Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Chernobyl Spring Rapture May 14 Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2024

As those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian male refusing to deny Jesus are lead onto that beach, and beheaded; Marvel not moments later we’re seeing the reigning HOLY Church Bride possessing, prepping and launching Daniel 2 Stone from heaven, proving to be evident prep except that for a fast getaway is futile. Jesus Millennium descending into a world Reigning HUSSEIN Obama 2016  and earth’s now littered with it multicolored/ multicultural billions dead, 7 months of burials! 

Marvel not puppeteering mandatory evacuations the Nov 11 2021/2022/2023 forewarn Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone last day of America. I ran across an article Whoopi Goldberg staying with her claim The GOP (Republicans), want to bring back slavery, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-view-s-whoopi-goldberg-declares-republicans-want-to-bring-slavery-back-following-arizona-s-near-total-abortion-ban/ar-BB1lp7HC?ocid=socialshare; Evidently not realizing intravenous millions dead, CHRIST ‘S CROSS The ultimate, that’s God’s blessed Brexit to BRIEXIT to Blaexit  in reverse of HIS descending billions in the multicultural Royal Priesthood, allowance of invasions to slavery.

-Marvel not explaining Jan 2023, I’m to tell the for 400 years multicultural Juneteenth you don’t owe them nothing, whatever you got HE GAVE IT. Showing HIMSELF Star Warring, Father Elohim no longer want us busying about as Hebrew slaves our own labor camps. He as the reigning Sunlight of God, as the days of Moses exodus want us gone out of this country to Continent to Gog and Magog world system, not looking back, with the wealthiest of its multicultural Mother Africa to Father Abraham’s inherit like you Whoopi, leading the way! 

Article, Reuters Blinken, in Kyiv, says U.S aid arriving at 'challenging' time for Ukraine, https://apple.news/A2daTRjA3Ta28JsJmZsh73w



61 billion dollar package, odd is Jan 2018 Rev 2 Jesus stalling Hawaii missile morning designed them all riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers Revisit America suffering debt due failed their banks, housing sector and church infrastructure when Obama/Clinton error Col Gaddafi 2013, my Nov 4th son as news paper boy, handlebars, soaring US soil funeral reef was 20!


Where Is Vice President Harris, still licking wombs South Africa turn down their genocidal same sex agenda. Surreal is Godzilla to Sobek falsifying crystal skies, peace getting banks, pulpits, pews, “choirs,” porches would include we having boohoos of wealth and no, digital assets a sudden lost by EMP/CME events of 190 years won’t count, watching, running to live, (overcome) that’s Catastrophist Jesus to intravenous Angels advice! 


I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA THE BEGINNING AND THE END!” The day I ran down the hall; mocked decades later by seeing Eze 9/Dan 12 Man In Linen running down my hall, leaving salt enough to be swept up where HE  trekked! THEY said THEY’D destroy America I laughed so who is Rev 10 Mighty Angel aligned by Rev 17, 7th Angel, warning hundreds of millions US soil?

Article, Reuters Blinken, in Kyiv, says U.S aid arriving at 'challenging' time for Ukraine, 




-John sees him as a mighty Angel but he’s standing one foot the planet one foot the sea if he isn’t GOD who is HE? Like I told you I heard him 10 days Rev 2 Jesus and an unnumbered of Angels stalled dominoing Hawaii first anxiously walking back and forth up there; then I begin to hear, desolations predicted US soil now come, beware of US W. Pacific, here paraphrasing, its tens of millions Gone; beware The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard/ The American Continent/Rev 17/18 described WEST RULE! 


My readers you know what happen to me, Chernobyl Spring Rapture1986/ the missed Chernobyl Spring Rapture April 8, 2024 Eclipse, Volcanic Comet and my wondering how would I explain to Sunday Schoolers Jesus (Mal 4 Sunlight Of God) having wings? Marvel not being assured Ps 35/91/Rev 12 in my ear (He?) would cover me with his feathers and under his wings shall I trust! You, Yours, Again Yours?

YouTube Marfoogle They Have Attained Nuclear Weapons" | News Flash https://www.youtube.com/live/O3wfitLkPKI?si=o8zZmgbU9fOK8TSj via @YouTube


What can I say Marfoogle predicted burning Bush/Cheney, Islam based on Rev 11:1, 2 begin to rule the world by a HUSSEIN bloodline like every since I witnessed America to West Rule own handwriting of judgment. Frightnight their Dan 5 weights of martyred blood guilt Dec 24/25 2001 until 190 months be fulfilled.

Surrealistically this counting down every 03/13/23 of each month a challenge by Rev 2 Jesus to endure worsening to apocalyptic events since Thanksgiving 2017, Beginning, counting Trump, Abbas and Abbas 8 leads Dec 3 2017; Kinda like we described Holy church Bide a wait the birthing canal delivery of us meeting Jesus in the air. 

Americans CHURCHIANS to Trumpians wait the same nanosecond they’re firerocketing off this planet, indefinitely no more. Tell me you understand any prophesied hour there’s no America, No The Americas to WEST RULE beyond pending Ben Affleck Armageddon type Chernobyl Spring Rapture. Like prep your transportation crossing over into US Georgia’s COAST, especially fill trunks with water and running shoes, cars too are instantly no more! HBOW/ Apb

Youtube mrmbb333, Is Earth in Trouble? "Dangerous Sunspot" https://youtu.be/nObK45HXhA0?si=mI7s3ba6EXxJQuc3 via @YouTube;


rhetorical question mrmbb333 is question is an asked for a purpose other than to obtain informationIn many cases it may be intended to start a discourse, as a means of displaying or emphasizing the speaker's or author's opinion on a topic. I explained plenty mrmbb333 we belittle the earth to heaven-wide apocalyptic renovations catastrophist Jesus is describing the fallout of earth enders HIS described New Heaven, Earth, While I’m reminding these solar eruptions, the speed! 


Why Does Africa Love China, hint because originally China adided and abetted error Obama’s Col Gaddafi US of Africa. Honestly, presently I’m thinking about all the leaders sorry they just let tens of millions of westerns die unimaginably horrid because as they’re aligned to a Dan 5 handwriting of Judgment on a wall, Jeremiah 37 King  Zedekiah they refused to listen to GOD’S ordain Apostle, Prophet and here  www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com also is the plague Zech 14/ Rev 6, 6th seal, of the day The Bride suddenly Skyrockets! See also here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html

Youtube mrmbb333, Is Earth in Trouble? "Dangerous Sunspot" https://youtu.be/nObK45HXhA0?si=mI7s3ba6EXxJQuc3 via @YouTube;


rhetorical question mrmbb333 is question is an asked for a purpose other than to obtain informationIn many cases it may be intended to start a discourse, as a means of displaying or emphasizing the speaker's or author's opinion on a topic. I explained plenty mrmbb333 we belittle the earth to heaven-wide apocalyptic renovations catastrophist Jesus is describing the fallout of earth enders HIS described New Heaven, Earth, While I’m reminding these solar eruptions, the speed! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons and Lord Avra Auriel Zorto 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Kiesser Stefano Flibsio and Nedeline Kyfer Manning was born a godson Urban Zakai Flibsio a godson Daxon Teagan Flibsio and a godson Zayaire Yisael Flibsio, Manning

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

“You are the one Stellan saying, Harlow. your older at that is gonna wait getting out; like until volcanoes from Hawaii into Alaska into California all erupt.  Frightnight to a pocket full of scorched poses, right along the North American Craton! Tens of millions dead, fiery doomsday now heading for New Mexico super volcano all of which is gonna trigger a 10.2 New Madrid! Marvel not that breaking of news report 101 not just Yellowstones but a handwriting clumsily escape 101 Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstones. As we sit this pub, those blessed watchers from Dutchsinse to Mrmbb333 are warning a not for five hundred year solar event is gonna trigger seismic to volcanic events. Now Stellan man remember Jesus talked of the Noah’s Day speed of these events meaning your procrastinating brother by the time he decides to run could already be one of tens of millions in victims and not know it yet! Y’all know, right now we’re a revisited for a year May 2023, 37 day countdown reminder come are the most apocalyptic solar events ever triggering a TIFF like CME, EMP! When you’re so right Vingcent how can those knowing yet procrastinate knowing? No wonder Noah’s day extinction level GOD even send Eze 9 heart stabbers after them and Keisen loving girl, Eze 5 designed for mass evacuations Ben Affleck Armageddon, proven evident a handwriting clumsily escape Yellowstone. Ah, ah, dear love, a handwriting clumsily escape Yellowstone only two days after they showed those two west rule systems skyrocket to firerocket off the planet; geeze Stellan man just tell him, you think I haven’t? Nall, tell him, ah ask him what Vingcent just said, asked, yeah Stellan, thing is we don’t know what’s said can be the red alert they need, that’s it, Yehuda man, that’s it right there!”  Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

YouTube Marfoogle They Have Attained Nuclear Weapons" | News Flash https://www.youtube.com/live/O3wfitLkPKI?si=n7R0fkONfR0d4nsq via @YouTube; remember the witness of grandparents burying  their grands alive; does this mean Kim, Putin and ZI are in trouble? Perhaps this is the Mede building torture vehicles to Gog and Magog US soil building rescuers! Just you know first matrix tenth day countdown Dec 3 2017, Elephants of staying understand stampeded away from them both, marvel not the just now,  instead run on matrix blue pills if they’re incinerated by tens of millions and waking up in eternal burning hell they don’t wanna know it and deceiving religious, political. monetary leaders with no where to hide, that’s to your credit! 

Putin backs China's Ukraine peace plan, says Beijing understands the conflict - Reuters, https://apple.news/Anp8b4ugnSGygoQ0011rNPQ

The Loosening Of Four Bound Angels And Their 200 Million Demon Army, Massacre To Human Extinction Continues Until The End; Remember The Was Littered With  Gog and Magog West Rule Aligned To Two Its US Quarters Worth! 

The Aggressive Shaking Of Shoulders Triple Great Tribulations, Jesus Save The Little Children From US Driven Genesis Marriage Abominations, Come Mass Dieoff Ascension! 

Seen teaching children, know how the Chinese language work, Putin and ZI never should’ve taken their eyes off the ball all US its allies forked roads lead to Islam; Israel have theirs, Islam none. Believe it or not any effort to cull covert colonizers is the offensive Elohim showed HE and Archangel warring is, pivotal! ELOHIM’s Rev 11 Aug 5 2021 revisited Aug 5 2019 witnessed two West Rule systems skyrocketed to Fire-rocketed; followed two days later by a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE followed 23 days later breaking of news report, “After 101 Yellowstone’s (Super Volcanoes) erupted.”

One thing we learned from GOD calling Angels off of King David’s Armies, after 70, 000 dead and John and I witnessed star war in the heavens and in the earth, THEY fight alongside us or against these armies of men. Presently Jesus Millennium Reign is increasing while reigning Bride preps Dan 2, Kingdom, Nation Rule deceasing beginning with skyrocketing to firerocketing two West Rule systems; clearly you never fought a war you could win, Trump Gabriel THEM, Archangel Michael THEM set over exile luxury true guardians of the planet to far and wide galaxies!

Africa Loves China One Article Said, GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD he sacrificed the Genesis woman seed, Lamb Of God, Final Adam. Behold he stands at the  door and knock, mystery woman enters its multimillion man single water cooler carrying more blacken judgment bowls offering mansions in heaven. I woke May 22, 2022 and it’s all about Asians, about children knowing Chinese; I woke February 2023 speaking 4 languages two Asian males running with a single son warning woe to school buses!

YouTube Marfoogle They Have Attained Nuclear Weapons" | News Flash https://www.youtube.com/live/O3wfitLkPKI?si=n7R0fkONfR0d4nsq 

Putin backs China's Ukraine peace plan, says Beijing understands the conflict - Reuters, https://apple.news/Anp8b4ugnSGygoQ0011rNPQ

-see here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Accords; remember I just learned this date, this act, this date revisited Sept BETA 15. 2023 showing to verifying in prophetic hindsight “post the marriage supper of the lamb.” Jesus ‘Abraham’s Bosom; Trump God, Archangel Michael Holy Church Bride, The two martyred witnesses leading captivity captured The Tribulation and all else HEAVENS HOST!

Frightnight to Amazing Grace all dancing hallelujahs around this wait the sounding of May 15 2004, Trump Gabriel forewarned the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind presently THEY wait Gabriel’s then mentioned she’s coming, going with a 7 Angel, see more here Aug 5 2021 intervening human extinction, Star Warring Rev 11 begin vss 15 marvel not you never warred against flesh and blood but Star Warring Gog, Magog and Hamon-Gog, of human extinction.

Marvel noted, peace in the Middle East was just shown as MOTHER Africa’s, FATHER Abraham’s two sons a shopping mall at the edge of a cliff of of them like America’s Barter, Balen, Toll Both groceries regularly falling to their deaths. How lucrative was King David’s wars/Burning Bush/Burning Biden warring HUSSEIN? War is money and death, marvel not there’s some both a hardly escaping incoming Apocalypse, artistic Memphis Carter, tons of dump trucks, schools on top of your children and all national, international ambulances called to duty! HBOW, Apb

YouTube Prophecy Fulfilling RAPTURE Dream From God 😱 Terrifying 🎺  Jesus is COMING soon https://youtu.be/-9sutKQIPZ0?si=2_mxbaWzvkGtx1g2 via @YouTube

See here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html

There’s Being Taken Before One Word Passes To Another!” 

Here’s To The Blinking Of An Eye Tribe! The Rapture Goes Live! 


I Will Take 190 Out Of This Area, Safehaven Georgia’s CROSSOVER In Africa’s Southwest Atlantic! 

I tickled you saying you had your first demo of rapture when I’ve had them since a Chernobyl Spring 1986, nuclear meltdown caused THEM to yank us off the planet! One Miraculous Intervention Hawaii missile morning there’s so many Angels in attendance Rev 2 Jesus asked me would they too ascend? 

Beginning where on my phone I receive weather alerts instead May 3 2023 it was a 37 day countdown. Frightnight to what’s presently a years finale into some of the most historic solar events to pending CMES TO EMPS each of which has brought all types to forms of getting us out!

Only hearing you mentioned a meeting in your kitchen; the same house June 4 2023 in my bedroom I witnessed a Rev 17:14 Jesus loves the little children hammering/Skyrocketing off the planet; election night 2020, the entire ABC David Muir broadcast come into my kitchen of reveals, 

Debating right there my Georgia home, over my stove and though I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. I lije I’d craved for days, I took its lemons and made two third drank sighting seeing lemonade. You know what’s said about knowing only with Christ Jesus its battles won on to second heaven, intercede tribulation saints! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Warn Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus! 

YouTube Why Files, Knights Templar | Forbidden History and their Secret Quest for Atlantis https://youtu.be/z_YeaMO2X0s?si=ma5POjL7TO9WLk4H via @YouTube

I Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

See here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html; the chosen series are being warn about leaning toward the catholic teaching of a Virgin Mary and being as reckless and deadly as religious leaders of Jesus’ day; what GOD would do if some maintain a fornicating, procreating Holy God? Whose Holy Virginity is as redemptive as His Holy Blood, Genesis 3:15/Roman 6/Hebrews 10; Star Warring and seen possessing, prepping and launching Dan  2 stone from heaven; see also Dan 2 stone aligned to the sudden end of West Rule here, https://youtu.be/I6Ovfua915c?si=335kUEsUg40ZkwVz

What Would Man Give In Exchange For His Soul Also Ask Rev 13, Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9 multimillion in demons, the MultiMillion man Grocery, Barter Balan, Toll Booth 



Know also, if fallen angels mating with Genesis Adam and Eve inherit women is a beyond abomination. Not only Why Files, why carnivore giants once preyed on man but why Rev 9 unveils a bottomless pit of being loosed unimaginable monsters. 

See I Tim 3:16, Jesus Is ELOHIM GOD, the promised woman seed, SAVIOR! By Predestination, biblically and prophetically if he couldn’t be born, live, die and ascend a virgin. Clearly Noah’s Ark would’ve never existed! Nor would The Genesis man/marriage just as Lucifer and HIS yet Star war their end. Adam, Eves lineage would’ve extinct with its near a thousand year old Father Methuselah, To Father Noah, by Noah’s Day World Reaching Deluge Stop being deceived, stop deceiving others; HBOW/Apb
