Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 29 Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024, what can I say if this was March-3, 2018 hundreds of millions of American refugees every type of auto ever made would be pouring into US Georgia’s Coast just as Id invited them all there from all other US states of Barbecue, Canada, Britain as well!
See also here,;
The May 22 2022, chosen series demo told in the form of a prophetic parable! I know Selah, how do they even exist? Actually as unexpectedly as the demos themselves, I HAVE A DREAM (demo, Maze of unrepentant sin even) next I know it’s an amazing grace, Aqua, African, Juttah genealogy!
Selah with a new hit and that’s dancing hallelujahs all around; When my son just now come asking about a praise song” All My Praise, he’d been hearing since his kid’s were little, I said ah, that’s Selah, remember?
The prophecy link above, this is the group, Selah, whose song while looking into the sun, How Great Thou, Are. Amazingly partly song in an African language, African native males chorus and I singed; in the demo, we, The Chosen Jesus and I were visiting Africa at the time;
Again this maze of unrepentant sin, the deadly, damning religion of revisiting a virgin Mary, Chosen series demo of reminding, revisiting as far back as burning Pres Bush 1999, see his 2005 hurricane Katrina, Trump 2017 beware hurricane season; Biden’s 2021/2022; your going on as normal building storms and building rescuers were all coming! HBOW/Apb
RED ALERT - THIS IS NOT RIGHT - THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT via @YouTube; fret, this is when AODHF revisited exact date, now 3 years, Aug 5 2021, Two West Rule systems skyrocketing to firerocketing off the planet as showing Rev 11 HIMSELF also Star Warring as, with Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM; Frightnight to Amazing Grace, like HIS bloody redemptive CROSS, Jesus THE CHRIST intravenous Millennium Reign must also prevail!!! Got HIM, HER. THEM and got up yonder yet? HBOW/Apb
YouTube 10 Cataclysms That Could End Humanity via @YouTube; see here see since during a 37 day May 2023 countdown witnessed from up there the hugest SUN ever and reminded of an incoming TIFF (CME/EMP); SOLAR EVENTS enough to put back to Noah’s Ark building, even back to Dinosaur Days! I know, as Noah, knowing
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies Rev 20, till he and billions sat their feet atop Mt Olivet. Actually all these 10 or more earth endings scenarios; one of a reigning Holy Church Bride possessing. prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven been ebbing and flowing
Since Mal 4 describe Sunlight Of God.
Come down, Covered us with his feathers and in his trusting wings snatched us off the planet while l. Amazingly while celebrating our enemies are now as ashes under our feet by an April Spring Chernobyl nuclear meltdown. So if you’ve heard about incoming April Spring 08, 2024 SOLAR. Cosmic, Volcanic, Comet 12P-Pons - Brook and you’re now thinking that just can’t be a coincidence.
Clearly you have to understand Holy God Of Wrath Rev 7 and Eze 5. Rev 7 shows he has the heart to pause guided earth enders and Eze 5 shows, his heart also is to design them for commanded exodus in the first.
Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till They come and I can see the planet is littered with its predicted two US quarters dead. Surely you can understand THEM mocking Armageddon and Batman vs Superman Ben Affleck also an Eze 5 barber chair SOLAR, Cosmic and Volcanic event and warn it’s Aug 24, 2023 impact as the last day of America! C. O. Star Warring HIMSELF, AODHF/HBOW
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen Bride Goddess D’Angelo Swenson Sommer and Lord, King Bridegroom Ulysses Belisarius Fleeting
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Renaissance Bastian, Desus Achilles was born 11 godsons Lord Onchis Banyan Kutz, Lord Atlas Ophiophagus Kutz, Lord Gadeirus Panthera Kutz, Lord Ampheres, Macaca, Kutz, Lord Evaemon Equus Kutz, Lord Caiaphia Mneseus Kutz, Lord Autochthon Kutz, Lord Naja Elasippus Kutz, Lord Mestor pardus Kutz, Lord Azaes cuniculus Kutz, Lord Diaprepes Equus Kutz, achilles
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts
“So that’s what it meant, before it’s news Israel, presently this plethora of Israeli articles. You know it’s all a ruse, anti-Netanyahu Biden per his Whitehouse run, he’ll be back to Islamic colonialism right after he wins, right Jessup man , marvel not the flaming, blazing frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden, Harris Whitehouse.” >>>”I know Silverton, Jesus didn’t break the world he mend the world but sometimes it seems the dark creeps in between it cracked heart so bewildering, put ye in the whole armor of God, uncle, final days planet earth Satanic, Demonic and Alien Apocalypse comes down to you having only years Daniel most apocalyptic last years this present earth. There you are Lord Shaddai, I been in great research after you! Lord Bastian,” leaping up happily it’s greeting, bringing more attention their way. “Please sit, meet my fellow brotherhood,” not to say, not knowing who else could see her. There was as usual an alluding, alluring glowing, female with reddest blonde, in motion hair, who never made a sound. When Lord Renaissance, Bastion stood, she stood, if he sat she stood behind his chair. “This is Sia Darius Meshullam Kadesh and Sia Darius Silverton Nicholas. Well of course Darius Shaddai, it’s always pleasing to meet those of the phenomena Juttah. Right to it, It is that a day past I thought I heard you El Shaddai refer to Darius Lord Urusalem as grand Sia mom!” As always it was their eyes, like the eyes of men. Only seem capable of piercing one heart right through long hair, ponytail of ring curls down his back. “I know you don’t know, but I’m one of three of her godtriplets. I heard such but found it odd realizing her in that capacity a mother with children, but I guess Mother Mary Of Jesus and his sibling were the same. I’d hadn’t put it that way, really there’s six of us including twin sons and Darius Sia Juttah Karsiann. Our mother actually, your mother, Queen, Darius Juttah, then El Shaddai, right they’re my uncles. Yes, yes I sat in her reveals class, ever being ever mesmerized . So if I’m correct it is Grand Sia paradise Skyfall we’re to visit? Actually no, it’s Brightville Space Center, skyfall compilation, actually Lord Bastian Darius Meshullam Kadesh here domain. Ah I see, you too your title sound familiar, your hair so sparkling white. He is Darius Silverton Nicholas of the exodus/transfiguration. Actually Lord Bastian perfect timing, we’re meeting here discussing having you Angel men join us during godtriplet El Elyon relocation to Grand Sia paradise skyfall. so Lord Silverton Nicholas, how was the privilege to be told you’d be awarded the 144, 000, transfiguration. You don’t understand Lord Bastian, we were ejected from our Heir Aqua the Nile river, Ramses of Memphis. .Remarkably, as to win entering the African Juttah by taking Lord Moses 40 day route into Canaan Land, like he Lord Bastian and grand sia mom had dreamed months prior. Surely you mean, when the Gods Throne, sunlight of god from behind a mount Sinai type commanded her just as Moses let my people go? Apparently Lord Bastian connected but here’s decades later. Remarkable to Surreal with so many refugees coming and going we didn’t know the 144,000 had joined us. Well not until looking through a glass darkly they’re fascinatingly upon us, they’re being transfigured from atop a mountain into who appeared as both Lord Jerusalem and Lord Urusalem. Ah my Jesus is Christ, to Lord Silverton Nicholas have witnessed that such the remarkable as that. Even more remarkable Lord Bastian, next we know we’re waking here, the Septennial Juttah, our own assigned rooms to Aqua Juttah genealogy. Kinda like no more knowing who they were than sitting here wondering just who are you Angel men? I can assure we’re not them, not only are they men, but virgins, and most my brethren Angel men like I presume you three are adjoin the divine Genesis man marriage. While I’m yet to know the romantic compassion of a goddess companion. What about her? Her? Curiously following their eyes past him like someone is obliviously there. “What are, there’s been with you Lord Renaissance Bastian, this stunning, glowing, flowing temptress. Then I say surely like your Holy Lords El Shaddai you make mockery, I assure we’re not, oh, oh. oh, she’s speaking. Her name is Amphitrite Afridi Diamus Kutz, she is your companion for life, as soon as you recognize to give her recognition. Frightnight to amazing Grace she’s right here telling you these things? Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz is standing right behind you. You guys are seeing this too, right?” Cautiously whispering in at two kinda flabbergasted themselves, agreeing uncles. “Recognize her, right? Okay let’s see, Goddess Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz please make your appearance! I'm here gracious Lord as always, my lord, you are too stunning, Lord? I wasn’t just seeing things, nor my Lord, hearing things, pray tell how long you’ve been there? Ask him, your El Shaddai he’s always been aware of my presence, yes, she’s always with you I can confirm, that. Here's El Eli commy, excuse me, I got to ask Lord Bastian are you all also freshly Negeb Ophel harvested, I mean it makes sense, right? I just know Sias, we were the dark black void Lord Urusalem warn and warn and now we’re these Juttah paradises of Revelation light. We gotta run, we? Yes, we’re taking you to Grand Sia Skyfall paradise and we’re to decide from there, Sias? Ah I’m Afraid Lord’s we can’t just jump an heir Juttah and disappear, but please come back to us when you’re return. Hurry, hurry we gotta run! Okay thinking Lord Silverton Nicholas brother I was with you through the Aqua Juttah Moses exodus trials beyond phenomenal experiences, yeah brother Lord Kadesh until just now, what the otherworldly just happened? Pinch me Darius Meshullam Kadesh and I mean it, pinch me so hard I feel it at every turn, only loving brother Darius Silverton Nicholas Chow if you wake me up the same, vulgar way!” You sure we can’t jump our own heir Juttah and follow them? I’m positive, like you Sia Darius I’ve missed plenty its alarms already, right, right, ooowl, cringing nearly to the floor, thinking where’s the warning? Damn it that hurt, no warning? Wait, what are you doing?” Seeing a playful, menacing Meshullam is thinking about running. You’re gonna run? You better not, what kinda coward, hearing rising chatter to laugher at them, all around. “You only gonna make it worse, don’t forget brother I take vengeance when you sleep! I Can't believe it, he actually ran, pinched blood outta me and ran, what kinda world we live in when its own Darius, Preece Juttah Pinch and run?” >>>”But if they Angel men have per Trump’s September, 15, 2020, Daniel 9:27, Abraham accord put Daniel last week of year in progress going on three year, you nor I can see how incoming 12 P Pons-Brook’s predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone, impacting April 8, 2024 date, is then thwarted. In other words its Eldon decided THEY have no other choice, run, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM have been shown, running with you! Wait that Sept 15 date 2020, three years it September 14/15 2023 That’s when grand sia arrived second heaven intercession running as all others, getting ready for a specialty arrival that can’t be other than the two witnesses, and they’re leading captivity captive tribulation Saints, and think, I read the aunt that was waiting to be taken Sept 20, 2022 was there pushing a cleanup cart as well, discovering grand sia, hugging her. Look Angel men, she come, I see her, look by the windows Grand Sia is coming this way. On our best behavior then, you thinking Lords Bastian you Lord Constantine she’s gonna let us visit that beaming portal and if she does Lord Gadeirus, then what? Now that Lord Mneseus is what I been asking myself, now what? Shhhh, Lords, she’s coming this way, yeah I can hear her. “Good evening, blessed day, for those who don’t know me, I’m Grand Sia Maaseiah you may know me as Lord Urusalem. I hope, well everyone appear comfortable we’ve spent the last minutes on the commy with Global, Heelsfeet and Septennial Juttah. Soon we all come to one conclusion, why is this a request at all, what do you hope to gain by visiting the beaming portal, escape? I woke the beaming portal unaware it’d happened, was made this impossible offer, as you see I stayed. Our grand triplets went there just its investigation found themselves faced with this equally impossible offer, also stayed. So my question and those the Juttah Tribunals, are you going just to be given the opportunity of being faced with this impossible offer?” Not having much of a long term memory to speak of, but thinking Sia Darius Lord Urusalem mesmerizing and all inquiries flew away as to be in her presence is to be in the presence of the Ancient Of Days Himself. Don’t answer, we’ll address these uncertainties in conference with the African Tribunal after breakfast in the morning. Until then enjoy this phenomenon, place its on, please don’t wonder far, impossible inquiries mount, blessed, day, sweet sleep! Now you godtriplets have a meeting, to a practice, I’ll see you in an hour, worship hall! So Sia Mahaseiah so gracious we’re with you, can we be with you? Perfect, I Can’t wait, any of you sing? Welcome to our worship hall, well Sia Maha, no, we don’t sing, not even a little. “Wow,“ eyes around, they all responded, chattered among themselves, “how stunning, coming in on a beautiful stage performance. “The singing, the songs, wow they’re professionals. That’s just my mom you goddesses know, and him, that’s Sia, Juttah, Soledad we’re putting on our first resurrection play, so guess what? Your Angel men gonna entertain with each their Negeb Ophel harvest, event! Pray tell, lord Maha not my Lord Constantine, he’s already confessed when Ezekiel’s dry bone skeletons start rising they start running! Breaking them all into laugher and shakes of the heads. Well hey, there’s plenty to do before Resurrection Sunday so just ask around, be at home, help. Maha love, you gotta come, some angel men testimonies of coming out sound like grand Sia outer darkness testimony, including light coming under their feet, come, come! So contemplating strongly Lord Amoheres of Saison how will we answer how many reasons why? Brilliant you two isn’t that scripture, a psalm, a lamp under my feet?” >>>”What Ericka Lynn are you watching and who are they? Look those are angel men and this is Maaseiah’s Worship hall and why Ashley Michelle aren’t you watching? Get this, Grand Sia believe they’re 12 of those recently harvested dry bones, during resurrection Negeb Ophel dry hill and oh, don’t write that nor speak it, if ladies you have written it down burn it, even from your memory. I mean I’ve heard Ericka they’re mesmerizing, and some, yeah they’re sharing the resurrection of Negeb Ophel for our first resurrection program and the practiced alone ladies as you see is otherworldly. So we’re responsible for costumes, these are actual angel men so have your ideas on my desktop by noon, commy if you need until the evening! So our four Sia Juttah males? I thought we’d choose a style from our four primary male collections, Nicholas Edin, The Coogan Firm Male, Desrek Chocolate and, and Ashley Soledad Maurice our April Calendar collection. But who’s to style what? Well Mahaseiah gown is being fabricated as we speak, we put godtriplets in their father to uncles, collection, Evden Blazely is closed to a Desrek Chocolate and as soon as I talk to him, Soledad is April Spring calendar, so get plenty shots, vids of him. I’m running ladies as usual, can’t wait to see what you come up with, these Angel men, neither can we Ericka darling, be safe. Look, I’m thinking we need to get Maaseiah here personally, yeah Merecal, me too, I’m on it, later! Wow, just these names alone,I don’t wanna hear it, just forget it like she said and get to work like she said. They’re our nearest customers and they’ll be in for their fitting, Angel men, sorry, but they’re coming here? You know Erica Lynn, would she have it any other way? I bet she already got the walk of fame locked, loaded and ready! I say imagine them as the 12 months of the calendar and Soledad the year 2024, his own! My god Mercedes, pitch it, we might as well do all that shooting while they’re here. Leaving y’all to do y'all millions of things, off to do my million of things, blessed day, sweet sleep!” >>>”I don’t know Lord Gadeirus, why you’re asking me? To be honest being here, Lord Urusalem Skyfall paradise how can I ask for more except Jesus' descending Millennium to AODHF own descending Kingdom paradise? So you’re saying Lord African Juttah grant us go, stay you’re blessed either way? Yes, yes, that’s what I’m saying and you Lord Trilling since your ears are perked with wondering, knowing. Excellent response Lord Am is what I say vote Lord Am speak for us!” >>>“Ahhhh-Ahhh- Ahhh AAAHHHH!” Waking, quaking, screaming, falling out of bed slithering, away, Renaissance Bastion, shhhh, easing innocently, cautiously upon horrified him, its electrical currents from hair follicles to tense organism to popping toenails. “You was laying there looking so delicious, sleeping so, I only wanted to taste you, touch you and feel your insides? No, no, wait, let, ah me, catch, what are you trying to, I explained I only wanted to taste, I heard all that, detoxing, vacillating, crying. “You trying to kill me? Let me help you up, no, no, don’t touch me, just hand that cover, then my wanting, aching, needing was all wrong? Your wanting, aching, sizzling through adrenaline you mean? Thinking she had the most Platinum looking skin, flawless, gorgeous body to intoxicating play. “Then I’ll go, get my things, you don’t have to go, Amphitrite, look at me, I’m ok, you just really wowed me, no, you sleep there, I’ll sleep here, you’re sleep on the floor, the sofa then, I’ll be fine. No, I go to my ladies, please don’t, I was mightily overwhelmed, my touch, kisses, my biting to taste you, yeah all literally an electrifying me to death, coupling. You do taste good, especially your breast, I just wanted more and more, and, and we Didi exploded! You call me Didi, saying through a release of happy tears, you told me too, remember? Please stay, just no more feeling your insiders, you my insiders, I’m sure Didi we’ll find a way but for now, lay back down, sleep, promise I’ll join you again later! Promise you say? Yeah, promise!” >>> “They’re here guys, two each our assignment, na’ll, I don’t care what y'all say, we just died and went to romantic heaven! Now we each wrote down our assignment, you two Evaemon and Elasippus you with me, I’m Ashley, come this way. You even know our names, yeah, practice. Now I’m gonna need your help designing for you, I totally wanna know what you thinking? What if we know nothing, you know Elasippus how I know you know something? You been around some of the most stylist men on the planet, guess whether we work for them. Let me have you sign here, and this form here one give us permission to use your work and the other, well will you Angel mean agree to be our calendar models, 12 months, 12 of you? So is Ashley married? Loving husband, three stunning kids, why, you Angel men in the market? Here, these are men’s design we’ve copied from the 20’s, 30’s right up til today choose something, I’m giving you my entire my lunch break! See you soon, don’t disappoint me, we won’t, promise!” >>>Sheet grabbing, heel digging strange fascination, huffing, puffing, her awake. "Wha, wha. wha is taking, taking my breath? Soon fearing its blistering hot, all her firing, fuming places, Lord Bastian. “There you are, you’re right, you’re Didi too, too, too incredibly tempting, your tongue, give it to me! Snappish her panting breaths, dissolving its delectable squeals, to enticing quivers, shhhh, electrifying, switching, climaxing insiders, give them to me. Wait, wait!" Suddenly terrified of what was happening, struggling, tussling, up, out, "stop, stop please!” Frightened how serious was this, despite its gnawing wonderfulness was this even right, what was happening? "I don’t want this," panic breathing, struggling, frolicing to get up, "hey, hey, hey, no, let me up, Lord Bastian please, let me up! Okay, okay!" Rolling off, onto his back, his eyes into the ceiling, pulling covers up. "I’ll be with my ladies,” feeling her weight leave the bed, hearing her busing about, getting her things, getting out. 'You’ll find me there, yes? Bastian please, I’ll find you there, yes," thinking he knew what she wanted, only now how embarrassing, more pulling of his covers, "I promise, since you promise, I feel blessedly hearted to leave.” >>>“No Mestor, Azaes just interestingly. curiously walk toward me, Mesor hand your right pocket, Azaes hand your left, pocket, when something on the ground catch your eye, stops Mestor a look over your shoulder, your kneeling down. We’re holding, holding, very good, wardrobe change, 10 minutes, guys, guys, Mestor, Azaes, that means come with me, oh, oh! Mr. tall, red, breathing taking and late is here! Lord Bastian I presume, yes, sorry I’m tardy we were getting to know each other better, I see, I need you to sign these two forms and walk this way, you too? Didi, just call me Didi. I need your help Didi, your very tardy beloved Bastian have about ten minutes my break to decide what to wear and look, here’s your choices. Hum, Lord Bastion finally made it, yeah, you see his goddess wife, well whom I think is his goddess wife? These people are seriously intimidating and seeing her, Mercedes, what about a couples calendar? Just listen, we could get Possidi daughters in here, a couples calendar, featuring those super men and women as couples .it’s gonna sale Sissy in no time, off the map! Get in touch with the ladies, see how fast we can get them here, ah my god, where’d that ideal come from? Coming into her office, getting right to work {“so me tell me, we got them?"}}} Incoming call Erica Lynn, "yes, listen, there’s Eirene, Lamia, Herophile, Rhode, Charybdis, Kymopoleia, Benthesikyme, Aithousa, Euadne, and Despoena, there’s an Amphitrite and Athen. Only thing May, they’re in Rome shooting and can’t get here until Monday perhaps Tuesday, that’ll work, they’re not our Resurrection program but our couples calendar! Right, right, wait how many is that? Looking, looking, there's 11, but 12 Maaseiah with Lord Bastian’s Didi, by the way, she told me to call her, bye, later! Hey, hey Mrs. Hymn somebody gotta decide whose gonna be matched with whom, or we Erica have a luncheon and let opposites attract and catch it on camera! Later, yeah, later!}}}. {{{“Hey, ah so good hearing your voice, use it love tell me you free for lunch! And that sighing, regretful pause, say? I’m sorry love, I say we stay this side, do dinner, okay, beggars Shimmering Knight can’t be choosy, the Garden Paradise? Yes, perfect I’ll Maaseiah commy when I’m on my way! Okay, Love and kisses, love and kisses sweetheart, see you soon, can't wait!” >>>“So love how concern should we be, this Comet, Solar Volcanic, thingy?” Pulling a still warm bathrobe on, exiting the shower ahead of lustrous husband Sioux Noel, "you mean love Eve Lynn besides it fits the description of Grand Sia's launched, incoming, impacting Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone, due to hit, 40 years her grand, grand and her, as so Mal 4 winged Sunlight of God, April, Chernobyl Spring rapture, fulfilling predicted two big ones coming, missiling down stars to satellites and warnings about aliens dangers from above actually warring nations common enemy, also Ben Affleck Batman vs Superman? Yeah loving husband, don’t let breakfast get cold, you want coffee or tea? That’s exactly what I was asking, I didn’t tell you, that June 2023 long, long, long duration hovering she was mesmerized in her sleep about a building Cosmic, SOLAR, Volcanic event hearing love as she woke, and by the way I’ll have both, coffee and tea, last day of America, as in love impacting a type of 12P/Pons-Brook comet is what she witnessed send those two Westernized systems skyrocketing. You gonna have to call me, I can’t begin to tell you how busy I am with more incoming refugees, probably love, as busy as I am with incoming Angel men, of all the things loving husband Sioux Noel Deburk, I kinda think arriving Angel men and their Goddesses tops it all, kiss kiss, Eve, yes, let’s try and grab one meal together today, commy me!” And the door closes rather loudly behind her, "right, right, we have that meeting at Grand Sia Skyfall today, ah, if I snatch Eve off with me, why can’t I? Ha, that’s exactly what I’ll do, show up like a thieving Bridegroom Jesus, grab her, steal her away, that’s it, wow, that’s it!” Why doeth Circling The Brides Chariot all around Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM and setting THEIRS all around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak In such psalms, proverbs, songs of Solomon, LAMENTATIONS, Revelations and prophetic parables? HBOW/HGOW
STAY HOME If You Ever See This | Revelation 9 Is The Biggest End Time Pr... via @YouTube; Remember I didn't only see Aug 24, 2023. Rev 9, freed bound angels 200 million demon army but Feb 2019, Antichrist army were as policing German shepherds, end of the world scenario, Scorpion King, Anubis Army! AODHF
CNN Article, More than 50 million are under severe weather threat from Texas to Virginia with possible tornadoes, large hail and damaging wind gusts,
See Rev 7 and;
Banning The Use Of The Word War In The Media Is A Mocked Dirty Mede Of Building Rescuers to AMBULANCES!
Woe To School Buses
Remember when religious leaders tried silencing palms leaves 🍃 celebration Jesus warn even the rocks worship him, no why this planet to universe you gonna stop Gods people from being warned, plus it’s one of HIS offenses against them, hence alternative news and I feel sorry for those and their families who try as those preventing Moses, a speedy, living molten hell arrives
Both the prophesied hour manifested in the flesh and mocking Chosen Jesus popularized over the Holy Church Bride were warn building storms and rescuers with all ambulances called to duty a Noah’s Cousin in Cali HGOW
Frightnight Trump's inauguration morning 2017 I woke hearing just as Burning Bush 50 million will die; marvel not when death tolls revisited Obama’s soaring into heaven funeral reef July 27/28 2023 I woke while THEY calculated Britain 25 million dead Canada’s 25 million dead as 100 million westerners dead but why is that your problem you’re skyrocketing! I spend resurrection day 2024 the memory lane of how long they’ve promised to yank us off this doomsday planet been. Read here you’ll know seeing you skyrocketing off this planet isn’t a metaphor to poetic justice; well, my for 40 Chernobyl Spring Rapture an April 8 2024 Cosmic, SOLAR , Volcanic event is threatening is also SOS 2, Mal 4 healing wings, I Thess Archangel, to Trump I Cor nano second escape, all poetic justice you think!
Article, Bowman calls Netanyahu a ‘maniac,’ demands removal from office, demands-removal-from-office/
See Ps 51/Dan 9 begin vs 5/ Rev 9 why? Pound Guns, Bombs, Schools And Voting Both Into Jesus Christ Repent Altars RUN, You Know Three Safehaven Territories Where!
see here,, I presume we know the promises made to Israel like the back of our hand writting's of judgments, like I challenge error Islam to burning Bush 2003, what about promises made to Abraham's first son, (Ishmael/Islam)? see, Genesis 17:18-21, Article, Ishmael, Ishmael was born to Abraham and his wife’s servant, Hagar. God promised to make a great nation from Ishmael’s descendants (Genesis 17:18–21). Although Ishmael was not the son of promise, God still honored his lineage, Article, marvel not Bush through to Biden all have aligned, an error Islam, owe in martyred blood guilt, 50 Million US dead, and I did I tell you, THE speed?
Bowman calls Netanyahu a ‘maniac, ’yeah, their maniac, their since Bush/Clinton/Bush; Hussein/ Trump/Biden Islamic one error to new fear factor Frankenstein to Dracula to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Marvel not while the heavens missile down, there's clearly seeing those two Godzilla Beast one an Egyptian Sobek of happily keeping them with crystal skies until tens of million's UK/BC/US are horribly incinerated, Apb
He told Ezekiel he was sending him to a people who wasn’t gonna listen and just recently after nearly 40 years of outreaching. The Rising Above Ministry he just showed hundreds of millions of you on the run instead for matrix Blue pills of staying unaware! No why this planet to universe you gonna stop Gods people from being warned, plus it’s one of HIS offenses against them, Psalm 51 3, 4, hence blessed is alternative news. Anyway I feel sorry for those and their families who try, as those preventing Moses, they're like The American Continent cast into an abyss of molten, living, hell, HBOW/Apb
For anyone thinking that Transgender Day of Visibility was a joke being made by this administration wrong!!! This administration is absolutely Disgusting!!! How can any Christian support Biden?
I Will Strip Leaders SLOG June/Juneteenth 2002: I will strip schools SLOG June/Juneteenth 2023
Understand then RUN, these leaders since June/Juneteenth 2002 commanded Sunlight of GOD Let my PEOPLE go into an alike Moses exodus/Trump’s 2015 announcement been aligned to Gog and Magog billions dead; as Jesus prayed from the CROSS, pray for your enemies, they’re doomed to deceived to repeat unimaginable evils
Mocked an assembly of growing pedophier teen boys, with penises wearing your infant kids, They ain’t Christians, they’re disguised Anubis demons; just as a Pope ordaining same gender evildoers they’re CHURCHIANS to Trumpians; pending 50 million of you dead their error Islam alone;
When I come into the blurry Jan 2022 demo, I raised from my seat wondering just how long would it go; witnessing a line upon line, never ending line forming behind Twilight Movie Bella standing bellacorse to confused, the school office door!
During Feb 12/13 2015 I woke with lyrics we exalt thee unending in my blurry head exhausted as one running many marathons! THEY'D just showed me standing there the Lambs book of life like a school name roll call opened back to Abel names being called!
See more here, and here,
Happy Resurrection Day 40 Chernobyl Spring Rapture Demos beware a Comet 12P/Pons-Brook impacting its fiery doomsday revisit; marvel not predicted a Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone! The Last Day Of America/The Americas, hence single word inquiry Running? STAR WARRING AODHF/JCOR/JCOR
Jeff Anderson
Jeff comment: I'm really starting to hate this platform. I asked for prayers for my brother in law that was just diagnosed with liver cancer and x hides it. Two responses with over six thousand followers. So if anyone sees my rant please pray for Maxwell a good man.
Apb, The RAM Commenting here, I just did three thousand pieces interceding for a friend who kidneys went bad. Asked for the same grace given my son, not realizing she was receiving a transplant as my cramping fingers torn off each piece. See I knew when my son felled while millions were dead by Covid like how’s your brother the exception?
To get God’s Back Turn Dome to back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter attention I do II Chron 7: 15/16 burnt offerings. Plead in its burning Pres Bush to Biden WH GOD receive His Response to King Solomon prayer in reverse; start out simple, putting a thousand pieces in a sandwich bag so my distracted grands know how a thousand bodies look, let alone millions stacked into the heavens then one morning I heard, burn it!
Actually I start praying she’s awarded according to her faith in my faith spring 2023; decided just now, actually Spring 2024 as for my once kidney dialysis son I’d too offer a 3 thous- piece burn for her only its kidney transplant was already in progress. GOD told Solomon HE wouldn’t hear, see nor respond except they repent, then guided a fireball from the heavens crashing into his own Red Heifer, offering! AODHF/JCON/HBOW
-The offer I made for my already hospitalized son was God find him worthy to save. Seeing like they told me, Biden 2020 election night/ABC David Muer Broadcast one US would die by Covid every 20 seconds! See here, Jn 4:50/Dan 9/10 Millions pray daily but what’s sincerely the heart liKE FAITH is Jeff, GODS direct response to intercession, AODHF!
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