Senator John Kennedy The Devastating Blow OfTrans Teen Sports

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Chernobyl Spring Rapture, see more The New World Order, here,; May 11 Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024; Like  Sept BETA 2020 bating to daring star warring Archangel Michael Described Eze 38/39/Rev 20/April2/20 2019 Gog and Magog Trump I can’t believe described Holy Church Bride is still here, physically so, a nano-second from second heaven intercession, spiritually I already described Jan 16/Sept BETA 15, 2023. we’re post-phenom marriage supper, waiting 2004 Angel Gabriel May 15, 7th  Angel Trumpet! 

 That’s what I saw the hugest of US flags to hybrid pride flags, President days 2023, some bout Son of Gid Peacemaker Carter, escaping, patriotic teen girls and the skies filled with severed, yet sparkling, cracking power line and the hugest US flags I’ve ever seen burning; marvel not  Jesus warn endangered mother with child and my warn e angered nationwide, worldwide young black males and these recurring, drawing closer by rolling into gorges, exploding, burning fuel trucks; 

Marvel not reigning indefinitely HUSSEIN/Clinton 2013 showing of a Nov 4 paperboy route, who’s greased by burning Bush/Cheney handle bars attached by an error Col Gaddafi funeral reef shooting into heavens with US predict since burning Bush/Cheney error HUSSEIN 60 million US dead. Marvel not Mat 24 Catastrophist Jesus explained why when HIS blessed see all these things he expect them to run knowing described Ps 35/91/Rev 12 Intravenous took it from there. 

Article NTEB Joe Biden Defiantly Declares United States Will Not Supply Israel With Weapons They Need To Rout Hamas From Rafah, Causing Geopolitical Shock Waves

I Will Strip Leaders Thus Said Sobbing ELOHIM; I WILL STRIP LEADERS, SCHOOLS thus saith Star Warring ELOHIM!

Poor thang, pray here Dan 9 begin vs 4/Ps 51; if holy he’d listened to his error Islam ex President Obama and his error Islam, own Vice President, Harris; The President of the most multicultural nation on the planet until The African, American, European perhaps not in this order HUSSEIN bloodline, Antichrist was witnessed being filtered right through their apostate religious, political Government, just can’t take a particular side as Netanyahu side. Honestly doesn’t it seems like world nations held as in wrestled Islam back, down even as Israel amass this mighty, even nuclear army, also their error Israel and 100 million westerners dead? HGOW

YouTube CNN News 18, Senator John Kennedy LIVE | John Kennedy Speech | John Kennedy News | U.... via @YouTube; Why Is Senator John Kennedy Mad? Hawaii burn across dozens US states into The White House leaving a damaged Kennedy Space Center; A SWELTERING AMERICAN CONTINENT; marvel not intravenous Star Warrior shaping, molding, offering race cars race tracks into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic to skyrocketing Super Mario Carts! 

Preaching With Fear And Trembling  Confessed Jesus Disciples To Apostles

Fear and trembling, apostle and prophet described standing before an audience telling the truth that’s gonna sideline you; here wondering Antichrist army of Anubis disguised as policing German Shepherds; how now to disguise 200 million demons leashed upon the public marvel not commanded Eze 9 Inkhorn man commanded pray for all ‘HUMAN BEINGS,’ at wailing walls! 

Prophet Elder Ezekiel, He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying,Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. Last I saw them they had swordlike syringes and were chasing you, US procrastinators oh, there were no more cars, bikes. wagons even, as Id seen a decade back just does as Brad Pitt running with his arms filled with Jolies kids, weighed down runners! 

Senator John Kennedy The Devastating Blow Of Trans Teen Sports; marvel not Rev 2 Jesus warn Jezebel parents, the suddenly cardiac arrest, deaths of teen athletes! 

Being reminded Senator of these male prisoners put in with women impregnating them; how the sky open predicted here,

worldwide flooding storms US elected official pushing same gender South Africa to parents and school curriculums; legalize sin Obama/Biden/Harris WH demons rush in, REPENT Hawaii missile morning Jesus cried or your children a mass dieoff ascension, GONE, your deadliest of contagion all within a nano-second! 

Where are they now? Aug 23/24 2023 loosed Rev 9  bound angels to 200 million demon army; I still hear decades back one pastor warning parents they send daughters to school they come back lesbians presently they send daughters to college they come back impregnated by transgender males, what a damning madhouse; riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers arriving with a Hawaii missile strike Rev 2 Jesus; marvel not leaving us with thoughts of a  line upon line, never ending line of injured to orphan school children come to the lambs book shaped into a school name, roll call; marvel not those awarded the multimillion man traffic jam, THUS IN THY SICKLE AND REAP! race cars didn’t just have numbers but names! 

Marvel not three to a single bike a WOMAN SEED, mother Mary, an Abraham son/12 tribes/ Princes Ruben to each its own a seventh son; the showing Aug 2012, now 2023, of a bottomless pit smoke pouring demons into churches leaving pedophiler teen boys erected with your infants attached; how’d you feel waking from having tossed in knotted ropes fishing children outta their parents dark, abominable, detestable, Anubis infested, lives,  lands and churches especially same gender school restrooms? 

Back Then Revelation John heard it was WOE to earth’s inherit Red Dragon THEM descends: now Apostle Pat I am, Revelation Kitchen, Red Dragon Them unleashed with legalized abomination to pedophier curriculums its Asteroid destroy detestable middle schools; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; there’s littered with the dead college campuses; all ambulances called to duty, actually to New Madrid Memphis buried children! Rev 18 Elohim crying I see you, remember you, judge you’ sin, GOD is Not Mocked! Star Warring AODHF/JCON/JCOR/ HBOW/Apb The RAM 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Goddess Ajiah Aatrium Spoons and Lord Avra Auriel Zorto 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Kiesser Stefano Flibsio and Nedeline Kyfer Manning was born a godson Urban Zakai Flibsio a godson Daxon Teagan Flibsio and a godson Zayaire Yisael Flibsio, Manning

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

 “All’s I’m saying Cruisers, a US elected official says it’s time to get serious about same gender school curriculum the heavens opened planet wide and pour out flooding storms everywhere, not just the breakages of the rainbow covenant Noah’s day but today a predicted Noah’s cousin to Aqua era with an angel seen up there with pitcher pouring water on the planet! What about as revisit May 2023 37 day countdown into the HUGEST SUN, HUGEST single word TIFF was just made real a not in 500 years SOLAR event, Carrington to TIFF, CME’S affecting 49 US states skies? I guess we underestimated God cutting a fury at the rise of Gog and Magog Trump and Pence at continuing the American dream, West Rule, heck Cin man, aligned Trump them to man eaters, world Enders Gog and Magog. So three days hence what they gonna tell us, besides Trist bro, the Negeb Ophel Genealogy is acting as a wrench into the chains of event of all African Juttah genealogies, I heard anyway! Ah, all that tremendous you heard as a whisper on the wind of gospel, you expect us to believe who’s again your knowing it all wife, Lakeside Pier Swanson, does a Darius Evolent come to mind?”     >>> “Brother I love, will you please sit down, how can you El Shaddai of all persons. I know El El this is your hell on earth, once divine paradise, all’s I’m saying I’m sick of you prancing back and forth like Rev 10 Mighty Angel, making me even more nauseous. They separated Ajiah and I and called all Nextus prenuptials back to first male only, female only dorms, now a three day fast, prayer please brother I love tell me what I don’t know. I don’t think you should use the word nauseous so freely. Huh? Spinning around the edge of the bed to a devastated brother Elyon, nauseous as In Ajiah could be pregnant, but that’ll, don’t! Don’t get them up Dae Dae, this has happened plenty nothing comes of it! I’m just saying if  Ajiah is carrying your Nextus Genealogy she can’t be his pending Avra Auriel Zorto Negeb Ophel Genealogy. Speaking of him,” rushing into a seat aside equally worried sick for them brother El Shaddai “what you know about this Avra? That's El El Lord Avra Auriel Zorto as in Angel man, soon the Eye Of The Sahara African Juttah, what else to be said? You know this stall could spread across the entire planet Juttah, no it can’t, the African Juttah, the Septennial Juttah they’re why we exist, El Elyon Coogan. parents, grandparents, greats even. Look if either of our wives were here, they’d remind fear isn’t faith! So you're saying Ajiah is taking all this wayyy better than me? Come on El El think about who she’s with, Darius Evolent, Princess Nibewe, Darius Karsiann. You want your portion of water outa the frig or tap? What you staring at, those curls, swirls of yours, Dae Dae man, well I could be disappointed you, Kars and Agurus got mom and grandma straight black Indian hair, lite chocolate skin, these, dads blue eyes. Which remind, you know dad is talking about wearing your Easter Program hairstyle the next wedding extravaganza. The next, they talk about that, yes let it be encouraging, what’s Elohim’s is El El man Alpha and Omega and wedding extravaganza won’t be done until it have its fulfillment through the Lamb of God wedding supper! Grand Sia mom witnessed all bidden multimillion times a Hollywood red carpet event invitations, extravagant gowns and tuxedos, The Holy Spirit and Holy Bride Saith come! Eyes El  Shaddai hath not seen, nor ears heard the phenomenon things they share with our Lord Urusalem mom! I’m really missing that girl, yeah let’s go to the chapel and then the beach, shake it off, I’m right behind you older by a few minutes brother!”     >>> "You are the one Stellan saying, Harlow. your older at that is gonna wait getting out; like until volcanoes from Hawaii into Alaska into California all erupt.  Frightnight to a pocket full of scorched poses, right along the North American Craton! Tens of millions dead, fiery doomsday now heading for New Mexico super volcano all of which is gonna trigger a 10.2 New Madrid! Marvel not that breaking of news report 101 not just Yellowstones but a handwriting clumsily escape 101 Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstones. As we sit this pub, those blessed watchers from Dutchsinse to Mrmbb333 are warning a not for five hundred year solar event is gonna trigger seismic to volcanic events. Now Stellan man remember Jesus talked of the Noah’s Day speed of these events meaning your procrastinating brother by the time he decides to run could already be one of tens of millions in victims and not know it yet! Y’all know, right now we’re a revisited for a year May 2023, 37 day countdown reminder come are the most apocalyptic solar events ever triggering a TIFF like CME, EMP! When you’re so right Vingcent how can those knowing yet procrastinate knowing? No wonder Noah’s day extinction level GOD even send Eze 9 heart stabbers after them and Keisen loving girl, Eze 5 designed for mass evacuations Ben Affleck Armageddon, proven evident a handwriting clumsily escape Yellowstone. Ah, ah, dear love, a handwriting clumsily escape Yellowstone only two days after they showed those two west rule systems skyrocket to firerocket off the planet; geeze Stellan man just tell him, you think I haven’t? Nall, tell him, ah ask him what Vingcent just said, asked, yeah Stellan, thing is we don’t know what’s said can be the red alert they need, that’s it, Yehuda man, that’s it right there!”     >>>”Darling girl, daringly kissing to smooching her awake, her office sofa and she yet so edible to him, waky, waky, hey you better come! Arhhh darling man can’t you just tell me? Yawning, stretching into a seat, no, you better come, Maaseiah, come” >>>”Then I’m telling you all, that’s not possible, so does millions to billions think of the Virgin Births. The Global Juttah medical team is telling me my daughter-in-law who’s been intercoursing with my son El Elyno for months is pregnant yes, but by an angel man she’s hardly met? Your test are wrong, not every test Sia Darius ever advised and for hours repeatedly getting the same results is wrong. How, how do I tell them anything so ridiculous and heart numbing, can you, well Global Juttah can you? All I know, now that we know someone has to tell them or suffer punishment Negeb Ophel dry hill. “Impossible!” shaking a head, crying out of the conference patio doors, seeing across the stunning landscape, blurry skies her crying eyes. What have I done, this isn’t your fault, I created the Negeb Ophel genealogy but what Maaseiah possessed you, Angel men Nextus Juttah wedding extravaganza? Meaning you had nothing to do with it, meaning Nicholas it too was meant to be. predestined! Oh my god. please, please get me something to drink, water Nicholas, please. I keep waiting to wakeup from this nightmare, me too Eve Lynn and no way we’ve got this wrong? No love, no, right now we’re doing the same scientific method looking for a different result, that’s just isn’t there. What if I told you Eve Lynn Grand Sia has since found discrepancies in my parental Aqua Juttah Genealogy. First, which of us is the eldest Apache or me? You, right, not since we were born, huh? It seems only Sia Maaseiah and I remember Apache Arrow is first born, I don’t, right but this all happened after my, while our genealogy went missing like El Elyon, theirs. You telling me before the Negeb Ophel genealogy I would remember you as second born? How terrifying as this is, right here the Negeb Ophel genealogist could Sioux be infecting to unraveling the whole African Continent. My Jesus is Christ Eve Lynn I pray not, come, grabbing her hand, headed for the chapel, “let’s do exactly that, pray for a breakthrough the breakthrough answer!”   >>>”My god,” easing quite beat to the looking window, clouds, trees, “was that thunder, rain?” Without a dry eye among them for hours it seems, “god have mercy and not sacrifice, please fix this mess.” He couldn’t lose Ajiah, Aijah couldn’t lose him, they’d contemplate running away but there’s no running from Negeb Ophel jurors to slayers. I have to say this Evden man, what about Angel man Constantine claiming Maha? Slightly up, off sniffing, wiping at His eyes glaring with tears. So I take it you two have thought of it?” Apparently El El they don’t wanna say, they did say, they would let me see her? That’s them now, so you’re taking me to see Ajiah, she’s still quite inconsolable, us both, so mom, we’ll be inconsolable together. Seems Dr Eve Lynn decided to run another test, your Negeb Ophel DNA verses your previous one, wow, wow why does that make sense. I don’t even know my brain hurt from crying so much, brother I love, if your DNA changed with your genealogy, it’d explain it not matching your previously recorded DNA, problem solved. Oh god, falling to his knees, bringing all grievances down with him, “please, have mercy and not sacrifice, let this be the case.” So how long? Nobody know, they’re in uncharted waters so to speak but Dr of pediatrics Darius Eve Lynn thought of it after something Global, Juttah husband Sioux Noel said! Look, beloved sons, I need to put something on my stomach, so your dad and I will be in the cafe and back to my office to wait. Let you know the good news we claimed as soon as it break, thanks mom, dad, you know you don’t have to do that but we appreciate your appreciation!”   

>>>{{{”Hello darling man, wow I like the encouragement in your voice, its a match, wait it’s a match Whew, hew, Hewww!!! Yeah, after hugging my neck so tight we’re letting El El break the news to Ajiah. Oh my god Maaseiah, ah I got like an hour and I’m Global Juttah not taking no for an answer! Look, so was  it Tribunal Sioux Noel said, this now famed healing epiphany? Actually Nicholas love while hunting down El El and Aijah Nexus Juttah Genealogy I was looking at Sioux Noel’s  parental genealogy and his had gone missing only to find it again showing him and not Apache Arrow the first born. So they discussed the Negeb Ophel genealogy possibly changing everything and it hit her like a ton of bricks one would say. Okay, remarkable how that all played out solving this, why were you researching The Deburk genealogy? Oh, I was doing a comment and needed it for evidence and his wasn’t there, like it never existed, I found it looking at other posted its era genealogy. So now Mesure Coogan why you think I was looking at the Deburk parental genealogy? I kinda missed you saying its parental genealogy and plead the silencing fifth from here, um, hum I bet you do. Well temptress love, looking at the time, I’ll see you in like 45 minutes, see you then mesure I plead the 5th, I can’t wait to hear what your Tarzan think about that, putting it that way temptress girl neither can I, as in actually I’m  on my way! “     “I say we do it, the Easter performance You Say You Love Me, Diana Ross/West Life. It’s Mic  night, we’re all here Maha, we practice it plenty without mom and dad! Wait, who’s idea is this? Mine, you said El El love I can have anything I want, for now on, then sing with us, ah n’all Evden Blazely, not a good idea. Y’all know if we do this they’re not gonna let us outer here alive, then we ascend into second heaven intercession with Jesus leading captivity captive Abraham’s bosom! You brother Dae Dae I kinda love, just had to say all that? He’s here, who’s here, Avra, he and other Angel men just walked in. Grand Sia mom really think he was just trying to make it all right with Negeb Ophel, like we all were, already accepted another. We gonna do this or not? Ah my god, guys look who’s taking the mic, hello mic night fans I just promised wonderful wife Darius Ajiah we’d perform the Easter act opening, yeah, when you say you love me,’ you all, okay, okay, you all just gotta have to promise y'all gonna let us outta here’s alive, we want raised hands into agreement, all!” Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousins yet say Rev 18 Holy God seeth them not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or likewise of billions lost to billions pending lost,, perish; see more here,, how like for six millennia its all been ending, prophetically, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM

THIS IS CRAZY - I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE - PREPPERS B... via @YouTube; not crazy FSS THEIR predicted triple tribulation as they were skyrocketing Holy church Bride Off doomsday planet; grabbing shaking my shoulders all, that’s how urgent!


Prophet Elder Ezekiel, He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying,Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. Then this weirdo thin lg on US soil, Ezekiel 9 armed slayers caught, spin them, I’ve even described a waltz. there’s stabbing stampeding procrastinators point blank the heart, sudden cardiac arrest on to the next hopefully not Archangel’s Michael’s List?  THRUST IN THY SICKLE AND REAP! Marvel not a page torn out of the Lambs book of life. I witnessed opened and crafted into a school office name roll call, saw a line upon line, never ending line of injured, orphan children answering the call, You. Yours, Your? 

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: NOAA Tells World To Brace For Worst Geomagnetic Storm In 20 Years Gives A Very Rare ‘Severe G4’ Warning Starting Today

THIS SHALL BE THE END, Bushing Bush 2003 The Blocked Out, The Breakout Of US States Of Barbecue It’s predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE Revisited June 04 2023 Woke Hearing Last Day Of American; remember instantly you’re translating, crossing over, skyrocketing or unimaginably horrid, dead! 


The since Chernobyl Spring Rapture 2016 On Spring Morning Street, Hacks Cross Of Memphis Predicted TIFF, CME/EMP event; revisited June 2023 TIFF and  family Caribbean cruise exit no a Safehaven Florida coast only Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER! Unquestionably a plethora of solar events back to dinosaur days even but only one TIFF. a suddenl, indefinite lost of Eze 4/5/Dan 4/5, 190 years worth and Geoffrey everything else! EVERYTHING! Get Rev 11/Rev 12 Star Warring AODHF/ARCHANGEL, THEM. get up yonder, certainly blessed resurrection is better than blessed Brexit/Blaexit! 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor THIS IS CRAZY - I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE - PREPPERS B... via @YouTube; not crazy FSS THEIR predicted triple tribulation as they were Sept BETA 22/23 2021 skyrocketing Holy church Bride Off doomsday planet; grabbing shaking my shoulders all, that’s how urgent! HBOW/Apb

Israel orders more evacuations as Rafah fighting intensifies - BBC News,

-Seeing that the Dragon Beast Antichrist was an Alexander to Hitler Germany hybrid with an Anubis army disguised as policing German shepherds but don’t Netanyahu and his armies messed up heart, head theories keep following Holy Land Refugees where they go? I beseech thee please, please please pray for your leaders predicted to puppeteer to near genocide mankind; marvel not star warring  Alpha, The Beta with Kings Zion come bearing the plague of that day, Gama!

I thought  fires in Canada been ongoing for  many l months, how’s this news? Certain area map  set for demolition are called by known titles,  Hawaii, Canada, Britain, America;  Hawaii, California/Texas/ Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida. One grand took a hiatus from college before all hell brought out; one left Texas before it historic flooding; 2021 that was Indiana. and another dodged what two Noah type flooding in California. I know. I know, I know, if we’d all done as recommended Trump’s Nov 10, 2020, honestly all Memphians woke one morning. 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace. we’re living on the same Highland Park, Poplar street knowing demonic influences has taken over home lives, CHILDREN. All a

cars but one built for translating to heaven that 60’s Ford my sister since murdered a forewarned pharmacy parking lot, was in that one. Miraculous is these HUGE Red MONSTER Trucks start showing up, we all like an American Dream ready, heart, mind soul to get outta there. 

Presently Pompeii movie to gladiators of a New Madrid/ Memphis of Moses commanded exodus. I know like fellow, holy Catastrophist gone beforehand I can’t shut up about. That’s it, that’s how I felt when I boarded that Sept BETA 2015 soon skyrocketing Brides chariot, craft, after now 40 Chernobyl Spring Rapture Demos, to many to count 2023 alone, I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t like Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986 sad, just Dutchsinse, DONE! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Troy Black God Showed Me A Shaking of Nations Coming This July - Prophecy via @YouTube


Why doeth Aug 5 2021 AODHF Showing HIMSELF also Star Warring speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? For ELO-HIM So Loves The World! 

There’s Intravenous Witnessed Star Warring Archangel Michael Circling His Rev 20 Lamb’s Book, List Of Escaping Worthies All Around! 

It began that June 27/28 2015 and spread into that September 22/23, anyway escape craft scrolling panel was verifying.  We wouldn’t know how unimaginably world ending beginning its Aug 5 until 4 years later 2019. Here Juneteenth 2015 woke to missing Memphian older grands. Fretnot, I knew who took them, again Hawaii missile morning, grandpa, Rev 11:14 Jesus husband. Hesitating not I called the eldest, yes they were now in Georgia with her! 

There’s by the time we reached 2015 July 6th, there’s some bout a Cameron, a Putin and Syria revisited 2020, arrived in time to see Rev 12 New Born as the Holy Church Bride snatched off doomsday planet. Leaving behind instead a tremendously admired African birth mother, cradle all.

Soon we’re 2015 Sept 22/23, here returns grand Caden/Cameron mixed got my older grands set in US Georgia’s COAST CROSSOVER. see here, Isa 16:1-5 Rev 7, Tribulation Saints, this is also western refugees their to Father Abraham Christ biblical inherit. They’re Also escaping only to Rev 12 described Archangel Michael THEM help for 1,260 days as escaping westerners cross into SW Africa’s COAST!

Pretty much said date Sept BETA to be repeatedly, demonstrated every Sept 22/23 indefinitely into fulfillment. Only updated Sept 14/15 2023 soon learned to match Dan 9:27 Pres Trump’s 3 years Sept 15, 2020 signed, made active since Oct 17, 2021, Dan 9:27 Abraham Accord. Clearly by this time THEY’ve taken the Bride and gone “ANY,” hour to nano-second world apocalypse all its own! HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Hell REVIVAL SERMON #3 PARAN BAPTIST CHURCH via @YouTube; see more here,    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

See here, Eze 36, then he was 5, now he’s 12, see more here, 

The Seeing Of Myself Tossing In Granted Long Enough Ropes Now Knotted And Fishing Endangered

Children Outta Anubis Undergrounds 

There’s Battling With The Names Jesus Christ Of Freeing My Grand Niece From An Anubis Underground! 

Marvel not waiting predicted fireballs and a promised 36,000 in 2 Chron 7:14/15 type burnt offering pieces; for bringing endangered species black males back from Great White Throne judgment, yeah Elohim GOD honors that! 

Where Are They Now!

lately, I’d seen him twice before, accused him of having a hatred towards people how that instead was Antichrist, he appeared honored. Here, we were walking to the park school spring break 2024 last, where he would soon wish some harm. 

I just start explaining that dark stuff works on this side, but on that side tortuous demons await. How people have seen children in hell, they can’t stay there I explained but there’s no telling how they’ve suffered before crossing over. 

Also he’s the same 6 year old terrified by the thought of homosexuality seeing he liked one girl in particular, I explained God of the Bible settled it. I saw him last week happy to report that he’s again light, the sweetheart he asked of Christ! See the blogspot, I always tell them what the Bible his loved ones churches are based on, says. Apostle Grandma; HAPPY MOTHERS! Apb

Article, Wall Street Journal. Palestine Flee Expanded Rafah Fighting, as Hamas Resurges in Northern Gaza - The Wall Street Journal;

So Gad went to David (Pres Netanyahu); and said to him, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Take your choice: Like I said described by Turkey Erdogan predicted to go nuclear Christmas holidays, Anti- Christ Netanyahu just gonna accuse terrorist hiding among them, follow them; I just pray they push right into Jordan’s Desert Petra where it’s predicted for millennia Into counting down near 42 months Oct 17, 2021 so beginning 2025 Chernobyl April Spring Rapture Star Warrior Archangel keep THEM 1,260 days!

Like marvel not their handwriting of judgment now escape Yellowstone then, Jer 37:8, I was being told by an intravenous one millions would die tell mass assembly instead GET TO JESUS and learn of end times event, right, right the reminder, since Bush/Cheney there’s no more normal days with Gog And Magog them,  puppeteering Trump them.

Heads wayyy up Isaiah, John and my witnessed in the hundreds of millions to billions of stampeding refugees Trump to Archangel assigned to safeguard; we skyrocketed Holies assigned to intercede them from up there. Yeah Ad Astra second heaven marvel not no more mystery moon landing; that’s bless the Lord all our souls and all that’s within us bless HIS HOLY NAME! 

Article Wall Street Journal, Evacuations of the city deepen a humanitarian crisis with civilians scrambling for shelter in overcrowded areas,

In Prophetic Hindsight INVITE THE BETA Seeing The Update Is ALL SAINTS ALL POINTS BULLETIN ESCAPING BETA 15, 2023 There’s Some Bout Sept to Oct 2021 The DRAGON, The BEAST, Dan 9:27 Counting Down Non-Aggression Pact And Trumps Now Signed 2020 Sept BETA 15 Abraham Accord! Oh and like four for 7 years each, counting down simultaneously Gog and Magog Trump, time bombs! 

Admittedly Geoffrey I didn’t like ELO-HIM designed a GOD OF WAR! He’s causing the silence in heaven, crying on HIS Throne, HIS PEOPLE being strip, HE’LL STRIP; revisited Aug 5 WEST RULE firerocketing showing HIMSELF Star Warring; revealed reigning Bride prepped with Dan 2 Antichrist murderer, indefinitely incinerating kingdom, nation building. There’s Geoffrey for many millennia we know Jesus arrives as a SOLAR/nuclear event type PLAGUE, HIMSELF! Whew, knowing as Noah’s cousin to Aqua Era, breakage of The Genesis Rainbow covenant, be ye doers also!  

Gazans Flee Danger of Rafah for Uncertainty of Crowded Camps - Bloomberg,

  -Again what United Nations, Courts and such thought was gonna happened? Thinking so little of this human population they gave Anti-Netanyahu a past to bring these areas to  near genocide; well here’s what it looks like, why doeth US Palestinians rage? HGOW



Ashley Biden has confirmed that this is real.  Why isn’t the mainstream media talking about this?

Four loosed Angels and 200 million it’s demon armies can’t help wondering how beyond anything horrid they’ll infiltrate, seduce, oppress mankind; and then the keys to the bottomless pit exchanged hands, Aug 24/25 2023!!!

Showing Me The Interstellar Star Wars Battle Neither Do Star Warring Archangel .THEM Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood 


-‪What most don’t realize this phenom reveal began a decade prior that portal of a prayer closet of mine. The phenom closet never left me without even Angel bearing answers but before turn off I reveal something just wasn’t right and listening closely you could hear it too, impossible but ELOHOM IS  SOBBING ‬


‪Like John I was there, not the human kind HE made, wasn’t even human. Presently ascending into second heaven intercession to heal it all! He was crying you know, caused the silence in heaven, we all were boo-hooing all through the kingdom paradise of God there wasn’t a dry eye! ‬


‪Here’s now Juneteenth 17/19 2002 and GODS THRONE  is devastated earth is again an abominable Noah’s Day and FAR BEYOND; my people are dying, stripped actually WE’RE ALL SOBBING 30 minutes into stillness; one approach next I’m before a Mountain, A SUNLIGHT hearing as Moses was commanded LET MY PEOPLE! ‬



X Post

Ashley Biden has confirmed that this is real. Why isn’t the mainstream media talking about this?

Four loosed Angels and 200 million its demon armies can’t help wondering how beyond anything horrid they’ll infiltrate, seduce to possess mankind; and then the keys to the bottomless pit exchanged hands around the same, updated Aug 24/25 2023!

Showing Me Rev 12 Interstellar Star Wars Battle Neither Do Star Warring Archangel THEM Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood 


‪Nope, it’d seems like Moses Memphis Hebrew thought as so my Memphians it’s inherit GOD hadn’t forgot HIS PROMISES, hadn’t abandoned us, not even close. Marvel not the granting of Memphis Brides running shoes for tattered red wedding heels! Heard this pastor going on and on how man not women is supreme. It’s the woman seed who gave us Jesus, who expounded upon women these phenom reveals presently at the sound of Trump Gabriel an ascending to him, descending with Him multibillion man, multicultural Royal Priesthood! ‬

Understandably one of my favorite scenes Jan 2021 Pompeii movie of New Madrid of Moses Memphis , gladiators, one since died, sudden cardiac arrest; of telling his own type Pharaoh Minuscule gods how his GOD’S, The Holy Trinity Is Coming for them; marvel not like I heard 2013/witnessed 2019/2021 Rev 11 described AODHF is showing HIMSELF too Star warring with Rev 12 described Archangel Michael THEM setting THEIRS all around getting you tribulation Saints to safe haven territory Netanyahu bombings for mandatory evacuations seem to be working well, what about another pending Gog and Magog Trump White House, RUNNING? HBOW/Apb

You should know by now, prophesied is billions of people are gonna die, all of a sudden tens of millions Gog and Magog America, bringing, reigning Jesus Millennium to Gods Kingdom upon this planet and especially Americans because it’s puppeteered to deluded by Gog and Magog them they’re this outbreak of Apocalypse NOW primarily sitting ducks to boiling frogs, you ask how can I so easily say 100 million westerners about to be incinerated remember what Jesus said about your sight, your hearing, your speech to heart they’re as stone as your stone Gods; marvel not the flaming blazing frying pan flying saucer liftoff of the Biden/HARRIS Whitehouse! HBOW/Apb 

YouTube Pastor Breaker Daniel 2:1 to 49  Nebuchadnezzar's Dream: the History of the World Kingdoms via @YouTube

Where Are They Now? Translating, Crossing Over, Firerocketing to Skyrocketing? Blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit

Marvel not Pastor Breaker, besides confirming thrice Jesus Was On His Way Here, witnessed HIS high places descended two thirds the way HUSSEIN/Obama’s 2016. Reveals following those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians being lead on that beach to be beheaded; was equally showing “The Antichrist in great prowess planet wide!

The speed, understanding nothing of America of The American Continent to Rev 17/18 described Gog and Magog West Rule anymore exist. Imminent now every hour to nano-second fiery doomsday an outbreak of US soil apocalypse would’ve send it all skyrocketing to firerocketing. 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come that Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, Ben Affleck Armageddon (2024/2025!); 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace I also witnessed The reigning “Holy “Church Bride possessing. prepping and launching this Dan 2 from Heaven, Kingdom Nation infinite incineration; it had a meteor surface and as it impacted King Nebuchadnezzar’s witness it was called “The Antichrist Murderer. Further Pastor Breaker I remember not being comfortable with that title, murderer but if you remember that’s how Jesus described this world Satanic god, a murderer from the beginning! Star Warring, HBOW/Apb
