But WHERE ARE THEY NOW? And When Prophet Ezekiel Had Opened The First Time Tested Door, THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD, He Wasn’t Consuming

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 30 Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024; see here, Ps 22, see Jesus Father King David demo of The LAMB of God, suffering Cross; when during my dying husband hospital stay. There's  praising GOD all the day long when shown all around us intravenous Angel kept repeating daily it is melted into the midst of my bowels. miraculously taken from this scripture, PS 22, like Christ suffering CROSS watching our blessed suffering for HIM equally made standing all around Angels heart's like wax. it’ll melted into the midst of their bowels! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Pastor Breaker, The Message of the Blood https://youtu.be/At_RNx9qCD0?si=IfRo5C20-ngJzvHA via @YouTube, see more here, But WHERE ARE THEY NOW? And When Prophet Ezekiel Had Opened The First Time Tested Door, THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD, He Wasn’t Consuming (17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com)

Listen also here https://youtu.be/90b2nXE_b3o?si=4yLJfEbR_YeMtzzV Selah, The Blood and here, Selah At The Cross, https://youtu.be/HkX_bdvCd_A?si=srzd7TNbttPzc71b

-But Where Are They now? I woke a morning apart with these songs playing in my head; remember during the May 22, 2022, Chosen TV series demo,
prayer turned to praise, told storms were coming I looked into a lessen sunlight, began to pray Selah's How Great Thou, Are, with an entire African Male chorus with me, helping me. We are visiting in Africa and perhaps a song with African lyrics was appropriate! 

-Bush/Cheney 1998 I remember pastor looking up from sleep, from my bed seeing this hand write in HOLY Lamb's blood Jer 37:8 wondering not only what it meant but what it meant this day and time? Of course it was like they’re assuring the two witnesses I heard being told in my ear so clear, Chernobyl April, Spring Rapture 09 2024; “He will kill you, Sabbath day, the middle of Main Streets," showing the church bride snatched out July 06 2020/Sept 15, 2023, Rev 12 newborn style who else Pastor could they have been clarifying. how they're met with blessed martyrdom? 

-Of course curious about a Dan 5 type handwriting of biblical warnings of thousands of years long past. Understand, this was before as they’d promised Mother Africa and Father Abraham, God the woman seed Jesus is presently 7 billion it’s biblical inherit, including soon the billions descending with Bridegroom Jesus, its Royal Priesthood. I beseech you, know, hear , do, do, we can hear the books of the Joel 2 to Acts of the Apostle 2, one day he will pour out of his spirit upon all flesh for all flesh shall know ME, fear to reverence ME from the lest to the greatest. Though for now also mocked a catastrophist, Mat 24 Jesus warn/as standing over sleeping beds anxious intravenous Holy Angels, the abomination of desolations snapping at your offered up Memphis running shoes. 

-Frighnight to Amazing Grace, to those offering up multimillion man, traffic Jam; Back Turn Rite Aid Pharmacy, Rev 9 mocked Grocery Store, Store Manager Keys, to the Single Water Cooler, instead Mansions in heaven. Run, run, run, you know three Trump Of God, Archangel Michael THEM territories where 726 BC Isa 16/1706 BC Moses Exodus/July 2009 thru imminent Chernobyl April Spring Rapture, 22, 2024 AD and flowing, Blessed, Brexit, BRIEXIT, 93 AD, Rev 7 Tribulation Saints further poured into heaven's welcoming bosom/Rev 12, Tribulation Saints took exile luxury for 1,260 days, under Feb 2019 thru Oct 17 2028, Rev 12, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, protection.

-Frightnight to amazing Grace, when the Sunlight of God from behind a Mount Sinai type reigning God’s Back Turn Throne (Ps 51/Ps 66:18/II Chron 7; spoke to me as to Moses did I right then Pastor begin to enter the demo I was as Moses, Miriam, Arron and Joshua all along the biblical exodus and we’re talking from Rameses of Memphis to July 2008/2009 Senator Hussein Obama’s hundreds of millions in voters instead pouring into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic!

 Beware interceding Holy Church Bride reigns possessing, prepping and launching Dan 3 King Nebuchadnezzar/Daniel and presently my witnessed stone from heaven; seeing it had a meteor surface, hearing asteroid destroy leaders, parents and middle schools! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! Marvel not the single word inquiry running to the warning beware of North American traffic and Jan 2023 previously the building and awarding of race cars and racetracks and skyrocketing into HEAVEN Super Mario Brothers Carts! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Honest News A Time To Weep | Brother Joseph | Honest News Network https://youtu.be/HnTLyMaysxk?si=CLOKKwxduC2LUWBO via @YouTube 

Showing us Jan 2023/Sept 2023, in prophetic hindsight, Marriage Supper done, we, Jesus Heavenly Saints,  Archangel Michael, THEM Holy Saints, The Two Witnesses, Tribulation Saints, and all, all, all those blessed outreach, waiting since Aug 2021,  Star Warring Rev 11 AODHF the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet; They just pastor revisited  I and II Timothy 3:16, farewell benedictions upon unbelievers planet; he that believeth not is condemned already, thus saith JCON/JCON: marvel not their elephants of staying unaware stampeded that Trump, Abbas and Abbas 8 leads, Dec 3, 2017, tug of turf wars, they just show them all instead in a run on Rite Aid Pharmacy, Matrix  blue pills of staying unaware!  HBOW/HGOW/Apb

I Just Seen Jesus, Listen here, https://youtu.be/rW9MscveFXQ?si=Kv3T9IF5pSfSyi73

The God Who Sees, Listen Here,  https://youtu.be/l6sX4Vw8mx0?si=cQvTvTtiQeLz5pvY

Watch, Netflix Jesus Wept, The Chosen Season 1 Episode 3 

YouTube, Pastor Breaker, Seeing Lot’s Wife in Israel #discoverisrael #biblicalsite #salt https://youtube.com/shorts/OIrralLUTyE?si=WFEPHgnIWc4bWUu2 via @YouTube 

(Israel, THE HOLY LAND, on its deadliest war setting ever its biblical history, I can’t help but see those proving God to scripture, actually tempting him, by playing with deadly serpents; God scattered the Holy People Worldwide Lineages For A Reason. I say, ask, isn’t this kinda like those mutants using a rainbow to symbolize their same gender abomination to imminent school curriculums, reminder GOD judges sin? And oh how Noah’s Day to warn a Noah’s cousin, mightily? But Where Are They Now, See more here,  https://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/04/article-hill-walls-close-in-on.html; book characters, inquiry, seeing famed letters, USA floating off the American Continent Into Africa's Southwest Continent, a ginormous tsunami event?

Do Look Up, DO RISE UP, Don’t Look, Go Back! 

Genesis 15, Lot's family to wife, Frightnight to rolling twilight skies was just revisited upon my eldest son's family. My Grand Caden Fireball, Archangel Michael Ascension, remember Pastor, there’s a hole in heaven in its entry and John held an opened bible; there’s also Caden’s specialty prayer now set up in GOD'S THRONE, PARADISE! 

Archangel Michael Grand Caden doesn’t know it but when the fireball impact resumed. Say  like a year later May 2023, I know, there’s since that 37 day countdown, menacing Solar events since; I’m laying the bed, when there’s suddenly without warning a mammoth explosion at the front door. 

Correct the front door I and Brad Pitt witnessed an encroaching guerrilla war; I and Ben Affleck Armageddon revisited theatrics, Eze 5 barber chair;  hinges, nuts, bots, those two US quarters loud tingling projectiles all around and then nothing, nothing was again said, heard or I perfumed, left, also see here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html Apb The RAM! 

YouTube Pastor Breaker The Garden Tomb Where Jesus Was Buried #biblicalsite #discoverisrael #jesus https://youtube.com/shorts/Sj_U7vcYDuA?si=LL5xBRvINU97Sohj via @YouTube

But Many Millennia Later, Where Are THEY NOW?


And When The Lamb Had Opened The Book, The Seven Seals!!!

There’s Some bout those 21 beheaded Egyptian Coptic Christians and I presume as evidence THEY’RE GODS of technology. Like Feb 12-19 (2015) Pastor Breaker while dozing in cognition there’s appearing at the foot of my bed, 2023 my own Ps 139 to Rev 20, book of remembrance yes, but no here there’s these 3 text like messages. Fright-night to amazing Grace each saying Jesus is coming, Jesus is On The Way Here; 

Surely we know the difference between a love one telling you THEY’RE coming and for the longest time. Only finally THEY’RE telling you get ready, get set, WATCH OUT, THEY’RE on the way here. Wait, wait Popup reveal, Sept BETA 14/15 2023 see Trump’s Dan 9 27 Abraham Accord Sept BETA 15 2020! Like in prophetic hindsight is this the ginormous arrival Holy Bride THEM running around “second heavens intercession” getting ready for, descending Jesus and The Heavenly Saints? 

Soon there’s hearing like now  birds chanting only then so clearly it’s on repeat, He’s here, He’s here, He’s here! Though I was with Him seeing the earth littered with the dead; as promised, Jesus millennium descended July 26/27 2016, into WH Barack Hussein Obama/Alexander/Hitler’s Germany Antichrist, Anubis Army! C. O. STAR WARRING AODHF/HBOW/JCOR

YouTube Pastor Breaker, The ruins of Caesarea where both Peter and Paul were! #biblicalsite #dis... https://youtube.com/shorts/QbsK_14ANvE?si=wKk9_7YNyzmh1mxa via @YouTube (-marvel not all the predicted Ps 2 extreme mockery as building you fast and furious race cars, race tracks, while me and mine escaped to second heaven intercession in a skyrocketing Super Mario Brothers, Cart; I’m just saying if Star Warring AODHF mocked the FAMOUS Chosen Series as an endangering stay put campaign, what he must be saying about stay put pastor equally endangering tens of millions of UK/BC/US refugees? If the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the unholy, the ungodly appear? 

One Thing I Shall Seek Of The Lord, I May Gaze Upon The Beauty Of The Lord All The Days Of My Life! Marvel Not I Just Witnessed The Building Of My Own Stay Put Foundation Pillar, GODS Paradise HEAVEN! 

See here, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-clothes-on-your-back-shoes-on-your.html; with much fear and trembling I shared this with my family; when growing up my mom was as Jacob, I was as Joseph and my eight siblings were as Joseph monstrous brothers and monstrous Egyptian slavery, like Paul’s Damascus Road an incurable, inoperable, terrifying transformation infirmity. 

Beware During Grand Caden as Lot and family fireball impact, Archangel Michael escape just know John was in heaven holding an opened Bible! Which lends the question Where are they now Pastor Breaker? Here’s April 8 2024 impacting Comet P12/Pons-Brook; THEIR Nov 21/ Nov 22/Aug 23 Eze 5/Apb barbershop, designed Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone. Frightnight revisited these near 40 Moses wilderness Chernobyl spring upon my own commanded to exodus Pompeii/Ramses Of Memphis! When pastor after all the confusion, how am I looking at a winged Jesus; how the Lord himself snatching us out was Holy Father HIMSELF? By the way, possibly why they crossed over first, after The Children skyrocketed, that is.

The Tribulation Saints they were Jesus Divine; be careful Father, I  mourned, least they’ take your heart! Next I know those 24 elders John witnessed all around, thus my question, where are they now? I was being hand over to an elderly appearing Prophet Ezekiel. THEY’D prepared him to show me three time tested doors of revelation and phenomena gladness and joy behind every one Surrealistically Winged Jesus was Mal 4 described with healing wings Sunlight of God and behind those doors he prepped and newly hearted and newly hearted, Jesus’ prayed end day laborers, HBOW/Apb The RAM 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor. WARNING - WORSE THAN YOU COULD IMAGINE. SOMETHING BIG IS GOING DOWN. https://youtu.be/kHLuiKrKCRc?si=x_S8OJNaWW-i4As1 via @YouTube

PS, HASHTAG, EXCETRA Nuclear March 30 Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024;


Besides them warning Hawaii is building into; showed us what a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone looks like; show a New Madrid GINORMITY bury Memphis schools, children; go see impacting since Chernobyl Spring Rapture, 1986. Comet 12P/Pons-Brook April 8, 2024 Spring Rapture; beware two big one’s coming! 

Frightnight to rolling twilight zone skies, 1998, like dominoing Hawaii volcanic summit, NATO’S obliteration begins Britain, Canada and the US 100 million dead to near a billion or more migrating into US Georgia’s Coast, Crossover into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Coast; C. O. STAR WARRING, HBOW/HGOW

Everyone Was Excited About The Eclipse, Until They Heard This Prophecy https://youtu.be/quXN0HfyzF4?si=gmAIASQlvH7oCt3G via @YouTube

The Gates of Hell in Banias, Israel, old Caesarea, Phillipi #biblicalsit... https://youtube.com/shorts/kDHh9AzSANY?si=4sRyiZOc09zhWBj3 via @YouTube

See here, Skyfall movie, trailer, https://youtu.be/Ia3bZdPSmXY?si=Tbe_OMXiQrw9iTwd see what Rev 10 Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel are seeing Hawaii and surrounding W. Pacific states beings wiped off the planet; remember THEY took us out that Hawaii missile threat ten days prior; until we’re seeing this, two west rule system sky to firerocketing https://youtu.be/S1Kbym7WYzs?si=Q4ZL8pMfSiu29tgI   their  2012 Movie., 2009  version of a  predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE dominoing Into 100 more super eruption along  the North American craton, to The American continent until North America Volcanic apocalypse looks like what’s being described here, Rev 18, for I’m one hour you’re no more and here www.the phoenix1012.blogspot.com/http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-it-you-may-as-well-tell-me-you.html

Now will a impact and aftermath for near 40  years Chernobyl spring rapture culminate into launched, incoming, impacting Cosmic SOLAR volcanic April 8 2024 event I only know if we’re in the third year of Daniel 9:27 final seven  years it should and there is no more anything America or west rule, like it never ever happened beware impacting April 8 2023 fits the Nov 2021, Nov 2022 and June/Juneteenth a described Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONES/last day of America, I know Pastor Breaker, As Noah, and his family   neighbors.rs actually we know! 

PS, HASHTAG EXCETRA Nuclear April Rapture, 04, Apocalyptic Firestorms Building Dominoing Hawaii Summit, That 7.7 Taiwan Quake Was Originally, Predicted a New Madrid, Memphis Quake ;

YouTube Church In D, Elijah - The Prophet Taken to Heaven by a Chariot of Fire - (Explained B... https://youtu.be/iaXlhNy87sA?si=B2ej5BRy7G2RiOEA via @YouTube SOS 2/Mal 4, April Chernobyl Spring 1986, I’m Resting A Fenced Duck Pond When He Summoning Me Three Times Up To Him, Had Huge Stretched Out Wings, Arms, Telling Me To Come! I Know Remind Of Rev 4 John! Where Are They Now? First ever wonder, like we look back to rapture promises from weeping Jesus assuring Lazurus sister Mary to INTRAVENOUS ANGELS MT OLIVET SKYROCKETING to Paul's witnesses to experiences, I Thess 4;16-18 to I Cor, 15; so is King Solomon, 2, also describing to experiencing a Spring Rapture? I been asking youtubers revisiting ancient of Holy Scripture, in retrograde 40 Chernobyl spring raptures, say undated from Rev 12 Sign fulfillment September 22, 2017 to September 22/23 (2015)! Frightnight to amazing Grace here's undated September 14/15 BETA 2023, portraying skyrocketing Holy Church Bride return posthaste for resurrecting, ascending two Olivet branches, only too like Eph 4 described ascending, descending Jesus, THE CHRIST, they're leading captivity captive Rev 2/7 described Tribulation Saints, I was there, I witnessed them dressed in Royal, GLISTENING, BLINDING WHITE, chaperoned and arriving the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb, presently The Wait, see more here, Aug 5, 2021, Star Warring Rev 11 begin vs 15; see more my prophetic demos told as prophetic parables here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-it-you-may-as-well-tell-me-you.html here, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah.html Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Leaving Jerusalem through the Dung Gate #biblicalsite #discoverisrael #j... https://youtube.com/shorts/QDXfxWIMRtw?si=bRZsCtkQskfkxJ1V via @YouTube

Setting Our Hearts, Heart Treasures, THOUGHT’S above where Christ Jesus and billions HIS ascended wait Rev 11 7th Trumpet Sounding and Intercedes The Divine Two Witnesses And Immaculate Tribulation Saints  I Was There Jan 162023/Sept 15, 2023, beware! 

Where Are They now? Literally, you can’t give me a million dollars to travel anywhere, let alone, to Jerusalem or the Holy Land: But, but, but after his phenomenal descent, I walked with Jesus THE RETURN , as prophesied heard them inquire about the holes in his hands; 

Presently no more than God wanted baby Jesus there, seekers of his, life, does he want newborns, The Holy Church there, seekers of our humanity, our souls; marvel not plenty THEY show THEIRS escaping to US Georgia’s Coast, CROSSOVER to Africa’s Southwest Atlantic including, howbeit not the continuity of genocidal WEST, famed letters USA see more where are THEY now here, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/03/youtube-pastor-breaker-ruins-of.html

Marvel not the request pray for all humans beings at the wailing wall hinting an inundation of demons; marvel not a hand writing on a wailing wall, 99 bowls of molten lava: Knowing, WATCH! Run! Live! HBOW/ Apb The RAM

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Leaving Jerusalem through the Dung Gate #biblicalsite #discoverisrael #j... https://youtube.com/shorts/QDXfxWIMRtw?si=bRZsCtkQskfkxJ1V via @YouTube

WATCH! RUN! LIVE! DEC 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST! 

Presently no more than God wanted baby Jesus in Jerusalem seekers of his, life, does he want newborns, The Holy Church BRIDE there, seekers of our humanity, our souls; marvel not plenty THEY show THEIRS escaping to US Georgia’s Coast, CROSSOVER to Africa’s Southwest Atlantic! 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, including, howbeit not the continuity of described Rev 17/18 genocidal WEST, Rule, there’s crossing over into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, famed letters USA! See more where are THEY now here, Isa 16:1-5/ Rev 7/Rev 12:1-5, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/03/youtube-pastor-breaker-ruins-of.html to mindblowingly Marfoogle answer your question, https://www.youtube.com/live/v22Z6io4Wm0?si=rE_lPYzIkyCsPfAS) here http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html and why like Lots wife there’s no looking, going back, plan for it, herehttp://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-clothes-on-your-back-shoes-on-your.html 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Jerusalem at Night #discoverisrael #biblicalsite #jerusalem https://youtube.com/shorts/5ku6wwXd6N0?si=Q7IISU8BzbvwTeay via @YouTube

There’s Something Months Before The War A Picture Of Pres Shimon Peres And Israel As A Shopping Mall At The Edge Of A Cliff Regularly Falling To Their Deaths! 

04/09/24. “He’s Going to kill you, on the Sabbath Day, The middle Of Main Street! Near Three Years Oct 17, Daniel 9:27 Week Of Years, Warn The POPE, The Man Of Sin Or The Two Witnesses? 

Where Are They Now? Guessing it was around Burning Bush last admin. There was this train-wreck, more like this terrorist attack and nothing was left but itty, bitty pieces. 

I ascended to heaven but just as so I  descended, arrived in Petra during Israel luxury exile; the Antichrist had them in hiding. Though getting back to Jerusalem danced in their heads and hearts all around was street vending galore, yes even then. 

Marvel Not A Rev 9 Related Multimillion Man Grocery Store  Store Manger Keys, Barter Balen,Toll Booth! There’s tossing down the shop sign, I can only say Pastor Psalm 2/Rev 18 AODHF been mocking shoppers forfeitures of military loved ones to a build up of Mede torture vehicles since Bush answer to Americans severely on edge going to war with Islam. Presently a million or more persons dead, especially women and children, to shake it off, go and shop! 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Walking on Water on the Sea Of Galilee https://youtu.be/fWxN8gYhkJY?si=__uaZZIVvPqxF9ux via @YouTube

-Where are THEY now? Rapture Demos 2023 Jan, BIG JUNE, SEPT, Actually Sept 14/15 2023, I just learned revisit the Sept 15, 2020 signing of Dan 9:27 Gog and Magog Trump’s Abraham Accord; miraculous to Surrealism place all laborers of divine intervention in Second Heaven Intercession; this meeting Jesus in the air. Guardians, Star Warriors, laborers, martyrs, all all, all marriage supper done, waiting 🎉🎉🎉 behind the sounding of the 7th Angel Trumpet, Rev 11, begin vss 15…

-Cutting a look up at the ceiling I could hear 2021 Christmas morning kids playing up there. Remind Pastor of one thing hearing Rev 10 Mighty Angel prancing back and forth up there, only more like a husband who’s wife is travailing in birth. I explain go watch Skyfire Trailer get some idea what he was seeing dominoing Volcanic US West Pacific into YELLOWSTONE, the fiery, molten end!

-John witnessed him standing one foot the planet, one foot the sea; how this isn’t ELOHIM To THE CHRIST only John and now myself, we see a MIGHTY ANGEL! Mine isn’t alone, Rev 17, 7th Angel is with him. He sees why we’re all designed US states of barbecue and seen Pastor us escaped by intravenous Star Warriors as far as Africa’s Southwest Atlantic! HBOW/Apb, and yeah , we can all finally lose these fightnight titles? Star Warring AODHF/JCOR!

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Seeing the Wailing Wall in 2024! #wailingwall #biblicalsite #israel https://youtube.com/shorts/C7eyrX2WjOssi=V6uD_SJArtaHYCBS via @YouTube: 

Whore And Beast Separated, Britain And America Separated I Will Strip Leaders!

-But Where Are They’re Now? No one stone left upon another, Jesus warned religious leaders darling temple. The spirit of prophecy putting the wailing wall in forfeiture and jeopardy.  Just saying why make such a clear difference between its visitors? See here, Eze 9/Mat 24/Rev 9, describing some as human beings suggesting we pray for them, also see, http://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2024/04/for-when-yiu-do-it-to-lest-of-them.html Star Warring HERSELF, HBOW


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