Holy Bride Of Wrath! She Launched Antichrist Murderer Dan 2 King Nebuchadnezzar Stone From Heaven

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 13, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2024, curious since King Nebuchadnezzar has a cosmic, volcanic event linked to him, what about linked to King Nebuchadnezzar April 8 2024 cosmic, volcanic event Gog and Magog President Trump? There’s something Feb 10/11 2024 about doing ten more things for God or is that fulfilling ten more things? Like who was the one in heaven just short of the phenom silence approaching, saying He wanna see you! Hint for May 30/31 2021, grand Caden as the days of Lot and Family fireball angelic escape  is introducing himself as Archangel Michael Do Angels escort us before Gods Throne is that way opened Bible John was there? 

Curiously Caden described THEY entered heaven through a hole in heaven Eze 8 speak of a hole torn out that he may look and see. Frightnight Memphis Pastor for the sake of saving his entire houses from outta Anubis Demons underground. Frightnight still he offered a trunk filled with all these Eze 8 forbidden trinkets and not one were those offered up Memphis running shoes, Hawaii is building across into a TIFF type Pompeii Of Memphis come, ah, marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING? 

See also here https://youtu.be/ty1wfLXxGsI?si=RNO0w-nQwi1YwMlR; NASA Solar Cycle 25 SUN RELEASES SOLAR FLARE https://blogs.nasa.gov/solarcycle25/2024/02/09/sun-releases-strong-solar-flare-9/

Prophecy Link’s Fulfilling Like revisiting Eze 1, 8, 9 phenom craft, ASCENT to sun oddity, Nicholas Cage Knowing Character Finally Realizing bringing about a fiery, combustible end, It was the sun: it was the sun for me as well! Really weirding me out that 1992/93 day, until I knew something about the sun, only like a splitter the brain I just couldn’t put my finger on it, it wasn’t time. 

Next I see May 2.3 2023, on my phone where I normally get weather reports 37 days and its a few years Grand May 2021, Fireball, Archangel Michael ascent! Lest I forget like Apostle John, of the unnumbered times I’d been there say June/Juneteenth 2002 and The Sunlight itself is commanding an as Moses day exodus blessed Brexit BRIEXIT, Blaexit into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Coast! 

 I know those 3 days short of the infamous down through millennia 40 day countdown there’s June 4 Rev 17:27 Son/LAMB of God Hammering Off Of Apocalyptic Events; the hottest days, hottest Atlantic Ocean, The Hottest, there’s a oddity with the sun its been in a reportedly 25,000 years and soon the hottest 4th of July on record; marvel not it all revisited a TIFF and summoned The BETA! The Brides Estimated Time Of Arrival actually by that Sept 14, 2023!!!

YouTube Pastor Breaker, My Favorite Scripture, https://youtu.be/k26FLtWxPKA?si=H1XCfeGDff_VRjL8; there’s pastor sitting a fast getaway outside a fast food window ordering some of them meat and drink, ordering some only drink! There’s May 2022 standing before a class of children teaching how the Chinese language work; they will invade us, but why? HBOW/Apb The RAM, 

As of Feb 9 Listen here, https://youtu.be/ByfFurjQDb0?si=oHWFmJntX4KDLwkD; YOU are the reason!


Also reminded pastor this male singer Culum not only a handwriting of judgment (Culum, same gender school curri-culum), but is named for a special decades now, character of mine, Specialist/Terrorist Culum Michael Veneer. Responding to escape anxiety to uncertainty or just being there cutting through all the abandonment, like reading my ministry, see here, https://youtu.be/0DPzq53O4DI?si=XSMvCp9SUpsSE56S

Like pastor Songs Of Solomon Spring Rapture soldiers on I’m giving as blessed assurance love to romantic songs, reassurances to prophetic parables; only the little children were my pop up grands, see more here, 

When I kneeled to pray the other morning close my eyes readied I begin to hear in my ear someone was already praying. A  Jesus character and it was JESUS most Astonishing prayer of Intercessory all of Christendom John 17 so I just kneeled quietly to it’s agreement. Especially pastor seeing our rapture assignment is to intercede tribulation Saints from up there, a visitors Angel explained anyway! 

Amazing Grace the more it was the same JESUS Movie even witnessing the building of a stay put foundation pillar; my waking from being assured THE RAPTURE GOES LIVE, and he’s at the point of assuring Lazarus Mary sister he is the resurrection of the dead before he raise her brother 4 days dead. Wait right there, four days I got that 4 days countdown into what come US soldier bombing in Iran and the dead shall rise first! 

I saw those hundreds of millions John saw pouring into Jesus bosom, escape by way of US Georgia, come up outta Africa’s Southwest Atlantic but Frightnight first, like Jan 2018 Mighty Angel on US soil, I witnessed tens of millions burn alive US West Pacific! Shared with my son and daughter-in-law how they’d Trump’s March 13 2018 showed me inviting you from a barbecuing into it one lesser barbecue state, US GA’S COAST!

Take No Mercy, Slay Old And Young Began At My Sanctuary; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

First Pastor I saw a hand begin to write in red MAN CAN’T DO THIS ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT as I was reading Roman 6, our sins died with JESUS and righteousness by a bushel I witnessed during Americas evacuation, 🌹; proven to be evident the three memory scriptures I share Ps 66:18, Psalms 51, Dan 9 begin vss 4

Seeing our leaders bombing in Iran/Syria (Medes and Persians/Russia/China) That’ll be one of  the scriptures Dan 9 begin vs 4 I shared just days past. Two actually one for your sins so you can pray and the other for the incorrigible sins of Parental Pastoral, Political, Social Media, Monetary, Military influences, obey God more than man, he castes into eternal hell, JESUS said it.

See here, www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.comehttp://tacoogan.blogspot.com/2011/04/tiffany-i_19.html

Though my spiritual epiphany come by a nightclub revelation it was being ministered Psalm 66:18 that stole my heart back to memorizing, praying Paul Rom 12:1, 2 pleading we surrender ALL to HIM surgically birth it anew. The beginning of being born. again, since, until waiting outside that Chernobyl Spring door was a choice, even The Sunlight Of God, a phenom JESUS’ rapture or a phenom JESUS’ outreach. 

Between these scriptures II Chron 7 and, actually during an assigned 3 day fast I’d memorized Ps 51 1-19 learning later Father King David had plotted a murder to commit its adultery. Then there’s praying, soon one of the most anointed Evangelist this planet would admit to the world-wide he’d sinned against God and them, us.

Honestly I knew it was the most phenomenal penance the bible and I loved laying such Holy Spirit to memory. They’d come to me by way of my prayer closet for days, teaching, convincing, strengthening my faith. I imagined as they’d done Jesus leading up to his biblical, incredible sermon on the mound.

I Saw This Too, And It Was Elder Ezekiel Who Showed Its Sunlight Of God. Time Tested Door To Me 

Little knowing THEY prepped me for my pastors pulpit and the days following there’d be literal hell all around to pay, my being a woman alone. Also know, I John 3, what’d happened to me, once the seed of righteous and inconceivable LOVE is sown into your heart fusing your blood.

Molding you a sacrificial lamb of god your own commanding you as the days of Moses exodus, there’s is no turning back like for JESUS/ CHRISTIANS there’s no such thing there’s one hope, one faith one request your father GOD WILL be done, that HIS KINGDOM come. AODHF/JCON/JCOR, Apb The RAM

Jonny Ute @JonnyFX1 Post These psychopathic killers, bombed a refugee camp in Rafah full of tents while the American public were distracted watching, https://x.com/jonnyfx1/status/1756988818605912293?s=46 Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent; Witnessed Hundred of Millions Its Inheritance Do The Same, Blessed Ate Hearers, Seer’s And, AND, And doers!! Pray For All Human Beings At The Wailing Wall, Where A Hand Writes Clumsily 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava/ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! ‪-Yeah world court agreeing Netanyahu can bring Palestine just to the brink of genocide just as Biden Bear hug delivered human beings on a bloody, silver platter! I sensed something brought these games, The Super Bowls to a screeching halt, (Jan 22-29 2018 Rev 17, 7, 7 bowls threaten); if and that’s hammering those three nails through Jesus, if there is Jonny any humanity left in CHURCHIANS these images will ‬just about do it! That’s If! Marvel not Bush, Clinton Bush era/error death bringer released from the molten beneath I further heard, said to target, Westerners abominable, lives, lands and churches having forsaken, God? HBOW/HGOW

-After Hijacker Syed Farook (Israeli/Islamic/ ANTICHRIST Reign); crashed us, red car all, left us for dead Guess what was the toll for crossing over instead into Jesus Millennium? Two US quarters, equaling 3 to 4 billion dead. These highly exalted evils aren’t just mocked any, every moment now,  their error Islam, 100 million westerners dead but an as Noah’s day end of mankind! So apparently they’ve forsaken God, why doeth thou marvel they’re aligned to ancient massacres Gog, Magog, Hamon-Gog‬/GREAT WHORE Mystery Babylon?

Some shared seeing this giant scull in the heaven, https://youtu.be/hTaCBXDFmhA?si=H4z7vlDC9Qn15kdm; I thought I saw keepers of disillusionments two crystallized, great beast up there myself; marvel not after I heard all ambulances called to duty I’d sat days prior wondering how did Noah’s  endure, knowing unimaginable death tolls has come, even for the children a Hawaii missile morning Rev 2 Jesus threaten mass die off ascension of children; deadly contagion for their parents, grands,  children ascend but endangering procrastinating you, bird of prey and hell enlarging prowl edible flesh to eternal souls!

‪Presently a page torn out, to Archangel list, even an as Ps 139 describes a book of remembrance; shown to be evident since I stood watched  the opening to summoning of those names The Lamb’s Book Of Life! Even begin to look through a smokescreen see, here the naming of THE ANTICHRIST Ten HEADS! I’d thought regrettably I’d sat in witness all dead great and small called to Great White Throne Judgment! BEHOLD HE STAND THE DOOR, AND KNOWETH! Merciful heart don’t wanna see genociders get what’s deserved to served them, eternal lakes of fire, you, yours, your subscribers? 

Suleiman Ahmed                                                                                                                  @ShaykhSuleiman



“The Nazi occupation army’s attack on the city of Rafah tonight, and its horrific massacres against defenseless civilians and displaced children, women and the elderly, which have claimed the lives of more than a hundred martyrs so far, is considered a continuation of the genocidal war and the attempts at forced displacement it is waging against our Palestinian people, https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/status/1756897863076860017?s=46

Getting The Huger Than The HUGEST SUN, The HUGER Single WORD  TIFF, (CME/EMP)/THE HUGEST Single Word YOU! 


This is the desecration of The Holy land, The Holy PEOPLE, whether it’s Netanyahu or The US, GIANTS To Egypt, Rome, BELSHAZZAR, Burning Bush/ Burning Biden Whitehouse, haven’t gotten away. Thank HIM more for HIS promises of The WOMAN SEED/VIRGIN BIRTH but vengeance is also HIS and like HE warn King Solomon’s sacrifice of the wicked, except ye repent, well hell hath no fury as the reigning Bride Of Wrath, launching Daniel 2 stone from heaven, all murderers beware!

I tell you Eze 9 reaper US error Islam 50 Mil dead come after stampeders already? This damning thing seeing one strike their genocidal heart they’re in hell before reapers ran down another. This swordlike syringe tear through the air point blank the heart and they’re no more, on to the next until nothing is left of any the remnant of the 8 previous kings, is left but a magnet manner of memorabilia one in a distant land say, those hundreds of millions, even a billion pouring into Africa's Southwest Atlantic




THEY yanked out Holy Bride Sept BETA 2021, went on its Oct 17 2021 described Daniel 9:27 Dragon BEAST YEARS, come with Triple Great Tribulations, running saves lives, saving lives saves souls! RUN Jesus Said; even Noah’s Extinction Level GOD shows HIMSELF Star Warring only Pastor against those we trust, those we ally the most.


Prophetically Isaiah 16 and Zechariah 13 witnessed only one third of Israel left and go into Petra: Rev 7 Apostle John and I witnessed Abraham’s Seed of TRIBULATION of every nation pouring into heaven; Rev 12 Apostle John 95 Ad, Apostle I am AD 2020 witnessed a remnant yanked into heaven and witnessed a remnant put in flight, exile luxury as entrusted to Gabriel, Michael 1,260 months.

Miraculously so, according to an innumerable of Jesus’ described intravenous ascending, descending Angels, so 7 years since Dragon Beast Oct 2021, what, only a year and half of the first Rev 11, 42 month interval to be done? Then there’s John’s into Petra, mine into crossover US Georgia’s COAST, come up outta Africa’s Southwest Atlantic COAST until Rev 13, 42 months be done, BLESSED IS KNOWING AND “AND”  DOING! AODHF/Apb

NATO scrambles warplanes after Putin’s nuclear bombers spotted north of UK https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/nato-scrambles-warplanes-after-putin-s-nuclear-bombers-spotted-north-of-uk/ss-BB1iao3Y?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=a2758976c4bb4983b36a63517ccc9970&ei=1483: yeah I saw it from up there, while that two thirds the way ascended, from up there, looking down, praying, explained our ascension assignment interceding for those left behind, just imagine witnessing a world nuclear war from the second heavens, look who's encouraging one who like john has witnessed a n interstellar star wars being wedged up there, by rev 12 described holy angels, Michael is setting his all around was next I heard.

Dr Farag Speaks On Bio-Technology! https://youtube.com/shorts/5VSpGYagwPo?si=r6XyeMRJTiinI3j9; FBI warnings about both Biological and Technical Warfare 

Exemptions Russia, CHINA, N. Korea “TERRORIST” Shown Bio-Weapons By Those We Trust!

Hearing How Disappointedly They Were 12 Years Without An Infection! 

Right Pastor, Dr Fauci kinda let the cat outta the bag, explaining Trump’s speedy vaccine, explaining the study of coronaviruses all during Obama’s two administrations and all they’d achieved, making them experts of both villain and savior. 

Holy lords had already given us a heads up 2004, so 16 years before Bill Gates warning and bio-Covid  pandemic. Bringing us into a US lab showing they’d used the Spanish Flu killer of tens of millions produced a hybrid Swine to Avian influenza/pneumonia that’d target the pale horse’s predicted quarter of the earth and hell rode with him, repent or perish! HBOW/Apb

Go And Get The Twelve Heirs! And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Mark Of The Beast And Eternal Lakes of Fire!

Unto Brassel Margarette Salvador and Lord Serafina Andoidus Gofers was born a godson Gothesis (Thesis) Anaarosa Salvador a god son, Isaicson Teodero Salvador a goddess Aphrodite Everest Bellerina Salvador, Gofer

"So you Lord Silverton say you all didn't even know those 144,000 in specialty saints had joined y'all own commanded as Moses Exodus? Miraculously, still, I'd woke years prior having been part of Moses original exodus, yeah, I was to understand it was its full duration from Ramases of Memphis to presently pending Memphis Tennessee within only hours of sleeping. But no, we, its 24 in chaperones  were completely obvious they were there, you have to realize Angel men, people were constantly leaving, others joining, yeah, we didn't know we'd be facing as is scripture a mount of transfiguration of turning them over to The Reigning Christ. Right love, Torn, I looked good and she was there, alongside HIM, like she was HIM, the woman visitor, I'd soon learn was my African Juttah Grandmar, y'all well now, Lord Urusalem, so it was THEM, and what Septennial Juttah, had to be the twenty-four elders, right? Things we've never told, so when Grand Sia talk about escaping the bride's demos more 2023 than ever, Jan to June, Aug, Oct even the September 14 updated BETA, The Olive Branches leading captivity captured  the Tribulation Saints invitations all, Ball Gowns and Tuxedoes, of those arriving the Marriage supper of the Lamb I say until unquestionably heavenly saints, holy saints and Tribulation Saints are all equally counted for all paradise heaven awaiting the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet heralding Jesus Millennium reign and grand Sia then witnessed its descending, the earth was littered with the dead! Like never before millions of years, Lucifiers, thousands of years the genesis man, marriage has death not been the anomaly rather its angel men you know dying without Christ JESUS as LORD!"  Why Doeth Guardian Angel  Gabriel and Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Slomon, Lamentations, Revelations and Prophetic Parables? For They say the Lord seeth us not, The Lord is ascended from the earth, The Lords Accepts the Sacrifices of the Wicked, From Sleepingbeds to Stayovers!   


Egypt the capital of the most biblically historic exodus to migration ever reported with a billion revisiting the Trans Atlantic Slave route back to mother Africa; housing a million present day Sunlight Of God commanding Egypt to Pompeii Of Memphis TN Moses Let my people go into Gabriel to Michael referred exile luxury Petra, US GA, Africa’s SW Atlantic! 

The Mystery is exile luxury last 42 month (1,277.5 days interval, 1,260 days falls just short of The Antichrist April 2025 through Oct 17 2028 reign; explaining Zechariah and I witnessing the Mt Olivet area cleaving in two presents another miraculous escape of The Holy People from The Antichrist Anubis armies giving chase. 

I know, I know, you like your stone gods In every way, why so much mockery goes into divine intervention, why doeth intravenous JESUS and Star Warring Michael THEM speak in parables? Using Eze 5 to warn a Ben Affleck Armageddon/Yellowstone come set its territory hundreds of millions to flight justifies THEM whether you obey Mat 24 and run or not? 

Article, Elon Musk says the US should stop sending aid to Ukraine as there's 'no way in hell' Putin will lose https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elon-musk-says-the-us-should-stop-sending-aid-to-ukraine-as-there-s-no-way-in-hell-putin-will-lose/ar-BB1igmHO?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=5ceb003fd2484c6cac069c9c0e1aefae&ei=27: remember after 21 days of star warring against a prince of Persia Archangel Michael and Trump of God Gabriel where finally able to meet with Daniel and finally Daniel 9-12 break down the coming of the 7 horn, tens crown antichrist understand, Babylon, present day mystery Babylon was out (The Medes and Persians, (present day territory Iran, Syria (Islam), the same rearranging of world systems and nations can be said about those inquiring of Trump Gabriel and Archangel Michael July6, 2020, West Rule and all it affiliations including THE AMERICAN CONTINENT were out and the abomination that maketh desolation,  especially April 2/20/ 20225 thru Oct 17, 2028, Islamic/Israeli/Anti-Christ reign was is come!

Israeli special forces enter largest remaining functioning hospital in Gaza - CNN; (-Reminded this time of the month Feb 2015, I also witnessed the Antichrist in Great Prowess; The Bride prepped, launched his murder THEY promised Jesus was on HIS way here!

You heard me right, I designed her Holy Bride Of Wrath for this reason; terrorism in the eye of the sufferer, 21 Coptic Christian’s had been lead out to be beheaded; soon I woke to birds chirping he’s here, he’s here he’s here; before he and heavenly saints park up there THEY descended as promised tell me you know THEM!

I keep telling y’all it’s what THEY promise, Dec  3 Rev 3 Jesus saying WATCH and then arrive like a gamma ray burst, having healing wings, bragging whoever Holy Land/ THE MIDDLE EAST are terrorizing you Netanyahu to Biden are now as ashes under his feet I’ve called it Chernobyl Spring Rapture since and The Lord is Star Warring Holy Father God, HIMSELF! I know another argumentative, throwing me knowing Holy Scripture stunner but up there no more masquerading we know!

‪Frightnight the more when THEY portrayed us a ln Eze 5 barber chair, and soon Ben Affleck Armageddon; I woke in a mirror totally bald, 3 no 4, one disappeared so fast, ponytail judgements! Only mine were so distracted building their own labor champs to tell, all treasured no more‬.

Najat Abdi

Post, I cannot believe Egypt is building a concentration camp as we speak. This level of betrayal will be felt for generations and will have regional repercussions. Inhumane doesn't begin to describe it. I'm enraged and heartbroken at the same time. https://x.com/theafroaussie/status/1758073042805334341?s=46 ( I can’t believe I’m watching Batman’s Ben Affleck stand my hall mirror as Eze 5 shaving it all off into several measurements, by which GOD will enact HIS Noah’s day extinction level wrath! What, you thought I made up a Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone off the top of my head; recently in real time craft it to arrive by a Spring Rapture April 8 2024 an erupting wings to horns comet and send it into an already erratic, extinction level sun, who in the world do you think I am, no actually what do you think I am? Apb The RAM 

The Splintered Train Resurrection, Ascents, Descent The Holy Land In Exile Petra Street Vending, Yeah I Actually Saw That, Associated And Walked Among Them 

Post, I cannot believe Egypt is building a concentration camp; Neither can I, seeing prophetically Egypt is predicted to be one of the three of the ten heads The Antichrist eventually knockoff, so like US States of barbecue, not Safehaven territory. Plus Holy Land refugees are suppose to pour into Jordan’s Petra Isaiah 16 saw as the third that remind go into Sela and Rev 12:6 John saw for how long they’re kept; us, I keep telling you. for many millennia Africa, Abraham’s remnant those other two Guardian Angel THEM exile luxuries are US GA’s coast CROSSOVER into Africa’s S. W. Atlantic! ‬

Frightnight the Americas are to be more a tug of turf wars, famed letters USA seen floating off the continent also into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic. I know no one can stop the inevitability of fulfilling prophecy, still how Mediterranean, Jamaican, American V. P. Harris must feel swearing she wouldn’t let this happen to Palestine, kinda like she have more pull internationally than nationally; again pray for our leaders here, psalms 51/Dan 4 begin vs 4 THEY have weights of martyred blood guilt their own causing us, just say suddenly there’s 50 million US dead. 

-Marvel not their awarded sacrifices of the wicked with plenty ropes, now knotted were long enough to reach the deepest of Anubis demons underground fishing out plenty of your endangered children! I know why does HOLY GOD, to Gabriel and Michael speak in parables to mockery? THEY say for like your stone Anubis gods you play blind deaf and dumb and run after Matrix blue pills your elephants of staying unaware no more. Marvel not when I stepped outta warring Anubis underground, undertakers plenty who’d been rescued waited with more those trunks filled with the sacrifices of the wicked! HBOW/HGOW
Article, Egypt Builds Walled Enclosure on Border as Israeli Offensive Looms Authorities are surrounding an area in the desert with concrete walls as a contingency for possible influx of Palestinian refugees, https://apple.news/A9qP3syIKSEWWrgy4jpbupg Najat Abdi @theafroaussie HE SHALL COVER YOU WITH HIS FEATHERS AND UNDER HIS WINGS SHALT THOU TRUST, ANYWAY, I WAS REASSURED BY MY BEDSIDE ANGELS!!! Feb 16 (2015); so 9 years now Najat wasn’t just seeing the Bride Of Wrath targeting The Antichrist and all Kingdom Nation Building with Dan 2 Stone from heaven, seeing it had a meteor surface; There’s 21 Coptic Martyrs lead to their deaths while I’m being literally like three times messaged along the foot of my bed, Jesus is on HIS way back here; meaning check the skies, doors, windows, even the birds were clearly chirping, He’s here! He’s here! He’s here! So you won’t be surprised Najat during Pres Obama July 27/28 2016 timetable finale I was a flying on angel wings witness to Jesus descending millennium reign, right into his Hussein Whitehouse; a witnessed yes, this area map slaughter of hundreds of millions and the only as Noah's Ark, phenomenon intervention of our extinction! -Ask any who read here I thank God for mandatory evacuations; honestly it began long before, like 1996, our own Mother Earth opened to a molten death bringer, I saw it, heard, fret not thyself, like read here; Father King David, Psalms 37; marvel not hearing for a year, escaping Brad Pit and Jolie kids, Oct 10 2022, “Hawaii Is Building into," like 101 Yellowstone Eruptions to molten lava flooding; simply Sept BETA 21 2022, Holy Lords putting them on "Orange Alert," run away from all as HAWAII/Iceland active volcanoes! Star Warring, AODHF/JCON/JCOR


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