He, Sept BETA 2021, Dragon Beast, ANTICHRIST Wore a multicolored Breast Plate, With Eyes Like The Eyes Of Man!

Email me here, apbtheram@yahoo.com, Telegram me here 20599, text to Zelle here; or give here, $operationchristmas23

Prophecy Links Fulfilling,
Nuclear Dec 22, with an Apocalyptic Christmas pending, fiery doomsday, Volcanic Oblivion, 2023; The one thing most memorable about hi-jacker Syed Farook, were his eyes, could never, even right now, eight years in, it was his eyes, and his well groomed hairstyle; what was he saying, what did he want with me, even what or who was I to him? Marvel not, Daniel 9, Angel Gabriel, explaining he's been held off 21 days, as by the PRINCE OF PERSIA. Know, understand, when US General explained the buildup of torture vehicles as a Dirty Mede, this is the same territorial spirit of human extinction.

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, Britain, Canada and America, till HE come, marvel not seeing famed letters  just as so, as recent as  January to September 2023,  presently our Trump of God, Angel  Gabriel, then arriving an answer to Prophet Daniel urgent prayer, explained it was  as recent as January and September 2023, our presenly bear his own list of names, star warring Archangel Michael, explain come, ought off this Prince Of Persia, delivering Daniel's mind, heart to world changes, reveal, c, O, HBOW/HGOW, 

Article, CDC director warns people to 'stay home' this Christmas with new COVID, variant:
CDC director warns people to 'stay home' this Christmas with new COVID variant (msn.com) (-There's a long, standing warning, hearing, "cities hit, it's a hit, Guam just did it!" Yes, but no, hearing Biden taking over Trump's mess of a COVID pandemic, nearing millions dead, "in San Bernadino, they're incubating people again." Seeing Dec 25, 2021, an outbreak of family gatherings all around funerals to repasses...I guess if there are those worth being horribly dead over, it's family, HBOW/HGOW    

Pastor Breaker, Matthew 22:1-46, Wedding , Taxes,

Highlighted Replied To My Reply 

I’m Confused 

See here, SOS 2:10-13 / Mal 4/ Jn 11:25/26, I Thess 4;16-18/ I Cor 15: 51-58; Rev  4/11; This ministry began with the great gathering of saints being summoned thrice into the heavens, the single word, COME, by Malachi 4 described, winged, Sunlight Of God; The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was threatening the planet. Honestly all predestined to scripture THEY’VE practiced these unprecedented near misses every nuclear to Volcanic apocalypse since; 

Actually see more here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html; for decades I been telling these phenom demos THEY portray upon me by what I describe as prophetic parables, again near 40 Chernobyl Spring Raptures. Just ask yourself how did Jesus, The Christ and The Twelve, including Mary Magdalene totally, biblically, spiritually revolutionized The World; There’s the Lord Jesus, Being The Living Word, It’s Hint!  

Why doeth ascending, descending Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel to Star Warring Archangel THEM speak in such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon, Revelations and Prophetic Parables? C. O. HBOW/ HGOW 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor 

https://youtu.be/xJR_66Canqk?si=aiw6N8s7_6qi-LOQ; unless these persons like California to Canadians are evacuating impact zones they can  no more advice you then your endangered children;  Showing American, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians being overtaken by a whiteout, blizzard  of confusion, most heartbreaking. 

Don’t you get that’s why seeing approaching, May 15, 2004 Angel Gabriel approach pulled my heart out for millennia into this very second of outreaching and this Daniel to Mother Mary Gabriel appearing the unquestionable evidence we still didn’t get it; “the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind he began explaining, she’s coming, going with The Seventh Angel! 

WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES, Slayers From The Higher Gate North, Now On US Soil Kill All Parents By, FINISH  ALL SCHOOLS ; 

Over A  Million And More  US Covid Dead Since;

How many of you have watched the movie, Magma, with the ending scenario as the movie KNOWING, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL to 2012, world exodus into Southwest MOTHER Africa? Marvel not, as so  Jan 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel crying desolations predicted  US soil, now come! 

Only not the elite they’re the first wiped out, except they repent; as with death tolls set at two quarters the earth’s inherent. Frightnight aligned to centuries of Westernized WHOREMKNGERS warmongers, see presently the hug to veto warred worldwide, with billions more to die.

Take your stores, you and your family and get out!!! You know area map where guardian to star warring Angels patrol and’ control  and safeguard millions to a billion in westernized refugees alone; everything I been telling since Chernobyl Spring Rapture 1986, has happened, what, instead commanded  African American exodus will falter? STOP DECEIVING YOURSELVES!!! Run!  HBOW/HGOW

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, Queen Bride Keirsey Auletta Vincent and King Bridegroom, Packer Duskin Sounds

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Aeneas Seychelles Arate and Sutton Pierre Pieter was born a godson, Kier Lansing Pieter, a goddess Michelangelo Yael Pieter a godson, Chenglei Mitsubishi Pieter 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

Grand Sia even said it, Trump isn’t the Antichrist, plus the only 7 year duration awarded him is in comparison to Daniel 2 King Nebuchadnezzar but his son in law, the one who help draft that present,  Dan 9:27  for 7 BEAST years since Oct 17, 2021, slash the UAE/Israeli/Saudi Arabia Abraham  Accord, what is warring against Hamas really about? Grand Sia mom did see John’s two beast, one from land, one from sea as two great beast on US soil, proceeding an outbreak of ambulances, an into the heavens funeral reef. One beast we know, and’ not surprise, was Hussein related, then Dae, Dae man during a Hussein US campaign, yet, Angel men we wonder why simultaneously Grand Sia mom witnessed its hundreds of millions in African American votes crossing into US Georgia into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic., woe, woe, woe!  Wait , wait, wait, so who is Trumps son in law again and can we know this before ascension? Trump is Gog and Magog/King Nebuchadnezzar related  how’ far off the prophetic path imagining his son by marriage, “the little horn, who helped draft The Abraham Accord?” Did y’all know we have another Cameron as a world leader as Grand Sia July 6, 2015, by marriage, there’s something about UK Cameron? Are We there yet? Nooo, stop asking! I mean THEY show those same two beast rising on US soil, both mass death rolls, filling stations and Hussein related, given much grief, Hussein's I remind Gods and Kings of world fuel/transit. “Hey, hey, hey!”  As he’s to get away in a hurry, “you’re named El Shaddai, right? Yeah, but my moms named Maaseiah Adonai, like made of God, Jehovah God and it never brought her grief, well, actually, she has that horrific transformation infirmity, and she with end time laborers were marked to be with, as  HIS grieves and sorrows but we all have crosses, our beast of beauty, gotta go, wife waiting, see y’all. Are we, ah shut up, shut up, shut up! There yet? You better run, I hear you, Socks man, don’t get so upset, it’s so annoying, yeah he’s a heckler, they supposed to be annoying.   Anyway Socrates, most think it’s your brother, Tristan Troy, no way that’s why you’re called Socks, and let them? It’s like being, come more a stapler to heirloom but you right, hear me now Cruisers to Sailors even Angel men, my name is Socrates not socks, now where is little brother? Yeah good luck with that, ….Socks, I heard that. >>>”The clumsiness of the handwritten warning, Escape Yellowstone, wasn’t just the shaky  shaky earth the planet is May, it’s them all also being drunken with dismay.” Clearly hearing in her voice how upset she was or had been, “a thickening whiteout, that’s black, dark and blinding May,  and they’all lost their way in it all, but what grand, grand did you see, what? Well first Isaiah witnessed only a third of survivors escape into Jordan's Petra desert; John witnessed them pouring into Jesus Throne Bosom. I  witnessed them all pouring outta Africa’s Southwest Atlantic; and I grand witnessed them all pouring into US Georgia’s coast crossover which would have to proceed them pouring into Mother Africa. There’s witnessing since famed letters USA go off the American Continent into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic Continent and we all prophets of old to those of Christ to us right now grand, grand witnessed both guardian angels Gabriel and Star star warring Archangel given commanded over those in blessed flight getting them to and keeping them for an assigned duration in exile luxury. Even seeing as recent as June past May, Memphis grands translated into US Georgia, our Christ is God May, witnessed that after that mighty hammering, it’s second with a third pending, the standing over sleeping beds  anxious, lamb of god Jesus husband skyrocket into the heavens. So almost experiencing that horror May,  they all being lost, bewildered, not by blackness but an ever thickening blizzard, deluding whiteout and how scary, helpless.  What did I see? Brilliant follow up, I saw Maaseiah Adonai entrusted as a city of peace, Lord Urusalem that when billions were lost here, billions more descended from heaven with Hm, with us, we were with Him grand, grand, remember? I remember seeing the earth  littered with  the dead and kissing his feet grand, grand the moment they again as Angels promised they sat Mt. Olivet and May when the seventh angel shall begin to sound.  I gotta go, another son, this recent move and still lot’s to do, hey the backward running man, a warning waving in his hand, you sure May that wasn’t me? Cause I kinda feel like I’m going backward here, how you going backward by skyrocketing into second heaven intercession? But Grand look, saw that new flash, ah my god I forgot about that one, and and to solve problems, he spend a lotta time running not forward but backward, so mockery? Yeah May, but who's? Who May say making sense is dead, the one perhaps calling truth a “monster,” a grand carnivorous monster, blessed are those in the first resurrection! Bye loving girl, thanks for putting me back in the running for fulfilling westernized weights of martyred blood guilt, ooh grand and what did Biden’s hug to veto detail? And those who didn’t die by the plague suffer a satanic, demonic to alien apocalypse, multi million man grocery store, mangers keys, barter balen, toll booth, like eat grand and perish from the way of everlasting. Speaking of which, Full Spectrum Survivor reporting a lost of truck drivers equals a loss of merchandise, equals price gouging and run on merchandising, possibly grand giving us, yes, that maze of sin, of the multimillion man grocery to grand the warning no frivolous shopping, yeah, a lot of people gonna start shotgun shopping; the TIFF May, the DEA flipping all our houses can’t be legal drugs, have  to be stockpiled drugs, yeah?     >>>"Sutton love, best guess, where are we?  Somewhere Aeneas other than Canada or The Americas. Still the planet I feel but more Atlantic’s Nietgh region, well love once his region, oh, yeah, Zimbabwe, makes sense, so short a time still but feels like an eternity’s to go.” I's thinking you two I been hearing and hearing how miraculous The Juttah, but being on this wondership, even on these soothing waters, these mesmerizing skies, just as breathtaking, I guess. Who knows whether it's true, both Titans, Trump and Elon are reassuring people about an imminent rapture, if so Lord Constantine, to what endgame? So too much like that meeting to conference in the heavens, Grand Sia witness, ebbing and flowing, date, there's something about Cameron, UK at the time, here's September BETA 2020, Gog and Magog are baiting to snake rattling, whether THE BRIDE like missing another liftoff now in their, Gog, Magog and Prince Of Persia them, timeline? I mean how will they ever know, presently we 're referenced, The Blinking Of An Eye Tribe, Blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaxit, crossover to translation into a cradled, By an Estranged Husband, ELOHIM, Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic."     >>>“No May love, I woke seeing the word flight. THEY translated the grands again, 2023, that May 1st, 37 day countdown into June 4, Lamb Of God, Jesus Husband Hammering off of apocalyptic events. The other night, I come up front, the door is opened, close it, there’s a US  quarter on the floor;  Oct 2021, Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids looking door, encroaching guerrilla war? Wow May that got past me, I'm thinking May as well could be the pale horse color, one quarter earths inherit gone, including 100 million westerners, they keep revisiting upon endangered children. So I go out to check the car for  scissors two days later before I’m done under all this mess, there’s two quarters; I left them for good measure; the clothes on your back, the shoes on your feet, whatever family you have with you get to US  GA COAST CROSSOVER; they’re  furious about a record amount of illegals pouring in but I’m like at least May love, even going the wrong way, like GODS, they're on the mov, at least there’s that.” Why Doeth Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel THEM, And Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, Speak In Such Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, Revelations and Prophetic Parables? HBOW/HGOW 

PS, Hashtag, Excetra, have patience with me, there's a lot to unpack, this maze of sin, from pale horse color uniforms, into the, blazing, bursting reddish to yellowing flames, hot wheels, school uniform; when to come in, Grand Caden, His mom, a family friend and myself arrived this multiplex medical center, and just as soon, he and I, we're this wandering around tour to sightseeing, until we come to a debating, same gender, restroom reveal. 

Actually I'd lost sight of Caden, was here, a glancing into the restroom, again finding him, witnessing a young white male, see here, 8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org); I see endangered children before something happens to them or their families, seen who'd lost the shirt, Grand Caden, removing a pale horse colored shirt while to match his pants, pulling on a flaming, reddish to yellowing, flaming munster tires, now a complete Hot Wheels Set. 

Marvel not, like the days of Gen 15 Archangel Michael, to Trump Gabriel, THEM, Lot and family, grand Caden's parents been mocked, a fast and furious escape into US Georgia's coast since one its intravenous angels, ebbing and flowing since 2017, June 27/28, 2021, Trump Gabriel revisited fast and furious escape, Jan 2023, actually ran us outta not a safehaven territory Florida, into US's only one, assigned area map, Georgia's Atlantic coast, crossover, you, yours, your subscribers to endangered military families, Running?       

Article, Sanctions against Israel's shipping export-import are slowly becoming global. Malaysia bans the Israeli-based ZIM shipping company from entering the country's ports, the decision will go into effect in 4 weeks.

The ban also covers any other ship sailing under the Israeli flag or all those coming or planning to move to Israel.


Hearing Pray For All Human Beings At The Wailing Wall; so Eze 9:27 Heart Stabbers on US soil decades now.’ with the exception of those Jesus hearted were to slay literally old and young and begin at God’s Sanctuary with a great beast stomping and chomping all through, pulpits and pews, RUNNING?.


I should say as shocking as witnessing a mountain and commanding SUNLIGHT in God's Throne, 2002 and twice now hammered off for its prophesied apocalypse, Oct 11 2022/June 04 2023, CME to EMP related, shocking was witnessing a huge beast tearing through pulpits, emptying pews


“We still don’t know what seeing Shimon Peres and at the edge of a cliff, shopping mall for Israelis regularly falling to their deaths. So Abraham and Hagar gave us Islam and Sarah and Abraham gave us Issac, is this Jesus saying before Abraham I AM? The Last Adam, Yes Before They All Where JESUS and July 6 Rev 12, African Birth MOTHER, ARE!


Y’all do know if a world leader like Russia, China’s to N. Korea had for as long as The US instead weaponized Islam, even with nukes the way the Holy Land has warred would be non-existent because neither like those named here would be eager to start nuclear war of human extinction. Still ropes all, knotted at that, Anubis undertakers related.


Anubis Under takers related, just what did Grand Sia see down there, I know one version, a Sarah went down and didn't come out, yeah and she and one Memphis Grand niece fought off one by the sword of Jesus name alone, y'all know what the Hillsfeet tribunal are now saying, that huge group waiting outside for her to emerge with other freed captors, were once captors of the Anubis undergrounds themselves, a number in the tens of millions and not just by standers,  and Memphis Pastor, offer her an like Mystery Babylon bloody cup of the martyred as a sacrament, yeah but think, Ghost horse man, what else they procrastinating blessed Brexit, Blaexit, Blaexit has to offer, but more blood? 

Robert F Kennedy 

Is he right ?

I think so .

X Post, If Trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election, his supporters will never accept the result. This country will become ungovernable.


The Fulfillment If All Things Is Upon Mankind

‪-But how would that be different from the last to any election Trump doesn’t win? Trumpians mind are made they win or there’s some shenanigans going on;  plus a Biden win Harris is President; bring us Trump, bring us fairness, bring us liberty, revolutionize Planet Earth! ‬HBOW/Apb


“Okay, this is wayyy concerning, in a geez we are as the days of Moses Exodus and they’re like Pharaoh and The Egyptian people; no matter what mass destruction abound stand rebellious or perish from the way of The American Dream. Yeah, plus Trump is the only US Priz that has timetables ticking he and his into end days apocalypse, the Islamic, Israeli, Trumpian Antichrist, another stampeding elephant in the room! 


“Clever to odd Meshullum Kadesh man you’d say that, during his statement, the Kennedy space center is one of the original burn centers before Walmart. Following or proceeding the flaming, blazing, fraying pan, flying saucer lift off of the Biden/Harris Whitehouse; being as the prophets of old, knowing, even being woke, doesn’t save them.”

You guys heard those lyric, don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved? Westerners have spend many centuries saving themselves what changed they now need god? Spoken Charleston man like a true, Moses Hebrew! I need, I need, I need I need, I need I need, I need fabulous! What are you Kadesh man, grand, grand explain waking a day past, (Dec 19,2023), with those lyrics just now, during the holidays no less, but that’s American to the worlds greed or love their disillusionment, we’re in its most unprecedented. 

Remember Grand Sia  own, the parable of the leopard skin coat, she was the one most distracted by its mesmerizing beauty and’ suffered Bridegroom stealthy, thief like skills at yanking his Bride out leaving, hundreds of millions, though being translated to crossed over, tribulation Saints are left behind and given over the more to the Antichrist. HBOW/HGOW 

Article, Washington Post, Adam Taylor, MORE THAN 20 thousand dead in Gaza, A Historic Human Toll,  https://apple.news/ARNXdUV4HRl2tY24lMZOjYA

Get To Christ Redemptive CROSS, Know Biblical, Endtime Prophecy; WATCH RUN LIVE! Thus Warn, Dec 2021, Rev 3 Jesus, THE CHRIST!!! 

How familiar are you with the scripture Jer 37 used to begin to explicate their own weights of martyred blood guilt . A calculation July past in the tens of millions; that’s about all of Israel, Canada, 50 Mil US, 25 Mil The UK all others in flight; You? 

So, does Biden understand that treacherous  like huge to veto and why he, Obama and Harris were at odds about how to deal with their own designed Frankenstein? I know the hand writing Jeremiah 37:8 warning to them, as to King Zedekiah, not only would GOD no longer warn with you but he’d given you over to an enemy Hamath; no, no westerners to the rescue.

Historic Human toll; the oddity of the last rising beast Daniel, 7, Rev 17, John, having iron teeth, told to rise, EAT MUCH FLESH; THE  ROMAN EMPIRE, who gave us The British Empire, who gave us West Rule America; why doeth thou marvel their own weights of martyred blood guilt, Tie Reaping? I will show you the mystery of Whore Piggy Backing The Beast, piggy back a war on Russia through Ukraine, a war on Hamas though Israel. marvel not Bush’s to Biden an error Islam, Trump’s a Gog and Magog, all with an
 Policing Anubis army stirred in.

Then one was taken, and another left behind, why doeth thou marvel Mat 24 Jesus putting HIS in Blessed Flight? I know, make you wonder Gog and Magog’s demon dogs, those four loosed Angels 200 million demon army; the Hitler Germany, Antichrist Anubis army, all the same Anubis undertakers? Even there’s in Cinema, The Scorpion King as plentiful as the sands of the sea, Anubis Arny; I often wondered Psalm 22, King David son crying from the cross, save his darling from the dogs; were they, the Anubis demons seen as with Dan 7 beast The Lion, The Leopard, being all around your children as friendly house pets?  

Then I Heard My Hearing Kill All Parents By, Finish All School, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!!

MORE THAN 20 thousands dead in Gaza, A Historic Human Toll,  https://apple.news/ARNXdUV4HRl2tY24lMZOjYA; How many dead, Biden's error Islam, The Hug, The Veto, days of abstaining A UN Vote? Marvel not they’re aligned to Gog and Magog, 190 lbs., of martyred blood guilt to  two quarters no more this planet. 


“No May love, I woke seeing the word flight. THEY translated the grands again, 2023, that May 1st, 37 day countdown into June 4, Lamb Of God, Jesus Husband Hammering off of apocalyptic events. The other night, I come up front, the door is opened, close it, there’s a US  quarter on the floor;  Oct 2021, Brad Pitt and Jolie Kids looking door, encroaching guerrilla war? Wow May that got past me, I'm thinking  may as well be the pale horse color, one quarter earths inherit gone, including 100 million westerners, they keep revisiting upon endangered children. So I go out to check the car for  scissors  two days later before I’m done under all this mess, there’s two quarters; I left them for good measure; the clothes on your  back, the shoes on your feet, whatever family you have with you get to US  GA COAST CROSSOVER; they’re  furious about a record amount of illegals pouring in but I’m like at least May love, even going the wrong way, like GODS, they're on the move." 


See here Isa 16:1-5: Ziad, There is no safe place." My ten days past the HA missile morning strike, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, anxiously warning desolations predicted US soil now come! My Mphs grands translated The Holy Bride escaped, W. R. Over, where are you! 


AND THERE WAS A CRY IN THE HOLY LAND; Pray For Human Beings At The Wailing Wall; Pray your flight isn’t in the winter; on The Sabbath; pray for women with infant children; marvel not the college kid, the newborn’s mother and exploding, burning fuel trucks.


I never made such an innumerable host of heaven arriving my youngest Memphis son home, comparison to what those three disciples, possibly marveled, the mount of transfiguration. Actually I couldn’t see I was counted with, as THOSE intravenous Holy Ones, THEY’D snatched out near 40 Chernobyl Spring Raptures Prior; so will ebbing and flowing Dec  24/25 2023 be another near miss, will THEY regret not taking us Halloween Morning? How immensely star warring human extinction to The Holy Briexit, Devils, Demons and Aliens would like to know. 

Though they’re not Aliens, but Ps 91 Angelic, I witnessed my second Memphis triangle craft, while with the same oblivious Memphis son, only two decades past. The first I didn’t believe in Aliens to UFOS; a few months back I’m told by fallen Angels they exist, doing interstellar Armageddon were exiled here and served many millennia with Red Dragon THEM! Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God, WATCH! RUN! LIVE, That ye stand the procrastinating tribulation Saints given into the hands of The Antichrist. 

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: ‘A Drag Queen Christmas’ Fulfills End Times Bible Prophecy As Does Ketamine Use And That UFO Over LAX Last Week, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/nteb-prophecy-news-podcast-headlines-confirm-end-times-prophecy-being-fulfilled/  

What Do They Want, Skywatcher YouTube mrmbb333, asked

Hearing Decades Now, I Don’t Care What The Heavens Do Anymore! Seeing Those Two Crystallized Godzilla Beast Keeping Earthers With Falsified Crystal Skies! 


My, Geoff, Sept 2023, trailing triangle craft? The sickest I’ve been with motion sickness since I was a child; or that early June 2023, long, long, long duration hovering, a day after California May 2023 triangle craft sighting? There’s a plethora of sightings since THEY assured, fallen angels is why Aliens exist; referenced them loosed, a Satanic, Demonic, Alien apocalypse, Aug 25, 2023; Watch! RUN! LIVE! Suggested Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST, every Dec 3, 4, 5 since 2021, beware, the single word inquiry, RUNNING? C. O. HBOW/HGOW

YouTube AMTV Christopher Green,Black Swan; First Two Weeks Of January; Major Prediction, 2024, 

Since the single word inquiry, RUNNING? Waking days past seeing the word Flight, any doubt referencing worldwide migration? Where are you Chris? I like to think taking the advice I gave to your type; to those as Elon Musk to Canadian Prepper. Like taking refuge along The UK, To BC to US Atlantic Coast Crossover  into Africas Southwest Atlantic Coastal Cities, Towns; FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST!!!

Those referenced area map, The Atlantic Basin soon to be as Intravenous Holy Angels to Moses type Red Sea Crossings. I know I’ve seen it, shared it since Chernobyl Spring Rapture. I just can’t believe you’re still  flirting with territories suddenly wiping out tens of millions. The Biden WH, to The American Continent to WORLD SYSTEM, all an eyes blink, no more! Running? Apb, The RAM 

-Billionaire who has previously donated at least $270 million to Harvard will pause donations to university, CNN reported https://www.msn.com/en us/money/careersandeducation/billionaire-who-has-previously-donated-at-least-270-million-to-harvard-will-pause-donations-to-university-cnn-reported/ar-AA1lW0m0?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=0e20017b5e4d483db07076579c8ef81a&ei=26; (-I could tell you what my back seat surveyor, translator, lil Miya girl, recently, only week now,  witnessing her school work arm, dead, rotting mean; hearing, Asteroids, I Will Strip Schools, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! Marvel not as far back as Mat 24/Rev 2 Jesus The Christ, and recent as Jan 2023, star warring Ancient of days Holy Father, the threaten mass die-off ascension of children, as a line, upon line, never-ending line of injured, to orphan school children come to the office administration once, portrayed Rev 19, Lamb's Book Of Life, School, Name Roll, Call.

Article, Hopes dim for cease-fire as Israel vows to continue war Paths for ‘unhindered’ aid to Gaza were approved in a rare U.S. abstention at the U.N., but there is still no agreement on a cease-fire, https://apple.news/AfHMwDLniSbWrS3dhcCf_hQ


Behold I Will Strip Their Leave Them As The Of Their Birth! 

The Prophet Ezekiel, WILL THOU AT THIS TIME DESTROY THE ENTIRE HOUSE OF ISRAEL? The United Nations has said about two-thirds of the Palestinians killed were women and children; we know The US allows no other Nation to act as Judge, Jewry and Executioner; What About CHINA? Apb


Marvel not May 2022 showing of me standing before a class of children teaching them how the Chinese language work; waking that Feb 2023 later speaking Japanese, waking speaking Chinese; waking speaking Spanish; waking speaking Dutch; besides Dutch, these were all fathers escaping the most populated area map, with their son, each, you? 


Hearing Pray For All Human Beings At The  Wailing Wall; we use the descript human toll’s but dehumanize our enemies to justify manslaughter;
And the Lord said unto him, set a mark upon the foreheads of the men (humans); that sigh and that cry, (sympathize); for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof; blessed are the Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, For They Are The Sons Of God!

D Sprinkle 

Well ?

What say you ?

The Secret Service is now investigating Dukes of Hazard star John Schneider for calling Joe Biden a traitor.

But when Kathy Griffin held a fake decapitated head that resembled Rightful President Trump,

The Secret Service & FBI PROTECTED her.

I thought no one was above the law?

25 Million Britain; 25 Million Canada,100 Million Westerners Dead! Then You Wake Up! Marvel not the word death written on ALL US States And Painted Over In Red 190 Ibs of US/WEST RULE, weights of martyred blood guilt, judgment, sentence. 


‪I’m convinced 25,000 Palestinians are dead mostly women and children due to Biden’s Hug, Veto and days of abstaining a UN vote. So you possibly shouldn’t ask me, but as fast and furious as a Ludicrous contagion what else expected of leaders aligned to Gog/Magog, an error Islam and 100 million westerners deaths? ‬


Hearing Ebbing and Flowing Since Sen Obama Political Podium and Jesus Millennium Descent, two weeks and 7 yrs later. July 26/27, 2023, 25 Million Britain; 25 Million Canada, 100 Million Westerners Dead! Then you wake up. During Bush error Saddam I predicted a Hussein WH, soon 
aligned to every Whitehouse since, causing 50 million US deaths. 


‪Soon, I was squeezing into a cart with lil sis. shooting into heaven, going to find momma; before THEY crafted all others numbered race cars to free for all race tracks; marvel not Rev 20, as lamb of God's book of life, Feb 2020, Archangel Michael’s List. THOSE who run us outa Florida July 27/28 2021 were now, Jan 16/17 2023 mocking my children, an overnight BD morning return, clothes on their back, shoes on their feet, at least two children with them, don’t go back, get to US Georgia’s Safehaven Coastline!‬ Marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING? C. O. HBOW/HGOW

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, LAST CHANCE BIG EVENT COMING https://youtu.be/SuJ3qmoiyvw?si=QCZLKpBDt-LincoJ; 

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Ebbing And Flowing, Flowing And Flowing Dec 3, 4, 5 2021, Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST… WATCH AND SEE I BRING ALL HIS REVELATIONS TO PASS; RUN, LIVE/ASCEND!!!

Explaining FSS, the Jan 22-29 2020, ordaining of those for 2500 years predicted ten leading King, heads, mostly Islamic; I’m flabbergasted!!! Like 1:34 mins in you’re 
assuring in reverse MEDE/Iran’ Priz is preaching Mat 5/CHRISTMAS Jesus to The Pope and Israel. HUH, again, Huh!!! So who are the human beings At the wailing wall second heaven intercessors, Heavenly Saints to Holy Saints supposed to pray for;

As so those specialty ones, even Nov 10/11 2021 through 2024, Inkhorn man is to mark for immortal life?” Lest you forget 2017, I witnessed thrusting in reaping sickle, Slayer, stand his ready, the head of my bed; Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! MARVEL NOT, Aug 5, REV 11, DESIGNED ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, SHOWING HIMSELF STAR WARRING, THE INTERSTELLAR 

Youtube, Canadian Prepper LAST CHANCE. BIG EVENT COMING. https://youtu.be/SuJ3qmoiyvw?si=QCZLKpBDt-LincoJ via @YouTube; Frightnight is, when we speak of biblical, prophetic fathers, well parents, we reference both of Father Abraham’s sons; marvel not their reveal Africa also the cradle of Rev 12 New Born to Tribulation Saints; Apb



I been predicting for years into this very nanosecond, the speed by which tens of millions more will be dead here and soon, billions around the planet, but if you think CP, Jesus THE CHRIST, did warn, except these days be shorten NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED, he also warned these times, as the days of Noah's near human extinction, except Jesus Reign; marvel not the shaping of numbered racecars and free for all racetracks into US Georgia's Coast, CROSSOVER and skyrocketing Mario Carts into heaven as into worthy heaven bound lineages. Scarier than 99 bowls of molten lava and 101 Yellowstone's, a Jan 16/17 2023, threat of molten lava, flooding, as in, you can't outrun it; made me wanna throw urgent backpack over my shoulder and just go, no further delays, just saying: HBOW/Apb see here, https://17thelightofsilvertonnicholas.blogspot.com/2023/12/and-he-eyes-like-eyes-lijecth-leceyes.html

Youtube Pastor Begley,

Will The Holy Bride, The Righteous Dead First Ascend According To the Order Their Names Are Being Called By The LAMB OF God, Out Of The Lamb's Book Of Life!!! The Line Upon Line, Never-ending Line of Orphan, Injured Children Come To The School Office Administrator As To be Counted In The Lamb's Book Of Life, School Name, Roll Call!

Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Map Escaping Nationwide/World Reign Hussein Into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Coastal Cities

-Did the Lamb Of God Pastor Begley, Like I'm One Of The Reigning 24 Elders, Opened The Lambs Book Of Life To Me, A School name, roll call type, Tiring Me Out So Tremendously Overnight, it's since our biblical parents Adam and Eve keeping of divine records; equally was that the page of names I saw torn out, or what is shown to be Archangel's List; frightnight to rolling twilight skies, as spoken of in Psalms 139, THEY laid a book of remembrance, what could be predicted Dec 25-29, 2021, an outbreak of obituaries; at the foot of my prayer bed; marvel not the single word inquiry, RUNNING? Jordan's Desert City Petra, US Georgia's Atlantic Coast, CROSSOVER; MOTHER Africa's Southwest Atlantic: RUNNING!!!


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