Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear, Star Warring Warriors Archangel Michael, May 30, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2024; marvel not May 31 2023 revisit Grand Caden Gen 15 Lot, on fireball Archangel Michael skyrocketing , his explaining THEY entering God’s Back Turn Throne by a joke in heaven, apparently Lucifer and his, Archangel and his did fight! Marvel not further revisited June 27/July 6 2023, hit May 10 2024, The TIFF, CME. EMP and made without hands, the four winds of apocalyptic storms been launched, incoming, impacting since, look here YouTube mrmbb333 SOMETHING is watching us! You want PROOF? Here you go! via @YouTube; said it’s stayed intact, an alike the Carrington Solar Apocalypse, arrives again;? Though next we hear besides there’s something about Cameron; we hear beware of Alien Dangers from above!” Caden/Cameron mix and I boarded a craft skyrocketing us to Heaven its first Sept BETA 22/23 2015. The last I witnessed a Memphis triangle craft, Oct 2023, hovering over my auto transport I’d been assured months prior Rev 12 described fallen angels is why’ Aliens exist, like predating Elohim’s godman/WOMAN SEED Adam/Eve by many millennia; my first Memphis triangle craft citing, hovering silently over my neighborhood, ever heard of the Phoenix Lights 1997 and revisited here, recently 2023/2024, ever heard Arizona may have a portal for allowing these visitations? I believed The Theory of Aliens were perpetrated by once Star Warring Red Dragon, Fallen Angel them and actual Aliens didn’t exist; marvel not only weeks before I visited Memphis, June 2024, months before that Oct hovering craft I left my now Georgia family with the Mystery of what one describe a UFO, what Holy Lords described an imminent Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, last day of America , it’s June 4/10 2023 house quaking, ear numbing long long long duration, I never considered it before were they one the same craft and Frightnight to amazing Grace the more Ezekiel 1 witnessed weirdo taking of Gods Grace from the temple is described as a UFO to UAP event as portrayed in the movie KNOWING I’m just saying around the same time of this GA longest duration craft the hammering Rev 17:-4 Jesus suddenly skyrocketed leading captivity captives earths endangered children, like was this long duration hovering craft waiting on HIM/THEM? Just think the most regretted about this new prophetic parable was its prophecy link to its prophetic parable both created simultaneously inspired my both Pastor Breaker Dan 4/ our own doomsday Western Soil and mrmbb333 warning they’re watching us; Jesus, The CHRIST one proof to disciples who truly is Jacob ladders to my prayer closet/bed to kitchen, regularly descending, Ascending intravenous Angels!
LET MY PEOPLE GO, BLESSED BREXIT BRIEXIT BLAEXIT; JUNE/JUNETEENTH 17/19, 2002, weirdo still the cart soon unveiled an end of the world scenario Super Mario Brothers cart I witnessed myself squeeze in with my sister and skyrocket to holy heaven wasn’t it’s first citing. It’s first kind of citing I don’t like talking about it because standing at the edge of the drive my great grands back in the house like five minutes, once threaten by May 31 2022 Grand Caden Archangel Michael fireball event
Like it was normal I watch in realtime a flying, fully functional children cinema animated craft, it’s animated passages fly toward me and past me like this trial, as loud and low flying as a helicopter like it was all normal! Oh years later that huge huge explosion at the front
Ricocheting those at door two US quarters all through the house waking us all from sleep and nothing again was heard undoubtedly was the aftermath of Grand Caden, Archangel Michael impacting guided fireball!
YouTube Pastor Breaker, Daniel 4:1 to 37 Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream: THE TREE via @YouTube; see Mat 7:21-23/Rev 1-3, after they’re told by visiting angels, by the masses get outta churches to alters of Jesus THE CHRIST, they’re equally told know end-time prophecy!
Bush war on Islam, Father Abraham Other, OUR BIBLICAL BLOOD LINEAGE It’s Colonization by his 2003 was designed one error, into a new fear factor!
But Pastor, Where Are They Now? One of many so far, handwriting of judgment pastor began with Jeremiah 37:8 1998; adding the warning once 2000 come there’s no more normal days. Described Gog and Magog Trump counting down this timetable of 7 years he and his Trumpians being aligned to Daniel 4 madness curse; warn for a year Oct 17, 2018 so the count begins Oct 17, 2019, so six years and counting into US since Dec 25, 2001 Oct 17, doomsday, a SUDDEN TIFF, CME/EMP subtraction of Eze 4/5 190 years, first!
Frightnight only one of many timetables of Gog and Magog Trump including his recently discovered date of Sept BETA 15, 2020 Abraham Accord. Aligned Oct 17, 2021 to fulfilling Dan 9:27 non-aggression pact. Marvel not the word update wiping out a previous date; what if I told you not since September 22/23 2015 have they used another Sept date Sept 15, 2023. Like Pastor as a demo of arriving us to heaven busy as bees to receive incoming guess The Two Witnesses leading captivity, Rev 7 described the tribulation Saints! See entire blogpost here,
Saying in my sleeping ear, 2023, “He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust, yes; only here, April 9 2024
In my sleeping ear, saying , “He Will Kill You, Sabbath Day, The Middle Of Main Street.” Truly does verify equally how far into those
7 Oct 17, 2021 Daniel 9:27/Trump Abraham Accord Dragon BEAST years. Whereas GODS ANOINTED are recognized only as they’re on the move with Eze 5 designed incalculable mega disasters on their heels! So you see when Oct 3 2021 revisit Oct 3 2004’s TWO BIG ONES COMING! Unimaginably also reminded Oct 17, 2021 mocked as the day THEY’D snatch us out.
Truly, surrealistically wasn’t a new timetable. Only fulfilling Dan 9:27 7 Dragon BEAST Years had reached its finale. Presently Oct 17, 2024 nearing 3 years to Rev 11:1, 2 its first 42 month interval; unquestionably Putin, XI, Kim all, they’re puppeteered, empowered, allowed even to wipe Gog and Magog America/West Rule Off this planet. Only US W. Pacific dominoing Hawaii made without hands, Netanyahu primary ally obliteration is Volcanic apocalypse. The breaking news report, 101 Eze 5 designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONES! So 2015 warn any type of mega disaster is flushing you out of the territories of the most unimaginably horrid deaths to genocide of the human being ever; then Jesus millennium descends, and that’s dancing hallelujahs all around, admittedly a twilight planet littered with the deadly but at evening there shall be light! HBOW/Apb
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Eirene Juelz Emiliano and King Bridegroom. Lord Diaprepes Giovanni Smithson
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Prinx Charming Mouthpiece and Loreal Kirsten Kinery was born a godson Vincent Matthew Mouthpiece a God son, Riverwild, Chirping Bird Mouthpiece a goddaughter Lorraine Korean Mouthpiece, and a godson Wild Hunter, Brook Running, Mouthpiece, Kinery
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Count
“Right okay, right but you’re trying to convince those, America’s weights of martyred blood guilt is their cash cow; why AODHF is so furious at its commercialism he just took the deadliest Rev 9 ever like Scorpion King and those now 4 loosed angels Anubis armies by the hundreds of millions loosed upon the planet protrayed keys to the bottomless pit as the store managers keys of keeping millions grocery store shoppers a barter balen toll booth trade off for ones immortal soul eat die go straight to hell tortured until great white throne judgment; Marvel not the billions they just spent on Ukraine war against Russia the billions in Islamic blood money they just spent on Netanyahu war against Hamath, in Grand Sia Burning Bush era they’re know as Hamath even The Chaldeans are coming. Marvel not Hussein Obama’s error Gaddafi was protested Historic deal between Israel and Saudi the groundwork of a genocidal Israeli war and no wonder elephants of staying unaware stampeded a tug of Trump, Abbas and Abbas eight leads I mean we do know within them will rise Prophet Daniel’s witnessed little horn! Jesus’s mass dieoff ascension of children, grand Sias tossed in knotted ropes and Archangel Michael list get your endangered children outta Anubis undergrounds to safety from there, bringing tears El Shaddai man, bringing tears; blood flowing to the horses bridle said to be rivers of blood spilled during ARMAGEDDON, yeah crown lord also standing the cloud being told to thrust in his sickle and reap for the time has come for him to reap for the harvest is great: whereas Grand Sia is also standing a cloud up there witnessing a cloud balloon and balloon with every skyrocketing saint hearing the voice to call of this crown one! So there’s a better understanding of Grsnd Sia finding the harvestor with gleaning sickle in hand standing his ready alongside her bed, saying what BFA man they’re the same? Yeah a new Holy Adam, A new Holy Eve made from for each other, there is BFA, no one without the other. So it’s around the same time she sees that salt shedding man in linen flying down the hall yeah only one part is in real time the sweeping up of its shedding salt was a spirit world, reveal, every, all of time, simultaneously, fulfilling! >>>“Desrek, backing away with nervous hands slipped into his pockets, could Soledad always depend on his big brother, “you found us I see. What is going on? I mean with Kassel being half crazy that her husband haven’t been home in two nights, I know,” again as an anxious one peering off, away uneasily a witness of temporal roommate Adrian looking in on them both. “Look I had the most, I don’t know, the most disturbing dream, like you Desrek I have lots of dreams, but this, this was beyond anything. I was standing in an open field,” as one easing into a seat, did an attentive Desrek Allum as well sit, arm, by arm remove his jacket. “Even a wilderness, suddenly the sky above begin to freeze over and just as it froze over, it began breaking apart with huge jagged and shard like parts of it crashing to the earth, I mean destroying Desrek all people and places in its path. Truly nothing on the earth was safe, shortly I realized it wasn’t just ice, but it was crystal, the heavens above had turn crystal and it was all breaking apart and colliding with the earth, making everything and everybody at panic. It was the craziest thing ever and terribly disturbing, ...crystal, that’s a metaphor, crystal skies, what do people mean Sole when they use the phrase “Crystal Skies? I don’t know, ah, beautiful, sunny, safe and even peaceful. Though Desrek man, that wasn’t all, I just as soon began to see two giant beast, they were crystal as well, it was even as though they were responsible for the crystal skies falling and booming largely to the earth and man. That could be so but you have to remember they, these demonic creatures don’t want to be revealed, so he causing this sky-shattering annihilation has to be God, I mean you are Sole talking about a mankind who in ways quite calamitous obscure that evil with that which is divine, exclaiming evil as good. One of them, one of these beast Desrek had this huge mouth, almost like an alligator and the other remind me, remember the last Godzilla movie they made? Well this second beast look like him and as I said it was so terrifying I began to run, you know like all the others, ...well did they, these beast give chase? No, they were always in the sky, the heavens, never on the earth. My God Desrek man,” a nervous one at running his fingers through his hair along a stand, disturbingly away, “what could something like that even mean? My god in heaven, well Sole, crystal skies as a metaphor mean all you just said, but justly so does it represent a false sense of security, which is why we’re forewarn not to let the sunshine fool us, though it appear so, everything isn’t alright. As well as you was describing these things to me I was reminded of the war in heaven, when Michael shall fight and his angels, as so Lucifer and his armies, with Satan and his failing, and he, the red dragon, drew a third of the stars (angels), with him. Fall, as in down to the earth, bringing their high places to nothing, surely that will bring an end to crystal skies, to this fake calm and praise God for it, as it deludes the people the more. Remember what that strong voice in heaven said, woe, as in great sorrow to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for now he, Satan cometh down to you, and have great wrath, because Sole he know he have but a short time left, so you’re just getting a look at all of this in the spirit world, …man Desrek, that all sound so horrifying. Look I don’t know what this have to do with anything, but just last night I got as a forewarning, the word Phoenix, I heard it twice. So when I researched it, what I discovered mostly is the Phoenix is a mythological bird, one dating back to ancient Egypt where it lived in what was once it’s capital, Heliopolis. It’s considered to be a fire spirit, again a mythological bird, the only one of its kind that lives five hundred years. Though this Sole is the most interesting, when it must die, it builds a nest of frankincense, myrrh and other spices, that after its selective collection it set it’s nest ablaze with itself in it. Hence, dying a horrible, unthinkable death, it’s then said, as the flesh decays it produces a sort of worm which eventually create itself into another Phoenix bird from which it passes from the land of Arabia to Egypt to as well live five hundred to a thousand years. What’s even more amazing about this mythological bird is like the Dragon, every nation of faith Sole has a form of belief or ritual concerning this bird, Egypt, Russia, China, even the Catholic Church, putting it in comparison with the Christ of God death and resurrection, which is abominable I know. Especially Lebanon Beirut, since they are descendants of the Phoenicians they often claim themselves to be Sons Of The Phoenix. I tell you Sole, the more I read this, the more I was reminded of Mystery Babylon’s fate, how she will most of all burn to ashes, only it will not again be made new. What did John say he saw? A New Jerusalem, A New Heaven and a New Earth, no once Mystery Babylon, all world nations and kingdoms fall, from its ashes will not emerge another man made kingdom, but God, the Ancient of Days Kingdom alone is to reign, it’s what’s being celebrated doing the sounding of the Rev 11, seventh angel. This is what John meant when he declared, Five Are Fallen, and is another example of God’s reign over mankind, rigorously John meant Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo Persia, Grecian had all fallen, and one is, he was talking about the Roman Empire of his day, and now Mystery Babylon, The Roman Empire most diverse section. Then he said and one haven’t yet come, and when it come it shall remain a shall space, he was talking about the ten heads, those end times nations of the which now occupy the territories of Assyria, Greece and the Roman Empire, an end time conglomerate referred to as the New World Order. This seventh kingdom will reign exactly 42 months, that’s three and a half years, then this little horn rising out of the ten heads, will defeat three of them, some say, Egypt, Greece and Turkey, and reign as head of the remaining seven, whose reign will as well be exactly 42 months, no more or less. Hey you guys, Desrek," having listen to them as one having itching ears, at getting in on the conversation, "this is really interesting stuff, so could the two beast Sole saw be those beast as described in Rev 13, 14 chapters? I mean in the spirit world, I guess that could be so, as their reign, the Antichrist and the false prophet will as well bring as end to this crystal sky scenario, and crystal, doesn’t it as well represent clarity, as in a reveal? Yeah, yeah that’s also true, good sight there Adrian man, …this Antichrist will set himself to destroy the holy people and Christ’s testimonial from the face of the earth, yeah remember May said she heard a voice say the antichrist will kill millions as millions go broke, there is Sole another such prophecy, of hers, a voice declaring, God said he will kill millions, the he here she believed meant He, the anti-Christ, will kill millions, but could as well Sole mean, He, as in God's Winepress of judgment, rev 14, avenging martyred blood, said to be 175 miles of it. Now the wife, Kassle? Ah man these things I shared with you were getting to me so, I just had to get out, you can’t Sole keep running from Kassle, she’s your wife now, you gonna have to confide in her, like you do Kiefer right? Look just don’t assume she won’t understand and support you, you mean like Andre does Hain? Heck I wish you and I both could be that blessed you know, I know, I know you’re right, so I can give you a ride home? Yeah, let me just get my things, hey Adrian man I’m gonna go, you sure? Yeah, look why don’t we all do something this weekend, Kassel, Hain and Andre as well, theater and dinner, yeah Sole man that sound good, see you then, look tell Amirah I said thanks. The fall of Mystery Babylon huh? Yeah it’s called that because all nations, people and tongues fallen from God’s grace look through a mirror darkly, that’s the mystery, which veil, which shroud Adrian is taken away only in Christ Jesus. The authentic Adam, the authentic tower of babel, we are not our own, never have been never will be, that too is a vast, even strong illusion cursed upon mankind until Jesus feet as predicted, promised again sat atop Mount Olivet.” Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb, see More here, error, and here,; Son’s Of The Phoenix 03/18/2010, Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4
Article, Vladimir Putin Threatens ‘All-Out War’ if Ukraine Uses Western Weapons to Hit Russia — as Volodymyr Zelensky Asks Allies for Their Permission,
Article, Putin: don't hit Russia with Western missiles
Trump Found Guilty
America Have You Ever Fallen Before? Once When I Was The Roman Empire: Once When I Was The British Empire: Lastly That I’m Being Aligned To Ancient Geociders, Judged Ut Weights Of Martyred Blood Built, Recurring Human Extinction of Making The World, WEST RULE/Anti-Christ!
-Revisited by that Ben Affleck Armageddon April Spring Rapture Eclipse to Devil comment; it would be 7 years past Chernobyl April Spring after I’d been hand off to Holy Father by The Sunlights of God; I’d begin to understand the unimaginable extent of further being handoff to an elder Ezekiel opening three time tested doors to be so you can say I woe who I am in Christ JESUS and Trump Gabriel THEM to Archangel Michael by an all male cast both Angelical, prophetic to ministry; marvel.
-Here 40 Moses Memphis Chernobyl Spring Rapture later, July 6, 2020, I woke in a demo just in time to see Rev 12 new born/ new Bride snatch off the planet heard Ancient Of Day say to Trump Gabriel THEM, yes take him his, but this one American/American me, she’s mine and pastor just as He said she’s mine, I laid back in a groundup of unprecedented adoration! Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM Africa’s Southwest Atlantic exile luxury!
-Guess FSS which world system counting down into its third year of predicted Daniel 9:27/Rev 11:1, 2 REv 13:5, 7 years, Oct 17, 2024, Red Dragon and His Dragon BEAST Antichrist would prefer Russia, China to North Korea not invade? The world system Dan 7:7-12/Rev 13:1, Rev 17: Rev 1-19 John is being described; Rev 18 star warring AODHF describes is within this single hour no more this planet: Fightnight, Rev 11 begin Vss 15, AODHF showing Aug 5, 2021 HE'S star warring with Archangel it’s to completely disappear this world system!
-When US Presidential leaders especially Trump are aligned to people eaters, world enders Gog and Magog; Red Dragon has a genocidal friend in revisited every Jan 12, 13 since 2018 into fulfillment Rev 13 two beast, False Prophet, THE ANTICHRIST and Rev 17 Great Whore Mystery Babylon. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, the last world system, star warring Red Dragon want Islamic, BRICS TO ASEAN nations to leave naked, bare and smothering is WEST RULE/The American Dream/THE AMERICA'S? HBOW/Apb
Jan 22-23, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th angels aligning, "Beware the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings Us W. Pacific!
Youtube, Pastor Breaker, Pre-Tribulation Rapture Panel LIVESTREAM via @YouTube
-Besides Pastor Breaker intravenous angels comi and going by a portal my bathroom of a prayer closet. I grew up in the gospel equally in the spirit of prophecy sitting under a similar panel of righteous me; I was clueless, never made a difference, you wouldn’t believe what pulpit issue they were grooming me church leaders mistreatment of women, not heartily being what preach let on practicing what’s preach; my grands uncle pastor has no problem with Jesus unimaginable women of revelation but his pulpit beggar its differ!
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