Knowing A New Heaven And Earth; LET GO!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Knowing As The Days of Noah’s We’re A Noah’s Cousin To Aqua Era With A Ben Affleck Armageddon/ YELLOWSTONE/Barter Blan Toll Both Multimillion Man grocery Strong, stirring in some about Rev 9 warning and those who didn’t die by the plague, relented not; marvel not a leopard skin, spot backward letter C bio-pandemic!

Ezekiel’s Knowing, And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day.

4 For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God.

5 And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them,

Following Mat 10 Jesus explaining why he speak in parables And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

To mocking the backward letter C bio- pandemic as the multimillion dollar a commercialization of Jeremiah 13, mocked incorrigible as their sins leopard spots, marvel not Bush pushing across all guilty US Prizes Into Burning Biden witnessed passing their war horse to Prophet hand writing like take a message from Jeremiah 37:8 cursed strong delusions to Dan 4 madness/Fast And Furious Ludacrist not only a witnessed Dec 3, 2017 of their stampeding elephants of staying unaware but only a couple months now. 2024, they’re this witnessed both Feb 2015 and Feb 2019 a panic run on a pharmacy Matrix blue pills, marvel legal drugs aligned like western leaders to the end of everything they treasure and the fast and furious speed as granted race cars for escaping molten lava flooding;


Whether they hear or whether they forebear for they are a prudent people, they will know a prophet of GOD is among them; HBOW/Apb

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor. RED ALERT - THEY ARE HERE - US MILITARY UNDER ATTACK via @YouTube

Revisited By Every Killer US Hurricane Since Burning Bush Katrina For as far back as Gog and Magog BUSH 1999 we’re warn FSS NO MORE GOOD DAYS! STOP DECEIVING OURSELVES!

Three Years Before Backward Letter C US bio-Covid; “ KILL ALL PARENTS BY; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!


-Promised I was done commenting here, you guys refusing even Mat 24/Rev 18 Jesus suggesting running alone saves hundreds of millions: even billions! Waking recurring 2016 Senator Obama/JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN descent into billions dead, July 27/28 2023! There’s the calculating of death tolls Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million, one hundred million westerners dead;

Here’s adding FSS Bush as Netanyahu right now, error Islam 50 million US dead/two thirds his Israel to Holy Land no more, proven to be evident one third left pouring into exile luxury Isaiah 16's Sela!Jer 29 letter of recommending Exile Luxury Who just watched Disney’s Dr Who last episode,73 yards; the standoffish whispering, horrifying elderly woman? Imagine she’s terrifying beyond imagination every approachable ear!

There’s error Islam, US Pres Bush/Clinton Bush; error Islam Obama/TRUMP/Biden; whispering at them these identical death tolls. Only Gog and Magog to an army of Anubis demons disguised they like you don’t flinch. Soon two US quarters earth inherit dead and after death, judgment, HELL! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Brightside. There's Something Strange Going on With the Sun via @YouTube: the same I said, 1992/1993 my first born grand soon to be 31/32, I'm standing outside, looking into the sun, as a splinter in my brain, I just couldn't figure it, see 592/593 Eze 8 also.

Rev John 4, And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.Hoping my neighbors hadn’t, I’d been noticing for a while whenever I frequent US GA backyard twilight, rain, sleet, snow the sunlight intervenes filled with denial it’d come undeniable; marvel not waking April 9, 2024 from this whispering in my ear, as one assuring the two witnesses Rev 11:1-14, he will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street!

Presently the May 10, 2024 a not for 500 years solar event, recurring even now, the word NOW itself decorated with blinking multicolored lights of caution, also a translation to skyrocketing event, May 3-June 10, 37 day countdown also revisit grand Caden May 31 2022, assisted by Archangel entering heaven through a hole;

Soon the HUGEST Sun EVER/revisits July/Aug 2023 HUGER May 10 TIPP CME/EMP even as I write and you read 2024 solar events, recurring charged particles, CME AFTERMATH by more warn 2019 dangerous air travel to unprecedented flood to tornadic storms! HBOW/Apb see more here,

I was standing in a high place staring up at the sun, wait that’s also only minutes past that Rapture Spring April 8,2024 Eclipse/ incoming Devil Comet, when a hand swiped a huge cloud away and the sun spot lighted on me alone, yes! Though, I was standing outside teary eyed, Spring 1992/93 not yet remembering witnessing The Sunlight of God HIMSELF prepping Mat 9/Rev 8 Jesus prayed after laborers; I’m looking up at the sky thinking as of this title something strange is going on with the Sun;

Spring Rapture 2009 penny store, damsel in distress, Sun, slowly descending, shift-shaping until it's a metamorphosis of a diamond carved, crystal dove, brides chariot!

Spring Rapture 2002, Gods Throne, Sunlight shockingly rising from behind a Mt Sinai type oddly commanding as Moses day, we his Hebrew’s exodus SW Africa’s recurring repatriation, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, fast and furious escape, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”


Spring rapture 2019 The Sun Rising behind the name Luther, searching the word Sun through my for decades links’ prophecy. Honestly I’d forgotten this one; I’ve always had it SUNLIGHT OF GOD, LABORERING GODS BACK TURN THRONE/DOME saying to Moses Memphis Apostle I Am, LET MY PEOPLE GO!

The same as set my people free, as Jesus explaining to Gov Pilate he’d come verifying the truth but so had Rev, Dr Martin Luther King both unimaginably martyred accordingly! Marvel not soon exiting earthbound outreach; doom Entering earthbound outreach The Two Olivet Branches being warn. Chernobyl, April 09, Spring Rapture, "He will kill you, sabbath day, the middle of Main Street/(Sodom and Egypt); Star Warriors AODHF./JCON/JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM!

YouTube, NBC NEWS. Many dead and injured after strong winds bring down stage at campaign ra... via @YouTube

See here, here,;

The Mass Disasters Of Editing In And Out of World leaders. Error Bush; Clueless Obama; Heartless Trump; Naïve Biden All Aligned To A Quick 50 Million US Dead!

Marvel not we witness a stone Anubis UNDERTAKER, come to life, stretch his bow and launch an arrow; before The US Capital Riots and presently some of the worsening national to international Pro Palestinian Protest!

Politics, Like I explained days past even Rev 17:17 puppet Netanyahu wars is bringing the Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE April Spring Rapture 17, (2025) Antichrist reign front and center. Last I heard, Sept BETA 22/23 (2015): “there’s something about Cameron,” (see the signing of the UK blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/ Blaexit; next I know a Grand Caden/Cameron mix and I were boarding a craft skyrocketing us to since revealed, (2011), second heaven intercession for interceding Rev 13:5 quoted, tribulation saints. .

-Marvel not revisiting for a year appearing in my phone, this counting down 37 days weather alert. Soon some bout the hugest SUN, CME TO EMP threat, hottest planet, Atlantic ocean to days, hottest 4th of July to strongest ever hurricane, LEE; here’s another as Oct 11 2022 hammering only this time, June 4 2023 post-apocalyptic a not for 500 years May 2024 SOLAR event, here’s witnessed June 10, 2023, skyrocketing us Rev 17:14 Lamb Of God, Jesus’ husband! HBOW/Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen Goddess Bridegroom 
Goddess Amphitrite and King Bridegroom Lord Bastian,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Goddess Amphitrite/Lord Bastian, Unto Goddess Eirene/Lord Diaprepes, Unto Goddess Dia/Lord Azaes, Unto Goddess Godess Lamia/Mestor, Unto Goddess Herophile/Elasippus, Unto Goddess Rhode/Autochthon, Unto Goddess Charybdis/Mneseus, Unto Goddess Kymopoleia/Evaemon, Unto Goddess Bentthesikyme/Ampheres, Unto Goddess Aithousa/Gadeirus, Unto Goddess Euadne/Unto Goddess Athena / Atlas/Unto Goddess Despoena/Onchis

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"Heyyy, no crouching tiger, I'm kinda getting used to waking with you like watching me sleep; an astonishing bareness herself, raising, smooching, his bare back, even a tickle, his ear, "hey, talk to me, it's just when you think Holy Father God Is kinda beyond astonishing you, ah me, us I guess, then this unspeakable, you, Maha this incredible, us Evden Blazely; how long you been sitting here, sitting here mesmerized, frozen even, I'd never, I didn't, ah any way I'm starving because I can't move, and the wedding extravaganza is our way of sharing our immortal vows, in only days. Here, here, give me your hands, but if I stand, you know, not if we do this,. okay, okay we look like greek gods, we look like, Holy Saints, wrapped in linen clean. Sooo, we can try the kitchen or rooms service, who Maha ever knew Africa could be so deliciously absorbent; okay, room service it is, I mean we are honey mooning, come see this, what are those? I look up a lot of animals, I think that's in the, Gazelle family, oh my god is that your stomach! I know, I told you I was hurry, we could shower, dress, no, no, I like it being just us for now, I don't wanna share what we found, okay I'm ordering everything on the breakfast menu, yeah well I think I can eat everything on the breakfast menu." Just think how beyond amazing all this is, we've done nothing to deserve it, yeah but HE doesn't want anything, but our acceptance, I'm gonna set up a hot sauna, you listen for breakfast, yes ma'am, good, I love you, I love you too Maha, didn't know how much until we were apart. Breakfast is knocking, you get it, ah save me some, maybe I will, maybe I won't, I can tell you, black eyes Evden Bazely, don't go with the wedding extravaganza, is that a threat? Ah my God don't chase me, please, please, I'm sorry, I take it back, ah my god, yeah you better run, I'm coming!" >>>"Oh, no, who's crouching tiger now? You right, that's kinda creepy waking to you stooping, gulking, just staring at me, wait!" Suspiciously up to his elbows, noticing she doesn't look so good, so comfortable. "you're in pain, how long you been there? I think I'm stuck, Maha___, Jumping up, over to her, figuring it out, getting it right. Okay, okay, I'm just gonna pick you up, be careful, my Lord Maha, what were you thinking? I wasn't, I was stressing the approaching wedding hour, I couldn't sleep, I rolled off to my praying knees and, well now my knightly rescuer, you know, the rest. You don't know it, but my dad still does that, yank my mom into his arms, neck even, from wherever she's fallen asleep or other, but I think the most stunning part Evden, is she still let him; no doubt, stressed by my stress, stressed Evden Bazely, by our human being, I'mma, ah, massage you, be gentle, ah, yeah, lotion, please don't do this again, you hurt, I hurt. Well you please, when I can walk again take me out with you, the park, pub even theater, I promise. Now how does that feel? As fantastic Edven Bazely Holstrom as you are Fantastic, Fantastic then, Fantastic wife Mahaseiah."     >>>"Waking straight up, fanning curious awareness all-around an astonishing, seeming presidential suite, thinking, but how? They were just fondly wrapping up the wedding extravaganza, "just saying wonderful man, if you think these paradisiacal newlywed suites are something else don't look outside that sliding glass, wall. You know you're talking to the one who just discovered, y'all's, that phenom mystery island, like no way it's this planet. Just saying, what's out there Evden Bazely," feeling his weight leave the bed, the shuffling of his feet nearing bedazzling her, is beyond. No, no, no, Sia Darius Mahaseiah, there's no beyond what I saw, ah my god, you're saying, Evden, it knocked me off my feet to my butt, elbows, all, flooring me. Ah my God why are they doing this to us, how we're to withstand it all? Written in scripture all through, it all exist Evden for our amusement; eyes Evden Bazely, haven't seen, nor new wife, Mahaseiah hath ears heard," saying together, "neither hath it entered in the hearts of men, this Evden Bazely!" Yanking these pleated curtains back, a wowing, blowing, flooding him, socks flying off his feet, all, that's, ah, swallowing, choking away frog, after frog to rushing emotional tears, that's, ah, ah, the, ah my, Maha, that's the Milky Way, and the hugest skyfall Edven Bazely I've ever seen. My god, that's, that's, ah, not possible, I know I was flabbergasted, floored the same, no way believing this. You know you're saying, ah, the phenom Milky Way is right outside our looking glass, window? I know, when I saw it, that's not possible, I thought of Grand Sia mom, saying Grand, Grand reading an article or so, wait, wait, wait, are those triangle darts, whoa... my god, is that how we got here? Well look at the clouds, like really close, wha, wha is that, wait, Maha, what, is that, what am I seeing? Those are Triangle Mother ships, not just clouds, wait, Grand Sia Mom ballooning with us all, cloud and possibly Evden how we just appeared here, Evden!" Seeing him stumble back sickly, a missed seat the bed to the floor, tears trigging down, look, Grand, Grand saw this article, about The Milky Way, like how it'd been relocating outta earth's solar system, so to speak, for thirty years. How Evden thinking thirty years remind Sia Grand, Grand that's about how long it'd been since Mal 4 described Sunlight Of God appeared in those same heavens to her, telling her to come up to him, three times, how one possibly had, how one Maha possibly had to do with the other. Possibly, how THE CHRIST and HOLY saints witnessed by her, even them Maha, into Second Heaven Intercessions could've like knocked some planetary bodies, like the Milky Way onto different rotating, trajectories." Stunn, at Mahaseiah witness, moving up into the sliding glass wall, again mind-blowingly investigating these heart palpitating to mind-blowing, planetary marvels. Don't forget Maha love, Grand Sia mom witnessing John's Mighty Angel once standing on foot the Planet, one the Sea, standing US BC West Pacific, possibly Evden referencing seeing Lord Urusalem standing up there, like I reminded, witnessing that cloud balloon and balloon with capturing us into second heaven Intercessions. So like can we go out there, even Maha love, should we? Listen really well, hear it? What am I listening, ah god, my god, I do, I hear it, now peep off, your seeing its way, the crystal streams are blinding but if you look, really, I see them," stinging, running emotions re-appearing, "I see, they're already out there. So Maha love is this permanent? I know," striking at his tear stain cheeks, taking his hand, leading him her way, he easily, lovingly being lead. "I been asking myself that since I woke, help me undress, I'll Evden help you, that isn't just a sauna, my god we have a, skyfall, hot springs our own! Only, Evden Bazely Holstrom enjoy, nothing of this is permanent, I mean there's the resurrection ascension of Holy Bride's, The Two Witnesses and The Tribulation Saints; the marriage supper of the Lamb; the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet," both of them undressing into the private, steaming waterfalls, neither them shy of their incredible nakedness any longer, "Jesus Maha Millennium Reign; there's the judgment of the nations and the most regretted of all Great White Throne Judgment," both cuddling romantically, adorably in tuned to that remarkably, unspeakable all around, inside, outside. "Grand Sia mom, Maha, page torn out of the Lamb's book of life, and possibly come star warring Archangel Michael's List, to her Evden own book of remembrance, means there's plenty hope still, those unrepentant, more like tribulation Saints, but yeah. Apostle John saying he looks and see descending, a new heaven and a new earth, a new Mother Jerusalem, grand Sia a New Paradise Mother Africa, descending, and here we are, finally post phenomenal wedding extravaganza itself, these beyond anything comprehensive ever or ever again, Milky Way to Planetary sky falls." >>>"Hey sleeping beauty, you better come," witnessing him swapping his eyes glossing over into new tears as he said. What's happen? We're no longer the runaway Milky Way, nor, nor that mothership of a skyfall. "What?" Rushing at her this cottony house robe, seeing her throw off covers, fly into the looking wall, it was all gone and for now, nothing but blank space. "So beloved Mahaseiah Unique Coogan, under the cover of night they relocated us again? No, I don't think so, don't you sense it?" This deepening look of curiosity of realizing to figuring it out and what a doozy of a reveal. "No, we're in flight, wha, even in orbit and I bet Evden there's a total of three Mothership triangle crafts, seven Juttah couples each. Ah my god, can't you see we're not just touring we're conscience Evden Bazely Holstrom during our next triangle craft, orbiting adventure. Ah my god Maha, supposed all those times Grand Sia mom witnessed us from up here, prayed down to us from there, landed here, Evden, the second heavens she explained it, didn't like it much, wondered why THEY arrived us only two thirds the way? You know, look they're signaling breakfast served, and I just bet that looking window is a still imagine. You was saying?" Both moving off thinking what to wear? "You, you Mesure ready a shower, Maha, oh, when Grand Sia mom, just now witnessed the HUGEST SUN EVER, she said she felt assured she was up there Evden looking down to praying down. What's these glistening tears again? All of this planetary phenomenon, still my wife Godtriplet Mahaseiah Unique Coogan, in all her naked glory overwhelms her husband the more. I can actually say, during my crouching tiger just now, all I could think, I do love you beyond description, the same here, now you lovely, lover husband gonna wash my back? Like can we Maha bite each other first, make sure its all real, where being our choice, I'm hungry, temptress serenading could take hours, so a raincheck to bite each other into reality later? Yes, love to, now hurry out, we're on board possibly the same triangle craft that whisk Grand, Grand to Grand Caden off the planet, ah my god, ah. my, my god? Flopping the bed this awe, bringing her wondering right along. I know what you thinking, first I'm waiting Edven to see how you dress, you're so good at it, and yes, could Grand Caden fireball, Archangel Michael escape through a hole in heaven be what happened next? You waiting on my dress, aren't you a child of Dissausion Fashion Center, world experts? You hear that loving husband, that's my belly, now throw me an ideal dress together and don't ever tell, our newest pinky rings, swear! You're serious? I'm seriously starving, okay, okay, let's see what's to work with, whoa, I love this red bubble blouse, and to die for scissors cut off slacks, and these Maha shoes to give you just the right height while still accenting these killer jeans. Plus, plus, I'll carry over my arm, this literally edible jacket, mine and yours, like accenting us both. There's Maha them, how you even know Romina man, it's them? Clearly for answers and clarity, no wonder she and dear Evden Bazely being rushed upon, by them all running toward them. Whoa, thinking beauty men, Constantine and Chrisprix, Maha been around Grand Sia Dissausion kinda all her life, she was used too these incredible looking men. Only there was still a beyond stunniness about them, especially their drawing you right in, eyes and as usual they were still fancying themselves with her as the one who got away? "So Darius Mahaseiah, we know you know what's going on, or at least we hope you know." Thinking oh yeah, this is a lot like that, what most didn't know, Grand Sia having met The Deburk's males and now being introduced to The Hillsfeet's, males they, both tribes, had a for millennia prophecy about the one born She Maaseiah Adonai. "First I'm glad we're all still in this together, yeah she surmised we're 7 couples each per orbiting, relocating Triangle, Mothership! Ah, I still Evden Bazely believe all that, what, what she's, you're saying?" Actually there'd been a duel, thankfully not to the death, 7 Preecest each per both tribe with one winner each and they both a final duel, again not to the death to take Grand Darius Maaseiah hand in marriage, Unimaginably a covenant to bring both tribes into the African, Global Juttah Tribunal. "You said you still believe that but we're still together, yes, Lord Constantine but only for meals, company and play but not for travel, can't you see we're not just touring triangle crafts, we're in flight to our next assigned, prophetic destiny." Both Tribes, it's single winner Global Tribunal Sioux Noel Deburk to Freedom Doves Cry Hillsfeet both settled with born Maaseiah Adonai, couldn't have just one husband but the many they being two to make reign as One King Bridegroom, King Zion, again Godtriplet Mahaseiah is thinking to clarifying. "That'd mean each elevator worked as a portal to bring us back together, and now that, that's settled, kinda, yeah Maha and I, we're starved. You guys all ate? Yeah, bragged how African Juttah cooks to cuisines Darius Godtriplet, followed us here. Y'all better come, the still image is clear, we have a huge flying cyclopes beast, two there's one over here too. They're not a cyclopes Preece but an Orpanim, to Cherubim to Seraphim. I used to be one, before the fall, the mutiny to war in heaven, wait, Romina you used to look like that? All of US Angel men here, you call us, once did, the Orphanim, Cherubim to Seraphim. We were there, when they were there, keepers of Edens Gardens, saw, felt, experience, suffered, again suffered everything," his growing more and more sorrowful, aggressive, telling. "Agreed, it's innocence to disobedience to like our own banishment, they're harmless as the one's Lord Ezekiel witnessed seeing Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER Chariot, the taking of His Grace from Temple Israel. Possibly Darius Godtriplet the failure of his people, King Solomon offering of temple Israel to Wailing Wall, they were suggested to repent. Now, if we could see the reer view, there's no doubt, four in all. They are as Darius Tribunal Godtriplet, Mahaseiah Unique says taking us on our next fantastic, Intrepid adventure. Yes, Darius Juttah, Ancient Of Days aligning us with Genesis marriage worshippers, HIS Grace and HIS Mockery. But ah, Lord Romina are you suppose to tell us all that, tell you all what? She knows, I don't know, what it is I know, until I know it, yes, why religious leaders then, now despise so, run nails so, but your Grand Sia, Darius mom, just witnessed the hammering of fulfilling prophetic, Apocalyptic events is twice now Lamb Of God Jesus Husband. You did Godtriplet Mahaseiah look, look wedding extravaganza, she cringes every time I say, Maha, then , are you still as famish? Before you answer, I, we, can hear your stomach, growling belly, breaking them all into laughter, including Evden Bazely, both sweet and bitter, just where were these Orpahim taking them? Where Mahaseiah to Angel men are they taking us, beyond the Milky Way? There's no taking us beyond the Milky Way, so to earth, they're taking us home. There's no beyond the Milky Way are you saying while we're sleeping to translating we're passing up both Paradise second and third heaven, no, there's no passing up awaiting us second to third paradise heaven. How long are they gonna keep us together? You Mahaseiah, you Evden Bazely have your fill we should get along with touring, don't y'all think? All beginning to walk Lord Chrisprix way, of making sense of them being three triangles assigned. If I had my guests I think, it just feel a lot like Brightville Space Center, so, Lord Preece Edison, you think the Brightville is a triangle craft? They all walking off, toward the elevators talking, conspiring. "Y'all do know Grand Sia's shared YouTube Dutchsinse, the reason she speak in Dutch concerning seismic events, he think Yellowstone Caldera was once a space port, as so other areas. Baby love, Mahaseiah, you're just standing here, so still, so shocked," he guessed, yeah, I love this bubble top, can't keep my eyes off," he, Evden Bazely himself not realizing until now, standing around them, bringing her, even them their way, were the new wives of such Angel men," and Maha this clever hair style Preecest Monarch says remind of Star Wars Character AHSOKA, all him, all Evden Bazely; Like marvel not, the stars wars to interstellar Armageddon, grand Sia mom heard during all around divinity, to heavenward performances of getting Holy Church Bride up to assuring destiny, Lord Israel, HOLY Bridegroom. Baby love," brushing new tears away, napkins all, really concern, since the Angel men reveal, she's yet to speak. You're scaring me, we'll bring the banquet table to you, I'm okay, You sure? Apparently Edven our, your and mine wedding extravaganza is more than, I mean evidently aligned to Genesis Angel men, marriages, so Godtriplet, Darius, no, don't call me, ah, you, I'm Maha, to Mahaseiah, do not exalt me. As so my husband Evden I will serve ourselves, please catch up with the others, thanks for all this, you're most welcome Maha, see you two soon. What if Evden," readying both their plates, only now brunch being served, there's putting in order all of days reveals allowed both Grand, Grand Sia and Grand Sia mom, beginning and ending with Sunlight Of God, Chernobyl Spring Rapture, we are love on our, oh, you're talking The Godangels. You know that'd make Russia's Chernobyl the climax of all wars, like King Nebuchadnezzar witnessing world nations thousands of years into history come presently reigning Bride launched Dan 2 stone dust and wind. Then Maha, like star warring to Holy Lords to Grand Sia warn, Maha, we can't trust nothing we've seen concerning this war, predicted to claim 100 million in Westerners, not including Israel Predicted to lose two thirds. Kinda meaning THEY all Red Dragon them to Archangel Michael THEM did star war Holy Church Bride escape and Grand sitting her bedroom heard it all live. Frightnight, no more Evden Bazely this staged to pretending safehaven anywhere this planet except their assigned, designed territories," pulling her chair free, they both wanting, needing to catch up with the others. Howbeit all, not the continuity of America WEST RULE but blessed Royal Priesthood, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit. "Please baby love, let's catch the others, yes, let's hurry, I agree. Imagine Evden, not just knowing Intravenous Triangle Crafts but by the infinite knowledge of man but these Angelmen. Readying an elevator, wondering how much time did they have left until they're all again their assigned crafts and for how long? You remember your response to Romina accusing you of knowing, ah yeah, even that response Evden Bazely, a pop up reveal itself." >>>"Gee, Evden Bazely, what perfect buttocks you have," waking straight up, literally falling outta bed, crawling, scrambling towards his commy, Maha, stinging, hot tears designing his nose, cheeks, his chest, Maha is that you, please God that I'm not dreaming again, I keep having this creepy recurring dream, godtriplet family the game room to theater, the intercom comes on, Edven Bazely Holstrom, you're wanted in arrivals, we sat there, Heyson and I others disputing it can't be you, you never be so publicized, then why, whom? Again the intercom sound, Frightnight once we're there we're flabbergasted it is you, something odd happens I can't remember and waking here, crazed, sweating, ah now crying, gee Evden Bazely, what perfect buttocks you have, the better to sit with you and adore all your beauty, godtriplet, Darius, Mahaseiah! Wait, since when are you so familiar with my buttocks? First your persistent crouching tiger stance, their perfection, plus once while the bath is slightly open you're standing the sink, underwear that's all and I said to myself, and I thought wow, what a perfect butt. What perfect, various means of travel you have, tell me love Maha one is in use bringing you back from punishing me? Maha, please, I get it, I really get it! My Evden Bazely, what a lamb brain you are! Maha, Maha!" Wiping her tears, hearing the wisp of him talking through tears, "oh, Evden Bazely, what a lamb brain you are; I don't have a clue, if I did I wouldn't respond I get it why rushing your return of I'm not ready its wedding bed all? Then why not?Maha, is this real, please no more imaging to imaginary mumbo, jumbo, know, wedding extravaganza or no, if it is you, I will hold you, kiss you head to toe, inside and out, never letting go. Oh, Evden Bazely Holstrom what tempting advances you have, it is you, rushing into her, off her feet, hugs and kisses, I can't believe you're here, both loosing their footing fun, hugging kissing the bed."   
>>>"Remember grand Sia explaining how she woke one morning and all her grands had translated outta Memphis; again June 4/10 2023; their since before they were born Rev 17:14 Jesus’ Husband. Grand my house was full when I went to bed everybody but your truly gone that morning but me, no more mocking born again loved ones! What Aessala man, you here or not? It’s just that I knew she was in the kitchen fixing her some breakfast, she’d just said, asked if I want something? I heard a glass hit the floor, grand you okay? Grand, grand got up to see, nothing in that kitchen but shattered glass, her yet warm food, she was gone and that fast. I can do one better, Sala mine was right behind me, my mom was, sweeping as I rummaged through the frig. I heard the broom hit the floor, looked around that fast she was gone! Then I wake! Like now, you guys are there we can’t see you, you’re silent but you’re there, we can see you, Cressida and I always the same, say the same I wake up as Coco is elbowing me, waking me complaining I’m talking in my sleep, I try explaining and that’s it!” Your grandma know about sll this? My grandma, she isn’t here, died when I was born, another oddity.” Oddity Aessla or warning, which remind does everyone in the African Juttah ascend? Prefect question Lord Arva man, save it for next period Sia Darius Karsiann, I can’t wait! “Calling Lord Avra Auriel Zorto, “my god, speedily packing his bag, what now? {{{“you’re to report to conference room 909; this messages will repeat in 15 minutes}}} Yeah, we know, I think that's Goddess Keisen bailing on me, I held her up with that Preecest Ajiah nonsense she’s getting me back, stood me up last night, ghosting me y’all would say! Probably none of that at all Sala man, then Bailey man could be all of that.” See here, The Ascension : Kingsley and Kieynan, Gone, Soaring Before One Word Passes To Another ( here, The Ascension : The Gone In A Blink Of An Eye, Tribe ( 'Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51:4.CNN

Unto Goddess Keisen Sphiroth Ehuda and Lord Avra Auriel Zorto was born a goddess Allegra Udrey Ehuda a goddess Alasdair Erin Ehuda, a goddess Aymelne Njja Ehuda, a godson, Lessandra Vianna Ehuda Zorto and a godson Ambrosio Brigitte Ehuda, Zorto

Article, Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas

By Adrienne Vogt and Matt Meyer, CNN

Updated 6:15 PM ET, Sat May 18, 2024


Fret not since 800,000 Rafahians has fled Netanyahu is leading the Holy Land exodus. Prophet Isa witness pour into Jordan’s Petra, Apb I am witnessed pour Into Africa’s SW Atlantic, before John watch then pour into Heaven 1,260 days later as scheduled! Apb


I shared plenty until THEY come into my kitchen of reveals ebbing, flowing Feb 2011. Explaining our ascension assignment was to from up there intercede down here The Tribulation Saints ‘given,’ into the hands of The Antichrist, I didn’t like arriving 2.3 the way, would you?


Showing for thousands of years holy laborers like billions descending the multicultural Royal Priesthood divine rest Abraham Bosom/The Holy Church Bride The Two Witnesses/billions Michael’s List waiting ear piercing 7th Angel trumpet Mt Olivet arrival, only at evening there’s light!

YouTube Marfoogle, PICKING SIDES FOR WW3 via @YouTube; I woke as the word College being wiped out into the letter C. my backward letter C bio-pandemic; there’s no telling how many were sickened and die from COVID during Trump’s free for all campaign rallies; marvel not like an ebbing and flowing specific date was wiped out by the word update Sept BETA 22/23 since 2015 is now 2023, Sept BETA 15, we only just learn as to match bringing to fruition Dan 9:27 nations summit non-aggression pact as to verify Gog and Magog Pres Trump sighed Sept BETA 15 2020 Abraham Accord!

Fret A Day Or So Prior There’s Something About Writing The Single Word ILL!

“He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street!”proven to be evident Adam we’re even by our free will predestined. For millennia predicted I doubt one bible scholar would doubt I’m hearing the conversation being had between Jesus and Rev 11 described the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses; soon their resurrected selves leading captivity captive into the marriage supper of the Lamb, Jan 16, 2023, The Tribulation Saints! Like in a flash Adam we’re gone up yonder and in a flash tuxedos to gowns delivered, arriving to them also, the mystery woman the multimillion man water cooler invitations in hand off to a multibillion man. unprecedented red carpet event “The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb!

Frightnight to Amazing Grace With Intravenous Holies Circling The Brides Chariot All Around tens of millions dead and those hundreds of millions escaping while in your mothers’ womb you was being predestined which of these you are while I was predestined in mine to be a chosen foundational Apostle/Prophet one telling you! Unimaginable I sat months back Adam contemplating Noah’s challenge all earths abominable detestable inherit were about to be wiped out along a single ark family and even if he tried telling them they’re cursed rebellious,, blind, deaf, blind and worst, like their stone gods, hardened hearted.

Beginning to Hear Jan 2018 “One Hour With The BEAST, “Whore And Beast Separated: A WOUND HOLD HIM In His Trust; Positions Free Will Place US Is Its Decision Maker! All Referenced Oct 17 2021 for 7 years Puppeteered but also Puppeteering for 42 months begin post apocalypse April 17, 2025 Antichrist; marvel not one of several, Pres Trump also a man of prediction who awarded world leaders the Dan 9:27 Abraham Accord non-aggression pact is also ticking down a two weeks and 7 years since April 2/20 2019, timeframe.

Marvel not Marfoogle, the moment you announce them announcing they now have Nukes Pres Raisi bites the dust; see here, Gen 3:15 and here, John 17:12; know these two scriptures linked Adam mean the moment Genesis Elo-HIM explained to both The Serpent and Eve HE’D use a woman seed redeemer, (The Virgin Birth) how he, Lucifer would bruise this redemption following in unprecedented reveal was the prediction thousands of years unveiled betrayer, son. Judas Iscariot!

Curious weather conditions concerning Kobe Bryant fiery crash, of unveiling the ten kings of the Antichrist reign, mostly Islamic names. Especially foggy conditions were so similar to conditions President Raisi fiery crash, an Islamic leader, especially the fog! The Genesis man, marriage isn’t only fix for procreating those multibillions its descending as Jesus Millennium Reign. Star Warring Ancient Of Days Heavenly Father WISDOM of Worshipping The Genesis man (SON OF MAN/ADAM); Marriage as it fulfills those predestined to be in certain positions great or small, Creator Elohim’s WILL!

Just about, until standing over sleeping bed intravenous begin explaining THEY’RE yanking us out, we can’t be here, Oct 17 2021, Daniel 9:7/Sept 15.2020 Trump Abraham Accord; begin to countdown the 7 most Apocalyptic, Dragon beast years. Only Adam it’s been advised we the Royal Priesthood following Jesus’ arrival of Abraham’s Bosom some two millennia when we too ascend to, with Jesus. Evidently what side they land on , even you, your subscribers it’s not like you have a choice predestination and a destined will hath, hold them into fulfillment, Oct 17, 2028 Jesus descending Millennium!
