirs  were shown locking clueless parishes into highchair traps. meaning his just approaching you and carrying on like that was not a coincidence.  Wow Maaseiah, I don't know why I'm surprised anymore, anyway I remind there's a help desk he can call to help with these decision, that Nicholas, remember in one the demos, prophesied hour manifested in flesh was also tremendously overwhelmed by decision making, even why he's come to me. realizing all that I just wonder Nicholas who is she, his Aqua Juttah match that has him so knotted up, you said it his first name Arva, if I heard right, that's a rare name, but knowing that and his assignment post, ah, ah, ah, he did love mention he's acquainted with our godtriplets, what, most people in the African Juttah don't know that,  you Nicholas think they do but they don't. We really doing this, separating until wayyy  later, you know what I do, and we've passed like three five star hotels already, good day loving man, kiss me like you waiting all our lives, plus I have plans for that, you me'sure Coogan just gonna have to wait!"      >>> {{{“Lord Avra Auriel Zorto to see you,”}}}, thinking that name sound familiar, and to be allowed an urgent, personal meeting. “Yes.  please send him in!”}}} Darius Juttah, pleased thank you, you’re seeing me on short notice! Sure of course, sit, you are the one, yes speaking with your Tribunal Coogan. Right, something a tug of Aqua Genealogy, right if you read here,” carefully laying an opened genealogy in front of her, Avra was the youngest Angel man she’d met so far! “You will see, my dilemma Darius Sia is more connected with you than imagined and only hours to accept or decline, this other.” Grand Sia Maaseiah straightly reading, silently Unto Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons and Lord Avra Auriel Zorto was  born a godson Ayla Trium Spoons, a goddess Aimia Chloe Spoons a godson Antoine Ballerina Spoon a godson, Sibley Lafonte Spoons Zorto.. “I don’t, ah, understand, apparently Lord Avra bringing this urgent mishap to my attention you know Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons is, yes betrothed to godtriplet El Elyon Gabriel Coogan. Curiously your godson. only I’d  accepted this match before I realized. Right, I see, no I was sitting close when they discussed such things as their genealogies changing. Only to be given the chance to themselves correct this flaw. No, no it’s not what you’re thinking, when I search the Aqua Juttah for either of their genealogies there was no such report. You must Darius mean, until the Negeb Ophel Genealogy? Excuse me!” Gasping loud, spinning up a mouth gapping awe, thinking what a mess but was it her mess? Thinking anyway these two were married. expecting, this Avra had to know all that? “I Darius Juttah fear to ask which of these genealogies Darius  Goddess Ajiah womb will give heed to; is there such a possibility. is this the hold up, her conceiving, even? Truly I didn’t think of such things, went on to this otherwise choice until I overheard she and Godtriplet Elyon Gabriel yet to conceive, even having problems. What if? I’m thinking, fearing even for us all, what if? Like you are Darius Maaseiah, thinking, stressing, what if? I have to be honest Lord Avra with the inclusion of the Negeb Ophel genealogy I’m too a tug of uncertainty, trending in unknown waters. Positive the Aqua Juttah will have to be stalled, yours and theirs, possibly the entire African Juttah, until Avra I conference with The African Juttah Tribunal. I can’t tell you how relieved I am I did seek advice, like Darius Coogan advised. I trust you all know however we’re to settle this pressing matter, ah, blessed day Darius Maaseiah, sweetheart sleep. Thinking no doubt you’ll keep in touch, as soon as the next noon hour, I assure you; blessed Godspeed, Lord Avra Auriel. Oh my god is Christ what is happening, is that way her genealogy changed, is that why she’s not conceiving? {{{“Yes, hello, yes this is Darius Sia Maaseiah calling an emergency meeting, The Global Center, all tribunals, your advocates have 30 minutes, blessed day, sweet sleep!”}}} Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

Michigan declares first tornado emergency in state's history record,


Bout time you guys understand why they used Eze 9 as a barbershop, bathroom shaving mirror my Georgia home to portray as Ezekiel’s people equally endangered by a GOD of wrath, a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone; incoming Devil comet Threaten last month 


I know, there’s using Ad Astra to Babylon Brad Pitt and movie Eternals Red Carpet preview, Jolie Kids, witnessing an encroaching guerrilla war, that was a month prior;  a double room hotel stay hide away like atop multimillion man traffic jams before Angels start snatching theirs out


Apostle I am and wayyy more explain some of the most catastrophic of reveals referred to a build up of torture, of rescuers to a call of all ambulances to duty; the building I saw up to my Grand schools with her in it could’ve been tornatic instead of tectonic. 


Knowing also the ABC David Muir and his entire 2020 election night broadcast found debating as Jesus’ day Religious, manipulative, deadly religious/political leaders while lending over my kitchen of revelation, cooking stove; I know the mockery’s of news Engines, lately/ devouring Mortal Engines bating bringing them into our home, here’s speaking literally. Frightnight to amazing Grace like GOD warn Ezekiel I couldn’t get in a word in edgewise; to something bout two little, future in News Reporting Asian girls and taking predicted frig, its lemons and making revealing lemonade instead of deceiving cool-aid, something plaguing Biden/Harris WH, some bout ABC News David Muir soon reporting one US death by Covid every 20 seconds with  “they’re incubating people in San Bernardino yet pending! 


SEE MORE HERE EVEN AUG 5 2021 REV 11:7-12 HE WILL KILL YOU, SABBATH DAY. THE MIDDLE OF MAIN STREET! Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, 09, 2024/1986


Watch! RUN! Live! For I Come At An Hour You Think not! 

Marvel not tribulation saints are mocked to stamped blinking of an eye tribe!; game play actually an auction and the huge sheep enslaved tribulation saints! 

Saying MOUNTAINS (PREP), Fall On US, Hide Us!

Seeing the Holy Church Bride prep Dan 2 stone and Rev 6, 6th seal John mock us running to mountains for cover, The predicted to go nuclear Sun has had scary sunspots going on two years now; some earth directed that could set up back to watch Noah build the Ark! Then there’s to solve conspiracies whether Lucifer and his millions to minions been busy on planet earth since the dinosaur days? 

The Matrix in retrograde, how we got here, suddenly 190 years lost, The TIFF EMP/CME are set to timers. Both a particular hour, Rev 3/18, a particular nanosecond within this hour I Cor 15:51-58. Instantly we’re no more this planet skyrocketing, fire-rocketing, some indefinitely, some temporarily, you, yours? HBOW/Apb

Waking HUSSEIN Obama’s July 27/28 2023 To Calculations Of Death Tolls Britain 25 Million, Canada 25 Million That’s 100 Million Westerners Dead; 

Error Islam/Hussein, Burning Bush/Clinton/ Bush; Burning Obama/TRUMP/Biden Aligned To 50 Million US Dead 

Frightnight to rolling twilight 

Skies Oklahoma like California 

is marked on the map, Louisiana commanded destroyed and I’ve warn even Elon Musk to The Chosen Dallas Jenkins about Texas. Predicted triple great tribulations Oct 17, 2021 while Dragon BEAST reign the next 7 years Dan 9:27/Rev 11;1, 2, Rev 13:5, 

Also See here,; here, Rev 7/Rev 17:17; This pastor and many others are conspiring we’re in a tug of weather warfare, Rev 7:1, 2 remind GOD control all these forces and Rev 17:17 remind HE puppeteer all world leaders, ALL according to HIS WILL! Take heed Rev 3 JESUS as Mat 24 JESUS suggest we run outa the way of it, Gen 15 Lot and Family to Rev 12 intravenous Angels advice us where! 

YouTube Keeping It Dutch, Direct Hit From Giant Tornado TOTAL EVACUATION Of The Neighborhood via @YouTube

The Matrix White Rabbit WOKE. How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go! 

There’s three of my most catastrophic of revealing the prophesied hour Rev 3/Rev 18, manifested in the flesh, a tug of indecision he was. Further each predict a build up of storms, a build up of rescuers, while a build up of MEDE torture vehicles are imminent; marvel not while California was having its most recent Noah’s cousin event and College Campuses were predicted to go chaotic, deadly. I heard all ambulances called to duty and witnessed school buildings on top of Hawaii dominoing into Memphis children! HBOW/Apb  


The Dramatic FSS Taking And Shaking Of MY Shoulders By Intravenous ALL Around THEM Saying Great Tribulations Great Tribulations Great Tribulations! 

Marvel not a warn Eze 5 God for stampeding his, designing mass disasters; Ben Affleck Armageddon to Batman VS Superman beware of Aliens dangers from above; they, we weren’t alone, they were all forced to run; Lot and Family, TOWER OF BABEL world migration, Moses and The Hebrews; those Isaiah 16 saw escaping Frankenstein to a predicted Hitler’s Germany type Netanyahu right now; 

Frightnight to Amazing GRACE those John saw pouring into heaven, actually those over comers we’re ascending to intercede; There’s those of my witness as a Hussein took office and Trump after him, pouring into US Georgia’s COAST to crossover into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. all forced by cataclysms of GOD’S design; because running saves lives, snd saving lives LIKE JESUS saves souls; marvel not Mat 24/Rev 3 Catastrophist Jesus THE CHRIST, told HIS FSS, WATCH. RUN! HBOW/Apb


LIKE THIS BEFORE - PREPPERS B... via @YouTube; -Frightnight to rolling twilight skies these extremes in weather is happening across the planet; that multimillion man single water-cooler is about losing planet home and being offered by a Mystery Woman  carrying more, now blacken judgment bowls mansions in heaven, this replacement but how many feel like Kane Brown he got heaven right here! 

See here Isa 16/Rev 7. YouTube @mondejour, Stay until the end and watch the older guy vibe with us 😌🔥; I know what’s to dance about tens of millions no more this planet, hundreds of millions escaping for their souls. Frightnight to dancing Hallelujahs all around, Moses and Miriam sanged crossing the Red Sea; here’s the dance Archangel Michael’s List, crossing us over the Atlantic Ocean into Mother’s Africa exile luxury! HBOW/Apb
