Blessed Mass-Dieoff Ascension!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 5, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2024; Into the oddity of seeing an ebbing and flowing date wiped out by the word update, both a Sept 14/15 Beta and Apocalyptic Big June 04/, Juneteenth/ Blessed Brexit, Briexit to Blaexit were newly dated with a type of US assigned Oct 17 2023 Doomsday threaten an apocalyptic ascent to crossover instead Oct 31 2023; beware, Apb 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Begley, Fuentes; ARE YOU READY FOR MORE 2024,

See here Pastors,; Jesus Loves The Little Children; here, (-Then 5, inspired, asking Sonlight Of God for a Jesus’ HEART, now 12, among other biblical things, he’s really knowledgeable about. Shockingly asked me during Thanksgiving visit, Who’s Mystery Babylon? Why doeth thou marvel? Apostle John was assured, I will show you the mystery of the Great Whore; why doeth thou marvel, Jan 12/13, 2017 hearing one hour with the beast/ Jan 12/13 2018  hearing, WHORE AND BEAST SEPARATED! See entire blogspot here,

I Assured Ghost Child, Golden Boy Caleb, Now Bike Rider, visiting the home, Go To Jesus, To The Children Playing The Stunning, Spiraling, Twirling Pearl Staircase Right Below Gods Throne! 

-I so just now wanted to text my grands, send me most recent pics to videos of my great grands.  I wanna see them before Rev 2, to Jan 12/13 2018 Hawaii missile morning and too many times Pastor to count, including Halloween CME morning, Nuclear Apocalyptic 2023, Rev 2 Jesus threaten mass die-off ascension of ALL children.

 -I know seeing them slaughtered by warmonger Netanyahu, aligned to two thirds Israeli dead and his allies to 100 million Westerners deaths; it’s beyond heartbreaking. Just you remember HE , Rev 2 Jesus threaten to use death to save children from absentee parents to overseers otherwise whoring, drugging, gaming, stealing, killing and destroying. 

-Riches to Rags Sickbeds and Sleepovers HE mocked them that same Frightnight missile morning; one phenomenal warning pastor June 4, 2023, included for three decades my ministry to prophetic parables Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband. The second since Oct 10, 2022, hammering off of a mount Sinai type reigning God's recently referenced DOME Of GOD, apocalyptic events, too regarded two endangered great grands, I know Apostle Prophet and wayyy more THEY entreat me, I know! 

Article, New York Post, Miami cops shut down rumors of 10-foot-tall alien, UFOs at shopping mall (-Wowing out, talk about Cloverfield number two; they sure teens weren’t armed with bats and faucet water, it worked on Signs to fight off the ten foot alien and called 911 instead? 

That it was all for millennia perpetrated by Satan I didn’t even believe in extraterrestrials beings until just now. Standing over sleeping beds anxious Holy Angel THEM, assuring fallen Angels is why Aliens exist. I know, I know! Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God Militaries Are Wayyyy Outta their league, wayyyy out of their league! Marvel not, intravenous Star AODHF/Archangel Michael THEM, Setting THEIRS all around,  HBOW/Apb

YouTube Marfoogle  Miami Mall Incident | Major World Event,  (-Who Knew; The Bride's Chariot/Craft, Angelic pilot skyrocketing us off the planet; don’t worry second heaven intercession our next look and see; firstly warning. beware of Aliens Dangers From Above Actually Meant Armies Of Fallen Angels to Extraterrestrials invading. 

Article, 2023 was a massive year in the Jan. 6 probe. 2024 will be even bigger,

Marvel Not During His, Pence 2015 Announcement I As Ezekiel 38/39 Witnessed GOD Cut A Fury At Them; since aligned to Gog And Magog, Daniel 4 Judgment, Error Islam and 50 Million US Dead! 

I’m still asking where on the planet you can find stone Anubis Demons; I witnessed one come to life, stretch his bow, launch a single arrow; three days before the US Capital Implosion. Bern warn since Trump Jan 10, 2020 into Biden’s Aug 27/28 2023, I don’t just think they were under the influence of demons to seducing spirits, I know it!

YouTube mrmbb333, Where Did This Come From, unknown Origin,

Solar Eclipse/Winged Planet

I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!! AUGUST 5, 2021 Star Warring Rev 11 vs 15, AODHF! 

Maybe mrmbb333, I’ll watch it from the place I saw that hugest ever May 2023 SUN. Even then during a 37 day countdown, that gave us the hottest July 4th, hottest days ever, planet to Atlantic Ocean, ever. Even so watched from second heaven intercession; with the Bride near a Noah’s, Moses to Eze 4, 40 years predicted to skyrocket around April/May time of the year, blessed are hearers, especially blessed are DOERS!

As I described  days back, sound like Nov 10/11 2021 revisited by a hammering off of apocalypse event Nov 10 2022, Eze 5 barber chair, warn Ben Affeck Armageddon, Yellowstone. Unmistakably both cosmic and volcanic! I know. those three Safehaven territories again as running with intravenous Angels, Gen 15 Lot, where Trump of God, THEM wait; hundreds of millions to a billion in refugees, Jordans Desert City Petra, US Georgia’s Coast, Crossover into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic; C. O. Star Warring AODHF/JCON, see more here,

Now The End Begin

Y’all know by now Trump is predestined especially the the two weeks and 7 years, April 2/20 2019, Abraham Accord of Fulfilling Daniel 9:27, Oct 17 2021 thru Oct 17 2028, triple great tribulations, then Jesus Millennium Reign…I know what it means, billions of people fixing to die by a speed unprecedented ever  human planet; put ye on the whole armor of God, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, Thus Saith Intravenous Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel, THEM, Amen!!!

Happy New Year Pastor, Blessed Brexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit!

YouTube Pastor Breaker, Begley, Fuentes; 


See here Pastors,; Jesus Loves The Little Children; here, (-Then 5, inspired, asking Sonlight Of God for a Jesus’ HEART, now 12, among other biblical things, he’s really knowledgeable about. Shockingly asked me during Thanksgiving visit, Who’s Mystery Babylon? 

Why doeth thou marvel? Apostle John was assured, I will show you the mystery of the Great Whore; why doeth thou marvel, Jan 12/13, 2017 hearing, one hour with the beast/Jan 12/13 2018  hearing, WHORE AND BEAST SEPARATED! See entire blogspot here,; C. O. AODHF/JCON/JCOR

YouTube Pastor Anita, 


How to Stop the Blame Game before it's too late via @YouTube; Pastor, giving us Mal 4, Sunlight of God, 1Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986 and Jan 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel,  Rev 2 Jesus 10 day countdowns, ebbing and flowing, The Hawaii Missile Scare, Rapture, marvel not the single word inquiry RUNNING and presently FLIGHT! Blessed are hearers but especially blessed are doers, I pray on burnt offering prayers, the smoke of its burning rising into the golden alter, the influx of refugees pouring into US Georgia COAST are those once yours and social media, subscribers; Happy New Year, is blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, HBOW/HGOW


When will the war between Russia and Ukraine stop, so many innocent people have already been robbed of their lives?; (-Including Annie 25,000 Palestinians, that’s Netanyahu, verses Hamas; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, what’s left of Britain, Canada, THE AMERICAN CONTINENT; of millions Annie I minister to near 40 Chernobyl Spring Raptures and of its three followers one hath the name, Annie. Understand, One of Bush/ Clinton/Bush era/error, first fast and furious American Continent Evacuation included presently Pompeii of Memphis but then Memphis Dunlap street included a best friend Annie-Sue!

War, What Is It Good For? 

No war, no America, West Rule, NO CHURCH, because wealth and power come with bloodshed, that’s Jesus saying have no treasures here. Probably Apostle Paul wishing none of his marry., the showing of my grands translated to exile luxury, US Georgia, Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, I won’t worry. There’ll be war until flowing Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11, 7th Angel sounds and Rev 19 Jesus and HIS again sat His feet atop Mount Olivet, Frightnight to amazing grace, even Mt Olivet cleaving in two is refugees Israelis, THE HOLY LAND, blessed escape.

‪Actually, why I found you instead, not just your name, Annie but the number behind it. The yr 1975 my now first son largely prophesied birthdate to insurmountable US death tolls and The bloody Saudi, US Petro-currency took hold, yet as Daniel 7 and Rev 17 John witnessed, rising, roaming, eating much flesh. Know, I was 27 yrs crawling into my closet, Rom 12:1, 2 my hearts prayer; seconds since Heaven Host to Those Jesus THE CHRIST Angels been descending, ascending upon me, (Well Upon US, The Royal Priesthood, HBOW‬/Apb

YouTube mrmbb333, People Are Starting To Notice, 

Exactly Why it’s All purposefully driven; Dec2021 Rev 3 Jesus, admonishing WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW! 

 Written Clumsily On A Potential Iceland Wailing Wall, Escape Ben Affeck’s Armageddon, Yellowstone! 

See here,; till the end, it has a shocking, telling finale; like YouTube Dutchsinse, regularly ostracized to threaten into turning from her efforts, unquestionably powers that be labor most dangerously to disastrously that instead tens of millions betaken unaware. YouTube Final Days been using these FAA cameras for years. Like you mrmbb333 and your subscribers showing us why, yes we should be looking up. 

Frightnight to amazing grace, if only for the signs Jesus explained would be up there and all around for the benefit of us knowing how urgent to growing apocalyptic, those predicted triple great tribulations, the present hour to nano-second! Know also, the most significant message the first Color Purple movie, was its theme song, GOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING? WATCH, REPENT, RUN OR PERISH! NOW THIS ONE? 

Riddle Apostle Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, this! Why you think after showing me the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer fire rocketing of Biden/Harris Whitehouse Airforce ones, twos all of it, ALL OF IT!!! yes, even its entire world systems, THEY then  suggested you scrutinize other earth ending movie scenarios? Even Super Mario Brothers being one, there’s days past something about Ken and Barbie Iconic Pink, Droptop and finding three, as uncle Abraham’s nephew Lot days, Pompeii  of Memphis, do gooders. Marvel not there’s since a predicted Ben Affleck Armageddon Yellowstone of fiery doomsday apocalypse coming at us from The Cosmic Father above and The Molten Mother beneath. Running? 


Post, While you sleep tonight, YOUR Government is negotiating a treaty with the @WHO to take away YOUR Freedoms & YOUR Nation’s Sovereignty. You watch Dystopian movies with great interest, but when one is happening in real time that affects YOU and your children. You ignore it. WAKE UP,

Kill All Parents By; FINISHED ALL SCHOOLS; recently as ebbing and flowing June 27/28 2023 The Word Death Written On All US States And Painted over in Rev 17 Great Whore Cup of martyred blood; since me they swept millions in Covid deaths under the rug of Collateral Damage, nothing alarms to alerts US soil; what made Lot and his family actually run, like the present it surely weren’t their, our intravenous Angels but an alike, apocalyptic Pompeii Movie event, dominoing The Pacific Ring of Fire/US W. Pacific Volcanoes.

Kill All Parents By; Ezekiel Witnessed Slayers Summoned By A Noah Cousin Extinction Level God From The Higher Gate North! 


Their procrastination endangering children Gods people are more woke now than they’ve ever been. Marvel not their elephants of staying unaware stampeded when Trump and Abbas was in a tug of more US Islamic errors. One of many offensives putting US soil in extinction level dangers‬


Russia scientists whisper blowers, blew Europe and the US joined in an Avian Influenza bio-weapon, Americans didn’t blink; even knowing, as Bill Gates, Aug (2004), I was shown a US lab accusing those “WE TRUST,” of the same thing. The backward letter C pandemic under the microscope both a killer flu to New Pneumonia in the form of Jeremiah’s being mocked as leopard spots. 


‪Actually the prophecy where we get the at present Solar Eclipse/Volcanic Asteroid, threaten Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone. Frightnight witnessing Ben Affleck in a grooming mirror, Ezekiel 5, God is telling him to shave his head, face. Shape them into three ( Nov 10/12 2021 it was 4, until two West Rule systems went off the planet); 3 perfect piles, portray to his people three judgements, one like molten lava flooding, which will “FORCE” a stampede to West World exodus, marvel not every act against UK, BC, US soil is doomsday by nuclear, solar, cosmic, to molten lava. 


 Don’t even attempt to alert your spiritless, heartless, brainless, ALL LEADS, you’re all in a simulation of disillusionment threaten by HGOW perpetuated by territorial spirits crystallized, falsifying apocalyptic skies what with an Asian invasions? No, like devils demons, they’re all real, but American dreaming, peace keeping porches just more stay put incentives. 

Article, Why it seems like everyone is sick right now — and Covid isn't to blame; and those who didn't die by the US lab, bio-weapon, repented not; you know why, Americans, CHURCHAIANS and Trumpians swept covid and its millions dead under, wayyy under, until it's like it never, ever happen! Covid Who, What? Marvel not Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, relayed multimillion man grocery, store, store mangers keys, barter balen, toll booth, targeting of those unrepentant Americans, CHURCHIANS AND Trumpians! HBOW/Apb, The RAM

Article, Why fears over a ‘tripledemic’ are surging see also here,; respiratory Illnesses Elevated In 38 States; (-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, I read tripledemic, was last year. This year with two alternating flu's, coupled with no. 01 killer Covid, and RSV, we're now a syndemic (SIN-DEMIC); Woe To School Buses! 
